Scott Hanselman

Tiny USB Keychain Drives

March 21, 2007 Comment on this post [3] Posted in Tools
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I just picked up a few of these super-tiny USB drives as gifts for US$14.50 for 2 gigs it's a heck of a deal, the ones that are smaller than a VERY small stick of gum.

As one of the reviewers on Amazon said: "[If you were] carrying top secret KGB documents on this drive, you could easily swallow it and recover it later with little or no discomfort."

Personally, I've got an OCZ Mini-Kart, but this one is about 40% smaller. When will it end? How much smaller could this possibly be? Probably just the metal contacts by themselves.

The Mini-Kart has been a very good little drive, if a bit slow. The Sony MicroVault is well -thought off also, and is fast enough for ReadyBoost. The KingMax is now available up to 4gb and is also wicked small. Atwood likes the Transcend, but they are a little slow also.

Here's the lineup: 



Be sure to encrypt your drives if you store anything sensitive on them! I discussed this and TrueCrypt in my 2006 New Year's Resolution Post.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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March 21, 2007 1:52
"[If you were] carrying top secret KGB documents on this drive, you could easily swallow it and recover it later with little or no discomfort."

I think more products should be marketed by virtue of their ease of passage through the digestive system, don't you? :)
March 21, 2007 12:23
Yesterday I was at the CeBIT in Hannover, Germany. At the Trancsend stand I saw even smaller flash devices up to 4GB. And some pieces you (if you were a women) could wear as jewelry. They had necklets with bling-bling flash memory on it which after all was not even incredibly awfull :-)
March 21, 2007 15:37
Talking about our much loved TrueCrypt, they finally released the Vista-compatible version a few days ago. Hurray!

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