Scott Hanselman

Safari Browser Speed Shootout - Code of Conduct Violation

June 23, 2007 Comment on this post [14] Posted in Reviews
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I awoke to discover that the video that accompanied my post on "Video: Windows Browser Speed Shootout - IE7, Firefox2, Opera9, Safari for Windows Beta 3" was removed from MSN Video soapbox as a "Code of Conduct Violation." Waa?


Check out the Code of Conduct posted at the Soapbox Site...I'm not pushing porn or exploiting minors...there's NOTHING in there about posting a video like this. Bummer. Perhaps Apple complained.

Anyway, here's the same video be encoded at 640x480 (4x the resolution that was up on Soapbox) and hosted via Silverlight Streaming. Grab Silverlight if you need to.

If you'd like to easily create Silverlight Videos, transcode them and blog them, take a good look at James Clarke's blog on JetFuel (download), his Windows Live Writer Plugin that will automate encoding, skinning and publishing within Windows Live Writer. Make sure you go download Expression Media Encoder also.

Here's the Windows Browser Speed Shootout video on YouTube.

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About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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June 23, 2007 22:26
Hey Scott, why don't you try youtube?

Soapbox, unfortunately, is highly restrained and therefore not popular. Wonder why MS place so much money in making this youtube clone.
June 23, 2007 22:54
The more paranoid among us might suggest that Microsoft pulled the video because it showed less-than-flattering Internet Explorer performance when compared to other browsers.

I reviewed the EULAs for the browsers you tested and was unable to find anything in any of them related to the publication of benchmarks results.

I want to give Microsoft the benefit of the doubt, but they sure do make it difficult when they engage in such heavy-handed stupidity, especially since they know it will just be published elsewhere and become a lightning rod for conspiracy theorists.

I'm guessing some Microsoft lawyer, upon seeing a video that may or may not result in legal liability erred on the side of removing it. Easier and cheaper to simply remove the video than leave it up and risk a lawsuit, whether they can win it or not. Have I mentioned I dislike lawyers?

Oh no, now you have to remove this comment in case some lawyer sees it, takes offense and decides to sue. :)
June 24, 2007 1:21
SoapBox has some weird content recognition stuff. I posted my kids home video and got the same.
June 24, 2007 4:16
Try posting a re-worked video where IE is shown as being the fastest browser and see if it stays up on the site. Soapbox? What's that? :)
June 24, 2007 4:31
i find it interesting that this is getting so much attention (the browser speed claim, not the pulling of the video).
try flicking between the compose and inbox links in safari and another browser. that's where i'm feeling the speed, javascript heavy stuff seems much much faster.
June 25, 2007 7:21
Hi Scott, just curious (not criticising) why you chose SoapBox vs. YouTube which has broader reach.
June 25, 2007 8:47
What the heck is Soapbox?
June 25, 2007 8:59
Matt - I chose it for a few reasons. I was already using it. It's new, and I wanted to see if it was better, or more compelling in some way. So far, it's pretty much the same thing.

As far as Reach, I figured folks would see the video on my site, not by browsing around. I didn't think the YouTube crowd cares about this stuff, so the folks who WERE interested would get the news via blogs, not YouTube. Therefore, where the embedded video was served from didn't matter.

Aaron - SoapBox is Microsoft's YouTube.
June 25, 2007 11:58
Hey scott, i can't see the video on this page thats hosted by Silverlight streaming? I went over to Clarke's blog and can see the video on his page either? Yes, i have Silverlight 1.1 installed -i can view all the content on the MS silverlight site (including the Fox video app). The thought crossed my mind that it may be location based (i'm in Dublin, Ireland) but i doubt that. Any idea's?

Great site.

June 25, 2007 14:14
Both of them get blocked by my work proxy anyway, wont be long till they figure out the silverlight one too. Although I can't see that in this post either.
June 25, 2007 17:18
Tried silverlight video from two different computers (both in IE7 and firefox - one Vista, one XP) - both are reporting an object error on the page, and neither is displaying the video (YouTube works fine).
June 25, 2007 19:29
Is Microsoft really trying to alienate the developer community? First the Jamie Cansdale fiasco (not arguing if MSFT was right or wrong - but the publicity was bad and it was handled extremely poorly) - now let's piss of Scott Hanselman's readers. Smart. Very smart.

June 25, 2007 22:03

The only thing that I could see, and it is a HUGE stretch is the second bullet point.

* misrepresents the source of anything you post, including impersonation of another individual or entity

Now if this is what they removed your video for then they must be smoking some really good stuff in the group that maintains Soapbox. I have to wonder if the fact that IE was not the best browser or even 2nd best in some of the cases that they believe you are misrepresenting the functionality of IE. Now I think that is kinda stupid and I do hope that I am wrong. I do wonder if posting a video where IE displays pages better then Safari would be removed for a violation of the rules of conduct.
June 25, 2007 22:54
Well.. i have tried and tried.... but somehow, Safari just ain't that fast on my Laptop. I even cleared out the caches on all my browsers and then tried again, but Firefox is still faster.

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.