Visual Studio Web Development Tip - Add Chrome Incognito Mode as a Browser
Here's a little Visual Studio web development tip that I've been using lately. You know how Visual Studio picks up your installed browsers and has them available as a dropdown list?
I found it very useful when debugging to add Google Chrome's Incognito Mode as a browser of its own.
Pull down the chevron and click Browse With...
Add Chrome from either it's standard or user location:
- System: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\
- User: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application
Then add --incognito as command line switch and name the browser something like "Google Chrome - Incognito."
You can do the same thing with Firefox and Internet Explorer.
Here I'm adding Internet Explorer with the -private option.
This is a useful thing for developers if you're doing anything with cookies or caching and you've found yourself clearing the cache or browser history a lot.
Question for you dear Reader - Is this a feature you would want by default? Would you want not just every browser added, but also the Private Mode for each as well?
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Having it built in would be nice, but not such a big deal now that you've showed us how easy it is to add it ourselves. Thanks!
I've previously tried to add IE using the -private flag, it works fine, until you close VS (2013 Community), then it always launches in normal mode after that. Chrome seems to work though.
Shipping with these would be a nice touch.
These would be very useful by default. It would be even more useful if I could still hit javascript file breakpoints in VS when I'm using the "Internet Explorer - Incognito" option, but the symbols aren't loading when I select my new -private IE instance. (Although I'm still on VS2012, so maybe it's just that.)
There's a feature in Chrome: if you have dev panel opened and you click and hold reload button (UI button, not F5), it shows reload options including clear cache
This is a great tip too!
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