October 6th - Seattle/Redmond/Bellevue Nerd Dinner
Are you in King County/Seattle/Redmond/Bellevue Washington and surrounding areas? Are you a huge nerd? Perhaps a geek? No? Maybe a dork, dweeb or wonk. Maybe you're in town for an SDR (Software Design Review) or a meeting with Steve Ballmer. Quite possibly you're just a normal person.
Regardless, why not join us for some Mall Food at the Crossroads Bellevue Mall Food Court on Monday, October 6th around 6:30pm?
Here's some links to help you remember and add this to your calendar. There's photos of previous Nerd Dinners up on Flickr thanks to Orcmid.
Feel free to invite your friends, bring your nerdy spouses and children - just tell them the details are at http://www.nerddinner.com.* Spread the word!
Add to your calendar
I hope to see you there!
* Which very soon will be more than just redirect to this post! ;)
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

About Newsletter
Overall I thought this was a great idea and it seemed like we had a good turn out. My biggest complaint though is that the dinner didn't seem to do great at accomplishing the goal of getting the community to interact. Mainly it seemed like a typical social party where everyone pretty much hung out with people they already knew.
I was able to meet a few new people but not what I was expecting. Feel free to assail my social skills here :)
It would be great if in the future you could devise a way to force the groups to mingle and interact. I'm not voting for assigned seats and name tags, but perhaps some random seating system.
Anyways, good experience, looking forward to next year.
Some ideas for next ones:
• Name tags
• Musical chairs – force everyone to shift over 4 spots every 15 minutes!
• Signs indicating area of interest on each table?
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