Scott Hanselman, 11 Successful Large Projects, 3 Open Source Applications, 1 Collossal Failure
I noticed a resume come by recently from a person that included their name and email signature like this:
For me, this is a little off-putting. Kudos to folks who get certified. Certifications are great for the certifications section on your resume. They shouldn't go in the education section and shouldn't go after your name. I blogged about this three years ago, but I've got my mind around it now.
Folks go to school for 20+ years to put "PhD" after their name. I could go take a cert test now, but should it be displayed so prominently?
I used to chase MS Certs, got a bunch then realized that no one really cares.
What potential employers WANT to see is, do you go from 3 month project to 3 month project? Or are you the kind of person who stays at a job for a few years until you ship v1.0 or v1.5?
People want to know how many successful projects you've been on, not how many tests you can take.
I scored high enough on my high school SATs (like the O-levels for you non-US folks) but do I tell folks? Should I sign emails:
Scott Hanselman, 400 Math, 560 English (not my real score)? ;)
Scott Hanselman, 6 O's, 3 A's (for the UK folks)
What about:
Scott Hanselman, 143 IQ (not my real score)? ;)
Wouldn't these indicate to a prospective employer that I'm a decent writer and all-around thinker? Why is it socially inappropriate to publicly tout scores like these, but
If it's silly to suggest putting my SATs on my resume, why is
Scott Hanselman, MCSD, MCT, MCP, MC*.*
reasonable? Just my thinking...when I hire, having a cert means you have a capacity to hold lots of technical stuff in your head. Full stop.
I propose we sign our names like this:
Scott Hanselman, 11 Successful Large Projects, 3 Open Source Applications (it's not a crap idea), 1 Colossal Failure
Wouldn't that be nice? Sign your name, people.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

About Newsletter
Since many of my projects are never over, it's hard to say whether they were successful or not, since perhaps they will crash tomorrow.
Phil Haack (Just Trust me, I kick butt).
Dave, (Wastes about 45 minutes a day reading/writing blogs when I should be working)
I'd much rather know how many open source projects you've worked on. This tells me if software development is just a job to you or something that you're passionate about. If I could only have one piece of information to base my hiring decision on, that would be it.
It's extremely redundant to put MCP and MCSE as anyone who knows anything about MCSE knows that an MCSE is also automatically and MCP. It's filler and makes one look less than professional.
A lot of people put down MCSE when they aren't really qualified to be MCSEs as well. Unless one really knows their stuff, putting MCSE on your resume is like putting a big red target on your better be able to back it up in an interview if it's on your resume.
Also, to continue with the first paragraph, some certs carry a lot more weight than others. Anyone who has CCIE for instance, should surely put that after their names (unless they are going for a job that has nothing to do with networking/routers).
Anyhow, I agree that too many certs after one's name is ridiculous, but putting one or two certs that are germaine to the position one is trying to get is ok...with the caveat that they need to be able to back the certs up in an interview.
But first you have to get a Notable Person to even consider you're worth talking to. Since you can't send along head shots (or maybe you can, it's weird though) you have to just lay it out there. What will catch your eye more:
Rob Conery, MVP, MCSD, MCT, M&M
-- or --
Rob Conery - A really great guy who can do a really good job. I p4wn n00bz and use Ruby to make Pina Coladas for Rob Howard.
If sprinkling your sig with some M-caps will get a little more notice - I honestly don't think it hurts anything. I do think your correct that it shouldn't be the primary statement, but hopefully that will come with the interview :).
Then, as Alex mentions, you can put those M's to the test :).
There should be a Job Performance Risk Model (JPRM) that determines your score, taking into considerations all factors such as # of projects, # of successful, # of failure, # in progress that could fail, and of course any that are 30 days late. Just think about the things the model could evaluate.
E.g David Yack, JPRM 795
Then, contracts and employement agreemnts could have clauses that if your JPRM dropped below a certian # they could renegotiate the contract or terms.
Phil Haack A-T-G-G-A-A-T-T-C-T-C-G-C-T-C-T-A-C-C-T-T-A
Like project success, I don't think contributing to open source projects really means anything either. I just do it for the chicks.
I also recently saw something that made me laugh:
%FirstName% %LastName%
No Fancy Title
No Fancy Company
Having Open Source projects on the side tells me a lot more than certifications.
For one thing, beyond telling me whatever you are passionate, it tells me a whole lot more.
I can look at the code.
I know that you understand SCM systems and Continious Integration.
I can see whatever you are using tests.
I can see what kind of tools you are using.
I can often look at the discussion groups for the project and learn a bit about the kind of person you are.
All those things will tell me quite a bit more about you than if just a resume can.
Oh, and it's GCSEs now, not O-levels. Damned youngsters having to change anything. And I only do open source because Phil comments on my blog.
Barry Dorrans, not qualified in any way, but very bitter regardless.
Tomas Restrepo, 5 successful projects, 2 open source projects, 3 successful consulting gigs, 1 failure :)
Mine would be Sam Gentile, Over 20 Large Applications Shipped, 0 Open Source Apps (hope to change that) and at least 2 Collosal Failures-))
-- Dave, (Wastes about 45 minutes a day reading/writing blogs when I should be working)
Dave's gets my vote for best sig too! :)
regarding all the flare after your name ... i think that's ok on a resume, but it's a bit much to see it on forums/newsgroups/email sigs. as far as listing the major certification and all the minor ones too ... that is for recruiters. most have no clue that MCSD is bigger than MCP.
Certified Geek
Over the years (I will not tell how many), I have had dozens of MCSE's and other certs work for me. I never found any that had any more general competencies than I, who never bothered to get certified.
My key question for interviewees is why are they in computers, if it appears that they have that cert or degree just for extra pay, they are not geeks! And almost all non geeks I have hired have been poor performers.
If you don't have more than two computers and a (development system) at home you have just struck out with me!
What was the colossal failure, Scott? Did you blog about it? What did you learn from it?
Go on, tell all!!!
Darren Kopp
eh, maybe not. i'll just stick to
Darren Kopp
The one exception for me is MVP. Since this cannot be obtained easily I treat this as much more valuable than certification. Every MVP resume I came across merited an automatic interview. And it has paid off to have a MVP on my team. The passion, training and other things that qualified them to be a MVP have made a big difference to the other developers.
Shawn Swaner
Development Manager
Great post! I too review resumes and signatures that display an alphabet soup after their name. I am not interested in hiring people with a bunch of memorized techical information when I have the option and can find the folks that can solve problems and think at very abstract levels.
This latter group will easily be able to pick up a syntax and apply it to solve a particular problem on a given platform. The former group could very well run into problems if there is a platform shift or they are asked to think of a problem outside of their comfort zone.
I am not saying that they are unable, just that the ability to memorize and put technical information under lock and key in one's brain does not necessarily translate to master problem solver.
Besides, do we need to memorize technical information anymore with Google? =)
When you have two candidates and let's assume they are equal in everything except that one of them has some certs, wouldn't you hire him instead of the other. At least youl would know that he knows some related information. It doesn't matter if he memorized it or not. As the hiring manager, you don't know.
Also some people inflate their resumes with projects which they were remotely related to.
Some companies require certifications and some companies use automated scanning of resumes and their software might just pick resumes with certs in them.
Having certs is always beneficial. Naturally you're also looking for persons with achievements but how would you know?
I never spent much time chasing certs because I realized it would take time away from reading books.
Want work done? Hire a contractor.
Employees spend too much time surfing the net, planning lunch, and managing their career path (read politics for the newbies).
I agree with you, people should avoid using certification names at the end of the name.
I have seen some companies before taking actual interview they tell the candidates to complete a online test. Is it not like asking for a certification ?.
I have seen companies not giving enough work,they are fine if one solves a bugs. What about those kind of jobs, if one gets certified during that time isn't it a room for career advancement. That way even if they want to shift to new jobs they can get ahead.
IMHO getting certifications give people chance to explore new areas even though they are not gaining the skills from their day to day job or open source projects.
At the same time i don't like interviewers asking questions for senior level people like What is threaded binary tree, How do you add seven numbers efficiently etc :)
I'd like to see someone say that they like hiring individuals, and that's a great reason to avoid requiring some initials on the name. I'd like to see someone tell a great story about hiring somebody after following up on their references and hearing great things from their prior employers or managers. I'd like the world to be a fair and honest place where those hiring "contract to perm" aren't just playing you for three months of hard work only to be kicked to the curb at the end of the contract period. It would be great if you didn't have interviews knowing that you were under the microscope for every misstatement, every wrinkle or gray hair, any statement that puts your development philosophy at odds with the company's (what do you mean, everyone should use source control?), or mention of some aspect of your life that doesn't match the unofficial company credo (surely you like vegetarian pizza, right?).
But then, chances are, only the people blogging about these things would give a rat's ass about a world like that. Sorry about preaching to the choir, folks.
Isn't a CPA, basically a bachelors with a couple of tests passed? Seeing CPA after accountant's name is basically required. How would that be different if this individual had a BS in software engineering + those certs? The certs do apply to his career field...
Signing your name with a project list isn't any better. Who's to say those 11 large projects were extensible, maintainable, etc? Or the design that those three open source projects was any good? I've seen a lot of application's whose code stunk to high heaven, but were successful because they made the company money. Were they easy to maintain or easily extensible? No, but the business side was happy eventhough developers hated it. How about the original code for CVS. Everyone agrees that that code is/was a mess and that's open source.
With that said, I know you were being facetious, but doesn't your resume have the education/certification section lumped together?? Heck, it even lists BrainBench certs (MS Office Specialist at that), which I'd say is even worse than listing an MS cert (As far as their recognition that is...) Whatever happened to "at Corillian we use success as a metric."?
However, you lose points for staying anonymous! :P
My Dr's MD gets me to check him out, I do not depend on it. It is the same with certifications, they show the POTENTIAL for a good developer, making a basic cut from the pile of 'others'.
While your tongue in cheek suggestion might get a laugh, I do not tink it will get you a job
My oppinion, I could be wrong
Tom Vande Stouwe
MCT, MCSD, MCAD, MCP and other letters that do not get me a discount on the Subway :)
If you have professional qualifications (i.e. qualifications from a professional regulatory body) then these rightly belong on your signature. In this sense, vendor certifications are not professional qualifications and should not be included in a signature. Unfortunately, there are no industry-wide accepted IT professional qualifications in the US and this needs to be addressed. In the UK it is possible to become a Chartered Engineer or a Chartered IT Professional and these qualifications give you right to use post-nominals.
You know you just love it when there are more initials than name and they are larger than the actual information contained in an email.
As for being useless, never! Everything and everyone can at least be used as a bad example.
Besides, you can always use certifications as a goal for this years evaluation! ;-)
People like to show what they have, like you are showing picture of son on the website.
What's that gotta do with a blog, which is a technical forum, where you write you technical stuff( which is very good I will admit), and we come to read and discuss it.
This is not a personal attack on you, just trying to show you other side of story.
People like to show to the world something they are proud of.. end of story.
We're just having a discussion. That's what blogs are about.
On the other hand, a list of certifications on a resume will tell a prospective employer that he should at least bring you in for an interview.
I think that only *unusual* or particularly difficult to achieve certifications should be listed. So, a BS or MS in Math would be inappropriate, but a Ph'D and MVP would not.
In terms of contracts and jobs, certifications are (IMO) exactly like formal college degrees. They are all forms of "ticket punches" that get you an interview. Their meaning is only relevant in the knowledge you can actually demonstrate. I knew a Ph'D that was hired at a company where I was working many years ago. His degree related to something like statistical analysis of biological systems (I don't remember the formal name). You would think he would be strong in Math. I with my lowly BA in Math could run circles around this guy. Yet, he was paid more than me because of his degree.
For me..
Knowledge is power and Knowledge++ is more power.. (and ++ is the certication)
And a quick Question: what is the power??
Cheers :)
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So, no failures for me...does that mean I am due one?