Scott Hanselman

Faster Builds with MSBuild using Parallel Builds and Multicore CPUs

April 25, 2008 Comment on this post [38] Posted in ASP.NET | Programming | Tools
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UPDATE: I've written an UPDATE on how to get MSBuild building using multiple cores from within Visual Studio. You might check that out when you're done here.

Jeff asked the question "Should All Developers Have Manycore CPUs?" this week. There are number of things in his post I disagree with.

First, "dual-core CPUs protect you from badly written software" is just a specious statement as it's the OS's job to protect you, it shouldn't matter how many cores there are.

Second, "In my opinion, quad-core CPUs are still a waste of electricity unless you're putting them in a server" is also silly. Considering that modern CPUs slow down when not being used, and use minimal electricity when compared to your desk lamp and monitors, I can't see not buying the best (and most) processors) that I can afford. The same goes with memory. Buy as much as you can comfortably afford. No one ever regretted having more memory, a faster CPU and a large hard drive.

Third he says,"there are only a handful of applications that can truly benefit from more than 2 CPU cores" but of course, if you're running a handful of applications, you can benefit even if they are not multi-threaded. Just yesterday I was rendering a DVD, watching Arrested Development, compiling an application, reading email while my system was being backed up by Home Server. This isn't an unreasonable amount of multitasking, IMHO, and this is why I have a quad-proc machine.

That said, the limits to which a machine can multi-task are often limited to the bottleneck that sits between the chair and keyboard. Jeff, of course, must realize this, so I'm just taking issue with his phrasing more than anything.

He does add the disclaimer, which is totally valid: "All I wanted to do here is encourage people to make an informed decision in selecting a CPU" and that can't be a bad thing.


Now, enough picking on Jeff, let's talk about my reality as a .NET Developer and a concrete reason I care about multi-core CPUs. Jeff compiled SharpDevelop using 2 cores and said "I see nothing here that indicates any kind of possible managed code compilation time performance improvement from moving to more than 2 cores."

When I compiled SharpDevelop via "MSBuild SharpDevelop.sln" (which uses one core) it took 11 seconds:

TotalMilliseconds : 11207.7979

Adding the /m:2 parameter to MSBuild yielded a 35% speed up:

TotalMilliseconds : 7190.3041

And adding /m:4 yielded (from 1 core) a a 59% speed up:

TotalMilliseconds : 4581.4157

Certainly when doing a command line build, why WOULDN'T I want to use all my CPUs? I can detect how many there are using an Environment Variable that is set automatically:


But if I just say /m to MSBuild like

MSBuild /m

It will automatically use all the cores on the system to create that many MSBuild processes in a pool as seen in this Task Manager screenshot:

Four MSBuild Processes

The MSBuild team calls these "nodes" because they are cooperating and act as a pool, building projects as fast as they can to the point of being I/O bound. You'll notice that their PIDs (Process IDs) won't change while they are living in memory. This means they are recycled, saving startup time over running MSBuild over and over (which you wouldn't want to do, but I've seen in the wild.)

You might wonder, why do we not just use one multithreaded process for MSBuild? Because each building project wants its own current directory (and potentially custom tasks expect this) and each PROCESS can only have one current directory, no matter how many threads exist.

When you run MSBuild on a SLN (Solution File) (which is NOT an MSBuild file) then MSBuild will create a "sln.cache" file that IS an MSBuild file.

Some folks like to custom craft their MSBuild files and others like to get the auto-generate one. Regardless, when you're calling an MSBuild task, one of the options that gets set is (from an auto-generated file):

<MSBuild Condition="@(BuildLevel1) != ''" Projects="@(BuildLevel1)" Properties="Configuration=%(Configuration); Platform=%(Platform); ...snip... BuildInParallel="true" UnloadProjectsOnCompletion="$(UnloadProjectsOnCompletion)" UseResultsCache="$(UseResultsCache)"> ...

When you indicate BuildInParallel you're asking for parallelism in building your Projects. It doesn't cause Task-level parallelism as that would require a task dependency tree and you could get some tricky problems as copies, etc, happened simultaneously.

However, Projects DO often have dependency on each other and the SLN file captures that. If you're using a Visual Studio Solution and you've used Project References, you've already given the system enough information to know which projects to build first, and which to wait on.

More Granularity (if needed)

If you are custom-crafting your MSBuild files, you could turn off parallelism on just certain MSBuild tasks by adding:


to specific MSBuild Tasks and then just those sub-projects wouldn't build in parallel if you passed in a property from the command line:

MSBuild /m:4 /p:BuildInParallel=false

But this an edge case as far as I'm concerned.

How does BuildInParallel relate to the MSBuild /m Switch?

Certainly, if you've got a lot of projects that are mostly independent of each other, you'll get more speed up than if your solution's dependency graph is just a queue of one project depending on another all the way down the line.

In conclusion, BuildInParallel allows the MSBuild task to process the list of projects which were passed to it in a parallel fashion, while /m tells MSBuild how many processes it is allowed to start.

If you have multiple cores, you should be using this feature on big builds from the command line and on your build servers.

Thanks to Chris Mann and Dan Mosley for their help and corrections.

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About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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April 25, 2008 4:18
Dammit, changed my mind, now I am going to get a quad-core. Lord, let not this debate continue.
April 25, 2008 4:36
"Dual-core CPUs and badly written software" – I agree with Jeff, but I would put it this way: It’s not “badly written software” and it’s not “protection”. But having dual cores certainly makes it easier to deal with some errors when developing and debugging your software. The OS can "take care if it", but its nice to have another CPU helping you deal with it...

"Quad-core not really needed" – I agree with Scott, for the most part, get the quad core. Except that you really don’t want your ultimate developer rig to be a gamer machine in disguise. The kids get the gamer rig. (Really, Scott, TWO high-end GPUs connected together SLI/cross-fire on the dev box? ... -)

As far as a “handful of applications” goes - Scott has this one right, too. My machine is currently running 56 processes totally more than 400 threads! (and that’s without anti-virus crap-ware). Maybe Jeff has a point with the "truely benefit" criteria, but, seriously, who is not writing multi-threaded apps nowadays?

Build Time – Always add more power to the dev boxes. It will pay off. Software engineers still cost much more than hardware.
April 25, 2008 4:49
This is some pretty cool stuff! Makes the whole '10-minute build' goal of agile projects more feasible for large systems. I have to say I'm surprised that the MSBuild team spent the effort to implement this functionality and didn't implement Task-level parallelism. I haven't played with MSBuild yet, but in NAnt you have the dependency tree already built-in (depending on how you write your scripts), so I would assume MSBuild is similar. If that's the case, I wonder why they didn't add task-level paralellism and let the developer beware of edge cases (cavear emptor)? You can always disable it, after all.
April 25, 2008 4:52
Can I assume your single process, dual process, and quad process MSBuild test run times were recorded by doing "MSBuild /t:Clean SharpDevelop.sln" between each test?


April 25, 2008 5:45
Not including any development, I typically have at least 6 applications running at the same time, including Firefox (which I use to listen to Pandora), Safari (way, way faster than IE) and IE (crashes less than either of the other 2) all that the same time. All are hogs, especially when they come across a Flash page. I have at least 5 tabs open, if not more, in both IE and Safari. And that's just casual web browsing. It doesn't include what happens when I keep SQL Server running, or do a DNN build, etc. So I really don't buy the minimalistic core argument. It sounds eerily similar to the legendary (mythical?) "'640K is more memory than anyone will ever need".

But on the performance question, here's a different one for you: if you wanted better performance, which of the following would you choose?
1) Quad-core processor, 7200k drive
2) Dual-core processor, 64GB Solid State Drive.
April 25, 2008 5:54
Jason - Of course, cleans between each build. Without clean the 4-proc build is subsecond.

Hm, I don't trust SSD yet. There's no recovery story and I question the MTBF numbers. That said, I'll probaly jump in on the 2nd gen when it hits 128g, at lease for my C drive. I'll also get a newer processor for the Quad machine.

Oh, and my high-end video cards are NOT hooked up in SLI. They run 4 monitors. I don't use it for games.
April 25, 2008 6:04
"There are number of things in his post I disagree with."

I knew this would happen as soon as I read Jeff's post a few days back - FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!
April 25, 2008 6:27
If you are custom-crafting your MSBuild files, you could turn off parallelism on just certain MSBuild tasks by adding:
But this an edge case as far as I'm concerned.

That's a pretty big caveat right there. We had to ditch solution files about 1-1/2 years ago because msbuild couldn't get the dependency tree right, likely due to a size limitation (~200 projects). I suspect that's why other's generate their own msbuild files as well.

Ironic that the code bases most in need of scalable build solutions are the ones left high and dry.
April 25, 2008 6:31
Dave, can you get me specifics? MSBuild should be able to handle a LOT more than 200 projects. Was this a generated MSBuild from an SLN? If you can get me more details I'll take it to the team.
April 25, 2008 7:18
Is the developer that sits inside of VS all day debugging able to take advantage of the same build performance improvements?
April 25, 2008 7:21
Andy - Not in VS2008 but I hear a rumor of yes for the next version.
April 25, 2008 7:31
Andy asked my question. Kind of silly that there's no way for VS2008 to do this... really kind of upsets me. No one at my company uses MSBuild from a command line like that.
April 25, 2008 7:35
If I understand correctly it has to do with that VS doesn't actually "shell out" but I'll try calling it from External Tools and see if that works.
April 25, 2008 7:53
This almost received my Holy-Crap-That's-The-Best-Tip-I've-Heard-Ever award. Then Andy had to go and be a kill-joy. Now it's just Thursday again.
April 25, 2008 8:36
It "Works" as an external tool from VS...working on more details now. There could be side-effects.
April 25, 2008 9:24
Let's not forget running VMs too...

VMWare can use 2 CPUs, so if you have a quad-core or more, you will benefit from the extra CPU horsepower. At one point, I was actively using 2-3 VMs on a single box...

April 25, 2008 10:54
Ohhh man; I want that in VS :) Actually, the post solution compilation (aspx -> IL -> machine code) could use something like this too. The whole process could use some speed up. I actually bought two Raptors in RAID0 just for this. Still was not as fast as I'd like it. I also tried a RAM disk (can't remember the company), that helped a bit, but there was still disk activity and I couldn't move the whole process into RAM. Of course Windows was already caching some of the stuff so I had double caching. My dream scenario would be to press F5 and instantly have the whole application compile and being able to see the code, let's say under 1s. If you ever used Delphi you know what I'm talking about :-)

On the core debate, if one of the cores in the dual cored CPU is faster than one in the quad, then I'm leaning towards Jeff's reasoning. Of course, it depends on how much you load the CPU, but if most of what you do is compile code -- and since VS can't use more than one core from what you're telling us -- plus some small stuff (like listening to music, browsing, which usually doesn't even move the CPU, unless you're using Vista <g> I'm using Windows Server here), then I think the performance of a single core is more important than having 3 more cores that are not used. Mileage may vary of course...

Keep us posted on what you find!
April 25, 2008 11:39
Hi Scott,

Regarding the waste of energy: I don't think Intel does throttling per core but rather per CPU. Thus 4 cores CPU will use more energy than 2 cores CPU even though 2 cores (or less) are being used. OTOH AMD does throttling per core. I didn't actually test those assumptions :-)
April 25, 2008 13:03
Thanks Scott,

With this blog, you have cut by build time by 60%.


April 25, 2008 15:32

I'd appreciate that. I'll dig up the details today and get them to you offline. Thanks.
April 25, 2008 16:30
Does anyone know how I would apply this (specificyally the /m argument) to a TFS build type? We have slightly modified our build already to provide incremental version numbers, but I'm not familiar enough with the TFS build process to know where MSBuild is kicked off or how to specify new arguments.

Scott, if you can figure out how to apply this to normal (CTRL+SHIFT+B) builds, just think of the productivity gains if everyone builds just 10 times a day! It'll be like a little economic stimulus package for the IT industry. 10builds/day * 2 seconds * 1000 developers * 5 work days. That's like 28 extra hours of work being done and I think that's fairly optimistic.
April 25, 2008 17:07
Welcome, msbuild, to the 21st century. ;-) GNU make has the -j switch (the equivalent to /m here) _at least_ since the early-to-mid 1990's. We use its mingw port to drive Visual Studio 2003's commandline interface to build vcproj files and to handle dependencies, and since we got multi-core build machines, our build times have improved tremendously (we're talking about roughly 2,5 million SLOCs).
April 25, 2008 19:25
For what it's worth, the /m parameter is only available in .NET 3.5 and above.
April 25, 2008 20:07

For what it's worth, the /m parameter is only available in .NET 3.5 and above.

It's funny that I always have to read through the comments to verify that kind of stuff.

@Scott, there are still people using VS2005 and .Net 2.0 (our employers are either too cheap to upgrade or we work in non-profit[my case]) So it would be nice for posts like this to clearly denote that these are things only availble in the 3.0/3.5+ world. Or should I just assume that .Net 2.0 is dead?
April 25, 2008 21:09
Peter and folks, you CAN build 2.0 projects with this MSBuild so you can get the speed benefits now.
April 25, 2008 23:02
Very nice - MSBuild is getting better and better. With 2.0 my build time was about 1:15, with 3.5 single it's down to about one minute, and with the /m parameter (and dual core) I'm down to 40 seconds! Very nice, build times dropped almost in half.

Can't wait for this ability within visual studio ...
April 25, 2008 23:34
Scott.... doh! Now I feel like a dolt... (which isn't unusual)... That makes sense since 3.5 is just "in addition to" 2.0. ..... My sincerest appologies .....
April 26, 2008 1:47
I have quad core and dual core desktops and laptops.

HANDS DOWN, the quad core systems are SUPER FAST. I never wait for anything on those sysem.

Also when encoding files for uploading to, all 4 cores a busy encoding my files.

I'll never buy another dual core, ever.


April 26, 2008 2:29
Agree 100%. My 8 Core MacPro does everything I ask of it and never seems unresponsive. By allowing me to run more stuff at the same time I am way more productive. 3 VM's open at once ? No problem. Gotta love it :-)
April 29, 2008 1:43
Unfortunately parallel builds don't work well in solutions with C++ projects in them. I have filed a bug for this, but who knows when it'll be fixed. :(
April 29, 2008 3:24
Dave - I'll get an update on that bug for you.
April 29, 2008 3:36
According to the team: "DevDiv bug #xxxxxx. Dupe of #yyyyyy. There is a workaround, and we will fix it for v.Next at the least."
April 30, 2008 21:09
Can anything be done for pre-compiled deployment using the "aspnet_compiler"?
Is there a better method to manage code in a secure manner than pre-compiled deployment?
April 30, 2008 21:09
Can anything be done for pre-compiled deployment using the "aspnet_compiler"?
Is there a better method to manage code in a secure manner than pre-compiled deployment?
May 05, 2008 17:51
I tried this with /m /p:BuildInParallel=true switches. I got a bunch of errors like:

The type or namespace name 'Foo' does not exist in the namespace 'Bar'

For fun, I tried changing BuildInParallel to false and got the same error. I should also mention that I am using this trick to build my solution:,guid,2a926fd2-70ce-4b95-a489-2d6aa24bc7da.aspx

Maybe this trick will not work with that trick?
May 09, 2008 21:51
I just tried this and msbuild just comes back with:

MSBUILD : error MSB1001: Unknown switch.
Switch: /m

I have .NET 3.0 installed. Happens on both my xp workstation and on a 64bit W2K3 system. I really want to take advantage of this feature.
May 09, 2008 21:55
Drew, you need .NET 3.5 and you need to make sure you're calling the MSBuild.exe in the 3.5 directory, not the 2.0 one.
May 12, 2008 22:08
Thanks, I grabbed the .net 3.5 and tried it and it worked. The switch anyway, my build is nant based calling msbuild tasks, and adding the /m switch didn't have any effect on the overall build time.

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.