Offline installer for Windows Live Essentials - WLSetup-All.exe
UPDATE 2015: Here is the offline link for Windows Live Essentials 2012.
My brother and his wife came over today and the kids went trick or treating. His wife mentioned she wanted to make a quick DVD of the pictures and movies we took, so I suggested Movie Maker. However, they only have dial-up and wanted an offline installer I could just put on a USB Stick (I actually figured I'd put it on their camera's SD Card.)
I went to and searched all over, looking for an offline installer. I Googled with Bing, and then Googled with Google for things like "Windows Live Offline Installer" and found nothing but confusion.
Then I figured out this bizarre bit of UI on the Live Essentials download page. Rather than offering a small link for "offline installer" or a choice, you have to click Download which will attempt to start a Download of Windows Live Essentials online bootstrapper. It will then go and download just the programs you want.
However, if you cancel the download immediately, there's a "Try Again" button and some text that no one (including me) reads:
"Trying again downloads a standalone installer to your computer. This takes a little while, but may work better, depending on your connection settings."
Um, OK. I wouldn't label that Try Again, but OK.
Long story short, here's direct downloads for the Windows Live Essentials English Language ONLINE and OFFLINE installers. They are current as of the writing of this blog post. I'm not sure if they are version-specific downloads but I will try to keep them up to date.
- Windows Live Essentials OFFLINE English Installer - 134 megabytes total.
- Windows Live Essentials ONLINE English Installer - 1 megabyte bootstrapper
Or, if you want an offline installer in other languages, go to, click Download, cancel it, then click Try Again. I think it's weird, but there you go.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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I remember going back only a few years when you'd download a service back you had the option of downloading a bootstrap installer and an offline installer. In a case like this a return to the old way of doing things would be a step forward, two links one reading 'Download online installer' and the other reading 'Download for offline installation' would make our lives a lot easier. When designing a page like this the designer needs to realise that the visitor will filter out everything other than the word download, so any explanation text is just wasting space as most won't read it.
Can you next time blog about how to Google with Bing? I've always wanted to do that :-)
I think you missed the weird part altogether...... dialup???
the shame you must feel being related to them. :-)
You may recall I commented a few weeks back about problems installing Live on 64-bit systems. Solutions I'd seen involve using a 32-bit machine to run the web installer up to the point where the individual application installers have been unpacked, then cancel it. You must then identify the installers, named with GUIDs, and copy to the 64-bit machine to install.
I gave your download trick a try and sure enough, the full installer runs on 64-bit, so I could install Writer without any bother. Seemingly it's only the little web installer that is 64-bit phobic.
There is no word for that, how badly I hate Microsoft for hiding details, deleting relevant information from the past, previous version of its own products etc. Technet articles used to contain much more details 10-15 years ago. Now, I have to hunt down Windows NT articles, beause the shiny new 2008 server R2 articles are just bullshit generated copy-pastes, all the basics are written only in 10 year old documents. And of course there is a good chance they will be deleted in any second. I just cannot mirror the whole document repository of MS. The same applies to Resource kits: you cannot download some win 2000 reskit tools, MS is carefully removing them from anywhere. But some tools found in NT or w2k reskit have no alternatives in the newer reskits. Yeah, you can watch the crappy whirling silverlight hourglass effect, it will take care of everything, dont worry stupido.
If you have read "1984" from Orwell, MS is doing exactly the same here: modify history. It is not paranoia, its clear evidence.
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