Download Wrappers and Unwanted Software are pure evil
Call it Adware, Malware, Spyware, Crapware, it's simply unwanted. Every non-technical relative I've ever talked to has toolbars they apparently can't see, apps running in the background, browser home pages set to Russian Google clones, and they have no idea how it got that way.
Here's how they get that way.
You go to download something reasonable. I wanted to download a Skype Recorder, so I went here. (Yes, I linked here to the URL because they don't need Google Juice from me.)
OK at this point I'm screwed. The green button CLEARLY desperately wants me to click on it. I totally ignore the tiny "Direct Download Link" below the friendly button. I have no idea what that glyph icon means, but it's pointing down, so that must mean download.
Welcome to the installer! How helpful!
More green buttons, awesome. Let's go!
Pre-selected Express installation? Super helpful, I love that. Ah, and next to it there's text in the same font size and color that I totally won't read that says:
Install Search Protect to set [CHANGE] my home page and [TOTALLY MESS UP] default search to Conduit Search [THAT I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF AND NEITHER DO YOU] and [NOW THIS IS AUDACIOUS...] prevent attempts to change my browser settings.
In other words, we,, are going to totally change the way you use you computer and browser the way and prevent you from easily changing it back. We're going to do it now, when you press Next, and oh, by the way, we have Admin on your computer because just a moment ago you pressed YES on the Windows Warning that we could mess things up, because everyone ignores that.
Or, you can click Custom, because non-technical relative ALWAYS clicks Custom. NO. They don't. Technical people ALWAYS press Custom. ALWAYS. Always. Other people? Never.
Ah, nice, when I press Custom it's set to...wait for it...the same stuff that was gonna happen if you pressed Express.
AND WE ARE ONLY ON STEP 2. What ever happened to clicking just once and getting what I needed?
OMG "It communicates several times a day with servers to check for new offers and change ads on my computer?" I totally want that. Thanks Green Button!
I'm sure that if I press Decline here that it will mess up my installation of the original thing I wanted to install...I have forgotten what that was, but I'll just keep going.
Weird. I thought I was already here. I'm sure I want this also.
Huh. Does my Mouse not work? I'll click it again. Backing up my files without asking seems legit.
Install Now? What have we been doing all this time?
I am disappointed in us, Internet, that this is a business. Someone wrote this, for their job, directed by their middle manager, who was directed by their rich boss. There was a meeting (there's always a meeting) where it was discussed on how we could most effectively fool non-technical relatives into installing crap.
These are Dark UI Patterns.
A Dark Pattern is a type of user interface that appears to have been carefully crafted to trick users into doing things, such as buying insurance with their purchase or signing up for recurring bills.
This isn't cool and it needs to stop. I won't be visiting anymore.
I'll only install software from Vendors I trust, like Oracle...
Gosh, maybe I need to install that "Crap Cleaner" everyone talks about so I can remove these unwanted toolbars.
Ok, forgot it. I'll just stick with the official Windows Updates because I'm sure I want all those.
So, um. Yeah.
Sound off in the comments.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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And people wonder why Chrome is "the world's most popular browser."
You're so right -- I can't even count how many toolbars i've removed for people over the years. Greed meets Ignorance...I would imagine snake-oil salesmen 150 years ago operated the same way (sans internet).'s just that it's more noticeable now. The ignorant will always be taken by the greedy (wall street/mortgage meltdown anyone?)
Imma gonna put on my tinfoil helmet, just to be safe.
It is somehow true but they should at least read the "popup messages"
Great article.
I have reached the point where my non-technical relatives no longer have administrator access to their own machines. Seriously. I install the basics for them, and if they want to install anything else, it goes through me. I find that a good set of pre-installed apps takes care of them quite nicely, and they don't need to download crap from the Internet.
They can use the App Store if they want to feel in control.
(Not to mention that there's still the convention that any time you install any Windows app, for some reason you need to give it Admin permissions.)
This is one of the big reasons the iTunes App Store is such a successful model.
And why possibly the biggest Windows 8 mistake Microsoft made was not selling actual Windows apps in their "Windows App Store."
A phone-like app store filled with shitty half-tablet apps? Useless. A phone-like app store filled with the functionality of the Windows desktop ecosystem, combined with a security sandbox? Priceless.
Microsoft thought their tablet API is more important then hooking people into their ecosystem. They were very, very wrong.
This sort of thing is so deeply unacceptable from real companies, they are predatory and near downright criminal. I'm looking at you Oracle, do you not make enough money that you need to abuse the ubiquity of Java to prop up an ad server?
As to the post subject, yep, it's so disappointing that these practices come from big companies that (supposedly) care about their users...
I expect people writing freeware apps to try to cadge a few bucks by bundling them with crapware.
I expect people running download aggregators like to have a business model that involves bundling crapware.
I do NOT expect a multi-billion dollar database giant to try to score a few measly extra bucks on the side by bundling some garbage toolbar with their Java installer. It's embarrassing, it makes a company of 122,000 employees (according to Wikipedia) look like a couple of Eastern European grey-hats banging out code in their bedrooms. Is this REALLY where 37 years of database development has brought them?
The internet is a minefield it seems. I will admit I'm even annoyed when I carefully scan every adobe reader update just so I don't get burned with some toolbar and every time they slap a new reader icon on my desktop. I WILL FIND YOUR APP ON THE START SCREEN WHEN I NEED IT. It seems foxit reader also does this now... Sigh
The most devious thing I have seen a lot is misleading adwords ads for ms security essentials. I explain to friends and relatives when they Google for ms security essentials to watch for misleading Google AdWords links above the real links. The AdWords links are spyware and proceed to make a mess once installed.
By the way, at least they have gotten rid of the Open Office suggestion they usedto do.
I was shadowing a user, and she was installing Firefox. She searched on Google and quickly hit the first the link (the ad), and it was Firefox wrapped in either spyware or adware.
Here's a screenshot of Google search results for Firefox, try it yourself.
But just last week, after finally having to install Acrobat on my work PC to view my tax info, I *almost* fell for it. In fact, the download had already started when I saw that Adobe had tricked me into download some other crap. I had to cancel that dl and start over.
Totally agreed. The fact that this is an actual business is shameful. Plus, I bet even real malware authors have no respect for these devs :)
Not sure we'd want to own the whole transaction and install, as that would require people really checking the software to make sure it's not going to do anything funky (something which happens automatically for apps that target WinRT APIs)
As for Java and the Ask toolbar, words fail me. And they wonder why Java never took off on the desktop <rollseyes>.
Why should we NOT expect this from the Internet? Isn't this the same place where we go to get our porn? Outside of the Internet we have to deal with the same psychological tactics. Extended warranty? 15% off our order if you apply for our credit card? Make it a 128oz bucket of soda for only $1 more? @Stan is right, Apple are the only ones who seem to be doing anything about this, and I for one am happy to pay a premium to let them.
The common denominator for these problems is information. The more people are informed the less this shit will fly. What's sad is seeing the older generation being taken advantage of. There is a reason our clientele is almost always 35+ years old. Young people know better. I try to help people by using generic "SKU" codes for "tech support" instead of charging them $150 to remove what isn't even a virus, but even this tactic is so discouraged that I've been told repeatedly by management that I need to use official "workorders" and "full-price" services. Like hell I will.
It is ironic I just read this the other day and it rang a bell.
"The Graph That Changed Me"
Spoiler: Add a 'secret' registry key
I keep this .reg in my Dropbox and spread it wherever go, like an anti-Ask toolbar Johnny Appleseed.
- Ninite for normal people, Chocolatey for developers
- Never install Adobe Acrobat, use SumatraPDF
- Don't install Java from the web, install using Chocolatey (silent, Ask toolbar free installer)
- If possible, use a portable apps version of programs that require Java
- Enable click-to-run for Chrome / Flash
- Yes, the Bing Toolbar thing is lame. You can hide that in Windows Update (right click / hide update)
Also, people should keep in mind that this is one of the problems that's (mostly) solved with Windows Store apps. So you can't legitimately complain about this and be a Windows 8 holdout, in my opinion.
The problem is some software guys have their download link going to ONLY. Not even through the software site.
Another similar solution is -kindle-, -paper- or -go milking cows instead-
It's like i'm talking with friends about the right way to cook beef, and there is someone behind me that has to say -go vegan!- which is: something i didn't ask for, and a choice that opens so many other variables that it's simply not an answer.
I'm just going to go to and... what's this? Why is it making me download Web Platform Installer? Argh! :-)
It's not just Download.Com, big 'trusted' sites like SourceForge are covered in green buttons.
I find it very difficult to recommend the great free software from SF, because describing to a non tech person the download process can be quite awkward.
And Scott, rather ironically, I had been just on the verge of releasing an open source Skype call recorder (with no crapware), when Microsoft scuppered my plans by killing the Skype desktop API.
Then we started to get weird support emails from customers talking about the bundled software (which we were unware of)
Eventually, we managed to contact, and asked them to remove the wrappers, which they did.
Interesting how this mantra completely breaks down when you look at real (rather than shareware) open source products. It's simply not true for a proper GPL2 Linux distribution like Debian.
Adrian: Do Mac's have any protection from bundling? And Linux installers/packages could be installing anything....
Well... no. Mac's don't per se. But we all know they are going to be moving to a walled garden any day now.
Linux? Yes, there is a complete culture difference. I would never search the internet for a software package and then download it. We use the built in package management.
apt-get install skypenot google "skype download" click first green button.
If it's not available via package management, or I can't at least found a signed package from the actual vendor it doesn't get installed. I know that might seem totally alien to people who have never used an OS with built in package management but that's how we roll over here. And hey, it's probably inevitable that even MS (Apple is already well on the way) will being reinventing this particular wheel in the near future.
What is also very annoying is that the obvious download button as pictured above is appearing on more and more websites. The actual download link is hidden somewhere on the page where the most obvious thing leads to more ads ...
I think Stan makes the best point here about the success of the Mac app store - at the end of the day these software developers need to make money on their product, and the best way to do that with free-ware is through tool bar searches or adding pop/injected ads. It's my opinion that the PC world moved this direction because users won't pay for the software, so developers found a work around. However, Mac users embraced paid apps/software, even if for only 99 cents, and doesn't have the same issues as PC users.
Yesterday spent greater part of an hour trying to get rid of sneakware called IncrediBar. Bloody thing has a service that you can shutdown (even as an admin). Thankfully you can disable it and reboot. It installs Search Providers and sets them up as default and practically 'impossible' to 'Uninstall' even though the 'Uninstall' link will be gone from your Programs list.
I had Bing Desktop installed for the wallpapers till I noticed it was running 3 additional services *UNINSTALLED*.
Overall, Jon Galloway makes some very good suggestions above, but as others have indicated, these sneaksters know that one person in the family is going to be gullible enough to 'not check' and that's going to be the end of it, so they keep trying...
Sad sad sad state of the 'desktop' software industry and probably a reflection of why people are abandoning it in droves :(.
Actually, I've just thought: I install a lot of stuff with Chocolately, which uses silent installs that are configured by the people who submit the packages, which are probably set up to use the Express or Default options. Bother.
Oh, one other thing. To be fair to Oracle, though it pains me to do so, the Ask toolbar is a hangover from the end days of Sun, when they were trying to monetize Java to compensate for the fact that Dell's $1000 PCs had caught up with their $10000 "workstations". It was a ten year deal with Ask, and Oracle inherited it as part of the purchase (along with a bunch of IP and patents that turned out to be useless, ha ha).
It used to come as a .zip, so I was delighted when I saw that they had gotten an installer. Unfortunately, they have chosen some wrapper called "InstallIQ" to "manage" the installation. InstallIQ will very similarly try to get you to install all sorts of crapware, which you can avoid by doing a custom install.
Or so you think..
Even if you disallow everything, it ignores you and INSTALLS IT ANYWAY, along with crap they haven't even presented to you..
You can still get Core Temp without the wrapper, but they've cleverly hidden that away.
This is all on their own official web site..
B. Use Soluto, it knows about all this stuff and provides a great solution and an amazing way to help your (non-tech) relatives.
Which is not to say that Microsoft doesn't also have dark UI patterns - one example is Internet Explorer setting Bing up as the default and only search engine since time immemorial and forcing a nine step wizard to apply "custom settings" to avoid that, or spending almost that many different steps finding the search provider management window, going to an addin site, getting the Google addin, setting it as default and removing Bing.
Hits the first link -
Next, Next, Accept, Accept, Accept, Finish
It will save yourself hours (if not days) worth of family support
There is some thought processes around the automatic triage of Chocolatey Packages every time a new version is released to guard against these kinds of things, but this is still a bit away from happening.
The first example features cNet, a CBS owned company. One would think that a reputable company wouldn't do this slight of hand trickery. Perhaps NBC, ABC, or Fox should do a story.
But wait, the one that hits our users the most is the Adobe Reader install. It has the Google toolbar as a default install. Again, a reputable company engaging in very bad practices. One would think the major news media could make a nice story out of this.
Fortunately Smart File Advisor can be uninstalled from the add/remove programs menu. It forced me to also uninstall Alcohol 52%, but I already had the ISO by that point, so was happy to see it go.
A clever act of trickery knowing that 99% of users want a very quick download/install experience and will therefore stop at nothing to get the process over with as quickly as possible, the implementation of these downloads on a psychological level are masterful, but at the same time disgraceful.
It's nice to see someone react with a blog post to such practices, and at the same time inject a little humour ;-)
On the upside I got a half price hair cut cleaning up my hairdresser's laptop...
Also, crucially, you always have to explicitly select the Bing stuff if you want it to install, so I don't think it is really on a par with anything else you demonstrate.
For a while I've been accidentally installing Google Toolbar and Chrome periodically and having to uninstall them every time; only later did I find out that I have to uncheck a unnoticed box in the FlashPlayer updater.
When I downloaded FileZilla from SourceForge. It Did the same thing, but this time it started a windows cleaner tool. This is plain RUDE.
The screen looked just like the ones you show...
The end result of all of this crap is that Microsoft gets the blame from end users, they think it's Windows to blame, not themselves, and it tarnishes the brand over and over. You can't simply tell someone to update Adobe and Java anymore, because doing that simple task will end up shoving toolbars, and entirely new browser experiences onto their computer. I find Googles pushing of Chrome in this manner to be a disgusting practice, and Microsoft certainly dabbles in it with the Bing Bar etc.
It's so funny, that my answer to the question of how to stop this for the consumer, is buy a Windows RT tablet, or an iPad, or at the very least to tame their searches for software by using Something HAS to be done, it's not funny anymore, it's destroying the Windows consumer experience.
You're swimming in a sea of download links, many are giant green download buttons... which is the one you use to download what you're actually there for?
As far as installers go... I find myself using the "portable" version of apps. One, it prevents this non-sense from happening to me (random crapware) and the app is self-contained and doesn't install into my profile and registry and what-not. Makes reinstall of the OS much simpler.
Obnoxious download links
I had to stare at the page for several seconds before I could decide where to click. I might not have done even that well if they hadn't served two misleading ads at the same time.
nowadays the only place I trust is the site of the creator. Everything else I just ignore.
I think its an absolute disgrace that the big companies are now doing this also.
I often get emails from different third party companies who want my software to install toolbars and other crap, and they often can't take a hint that when I say "no way in hell", I mean exactly that.
Of course developers want to make money (I sure as heck do), and it's disappointing that our efforts are unrewarded, but inflicting this sort of crap on people is something I can't countenance.
However, I fully agree that I wish people would pay even that $10 for a piece of software they'll find useful, and use over again!
It's a real bummer is when i see this affect someone i know. i help out my mom's co-worker with computer stuff whenever she has a problem and she's installed half of this stuff on her machine. The reason she gives me?
"It said that I might be infected"
This stuff is creating a culture of fear, and that's really scary and sad to me.
Same happens to me with It is my nightmare to remove all those conduit search things and unwanted advertisement on browser. Thanks for sharing it. I feel that I also should share How I have managed to remove all those crap.
As a UX guy, that really ticks me off. How many people are conditioned to the point where they don't even bother trying to click on these links, and pick the Accept button simply because they feel they have no choice?
There's a special place in hell reserved for the kind of people who create (or direct others to create) this kind of deceptive UX.
Can't even send people to my old friend anymore. . . . the DOWNLOAD button (in a google ad to a site that Chrome will block) is too big and green for people to ignore. And if you DO get the installer I'm sure it has the same problems.
In Schwartz's words:
[J]ust last month, we distributed more than 60,000,000 Java runtimes, to users all across the planet. The number is growing, as more content is built for Java 6 and the upcoming JavaFX, as more PC's join the network, and as more workers join the workforce (and are assigned Java-enabled laptops). At this point, I'd bet there are about 1,000,000,000 (that's a billion) Java runtimes installed on PC's around the world. With more by the day - each generating revenue for Sun.
As with most of our software products, we don't distribute products without intent - like Google, our products are both a means of acquiring customers, and generating revenue...
Foot traffic still counts, but in today's economy, software distribution's a lot easier to manage and monetize than a real estate portfolio.
After all, who wouldn't want to meet a few hundred million new customers?
Of course, just because a company you acquired had a bad policy doesn't mean that you have to continue that policy. So as the steward of Java now, it does reflect badly on Oracle that they continue this kind of scummy behavior. But it's not a case of Oracle taking something that used to be pristine and fouling it with their greed; it was pretty well fouled when they found it.
I hesitated posting this because I didn't want to encourage a "My OS can beat up your OS" type of discussion. However, ISVs and Microsoft need to take this issue seriously. Is a walled-garden app store the right approach? I hope not! Is a noisy boycot of and crapware products the solution? Maybe. All I know is that it's hurting our industry.
Any software that's free or open source for PCs (that is not a Windows app or whatever) that is being distributed over the internet has distribution costs relating to bandwidth usage. That bandwidth needs to be covered, somehow. Right now, for the most commonly used methods of distribution, the distributor bears the full weight of the distribution costs. It's even worse the more popular your software is.
Peer-to-Peer distribution alleviates this problem, but often P2P has, in the past, been frowned upon due to associations with piracy. And of course, P2P has the possibility of distributing software that's not valid, depending on what kind of cryptographic signatures are used. Of course, that's valid for direct downloads, too, but with direct, you have one primary point of failure (ignoring the routers in between server and client), and with P2P, every peer (with their routers in between peers, etc.) could be a point of failure.
What's needed is an effective way to distribute without the incentive to make money off of the distribution. I'm not sure how that can be developed.
The temptation to profit via actions relating to crap-ware seems all too appealing. Statistically, you have some guarantee that some people will never look into the details and install the crapware, of which some of people will possibly use that crapware, not knowing any better. This information gleaned clearly would have some market value.
In the past I would have advocated some sort of micropayment system (by this I mean payments much smaller than one cent), but I think those systems have been tried in the past with little success. That may only mean those systems had some quality to them that may have guaranteed failure, but it could mean that the micropayment concept itself is problematic due to the way transactions must be processed as defined.
I'm not so sure that some form of micropayments could work if the overhead could be minimized and if payments, which need not need to be money based, only needed to be approximate. But this is so far out of my realm of knowledge that I hesitate to guess what would and would not work besides what I've already stated.
1) Click Read Now
2) Confirm TOS before reading
3) Add new SCOTT HANSELMAN toolbar option
4) Confirm you would not like to add new SCOTT HANSELMAN toolbar
5) Allow users to read after still installing SCOTT HANSELMAN toolbar
Do you want to (do something bad for you good for the website)
[YES!] [Later]
Or pages begging for donations:
- i already donated
- i want to donate
- not now
When i want to donate, i do so. Maybe you can ask me once, but please not per overlay "popup". And not on each article again. And if i do not want, do not show the content, or leave me alone with your crappy begging. No means no.
The real bad thing is an installer, which selects other default options on custom install than on express install. so you do not even notice, that express is more evil. Btw: Express is already misleading, because it should be default options, express is already a euphemism.
However, there is usually a simple solution: you can download more than 16,000 apps from
Note that you do not need to use AllMyApps' installer. You can go to the program you want and download it directly. However, the AllMyApps program will notify you of new versions and install them if you want. Personally, I prefer Secunia's PSI for this, and it's a good way to get your relatives' Windows software updated without them noticing.
As it happens, the Athtek Skype Recorder isn't on AllMyApps but it's a paid-for program: the free download is a trial version.
The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if the hardware vendors are driving it. Every couple of years, mum and dad tell me they need a new computer because "the old one is getting too slow"... they assume the hardware has degraded, instead of realising it's the amount of crap they've built up.
So i really don't know why you wrote this article you clearly are not current on whats happening on the internet or computer software.
Someone talked about Nexus being clean, sorry dude, my Nexus 7 (2012) came with many apps pre-installed, Pinyin input, Play Books, Play Music, Play Newsstand, Hangouts, HP Print Service Plugins etc.)
Last time I shared my laptop with my wife, nightmare started for me, some extension/app installed itself on all browsers(An obscure website will open up when you open new tab), when you go to disable it, you see that the disable button is disabled! Had to uninstall some app, make some registry key changes, I am still not sure its all gone..
All of us are angry about this, any ways to punish these offenders?
I think Microsoft should include a mechanism to allow desktop applications to be distributed using this more modern method. This whole download the installation package and run it is so complicated for the regular users in comparison with the app store model anyway and these guys (, Oracle, etc. ) make it even more frustrating.
The worst part is that there are so many otherwise decent companies that get caught up in it, and in the end, this stuff is no different from spam tactics, burying small charges on credit cards or phone bills, or tacking on unwanted or unneeded services to a purchase (like those "extended" warranties that are basically just throwing away money).
A good non-internet example that I know of is from a telecommunications company that my wife worked for years ago whose name rhymed with "Q'west" (and is now a part of CenturyLink). She worked in what is laughably called customer service (and was really just sales), and they were trained to sell to customers that called in with problems on the bill. The bills were purposefully made hard to understand, information was intentionally hidden, and mistakes were added to bills to force them to call in and ask for help (and get harassed to purchase more bad services).
The sad thing is that behavior like that, which in most circles would be illegal, is perfectly allowed in today's world. It's what permits toolbar installers, or what has ruined formerly good brands like (it could also be that CNET is just the touch of death for good ideas).
I also hate the way that certain apps <cough>Facebook</cough> can't be uninstalled from my Android phone, regardless of whether I use it or not.
"Not sure we'd want to own the whole transaction and install, as that would require people really checking the software to make sure it's not going to do anything funky (something which happens automatically for apps that target WinRT APIs)"
Well of course you wouldn't *want* to. You think Apple wanted to have a human review every app in their App Store? The idea would seem completely ridiculous, until Apple actually did it. It's something you *have* to do if you want to really have a trustworthy app store.
You'd obviously want to wrap the Win32 App Store apps in something like sandboxie. But it could be done. And it would be worth the effort.
Anyway, you rock!
As for the often repeated request to have desktop apps actually install from the Store, I agree that would be great. The challenge of course is in testing and validating those applications. App Stores are part of the solution, but it isn't an App Store alone. Another important feature of modern Store solutions is Sandboxing. Desktop applications can include everything from .NET to Win32 to Assembly and operate at a much lower level than App Store packages. The breadth of runtimes, languages, frameworks and APIs available makes replicating the Store experience on the desktop quite difficult.
Sometimes it came along with a malware that very hard to remove/uninstall
I ALWAYS click on "Custom/Advanced Install" and even train all my relatives to do so. The main point though remains that users don't read. Yepp USERS DON'T READ. That in no way excuses this installing behavior, of course.
Huge amount of crapware (and often viruses, downloaded in similar manner), laptop is getting slower every week, so they felt helpless and not in control of their own device.
Life with iPad is so simpler from that point of view.
But Chocolatey! That's a godsend! Thanks guys!
Just sayin. :-)
You know what's a little bit like this ploy in the world of Postal Marketing (Direct Mail) is those envelopes that masquerade as government check mailers or entitlement notices.
When it persists and reopens they know to ignore the Window close windows itself and force close running programs.
If it then persists after reboot ->call me. Combined with the restricted accounts I set them up with. (yes I tell them no support if they get a "home" version of windows) My life is now very care free. Computers that used to sport every crapware you could think of within months have now been crap free for over a year.
But the message of the blog is not that this is impossible, but it should not be necessary. is in all their hosts files btw set to
Usually I avoid download links that won't start the expected downloading process immediately.
For example, couldn't we make a user-friendly version of Fiddler that helps users see what apps are spewing into the Ethernet? It could identify the offending program and when it is launched/activated (Startup or opening your browser, for example).
Or maybe we could make a NuGet-like program that people could use, or a website that is better than and beat it into submission, like StackOverflow did to Experts Exchange.
I know these ideas aren't fleshed out in any way, and they won't be simple. But, just maybe, there is an idea floating among your readers as to how we can help...
One example, on the the big button has the class name "downloadNow". This element could be deleted and then the downloadLink, with Id="loggedInUserDlLink" could have the downloadNow class added.
I guess they would just change markup if such an extension got popular but there's maybe a better solution than the few minutes I thought about it.
It's time Oracle, and others, got called out as spreaders of malicious malware. Instead, all the focus in the media is spent giving the term 'hackers' a bad name, diverting attention from the real spammers who are funding their broadcasts.
If you google Search Conduit or Conduit Search you get literally thousands of "How to remove" sites. The company's own website doesn't appear until the third page. Finally, up comes buried amongst all the other sites which tell you how to get rid of them in nine easy steps. Their own site proclaims that they "Engage People", which they seem to interpret as tricking them into installing software they don't know about and wouldn't want if they did. They're moving into the smartphone business too... wonderful!
Wikipedia states that they are a $1.3billion Israeli company having over 400 employees. JPMorgan-Chase invested 100 million in them and owns 7%. Wow! Big business funding malware that it seems like EVERYONE wants to remove if they only knew how. An apparently successful, billion dollar business model based on stealing clicks from Google. Mainstream malware. Is this unusual? What's the world coming to?
Another 'dark pattern' is the frequency that apps carrying this rubbish in their installers have 'updates'. Big name companies such as Adobe, Oracle (as noted by others) to name a couple who should know better. So I always set either 'notify but don't install' or 'only update when I want to' options so that when I do decide to install an update, I do it when I can give it my full attention so that I don't accidentally agree to anything.
It's so sad that the Internet has degenerated to the point where everyone is seen as a potential mugging victim every time they go online (or even when they reboot their computer). It's not right that you need to be a hardened IT professional to be safe online these days, ordinary users just don't stand a chance any more. They're just Lambs to the slaughter, and the people behind these installers / phishing emails etc etc know it.
The Bing Desktop/Toolbar are evil (less evil, but still evil) because Windows Update should be reserved for, well, updates. These software installs piggyback on the fears of well intentioned users who want to be as safe as possible by installing all optional updates.
I know that we have EU which counter-intuitively, force idiotic rules upon us like the Cookie law.. but that's again to protect consumers against evil evil tracking cookies :D
Jonathan Oliver: "Why I Left Windows" [and the .NET Framework to develop solely on OSX and Linux for scaling.]
Me: "Oh, look, XYZ corp has a business application I might want to use, and they offer a free trial!"
--fills out a web form that has a shocking resemblance to a credit app--
--clicks Next, sees Download button, about to click it--
Sales Weasel: Hi, this is Bill from XYZ Corp. Don't worry, I'm not in the Sales Department. I'm in the Department We Don't Call the Sales Department to Try to Fool Stupid People. I see you recently downloaded our trial package. I'm just calling to see how your trial is going."
Me: "I haven't downloaded it yet."
Sales Weasel: "Oh, well do you have any questions before you buy it?"
Me: "Um, what?"
Sales Weasel: "I'm sorry, I meant to say, will that be credit or PO?"
Me: "I haven't even tried it yet."
Sales Weasel: "That's OK, we're the best. You can take my word for it. So, what was that credit card number?"
Me: "I have to go now."
Sales Weasel: "No problem, I see you're busy. I'll call you back in six hours. And by 'in six hours', I mean every six hours until you come to your senses and buy our product or your legal team sends a formal cease-and-desist letter."
People not in a position to try corporate software seem to always be shocked at how many "legitimate" businesses employ such harassment tactics. As far as I can tell, somebody at Download.Com saw all this and just figured, "Hey, I can write an installer package that does pretty much the same thing." And here we are. At least the digital gunk can be removed. Not that I'm a fan, or anything.
Ultimately, I think these things are a direct consequence of ad blockers and general "banner blindness". If consumer users are unwilling to pay for the product or even support it by viewing advertising, these invasive monetization schemes are only going to continue getting worse.
And then of course, people blame Windows even when the same stuff could be done on Linux or a Mac... An overlapping group of people then complain when MS attempts to do a bit of a walled garden. A happy medium would be side-loaded "modern" apps where you can restrict what they can and can't do rather than giving them access to your entire user account token.
Back arrow to Google results...Third link down was a Tucows link. They've always been good guys! Let's get it from them! Anyway, the user experience to download was almost identical to Scott's, expect there isn't a tiny "direct download" link on the Tucows page; you have to use their download software and opt-out of all of the junk. The Tucows download software looked very, very similar to the software that Scott screenshotted above. It must be made by the same company.
Never again, Tucows. Never again.
Here is my post that I write last months
I find out I have to install akamai download manager, not only do I not want to install this, or have to learn what it does. WTF is wrong with having a DVD iso to download via HTTP
When I find no other solution I reluctantly try and install it on my mac and it does not even install !
Who decides forcing this shit on people is a good idea.
I've spent numerous hours trying to uninstall some of these "sticky" apps(apps you struggle to get uninstalled) on my parents pc. More publicity is needed, especially for the less technical users out there.
thanks for a great post.
Also a couple years ago, it hasn't happened lately (companies got better behaved? I doubt it): I remember downloading free software of some sort (torrent client, Firefox something like that) that I could have sworn I remembered to untick each of the install a browser addon, install an antivirus tool etc. After installation my homepage was changed to some third party, I had a browser plugin and the stupid AV was installed. I removed all and thinking okay must have been my mistake I must have missed one of the opt outs. So I repeated again and the same thing happens. I get that these are ad supported programs but how many times is reasonable to ask someone if they want to install something else along with your app? The Google plugin for whatever reason seems to be one that they particularly want to cram down your throat.
It looks like what these companies are doing is criminal. I'm surprised there has not been any kind of lawsuit since this has been going on for so long.
Seriously, this blog explains so much.
I am a software professional and well aware of the risks. Nevertheless I am human and make mistakes like all other people. Just today I wanted to install Firefox and by mistake ended up using the cnet installer. I caught it just a minute too late. To be safe I used system restore to hopefully rid the machine of the garbage cnet put on. My objection is that this behavior is both wrong and wrongheaded.
It is wrong because they are being underhanded and tricking people. This should be illegal and criminal with both jail time and massive fines for any site that does it.
It is wrongheaded because I will be sure to not use the site that does this; the software that they tried to install and will be a resentful of those who tried it for years. It will drive away customers for a short term illusory gain.
It is like a merchant taking your twenty dollar bill. Then claiming you only gave them a ten dollar bill. It is cheap; it is underhanded and it is sleezy.
For a company from Oracle to Cnet to do this it says more about their management. It shows they are not people I want to do business with. Sure I may have no choice in case of Java. However I would remember that if I ever wanted to chose a database. Why should I do business with a company whose top management are scum?
time along with a cup of coffee.
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Alas, much of the top search results for downloads is littered with this type of stuff