Scott Hanselman

BUILD 2015 ASP.NET 5 Training Videos - Introduction and Deep Dive

May 07, 2015 Comment on this post [15] Posted in
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First, here's a few great annoucments and little details that you might have missed during the BUILD Conferenceapalooza last week. Amidst all the Windows 10 and the Holograms, Microsoft also did these interesting things.

Not to mention a lot of blog posts, not the least of which being these: ScottGu, TMyerson, Soma, BHarry, ScottHa, VS team, VS Code, ALM series, .NET roll-up, ASP.NET 5 and EF 7, Azure SDK 2.6, C++, and more

But, that's not what this blog post is about. This one is about you learning ASP.NET 5. Join us LIVE every Tuesday for the ASP.NET Community Standup to start.

At BUILD this year Scott Hunter and Damian Edwards and I teamed up for two hours of ASP.NET 5 training. Those videos are up now at Channel 9 and we think they are pretty great. At the end you should have a good working understanding about what's going on with ASP.NET 5 and the DNX environment, as well as cross platform development and why. You'll also want to spend some time at our beta docs site (built with ReadTheDocs) here and get involved.

One note about these videos. Be sure to download the HIGH-RES version as they include the split screen and let you see both the screen AND the people. The low-res ones will give you just the screen sharing.

Introduction to ASP.NET 5 - Part 1 - Download

Deep Dive into ASP.NET 5 - Part 2 - Download

I hope you enjoy these!

Sponsor: Big thanks to the folks over at Grape City for sponsoring the feed this week. GrapeCity provides amazing development tools to enhance and extend application functionality. Whether it is .NET, HTML5/JavaScript, Reporting or Spreadsheets, they’ve got you covered. Download your free trial of ComponentOne Studio, ActiveReports, Spread and Wijmo.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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May 07, 2015 5:51
Thanks for these. Really enjoyed the announcements at build! Looking forward to using ASP.NET 5 in production.
May 07, 2015 6:11
It really was an exciting conference - there's so much going on right now! Thanks for your talks Scott!
May 07, 2015 12:02
Given the appalling level of documentation for its development products versus Microsoft's declared enthusiasm for educating users and prospective users of its eco-system how does it reconcile its MVA page inviting registration for an all-day MVC event on 25th March? How sloppy is that?
May 07, 2015 12:27

For those of us that don't get to go to build or their ilk. These posts by you are informative and welcome. It highlights exciting stuff which would a lot of the time fall by the wayside for me.

I thank you.
May 07, 2015 19:31
Still waiting on Android, ios, Windows phone cross device programming in C#, .net from the Visual Studio team without wrapping a html/JavaScript app.
May 07, 2015 20:24
Thank you, Scott, (and your fellow presenters) for making these presentations so easy to follow along with. So many technical presentations are so dry and boring that they're not useful, thankfully none of yours are.
May 07, 2015 21:25
Windows 10, 5, .Net 5, Hololens all looks awe some !!

But to be honest, the mobile native app strategy looks pretty terrible to me. But hey you can't have them all.

Great appearance from you at Build!

May 08, 2015 11:03
Great talk thank you very much for that.

Looking forward to use ASP.NET 5.
May 08, 2015 11:53
Very nice presentations; both of them.

One thing I was wondering about while watching the videos was if we could replace the builtin IoC container with one of our own and still get all the goodness especially in the Startup class.
May 08, 2015 17:08
I painstakingly downloaded about 50 videos from Build, generated .nfo files from the metadata, and loaded them into my Plex server. I'd like to do the same for Ignite, but it's such a manual process of gathering the info. I tried to write a scraper to do it for me, but the pages ended up being so different that it was difficult.

Any chance you could use your persuasive powers to convince them to create a REST API for all the Channel 9 videos? I'd like to be able to pull down the video in the format of my choosing, grab the title, description, event, date of the talk, and the names of the speakers.
May 09, 2015 21:01
Cool stuff, great presentation (saw the first one) and with a bit of humor as well. Thanks Scott.
May 13, 2015 17:20
@trimaaa Awesome! Unfortunately too late to help me with the Ignite and Build videos, but definitely a handy tool I will bookmark for future events!
May 19, 2015 12:29

Thank you for build 2015 presentation.

I want to start an eCommerce project which it needs around 8 months to first release.

There are many cool new features in 5 which i find handy in developing a modern web app.

Do you mind if i ask you weather 5 is ready for development at this stage with visual studio 2015 rc?

what are the risk of using 5?

what are the alternative?

May 25, 2015 19:48
Hi Scott,

Great to see the progress on and you having fun on stage :-).
What I was wondering about, in the deep dive video Damian added an override for the lifetime management of the EF memoryCacheHelper. By doing so, the behavior of the helper in EF is changed (possibly introducing a security leak). Shouldn't the DI containers for the application and EF DI container be separate? Alternatively, one could enlist the DI container of EF as child container of the root DI container, so it can separate the lifetime managers.

Would love to hear the thought on this.
June 01, 2015 3:06
Hey, you mentioned that there were videos of the development team "arguing" about various implementation strategies. I thikk those might be interesting to watch. Could you post the link please? Thanks.

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