Web 2.0 Video: Here comes another bubble
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My high school friend Matt Hempey (we were in Intro to Physical Science in middle school also, so I've probably known Matt for 20+ years) and his a cappella group The Richter Scales have put out the definitive Web 2.0 Music Video. That's Matt on the solo. Matt used to work at Vertigo with Jeff Atwood but recently went to Paypal. He's living the Web 2.0 dream!
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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December 04, 2007 23:22
This is great!!!Too bad my 500 readers are probably a subset of your 21k and blogging about it will be just echo chambering :)
Friendship bracelets with streaming news... I'd buy that... Of course it won't be long before it is Condoms and a Stock Ticker....
Pingback: Check out this awesome song and video by The Richter Scales
Great video, thanks for sharing this.
Great video, thanks for sharing this.
NO!!! Don't blog about this song that's what he wants you to do!!! Didn't you hear the lyrics?!!! ;)
I already blogged about it, well, in Japanese.
I love this video! This one seconds Mac or PC video. LOL
I love this video! This one seconds Mac or PC video. LOL
Awesome. That school of your's must have had Brilliance essence in the water.
Reminds me of my old job... in Campbell, CA ... where we had "staff meetings" for the engineers ever Friday - complete with the cooler of beer.
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