.NET 3.5 SP1 GDR is available to download
The General Distribution Release with fixes for .NET 3.5 SP1 is up, albeit a bit late, as downloadable content on Microsoft.com. Note that this is an application compatibility release, and these downloads aren't setup to be friendly to end users.
If you are a developer affected by an issue, you can download these updates. If you aren't affected, I suggest you wait - this is not the way the vast majority of customers will get this fix. Wait until these updates come down via Windows Update next year. As of today, we are still on track for 2009Q1 availability of 3.5 SP1 on Windows Update, and at that point you'll see machines with .NET start updating to .NET 3.5 SP1 with this additional GDR applied.
You can download the packages for the app-compat GDR here. The KB is KB959209 and it should be updated soon with details.
Windows Vista, Windows 2008 Server - x86, x64, IA64
Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 - x86, x64, IA64
I am still on vacation in Africa so I haven't got details yet on registry keys for detection of the GDR, so bear with me. I'll try to get those details ASAP, as well as how to integrate these fixes into your setup if need be.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Just thought you might like to know.
Any stats on the number of computers actively using Windows Update?
Does the GDR contain a fix for the NGen image corruption issues that was introduced by 3.5/3.5SP1? (The ones described in Connect items # 337149, 330302, 330903, and 341658)
Sorry, that was not aimed at you personally. More intended as a general comment regarding the GDR.
Since you have access to the 'inside info' - do you know if the GDR contains any fixes related to NGen image corruption and/or NGen image load problems..?
Let me quote from your blog post from 9/23:
"We won’t push .NET 3.5 SP1 to WU until everyone feels confident it’s solid."
Its not solid. A fundamental change in the type verification system in the CLR prevents certain valid types from loading in any application built on .NET 2.0 or later. I don't know how much more "not solid" you can get. How anyone is even considering pushing a "service pack" release with such a fundamental break is truly beyond my comprehension. And that is not even taking into account other very serious bugs which are apparently also not fixed in the GDR (Connect #387595 for example, a potentially serious security hole).
"We’re working on getting the Connect Bugs updated and lots of folks (myself included) are trying at every turn to increase transparency."
I have not received any update of any kind on my bug in months, either by email or through Connect, despite numerous attempts to get more information. There are many other people watching the Connect bug who also deserve an update on the status of this bug. Many of them are ISVs whose products will break the moment SP1 is released on WU. The response to this issue so far has been deplorable; if Microsoft has any interest whatsoever in maintaining any kind of customer relations, much less "increasing transparency," someone needs to step up and take responsibility for communicating the status of this issue, and for getting it fixed.
The handling of this issue is not directly your fault Scott. But you have consistently put yourself out there as a representative of the Developer Division to the community, and I would hope that you are as appalled as I am at the behavior of those you represent.
I'm not familiar with the details of your connect item (and can't access the connect website at the moment), but have you tried removing NGen images of the libraries involved (alt. clearing the entire NGen cache)?
NGen is not the problem, it can be reproduced on a machine that has never run the assembly before.
For march 2009 we want to update them all to framework 3.5 SP1.
It's not clear to me what to install now that the GDR exist.
Do we have the install all the updates include in framework 3.5 SP1 (meaning dotnet 2.0 SP2, dotnet 3.0 SP2 and dotnet 3.5 SP1) and after this also these GDR updates?
Could you please give some more explications for machines having the full dotnet 3.5 at the moment?
Thanks in advance.
Merry XMass and Happy New Year
Is there some sort of roadmap or public list for .NET issues? I know issues get reported on Microsoft Connect, but I was wondering if a list of issues gets posted somewhere as Microsoft is fixing them, or plans on fixing them. Is it just wishful thinking, or is there some active community involved in this and I just don't know about it?
I noticed that the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 download page now has a date published of 1/5/2009. Does that publish date indicate that the GDR is now included in the main framework download? If not what changed with this new publish?
I installed the GDR and tried to find out what is changed in the registry, but I was not able to find any changes. How can I find out that the GDR is installed?
Kind Regards
• To check for 2.0 SP2 GDR
o append Microsoft\Updates\Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2\SP2\KB958481 to the selected root.
o If the key exists check the key value ThisVersionInstalled for a value of “Y”. If there 2.0 SP2 GDR patch has been applied.
• To check for 3.0 SP2 GDR
o append Microsoft\Updates\ Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Service Pack 2\SP2\KB958483 to the selected root.
o If the key exists check the key value ThisVersionInstalled for a value of “Y”. If there 3.0 SP2 GDR patch has been applied.
• To check for 3.5 SP1 GDR
o append Microsoft\Updates\Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1\SP1\KB958484 to the selected root.
o If the key exists check the key value ThisVersionInstalled for a value of “Y”. If there 3.5 SP1 GDR patch has been applied.
Any news on when .NET 3.5 SP1 and/or the GDR will be pushed to Windows Update? I've had a application out for over 7 months that uses .NET 3.5 SP1 and am excited/curious to see if sales improve due to the release of .NET 3.5 SP1 to Windows Update.
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