Scott Hanselman

Thanks No

May 23, 2006 Comment on this post [3] Posted in DasBlog
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Here's a clever service from the makers of 43 Folders (a favorite getting things done site), it's

It's a friendly one page site that you would send to that friend, family member, or co-worker who sends you chain letters, jokes, pictures, videos, or other crap.

I think it's a pretty clever idea. I'm not sure what Miss Manners would think about it, but it feels reasonable from a netiquette point of view.

I seem to remember a number of other "one page sites" that were basically brochures presenting one point of view or the other.

Here's the few I remember:

  • Web Standards - A tasteful (used to be) page that you could redirect your users to, gently prodding them to download a decent browser. (A recent "standards-based redesign" now causes retinal damage. Be warned.)
  • Feed Icons - One page and a lot of images promoting the new standard icon for representing feeds. DasBlog uses these now.
  • Common Errors in English - I'm stretching here, as this is an index into many pages, but this is (to me) the definitive colloquial english site, highlighting common errors. I've sent this link to a few well meaning writers. I've also sent the link to myself at least a dozen times.
I've bookmarked a bunch more "For Reference" pages, but I can't find too many "one page, one idea" examples. My gut says there are many more.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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May 23, 2006 12:25
Oh the pain ... I didn't heed your retinal damage advice and decided to check out

It's 4:25am and my eyes are ruined for the day. : )
May 23, 2006 17:50
ThanksNo appears to be a much more polite way of handling things than I am often temped to do. However if they really get to you, send them to
May 27, 2006 5:38
Reminds me of those Birthday greetings you get from Corporate or what not. So impersonal but so politically correct it almost makes you want to gag from reading it. I have to admit my mom sends me those all the time and I love hear dearly so I just appreciate the fact that she sent me an email about a monkey peeing in its mouth!!! I do get a laugh out of them so I wont complain :) It can brighten up a bad day for me when I read them...

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