Scott Hanselman

Isabel Hanselman

February 06, 2007 Comment on this post [9] Posted in Musings
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We were up for 38 hours straight this weekend, with many of those house spent in the hospital waiting room. Why you ask? We were waiting for the chance to meet my brother and his wife's first child, Isabel. She was 8 pounds, 5.5 oz (!) and 21 inches long. Born the old fashioned way at 2:42pm on a brisk Sunday afternoon after about 21 hours of labor.

Isabel has some hearty lungs on her and has seen fit to alert the entire hospital floor to her arrival. She'll live on a farm in the Willamette valley with a load of different animals including two Nigerian Dwarf goats that I suspect she'll be riding bareback within the year. More importantly she'll have her own pony and two loving parents. 

Z was shocked to find he wasn't the youngest Hanselman any longer, and as such no longer the Center of The World. We suspect that his ego will recover from this offense and he and his new cousin will become fast friends.

We all wish Josh and his wife Megan the very best. Since Mo and I have an extensive experience spanning nearly 14 months of childrearing, they can expect all sorts of unsolicited advice in the coming eighteen years.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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February 06, 2007 11:05
Congratulations! We just had another baby boy on the 1st!
February 06, 2007 15:12
Congratulations! Lots of happiness together!
February 06, 2007 17:30
That's great! I feel sorry for your brother and especially his wife, 21 hours is a long time, my wife had a 18 hour with our second.
February 06, 2007 19:04
Congratulations. Here's to some rest for your sister-in-law.
February 06, 2007 20:46
This is your bigger, tougher, firefighter brother?
February 06, 2007 20:50
Man, that brings back a lot of memories from a whole 16 months ago. Sleeping in the fold out chair in the room (you fathers know that chair), the soft little dish-towel like blankets with the blue and pink stripes that ALL hospitals have for newborns. The tiny little diapers with the fold down part in front for the stump. The little gurgling gasps that tiny babies make, tiny hands and fingers flexing. Toes that move and spread in ways my toes haven't moved in over 3 decades.
February 06, 2007 21:30
Congratulations to you and your family!
February 07, 2007 6:58
The man in the picture with Z and Mo and Isabel is Grandpa Dave.
February 08, 2007 13:07
Humanity is one little girl the better. Isabel is a beautiful name. Congratulations, Hanselman Clan!

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