Updated for 2011 - McDonald's WiFi Guide with updates for Mac OS X Lion and Windows 7
There was a picture going around on Twitter today of the McDonald's FREE WiFi Connection instructions, looks like they are from Australia, copyright 2008.
Of course, this isn't the latest and greatest guide to connect to WiFi at McDonald's, so I've included an updated guide here for your reference.
The high quality PDF is available as well for printing or distributing at McDonald's. But who would do such a thing
Enjoy. ;)
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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For my local wifi, all I have to do in Snow Leopard is click the Airport menu, Turn Airport On, then select a network and enter the password.
If your intention was actually to provide a useful guide, then I fear you are doing a disservice to OS X by making it look way harder than it is.
My guess is McDonald's had a much higher volume of Windows users and thus faced many more oddball network configurations that contributed to complaints the free wifi didn't work. So the instructions for Windows were reprinted in excruciating detail, while the Mac instructions were left alone.
This is just friendly flame bait. :)
I'm not sure creating an additional incorrect fact sheet adds anything constructive to the discussion.
I would have liked to see a fact that just shows that OSX and Windows 7 are equivalent.
But hey, that's just me.
Don't you know that anything that Steve Jobs creates saves babies, saves the planet, helps old people live longer, makes baby seals smile, causes unicorns to appear, makes one's blood sugar always perfect and ends terrorism?
I am sure you know all of this and yet to create such a hate filled blog post that demonizes the 6 day creation of all Apple products.
What does this say about you as a person?
I am thoroughly disappointed and thought you were a better human being.
Obviously, you are blinded by your love of the devil (i.e. Windows) and cannot see good when it is right in front of your face.
Terry Bunio - I think I just DID show that they are equivalent. And, it's hilarious, so #win #win.
Publisher is hilarious on its own
-bash: connect: command not found
Terminal> sudo connect me some wifi
-conenction established
Gotta love those OSes with a Unix base!
It took me 30 minutes to get the blasted thing online. Incidentally, it took all of 15 seconds to connect my iPhone to the same network: I entered my domain credentials, it prompted me with a certificate, and upon tapping 'Accept' I was online. I can only assume the desktop Mac OS configuration is equally straightforward. Why Windows 7 cannot auto-resolve the configuration so elegantly is beyond me. It's leaps and bounds ahead of Windows XP, but it still has a long way to go.
If you connect your iphone to the corporate exchange watch some one configure their android phone and see what you phone auto accepted because jobs want one burton and one click!
..in fact you don't really want to bring it to their attention that there is a wifi network at all... who knows what they will get up to!
nice post.. my take on it is no one at macdonalds knew how to do anything other than the basic wifi set up on a mac, it clearly says need MORE help ... as in you did the two second set up and it didn't work for some reason...
but seriously who is "fan" of windows?
>> but seriously who is "fan" of windows?
Haha yes, really the most entertaining take away from this post!
Why are you all replying (almost the same reply) to BatsShadow who looks like a stereotypical Mac person who can't even understand a joke ? :D
Nice :)
- What stereotypical Mac fanboy reads a .NET blog?
- I just noticed in my RSS reader, the first image is made much smaller for some reason which suggests that you aren't really supposed to look that closely at it. I only opened the website to post my flame-ish comment. (Yep, you guessed it, it's Mac software - Gruml)
kk, flame away. Enjoy.
Reminds me of making typos while using a projector during a meeting/presentation
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