2007 Wrapup
2007 was a crazy year for us. The new year really hits me when I make a new folder at my house called \\server\photos\2008.
In one crazy year I...
- Quit my job as Chief Architect of Corillian and started work at Microsoft. Corillian had been purchased by CheckFree. Shortly after I quit CheckFree was purchased by FiServ. Oy!
- Moved west (halfway between Portland and the Beach) and built a house with a nice home office.
- Had a second son and we're exhausted. It's also hard to focus on work and what-not when the baby hasn't got his sleep thing down yet.
- Anyone who goes on leave/vacation and comes back saying they are "energized and ready to get back to work" in insane. Vacation is a tease, showing you what retirement will be like. I plan on sleeping through, 24 hours a day, from age 50 to age 100, making up for my current lack of sleep.
Here's a few blog posts of mine that didn't completely suck this last year. A greatest hits if you will. If you missed them, you might enjoy checking them out.
You might also take a look at the complete blogging year of 2007 in a large calendar, or peruse the dynamic timeline. Also, go get on the Hanselman Blog Google Guestmap!
- Family Portraits to start 2007
- Five Things You (Seriously) Didn't Know About Me
- Baby Sign Language - Update at 14 months
- The (Programming) Language Explosion
- Explaining CyberGeek Fame to my Wife
- Twittering my Diabetes - Conclusion and Complete Transcript
- Caught in the Act
- The Developer's Quitting Your Job Technology Checklist
- Getting Organized While Drinking from the (Outlook) Fire Hose
- Retrospective: Halo 3 Fights Diabetes
- Baby T arrives
- Saving Money on Lighting the New House
- New Job, New House, New Baby, and Designing a Totally New Home Office
- Happy Birthday to Mii - Wii Review
- Hands On - Sony e-ink Reader PRS-500 Reviewed
- Scott Hanselman's 2007 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows
- Aliph Jawbone Bluetooth Headset Review and Audio Sample
- Typing Test twice, once with Voice Recognition
- Wiring the new house for a Home Network
- Baby Sign Language - Update at 2 years
- How To: Use Google Earth and SketchItUp to Visualize a New House Lot - Part 2
- Channel 9 Video - Talking to Jeffrey Snover, PowerShell Architect
- Making your Application Automatically Update Itself
- Showing Video on an Optimus Mini Three
- Exiting The Zone of Pain - Static Analysis with NDepend
- RFC: How FeedReaders and MacGyver report blog subscribers - Tunneled User-Agent Data
- Coding4Fun: Microbric Viper Robot with an Iguanaworks IR Serial Port and PowerShell
- Using ISAPI_Rewrite to canonicalize ASP.NET URLs and remove default.aspx
- Google GuestMap 2007 and adding Google Maps to your Site
- Virtual PC Tips and Hardware Assisted Virtualization
- Screencast: Writing Managed .NET Plugins for the Optimus Mini Three Keyboard
- Video: Windows Browser Speed Shootout - IE7, Firefox2, Opera9, Safari for Windows Beta 3
- Migrating a Family to Google Apps from Gmail, Thunderbird, Outlook and others: The Definitive Guide
- The Mystery of the Failed Live Meeting Launch
- ScottGu MVC Presentation and ScottHa Screencast from ALT.NET Conference
- Screencast HowTo: IIS7 and PHP with FastCGI
- Release IS NOT Debug: 64bit Optimizations and C# Method Inlining in Release Build Call Stacks
- ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions - plus MVC How-To Screencast
- The Programmer Phases of Grief: or Language Translation is Harder Than It Looks
- Is the Library at Alexandria burning every day? How do we cluster the cluster?
- Email Signature Etiquette - Too Much Flair?
- The CodingHorror Ultimate Developer Rig Throwdown: Part 1
- How to adjust your side/rear-view mirrors (and why you need 3 monitors)
- On Losing Data and a Family Backup Strategy
- Life Beyond Pie Charts: The right visualization for the right job
- Programmers, keep your wits about you and Code Mindfully
- The (Programming) Language Explosion
- Putting Mix, Silverlight, the CoreCLR and the DLR into context
- Garage Sales and Garage-Sale Quality Code
- Four Life-Changing Gadgets - GPS, iPod (MP3) and Tivo (DVR)
- Programmer Intent or What you're not getting about Ruby and why it's the tits
- The Skynet Compute Cloud: I think there is a world market for maybe Five Computers
- Three Things I Learned About Software WHILE NOT in College
- Beyond Elvis, Einstein and Mort: New Programming Stereotypes for Web 2.0
- Sez You Architecture and the Architecture Ninja
- Sharpen the Saw for Developers
- 5:01 Developers, Family, and Excitement about the Craft
- The Developer Theory of the Third Place
- Hanselminutes Podcast 47 - How to start your own MicroISV
- Hanselminutes Podcast 56 - The Old New Thing with Raymond Chen
- Hanselminutes Podcast 57 - Polita Paulus and The Minutes on Nine #1
- Hanselminutes Podcast 63 - Scott Guthrie and Jason Zander on Silverlight
- Hanselminutes Podcast 65 - Martin Fowler and David Heinemeier Hansson
- Hanselminutes Podcast 70 - Interview with Timothy Ferriss, Author of the 4 Hour Workweek
- Hanselminutes Podcast 72 - Be a Better Developer in Six Months
- Hanselminutes Podcast 73 - The Interns
- Hanselminutes Podcast 77 - Moving your Email into the Cloud - Google for Apps and Live Custom Domains
- Hanselminutes Podcast 84 - Concurency Programming with .NET Parallel Framework Extensions
- Hanselminutes Podcast 85 - EarthClassMail.com - Moving from LAMP to .NET 3.5
- Hanselminutes Podcast 88 - Writing FaceBook Applications with .NET - Interview with Mel Sampat, author of OutSync
- Hanselminutes Podcast 89 - Larry Osterman Makes Windows Go Ding
- Hanselminutes Podcast 91 - Eclipse and Open Source with Bjorn Freeman-Benson
- Hanselminutes Podcast 92 - Visual Basic Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow with Paul Vick
Here's to a positive new year for us all!
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

About Newsletter
I just bought Professional ASP.Net 2.0, with you picture on the cover (my wife says you are very cute) because I knew who you were. I have to have it read by Monday morning for an interview. They need someone who knows ASP.Net pretty well, and I really need this job, so I'm cramming. Any cliffs notes you want to send me to summarize this 1200 page monster?! I'm unemployed as of Jan 15, and my wife just got laid off last Friday, so we really need this!
Anyway, just thought you should know that you are way more known than Bruce Campbell, even though I absolutely love that guy, too.
PS -- thanks also for the post on Baby sign language -- my wife is preggo with our fisrt, and we want to do the sign language thing. Very good to know that he/she may not respond to it for quite a while so that we don't give up.
Thanks for the recap. I found some good posts I missed the first time around.
Keep up the good work and good deeds. And, enjoy your family in the process.
Have a great 2008
Geez -- get to work, I hope you're more productive in 2008!!!
All you gotta say in the interview is: "you are only as good as your people skills".
Intentional -- or something with DasBlog?
Comments are closed.
Thanks for all your work.
So are you @45 minutes from Portland?