How do you deal with anxiety when Live Coding in Technical Interviews?

I received this question last week from a reader:
I've been a developer since 2005. I'm a solid developer with good experience. I've got a great opportunity for a new position coming up but I'm concerned about the tech interview. I seem to freeze like a deer in the headlights when asked to write code in front of people.
My resume is accurate and reflects my skills and experience but how do I prove I'm competent when I have this tendency to choke on tech questions when I'm put on the spot?
This is a great question. To level set, note that they aren't concerned that they don't have the skill. Their skills ARE up to the task. It's a case of anxiety around the live aspect of the tech interview
I would start with honesty. Talk to the hiring manager or the HR person. Offer to show them lots of code, your repos, examples. Offer to share more code than you'd ordinarily need to, as a way of making it clear you have nothing to hide. Everyone has something, be it anxiety, issues with public speaking, etc. Trying to hide an issue can make it worse.
Perhaps you could do a coding test where you *walk them through existing code* and explain. Explain to them that you have anxiety about whiteboard coding, BUT you want to make sure they get an accurate picture about your skill.
Also, practice! Talk to a friend and have them interview you and and have you code live. Folks don't ordinarily code live with an audience, so it's understandable why you might freeze or not perform at your best. If you don't do something often (like code live in front of an audience) then, darn it, do it often! Practice.
Understand also that the interview may also want to see how you react under pressure. Do you get visibly angry? Wilt? Fall back on first principles? Denigrate yourself? Apologize? These reactions can be as important as your actual code. Usually interviewers are looking for thoughtfulness, analysis, patience, calm, and humility.
What do YOU think, Dear Reader? The comments on posts like this are usually better than my opinions!
* Photo by Kevin Dooley used under Creative Commons
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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After looking for a job semi-recently, I bombed out of a bunch of interviews that I shouldn't have, so I wrote up some of my reflections about it on my blog.
Most probably interviewer is trying to build a team so they might evaluate social/collaboration skills and ability to resolve conflicts (not only in git/tfs).
Knowing how person behaves in certain situation is helpful when you plan who will be doing a release deployment and who not (for example).
Everything might go wrong (even when carefully planned) and better the person will be able to handle in some way these surprises.
Thanks for the good reading
As someone who has gone through this and put people through this, practice is the key. If you already know you're a good developer you need to learn the kind of buzz you can get from talking someone else through your code. Spend a few brain cycles, come up with a solution and have the confidence in yourself to think "I really wanna show someone this code".
And remember, an interview is an evaluation for both sides. The quality of the interviewer/questions gives your some information about the company you might spend your time and energy for ;-)
The test is trivial and you can basically almost copy the answer from SO.
I'm always present and looking over their shoulder from a distance as to not creep them.
What I'm actually looking at is:
- their bodylanguage: eagerly coding or with one head holding their chin up and the other typing
- how do they use visual studio
- do they use google/bing/... (that's is a indeed a skill, nobody knows everything)
The actual code is less important (even though it must be working), but the way you got the solution is more important for me.
No test can give you a completely correct vision of someone's skills.
It's just how do they go at it.
We are looking at their problem solving methodology -- not at all at their "do you know C#/javascript/insert language here". Do they understand the logic of how a program comes together and how to build a solution to a problem? I've had several candidates fluent in Java freeze initially when we started because we're a C# shop. In those cases I reassure them I don't care about syntax at this stage and I'll gladly help them through syntactic and compiler issues.
For me, this method worked well because it allowed me to really demonstrate my problem solving ability, analytical skills, and genuine nature when tackling a problem. I didn't have to worry about knowing the correct KB shortcuts or flubbing the spelling of basic core Java classes. The interviewer also had some predetermined design decisions which helped focus the exercise.
I'm moving forward to the next interview soon.
I think it's also vital that the potential employer is upfront about the interview process so you are mentally prepared for it. Also they should make you feel at ease when the time comes rather than try to embarrass you by hooking up the live coding to a giant TV for all to see.
When discussing it with other developer friends they couldn't believe what they had asked me to do and said I had a lucky escape. I think they were right.
I prefer to give the candidate a standard homework problem to complete and submit prior to the interview. The problem is typically mathematical in nature, and so has a "correct" output. Any language allowed. It's not a big problem - something that can be easily accomplished in an evening or less.
I look over the solution before the interview, to evaluate style and thoroughness. During the interview I devote an hour to the homework, and we discuss approach, alternatives, variations of the problem, testing strategy, etc. It's this discussion that reveals their capabilities and attitude toward design, problem solving, organization, quality, etc. If I've found bugs (as I nearly always do) I point out the incorrect result and ask them to debug on my laptop, to see how they fare under pressure.
I find this approach reveals a facet often missed in conventional tech interviews.
This does a few things. It prepares me for the bad feeling so I'm not caught by surprise and it let me think through my game plan in advance. The brain is really bad at separating reality and fiction so if you can handle it once, even in a fake setting, that will help you in a real situation.
Maybe I can help by giving my perspective of why I want someone to code in front of me.
I like to watch how people interact with the tools that they use. I like to see how a person thinks when working through the challenge that I give them. I incurage prospective employees to ask me questions and to even use google during the tech interview. But I think the number one thing that i like to see in a tech interview is if you say you have done c# for the last 6 Years if you can figure out how to make a property. You would be horrifically surprise how many people cannot even do that.
I don't look for perfection or if you can figure out how to calculate pi without looking anything up I just want to see what your coding style is like, what your thought process is, and if you can do simple things that you say you have done for years on your resume. I don't expect perfection while I am breathing down your neck. I also find it helps if you have a quick chat with the person interviewing to help feel more comfortable during the interview.
That is my perspective from the hiring side, hope it helps people.
I interviewed for a position a few months ago where the process was pretty much standard for a Software Engineer position. Two tech screens over the phone, came in and spent a couple hours with the standard C#/.Net/OOP quiz questions, some algorithms out on the board, etc. Then another couple hours walking through some applications I've built and explaining the code. The last point was the live coding, something I've done plenty times before.
I was given a problem and told I couldn't use my laptop (hooked to the projector to show my source) and we went to his office instead. He had remapped shortcuts, a split ergo keyboard and a trackball mouse. He gave me vague instructions on the problem and I solved it with code, though the typing was a bit clumsy.
I wasn't offered the position because of this one test, he told the Director "I was a drag and drop programmer" and "I probably haven't done a lot of hand coding". Something anyone I've worked with in the last 15 years would have laughed at. The feedback I received was 4 yes votes and one no, but it had to be unanimous.
This type of stuff happens every day and it's a great way to weed out good candidates. I'm not saying I'm the greatest developer in the world but I was definitely qualified for that position and got eliminated by an insecure person playing games. I quickly found another position at another company and am thankful I don't have to work with someone like this.
If you're interviewing people, resist the temptation to "torture" or make your candidates nervous. If you start seeing this behavior taking place, remember it's saying a lot about the people you're working with.
In all seriousness, I like the process in an above comment that it was a pair programming exercise. That allows the interviewer to make the test progressively more or less difficult.
As far as dealing with the anxiety, get up in front of people at local events/user groups and practice. I have done enough presentations (and epic failures) at this point that it is a fun time even when you fail. That makes a good conversation with your (audience) interviewer and helps you get to know each other.
Knowing how someone fails (epically) is equally important to me.
I've written some additional tips about from my job search and interviews on my blog here for anyone that is interested.
- How you think through a problem.
- How good you are at seeing alternatives.
- How you dig for clarity on the problem at hand (I never give a complete spec. I want to see the candidate evaluate the problem and get clarity. Why? Your clients/co-workers won't give you everything you need up front. They'll do this because they are also pressed for time and won't give detailed designs.)
- How good are you at evaluating your own code? I'm looking for someone who can read a method, evaluate it in their head, and figure out the outputs given various inputs. If you can't do that, you can't code review and help the team.
- Are you a person I want to work with?
I have no interest in asking trivia problems in an interview. I just want to figure out if you'll fit into the team and be a productive member. Given that I usually only have an hour with you, I have to prioritize interacting with you over reviewing your old projects. So, I'll rarely spend more than 7 minutes on your past in a given 60 minutes.
During the interviews, it was clear that there was a great amount of anxiety on my part. It was horrifying to be honest, despite my coding skills in various languages and paradigms.
When I asked the recruiter after the fact what her thoughts were about my tendencies, she told me that my collective nature and talking out step by step my thoughts as I went.
So despite the fact that there were blaring mistakes in my code, the attitude more than made up was the response. Must say, definitely agree with the idea of practice, practice, practice. Trying to get a group up at Portland State to meet up and do mock interviews this term, cause it's SOOO valuable to know where you are lacking.
If you can't tell someone else how to do it, or you forget it under pressure, there's probably a good likelihood that you can improve in that area (just my opinion.)
Final answer: live coding 'exercises' as an interview strategy are absurd, pointless, useless measures of a candidates's abilities as a software developer.
I'd rather see something they wrote themselves, and ask them to talk through it. Hey, even if they didn't write it, I'm more interested in a candidate's ability to understand, explain, and defend design choices, than I am in playing quiz show.
I had a situation where I was asked by a MAJOR firm to write a reversed link list. I told them no. I would tell them how I would use one in a coding and design scenario and that I would be wasting time to write mine when there are great libraries already out there that write reverse link lists. I got the job because I thought out of the box. :)
Another one to avoid like the plague is companies that want to have you come in and do a weeks worth of code work before they will cement the deal. That is a joke and you should avoid that like the plague.
I had a situation where I was asked by a MAJOR firm to write a reversed link list. I told them no. I would tell them how I would use one in a coding and design scenario and that I would be wasting time to write mine when there are great libraries already out there that write reverse link lists. I got the job because I thought out of the box. :)
Another one to avoid like the plague is companies that want to have you come in and do a weeks worth of code work before they will cement the deal. That is a joke and you should avoid that like the plague.
Lessons I learned are: 1) I should have practiced solving a recursion problem prior to the interview, 2) Always describe what you are doing so they understand your thinking process, and 3) A patient interviewer that gives hints when you are stuck can be a life saver!
I felt terrible afterwards, but I got the job so I guess it all worked out!
At my work, we think 1) whiteboarding algorithms are a waste of time for everyone and 2) performance anxiety can cause the best programmers to shut down. It's already intimidating enough to at a foreign office with people you don't know scoping out a new job and worrying about paying the rent. By the time we've asked someone to come in for an in-person interview, we've already done some basic technical assessment over one or two phone interviews. When she arrives, we do our best to convey to the interviewee that she's our peer and to think of us as collaborators. We might ask to whiteboard a domain model problem ("Let's say I want to build a competitor to Amazon...what might that system look like? Let's work on it together."). But we work on it together, ask questions, point out problems—just like you'd do if you were sketching something out with a coworker.
As for programming, we pair and again stress to the person interviewing to treat us (the interviewer) like their coworker. Don't remember that function? Ask. Need to Google and read something? Go for it. Ask our opinions. Talk out loud. It's amazing how many people break down during pairing—they don't ask for help, or when it's given, ignore it. We're conscious of this tendency so we're constantly checking in, asking questions that might lead to a path of inquiry that leads, well, maybe a solution! Maybe not. The pair programming portion is most useful IMO to see if the person has a sharp grasp of their tools, editor, is curious and enjoyable to work with. Often enough if all of those things are true, the language knowledge comes as part of the package.
It is also often memory questions ! It is sometimes simple things that you just haven't used for a while. Then you just give the impression to the interviewer that you are novice. Then at the end, you just feel like bad developper.
Gladly sometimes you have the chance to find good interviewer who knows how to test you on some interesting and relevant questions.
I would much prefer a technical coding test if someone were to try assess my technical capability, then have me talk through the solution and discuss improvements, changing requirements, etc.
For me, interviews are pretty stressful already without the added pressure of trying to solve a problem under pressure while articulating your thoughts to the interviewers as well, on the spur of the moment.
Recently bombed at a technical test… and I mean really bombed, I couldn't believe how terrible I was. Managed to rescue it by pointing the interviewer to my open source projects on GitHub. He seemed really impressed and I got offered the job. I would say this was a much better representation of what he could expect me to produce if I had joined the company.
That was easily the most idiotic thing anyone has ever asked me to do. I need to be able to insert lines, rewrite names etc. when writing code.
If you are someone who asks for a live coding example, please let them use a computer, preferably an IDE.
I still believe that it's a good way to interview , but I need to practice.
I imagine this is how it is with live code interview. Learn how to interview and practice. After lots of practice my anxiety lessened, and my knowledge and experience was liberated.
From what I have observed, candidates who have had one or two jobs in their career tend to be more anxious during the interview compared to those who have been around the block more than a few times. This holds true whether they were coding on the whiteboard or just talking through a solution. I have seen everything from verbal cues such as stuttering or frequently pausing to more extreme physical ones such as shaking or ticks.
Personally, I've been in almost a dozen environments in my career (a 50/50 split as a FTE or contractor) which means I have had my fair share of interviews where some form of live coding was present. Just like getting on a stage or performing in front of an audience, the anxiety wore off the more I was exposed to it.
I found that practice interviews didn't serve much purpose other than going over material to make sure I know what I'm talking about. I got my exposure through interviewing with places I was unsure about and wouldn't be bothered if an offer wasn't extended. I went through these interviews with an attitude that I didn't care whether or not I would get the job while still asking all the right questions, answering questions to the best of my knowledge/experience, and admitting to when I was unsure of the answer. Long story short, this helped me have a more casual attitude during interviews that I really did care about and was able to give my potential employers a better picture of who I was and how I fit in with their culture.
Then again there are people who are just naturally anxious in situations like these and the best they can do is just let the interviewer know they are nervous, take it slow, and keep the interviewer talking more than the candidate.
As an interviewer I can glean whether you know what you're talking about without you having to write up code. Honestly, every developer is used to a modern IDE where you don't have to remember every little detail of some piece of code. That is what makes us productive. So whether you can quote the name and parameters of some arbitrary method vs Intellisensing doesn't tell me anything about your abilities.
I sat in an interview one time where they had me do some string manipulation.
Me: "No problem, there's several prebuilt methods in .NET that do that"
Them: "Assume they aren't available"
Me: "Why?"
Them: "We just want to see how you solve the problem"
Me: "So you want me to solve a problem that's already been solved? Your evaluation of my coding ability is based upon either that I don't know enough about the framework to know such a method exists or that I have the Not Written Here mentality?"
Me: "Bye"
In another interview I was given code and asked to describe what would happen.
Them: "What will this code output?"
Me: "This code is not technically valid, the compiler will generate a warning about improperly defined behavior because of this line."
Them: "But it compiles so what would be the output?"
Me: "As the compiler will warn you, the behavior is undefined/an implementation detail. In this release it might do one thing and the next another."
Them: "Assume the current compiler version"
Me: "So you want me to tell you how the current compiler will implement a feature that is considered undefined rather than, maybe, showing you how to fix the issue so it is defined?"
Them: "Yes"
Me: "Bye"
In other words, be yourself. If you can't be comfortable in the interview then what makes you want to work there anyway?
An example of some of the javascript interview questions I use is here. They are specifically for testing the candidate's knowledge of a language, without worrying about design and larger constructs.
Another thing I hate is overly long coding tests, I had one where they wanted me to create a MVC site, with Google maps, Search and A-Z etc and using Entity Framework or Linq to SQL as the data layer, which isn't too difficult but bare in mind, I had to:
I had to also install the whole tool chain, VS2010 and then SQL SERVER (I rarely do .NET dev in my spare time, usual Python or PHP).
Learn to setup the entity framework (not so easy on .NET 4 now as most of the newer templates don't support it).
Import the data into SQL (it wasn't cleaned so I had to muck about getting the CSV ready)
Re-learn the entity framework (We didn't use it at work, and it was a year since I had looked at it)
Learn Google maps
Learn razor (we did't use it at my last job)
I had to do this all in my spare time as well (took me an evening to install VS2010 and SQL SERVER). In the end, I did it and got offered the job (and turned it down as I had a better offer) ... but that is a fair bit of work (especially if you want to do it nicely) when you aren't guaranteed anything.
If I see this happening I ask the candidate to stop white boarding and just chat for a few minutes. I make clear that I'm not looking for perfect code or perfect answers. Instead I'm much more interested in their thought process and how they approach problems. Once they've settled down a bit we move back to white boarding.
The first ever interview I did when graduating was for a firm who made me write a function on a whiteboard. I was totally flummoxed and gave a bad account of myself, I didn't get the gig.
Since then I've had various interviews which required live coding, sometimes the code didn't even compile, but I was lucky enough that they went through the code and were interested in what I was doing, not that it wasn't finished.
These days I tend to get pairing exercises and TDD exercises along with questions which are designed to be problem solving rather than directly related to code.
The interviewer is usually looking for the fact you are bright, learn quickly, can write code of some description, enjoy writing code, and most importantly can act autonomously developing yourself.. skills like googling with bing are important.
You bring up a good strategy that I have never thought to intentionally try. Practicing at home has not brought me very good results in the past either, but like you I have found that the more interviews I go on, the more comfortable I become with the process. In the past few years I have been in about a dozen interviews and have received offers from almost half of them. I don't think I would have done as well if I hadn't built up confidence from prior interviews.
I like your idea of going on interviews for jobs that you won't be distressed about being turned down for. I also want to advocate for the interviewer though; it is not polite to waste their time. When I interview for a job, I consider it a real possibility. If I am offered the position, I will either gladly accept it, or I will politely turn it down, thank the interviewer for their time, and provide them with a valid reason why the offer is not right for me. Personally, I need to feel good about the experience, whether or not it turns into a job.
What we are trying to look for is not only coding skills and how comfortable the person is behind the keyboard, but how they react under pressure as Scott mentioned. I can't count how many times people crack under pressure. Now I'm sure most people can code fine in the norm, but some times when a client comes calling that things are not working and we have tight SLAs to meet, pressure can happen often. And in those situations we need calm, we need action, we need solutions. We need to be able to think well under pressure.
Another trait we have found over the years is how many people say they have a ton of .net experience yet can't code some basic simple tasks like "Create a Class"!
After the years building up our team, I feel we have built up a strong core team that works well under pressure.
Not only are we looking for those traits, we are also looking for humility. We don't expect everyone to get the live coding to work, but that they can explain their thought process. Some people outright reject the test out of pride. There is no room for pride in our team.
Those intangibles are hard to pull out of an interview, and we have found that live coding really expresses that well.
We don't look for perfection, and we try to talk to the candidate doing a back and forth conversation to make the person feel comfortable. We express that we aren't looking for working code. It doesn't have to compile. But we can tell if the person knows what he/she is talking about just by a few minutes of coding.
We only want the best and brightest and we try hard to maintain that. As Steve Jobs once said, "A players hire A players", "B players hires C players".
It's not about pride, it's about cost: a days' productivity has a cash value of around $500. If job-seekers did five live-coding exercises per job hunt, they'd be giving away $2500 in value for no reward. That's a lot to expect out of someone who may be unemployed.
I think it really depends on your interviewer, how they take your anxiety. As you said, making clear and making so that "One has nothing to hide" can be helpful, but only when its done right and the interviewer understands the interviewee.
In my opinion - practice is only the best solution to this. Sometimes it is also because of a running clock. In order to solve this, here is what I did and what I suggest anyone should do.
Have some public code available.
Have a blog.
Code project? jsFiddle? open source project?
answer some questions on stack overflow
Exercise Top Coder specially if you have timing issues.
These things shall help anyone gain more confidence in their code when shown/shared.
Finding a position is a two way street it has to be right for yourself as well as the company and generally, like the company that is interviewing you, your most direct source of information is the interview process that the company puts you through. I personally think that if being put into a pressure box where you are sat in an unfamiliar environment, generally with alien equipment (in my experience usually a laptop without the tools that I am use to using and different keyboard bindings on the tools that I am familiar with) is such a critical requirement of what a candidate needs to thrive in their company then it is not really a productive environment for me to work in.
My point: Sure I was greatly disappointed I did not get the job. The interviewers could have been better prepared to ask relevant questions, not checked email during the screen and not wasted a whole days worth of my pay to visit. But also, and this is important, I should have known to be better prepared and studied ahead of time. I did not put my best foot forward and it showed. Well except the linked list question - that was way off sides in my opinion.
But hey, if you want a really good cross browser, mobile first, performance oriented front end developer that can also mash out sorting/data filters AND b-trees AND linked lists and and and, let me know when you find one and take a picture so I can post that right next to my ogopogo, bigfoot and unicorn selfies. ;o)
I thought this is a simple request but after seeing all the candidates bombing, I begin to doublt. So is this question unfair or are the candidates just bad?
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