Silverlight Video of John Lam on IronRuby at PADNUG
Here's the Video of John Lam talking about IronRuby at PADNUG last week. I recorded it on a Sony Wide-screen (I think HD) camera with a 60 gig hard drive. Now that I've been doing the Podcast thing I'm a freak about decent audio, so John is wearing a Bluetooth Microphone around his neck transmitting directly to the video camera.
I edited the 17 gig video in Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum - which I love DEEPLY. Then I ran the audio through a hiss filter and punched it up a smidge. Then I rendered as a WMV9 and used Expression Media Encoder to produce a Silverlight Project that is now sitting on my web server. The final file was about 300 megs and is about 80 minutes long.
GOOF UPDATE: Looks like there's 2 min of blackness at 58:44 that ends at 1:00:03. To be clear, nothing is missing. It appears I didn't drag two "Segments" close enough together in Sony Vegas. My bad, sorry. You'll want to skip over that part, otherwise I'll have to re-render the Whole Thing and finagle it back up to the servers that I don't have access to. Live and learn.
GOOF UPDATE #2: My man on this inside, at least until September, Tim Heuer has saved the day and uploaded a re-rendered version of this video with the gaps removed. Thanks Tim!
I tried a little different technique with this video. I moved the camera the way I moved my eyes. Rather than just putting it on a tripod and attempting to interlace in Camtasia footage, I attempted to fill more documentary style with big zooms into the projected screen. I actually think it works pretty well. There's so many great presentations that happen in small groups like this (classrooms, lectures, whatever) and they often sound and look like CRAP. My goal is to experiment with audio and video styles that are the most effective - and that folks will actually SIT through. When this video is resized full screen it's pretty watch-able. I'm interested in your opinion and ideas so I can try more in this style and possibly get my new boss get loan me a camera. Hint hint, nudge nudge.
But enough about video editing, do check out the video. John talks about a number of interesting things from his OSCON presentation including side by side speed comparisons with IronRuby against Ruby proper as the new Ruby runtime that is many times faster than the old. He also shows where IronRuby isn't so fast and why there are places where it won't even be fast. It's all done in a very accessible way. It was one of the first talks in a long time that I didn't get even a little sleepy.
If you have trouble viewing the Silverlight Version of the Video, you can get the WMV directly from (which is cool considering I don't work there yet, eh?)
So, again, that's:
- Silverlight Version of John Lam on IronRuby at PADNUG
- WMV Version of John Lam on Iron Ruby at PADNUG
Video doesn't work? Remember that Silverlight is NOT released, so things aren't necessarily 100%. If you are having trouble viewing this video, do me a favor. Go to a command-line and run MSINFO32.EXE.
You'll find it in one of two places - either in c:\windows\system32 or c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSInfo
Export the results to a text file via the File | Export option (the command line switches don't always work.) It WILL take a long time. Relax. Then, zip it up and send it to me. My email is my first name at my last name .com if you know what I mean. I'll forward it along.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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One question, why does John seem to have such a hard time using the keyboard? :)
Jeff - I couldn't get our projector to talk to John's Mac which was running a Vista VM anyway, so we ended up bridging the networking for the VM and then remoting with RDP to the VM inside the Mac from my ThinkPad and it's that keyboard that John is having trouble with.
Why did I do this player in Silverlight? Just playing around. In the future I'd like to include the sample code that is being discussed, running directly in Silverlight, and let the developer pause the video, and mess with the code I'm working on at the same time...another one of my ideas for my new job.
What struck me was it seemed that there were at least a couple of Ruby fanboys in the audience trying to "catch" John as misrepresenting the performance of IronRuby.
Stuff like (paraphrased) "Oh, you are using Ruby built in VC6" (implying) "that is why IronRuby is faster."
But my all-time favorite comment has to be: "You get the loop unrolling with the CLR". On 30,000,000 iterations? Sure.
I don't know how John stands it without screaming. At least he shut down the guy who claimed the while loop ends up as only two CPU instructions.
You said, "I'm going to try to keep this machine free of crapware, so I'm starting to be a lot more judicious about what I go installing (unlike last year.) Here's what I needed to get going this evening..." Did you start that before or after you installed your l"get going" list?
You should have done a VM!
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