Scott Hanselman

3D Printing (5)  ● Africa (95)  ● Agile (9)  ● AI (1)  ● Android (1)  ● AppFabric (3)  ● Apple (7)  ● Arcade (8)  ● ASP.NET (894)  ● ASP.NET Ajax (20)  ● ASP.NET Dynamic Data (30)  ● ASP.NET MVC (181)  ● ASP.NET Web API (15)  ● Azure (74)  ● BabySmash (19)  ● Back to Basics (31)  ● BCL (4)  ● Blogging (26)  ● Bugs (193)  ● Channel9 (23)  ● Cloud (2)  ● CodeRush (21)  ● Coding4Fun (42)  ● Corillian (26)  ● Daddy (2)  ● DasBlog (135)  ● Data (9)  ● Deployment (2)  ● DevCenter (1)  ● DevDays (5)  ● Diabetes (83)  ● DLR (7)  ● Docker (22)  ● DotNetCore (165)  ● eFinance (14)  ● Gaming (142)  ● Hardware (62)  ● Home Server (11)  ● HTML5 (18)  ● HttpHandler (16)  ● HttpModule (21)  ● Identity (3)  ● IE9 (6)  ● IIS (44)  ● INETA (8)  ● Internationalization (47)  ● IOC (2)  ● Javascript (113)  ● Kubernetes (2)  ● Learning .NET (160)  ● LINQ (21)  ● Linux (43)  ● Longhorn (11)  ● Lync (4)  ● Micro Framework (4)  ● Microsoft (96)  ● Mix (22)  ● Mobile (16)  ● Mono (3)  ● Movies (44)  ● MSBuild (2)  ● MSDN (11)  ● Musings (734)  ● Nant (39)  ● NCover (12)  ● NDC (11)  ● NDoc (6)  ● NerdDinner (8)  ● Newsletter (17)  ● nodejs (10)  ● NotNorthwind (2)  ● NuGet (43)  ● NuGetPOW (28)  ● NUnit (48)  ● Nupack (1)  ● OData (6)  ● Open Source (356)  ● Parenting (29)  ● PDC (69)  ● Personal (4)  ● PHP (4)  ● Podcast (316)  ● PowerShell (80)  ● Productivity (15)  ● Programming (270)  ● Python (7)  ● Remote Work (34)  ● Reviews (208)  ● Ruby (66)  ● Screencasts (33)  ● SignalR (6)  ● Silverlight (49)  ● Source Code (85)  ● Speaking (217)  ● Spotlight (2)  ● Subversion (15)  ● T (3)  ● TechEd (128)  ● Tiny Happy Features (3)  ● Tools (536)  ● VB (11)  ● ViewState (19)  ● Vista (2)  ● VS2010 (40)  ● VS2012 (14)  ● VS2013 (5)  ● VS2015 (11)  ● VS2017 (7)  ● VS2019 (8)  ● VSOnline (1)  ● Watir (21)  ● Web Services (448)  ● WebMatrix (9)  ● Win10 (74)  ● Win11 (5)  ● Win7 (26)  ● Win8 (29)  ● Windows Client (68)  ● WinPhone (15)  ● WPF (53)  ● XML (292)  ● XmlSerializer (32)  ● Z (38)  ●

3D Printing (5)

12/21/2015 3D Printing is for so much more than just making brightly colored plastic pieces of crap
09/09/2015 Review: Dremel 3D Printer and initial impressions of the HP Sprout
02/06/2015 3D Printer Shootout - $600 Printrbot vs. $20,000 uPrint SE Plus
02/01/2015 Creating exact 3D Models for 3D Printing with JavaScript and OpenJSCAD
01/27/2015 The Basics of 3D Printing in 2015 - from someone with 16 WHOLE HOURS' experience

Africa (95)

02/04/2017 NXTA - NexTech Africa Conference - Day 1 perspectives
03/05/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 203 - Women in Technology in the Muslim World
01/01/2010 2009 Blogged - Greatest Hits
04/04/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 156 - Dealing with Diversity in Agile Teams with Aslam Khan
01/03/2009 South Africa 2008: NewsFlash - Turns out eating less and moving more causes weight loss
01/02/2009 South Africa 2008 - Avoiding or Minimizing Jet Lag
01/02/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 144 - Week Three in South Africa - Ntombenhle
12/27/2008 South Africa 2008 - For Goodness' Sake, Go to the Airport Early
12/24/2008 South Africa 2008 - African Math and Just Now
12/23/2008 South Africa 2008 - Christmas Eve Eve Lightning Storm
12/23/2008 South Africa 2008 - Johannesburg Zoo
12/23/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 143 - Week Two in South Africa - Victor
12/22/2008 South Africa 2008 - Relative Fakery
12/22/2008 South Africa 2008 - Being Away from Home for a Long Time
12/20/2008 South Africa 2008 - Scott in the Time of Cholera
12/15/2008 South Africa 2008 - Visiting the Mall in Soweto
12/13/2008 South Africa 2008 - Emergency Taxis (Combis)
12/13/2008 South Africa 2008 - Communal Living and Relatives in Close Quarters
12/13/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 142 - Week One in South Africa - Vusi
12/13/2008 South Africa 2008 - Hyper-Vigilance
12/11/2008 South Africa 2008 - Limited, Ahem, Connectivity
12/11/2008 South Africa 2008 - Diabetic Time Zones
12/11/2008 South Africa 2008 - Media Makes Life Better
12/10/2008 South Africa 2008 - Travelling Long Distances with Kids and Babies
12/10/2008 South Africa 2008 - Being The White (or Black) Guy in the Family
12/10/2008 South Africa 2008 - Fence Culture
12/09/2008 South Africa 2008 – My Passport is Full
12/05/2008 South Africa 2008
04/05/2008 Memories of Zimbabwe - You can't afford to go home
04/14/2007 Custom Cultures - WinForms Font Embedding Code with Ethiopian Amharic for Vista and XP
01/23/2007 2007 African Music List
01/19/2007 Buy Local Art - Connecting with a Tanzanian Artist from Dar es Salaam
12/31/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 - Trip Rollup, we're back
12/25/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 24 - Travelling with an Infant
12/24/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 24 - Black Hair
12/23/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 24 - Kilimanjaro
12/23/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 23 - Where is the middle of nowhere
12/23/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 22 - Finding a Fundi
12/21/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 21 - The Arusha Fire Brigade
12/21/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 20 - Waiting for death's sweet release
12/19/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 17 - Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti National Park
12/17/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 15 - The UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
12/16/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 14 - Travelling as a Diabetic
12/13/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 12 - Maids
12/12/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 11 - Transportation
12/11/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 10 - Malaria
12/11/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 9 - Bandwidth
12/09/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 7
12/08/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 6
12/05/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 3
09/22/2006 The Internet in Zimbabwe is collapsing
01/23/2006 OnTurning0x20AndLookingBackArt2005
01/18/2006 XM Satellite Radio for Windows Media Center PC
01/12/2006 Zero to Three Month Baby Ultimate Tools List
01/09/2006 Podcasts at
12/28/2005 My Top Ten Albums for Chris Brooks
12/28/2005 My stark realization that I may be an early adopter
11/22/2005 XM Radio gets even cheaper
10/22/2005 October 2005 - My Reading List - Home
09/01/2005 Gas Prices around the world
08/24/2005 You must implement the Add(System.Object) method on MyClass because it inherits from IEnumerable
08/23/2005 August 2005 Quickie Update
06/13/2005 Time to get moving...
06/04/2005 Hotel Rwanda
05/19/2005 May 2005 - What is Scott up to?
04/25/2005 The definition of Ubuntu - Marketing the new Linux Distro
02/01/2005 Explaining the Ethiopic Numbering System and a tiny lesson on Amharic
01/01/2005 Blogs and Opinions - "Viewer Mail," an icky way to end the year? Or a good way to start the New Year...
05/20/2004 DVD-R, DVD+R, +-Confusion
05/11/2004 The Problem of Peristance: Storing and Backing up One's Life a Gigabyte at a Time
05/10/2004 Hooked on Skype
05/06/2004 My Last Few Weeks Summary Post
04/30/2004 The 2004 Africa Trip in Pictures
04/30/2004 And miles to go before I sleep...
04/18/2004 Now...South Africa
04/14/2004 More Magic in Morocco at the NDC
04/13/2004 A thousand words is worth one picture
04/07/2004 The North African Developer's Conference is upon us...
04/07/2004 More on presenting technical concepts to different cultures...
04/06/2004 MVP Summit Photo Blog
03/14/2004 NDC: North African Developer's Conference is upon us...
03/04/2004 Cargo-cult programming
01/31/2004 North African Developer's Conference is on!
01/26/2004 Moving life into CVS and DocumentLocator and the Authoritative Source
01/20/2004 On Turning 0x1E and looking back at 2003
12/25/2003 Merry Christmas: Reunited
11/09/2003 XBox Live v2 <xbox gamertag="Glucose"/>
10/31/2003 Avalon, Automation and Accessibility
09/06/2003 The Zen of .NET: Vacation Continues
08/19/2003 Roshambo and Rise of Nations
07/12/2003 The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen...
03/05/2003 Just exactly HOW powerful is Google? Just WHAT can you find?
02/11/2003 FAQ About Raising Multilingual Children
01/31/2003 The Friday Five 1 As a child who was your favorite superheroheroine Why I always dug Nightcrawler could telepor
01/22/2003 It's official, my twenties are winding down

Agile (9)

01/22/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 248 - Executable Specifications with Gojko Adzic, Jonas Bandi and Aslak Hellesoy
01/03/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 247 - From Agile Consultant to Agile Team Member with John Wilger
10/01/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 231 - Eric Sink on Distributed Version Control Systems
09/07/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 230 - Continuous Deployment with Jon Tørresdal
01/01/2010 2009 Blogged - Greatest Hits
07/21/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 171 - The Return of Uncle Bob
07/10/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 170 - Kanban Boards for Agile Project Management with Zen Author Nate Kohari
07/01/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 167 - Convention Over Configuration with Jeremy Miller
04/04/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 156 - Dealing with Diversity in Agile Teams with Aslam Khan

AI (1)

04/25/2023 GitHub Copilot for CLI for PowerShell

Android (1)

02/27/2012 How to upgrade an HP TouchPad to Android Ice Cream Sandwich

AppFabric (3)

07/01/2010 Installing, Configuring and Using Windows Server AppFabric and the "Velocity" Memory Cache in 10 minutes
06/25/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 219 - Demystifying Microsoft's Application Server: Windows Server AppFabric with Karandeep Anand
05/18/2010 Windows Server and Azure AppFabric virtual launch May 20th

Apple (7)

02/27/2019 Hey Siri, what's my blood sugar? Learning to Code with Apple's iPhone Shortcuts
06/11/2012 Simulating an iPhone or iPad browser for ASP.NET Mobile Web Development with WebMatrix 2 or Visual Studio 2012
03/17/2012 Getting a new iPhone or iPad? Don't forget to enter your password 7 times!
12/22/2011 Living a Microsoft lifestyle using Apple iOS products - Lync, OneNote, Xbox for iPhone and iPad and more, oh my
10/16/2011 There is only one Cloud Icon in the Entire Universe
08/13/2011 A suggested improved customer interaction with the Apple Store (and Cloud Services in general)
08/12/2011 Welcome to the Cloud - "Your Apple ID has been disabled."

Arcade (8)

07/14/2009 The Weekly Source Code 44 - Virtu, an Apple Emulator in C# for Silverlight, WPF and XNA
06/06/2009 Building your own Arcade Cabinet for Geeks - Part 7 - Success and Conclusion
06/06/2009 Building your own Arcade Cabinet for Geeks - Part 6 - Computer Hardware and Software
06/06/2009 Building your own Arcade Cabinet for Geeks - Part 5 - Paint and Art
06/06/2009 Building your own Arcade Cabinet for Geeks - Part 4 - Sound and Lights
06/06/2009 Building your own Arcade Cabinet for Geeks - Part 3 - Control Panel
06/05/2009 Building your own Arcade Cabinet for Geeks - Part 2 - The Monitor
06/05/2009 Building your own Arcade Cabinet for Geeks - Part 1 - The Cabinet

ASP.NET (894)

03/07/2024 Updating to .NET 8, updating to IHostBuilder, and running Playwright Tests within NUnit headless or headed on any OS
11/25/2021 JavaScript and TypeScript Projects with React, Angular, or Vue in Visual Studio 2022 with or without .NET
09/30/2021 ASP.NET Core Diagnostic Scenarios
09/14/2021 How to detect if the User's OS prefers dark mode and change your site with CSS and JS
08/19/2021 Carter Community for ASP.NET Core means enjoyable Web APIs on the cutting edge
08/05/2021 Exploring a minimal Web API with ASP.NET Core 6
11/03/2020 How to allow executable .exe files to be downloaded with ASP.NET Core and UseStaticFiles middleware
10/22/2020 Using the ASP.NET Core Environment Feature to manage Development vs. Production for any config file type
10/08/2020 Migrating this blog to Azure. It's done. Now the work begins.
09/23/2020 Blazor WebAssembly on Azure Static Web Apps
06/23/2020 Using the Blockly visual programming editor to call a .NET Core WebAPI
03/24/2020 Easily adding Security Headers to your ASP.NET Core web app and getting an A grade
03/06/2020 Adding a git commit hash and Azure DevOps Build Number and Build ID to an ASP.NET website
02/05/2020 Hundreds of practical ASP.NET Core samples to learn the fundamentals
12/10/2019 Updating an ASP.NET Core 2.2 Web Site to .NET Core 3.1 LTS
11/27/2019 The open source Carter Community Project adds opinionated elegance to ASP.NET Core routing
07/23/2019 System.Text.Json and new built-in JSON support in .NET Core
07/09/2019 Dealing with Application Base URLs and Razor link generation while hosting ASP.NET web apps behind Reverse Proxies
07/02/2019 Real World Cloud Migrations: Moving a 17 year old series of sites from bare metal to Azure
06/18/2019 Dynamically generating robots.txt for ASP.NET Core sites based on environment
06/04/2019 Clever little C# and ASP.NET Core features that make me happy
03/19/2019 What is Blazor and what is Razor Components?
02/22/2019 Learning about .NET Core futures by poking around at David Fowler's GitHub
12/14/2018 Useful ASP.NET Core 2.2 Features
12/12/2018 How to set up ASP.NET Core 2.2 Health Checks with BeatPulse's AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks
10/25/2018 ASP.NET Core 2.2 Parameter Transformers for clean URL generation and slugs in Razor Pages or MVC
10/16/2018 Customer Notes: Diagnosing issues under load of Web API app migrated to ASP.NET Core on Linux
08/29/2018 Improvements on ASP.NET Core deployments on Zeit's and making small container images
08/02/2018 Developing locally with ASP.NET Core under HTTPS, SSL, and Self-Signed Certs
07/25/2018 Example Code - Opinionated ContosoUniversity on ASP.NET Core 2.0's Razor Pages
06/23/2018 Using Flurl to easily build URLs and make testable HttpClient calls in .NET
06/20/2018 Using ASP.NET Core 2.1's HttpClientFactory with Refit's REST library
06/11/2018 ASP.NET Core Architect David Fowler's hidden gems in 2.1
05/23/2018 Real Browser Integration Testing with Selenium Standalone, Chrome, and ASP.NET Core 2.1
05/12/2018 Using LazyCache for clean and simple .NET Core in-memory caching
05/10/2018 Announcing .NET Core 2.1 RC 1 Go Live AND .NET Core 3.0 Futures
05/02/2018 The Programmer's Hindsight - Caching with HttpClientFactory and Polly Part 2
04/24/2018 Adding Resilience and Transient Fault handling to your .NET Core HttpClient with Polly
04/20/2018 HttpClientFactory for typed HttpClient instances in ASP.NET Core 2.1
04/11/2018 Updating jQuery-based Lazy Image Loading to IntersectionObserver
04/05/2018 Optimizing an ASP.NET Core site with Chrome's Lighthouse Auditor
03/30/2018 Easier functional and integration testing of ASP.NET Core applications
03/13/2018 Setting up Application Insights took 10 minutes. It created two days of work for me.
02/25/2018 Upgrading a 10 year old site to ASP.NET Core's Razor Pages using the URL Rewriting Middleware
11/08/2017 Lightweight bundling, minifying, and compression, for CSS and JavaScript with ASP.NET Core and Smidge
11/08/2017 WebOptimizer - a Bundler and Minifier for ASP.NET Core
10/12/2017 Botwin offers an interesting alternative option for routing with ASP.NET Core
04/19/2017 ASP.NET - Overposting/Mass Assignment Model Binding Security
03/18/2017 Options for CSS and JS Bundling and Minification with ASP.NET Core
03/15/2017 ZEIT now deployments of open source ASP.NET Core web apps with Docker
01/17/2017 Three FREE Training Courses on ASP.NET Core from Microsoft Virtual Academy
12/20/2016 Free Intermediate ASP.NET Core 1.0 Training on Microsoft Virtual Academy
12/11/2016 Exploring Wyam - a .NET Static Site Content Generator
11/23/2016 Publishing ASP.NET Core 1.1 applications to Azure using git deploy
10/27/2016 Free ASP.NET Core 1.0 Training on Microsoft Virtual Academy
10/14/2016 Exploring ASP.NET Core with Docker in both Linux and Windows Containers
10/08/2016 How to reference an existing .NET Framework Project in an ASP.NET Core 1.0 Web App
10/02/2016 Sharing Authorization Cookies between ASP.NET 4.x and ASP.NET Core 1.0
08/14/2016 Visual Studio 2015 - Fixing "Dependencies npm not installed" from fsevents with node on Windows
07/26/2016 Exploring a minimal WebAPI with ASP.NET Core
07/18/2016 Exploring dotnet new with .NET Core
06/27/2016 .NET Core 1.0 is now released!
06/23/2016 Adding a Custom Inline Route Constraint in ASP.NET Core 1.0
05/19/2016 .NET Core 1.0 RC2 - Upgrading from previous versions
04/14/2016 An update on ASP.NET Core 1.0 RC2
01/19/2016 ASP.NET 5 is dead - Introducing ASP.NET Core 1.0 and .NET Core 1.0
01/08/2016 When did we stop caring about memory management?
01/06/2016 Best practices for private config data and connection strings in configuration in ASP.NET and Azure
12/04/2015 Brainstorming development workflows with Docker, Kitematic, VirtualBox, Azure, ASP.NET, and Visual Studio
11/26/2015 RFC: Server-side Image and Graphics Processing with .NET Core and ASP.NET 5
11/19/2015 ASP.NET 5 and .NET Core RC1 in context (Plus all the Connect 2015 News)
10/20/2015 Integrating Visual Studio Code with dnx-watch to develop ASP.NET 5 applications
10/16/2015 Control how your bower packages are installed with a gulpfile in ASP.NET 5
10/02/2015 Introducing ASP.NET WebHooks Receivers - WebHooks made easy.
09/16/2015 Free Training at Microsoft Virtual Academy - Introduction to ASP.NET 5
05/27/2015 Publishing an ASP.NET 5 app to Docker on Linux with Visual Studio
04/29/2015 Introducing Visual Studio Code for Windows, Mac, and Linux
02/20/2015 Proper benchmarking to diagnose and solve a .NET serialization bottleneck
11/27/2014 OmniSharp - Making cross-platform .NET a reality, and a pleasure
11/20/2014 ASP.NET 5 (vNext) Work in Progress - Exploring TagHelpers
11/12/2014 Announcing .NET 2015 - .NET as Open Source, .NET on Mac and Linux, and Visual Studio Community
11/06/2014 NuGet Package of the Week - Courtesy Flush to flush buffers earlier and optimize time to first byte
09/02/2014 Introducing Gulp, Grunt, Bower, and npm support for Visual Studio
08/29/2014 ASP.NET vNext - August 2014 Status Rollup
08/26/2014 How to run Background Tasks in ASP.NET
06/17/2014 Thinktecture.IdentityManager as a replacement for the ASP.NET WebSite Administration tool
05/18/2014 The Future of .NET on the Server: ASP.NET vNext content and videos from TechEd 2014
05/12/2014 Introducing ASP.NET vNext
04/16/2014 Exploring ASP.NET Web Pages - A fully-featured MiniBlog using just Razor
04/08/2014 Adding Two-Factor authentication to an ASP.NET application
03/13/2014 Back to Basics: Assert your assumptions and diff your source code
02/07/2014 Checklist: What NOT to do in ASP.NET
02/05/2014 Building Modern Web Apps with ASP.NET - A new day of free ASP.NET Training for 2014
01/19/2014 How to display a QR code in ASP.NET and WPF
11/14/2013 Portable Class Libraries just got REALLY useful with new licensing changes
10/21/2013 SCREENCASTS: What's New in Visual Studio 2013 - learn over lunch!
10/19/2013 IE10 and IE11 and Windows 8.1 and __doPostBack
09/09/2013 Visual Studio 2013 RC for Web Developers - One ASP.NET, Browser Link, and our Direction
08/29/2013 The Magic of using Asynchronous Methods in ASP.NET 4.5 plus an important gotcha
07/30/2013 Download Visual Studio 2013 while your feedback still matters
07/20/2013 If you're not using Glimpse with ASP.NET for debugging and profiling, you're missing out
05/10/2013 Redirecting ASP.NET Legacy URLs to Extensionless with the IIS Rewrite Module
05/06/2013 One ASP.NET: Nancy.Templates for Visual Studio
05/02/2013 Penny Pinching in the Cloud: Enabling New Relic Performance Monitoring on Windows Azure Websites
04/30/2013 CDNs fail, but your scripts don't have to - fallback from CDN to local jQuery
03/26/2013 Changing ASP.NET web.config inheritance when mixing versions of child applications
03/20/2013 Moving old apps from IIS6 to IIS8 and why Classic Mode exists
02/28/2013 Building Web Apps with ASP.NET Jump Start - 8 Hours of FREE Training Videos
02/26/2013 RELEASED - Download Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7
02/18/2013 Released: ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 in Context
01/31/2013 Cross Browser Debugging integrated into Visual Studio with BrowserStack
01/24/2013 Integrating Mozilla Persona with ASP.NET
01/08/2013 How to keep your ASP.NET database connection strings secure when deploying to Azure from Source
01/01/2013 When in doubt, turn on Tracing
12/13/2012 ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 (Release Candidate)
11/05/2012 Videos of talks from the 2012 BUILD Conference - Angle Brackets and Curly Braces
10/01/2012 Making a switchable Desktop and Mobile site with ASP.NET MVC 4 and jQuery Mobile
09/20/2012 Moving a website to Azure while adding Continuous Deployment from Git
09/19/2012 WebMatrix 2 - Front End Web Developers take note (ASP.NET, PHP, node.js and more)
09/11/2012 ASP.NET Web Forms DynamicData FieldTemplates for DbGeography Spatial Types (plus Model Binders and Friendly URLs)
09/09/2012 Introducing ASP.NET FriendlyUrls - cleaner URLs, easier Routing, and Mobile Views for ASP.NET Web Forms
09/04/2012 ASP.NET MVC DisplayTemplate and EditorTemplates for Entity Framework DbGeography Spatial Types
08/17/2012 Installing HTTPIE (HTTP for Humans) on Windows - Great for ASP.NET Web API and RESTful JSON services
08/15/2012 Visual Studio 2012 and .NET Framework 4.5 is RELEASED - Here's 5 minute videos to get you up to speed quick
08/12/2012 Tiny Happy Features #3 - Publishing Improvements, chained Config Transforms and Deploying ASP.NET Apps from the Command Line
08/10/2012 Tiny Happy Features #2 - ASP.NET Web API in Visual Studio 2012
07/26/2012 Free ASP.NET Training Videos from aspConf now available for download or streaming
07/05/2012 FormsAuthentication on ASP.NET sites with the Google Chrome Browser on iOS
06/11/2012 Simulating an iPhone or iPad browser for ASP.NET Mobile Web Development with WebMatrix 2 or Visual Studio 2012
06/05/2012 ASP.NET for Mobile, One ASP.NET and Realtime ASP.NET with Signalr - Video of Scott Hanselman's talks in Russia
05/31/2012 Visual Studio 2012 RC is released - The Big Web Rollup
05/22/2012 ASP.NET MVC Beta and RC Upgrades - Confirm your Expectations and Version Numbers in Production Environments
04/23/2012 Create a great mobile experience for your website today. Please.
04/13/2012 The Big Glossary of Open Source JavaScript and Web Frameworks with Cool Names
04/07/2012 Back to Basics: Dynamic Image Generation, ASP.NET Controllers, Routing, IHttpHandlers, and runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests
03/28/2012 ASP.NET MVC 4, ASP.NET Web API and ASP.NET Web Pages v2 (Razor) now all open source with contributions
03/21/2012 Extending the Visual Studio 11 Web Browser Chooser and Browse With Menu to include Developer Profiles
03/20/2012 Features NO ONE NOTICED in Visual Studio 11 Express Beta for Web
03/06/2012 On the nightmare that is JSON Dates. Plus, JSON.NET and ASP.NET Web API
02/29/2012 Visual Studio 11 Beta in Context
02/25/2012 One ASP.NET - Making JSON Web APIs with ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta and ASP.NET Web API
02/01/2012 One ASP.NET Sneak Peek: Elegant Web Forms and Snowballs in Hell
12/02/2011 New ASP.NET website launched
11/12/2011 Solving the Shakespeare Million Monkeys Problem in Real-time with Parallelism and SignalR
11/08/2011 Useful Visual Studio Extension - Web Essentials from Mads Kristensen
11/06/2011 Back to Basics: Daylight Savings Time bugs strike again with SetLastModified
10/31/2011 NuGet Package of Week #11 - ImageResizer enables clean, clear image resizing in ASP.NET
10/10/2011 RFC: New website
09/27/2011 Rewriting a 5 year old VB.NET WebForms application as an ASP.NET Web Pages application with Razor
09/16/2011 New Tools and New Content - ASP.NET, Visual Studio 11 Web and .NET 4.5 Developer Preview (with commentary)
09/05/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #10 - New Mobile View Engines for ASP.NET MVC 3, spec-compatible with ASP.NET MVC 4
09/01/2011 The Importance (and Ease) of Minifying your CSS and JavaScript and Optimizing PNGs for your Blog or Website
08/29/2011 Asynchronous scalable web applications with real-time persistent long-running connections with SignalR
08/26/2011 NerdDinner being updated to MVC3 with Razor, HTML5, GeoLocation, EF CodeFirst, jQuery Mobile, YepNope and Modernizr and a fixed Mobile Device Capabilities ViewEngine
08/25/2011 Learning about Progressive Enhancement - Supporting Mobile Browsers with CSS3 Media Queries
08/23/2011 SlowCheetah - Web.config Transformation Syntax now generalized for any XML configuration file
08/18/2011 Bug and Fix: ASP.NET fails to detect IE10 causing _doPostBack is undefined JavaScript error or maintain FF5 scrollbar position
08/09/2011 Ajax Control Toolkit July 2011 Release - Now on NuGet
07/22/2011 CoffeeScript, Sass and LESS support for Visual Studio and ASP.NET with the Mindscape Web Workbench
07/22/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #9 - ASP.NET MiniProfiler from StackExchange rocks your world
07/06/2011 JavaScript is Assembly Language for the Web: Sematic Markup is Dead! Clean vs. Machine-coded HTML
06/29/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 272 - Basics of Web Security with Barry Dorrans
06/27/2011 Using Code Signing Certificates to sign downloaded MSIs and build reputation with IE9 SmartScreen
06/16/2011 Introducing System.Web.Providers - ASP.NET Universal Providers for Session, Membership, Roles and User Profile on SQL Compact and SQL Azure
06/15/2011 Announcing the Web Standards Update - HTML5 Support for the Visual Studio 2010 Editor
06/14/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 270 - Nancy, Sinatra and the Explosion of .NET Micro Web Frameworks with Andreas Håkansson
05/26/2011 Globalization, Internationalization and Localization in ASP.NET MVC 3, JavaScript and jQuery - Part 1
05/23/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #7 - ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers) with SQL Server Compact
05/05/2011 Developer Stand up Comedy - Coding 4 Fun
05/04/2011 Should I use HTML5 or Silverlight? One man's opinion.
05/02/2011 TechDays/DevDays Netherlands and Belgium:
04/21/2011 Working with SSL at Development Time is easier with IISExpress
04/21/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 261 - ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update with Phil Haack
04/19/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #5 - Debugging ASP.NET MVC applications with Glimpse
04/18/2011 Mix 11 Videos - Download them all with RSS
04/13/2011 Mix 11 - Web Platform and Tools Keynote Demo Script
03/30/2011 Enabling dynamic compression (gzip, deflate) for WCF Data Feeds, OData and other custom services in IIS7
03/28/2011 Modifying the default code generation/scaffolding templates in ASP.NET MVC
03/21/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 257 - Selenium for Web Automation Testing with Jim Evans
03/15/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #2 - MvcMailer sends mails with ASP.NET MVC Razor Views and Scaffolding
03/09/2011 NuGet Action Plan - Upgrade to 1.1, Setup Automatic Updates, Get NuGet Package Explorer
03/07/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #1 - ASP.NET Sprite and Image Optimization
03/04/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 256 - JavaScript and jQuery: Moving beyond Alert()
03/02/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 255 - The Opinionated Cloud - Learning about AppHarbor
02/22/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 254 - ASP.NET Web Forms - Reports of my Death of been exaggerated, with Damian Edwards
02/18/2011 Updating and Publishing a NuGet Package - Plus making NuGet packages smarter and avoiding source edits with WebActivator
02/15/2011 Creating a NuGet Package in 7 easy steps - Plus using NuGet to integrate ASP.NET MVC 3 into existing Web Forms applications
01/29/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 251 - HTML5 Basics with Mads Kristensen
01/25/2011 Mixing Razor Views and WebForms Master Pages with ASP.NET MVC 3
01/14/2011 Link Rollup: New Documentation and Tutorials from Web Platform and Tools
01/13/2011 ASP.NET MVC3, WebMatrix, NuGet, IIS Express and Orchard released - The Microsoft January Web Release in Context
01/06/2011 Integrating ASP.NET MVC 3 into existing upgraded ASP.NET 4 Web Forms applications
12/18/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 244 - Kayak, OWIN, Open Source Web Servers and more with Benjamin van der Veen
12/10/2010 Visual Studio Explosion! - VS2010 SP1 *BETA* Released and Context
12/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 243 - Knockout JavaScript with Steve Sanderson
11/24/2010 BIN Deploying ASP.NET MVC 3 with Razor to a Windows Server without MVC installed
11/19/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 238 - ASP.NET MVC 3 RC and NuGet Package Management with Phil Haack
11/17/2010 A Better ASP.NET MVC Mobile Device Capabilities ViewEngine
11/05/2010 PDC10: Building a Blog with Microsoft "Unnamed Package of Web Love"
10/22/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 236 - Misunderstanding REST with Mike Amundsen
10/06/2010 Introducing NuGet Package Management for .NET - Another piece of the Web Stack
10/01/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 233 - Inside the Naked Objects Framework with Richard Pawson
09/15/2010 IE9, Site Specific Browsers, and adding your own Jump List Items to Pinned Tabs
09/07/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 230 - Continuous Deployment with Jon Tørresdal
08/21/2010 How to change the default browser in Visual Studio programmatically with PowerShell and possibly poke yourself in the eye
08/20/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 227 - Inside Expression SuperPreview with developer Mike Calvo
08/12/2010 The Weekly Source Code 56 - Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit - Code Contracts, Parallel Framework and COM Interop
08/10/2010 How to Post Code To Your Blog and other Religious Arguments
08/02/2010 The Weekly Source Code 55 - NotABlog: A Local XML-RPC MetaWebLog Endpoint That Lies To Windows Live Writer
07/30/2010 Microsoft "Daily Build" Nerd Dinner - August 4th in Seattle, Redmond
07/27/2010 ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1 Released – Channel 9 Video and Hanselminutes Podcast 224, Oh My!
07/15/2010 Simple Code First with Entity Framework 4 - Magic Unicorn Feature CTP 4
07/06/2010 Microsoft WebMatrix in Context and Deploying Your First Site
07/01/2010 Installing, Configuring and Using Windows Server AppFabric and the "Velocity" Memory Cache in 10 minutes
06/18/2010 The Weekly Source Code 52 - You keep using that LINQ, I dunna think it means what you think it means.
06/11/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 217 - MVC Turbine and IoC made easy with Javier Lozano
06/09/2010 Experiments in Wackiness: Allowing percents, angle-brackets, and other naughty things in the ASP.NET/IIS Request URL
05/20/2010 Extending NerdDinner: Exploring Different Database Options
05/20/2010 Extending NerdDinner: Adding MEF and plugins to ASP.NET MVC
05/18/2010 Most Common ASP.NET Support issues - Reporting from deep inside Microsoft Developer Support
05/02/2010 Free WebCamps - North America, Asia and Europe - *Sign Up Now*
04/30/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 213 - Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) and LinFu with Philip Laureano
04/28/2010 Web Platform Installer 2.0 and Visual Studio Web Developer 2010 Express
04/12/2010 Visual Studio 2010 Released
04/12/2010 ASP.NET 4 - Breaking Changes and Stuff to be Aware of
04/09/2010 Spring Speaking Rollup 2010: Recent Talks and Upcoming Talks at Microsoft WebCamps
04/06/2010 Infinite Scroll WebSites via AutoPagerize - Hacky, but the beginning of something cool
03/28/2010 Creating an OData API for StackOverflow including XML and JSON in 30 minutes
03/28/2010 .NET 4 Web Application Startup Time
03/24/2010 Web Deployment Made Awesome: If You're Using XCopy, You're Doing It Wrong
03/12/2010 ASP.NET MVC 2 Released
03/06/2010 Video Trip Report: If this is Tuesday, this must be Cairo
03/02/2010 The Weekly Source Code 51 - Asynchronous Database Access and LINQ to SQL Fun
02/25/2010 Put Missing Kids on your 404 Page - Entirely Client-Side Solution with YQL, jQuery, and MSAjax
02/21/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 202 - A different way to do ASP.NET WebForms with WebFormsMVP
02/18/2010 The Weekly Source Code 50 - A little on "A generic error occurred in GDI+" and trouble generating images on with ASP.NET
02/09/2010 SmallestDotNet Update - Now with .NET 4 support and an includable JavaScript API
02/05/2010 Installing and Setting Up and Encoding for IIS 7 Smooth Streaming and Silverlight
02/04/2010 Back to Basics - Keep it Simple and Develop Your Sense of Smell - From Linq To CSV
02/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 198 - Reactive Extensions for .NET (Rx) with Erik Meijer
02/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 196 - .NET 4 CLR, Framework and Language Chat with Jason Olson
01/27/2010 The Weekly Source Code 48 - DynamicQueryable makes custom LINQ expressions easier
01/20/2010 How many PCs in the world have the .NET Framework installed?
01/14/2010 2010 Survey Results: What .NET Framework features do you use?
01/14/2010 Favor - Help Us Test .NET 4 Beta 2 on Windows Update (WU)
01/13/2010 The Weekly Source Code 47 - ASP.NET 3.5 Dynamic Data: FilterRepeaters and Dynamic Linq Query Generation
01/08/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 192: The Spark View Engine for ASP.NET MVC with Louis DeJardin
01/07/2010 How SparkFun (and and small commerce or startup websites can scale
01/01/2010 2009 Blogged - Greatest Hits
12/02/2009 PDC09: ASP.NET MVC 2: Ninjas Still on Fire Black Belt Tips
12/02/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 188: ASP.NET MVC 2 Beta with Phil Haack
12/02/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 186: .NET Debugging 101 with Tess Ferrandez
11/12/2009 Our little team is growing - Welcome to Jon Galloway and Pete Brown
10/21/2009 The Minutes On 9 - Channel 9 Video Interviews with the ASP.NET 4 Team
10/19/2009 Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2
10/17/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 184: Preview of ASP.NET 4 with Scott Hunter
10/08/2009 A new MSDN for a new Operating System and a new Development Environment
10/02/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 182 - The History and Future of Web Standards with Molly Holzschlag from
09/23/2009 MultiBrowser or CrossBrowser Testing and deconstructing Microsoft Expression Web SuperPreview
09/22/2009 Programming for Absolute Beginners
08/17/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 175 - Optimizing Your Website with Jeff Atwood and Stackoverflow
08/14/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 174 - Hanselminutiae-five with Richard Campbell
07/31/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - ASP.NET MVC 2 Preview 1 Released
07/01/2009 Videos from the Norwegian Developer's Conference
06/25/2009 The Weekly Source Code 43 - ASP.NET MVC and T4 and NerdDinner
06/24/2009 ASP.NET Ajax - Script Combining and moving ScriptResource.axd's to Static Scripts
06/23/2009 These are the little bugs that lead to madness
06/23/2009 Back to Basics - Trust Nothing as User Input Comes from All Over
05/19/2009 ASP 4 - Whirlwind Tour around .NET 4 (and Visual Studio 2010) Beta 1
05/05/2009 ELMAH and Exception Driven Development FTW
04/23/2009 ELMAH: Error Logging Modules and Handlers for ASP.NET (and MVC too!)
04/17/2009 Low Bandwidth View and other Hidden (and Future) Features of MSDN
04/02/2009 Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 1.0 is now Open Source MS-PL
04/01/2009 .NET 4.1 Preview - New Base Class Library (BCL) Extension Methods - RFC
03/28/2009 Mix09: Hanselminutes on Channel 9
03/26/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 154 - ASP.NET and the Mobile Web
03/20/2009 Mix: Mobile Web Sites with ASP.NET MVC and the Mobile Browser Definition File
03/20/2009 Mix 09 - First Half Rollup and Session Videos
03/18/2009 Microsoft Web Platform, Web Application Gallery, Web Platform Installer (and DasBlog)
03/10/2009 Free ASP.NET MVC eBook - Walkthrough
02/26/2009 Splitting DateTime - Unit Testing ASP.NET MVC Custom Model Binders
02/24/2009 IE6 Warning - Stop Living In The Past - Get off of IE6
02/13/2009 ASP.NET Wire Format for Model Binding to Arrays, Lists, Collections, Dictionaries
02/12/2009 Moonlight 1.0 Release - Open Source Silverlight 1.0 Implementation on Linux
02/11/2009 Back to Basics: 32-bit and 64-bit confusion around x86 and x64 and the .NET Framework and CLR
02/10/2009 Hanselman List of Podcasts for .NET Programmers
02/10/2009 UrlScan and ADO.NET Data Services (Astoria)
02/06/2009 IPrincipal (User) ModelBinder in ASP.NET MVC for easier testing
01/29/2009 RTFLF - Read the Expletive Log File
01/27/2009 BizSpark - Free Software and Production Licenses for Startups in the Startup Phase
01/19/2009 ASP Dynamic Data Preview - More ways to exploit ADO.NET Data Services for fun and profit
01/16/2009 Real World Apps in Days not Weeks
01/05/2009 ASP.NET MVC Design Gallery
12/17/2008 ASP.NET MVC Samples, Oxite, and Community
12/04/2008 The Weekly Source Code 38 - ASP.NET MVC Beta Obscurity - ModelState.IsValid is False because ModelBinder pulls values from RouteData
12/02/2008 Best Code Syntax Highlighter for Snippets in your Blog
11/27/2008 The Weekly Source Code 37 - Geolocation/Geotargeting (Reverse IP Address Lookup) in ASP.NET MVC made easy
11/25/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 135 - StackOverflow Behind The Music - Unedited Outtakes Show
11/24/2008 Web Platform Installer now supports XP - And the Master Plan continues
11/15/2008 Update on the GDR that is coming for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
11/13/2008 Using Crowdsourcing for Expanding Localization of Products
11/06/2008 ASP.NET and jQuery
11/06/2008 The Weekly Source Code 36 - PDC, BabySmash and Silverlight Charting
10/22/2008 The Weekly Source Code 35 - Zip Compressing ASP.NET Session and Cache State
10/22/2008 Survey RESULTS: What .NET Framework features do you use?
10/19/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 134 - StackOverflow uses ASP.NET MVC - Jeff Atwood and his technical team
10/19/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 132 - Subsonic with Rob Conery
10/17/2008 PDC Preparation Presses...
10/17/2008 Microsoft Web Application Installer - Open Source Web Apps Delivered and Installed
10/16/2008 ASP.NET MVC Beta released - Coolness Ensues
10/14/2008 T4 (Text Template Transformation Toolkit) Code Generation - Best Kept Visual Studio Secret
10/14/2008 Silverlight 2 is out!
10/14/2008 Survey Time: What .NET Framework features do you use?
10/10/2008 ASP.NET MVC and the new IIS7 Rewrite Module
10/09/2008 PDC: Microsoft .NET Framework: Overview and Applications for Babies
10/03/2008 Web Platform Installer: Trying to make it easier to setup for web development
10/01/2008 Plug-In Hybrids: ASP.NET WebForms and ASP.MVC and ASP.NET Dynamic Data Side By Side
09/28/2008 jQuery to ship with ASP.NET MVC and Visual Studio
09/23/2008 Update on .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and Windows Update
09/21/2008 Hanselminutes Podcasts 130 - JavaScript gets Faster: Brendan Eich, CTO of Mozilla Corporation and Creator of JavaScript
09/16/2008 Hanselminutes Podcasts 128 and 129 - Ajax with Scott Cate and JavaScript with Bertrand Le Roy
09/11/2008 The .NET Framework and the Browser's UserAgent String
09/05/2008 Firefox, ClickOnce, XBAPs and .NET 3.5 SP1
08/24/2008 SmallestDotNet: On the Size of the .NET Framework
08/21/2008 ASP.NET Futures - Generating Dynamic Images with HttpHandlers gets Easier
08/21/2008 The Weekly Source Code 32- Atom, AtomPub and BlogSvc, an AtomPub Server in WCF
08/15/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 126 - Chat with John Resig, Creator of jQuery
08/13/2008 Hidden Gems - Not the same old 3.5 SP1 post
08/11/2008 Hacked! And I didn't like it - URLScan is Step Zero
08/08/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 125 - Accessibility in Web and Rich Applications
07/25/2008 Make your Website Mobile and iPhone Friendly - Add Home Screen iPhone Icons and Adjust the ViewPort
07/21/2008 The Weekly Source Code 30 - Spark and NHaml - Crazy ASP.NET MVC ViewEngines
07/16/2008 ASP.NET MVC Preview 4 - Using Ajax and Ajax.Form
07/15/2008 July 22nd - Seattle/Redmond/Bellevue Nerd Dinner
07/08/2008 Deploying ASP.NET MVC on ASP.NET 2.0
07/03/2008 The Weekly Source Code 30 - VB.NET with XML Literals as a View Engine for ASP.NET MVC
07/01/2008 How to Programmatically tell if an IIS AppPool is 32-bit or 64-bit
06/28/2008 A Back To Basics Case Study: Implementing HTTP File Upload with ASP.NET MVC including Tests and Mocks
06/09/2008 The Weekly Source Code 28 - iPhone with ASP.NET MVC Edition
06/08/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 116 - Distributed Caching with Microsoft's Velocity
05/27/2008 ASP.NET MVC Preview 3
05/16/2008 Mix 08 Sessions available in new dual-stream versions using Silverlight
05/12/2008 VS2008 and .Net 3.5 SP1 Beta - Should You Fear This Release?
05/10/2008 The Weekly Source Code 26 - LINQ to Regular Expressions and Processing in Javascript
04/30/2008 The Weekly Source Code 25 - OpenID Edition
04/26/2008 Hack: Parallel MSBuilds from within the Visual Studio IDE
04/26/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 109 - ASP.NET Dynamic Data with Scott Hunter
04/24/2008 Faster Builds with MSBuild using Parallel Builds and Multicore CPUs
04/24/2008 Books: We need more So What, Now What and What For? and less just What
04/18/2008 The Weekly Source Code 24 - Extensibility Edition - PlugIns, Providers, Attributes, AddIns and Modules in .NET
04/11/2008 Putting ASP.NET Dynamic Data into Context
04/01/2008 How to set an IIS Application or AppPool to use ASP.NET 3.5 rather than 2.0
03/27/2008 The Weekly Source Code 22 - C# and VB .NET Libraries to Digg, Flickr, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Live Services, Google and other Web 2.0 APIs
03/22/2008 IronPython and the DLR march on
03/21/2008 The Weekly Source Code 21 - ASP.NET MVC Preview 2 Source Code
03/21/2008 ASP.NET MVC Source Code Available
03/13/2008 I'm Just a Caveman - The Hanselman Corollary to the Clarke/Wheeler Laws
03/12/2008 ASP.NET MVC Cheesy Northwind Sample Code
03/08/2008 ASP.NET MVC Session at Mix08, TDD and MvcMockHelpers
03/05/2008 ASP.NET MVC Preview 2 Screencast Tutorials
02/29/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 102 - Mike Pizzo on the ADO.NET Entity Framework
02/27/2008 The Weekly Source Code 17 - ASP.NET MVC Community Code Edition
02/17/2008 This Week on Channel 9: Feb 15
02/15/2008 Geek Developer Cribs on10
02/15/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 100 - Building Community with Norm Judah - CTO of Microsoft Services
02/12/2008 MS-Ajax Client Javascript integrated within the Aptana IDE
02/08/2008 ASP.NET Wiki Beta
02/07/2008 Visual Studio Programmer Themes Gallery
02/02/2008 MS Deploy - New IIS Web Deployment Tool
01/31/2008 First Half 2008 Conference Speaking Schedule
01/31/2008 The Weekly Source Code 14 - Fluent Interface Edition
01/31/2008 February 13th - Seattle/Redmond/Bellevue Nerd Dinner
01/30/2008 Troubleshooting Expired ASP.NET Session State and Your Options
01/25/2008 ASP.NET MVC - WebForms Unplugged
01/24/2008 The Weekly Source Code 13 - Fibonacci Edition
01/23/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 97 - ADO.NET &quot;Astoria&quot; Data Services with Shawn Wildermuth
01/17/2008 Get namespaces from an XML Document with XPathDocument and LINQ to XML
01/17/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast available on Zune
01/16/2008 .NET Framework Library Source Code available for viewing
01/15/2008 Your Opinion Matters - Screencast Techniques Survey RESULTS
01/15/2008 Book - Professional ASP.NET 3.5: in C# and VB
01/14/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 96 - Starting Small with F# with Dustin Campbell
01/14/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 93 - Pex with Jonathan 'Peli' de Halleux and Nikolai Tillmann
01/10/2008 Is rooting for Visual Basic like rooting for the Red Sox?
01/08/2008 The Weekly Source Code 12 - Back in Black Edition
12/21/2007 How-To: New ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Video Screencasts
12/19/2007 Moq: Linq, Lambdas and Predicates applied to Mock Objects
12/15/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 92 - Visual Basic Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow with Paul Vick
12/13/2007 Your Opinion Matters - Screencast Techniques Survey
12/10/2007 ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions - plus MVC How-To Screencast
12/03/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 90 - Dan Appleman
12/03/2007 CodeMash 2008 - January 10th
12/01/2007 Wiring the house for a Home Network - Part 5 - Gigabit Throughput and Vista
11/27/2007 Visual Studio 2008 InstallFest - Portland Edition
11/16/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 89 - Larry Osterman Makes Windows Go Ding
11/11/2007 The Weekly Source Code 11 - LOLCode DLR Edition
11/10/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 88 - Writing FaceBook Applications with .NET - Interview with Mel Sampat, author of OutSync
11/09/2007 DevConnections and PNPSummit MVC Demos Source Code
11/08/2007 DevConnections - The ASP.NET MVC Framework
10/31/2007 Parsing CSVs and Poor Man's Web Log Analysis with PowerShell
10/31/2007 The Weekly Source Code 10 - Patterns Considered Harmful
10/29/2007 November 8th - Seattle/Redmond/Bellevue Nerd Dinner
10/28/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 86 - Open Source Software Licensing with Jonathan Zuck of ACT Online
10/25/2007 Release IS NOT Debug: 64bit Optimizations and C# Method Inlining in Release Build Call Stacks
10/24/2007 Screencast HowTo: IIS7 and PHP with FastCGI
10/23/2007 DevConnections/ASPConnections 2007 in Vegas
10/23/2007 The Weekly Source Code 9 - WideFinder Edition
10/20/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 85 - - Moving from LAMP to .NET 3.5
10/15/2007 Catching RedBits differences in .NET 2.0 and .NET 2.0SP1
10/15/2007 If your method can't do what it's name promises it can, throw
10/12/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 84 - Concurency Programming with .NET Parallel Framework Extensions
10/11/2007 The Weekly Source Code 7
10/09/2007 ScottGu MVC Presentation and ScottHa Screencast from ALT.NET Conference
10/06/2007 Mixing Languages in a Single Assembly in Visual Studio seamlessly with ILMerge and MSBuild
09/27/2007 How-To: Installing Windows Virtualization Services (Hypervisor) on Windows Server 2008 RC0
09/21/2007 Multi-threaded Debugging in Visual Studio 2008
09/21/2007 Managing Multiple Configuration File Environments with Pre-Build Events
09/17/2007 ASMX SoapExtension to Strip out Whitespace and New Lines
09/16/2007 Changing where XmlSerializer Outputs Temporary Assemblies
08/31/2007 Fixing Instance Failure when connecting to SQL Server 2005 Express
08/22/2007 DNRTV Screencast - ASP.NET Debugging and Tracing Part 2
08/16/2007 dasBlog 2.0 Released
08/13/2007 Preventing Comment, Trackback and Referral Spam in dasBlog
08/12/2007 Coming Tuesday - dasBlog 2.0 and Medium Trust
08/07/2007 Bug Migrating Web.config with a browserCaps section to IIS7
08/07/2007 32bitness and 64bitness and migrating DasBlog on IIS7 and ASP.NET under Vista64
06/26/2007 DasBlog 1.9.7 Release - Final ASP.NET 1.1 Version
06/14/2007 Error connecting to undo manager of source file &quot;whatever designer&quot;
05/21/2007 Is Microsoft losing the Alpha Geeks?
05/13/2007 DNRTV Screencast - ASP.NET Debugging and Tracing
05/01/2007 Putting Mix, Silverlight, the CoreCLR and the DLR into context
04/27/2007 Silverlight is Argentum in a Flash
04/20/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 60 - Silverlight and Web 2.5
04/11/2007 Accessing Mapped Network Drives via ASP.NET in IIS 6
04/06/2007 Are Blog URLs important?
04/03/2007 Gamma Correction and Color Correction - PNG is still too hard
04/01/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 57 - Polita Paulus and The Minutes on Nine #1
03/29/2007 Life Beyond Pie Charts: The right visualization for the right job
03/28/2007 Hanselminutes on Channel 9 - Video #1
03/22/2007 A Better Way for ClickOnce and FireFox
03/20/2007 Some Trouble with Wildcard SSL Certificates, FireFox and RFC2818
03/16/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 55 - MonoRail as Alternative ASP.NET
02/23/2007 Google GuestMap 2007 and adding Google Maps to your Site
02/22/2007 Binary Fortress Software's ASP.NET ViewState Helper - A Treasure Trove of Tools
02/22/2007 Using ISAPI_Rewrite to canonicalize ASP.NET URLs and remove default.aspx
02/17/2007 RFC: How FeedReaders and MacGyver report blog subscribers - Tunneled User-Agent Data
02/17/2007 Adding a Timeline to DasBlog with the SIMILE Timeline Library
02/16/2007 Clean up your Temp Files
02/15/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 51 - Static Code Analysis with NDepend
02/10/2007 How to force all cookies to Secure under ASP.NET 1.1
02/01/2007 Conditionally Serve Files Statically or Dynamically with HttpHandlers
01/20/2007 Windows Vista SideBar Gadget for AirLink Web Cam
01/11/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 46 - Windows Presentation Foundation Everywhere WPF/E
01/06/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 45 - IronPython ASP.NET and Language Extensibility
01/03/2007 FavIcon.ico can be a bandwidth hog
12/21/2006 - Interviewed by Ron Jacobs at TechEd 2006
12/13/2006 CardSpace InformationCard Extension for FireFox
11/30/2006 CardSpace/InfoCard for .NET 1.1
11/23/2006 MIcrosoft Best Practices Analyzer Tools
11/17/2006 Making the ASP.NET Mobile Controls render RTL languages
10/23/2006 Avoid using Impersonation in ASP.NET
10/17/2006 Ohloh? Oo la la - Open Source Project Analysis
10/12/2006 Free Chapter Excerpts from Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Special Edition
10/11/2006 Ajax Links - October 2006
10/10/2006 The Wisdom of IE7 and Suspicious Web Sites
10/05/2006 Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Special Edition (Hardcover) now available at Amazon
09/29/2006 The Importance of being UTF-8
09/26/2006 What's the upper limit on the number of projects within VS2005?
09/26/2006 Why Would a .NET Programmer Learn Ruby on Rails?
09/25/2006 Programmatically Mapping an IIS Vdir/AppPool to .NET Framework 2.0
09/22/2006 DasBlog 1.9 Released
09/19/2006 Preventing Dialogs on the Server-Side in ASP.NET or Trace.Fail considered Harmful
09/13/2006 IE7 RC1 can't update Password Protected Feeds
09/05/2006 Microsummaries - Über Simple Syndication
08/30/2006 SOLVED: How to Force IIS to load a certain version of the .NET CLR
08/30/2006 Good Exception Management Rules of Thumb
08/29/2006 Making DasBlog work on Mobile Devices
08/29/2006 Scott Hanselman's 2006 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows
08/22/2006 August Madness - A tale of Classic ASP, Two CLRs, IIS, and COM Interop
08/22/2006 Google Sitemaps
08/18/2006 WATIR for .NET - WatiN approaches 0.8 release and automating IE from PowerShell
08/03/2006 Upcoming DasBlog 1.9
08/02/2006 Example: How to contribute a patch to an Open Source Project like DasBlog
08/01/2006 The importance of P3P and a Compact Privacy Policy
07/26/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 26 - Globalization/Internationalization with .NET
07/24/2006 Internationalization and Classic ASP
07/21/2006 Review: Garmin Nuvi 350 GPS
07/21/2006 How to get Cookieless FormsAuthentication to work with self-issued FormsAuthenticationTickets and custom UserData
07/21/2006 How to show multiple columns in an ASP.NET Mobile ObjectList
07/20/2006 Time Saver - Using Watir as a Startup Program in your ASP.NET Projects
07/20/2006 A half-year Podcasts
07/19/2006 Roy Osherove's Windows Desktop Beauty Contest 2006
07/19/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 25 - Scott's .NET Blogroll (for July 2006 at least)
07/19/2006 Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Special Edition coming in September
07/18/2006 Portland Code Camp 2006 contracts and expands
07/14/2006 A better PROMPT for CMD.EXE or Cool Prompt Environment Variables and a nice transparent multi-prompt
07/13/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 24 - More Advanced PowerShell
07/10/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 23 - Scrum and Scrum Resources
07/07/2006 WatirMaker written again in Ruby
07/05/2006 Serializing Objects as JavaScript using Atlas, JSON.NET and AjaxPro
06/30/2006 PowerShell, AnkhSVN and Subversion
06/29/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 22
06/22/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 21
06/09/2006 TechEd 2006 Approaches
06/08/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 20
05/31/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 19
05/26/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 18
05/17/2006 Looking for Senior Software Developer at Corillian
05/12/2006 Forcing an update of a cached JavaScript file in IIS
05/11/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 17
05/03/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 16
05/01/2006 Making Negative Numbers turn Red using CSS and Javascript
04/30/2006 ASP.NET MVP Hacks
04/27/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 15
04/27/2006 DasBlog moved from CVS to SVN
04/19/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 14
04/17/2006 April 2006 - Corillian is hiring
04/12/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 13
04/08/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 12
04/06/2006 Debugging the ASP.NET worker process running at 100%
03/30/2006 XHTML Validating HttpModule for ASP.NET 2
03/29/2006 Visual Studio 2003 disappears when opening a Web Project
03/28/2006 AnkhSVN and a Monad SVN Provider?
03/23/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 11
03/19/2006 Not quite enumerating (iterating) enums
03/18/2006 Microsoft Fingerprint Reader and Password Minder
03/15/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 10
03/10/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 9
03/01/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 8
02/23/2006 Leaning on the Language and Leaning on the Libraries
02/23/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 7
02/22/2006 INETA ASP.NET Canada Roadshow
02/22/2006 Speaking at TechEd 2006
02/20/2006 Answering Questions (and putting your gamercard on your desktop)
02/16/2006 NCoverExplorer and integrated code coverage marches on
02/15/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 6
02/15/2006 Using the XmlSerializer to Read and Write XML Fragments
02/14/2006 CoComment Support for DasBlog
02/14/2006 WatirNUt - Portable Watir Tests integrated with NUnit
02/14/2006 Accessing Fields with Regular Expressions and Watir
02/08/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 5
02/02/2006 Anthem.NET Released
02/01/2006 Running Internet Explorer 7.0 Beta 2 without installing it.
02/01/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 4
01/31/2006 Code Coverage comes to the masses
01/30/2006 Tracking Book Rankings with the Amazon API
01/26/2006 Calling NUnit from NAnt Pragmatically
01/25/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 3
01/23/2006 OnTurning0x20AndLookingBackArt2005
01/18/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 2
01/14/2006 NUnit/Watir/Ruby Test Integration
01/13/2006 Feed Auto Discovery
01/13/2006 Obscure Bug: ASP.NET doesn't handle cookies with non-standard server names
01/12/2006 Paving my machine for a fresh 2006
01/11/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 1
01/08/2006 10% off Amazon Books
12/26/2005 My Year In Blogging - 2005
12/12/2005 Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Errata
12/09/2005 DasBlog Community Building and Documentation
11/24/2005 DevRadio Podcast featuring Omar Shahine and I on DasBlog
11/23/2005 Using the ASP.NET Cache outside of ASP.NET
11/21/2005 Lifecycle Support for Classic ASP in Windows
11/19/2005 The FreeMiniMac has arrived and will the fun ever start?
11/15/2005 - Review of DasBlog
11/11/2005 ClickOnce and FireFox with a custom setup equals ClickThrice and be disappointed
11/11/2005 Request.Browser.Version may not be a double
11/10/2005 Windows Clippings - A Cropper Contender
11/05/2005 Caching in ASP.NET - VaryByParam may need VaryByHeader
11/05/2005 Listening FASTER and more effectively
11/05/2005 Building .NET 1.1 Projects using Visual Studio 2005
11/02/2005 ASP.NET 2.0 Professional is shipping
10/20/2005 Permanent Redirects with HTTP 301
10/20/2005 The Emancipation of Browsercaps.ini
10/13/2005 Moving ViewState to the Bottom of the Page
10/07/2005 Professional ASP.NET 2.0 - Coming VERY soon!
10/05/2005 The Submit button on ASP.NET pages does not work after .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 (works in FireFox, not in IE)
10/04/2005 ASP.NET - The check of the signature failed for 'MyAssembly'
09/23/2005 Migrating Content from Random Blogs to DasBlog
09/20/2005 Weird Globe Folder in Visual Studio when opening a Web Project
09/15/2005 SqlDependancy.Start and Conversation Handle Not Found
09/13/2005 Yes, Fiddler is wonderful
09/09/2005 ThreadAbortException woes
09/09/2005 The Coming Return of AJAX
09/07/2005 DasBlog - Nestings Blog
09/07/2005 TechEd - Code Generation WebCast - REPLAY
09/02/2005 Review - OnTime Defect Tracker from AxoSoft
09/02/2005 Indigo comes to PDX
09/01/2005 Making the XmlSerializer output alternate values for simple types
08/24/2005 You must implement the Add(System.Object) method on MyClass because it inherits from IEnumerable
08/24/2005 The ISAPI equivalent of Response.AppendToLog
08/23/2005 August 2005 Quickie Update
08/11/2005 DasBlog 1.8 Gold
08/05/2005 Programmatically adding Mime Types to IIS
08/04/2005 XmlFragmentWriter - Omiting the Xml Declaration and the XSD and XSI namespaces
08/03/2005 WatirMaker Version 0.01 Source
07/30/2005 DasBlog 1.8 RC1
07/27/2005 Introducing WatirMaker - Recording for Ruby-based Watir
07/21/2005 HttpOnly Cookies on ASP.NET 1.1
07/19/2005 Adding Custom UserControls to DasBlog
07/16/2005 Visual Studio Command Prompt Here and Search Unknown File Extensions
07/12/2005 New FormsAuthentication.SignOut behavior in ASP.NET 2.0
07/12/2005 Weird Timeouts with custom ASP.NET FormsAuthentication
07/10/2005 Symantec Client Firewall is Psycho
07/06/2005 Call for DasBlog Theme Designers
07/01/2005 Code Camp Portland - July 23 and 24
06/30/2005 Enabling the Security Tab on Windows XP File Properties
06/30/2005 Integrating Ruby and Watir with NUnit
06/25/2005 The Recorded Version of my TechEd 2005 Code Generation Talk is Available
06/23/2005 ASP.NET 2.0 XmlDataSource's XPath doesn't support namespaces
06/20/2005 Scott Hanselman's 2005 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List
06/09/2005 My GrokTalk - Ten Tools in Ten Minutes
06/05/2005 Update on the dasBlog Turkish-I bug and a reminder to me on Globalization
05/31/2005 DasBlog Usability Alert: Template Changes to enable Turkish Users
05/31/2005 My Picks for TechEd 2005 Sessions
05/27/2005 Upgrading FreeTextBox on dasBlog without Recompiling
05/19/2005 May 2005 - What is Scott up to?
05/12/2005 Time to update the Ultimate Tools List
05/10/2005 Folks switching to DasBlog
04/28/2005 ASP.NET Beta 2 - Enabling Session State on SQL Server 2005 Express
04/23/2005 Internationalized Regular Expressions
04/22/2005 Wow, that's cool...the new book
04/22/2005 KB 810886 The network BIOS command limit has been reached - Why Does All the Crazy Crap Happen to Me?
04/22/2005 Updating from early ASP.NET Beta builds to Beta 2
04/22/2005 VSVARS32.BAT missing from .NET Beta 2?
04/13/2005 TechEd Video #4 - It's all about Community. And Ice Cream. And Baby Carrots.
04/09/2005 Psuedo Internationalization and your ASP.NET Application
04/09/2005 Alphabetizing your .NET Resource (RESX) files
04/01/2005 How do you organize your code?
03/30/2005 Zipping/Compressing ViewState in ASP.NET
03/22/2005 Enabling Evil - Tunnelling Xml within Xml using the XmlSerializer and some Magic
03/20/2005 Separating a Web Service's Implementation from the ASMX File
03/16/2005 Rory and Scott design some software - TechEd - Revenge of the Sith
03/16/2005 Yes, it WILL run differently under the Debugger
03/16/2005 A Boilerplate HttpHandler
03/11/2005 Compositing two images into one from the ASP.NET Server Side
03/08/2005 Advanced ASP.NET Caching and AddValidationCallBack
03/08/2005 Storing things on Threads
03/08/2005 DasBlog 1.7 and Free Text Box
03/07/2005 Stop Complaining
03/07/2005 ASP.NET Rolled up Goodness
03/05/2005 TechEd 2005 - I'll be there
02/21/2005 What Great .NET Developers Ought To Know (More .NET Interview Questions)
02/11/2005 ASP.NET HotFix 887219/MS05-004 may break and confuse IIS and ASP.NET (404s)
02/09/2005 ViewStateUserKey and "Invalid_Viewstate" when posting back during Forms Authentication
02/09/2005 Zen of Web Services - Join me at the Boise .NET Developers User Group
02/08/2005 A JavaScript implementation of innerText (not innerHtml) for FireFox and non-IE browsers.
02/04/2005 The DebuggerDisplayAttribute in Visual Studio 2005 and IFormattable
02/01/2005 Explaining the Ethiopic Numbering System and a tiny lesson on Amharic
02/01/2005 Now THERE'S a Training Session I'd like to take...
01/31/2005 RELEASE: FormattableObject an Aggregating reflection-based ToString() implementation
01/30/2005 Work continues on dasBlog...
01/28/2005 Is this a good idea? Has it been done? Should it? An Aggregating ToString() implementation...
01/27/2005 Turning off AutoComplete for TextBoxes in IE and FireFox
01/26/2005 BUG?: Can't use an Asterisk (*) as a character when requesting a URL (page) from ASP.NET
01/22/2005 The Charity Auction has Begun: Bid on an Hour of .NET Consulting Time to help Banda Aceh
01/21/2005 Parsing my IIS Log Files with LogParser 2.2 to learn more about Blogs stats from NewsGator and NewsGatorOnline
01/21/2005 Prompt(s) along with PushD and PopD
01/20/2005 List of the undocumented bugs that are fixed in the .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1
01/19/2005 Buy an hour of consulting time and help the Tsunami Victums of Banda Aceh
01/19/2005 The Woe: The ASP.NET Designer has screwed me again! (All my HTML and stuff is changed)
01/18/2005 newtelligence dasBlog Community Edition 1.7.5016.1 RELEASED!
01/01/2005 More dasBlog 1.7 changes coming soon
01/01/2005 Testing Code-Generated Code with NUnit, Temporary Files, Voodoo, Rubber Bands and Reflection
12/28/2004 More on Assembly Binding, Strong Naming, the GAC, Publisher Policy and Dynamically Loaded Assemblies
12/21/2004 Lutz Roeder's C# XML Documenter lives on in Travis Illig's CodeRush Plugin "CR_Documentor"
12/18/2004 ASP.NET Performance Tuning - Making dasBlog faster...
12/18/2004 Brute force check to ensure access to the TEMP directory in order to use the XmlSerializer
12/17/2004 ASP.NET Params Collection vs. QueryString, Forms vs. Request["index"] and Double Decoding
12/16/2004 XmlPreprocess is an elegant hack - or - "The hack is in the eye of the beholder"
12/15/2004 An IP Address Blocking HttpModule for ASP.NET in 9 minutes
12/12/2004 Changes to dasBlog - Watch for Weirdness
12/10/2004 Corillian is looking for a good ASP.NET person
12/10/2004 Today's Favorite Right-Clicks - ClipPath, RunAsLimitedUser, and Clean Sources
12/05/2004 Precompile.axd in ASP.NET 1.1 with System.Web.Handlers.BatchHandler: A harbinger of ASP.NET 2.0 left vestigially in 1.1?
12/04/2004 Target: Referral Spam in dasBlog
12/03/2004 GUI Front End to Chris Sells' XmlPreCompiler - For Debugging XmlSerialization Errors
12/03/2004 HTTP POSTs and HTTP GETs with WebClient and C# and Faking a PostBack
12/03/2004 Being a good .NET citizen means certain things...start with your debugging skills
12/01/2004 NUnit Unit Testing of ASP.NET Pages, Base Classes, Controls and other widgetry using Cassini (ASP.NET Web Matrix/Visual Studio Web Developer)
11/19/2004 CSI: ASP.NET - The one where a double HTTP GET from Internet Explorer (IE) causes problems with FormsAuthentication and my sanity
11/19/2004 Presentation Tips for People running Virtual PC or VMWare
11/17/2004 ViewStateUserKey makes ViewState more tamper-resistant
11/17/2004 A Grouping and Subtotaling Repeater for ASP.NET
11/12/2004 Scott's List of Ultimate Visual Studio.NET AddIns
11/11/2004 A potential CAPTCHA Comment Spam Solution for dasBlog (and others) with no recompile or code changes
11/10/2004 Halo 2: There's more to it than you think. Have you seen the "GameViewer?" And the Games RSS Feed?
11/09/2004 UPDATE: GotDotNet Workspaces Troubles Solved, RTFM anyone?
11/08/2004 - Workspaces down all weeked...
11/06/2004 HOW TO: Debug into a .NET XmlSerializer Generated Assembly
10/27/2004 Moving the Code-Behind Assemblies/DLLs to a different folder than /BIN with ASP.NET 1.1
10/27/2004 MSDN Product Feedback for Whidbey: The /fs "Font Size" switch has been REMOVED.
10/24/2004 News Flash - I'm a Luddite
10/19/2004 It's amazing what one can find - VS.NET 2005 ASP.NET web.config schema inconsistency shows some interesting stuff
10/15/2004 Programmatically determine what version of ASP.NET you're running
10/13/2004 Kindness from an INETA Group and Kudos all around
10/11/2004 Getting a BASE64'ed Adobe Acrobat PDF file out of a Soap Envelope with Classic ASP
10/08/2004 ASP.NET Security Vulnerability
10/07/2004 Big Ups to Peter Blum
10/05/2004 Reminder: I'm at SouthColorado.NET tommorow...anyone want to drive me?
09/27/2004 New Corillian and Microsoft Scalability Case Study
09/22/2004 Rory is presenting at PADNUG on Thursday and I'll be Code Monkey
09/15/2004 Getting the little RSS Orange Badge to show up in the Status Bar on Firefox 1.0
09/14/2004 Performance in General
09/14/2004 Back to your regularly scheduled technology blog: ASP.NET ClientSide JavaScript Fix for Validation Problems in .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 and ASPNET_REGIIS -c
09/11/2004 I slashdotted Greg, our IT Manager. dasBlog again is holding up.
09/09/2004 System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal vs. System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User or why FormsAuthentication can be subtle
09/07/2004 Betsy says I'm dapper, so it must be so!
09/04/2004 I'm in love, and her name is "SlickRun" - The CommandLine in a Windows World
09/04/2004 Does XmlDataSource.XPath accept namespace qualifications?
09/03/2004 Jeff Key does it again...Pixel Ruler for Windows
08/31/2004 *MORE* ON ASP.NET: How to create a Default "Enter" Button for Forms/PostBacks
08/30/2004 SOAP with Attachments starting to make sense? - MTOM (Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism)
08/26/2004 Woof. XmlSerializer written in JavaScript - for the Chubby Client
08/26/2004 Oy...XPathDocument 2.0 changes moved BACK into XmlDocument!
08/25/2004 ASP.NET: How to create a Default "Enter" Button for Forms/PostBacks
08/25/2004 [OT] Thanks Mr. Blizzard!
08/25/2004 More on WebFarms and WebGardening in ASP.NET
08/23/2004 ASP.NET "Deadlock detected"
08/18/2004 ASP.NET Interview Questions
08/18/2004 The ASP.NET Cache object in a Web Gardening scenario with IIS5 or IIS6
08/14/2004 New .NET Resource Portal from Sam Gentile
08/12/2004 Great "Top Ten Tips for Web Services Interoperability" from Simon Guest
07/29/2004 "Neo, there is no boolean." - Web Services, Product Releases, Travel and Famous Bloggers.
07/27/2004 ASP.NET Compiler Error 128 and Microsoft Support
07/15/2004 Using the Server (rather than Workstation) Garbage Collector with the .NET Framework (CLR)
07/09/2004 Creating your own Custom PatternLayout, PatternParser, and PatternConvertor with log4net
07/09/2004 "The dependency whatever.dll cannot be copied to the run directory because it would conflict with the dependancy...
07/09/2004 Bad-ass ASP.NET contractor needed
07/01/2004 Mono 1.0 was just released
06/30/2004 Visual Studio Express 2005 - C# Edition - will upgrade your ASP.NET to 2.0 without asking...Fix here...
06/30/2004 Visual Studio.NET Express Beta 1 requires the Windows SP2 Firewall be turned off to install. Oy.
06/29/2004 Power User Windows Registry Tweaks
06/25/2004 Effective XML Document with C#, NDoc, Lutz's Documentor and the Microsoft HTML Help Workshop
06/23/2004 A multi-request-safe ViewState Persister
06/23/2004 Be aware of your DLLs and who's loading them - know about assembly binding redirects
06/22/2004 Visual Studio MSI Problems: Unable to build project output group 'Content Files from SOMEWEB (Active)'
06/18/2004 The "I'll have Larges Fries and a Diet Coke" Style of Programming
06/18/2004 Web Setup MSI fail when used on Servers with the Loopback Adapter installed
06/17/2004 RSS Feed to dasBlog Content Converter
06/16/2004 My upcoming speaking schedule
06/14/2004 Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn
06/09/2004 Scaling/Resizing/Resampling an Image in ASP.NET
06/07/2004 "Could Not Copy Temporary Files to the Output Directory" and big VS.NET projects
06/06/2004 Here's to Descriptive Error Messages - It's going to be one of those weekends...
06/03/2004 Important Note: Replacing the default ViewState Persistance Behavior
06/03/2004 Today's Errors: "Unexpected Error 0x8ffe2740 Occurred" Error Message When You Try to Start a Web Site and "Not Running ASP.NET Version 1.1" Error Message When You Try to Open an ASP.NET Web Application Project in Visual Studio .NET 2003
06/03/2004 Section 508 Accessibility and ASP.NET
06/03/2004 - Episodes you may have missed...
06/01/2004 A reminder on "Three/Multi Tier/Layer Architecture/Design" brought to you by my late night frustrations.
05/30/2004 The Myth of .NET Purity, Reloaded
05/25/2004 TechEd - Pictures and People
05/24/2004 TechEd 2004 - Keynote and the Wizzy Release and more innovation
05/23/2004 ReSharper vs. CodeRush
05/22/2004 dasMonthView - dasBlog now includes a complete Year View...and I'm spent.
05/21/2004 RipDigital - another idea I should have thought of.
05/20/2004 Looking for things to complain about?
05/20/2004 Weird...first time my blog's been down, well, ever...
05/19/2004 What talks should you go to at TechEd? Here's my list.
05/19/2004 dasBlonde
05/19/2004 A ridiculously huge Portland Nerd Dinner
05/13/2004 Accessing the ASP.NET FormsAuthentication "Timeout" Value
05/09/2004 Something Wicked This Way Comes...Thinktecture
05/08/2004 Reflector and Big Fonts
05/07/2004 Upgraded to dasBlog 1.6
04/14/2004 More Magic in Morocco at the NDC
04/08/2004 HOT: Using an Ambient Orb to show continuous integration NAnt build status
04/07/2004 Useful Util: Recording [screen capturing] movies info Flash (SWF)
04/01/2004 IE's Content Advisor, PICS Ratings and the ASP.NET Flakey of the Day
03/30/2004 作者:Scott Hanselman 首席工程師
03/29/2004 VSLive SFO Rocked...
03/23/2004 Load Balancing and ASP.NET
03/19/2004 "Geeks and the Women/Men Who Love Them" or "Normal People are from Earth, Coders are from Sedna"
03/14/2004 Yukon and Whidbey Slip, and your life goes on. Film at 11.
03/14/2004 NDC: North African Developer's Conference is upon us...
03/11/2004 Quote of the Day
03/10/2004 Internationalization/I18n: Char.IsDigit() matches more than just "0" through "9"
03/08/2004 My TWO .NET Rocks shows are up on MSDN now
03/02/2004 Clemens got Slashdotted, site not quite holding up?
02/28/2004 Moving ViewState to the Session Object and more Wrongheadedness
02/27/2004 Microsoft's "Whitehorse" - Visual Design back in Vogue?
02/24/2004 ASP.NET ViewState: Pox on mankind? Or clever like a fox?
02/23/2004 Scott Hanselman's .NET Rocks show is up and ready for download!
02/19/2004 Scott Hanselman (that's me) on .NET Rocks! Live! Friday 9am PST over Windows Media and Skype.
02/18/2004 Performance Counters in ASP.NET
02/14/2004 Sheesh, ScottGu, just buy this company already...
02/13/2004 Debug vs. Release - The Best of Both Worlds
02/12/2004 DevDays - False advertising...
02/11/2004 Should one go to Production with a DEBUG Build?
02/09/2004 ASP.NET ViewState = Appendix?
02/09/2004 FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) debunked...
02/06/2004 Whew. What a week. Rediscovering the basics.
01/31/2004 Chris Pratley in the blogosphere and Ethiopians rejoice!
01/30/2004 It's Thursday: BACK YOUR STUFF UP
01/28/2004 Always Use Protection...
01/22/2004 ASP.NET, Caching, and Cartesian Products
01/21/2004 MVP = SPAM?
01/20/2004 On Turning 0x1E and looking back at 2003
01/12/2004 Slashdot Traffic, Site Statistics and dasBlog Performance
01/10/2004 Added Search to my Blog, PLUS Highlighting
01/09/2004 One other thing: I'll be in NYC with INETA on the 15th
01/09/2004 Anyone going to VSLive?
01/09/2004 HttpCompression = on
01/03/2004 ASP.NET, Response.Write and Response.Output.Write - know the difference
01/01/2004 Ending the Year with Obscurity: JIT Debugging failed with the following error
12/29/2003 Google Dance Syndrome
12/05/2003 Longhorn Indigo Samples
12/04/2003 Bringing data "along for the ride" with CheckBoxes and the ASP.NET DataGrid
12/04/2003 Pentium 4s, DVD Burning, ASP.NET, and Longhorn...oy...what a day.
11/27/2003 Bring out of your element breeds productivity?
11/25/2003 Glory be, my MSDN Article is up
11/20/2003 ASP.NET: Postbacks for Algernon
11/19/2003 Brainfart? or ASP.NET madness
11/14/2003 .NET Rocks! - PDC Edition
11/12/2003 Getting Session State in HttpHandlers (ASHX files)
11/07/2003 Learning to Love WSDL - Christian Weyer supports "Contract First"
11/05/2003 Code Generation
11/01/2003 More on declarative UIs and XML for GUI Markup
10/31/2003 PDC - Conclusion
10/29/2003 PDC - Day 2 - WSV303 - Indigo, Using XSD, CLR Types and Serialization in Web Services
10/28/2003 PDC - Day 2...
10/28/2003 PDC - End of Day 1, or beginning of Day 2?
10/27/2003 PDC - Sunday in Photos
10/25/2003 Regulating Regular Expressions
10/15/2003 Wizzy wizzy wizzy
10/14/2003 ASP.NET and next stop Cleveland...thanks INETA
10/09/2003 Getting back in the swing...
10/02/2003 Free ASP.NET Security presentation at OGI tonight...
10/01/2003 Am I running in DesignMode?
09/27/2003 A great day/night of one in years
09/22/2003 Java is the SUV of Programming Languages or Phillip Greenspun is a stud
09/22/2003 Internationalization/Globalization and ASP.NET Brainstorming at 1:05am
09/18/2003 The Utilities Continue...
09/11/2003 Acquaintances, Buddies, Colleagues, Friends, Family, and Cousins
09/10/2003 ASPLive! and flying on 9/11
09/02/2003 Yet another useful Utility - Snippet Compiler
08/29/2003 Zen and the Art of Presenting in Malaysia
08/28/2003 Malaysia - Days 2 and 3 and 4 wrapping up
08/25/2003 Mayasia - Day #1 wrapping up.
08/24/2003 Malaysia - Day -1 wrapping up
08/19/2003 New NetPing from Jeff Key
08/13/2003 The Syllabus for CST407 - Learning C# with .NET
08/11/2003 Intellectual property, decompilation, .NET and getting the 'gist'
08/08/2003 My day: Back-porting Input Validation from ASP.NET 1.1 to ASP.NET 1.0
07/29/2003 DPAPI and WindowsImpersonationContext and the one that got away...
07/27/2003 Modifying the namespace PREFIX of the root node of the body of a SOAP Web Services Response....whew!
07/17/2003 ASP.NET WebServices calling Apartment-Threaded COM Components...
07/10/2003 XmlDevCon: SVG with Don Demcsak
07/09/2003 Host Web Service Applications With Cassini: This is interesting and useful.
07/01/2003 The Content-Disposition Saga: Controlling the suggested file name in the Browser's Save As Dialog
06/25/2003 Upcoming Speaking Schedule
06/10/2003 Schweet: Free .NET Hosting for Developers
06/10/2003 WSDL Cleanliness is next to Godliness (actually Cleavage is next to Cleanliness and Goggles is next to Godliness...)
06/02/2003 TechEd 2003: Dallas : Day 1 - The Afterparty
05/29/2003 INETA - Check us out at TechEd, and congrats to all the new addtions
05/29/2003 Angst, ISO Standards, DataBinding Eval(), Malaise, DataGrids, System.Globalization, Fritz and the morning after...
05/27/2003 Not a bad weekend...
05/23/2003 A tale of two techniques: The [ThreadStatic] Attribute and System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items
05/16/2003 More .NET Purity discussions...
04/24/2003 Windows Server 2003/Visual Studio 2003 Launch
04/23/2003 How to run ASP.NET 1.0 and 1.1 on the same box
04/21/2003 Exporting tabular data to Excel from ASP.NET
04/18/2003 My one REAL frustration with Visual Studio.NET - When is XHTML going to be addressed?
04/11/2003 Reporting, and dynamically creating PDFs from .NET
04/03/2003 More ASP.NET Globalization/Localization/Internationalization and my mad, mad, mad, mad life
03/30/2003 Netscape Navigator 4.6 and ASP.NET
03/27/2003 Essential ASP.NET with Examples in C#
03/26/2003 Programmatically modifying DIR=LTR for Right-To-Left Languages in ASP.NET
03/24/2003 ASP.NET Internationalization, Globalization, and Localization...Whew!
03/07/2003 Turning on HTTP GET with ASP.NET Web Services under Visual Studio 2003 and .NET 1.1 (Everett)
03/03/2003 Windows Server 2003, and something called...being a Security Expert
02/19/2003 "Attaching a CacheDependancy to a ASP.NET Page using Output Caching" or "I can't believe they didn't think of this...oh sweet, they did!"
02/19/2003 Undocumented configuration setting for XmlSerializer - and a new question emerges?
02/17/2003 My Collection of .NET Regular Expression Tools
02/10/2003 How to share sessions between ASP and ASP.NET
02/07/2003 DOTNETWebLogs is on the radar screen
01/20/2003 Microsoft Download Center RSS Feed
01/20/2003 Resources to Troubleshoot ASP.NET Debugging
01/15/2003 DevHawk PageLayout Control
01/10/2003 Set the ASP.NET Application Object to Read-Only
01/07/2003 Watch IIS communicate wtih ASP.NET
12/13/2002 Justin and A hrefhttpradioweblogscom01
12/11/2002 I ran all over the Net via Google and Google Groups this evening trying to figure out the answer to what I thought
12/05/2002 I know this might sound silly and obvious but are there any published performance numbers comparing NET Remoting w
12/05/2002 Ready Set VSNET Chris Kinsman A hrefhttpwww
11/26/2002 Been doing some A hrefhttpmsdnmicrosoftcomlibrarydefaultaspurllibraryenuscpguidehtmlcpcondevelopinghighpe
11/26/2002 Automated Testing NET Web Services and Applications I just found Jim Klo
11/25/2002 Great info and Technology updates up on Microsoftcom this week FONT face
11/21/2002 Thanks to everyone who attended my talk Web Services Behind the Music at the SAOs Software Association of Oregon Develo
11/12/2002 Heres a fantastic bit of ASPNET news from the A hrefhttpdiscussdevelopcomarchiveswaexeA2ind0211BampLDOTNET
11/12/2002 I hearby declare November to be Web Services MonthnbspnbspThere are several Webby seminars in Portlan
10/23/2002 NET Pet Shop 2 NET Pe
10/15/2002 IMG height394 altA picture named SoapExtWizJPG hspace15 srchttpradioweblogscom0108971images2002101
10/04/2002 Lots of thoughts on Web Services todayits no because doubt of Chris Sells upcoming A hrefhttpwwwsellsbrothersco
10/03/2002 Heres a list of useful NET related web sites SPAN styleFONTFAMILY

ASP.NET Ajax (20)

12/13/2012 ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 (Release Candidate)
08/15/2012 Visual Studio 2012 and .NET Framework 4.5 is RELEASED - Here's 5 minute videos to get you up to speed quick
07/26/2012 Free ASP.NET Training Videos from aspConf now available for download or streaming
09/16/2011 New Tools and New Content - ASP.NET, Visual Studio 11 Web and .NET 4.5 Developer Preview (with commentary)
08/18/2011 Bug and Fix: ASP.NET fails to detect IE10 causing _doPostBack is undefined JavaScript error or maintain FF5 scrollbar position
08/09/2011 Ajax Control Toolkit July 2011 Release - Now on NuGet
07/22/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #9 - ASP.NET MiniProfiler from StackExchange rocks your world
04/18/2011 Mix 11 Videos - Download them all with RSS
10/06/2010 Introducing NuGet Package Management for .NET - Another piece of the Web Stack
08/12/2010 The Weekly Source Code 56 - Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit - Code Contracts, Parallel Framework and COM Interop
04/09/2010 Spring Speaking Rollup 2010: Recent Talks and Upcoming Talks at Microsoft WebCamps
03/06/2010 Video Trip Report: If this is Tuesday, this must be Cairo
02/25/2010 Put Missing Kids on your 404 Page - Entirely Client-Side Solution with YQL, jQuery, and MSAjax
01/14/2010 2010 Survey Results: What .NET Framework features do you use?
01/13/2010 The Weekly Source Code 47 - ASP.NET 3.5 Dynamic Data: FilterRepeaters and Dynamic Linq Query Generation
10/21/2009 The Minutes On 9 - Channel 9 Video Interviews with the ASP.NET 4 Team
10/19/2009 Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2
10/17/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 184: Preview of ASP.NET 4 with Scott Hunter
07/01/2009 Videos from the Norwegian Developer's Conference
06/24/2009 ASP.NET Ajax - Script Combining and moving ScriptResource.axd's to Static Scripts

ASP.NET Dynamic Data (30)

12/13/2012 ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 (Release Candidate)
08/15/2012 Visual Studio 2012 and .NET Framework 4.5 is RELEASED - Here's 5 minute videos to get you up to speed quick
07/26/2012 Free ASP.NET Training Videos from aspConf now available for download or streaming
04/18/2011 Mix 11 Videos - Download them all with RSS
08/12/2010 The Weekly Source Code 56 - Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit - Code Contracts, Parallel Framework and COM Interop
07/03/2010 The Weekly Source Code 54 - Can't have Multiple Attributes of the Same Type when using a TypeDescriptor
01/27/2010 The Weekly Source Code 48 - DynamicQueryable makes custom LINQ expressions easier
01/14/2010 2010 Survey Results: What .NET Framework features do you use?
01/13/2010 The Weekly Source Code 47 - ASP.NET 3.5 Dynamic Data: FilterRepeaters and Dynamic Linq Query Generation
10/21/2009 The Minutes On 9 - Channel 9 Video Interviews with the ASP.NET 4 Team
10/19/2009 Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2
10/17/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 184: Preview of ASP.NET 4 with Scott Hunter
05/19/2009 ASP 4 - Whirlwind Tour around .NET 4 (and Visual Studio 2010) Beta 1
01/29/2009 RTFLF - Read the Expletive Log File
01/19/2009 ASP Dynamic Data Preview - More ways to exploit ADO.NET Data Services for fun and profit
11/06/2008 ASP.NET and jQuery
10/22/2008 Survey RESULTS: What .NET Framework features do you use?
10/19/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 132 - Subsonic with Rob Conery
10/16/2008 ASP.NET MVC Beta released - Coolness Ensues
10/14/2008 Silverlight 2 is out!
10/14/2008 Survey Time: What .NET Framework features do you use?
10/09/2008 PDC: Microsoft .NET Framework: Overview and Applications for Babies
10/01/2008 Plug-In Hybrids: ASP.NET WebForms and ASP.MVC and ASP.NET Dynamic Data Side By Side
09/23/2008 Update on .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and Windows Update
08/21/2008 ASP.NET Futures - Generating Dynamic Images with HttpHandlers gets Easier
08/13/2008 Hidden Gems - Not the same old 3.5 SP1 post
06/08/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 116 - Distributed Caching with Microsoft's Velocity
05/12/2008 VS2008 and .Net 3.5 SP1 Beta - Should You Fear This Release?
04/26/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 109 - ASP.NET Dynamic Data with Scott Hunter
04/11/2008 Putting ASP.NET Dynamic Data into Context


02/25/2018 Upgrading a 10 year old site to ASP.NET Core's Razor Pages using the URL Rewriting Middleware
09/07/2017 T4MVC and R4MVC - Roslyn code generators for ASP.NET Core tag helpers
04/19/2017 ASP.NET - Overposting/Mass Assignment Model Binding Security
12/04/2016 NoSQL .NET Core development using an local Azure DocumentDB Emulator
10/08/2016 How to reference an existing .NET Framework Project in an ASP.NET Core 1.0 Web App
10/02/2016 Sharing Authorization Cookies between ASP.NET 4.x and ASP.NET Core 1.0
07/18/2016 Exploring dotnet new with .NET Core
06/23/2016 Adding a Custom Inline Route Constraint in ASP.NET Core 1.0
11/06/2015 Using Redis as a Service in Azure to speed up ASP.NET applications
02/17/2015 NuGet Package of the Week: A different take on ASP.NET MVC Forms with ChameleonForms
11/20/2014 ASP.NET 5 (vNext) Work in Progress - Exploring TagHelpers
11/12/2014 Announcing .NET 2015 - .NET as Open Source, .NET on Mac and Linux, and Visual Studio Community
11/06/2014 NuGet Package of the Week - Courtesy Flush to flush buffers earlier and optimize time to first byte
05/12/2014 Introducing ASP.NET vNext
04/08/2014 Adding Two-Factor authentication to an ASP.NET application
07/20/2013 If you're not using Glimpse with ASP.NET for debugging and profiling, you're missing out
02/28/2013 Building Web Apps with ASP.NET Jump Start - 8 Hours of FREE Training Videos
02/18/2013 Released: ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 in Context
01/24/2013 Integrating Mozilla Persona with ASP.NET
01/10/2013 NuGet Package(s) of the Week #12 - Accessing Google Spreadsheets with GData from C# *and* hosting Razor Templates to generate HTML from a Console App
12/13/2012 ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 (Release Candidate)
10/01/2012 Making a switchable Desktop and Mobile site with ASP.NET MVC 4 and jQuery Mobile
09/19/2012 WebMatrix 2 - Front End Web Developers take note (ASP.NET, PHP, node.js and more)
09/11/2012 ASP.NET Web Forms DynamicData FieldTemplates for DbGeography Spatial Types (plus Model Binders and Friendly URLs)
09/04/2012 ASP.NET MVC DisplayTemplate and EditorTemplates for Entity Framework DbGeography Spatial Types
08/15/2012 Visual Studio 2012 and .NET Framework 4.5 is RELEASED - Here's 5 minute videos to get you up to speed quick
08/12/2012 Tiny Happy Features #3 - Publishing Improvements, chained Config Transforms and Deploying ASP.NET Apps from the Command Line
07/26/2012 Free ASP.NET Training Videos from aspConf now available for download or streaming
07/05/2012 FormsAuthentication on ASP.NET sites with the Google Chrome Browser on iOS
06/05/2012 ASP.NET for Mobile, One ASP.NET and Realtime ASP.NET with Signalr - Video of Scott Hanselman's talks in Russia
05/31/2012 Visual Studio 2012 RC is released - The Big Web Rollup
05/22/2012 ASP.NET MVC Beta and RC Upgrades - Confirm your Expectations and Version Numbers in Production Environments
04/07/2012 Back to Basics: Dynamic Image Generation, ASP.NET Controllers, Routing, IHttpHandlers, and runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests
03/28/2012 ASP.NET MVC 4, ASP.NET Web API and ASP.NET Web Pages v2 (Razor) now all open source with contributions
03/21/2012 Extending the Visual Studio 11 Web Browser Chooser and Browse With Menu to include Developer Profiles
03/20/2012 Features NO ONE NOTICED in Visual Studio 11 Express Beta for Web
02/29/2012 Visual Studio 11 Beta in Context
12/02/2011 New ASP.NET website launched
10/31/2011 NuGet Package of Week #11 - ImageResizer enables clean, clear image resizing in ASP.NET
10/10/2011 RFC: New website
09/16/2011 New Tools and New Content - ASP.NET, Visual Studio 11 Web and .NET 4.5 Developer Preview (with commentary)
09/05/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #10 - New Mobile View Engines for ASP.NET MVC 3, spec-compatible with ASP.NET MVC 4
08/26/2011 NerdDinner being updated to MVC3 with Razor, HTML5, GeoLocation, EF CodeFirst, jQuery Mobile, YepNope and Modernizr and a fixed Mobile Device Capabilities ViewEngine
08/25/2011 Learning about Progressive Enhancement - Supporting Mobile Browsers with CSS3 Media Queries
08/18/2011 Bug and Fix: ASP.NET fails to detect IE10 causing _doPostBack is undefined JavaScript error or maintain FF5 scrollbar position
07/22/2011 CoffeeScript, Sass and LESS support for Visual Studio and ASP.NET with the Mindscape Web Workbench
07/22/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #9 - ASP.NET MiniProfiler from StackExchange rocks your world
06/16/2011 Introducing System.Web.Providers - ASP.NET Universal Providers for Session, Membership, Roles and User Profile on SQL Compact and SQL Azure
06/15/2011 Announcing the Web Standards Update - HTML5 Support for the Visual Studio 2010 Editor
06/14/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 270 - Nancy, Sinatra and the Explosion of .NET Micro Web Frameworks with Andreas Håkansson
05/26/2011 Globalization, Internationalization and Localization in ASP.NET MVC 3, JavaScript and jQuery - Part 1
05/23/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #7 - ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers) with SQL Server Compact
05/02/2011 TechDays/DevDays Netherlands and Belgium:
04/21/2011 Working with SSL at Development Time is easier with IISExpress
04/21/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 261 - ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update with Phil Haack
04/19/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #5 - Debugging ASP.NET MVC applications with Glimpse
04/18/2011 Mix 11 Videos - Download them all with RSS
04/13/2011 Mix 11 - Web Platform and Tools Keynote Demo Script
03/28/2011 Modifying the default code generation/scaffolding templates in ASP.NET MVC
03/15/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #2 - MvcMailer sends mails with ASP.NET MVC Razor Views and Scaffolding
03/07/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #1 - ASP.NET Sprite and Image Optimization
02/22/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 253 - Organizing your own Virtual Technical Conference - MVCConf Post-Mortem
02/18/2011 Updating and Publishing a NuGet Package - Plus making NuGet packages smarter and avoiding source edits with WebActivator
02/15/2011 Creating a NuGet Package in 7 easy steps - Plus using NuGet to integrate ASP.NET MVC 3 into existing Web Forms applications
01/29/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 251 - HTML5 Basics with Mads Kristensen
01/25/2011 Mixing Razor Views and WebForms Master Pages with ASP.NET MVC 3
01/14/2011 Link Rollup: New Documentation and Tutorials from Web Platform and Tools
01/13/2011 ASP.NET MVC3, WebMatrix, NuGet, IIS Express and Orchard released - The Microsoft January Web Release in Context
01/06/2011 Integrating ASP.NET MVC 3 into existing upgraded ASP.NET 4 Web Forms applications
12/10/2010 Visual Studio Explosion! - VS2010 SP1 *BETA* Released and Context
12/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 243 - Knockout JavaScript with Steve Sanderson
11/24/2010 BIN Deploying ASP.NET MVC 3 with Razor to a Windows Server without MVC installed
11/19/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 238 - ASP.NET MVC 3 RC and NuGet Package Management with Phil Haack
11/17/2010 A Better ASP.NET MVC Mobile Device Capabilities ViewEngine
11/05/2010 PDC10: Building a Blog with Microsoft "Unnamed Package of Web Love"
10/06/2010 Introducing NuGet Package Management for .NET - Another piece of the Web Stack
10/01/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 233 - Inside the Naked Objects Framework with Richard Pawson
09/15/2010 IE9, Site Specific Browsers, and adding your own Jump List Items to Pinned Tabs
08/21/2010 How to change the default browser in Visual Studio programmatically with PowerShell and possibly poke yourself in the eye
08/12/2010 The Weekly Source Code 56 - Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit - Code Contracts, Parallel Framework and COM Interop
07/27/2010 ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1 Released – Channel 9 Video and Hanselminutes Podcast 224, Oh My!
07/15/2010 Simple Code First with Entity Framework 4 - Magic Unicorn Feature CTP 4
07/06/2010 Microsoft WebMatrix in Context and Deploying Your First Site
06/11/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 217 - MVC Turbine and IoC made easy with Javier Lozano
06/09/2010 Experiments in Wackiness: Allowing percents, angle-brackets, and other naughty things in the ASP.NET/IIS Request URL
05/20/2010 Extending NerdDinner: Exploring Different Database Options
05/20/2010 Extending NerdDinner: Adding MEF and plugins to ASP.NET MVC
05/02/2010 Free WebCamps - North America, Asia and Europe - *Sign Up Now*
04/28/2010 Web Platform Installer 2.0 and Visual Studio Web Developer 2010 Express
04/12/2010 Visual Studio 2010 Released
04/12/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 209 - ASP.NET MVC Contrib with Jeffrey Palermo
04/09/2010 Spring Speaking Rollup 2010: Recent Talks and Upcoming Talks at Microsoft WebCamps
03/17/2010 Mix 10 Rollup Post
03/12/2010 ASP.NET MVC 2 Released
03/06/2010 Video Trip Report: If this is Tuesday, this must be Cairo
03/02/2010 The Weekly Source Code 51 - Asynchronous Database Access and LINQ to SQL Fun
02/21/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 202 - A different way to do ASP.NET WebForms with WebFormsMVP
02/09/2010 SmallestDotNet Update - Now with .NET 4 support and an includable JavaScript API
01/14/2010 2010 Survey Results: What .NET Framework features do you use?
01/13/2010 The Weekly Source Code 47 - ASP.NET 3.5 Dynamic Data: FilterRepeaters and Dynamic Linq Query Generation
01/08/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 192: The Spark View Engine for ASP.NET MVC with Louis DeJardin
01/07/2010 How SparkFun (and and small commerce or startup websites can scale
01/01/2010 2009 Blogged - Greatest Hits
12/02/2009 PDC09: ASP.NET MVC 2: Ninjas Still on Fire Black Belt Tips
12/02/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 188: ASP.NET MVC 2 Beta with Phil Haack
11/12/2009 Our little team is growing - Welcome to Jon Galloway and Pete Brown
10/21/2009 The Minutes On 9 - Channel 9 Video Interviews with the ASP.NET 4 Team
10/19/2009 Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2
10/17/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 184: Preview of ASP.NET 4 with Scott Hunter
10/02/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 182 - The History and Future of Web Standards with Molly Holzschlag from
08/17/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 175 - Optimizing Your Website with Jeff Atwood and Stackoverflow
07/31/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - ASP.NET MVC 2 Preview 1 Released
07/11/2009 Cheesy ASP.NET MVC Project Upgrader for Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1
07/01/2009 Videos from the Norwegian Developer's Conference
06/25/2009 The Weekly Source Code 43 - ASP.NET MVC and T4 and NerdDinner
05/19/2009 ASP 4 - Whirlwind Tour around .NET 4 (and Visual Studio 2010) Beta 1
05/05/2009 ELMAH and Exception Driven Development FTW
04/23/2009 ELMAH: Error Logging Modules and Handlers for ASP.NET (and MVC too!)
04/02/2009 Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 1.0 is now Open Source MS-PL
03/28/2009 Mix09: Hanselminutes on Channel 9
03/26/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 154 - ASP.NET and the Mobile Web
03/20/2009 Mix: Mobile Web Sites with ASP.NET MVC and the Mobile Browser Definition File
03/20/2009 Mix 09 - First Half Rollup and Session Videos
03/10/2009 Free ASP.NET MVC eBook - Walkthrough
02/26/2009 Splitting DateTime - Unit Testing ASP.NET MVC Custom Model Binders
02/13/2009 ASP.NET Wire Format for Model Binding to Arrays, Lists, Collections, Dictionaries
02/06/2009 IPrincipal (User) ModelBinder in ASP.NET MVC for easier testing
01/29/2009 RTFLF - Read the Expletive Log File
01/27/2009 BizSpark - Free Software and Production Licenses for Startups in the Startup Phase
01/19/2009 ASP Dynamic Data Preview - More ways to exploit ADO.NET Data Services for fun and profit
01/05/2009 ASP.NET MVC Design Gallery
12/17/2008 ASP.NET MVC Samples, Oxite, and Community
12/04/2008 The Weekly Source Code 38 - ASP.NET MVC Beta Obscurity - ModelState.IsValid is False because ModelBinder pulls values from RouteData
11/27/2008 The Weekly Source Code 37 - Geolocation/Geotargeting (Reverse IP Address Lookup) in ASP.NET MVC made easy
11/25/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 135 - StackOverflow Behind The Music - Unedited Outtakes Show
11/24/2008 Web Platform Installer now supports XP - And the Master Plan continues
11/06/2008 ASP.NET and jQuery
11/06/2008 The Weekly Source Code 36 - PDC, BabySmash and Silverlight Charting
10/22/2008 The Weekly Source Code 35 - Zip Compressing ASP.NET Session and Cache State
10/22/2008 Survey RESULTS: What .NET Framework features do you use?
10/19/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 134 - StackOverflow uses ASP.NET MVC - Jeff Atwood and his technical team
10/19/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 132 - Subsonic with Rob Conery
10/17/2008 PDC Preparation Presses...
10/16/2008 ASP.NET MVC Beta released - Coolness Ensues
10/14/2008 Silverlight 2 is out!
10/14/2008 Survey Time: What .NET Framework features do you use?
10/10/2008 ASP.NET MVC and the new IIS7 Rewrite Module
10/09/2008 PDC: Microsoft .NET Framework: Overview and Applications for Babies
10/01/2008 Plug-In Hybrids: ASP.NET WebForms and ASP.MVC and ASP.NET Dynamic Data Side By Side
09/28/2008 jQuery to ship with ASP.NET MVC and Visual Studio
09/21/2008 Hanselminutes Podcasts 130 - JavaScript gets Faster: Brendan Eich, CTO of Mozilla Corporation and Creator of JavaScript
08/21/2008 ASP.NET Futures - Generating Dynamic Images with HttpHandlers gets Easier
08/13/2008 Hidden Gems - Not the same old 3.5 SP1 post
08/11/2008 Hacked! And I didn't like it - URLScan is Step Zero
07/25/2008 Make your Website Mobile and iPhone Friendly - Add Home Screen iPhone Icons and Adjust the ViewPort
07/21/2008 The Weekly Source Code 30 - Spark and NHaml - Crazy ASP.NET MVC ViewEngines
07/16/2008 ASP.NET MVC Preview 4 - Using Ajax and Ajax.Form
07/08/2008 Deploying ASP.NET MVC on ASP.NET 2.0
07/03/2008 The Weekly Source Code 30 - VB.NET with XML Literals as a View Engine for ASP.NET MVC
06/28/2008 A Back To Basics Case Study: Implementing HTTP File Upload with ASP.NET MVC including Tests and Mocks
06/09/2008 The Weekly Source Code 28 - iPhone with ASP.NET MVC Edition
06/08/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 116 - Distributed Caching with Microsoft's Velocity
05/27/2008 ASP.NET MVC Preview 3
05/16/2008 Mix 08 Sessions available in new dual-stream versions using Silverlight
05/12/2008 VS2008 and .Net 3.5 SP1 Beta - Should You Fear This Release?
04/30/2008 The Weekly Source Code 25 - OpenID Edition
04/18/2008 The Weekly Source Code 24 - Extensibility Edition - PlugIns, Providers, Attributes, AddIns and Modules in .NET
03/22/2008 IronPython and the DLR march on
03/21/2008 The Weekly Source Code 21 - ASP.NET MVC Preview 2 Source Code
03/21/2008 ASP.NET MVC Source Code Available
03/21/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 104 - Dave Laribee on ALT.NET
03/13/2008 I'm Just a Caveman - The Hanselman Corollary to the Clarke/Wheeler Laws
03/12/2008 ASP.NET MVC Cheesy Northwind Sample Code
03/08/2008 ASP.NET MVC Session at Mix08, TDD and MvcMockHelpers
03/05/2008 ASP.NET MVC Preview 2 Screencast Tutorials
02/27/2008 The Weekly Source Code 17 - ASP.NET MVC Community Code Edition
01/08/2008 January 2008 PADNUG Meeting - Should you Fear MVC for ASP.NET?
12/21/2007 How-To: New ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Video Screencasts
12/10/2007 ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions - plus MVC How-To Screencast
11/08/2007 DevConnections - The ASP.NET MVC Framework
10/09/2007 ScottGu MVC Presentation and ScottHa Screencast from ALT.NET Conference

ASP.NET Web API (15)

08/05/2021 Exploring a minimal Web API with ASP.NET Core 6
06/23/2020 Using the Blockly visual programming editor to call a .NET Core WebAPI
06/20/2018 Using ASP.NET Core 2.1's HttpClientFactory with Refit's REST library
11/02/2016 ASP.NET Core RESTful Web API versioning made easy
07/26/2016 Exploring a minimal WebAPI with ASP.NET Core
10/27/2015 NuGet Package of the Week: Microphone registers and discovers Web APIs and REST services with Consul
06/27/2014 NuGet Package of the Week: ASP.NET Web API Caching with CacheCow and CacheOutput
05/12/2014 Introducing ASP.NET vNext
02/05/2014 HTTP PUT or DELETE not allowed? Use X-HTTP-Method-Override for your REST Service with ASP.NET Web API
02/28/2013 Building Web Apps with ASP.NET Jump Start - 8 Hours of FREE Training Videos
02/18/2013 Released: ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 in Context
01/24/2013 Integrating Mozilla Persona with ASP.NET
01/01/2013 When in doubt, turn on Tracing
12/13/2012 ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 (Release Candidate)
08/10/2012 Tiny Happy Features #2 - ASP.NET Web API in Visual Studio 2012

Azure (74)

06/27/2023 Using WSL and Let's Encrypt to create Azure App Service SSL Wildcard Certificates
03/04/2021 Penny Pinching in the Cloud: Azure Static Web Apps are saving me money
10/13/2020 Classic Path.DirectorySeparatorChar gotchas when moving from .NET Core on Windows to Linux
10/08/2020 Migrating this blog to Azure. It's done. Now the work begins.
03/04/2020 Making a cleaner and more intentional azure-pipelines.yml for an ASP.NET Core Web App
12/18/2019 Setting up Azure DevOps CI/CD for a .NET Core 3.1 Web App hosted in Azure App Service for Linux
12/10/2019 Updating an ASP.NET Core 2.2 Web Site to .NET Core 3.1 LTS
08/29/2019 Deploying a MSDeploy-packaged Web application to a Linux Azure App Service with Azure DevOps
07/11/2019 Real World Cloud Migrations: Azure Front Door for global HTTP and path based load-balancing
07/09/2019 Dealing with Application Base URLs and Razor link generation while hosting ASP.NET web apps behind Reverse Proxies
07/04/2019 Real World Cloud Migrations: CDNs are an easy improvement to legacy apps
07/02/2019 Real World Cloud Migrations: Moving a 17 year old series of sites from bare metal to Azure
05/07/2019 An experiment - The Azure Cloud Shell at the command line with AZ SHELL
05/01/2019 Did I leave the garage door open? A no-code project with Azure IoT Central and the MXChip DevKit
02/20/2019 Right click publish quickly to Azure App Services with VS Code extensions and zipdeploy
09/18/2018 Azure DevOps Continuous Build/Deploy/Test with ASP.NET Core 2.2 Preview in One Hour
08/15/2018 Azure Application Insights warned me of failed dependent requests on my site
06/15/2018 Penny Pinching in the Cloud: Deploying Containers cheaply to Azure
05/29/2018 Securing an Azure App Service Website under SSL in minutes with Let's Encrypt
03/13/2018 Setting up Application Insights took 10 minutes. It created two days of work for me.
03/10/2018 Upgrading my podcast site to ASP.NET Core 2.1 in Azure plus some Best Practices
02/22/2018 az webapp new - Azure CLI extension to create and deploy a .NET Core or nodejs site in one command
01/08/2018 Exploring the Azure IoT Arduino Cloud DevKit
12/14/2017 Setting up a managed container cluster with AKS and Kubernetes in the Azure Cloud running .NET Core in minutes
12/03/2017 Azure Cloud Shell - your own bash shell and container - right inside Visual Studio Code
05/22/2017 Exploring the preconfigured browser-based Linux Cloud Shell built into the Azure Portal
04/25/2017 Penny Pinching in the Cloud: Lift and Shift vs App Services - When a VM in the Cloud isn't what you want
04/12/2017 Ruby on Rails on Azure App Service (Web Sites) with Linux (and Ubuntu on Windows 10)
03/02/2017 Exploring the new DevOps - Azure Command Line Interface 2.0 (CLI)
02/22/2017 Azure App Service Secrets and Web Site Hidden Gems
02/17/2017 Penny Pinching in the Cloud: Running and Managing LOTS of Web Apps on a single Azure App Service
12/20/2016 Connecting my Particle Photon Internet of Things device to the Azure IoT Hub
12/04/2016 NoSQL .NET Core development using an local Azure DocumentDB Emulator
11/23/2016 Publishing ASP.NET Core 1.1 applications to Azure using git deploy
10/19/2016 Exploring Application Insights for disconnected or connected deep telemetry in ASP.NET Apps
08/27/2016 What is Serverless Computing? Exploring Azure Functions
11/30/2015 Announcing PowerApps with Azure App Service
11/06/2015 Using Redis as a Service in Azure to speed up ASP.NET applications
10/06/2015 Penny Pinching in the Cloud: Your web app doesn't need 64-bit
07/17/2015 A/B Testing and Testing In Production with Azure Web Apps
05/19/2015 Git-deployable F# based Web Applications in the Azure Cloud with WebSharper
04/27/2015 Running and F# with FAKE in Azure Web Apps with Git and the Deploy Button
04/09/2015 Introducing Azure Resource Explorer for the Azure Resource Management APIs
03/17/2015 Getting admin by adding a new user to sudoers when you're locked out of an Azure Linux VM
02/24/2015 Running the Ruby Middleman Static Site Generator on Microsoft Azure
02/04/2015 The .NET CoreCLR is now open source, so I ran the GitHub repo through Microsoft Power BI
11/03/2014 Enabling Websockets for Node apps on Microsoft Azure
10/06/2014 Automating the tedious parts of open source on Azure
06/25/2014 Trying Redis Caching as a Service on Windows Azure
05/05/2014 Cloud Power: How to scale Azure Websites globally with Traffic Manager
02/05/2014 Building Modern Web Apps with ASP.NET - A new day of free ASP.NET Training for 2014
02/04/2014 Deploying TWO websites to Windows Azure from one Git Repository
01/23/2014 Introducing Windows Azure WebJobs
12/16/2013 Penny Pinching in the Cloud: Automating everything with the Windows Azure Management Libraries and .NET
10/31/2013 Using a Surface 2 (RT/ARM) to get actual work done + Remote Desktop + Visual Studio + Azure
10/24/2013 How to install the nodejs Ghost blogging software on Azure Websites
10/14/2013 CSI: Re-enabling Remote Desktop with PowerShell after you've blocked it with your own firewall rule
10/08/2013 Iterating quickly at a Hackathon with Azure Mobile Services and Dynamic Schema
08/26/2013 A Cloud and Azure Glossary for the Confused
08/12/2013 Over 400 Virtual Machine Images of open source software stacks in the VM Depot Azure Gallery
08/08/2013 Penny Pinching in the Cloud: When do Azure Websites make sense?
05/21/2013 How to setup a Load Balanced Web Farm of Virtual Machines (Linux or otherwise) on Windows Azure (command line)
05/02/2013 Penny Pinching in the Cloud: Enabling New Relic Performance Monitoring on Windows Azure Websites
04/26/2013 Penny Pinching in the Cloud: How to run a two day Virtual Conference for $10
04/22/2013 Penny Pinching Video: Moving my Website's Images to the Azure CDN (and using a custom domain)
04/19/2013 Penny Pinching Video: Moving an Azure Website between data centers
04/05/2013 Streaming Diagnostics Trace Logging from the Azure Command Line (plus Glimpse!)
03/30/2013 Pinching pennies when scaling in The Cloud
03/19/2013 Installing Sendy (a PHP app) on Windows Azure to send inexpensive newsletter email via Amazon SES
01/08/2013 How to keep your ASP.NET database connection strings secure when deploying to Azure from Source
11/05/2012 Videos of talks from the 2012 BUILD Conference - Angle Brackets and Curly Braces
09/20/2012 Moving a website to Azure while adding Continuous Deployment from Git
06/20/2012 Managing the Cloud from the Command Line
06/07/2012 Windows Azure - No Kidding

BabySmash (19)

04/08/2021 Converting a 13 year old .NET WPF app called BabySmash to a self-contained .NET 5 app with the .NET Upgrade Assistant
02/18/2009 Porting WPF Applications to the Microsoft Surface
11/06/2008 The Weekly Source Code 36 - PDC, BabySmash and Silverlight Charting
10/26/2008 PDC 2008: BabySmash Preparations
09/05/2008 Firefox, ClickOnce, XBAPs and .NET 3.5 SP1
08/01/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Manually Managing ClickOnce and some more Designer Goodness
07/25/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 122 - BabySmash!
07/19/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Making a Transparent Window with Substance
07/18/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash and Back to Basics - Making Assumptions and When to Turn to Books
07/18/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Customer Feedback and a WPF Font ComboBox
07/17/2008 Developer != Designer
07/11/2008 Back To Basics - Everyone Remember Where We Parked (that memory)!
07/10/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - MVC or MVP and the Benefits of a Designer
06/13/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Factories, Interfaces, Delegates and Lambdas, oh my!
06/13/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Pushing things up a level with another set of eyes
06/12/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Keeping it DRY with XAML Styles
06/11/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Speech Synthesis
06/03/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Configuration with DataBinding
06/02/2008 Introducing BabySmash - A WPF Experiment

Back to Basics (31)

03/13/2014 Back to Basics: Assert your assumptions and diff your source code
01/10/2013 NuGet Package(s) of the Week #12 - Accessing Google Spreadsheets with GData from C# *and* hosting Razor Templates to generate HTML from a Console App
12/11/2012 Comparing two techniques in .NET Asynchronous Coordination Primitives
11/12/2012 The Internet is not a black box. Look inside.
06/26/2012 Back To Basics: You aren't smarter than the compiler. (plus fun with Microbenchmarks)
04/26/2012 Back to Basics: Moving beyond for, if and switch
04/07/2012 Back to Basics: Dynamic Image Generation, ASP.NET Controllers, Routing, IHttpHandlers, and runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests
11/06/2011 Back to Basics: Daylight Savings Time bugs strike again with SetLastModified
09/15/2011 Back to Basics: Big O notation issues with older .NET code and improving for loops with LINQ deferred execution
03/23/2011 Good Exception Management Rules of Thumb - Back to Basics Edition
11/15/2010 Back to (Parallel) Basics: Don't Block Your Threads, Make Async I/O Work For You
04/21/2010 Back to (Parallel) Basics: Do you really want to do that? or Why doesn't the new Parallel.For support BigInteger?
02/12/2010 Back to Basics: C# 4 method overloading and dynamic types
02/04/2010 Back to Basics - Keep it Simple and Develop Your Sense of Smell - From Linq To CSV
01/01/2010 2009 Blogged - Greatest Hits
06/23/2009 Back to Basics - Trust Nothing as User Input Comes from All Over
05/21/2009 Back to Basics: Using Fusion Log Viewer to Debug Obscure Loader Errors
04/21/2009 Social Networking for Developers - Conference Talk Video
03/02/2009 Experiencing ALT.NET Seattle 2009 Open Spaces
02/19/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 150 - Uncle Bob Martin, this time with feeling
02/11/2009 Back to Basics: 32-bit and 64-bit confusion around x86 and x64 and the .NET Framework and CLR
01/03/2009 Back to Basics: Explore the Edge Cases or Date Math will Get You
09/17/2008 Back To Basics: Algorithms and Going Back To Virtual School
07/18/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash and Back to Basics - Making Assumptions and When to Turn to Books
07/16/2008 Learning Opportunity - .NET Terrarium is back!
07/11/2008 Back To Basics - Everyone Remember Where We Parked (that memory)!
07/04/2008 Back to Basics - Do namespace using directives affect Assembly Loading?
07/02/2008 Back to Basics - This is not the object you're looking...wait, oh, it is the object
06/28/2008 A Back To Basics Case Study: Implementing HTTP File Upload with ASP.NET MVC including Tests and Mocks
06/25/2008 Back to Basics: var != Dim
06/13/2008 Back to Basics - Life After If, For and Switch - Like, a Data Structures Reminder

BCL (4)

02/02/2011 Fun with Noun Pluralization libraries and the .NET Framework
08/12/2010 The Weekly Source Code 56 - Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit - Code Contracts, Parallel Framework and COM Interop
02/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 196 - .NET 4 CLR, Framework and Language Chat with Jason Olson
05/20/2009 CLR and DLR and BCL, oh my! - Whirlwind Tour around .NET 4 (and Visual Studio 2010) Beta 1

Blogging (26)

11/09/2021 Let's upgrade my main site and podcast to .NET 6 LTS
04/20/2015 UPDATED for 2015: How to install the nodejs Ghost blog software on Azure Web Apps (and the Deploy to Azure Button)
10/19/2013 IE10 and IE11 and Windows 8.1 and __doPostBack
08/05/2013 Add Social Sharing Links to your Blog without widget JavaScript
02/09/2013 Video: Effectively Managing Your Personal Brand Online
08/19/2012 Your words are wasted
04/13/2012 Facebook's privacy settings are too complex for ANYONE to use - Change these settings today
03/22/2012 Technical Analysis: The Abercrombie and Fitch Brown Pants Fiasco, "Splogs," and you
03/22/2012 Why You Should Never Argue in 140 Characters or Less - Geeklist
02/21/2012 Supporting high-dpi pixel-dense "Retina" Displays like iPhones or the iPad 3 with CSS or IMG
01/05/2012 Your Blog is The Engine of Community
01/03/2012 Ten Things To Do to Secure an Important Person's Computer (or even Ashton's or a Kardashian's)
12/08/2011 You probably don't need a Twitter client, just learn the hotkeys in New Twitter
11/04/2011 Your images are a virus. They are EVERYWHERE on the Internet
11/04/2011 Google+ Ripples brings something interesting to the table
10/28/2011 Embrace Authorship - The importance of rel=me and rel=author on your content's SEO and Google
10/10/2011 410 Gone - Thoughts on Mark "diveintomark" Pilgrim's and _why's infosuicides
09/13/2011 Essential IFTTT (IfThisThenThat) - Programming Workflows for Humans using the Web's Social Glue
08/22/2011 Summer 2011 Stats - Tailoring your Blog to your Readers' Browsers
07/25/2011 A Social Media Brand Primer: Managing your (personal) brand with Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.
07/21/2011 Scott's Wonderful Twitter Favorites - Link Roundup 2
07/01/2011 Scott's Wonderful Twitter Favorites - Link Roundup 1
08/10/2010 How to Post Code To Your Blog and other Religious Arguments
08/02/2010 The Weekly Source Code 55 - NotABlog: A Local XML-RPC MetaWebLog Endpoint That Lies To Windows Live Writer
06/22/2010 Do they deserve the gift of your keystrokes?
06/21/2010 Found Video: Social Networking for Developers and Making Your Blog Suck Less

Bugs (193)

10/09/2024 Webcam randomly pausing in OBS, Discord, and websites - LSVCam and TikTok Studio
09/21/2021 The code worked differently when the moon was full
02/23/2021 Fix for Elgato Key Light not found by Control Center
10/05/2018 Troubleshooting Windows 10 Nearby Sharing and Bluetooth Antennas
07/18/2017 13 hours debugging a segmentation fault in .NET Core on Raspberry Pi and the solution was...
06/03/2017 Visual Studio and IIS Error: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: site
02/25/2017 Temporary Fix: Logitech BRIO Camera broken on Windows 10 Insiders 15042
12/02/2015 Fixed: Microsoft Edge can't see or open VirtualBox-hosted local web sites
06/08/2014 FIXED: Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) 7E in HIDCLASS.SYS while installing Windows 7
05/08/2014 Fixing System.Core 2.0.5 FileLoadException, Portable Libraries and Windows XP support
02/04/2014 Fixed: The Synology NAS with Plex Server and mismatched version numbers
12/17/2013 Fix: External Mouse freezing on Lenovo Laptops with Synaptics TouchPad
06/08/2013 CSI: Visual Studio - Unable to translate Unicode character at index X to specified code page
04/17/2013 Installing Helvetica Neue Fonts with Google Chrome on Windows considered harmful
04/11/2013 Windows task manager shows wrong CPU Speed when using Hyper-V
03/26/2013 Changing ASP.NET web.config inheritance when mixing versions of child applications
10/09/2012 Help your users record and report bugs with the Problem Steps Recorder
09/24/2012 A Bug Report is a Gift
07/05/2012 FormsAuthentication on ASP.NET sites with the Google Chrome Browser on iOS
09/13/2011 Xbox 360 won't Auto Login to Live - Fixed due to RSTP and Spanning Tree setting in a NetGear Managed GS724TP Switch
08/18/2011 Bug and Fix: ASP.NET fails to detect IE10 causing _doPostBack is undefined JavaScript error or maintain FF5 scrollbar position
12/10/2010 Visual Studio Explosion! - VS2010 SP1 *BETA* Released and Context
07/30/2010 Dealing with Images with Bad Metadata - Corrupted Color Profiles in WPF
05/18/2010 Most Common ASP.NET Support issues - Reporting from deep inside Microsoft Developer Support
04/23/2009 ELMAH: Error Logging Modules and Handlers for ASP.NET (and MVC too!)
09/23/2008 Update on .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and Windows Update
05/21/2008 Vista 64-bit Blue Screens with INTERNAL_POWER_ERROR Immediately After Installing VMWare Player
01/30/2008 Troubleshooting Expired ASP.NET Session State and Your Options
09/19/2007 The Mystery of the Failed Live Meeting Launch
08/08/2007 Vista Pre-SP1 Performance and Reliability Fixes
08/07/2007 Bug Migrating Web.config with a browserCaps section to IIS7
06/14/2007 Error connecting to undo manager of source file &quot;whatever designer&quot;
02/26/2007 Enabling Aero Glass on Windows Vista with a Toshiba M200/M205
07/30/2006 Sandcastle - Microsoft CTP of a Help CHM file generator on the tails of the death of NDoc
07/26/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 26 - Globalization/Internationalization with .NET
07/24/2006 Internationalization and Classic ASP
07/20/2006 Time Saver - Using Watir as a Startup Program in your ASP.NET Projects
07/20/2006 A half-year Podcasts
07/19/2006 Z at Seven Months - A look back
07/19/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 25 - Scott's .NET Blogroll (for July 2006 at least)
07/15/2006 ScriptBlock and Runspace Remoting in PowerShell
07/14/2006 A new day, two new browsers compared - Firefox 2.0 Beta 1 and IE 7.0 Beta 3
07/14/2006 The procedure entry point GetProcessImageFileNameW could not be located in the dynamic link library PSAPI.DLL (after IE7)
07/10/2006 Better Documentation for PowerShell - ShinyPower
07/02/2006 Sapphire In Steel - Ruby within Visual Studio 2005
06/25/2006 DotNetKicks Flare for FeedBurner and DasBlog
06/07/2006 Free PowerShell IDE
05/25/2006 Subtle Behaviors in the XML Serializer can kill
04/25/2006 Open Source versus Source Out in the Open
04/14/2006 BUG: Fixing One-Letter Titles in the Title Bar in IE
04/12/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 13
04/06/2006 Debugging the ASP.NET worker process running at 100%
04/04/2006 Interview with a PSP Developer - Doug Beck
03/29/2006 Visual Studio 2003 disappears when opening a Web Project
03/28/2006 AnkhSVN and a Monad SVN Provider?
03/23/2006 Is Open Source a Crap Idea?
03/12/2006 XmlValidatingReader problems over derived XmlReaders
02/28/2006 Microsoft's Newton? Project Origami
02/16/2006 NCoverExplorer and integrated code coverage marches on
02/15/2006 Postprocessing AutoClosed SGML Tags with the SGMLReader
02/14/2006 Upgrades and problems with Comcast's Motorola HD-PVR
01/26/2006 Subversion case-sensitivity problems
01/13/2006 Obscure Bug: ASP.NET doesn't handle cookies with non-standard server names
01/12/2006 Zero to Three Month Baby Ultimate Tools List
01/11/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 1
01/03/2006 Can't download Quake4 or Condemned on Xbox Live Marketplace and other bugs/features
12/12/2005 Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Errata
12/09/2005 DasBlog Community Building and Documentation
12/06/2005 Gotcha in .NET Framework handling of Versions and Publisher Policies
11/20/2005 YAVS2005B - Yet Another Visual Studio 2005 Bug - Integrating MSDN Help with the IDE
11/19/2005 The FreeMiniMac has arrived and will the fun ever start?
11/11/2005 ClickOnce and FireFox with a custom setup equals ClickThrice and be disappointed
11/10/2005 When .NET 2.0 Applications Attack - Debugging weirdness after installing the .NET Runtime
10/07/2005 Professional ASP.NET 2.0 - Coming VERY soon!
10/05/2005 The Submit button on ASP.NET pages does not work after .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 (works in FireFox, not in IE)
09/19/2005 Syndicating ComputerZen
09/13/2005 Yes, Fiddler is wonderful
09/09/2005 ThreadAbortException woes
09/02/2005 Review - OnTime Defect Tracker from AxoSoft
08/13/2005 Coding4Fun - Some Assembly Required - USB Wireless PC Lock
08/10/2005 Adventures in Debugging - Expensive Semicolons and Invalid GIFs
08/03/2005 Visual Studio 2005 Keyboard Locks Up
07/30/2005 DasBlog 1.8 RC1
07/16/2005 Visual Studio Command Prompt Here and Search Unknown File Extensions
07/12/2005 Weird Timeouts with custom ASP.NET FormsAuthentication
07/10/2005 Symantec Client Firewall is Psycho
07/03/2005 A few dasBlog changes coming tonight
06/30/2005 Integrating Ruby and Watir with NUnit
06/22/2005 Hammering in Screws
06/20/2005 Scott Hanselman's 2005 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List
06/09/2005 My GrokTalk - Ten Tools in Ten Minutes
06/05/2005 Update on the dasBlog Turkish-I bug and a reminder to me on Globalization
05/09/2005 Logitech Harmony 880 Remote Control Review
04/28/2005 ASP.NET Beta 2 - Enabling Session State on SQL Server 2005 Express
04/22/2005 KB 810886 The network BIOS command limit has been reached - Why Does All the Crazy Crap Happen to Me?
04/22/2005 VSVARS32.BAT missing from .NET Beta 2?
04/12/2005 TopDesk: Expose Clone for Windows (and capturing video from DirectX)
04/09/2005 Psuedo Internationalization and your ASP.NET Application
04/08/2005 Overheard - Friday, April 8, 2005
03/30/2005 Zipping/Compressing ViewState in ASP.NET
03/16/2005 Yes, it WILL run differently under the Debugger
02/21/2005 What Great .NET Developers Ought To Know (More .NET Interview Questions)
02/04/2005 The DebuggerDisplayAttribute in Visual Studio 2005 and IFormattable
02/02/2005 TestDriven.NET Keyboard Bindings for Visual Studio.NET
01/30/2005 Work continues on dasBlog...
01/26/2005 BUG?: Can't use an Asterisk (*) as a character when requesting a URL (page) from ASP.NET
01/20/2005 List of the undocumented bugs that are fixed in the .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1
01/19/2005 Don't underestimate the power of ToString(IFormatProvider)
01/19/2005 Is it case-senstive? No seriously, check and check again. Are URLs Case Sensitive?
01/19/2005 The Woe: The ASP.NET Designer has screwed me again! (All my HTML and stuff is changed)
01/18/2005 newtelligence dasBlog Community Edition 1.7.5016.1 RELEASED!
01/01/2005 More dasBlog 1.7 changes coming soon
12/18/2004 ASP.NET Performance Tuning - Making dasBlog faster...
12/16/2004 XmlPreprocess is an elegant hack - or - "The hack is in the eye of the beholder"
12/15/2004 An IP Address Blocking HttpModule for ASP.NET in 9 minutes
12/03/2004 GUI Front End to Chris Sells' XmlPreCompiler - For Debugging XmlSerialization Errors
12/03/2004 Being a good .NET citizen means certain things...start with your debugging skills
12/01/2004 NUnit Unit Testing of ASP.NET Pages, Base Classes, Controls and other widgetry using Cassini (ASP.NET Web Matrix/Visual Studio Web Developer)
11/30/2004 QuirksMode Bug Reports - CSS and JavaScript Weirdness Search Engine
11/29/2004 TestDriven.NET 1.0 Launch - What are you waiting for?
11/22/2004 A Hanselman Review: Doom 3 vs. FarCry vs. Half-Life 2 vs. Halo 2
11/19/2004 CSI: ASP.NET - The one where a double HTTP GET from Internet Explorer (IE) causes problems with FormsAuthentication and my sanity
11/12/2004 Scott's List of Ultimate Visual Studio.NET AddIns
11/06/2004 HOW TO: Debug into a .NET XmlSerializer Generated Assembly
10/27/2004 Moving the Code-Behind Assemblies/DLLs to a different folder than /BIN with ASP.NET 1.1
10/27/2004 MSDN Product Feedback for Whidbey: The /fs "Font Size" switch has been REMOVED.
10/05/2004 Multiple Monitors - put that extra laptop to use
09/14/2004 Back to your regularly scheduled technology blog: ASP.NET ClientSide JavaScript Fix for Validation Problems in .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 and ASPNET_REGIIS -c
09/09/2004 System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal vs. System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User or why FormsAuthentication can be subtle
08/24/2004 How to turn off/disable the .NET JIT Debugging Dialog
08/18/2004 ASP.NET Interview Questions
07/27/2004 ASP.NET Compiler Error 128 and Microsoft Support
07/15/2004 Validating that XmlSchemas and their Imports are Valid and All Good with an XmlResolver.
07/09/2004 "The dependency whatever.dll cannot be copied to the run directory because it would conflict with the dependancy...
07/01/2004 Mono 1.0 was just released
06/24/2004 Code, and Ninjas you can see...
06/23/2004 How to transfer/move all your Email from Hotmail (or Yahoo!) to Gmail
06/23/2004 Be aware of your DLLs and who's loading them - know about assembly binding redirects
06/08/2004 More thoughts around Code Generation and Extensible Programming Systems
06/03/2004 Important Note: Replacing the default ViewState Persistance Behavior
05/25/2004 The Wall Street Journal on the Power of Blogging, the Power of Scoble and My Spot Watch
05/20/2004 All the John Robbins BugSlayer Tips in one location
05/08/2004 Reflector and Big Fonts
04/06/2004 Why is it that _I_ find all the weird edge case bugs?
04/01/2004 IE's Content Advisor, PICS Ratings and the ASP.NET Flakey of the Day
03/15/2004 Welll that sucks...more quotas and limits on the Smart Watch
03/10/2004 Internationalization/I18n: Char.IsDigit() matches more than just "0" through "9"
03/04/2004 Cargo-cult programming
02/27/2004 Microsoft's "Whitehorse" - Visual Design back in Vogue?
02/14/2004 Sheesh, ScottGu, just buy this company already...
02/13/2004 Debug vs. Release - The Best of Both Worlds
02/12/2004 DevDays - False advertising...
02/11/2004 Should one go to Production with a DEBUG Build?
01/31/2004 Chris Pratley in the blogosphere and Ethiopians rejoice!
01/26/2004 Moving life into CVS and DocumentLocator and the Authoritative Source
01/09/2004 HttpCompression = on
01/01/2004 Ending the Year with Obscurity: JIT Debugging failed with the following error
12/29/2003 Google Dance Syndrome
10/21/2003 Multiple Monitors and Productivity
10/17/2003 DLL Hell - redux?
10/10/2003 Error Enumerating Data Server...oops, I mean, Madness and VS.NET's Server Explorer
10/01/2003 Updates to two great tools
09/18/2003 EnableVisualStyles strikes again...
09/16/2003 Internet Explorer and the Magic of Microsoft KB Article Q293792
09/08/2003 It's happy utility day!
08/16/2003 The end of an era...and the beginning of a new computer for me...
08/13/2003 The Syllabus for CST407 - Learning C# with .NET
07/31/2003 Ridiculous MSN Messenger 6.0 Bug - anyone want to pass this on to the team?
07/29/2003 It's been one of those Old School Weeks
07/15/2003 REDUX: Strange but True...weird allocation problem with .NET 1.1
07/11/2003 Strange but True...weird allocation problem with .NET?
07/09/2003 Thanks to the Seattle .NET Developer's Association...
07/02/2003 So many mistakes for me to make, so little time...capturing StandardError and StandardOutput
06/26/2003 Windows 2000 SP4: Return of the King is out
03/30/2003 NewsGator 1.1 - Run, Don't Walk
02/18/2003 SQL2K Stored Procedure Debugging broken with SP3
02/13/2003 Living the dual monitor lifestyle - You're preaching to the choir!
01/29/2003 - Sairama's Tip of the Day
01/27/2003 Windows 2000 - running for over 2 years, no reboot
01/22/2003 Stickies for Windows Stickienote desktop application
01/22/2003 Sairama's Interesting Code of the Day
01/20/2003 Microsoft Download Center RSS Feed
01/20/2003 Detailing Failed Assembly Loads with the Assembly Binding Log Viewer ("The Fusion Logger")
01/20/2003 Resources to Troubleshoot ASP.NET Debugging
01/15/2003 To Hell with Bad Browsers
12/27/2002 AvantBrowser The Best IE AddOn Ive Seen Like many o
12/05/2002 Ready Set VSNET Chris Kinsman A hrefhttpwww
12/03/2002 Machineconfig versus webconfig Ive Gordon Weaklie
11/26/2002 Been doing some A hrefhttpmsdnmicrosoftcomlibrarydefaultaspurllibraryenuscpguidehtmlcpcondevelopinghighpe
11/12/2002 Heres a fantastic bit of ASPNET news from the A hrefhttpdiscussdevelopcomarchiveswaexeA2ind0211BampLDOTNET
10/28/2002 XCode NET I was a huge fan of GenltXgt fro
10/15/2002 IMG height394 altA picture named SoapExtWizJPG hspace15 srchttpradioweblogscom0108971images2002101
09/27/2002 Thanks to everyone who attended my talk at the A hrefhttp

Channel9 (23)

04/18/2011 Mix 11 Videos - Download them all with RSS
03/16/2011 Entity Framework 4.1 Release Candidate with Go-Live (with Final Release to follow in a month)
02/22/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 253 - Organizing your own Virtual Technical Conference - MVCConf Post-Mortem
11/22/2010 The Weekly Source Code 57 -Controlling an Eagletron TrackerPod with C# 4, ASP.NET MVC and jQuery
10/05/2010 Hanselminutes on 9 - Inside Ward Cunningham's Hardware Basement
07/27/2010 ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1 Released – Channel 9 Video and Hanselminutes Podcast 224, Oh My!
04/09/2010 Spring Speaking Rollup 2010: Recent Talks and Upcoming Talks at Microsoft WebCamps
03/06/2010 Video Trip Report: If this is Tuesday, this must be Cairo
01/01/2010 2009 Blogged - Greatest Hits
11/05/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - Debugging Crash Dumps with Tess Ferrandez and VS2010
10/23/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - Spolsky, Atwood, Blyth, Hanselman = Crazy-Delicious || Content-Free?
10/21/2009 The Minutes On 9 - Channel 9 Video Interviews with the ASP.NET 4 Team
10/17/2009 Hanselminutes on Channel 9 - Inside
07/31/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - ASP.NET MVC 2 Preview 1 Released
07/14/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - OmniTechNews - I wasn't nearly this cool when I was 12
07/07/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - What Laptop do Alpha Geeks Use?
06/23/2009 Accidental Prescience and the Secrets of Project Natal
06/20/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - More from Norway, inside the Speaker's Room
06/18/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - In Norway, inside the Speaker's Room
06/11/2009 MSDN Bytes - Today's Random Silly Hanselman Video
04/17/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 158 - Secrets of Fog Creek with Joel Spolsky
03/28/2009 Mix09: Hanselminutes on Channel 9
02/15/2008 Geek Developer Cribs on10

Cloud (2)

03/02/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 255 - The Opinionated Cloud - Learning about AppHarbor
01/27/2009 BizSpark - Free Software and Production Licenses for Startups in the Startup Phase

CodeRush (21)

06/22/2006 TechEd 2006 In Conclusion
03/01/2006 NUnit Expansion Templates in CodeRush
02/23/2006 Leaning on the Language and Leaning on the Libraries
12/08/2005 New CodeRush Screencasts
11/02/2005 CodeRush and Visual Studio 2005
09/09/2005 The Coming Return of AJAX
07/07/2005 VGA Multiple Split-Screen Aggregator and Interesting Questions
06/20/2005 Scott Hanselman's 2005 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List
06/09/2005 My GrokTalk - Ten Tools in Ten Minutes
05/22/2005 GuildWars and the ErgoDex DX1
01/31/2005 RELEASE: FormattableObject an Aggregating reflection-based ToString() implementation
12/21/2004 Lutz Roeder's C# XML Documenter lives on in Travis Illig's CodeRush Plugin "CR_Documentor"
11/15/2004 Lutz Roeder's Documentor updated as a CodeRush Plugin/Visual Studio.NET Add-In
11/12/2004 Scott's List of Ultimate Visual Studio.NET AddIns
11/01/2004 Exclusive Coupon: 30% of MaxiVista for the next 7 days! Oy!
05/28/2004 The ErgoDex Alternative Keyboard and the Rise of "CodeRush IL"
05/27/2004 TechEd: Geeks on the Floor
05/26/2004 More on CodeRush
05/26/2004 TechEd 2003 - More Pictures and Heading Home
05/25/2004 TechEd - Pictures and People
05/23/2004 ReSharper vs. CodeRush

Coding4Fun (42)

01/19/2012 Abusing the Microsoft Research's Touch Mouse Sensor API SDK with a Console-based Heat-map
05/05/2011 Developer Stand up Comedy - Coding 4 Fun
02/17/2010 Building an Embodied Social Proxy or Crazy Webcam Remote Cart Thing
07/14/2009 Windows Home Server Twitter Notification Plugin
12/05/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 141 - Coding4Fun with Dan Fernandez and Brian Peek - Wiimotes and YouTube
08/12/2007 A vCard Preview Handler using the Coding4Fun DevKit
08/12/2007 Reading to Be a Better Developer - The Coding4Fun DevKit
03/08/2007 Screencast: Writing Managed .NET Plugins for the Optimus Mini Three Keyboard
03/06/2007 Coding4Fun: Interfacing with a Microsoft FingerPrint Reader
02/19/2007 Coding4Fun: Microbric Viper Robot with an Iguanaworks IR Serial Port and PowerShell
02/06/2007 Showing Video on an Optimus Mini Three
12/08/2006 Controlling a Microbric Viper using .NET and a custom IR Serial Port
09/16/2006 Coding4Fun Hardware Boneyard - Using the CueCat with .NET
09/02/2006 Coding4Fun Hardware Webcast - Available Offline
07/21/2006 Review: Garmin Nuvi 350 GPS
06/30/2006 Capturing Video a Web Camera using WIA - Not Possible?
05/24/2006 XPaper - Digital Paper and the Logitech io2 Pen
05/01/2006 Coding4Fun Hardware Webcast
04/22/2006 The Immediacy and the Remoteness
04/19/2006 New USB Wireless Security Lock software doesn't work with new hardware
04/08/2006 Some Assembly Required - the AIC250 as a motion detecting ClickOnce application
02/22/2006 First Trip Away since Z and the magic of the webcam
01/31/2006 Code Coverage comes to the masses
01/23/2006 OnTurning0x20AndLookingBackArt2005
12/26/2005 My Year In Blogging - 2005
12/18/2005 Blogging with the Logitech Pen
11/20/2005 Coding4Fun Videos up on Channel 9
11/13/2005 BeyondTV4 Upgrade Review - Media Center Alternative?
11/09/2005 Blogging directly from a Logitech IO2 Pen
11/05/2005 Building .NET 1.1 Projects using Visual Studio 2005
10/31/2005 Logitech IO2 Pen - .NET Support, Google Desktop Support, and Upcoming Article
09/30/2005 Coding4Fun - Look at Me! Windows Image Acquisition
09/27/2005 Phidgets Library for .NET released
09/20/2005 USB Wireless Security - Call For Plugins
08/13/2005 Coding4Fun - Some Assembly Required - USB Wireless PC Lock
07/01/2005 Code Camp Portland - July 23 and 24
06/18/2005 New Coding4Fun Article - Where the Heck am I?
06/01/2005 Top 10 Customer Issues in Visual Studio 2005 - I'm in the Top Ten!
05/24/2005 Machine.Shift.Left and Bit Shifting in VB.NET
05/19/2005 May 2005 - What is Scott up to?
05/14/2005 New Coding4Fun Article - It's Getting Hot in Here
04/18/2005 Coding4Fun is LIVE! - A new syndicated MSDN Column

Corillian (26)

06/13/2007 The Value of Writing Windows PowerShell Cmdlets
05/15/2007 CheckFree Closes Deal to Acquire Corillian - Now the real work begins
03/05/2007 Are you Banking Online? Why not?
03/01/2007 Webinar: Online Banking 2.0
02/14/2007 The Next Step: CheckFree to acquire Corillian for $245m
02/07/2007 Corillian, CardSpace, and Open ID - Digital Identity is happening
01/31/2007 Upcoming Events Jan/Feb 2007
09/18/2006 Accessing Private and Authenticated Feeds - Why it's important
04/17/2006 April 2006 - Corillian is hiring
02/22/2006 Speaking at TechEd 2006
01/05/2006 Corillian featured in Bank Technology News
09/21/2005 Jakob Nielsen at Corillian Connect
09/13/2005 Corillian Awarded Global Security Certification
09/13/2005 Mono and the PDC BoF
06/25/2005 The Recorded Version of my TechEd 2005 Code Generation Talk is Available
06/08/2005 ARC305 - My TechEd 2005 Session is being repeated
04/23/2005 Continuous Integration for .NET - Patrick Cauldwell and I will be at PADNUG on Weds, April 27th, 2005
04/09/2005 Alphabetizing your .NET Resource (RESX) files
04/01/2005 How do you organize your code?
02/21/2005 What Great .NET Developers Ought To Know (More .NET Interview Questions)
10/24/2004 EWeek story on the XmlDevCon
09/11/2004 I slashdotted Greg, our IT Manager. dasBlog again is holding up.
08/14/2004 Appled XML Developer's Conference 5 or "SellsCon 2004"
04/14/2004 More Magic in Morocco at the NDC
02/27/2004 Microsoft's "Whitehorse" - Visual Design back in Vogue?
01/17/2004 Corillian Case Study on the Bank of Stockton

Daddy (2)

09/13/2013 Teaching Kids Electronics, Computers, and Programming Fundamentals with Snap Circuits
05/07/2012 The Nerd Parent's Guide: When and how to introduce your kids to Star Wars

DasBlog (135)

10/20/2020 Don't ever break a URL if you can help it
07/09/2019 Dealing with Application Base URLs and Razor link generation while hosting ASP.NET web apps behind Reverse Proxies
07/02/2019 Real World Cloud Migrations: Moving a 17 year old series of sites from bare metal to Azure
06/27/2019 Git is case-sensitive and your filesystem may not be - Weird folder merging on Windows
03/18/2009 Microsoft Web Platform, Web Application Gallery, Web Platform Installer (and DasBlog)
12/02/2008 Best Code Syntax Highlighter for Snippets in your Blog
04/30/2008 The Weekly Source Code 25 - OpenID Edition
08/16/2007 dasBlog 2.0 Released
08/13/2007 Preventing Comment, Trackback and Referral Spam in dasBlog
08/12/2007 Coming Tuesday - dasBlog 2.0 and Medium Trust
08/07/2007 32bitness and 64bitness and migrating DasBlog on IIS7 and ASP.NET under Vista64
07/11/2007 SVN RELOCATE: SourceForge moves Subversion URLS - Will the fun ever start?
07/09/2007 Home Page, Category, and Item Paging in DasBlog
07/04/2007 DasBlog2 Theme Contest
06/26/2007 DasBlog 1.9.7 Release - Final ASP.NET 1.1 Version
06/04/2007 DasBlog June 2007 Release
05/31/2007 Windows Live Writer Beta 2 - DasBlog and the Customization API
04/11/2007 Blogging to DasBlog from Word 2007
02/17/2007 Adding a Timeline to DasBlog with the SIMILE Timeline Library
01/05/2007 Complete DasBlog Macro Documentation
11/30/2006 CardSpace/InfoCard for .NET 1.1
10/17/2006 Ohloh? Oo la la - Open Source Project Analysis
10/08/2006 Adding FeedBurner FeedFlare to DasBlog
10/08/2006 Monetizing your Blog
09/22/2006 DasBlog 1.9 Released
09/08/2006 Active ASP.NET Blogging Engines
09/05/2006 Microsummaries - Über Simple Syndication
08/29/2006 Making DasBlog work on Mobile Devices
08/22/2006 Google Sitemaps
08/13/2006 Windows Live Writer and DasBlog 1.9
08/03/2006 Upcoming DasBlog 1.9
08/02/2006 Example: How to contribute a patch to an Open Source Project like DasBlog
07/30/2006 Sandcastle - Microsoft CTP of a Help CHM file generator on the tails of the death of NDoc
07/21/2006 Review: Garmin Nuvi 350 GPS
06/25/2006 DotNetKicks Flare for FeedBurner and DasBlog
06/09/2006 TechEd 2006 Approaches
05/24/2006 IE 7, Office 2007, RSS and the Feed Protocol
05/23/2006 Thanks No
05/12/2006 Forcing an update of a cached JavaScript file in IIS
04/27/2006 DasBlog moved from CVS to SVN
04/25/2006 Open Source versus Source Out in the Open
03/23/2006 Is Open Source a Crap Idea?
03/20/2006 Team Hanselman and Diabetes Walk 2006
02/22/2006 INETA ASP.NET Canada Roadshow
02/14/2006 CoComment Support for DasBlog
02/02/2006 James Snape sniped by Microsoft
01/30/2006 GlucoPilot for the Palm - Open Sourced?
01/29/2006 Updated January 2006 Blogroll
01/25/2006 Maintaining PermaLinks when moving from .Text to DasBlog
01/23/2006 Flickr and DasBlog and geo-tagging and EXIF and on and on and on
01/23/2006 OnTurning0x20AndLookingBackArt2005
01/13/2006 Feed Auto Discovery
12/26/2005 My Year In Blogging - 2005
12/18/2005 Blogging with the Logitech Pen
12/09/2005 DasBlog Community Building and Documentation
11/24/2005 DevRadio Podcast featuring Omar Shahine and I on DasBlog
11/19/2005 The FreeMiniMac has arrived and will the fun ever start?
11/18/2005 Google Analytics - It doesn't suck
11/15/2005 - Review of DasBlog
11/05/2005 Caching in ASP.NET - VaryByParam may need VaryByHeader
10/31/2005 Offline Blogging packages that are compatible with DasBlog
10/20/2005 Permanent Redirects with HTTP 301
10/05/2005 The Submit button on ASP.NET pages does not work after .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 (works in FireFox, not in IE)
10/04/2005 ACTION REQUIRED: DasBlog Alert! Referral BlackList has changed!
09/23/2005 Migrating Content from Random Blogs to DasBlog
09/19/2005 Syndicating ComputerZen
09/13/2005 Mono and the PDC BoF
09/10/2005 Can I get a Free Mac?
09/09/2005 ThreadAbortException woes
09/07/2005 DasBlog - Nestings Blog
08/11/2005 DasBlog 1.8 Gold
08/09/2005 DasBlog Gold release soon...SourceForge CVS is down
08/03/2005 WatirMaker Version 0.01 Source
07/30/2005 DasBlog 1.8 RC1
07/27/2005 DasBlog 1.8 will/does produce Atom 1.0 valid documents
07/19/2005 Adding Custom UserControls to DasBlog
07/12/2005 New FormsAuthentication.SignOut behavior in ASP.NET 2.0
07/10/2005 Symantec Client Firewall is Psycho
07/06/2005 Call for DasBlog Theme Designers
07/03/2005 A few dasBlog changes coming tonight
06/30/2005 Enabling the Security Tab on Windows XP File Properties
06/27/2005 The GrokTalks are Up - PodCast Them
06/20/2005 Scott Hanselman's 2005 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List
06/18/2005 Using a Windows version of GNU Patch.exe with CVS and Diff Files
06/17/2005 DasBlog Gripes?
06/05/2005 Update on the dasBlog Turkish-I bug and a reminder to me on Globalization
05/31/2005 DasBlog Usability Alert: Template Changes to enable Turkish Users
05/27/2005 Upgrading FreeTextBox on dasBlog without Recompiling
05/10/2005 Folks switching to DasBlog
04/08/2005 CVS and Subversion vs. VSS/SourceSafe
03/30/2005 Zipping/Compressing ViewState in ASP.NET
03/22/2005 Enabling Evil - Tunnelling Xml within Xml using the XmlSerializer and some Magic
03/20/2005 Separating a Web Service's Implementation from the ASMX File
03/08/2005 DasBlog 1.7 and Free Text Box
01/30/2005 Work continues on dasBlog...
01/26/2005 BUG?: Can't use an Asterisk (*) as a character when requesting a URL (page) from ASP.NET
01/22/2005 The Charity Auction has Begun: Bid on an Hour of .NET Consulting Time to help Banda Aceh
01/19/2005 Buy an hour of consulting time and help the Tsunami Victums of Banda Aceh
01/19/2005 Is it case-senstive? No seriously, check and check again. Are URLs Case Sensitive?
01/18/2005 newtelligence dasBlog Community Edition 1.7.5016.1 RELEASED!
01/17/2005 Another dasBlog Slashdot, this time Greg Hughes' CopsOnTop Charity...audioblogging in Kilimanjaro
01/01/2005 More dasBlog 1.7 changes coming soon
12/18/2004 ASP.NET Performance Tuning - Making dasBlog faster...
12/12/2004 Changes to dasBlog - Watch for Weirdness
12/04/2004 Target: Referral Spam in dasBlog
11/11/2004 A potential CAPTCHA Comment Spam Solution for dasBlog (and others) with no recompile or code changes
11/10/2004 CommentSpam: It has begun, next steps?
10/02/2004 Books that are better the second time around...
09/15/2004 Getting the little RSS Orange Badge to show up in the Status Bar on Firefox 1.0
09/11/2004 I slashdotted Greg, our IT Manager. dasBlog again is holding up.
07/01/2004 Mono 1.0 was just released
06/17/2004 RSS Feed to dasBlog Content Converter
06/10/2004 .NET and Mono: The Libraries, the Framework and the Very Big Fish
06/09/2004 Scaling/Resizing/Resampling an Image in ASP.NET
06/03/2004 - Episodes you may have missed...
06/01/2004 A reminder on "Three/Multi Tier/Layer Architecture/Design" brought to you by my late night frustrations.
05/22/2004 dasMonthView - dasBlog now includes a complete Year View...and I'm spent.
05/22/2004 New dasBlog Calendar View
05/21/2004 RipDigital - another idea I should have thought of.
05/20/2004 Weird...first time my blog's been down, well, ever...
05/07/2004 Upgraded to dasBlog 1.6
04/14/2004 More Magic in Morocco at the NDC
03/14/2004 NDC: North African Developer's Conference is upon us...
03/02/2004 Clemens got Slashdotted, site not quite holding up?
01/17/2004 New York City .NET Users Group and the Cold
01/12/2004 Slashdot Traffic, Site Statistics and dasBlog Performance
01/10/2004 Added Search to my Blog, PLUS Highlighting
10/28/2003 PDC - End of Day 1, or beginning of Day 2?
10/25/2003 Finishing what was Quite A Day to start what we will be Quite A Week
09/22/2003 Internationalization/Globalization and ASP.NET Brainstorming at 1:05am
09/19/2003 Bring all my Radio UserLand comments over to dasBlog
09/18/2003 Importing existing Radio Comments into dasBlog
09/18/2003 Moving from Radio to DasBlog, DNS, Redirects, Permalinks and Radio "Stories"...
09/16/2003 Switching [all] Providers...
08/23/2003 Malaysia - Day -2 wrapping up

Data (9)

06/12/2017 LLBLGen Pro for .NET and .NET Core - Database Entity Modeling with any ORM
07/19/2012 Entity Framework Magic Unicorn (and much more!) is now open source with take backs
07/28/2011 Entity Framework Code First Migrations: Alpha - NuGet Package of the Week #10
04/21/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 262 - The Rise of the Micro-ORM with Sam Saffron and Rob Conery
03/30/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 258 - Inside Entity Framework 4.1 CodeFirst with Jeff Derstadt and Tim Laverty
08/12/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 225 - Learning about NHibernate 3 with Jason Dentler
07/15/2010 Simple Code First with Entity Framework 4 - Magic Unicorn Feature CTP 4
06/18/2010 The Weekly Source Code 52 - You keep using that LINQ, I dunna think it means what you think it means.
05/20/2010 Extending NerdDinner: Exploring Different Database Options

Deployment (2)

02/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 195 - Open Source, Microsoft and The WiX Project with Rob Mensching
11/25/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 138 - Paint.NET with Rick Brewster

DevCenter (1)

03/13/2008 I'm Just a Caveman - The Hanselman Corollary to the Clarke/Wheeler Laws

DevDays (5)

09/27/2004 New Corillian and Microsoft Scalability Case Study
03/18/2004 A tale of three Scotts worth listening to...
03/17/2004 The Calm Before the Storm...and more Watch Musings
02/19/2004 Scott Hanselman (that's me) on .NET Rocks! Live! Friday 9am PST over Windows Media and Skype.
01/28/2004 Went to PDC? Get into DevDays free...

Diabetes (83)

11/23/2021 A Nightscout Segment for OhMyPosh shows my realtime Blood Sugar readings in my Git Prompt
05/11/2021 Updating FloatingGlucose to .NET 5 - Display Nightscout or Dexcom Glucose Values on the Windows Desktop
06/06/2019 This changes everything for the DIY Diabetes Community - TidePool partners with Medtronic and Dexcom
04/23/2019 Open Source Artificial Pancreases will become the new standard of care for Diabetes in 2019
03/14/2019 Xbox Avatar accessories for People with Diabetes! Sponsored by Nightscout and Konsole Kingz
02/07/2019 Lighting up my DasKeyboard with Blood Sugar changes using my body's REST API
09/07/2018 The Extremely Promising State of Diabetes Technology in 2018
12/17/2017 Visualizing your real-time blood sugar values AND a Git Prompt on Windows PowerShell and Linux Bash
08/01/2016 GitKraken Pro git client teaming up with NightScout to support Open Source Diabetes software
06/16/2016 The Promising State of Diabetes Technology in 2016
10/13/2015 Diabetes Technology: Dexcom G5 CGM Review - So much wasted potential
03/14/2015 Bridging Dexcom Share CGM Receivers and Nightscout
11/03/2014 Enabling Websockets for Node apps on Microsoft Azure
06/30/2014 Diabetics: It's fun to say Bionic Pancreas but how about a reality check
09/29/2013 It's WAY too early to call this Insulin Pump an Artificial Pancreas
10/05/2012 Hacking Diabetes
06/17/2012 The Sad State of Diabetes Technology in 2012
08/05/2011 Hackers can kill Diabetics with Insulin Pumps from a half mile away - Um, no. Facts vs. Journalistic Fear mongering
09/07/2010 Details on the 2010 Diabetes Walk and a Thank You
05/07/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 214 - Type 1 Diabetes and Running Marathons with Gary Schmidt
04/22/2010 A Diabetic Product Review for Non-Diabetics - The Medtronic MiniMed Paradigm "Revel" Insulin Pump and CGM
04/19/2010 Team Hanselman and Diabetes Walk 2010
12/11/2008 South Africa 2008 - Diabetic Time Zones
10/13/2007 Retrospective: Halo 3 Fights Diabetes
10/09/2007 REMINDER: Register TODAY for the Fight Diabetes with Halo 3 Big Screen Party
09/28/2007 Raising Money for Diabetes with Halo 3 on Oct 11
09/23/2007 The 2007 Walk Against Diabetes approaches
09/05/2007 Welcome Good Day Oregon Viewers - Fight Diabetes 2007
06/08/2007 Video: Twittering your Diabetes on NBC11 News in San Francisco
05/22/2007 Twittering my Diabetes - Conclusion and Complete Transcript
05/18/2007 Twittering my Diabetes
05/05/2007 Diabetes Walk 2007 - Blog Matching Challenge and Silverlight Presentation in Portland
04/12/2007 Team Hanselman and Diabetes Walk 2007
04/10/2007 A Call for Good Design - One Guy, an Insulin Pump, 8 PDAs and an iPod
03/21/2007 SweetSpot - Web-Based Diabetes Management and ClickOnce
12/16/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 14 - Travelling as a Diabetic
10/25/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 38 - Diabetes Technology
10/18/2006 The First 12 Hours - The Medtronic Minimed Paradigm REAL-time Continuous Glucose Monitor
05/06/2006 Diabetes Walk 2006 - The Day of the Walk
04/19/2006 New integrated real-time glucose meter and pump coming THIS SUMMER
03/30/2006 Type 1 Diabetes will likely be cured in my lifetime - and just in time
03/20/2006 Team Hanselman and Diabetes Walk 2006
03/04/2006 Continous Glucose Monitoring
02/20/2006 Answering Questions (and putting your gamercard on your desktop)
01/30/2006 GlucoPilot for the Palm - Open Sourced?
01/17/2006 Z's first all-nighter
01/07/2006 2006 is the year of Video Chat
12/28/2005 My stark realization that I may be an early adopter
11/27/2005 Symlin plus Insulin equals new Diabetes Therapy
11/07/2005 What is the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes?
01/17/2005 Another dasBlog Slashdot, this time Greg Hughes' CopsOnTop Charity...audioblogging in Kilimanjaro
01/13/2005 I'm digging Skype more and more, the I'm tired of all the different "Me" issues. Also, moving your Skype contacts.
10/26/2004 GlucoBoy - Diabetes Monitoring for your GameBoy
09/27/2004 GlucoMON - Long Range Wireless delivery of Blood Sugar information for Diabetic Kids
09/06/2004 Minimed Pump Equipment
08/18/2004 Dietary and Nutritional Information for Fast Food Restaurants
08/02/2004 Medtronic Minimed 508 Insulin Pump vs. my New Paradigm 512 Insulin Pump and Blood Glucose Meter
05/25/2004 The Wall Street Journal on the Power of Blogging, the Power of Scoble and My Spot Watch
05/19/2004 Crazy Small World
05/10/2004 Hooked on Skype
05/06/2004 Scott's Diabetes Explanation: The Airplane Analogy
01/14/2004 The Bat Belt Effect - Geeks, Dorks and Diabetics
10/09/2003 Wireless Blood Sugar/Glucose Meter...
10/09/2003 Getting back in the swing...
09/21/2003 Technology and the first insulin pump...
09/16/2003 Switching [all] Providers...
09/10/2003 ASPLive! and flying on 9/11
09/02/2003 My buddy Garrick just got a LifeScan UltraSmart meter and heres his detailed review BLOCKQUOTE dirltr styleMARGINR
08/14/2003 The New Minimed Paradigm 512
07/28/2003 Garrick Neal's Ten Commandments of Diabetes
07/11/2003 It's beginning...
07/03/2003 Dinner at the Crossroad Mall on 7/7?
04/21/2003 Glucagon-like peptide 1 (1-37) converts intestinal epithelial cells into insulin-producing cells.
03/11/2003 The New Lifescan OneTouch UltraSmart
03/11/2003 The New Look for
01/22/2003 It's official, my twenties are winding down
11/23/2002 Sue has to go do a 2 hour Glucose Tolerance Test this morning Im going She might have Gestational Diabetes with this perg
11/21/2002 I found this older article from TheFeaturecom about Wireless Health Care andnbspDiabetes called A hr
10/09/2002 Theres a story about me and m
10/07/2002 Couple of new books over at my bookstore DiabeticBookscomnbsp check them out
09/26/2002 Fantasticnbsp So because I was an early user of the GlucoWatch
05/04/2002 Ive been using the GlucoWatch for a week nownbsp A hrefhttpradioweblogscom0106747imagesGlucoWatchTrend1JP
04/25/2002 Ive been a diabetic for almostnbsp9 years nownbsp It just randomly happened when

DLR (7)

06/21/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 271 - Inside IronJS - A complete JavaScript/ECMAScript open source implementation on the .NET DLR
02/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 197 - The Dynamic Language Runtime, IronRuby and IronPython with Jimmy Schementi
02/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 196 - .NET 4 CLR, Framework and Language Chat with Jason Olson
05/20/2009 C# 4 and the dynamic keyword - Whirlwind Tour around .NET 4 (and Visual Studio 2010) Beta 1
04/25/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 159 - IronPython in Action with Michael Foord
04/01/2009 .NET 4.1 Preview - New Base Class Library (BCL) Extension Methods - RFC
03/22/2008 IronPython and the DLR march on

Docker (22)

10/05/2021 Shrink your WSL2 Virtual Disks and Docker Images and Reclaim Disk Space
08/25/2020 Docker 101 and How do containers work?
05/19/2020 Developing on Docker with the new and improved Visual Studio Container Tools (and WSL2)
02/21/2020 How to set up Docker within Windows System for Linux (WSL2) on Windows 10
01/24/2020 Trying out Container Tools in Visual Studio 2019
07/30/2019 Docker Desktop for WSL 2 integrates Windows 10 and Linux even closer
05/21/2019 Visual Studio Code Remote Development may change everything
03/22/2019 Getting Started with .NET Core and Docker and the Microsoft Container Registry
09/14/2018 A complete containerized .NET Core Application microservice that is as small as possible
07/13/2018 Lynx is dead - Long live Browsh for text-based internet browsing
06/29/2018 Detecting that a .NET Core app is running in a Docker Container and SkippableFacts in XUnit
06/26/2018 .NET Core and Docker
05/16/2018 Building, Running, and Testing .NET Core and ASP.NET Core 2.1 in Docker on a Raspberry Pi (ARM32)
03/05/2018 A multi-player server-side GameBoy Emulator written in .NET Core and Angular
02/08/2018 Why should I care about Kubernetes, Docker, and Container Orchestration?
11/22/2017 Trying out new .NET Core Alpine Docker Images
11/20/2017 Docker and Linux Containers on Windows, with or without Hyper-V Virtual Machines
10/31/2017 Optimizing ASP.NET Core Docker Image sizes
06/06/2017 .NET and Docker
03/15/2017 ZEIT now deployments of open source ASP.NET Core web apps with Docker
10/14/2016 Exploring ASP.NET Core with Docker in both Linux and Windows Containers
05/27/2015 Publishing an ASP.NET 5 app to Docker on Linux with Visual Studio

DotNetCore (165)

03/07/2024 Updating to .NET 8, updating to IHostBuilder, and running Playwright Tests within NUnit headless or headed on any OS
11/18/2021 Upgrading a 20 year old University Project to .NET 6 with dotnet-upgrade-assistant
11/16/2021 .NET 6 Hot Reload and "Refused to connect to ws: because it violates the Content Security Policy directive" because Web Sockets
11/11/2021 DotNetConf 2021 - .NET Everywhere - Windows, Linux, and Beyond
11/09/2021 Let's upgrade my main site and podcast to .NET 6 LTS
10/21/2021 Parallel.ForEachAsync in .NET 6
10/07/2021 Dotnet could not execute because the application was not found or a compatible .NET SDK is not installed
09/30/2021 ASP.NET Core Diagnostic Scenarios
09/28/2021 Differences between Hashtable vs Dictonary vs ConcurrentDictionary vs ImmutableDictionary
09/16/2021 Implicit Usings in .NET 6
09/09/2021 Minimal APIs in .NET 6 but where are the Unit Tests?
09/07/2021 Minimal APIs at a glance in .NET 6
09/02/2021 A .NET 6 Minimal API Todo example Playground
08/19/2021 Carter Community for ASP.NET Core means enjoyable Web APIs on the cutting edge
08/05/2021 Exploring a minimal Web API with ASP.NET Core 6
05/11/2021 Updating FloatingGlucose to .NET 5 - Display Nightscout or Dexcom Glucose Values on the Windows Desktop
04/08/2021 Converting a 13 year old .NET WPF app called BabySmash to a self-contained .NET 5 app with the .NET Upgrade Assistant
03/11/2021 Ryujinx is an Experimental Nintendo Switch Emulator written in C# for .NET Core
02/16/2021 Free eBook: How to use Dapr for .NET Developers
02/11/2021 DotNet Boxed includes prescriptive templates for .NET Core
02/09/2021 Tiny top-level programs with C# 9 and SmallSharp and Visual Studio
11/19/2020 How to make a WinForms app with .NET 5 entirely from the command line and publish as one self-contained file
11/17/2020 Spectre.Console lets you make beautiful console apps with .NET Core
11/12/2020 Your dotnet outdated is outdated! Update and help keep your .NET projects up to date
11/03/2020 How to allow executable .exe files to be downloaded with ASP.NET Core and UseStaticFiles middleware
10/13/2020 Classic Path.DirectorySeparatorChar gotchas when moving from .NET Core on Windows to Linux
09/23/2020 Blazor WebAssembly on Azure Static Web Apps
09/17/2020 dotnet-trace for .NET Core tracing in PerfView, SpeedScope, Chromium Event Trace Profiling, Flame graphs and more!
09/15/2020 Cross-platform diagnostic tools for .NET Core
08/27/2020 Exploring the .NET Core library Coravel for Task Scheduling, Caching, Mailing and more
08/13/2020 What is .NET? How does it work? Is it a language or a Platform?
08/12/2020 Free Books for Learning and Getting Started with Cloud-Native .NET Apps
07/28/2020 How do I find which directory my .NET Core console application was started in or is running from?
07/23/2020 Official Support for Remote Debugging a .NET Core Linux app in WSL2 from Visual Studio on Windows
04/23/2020 CoreBoy is a cross platform GameBoy Emulator written in C# that even does ASCII
03/06/2020 Adding a git commit hash and Azure DevOps Build Number and Build ID to an ASP.NET website
03/04/2020 Making a cleaner and more intentional azure-pipelines.yml for an ASP.NET Core Web App
02/12/2020 Announcing .NET Interactive - Try .NET includes .NET Notebooks and more
02/07/2020 Your Todo application is too complex or not complex enough
02/05/2020 Hundreds of practical ASP.NET Core samples to learn the fundamentals
01/31/2020 Hosting your own NuGet Server and Feed for build artifacts with BaGet
01/17/2020 .NET everywhere apparently also means Windows 3.11 and DOS
01/10/2020 Updating my ASP.NET podcast site to System.Text.Json from Newtonsoft.Json
12/18/2019 Setting up Azure DevOps CI/CD for a .NET Core 3.1 Web App hosted in Azure App Service for Linux
12/13/2019 Moving an ASP.NET Core from Azure App Service on Windows to Linux by testing in WSL and Docker first
12/10/2019 Updating an ASP.NET Core 2.2 Web Site to .NET Core 3.1 LTS
11/06/2019 Announcing .NET Jupyter Notebooks
10/23/2019 Create exceptional interactive documentation with Try .NET - The Polly NuGet library did!
10/15/2019 Assert your assumptions - .NET Core and subtle locale issues with WSL's Ubuntu
09/26/2019 How to download over 80 free 101-level C#, .NET, and ASP.NET for beginners videos for offline viewing
09/24/2019 Announcing free C#, .NET, and ASP.NET for beginners video courses and tutorials
08/23/2019 dotnet new worker - Windows Services or Linux systemd services in .NET Core
08/15/2019 SharpScript from ServiceStack lets you run .NET apps directly from a GitHub Gist!
08/01/2019 Dotnet Depends is a great text mode development utility made with Gui.cs
07/23/2019 System.Text.Json and new built-in JSON support in .NET Core
07/18/2019 Installing PowerShell with one line as a .NET Core global tool
07/16/2019 DragonFruit and System.CommandLine is a new way to think about .NET Console apps
06/18/2019 Dynamically generating robots.txt for ASP.NET Core sites based on environment
06/13/2019 Making a tiny .NET Core 3.0 entirely self-contained single executable
06/04/2019 Clever little C# and ASP.NET Core features that make me happy
05/15/2019 Introducing the Try .NET Global Tool - interactive in-browser documentation and workshop creator
04/18/2019 Exploring DNS with the .NET Core based Technitium DNS Server
03/22/2019 Getting Started with .NET Core and Docker and the Microsoft Container Registry
03/07/2019 How to parse string dates with a two digit year and split on the right century in C#
03/06/2019 Converting an Excel Worksheet into a JSON document with C# and .NET Core and ExcelDataReader
03/01/2019 EditorConfig code formatting from the command line with .NET Core's dotnet format global tool
02/22/2019 Learning about .NET Core futures by poking around at David Fowler's GitHub
02/20/2019 Right click publish quickly to Azure App Services with VS Code extensions and zipdeploy
02/01/2019 Brainstorming - Creating a small single self-contained executable out of a .NET Core application
01/25/2019 NuGet's fancy older sibling FuGet gives you a whole new view of the .NET packaging ecosystem
01/23/2019 How to use Windows 10's built-in OpenSSH to automatically SSH into a remote Linux machine
01/18/2019 Remote debugging with VS Code on Windows to a Raspberry Pi using .NET Core on ARM
01/16/2019 Installing the .NET Core 2.x SDK on a Raspberry Pi and Blinking an LED with System.Device.Gpio
12/14/2018 Useful ASP.NET Core 2.2 Features
12/12/2018 How to set up ASP.NET Core 2.2 Health Checks with BeatPulse's AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks
11/16/2018 Compiling C# to WASM with Mono and Blazor then Debugging .NET Source with Remote Debugging in Chrome DevTools
11/07/2018 Updating my ASP.NET Website from .NET 2.2 Core Preview 2 to .NET 2.2 Core Preview 3
11/01/2018 .NET Core and .NET Standard for IoT - The potential of the Meadow Kickstarter
10/30/2018 Side by Side user scoped .NET Core installations on Linux with
10/25/2018 ASP.NET Core 2.2 Parameter Transformers for clean URL generation and slugs in Razor Pages or MVC
10/22/2018 Dependabot for .NET Core dependency tracking in GitHub
10/16/2018 Customer Notes: Diagnosing issues under load of Web API app migrated to ASP.NET Core on Linux
10/16/2018 New prescriptive guidance for Open Source .NET Library Authors
10/12/2018 C# and .NET Core scripting with the "dotnet-script" global tool
10/03/2018 Headless CMS and Decoupled CMS in .NET Core
09/28/2018 Exploring .NET Core's SourceLink - Stepping into the Source Code of NuGet packages you don't own
09/25/2018 A command-line REPL for RESTful HTTP Services
09/20/2018 Scripts to remove old .NET Core SDKs
09/12/2018 How do you use System.Drawing in .NET Core?
08/30/2018 Interesting bugs - MSB3246: Resolved file has a bad image, no metadata, or is otherwise inaccessible. Image is too small.
08/29/2018 Improvements on ASP.NET Core deployments on Zeit's and making small container images
08/17/2018 Upgrading an existing .NET project files to the lean new CSPROJ format from .NET Core
08/02/2018 Developing locally with ASP.NET Core under HTTPS, SSL, and Self-Signed Certs
07/25/2018 Example Code - Opinionated ContosoUniversity on ASP.NET Core 2.0's Razor Pages
07/20/2018 AltCover and ReportGenerator give amazing code coverage on .NET Core
07/18/2018 .NET Core Code Coverage as a Global Tool with coverlet
07/10/2018 NuKeeper for automated NuGet Package Reference Updates on Build Servers
07/06/2018 dotnet outdated helps you keep your projects up to date
07/03/2018 The whole of WordPress compiled to .NET Core and a NuGet Package with PeachPie
06/29/2018 Detecting that a .NET Core app is running in a Docker Container and SkippableFacts in XUnit
06/26/2018 .NET Core and Docker
06/23/2018 Using Flurl to easily build URLs and make testable HttpClient calls in .NET
06/20/2018 Using ASP.NET Core 2.1's HttpClientFactory with Refit's REST library
06/11/2018 ASP.NET Core Architect David Fowler's hidden gems in 2.1
05/23/2018 Real Browser Integration Testing with Selenium Standalone, Chrome, and ASP.NET Core 2.1
05/16/2018 Building, Running, and Testing .NET Core and ASP.NET Core 2.1 in Docker on a Raspberry Pi (ARM32)
05/12/2018 Using LazyCache for clean and simple .NET Core in-memory caching
05/10/2018 Announcing .NET Core 2.1 RC 1 Go Live AND .NET Core 3.0 Futures
05/02/2018 Eyes wide open - Correct Caching is always hard
05/02/2018 The Programmer's Hindsight - Caching with HttpClientFactory and Polly Part 2
04/27/2018 Adding Cross-Cutting Memory Caching to an HttpClientFactory in ASP.NET Core with Polly
04/24/2018 Adding Resilience and Transient Fault handling to your .NET Core HttpClient with Polly
04/20/2018 HttpClientFactory for typed HttpClient instances in ASP.NET Core 2.1
04/05/2018 Optimizing an ASP.NET Core site with Chrome's Lighthouse Auditor
03/30/2018 Easier functional and integration testing of ASP.NET Core applications
03/27/2018 Command line "tab" completion for .NET Core CLI in PowerShell or bash
03/22/2018 Automatic Unit Testing in .NET Core plus Code Coverage in Visual Studio Code
03/13/2018 Setting up Application Insights took 10 minutes. It created two days of work for me.
03/10/2018 Upgrading my podcast site to ASP.NET Core 2.1 in Azure plus some Best Practices
03/07/2018 Major build speed improvements - Try .NET Core 2.1 Preview 1 today
03/05/2018 A multi-player server-side GameBoy Emulator written in .NET Core and Angular
03/01/2018 Running ASP.NET Core on GoDaddy's cheapest shared Linux Hosting - Don't Try This At Home
02/25/2018 Upgrading a 10 year old site to ASP.NET Core's Razor Pages using the URL Rewriting Middleware
01/30/2018 How to set up Kubernetes on Windows 10 with Docker for Windows and run ASP.NET Core
01/08/2018 ASP.NET Single Page Applications Angular Release Candidate
12/04/2017 Accelerated 3D VR, sure, but impress me with a nice ASCII progress bar or spinner
11/25/2017 Writing smarter cross-platform .NET Core apps with the API Analyzer and Windows Compatibility Pack
11/22/2017 Trying out new .NET Core Alpine Docker Images
11/08/2017 Lightweight bundling, minifying, and compression, for CSS and JavaScript with ASP.NET Core and Smidge
11/08/2017 WebOptimizer - a Bundler and Minifier for ASP.NET Core
10/31/2017 Optimizing ASP.NET Core Docker Image sizes
10/08/2017 Learning about the F# SAFE stack -, Azure, Fable, Elmish
10/04/2017 Free .NET Training - The Videos from .NET Conf 2017 are now available
09/27/2017 The Book of the Runtime - The internals of the .NET Runtime that you won't find in the documentation
09/18/2017 A Functional Web with ASP.NET Core and F#'s Giraffe
09/14/2017 The ASP.NET Interns ship their project - A basic blog template for .NET Core
09/10/2017 Experiments in Open Source: Exploring vcr-sharp for Http record and playback
08/29/2017 Experimental: Reducing the size of .NET Core applications with Mono's Linker
08/21/2017 Referencing .NET Standard Assemblies from both .NET Core and .NET Framework
08/17/2017 Draft - .NET Glossary Diagram
08/16/2017 Exploring refit, an automatic type-safe REST library for .NET Standard
08/12/2017 .NET and WebAssembly - Is this the future of the front-end?
07/27/2017 Peachpie - Open Source PHP Compiler to .NET and WordPress under ASP.NET Core
07/27/2017 dotnet sdk list and dotnet sdk latest
07/18/2017 13 hours debugging a segmentation fault in .NET Core on Raspberry Pi and the solution was...
07/02/2017 Porting a 15 year old .NET 1.1 Virtual CPU Tiny Operating System school project to .NET Core 2.0
06/28/2017 Speed of dotnet run vs the speed of dotnet for published apps (plus self-contained .NET Core apps)
06/25/2017 Exploring CQRS within the Brighter .NET open source project
06/16/2017 How to reference a .NET Core library in WinForms - Or, .NET Standard Explained
06/08/2017 Trying .NET Core on Linux with just a tarball (without apt-get)
06/06/2017 .NET and Docker
05/31/2017 Choice amongst cross-platform .NET IDEs - VS Code, Visual Studio for Mac, JetBrains Rider
05/15/2017 BUILD 2017 Conference Rollup for .NET Developers
05/12/2017 Managing dotnet Core 2.0 and dotnet Core 1.x versioned SDKs on the same machine
03/30/2017 Trying ASP.NET Core on the Google Cloud Platform "App Engine Flexible Environment"
03/27/2017 Command Line: Using dotnet watch test for continuous testing with .NET Core 1.0 and
03/18/2017 Options for CSS and JS Bundling and Minification with ASP.NET Core
03/15/2017 ZEIT now deployments of open source ASP.NET Core web apps with Docker
02/24/2017 Xamarin .NET Workbooks - Interactive Computing is a stellar learning tool
11/11/2016 Stateless 3.0 - A State Machine library for .NET Core
11/03/2016 The mystery of dotnet watch and 'Microsoft.NETCore.App', version '1.1.0-preview1-001100-00' was not found
09/18/2016 Self-contained .NET Core Applications
09/01/2016 Publishing an ASP.NET Core website to a cheap Linux VM host
07/18/2016 Exploring dotnet new with .NET Core
07/10/2016 Where's DNVM? Safely running multiple versions of the .NET Core SDK and Tooling with global.json

eFinance (14)

07/23/2007 WPF Sample in IronRuby talking via C# to Wesabe
07/13/2007 Wesabe makes Financial Data available programmatically
07/03/2007 Why I don't use Intuit's Quicken or Microsoft Money
03/05/2007 Are you Banking Online? Why not?
03/01/2007 Webinar: Online Banking 2.0
02/14/2007 The Next Step: CheckFree to acquire Corillian for $245m
02/07/2006 Classic Web Services versus POX XML over MQ - are you really using XML?
02/01/2006 The return of PayPal? TextPayMe offers Pay Over SMS
01/05/2006 Corillian featured in Bank Technology News
09/13/2005 Corillian Awarded Global Security Certification
10/24/2004 EWeek story on the XmlDevCon
10/20/2004 SellsCon 2004
09/27/2004 New Corillian and Microsoft Scalability Case Study
01/14/2004 J.P. Morgan Chase to acquire BankOne

Gaming (142)

03/11/2021 Ryujinx is an Experimental Nintendo Switch Emulator written in C# for .NET Core
10/29/2020 Using an Xbox Adaptive Controller and Xbox Copilot to get back into gaming after surgery
09/07/2020 How to use a Raspberry Pi 4 as a Minecraft Java Server
04/23/2020 CoreBoy is a cross platform GameBoy Emulator written in C# that even does ASCII
01/29/2020 Retrogaming by modding original consoles to remove moving parts and add USB or SD-Card support
10/10/2019 Visual Studio for Nintendo Switch? - FUZE4 Nintendo Switch is an amazing coding app
09/12/2019 Emulating a PlayStation 1 (PSX) entirely with C# and .NET
08/08/2019 The PICO-8 Virtual Fantasy Console is an idealized constrained modern day game maker
05/28/2019 Bringing the SpaceOrb game controller forward with an Arduino Bridge via The Orbotron 9001
05/16/2019 Using the Steam Link app to stream PC Games directly to your iPhone or mobile device
03/14/2019 Xbox Avatar accessories for People with Diabetes! Sponsored by Nightscout and Konsole Kingz
03/12/2019 How to stream PC games from Windows 10 to your Xbox One for free
02/12/2019 How to convert an IMG file to an standard ISO easily with Linux on Windows 10
02/05/2019 Teaching Kids to Code with Minecraft Mods made easy using MakeCode and Code Connection
12/21/2018 The Fun of Finishing - Exploring old games with Xbox Backwards Compatibility
12/19/2018 Enjoy some DOS Games this Christmas with DOSBox
04/13/2018 Retrogaming on original consoles in HDMI on a budget
11/02/2017 The perfect Nintendo Switch travel set up and recommended accessories
06/07/2017 RetroPie and X-Arcade Tankstick - The perfect Retro Arcade (plus keybindings and config and how-to)
03/12/2017 Nintendo Switch and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild are an ABSOLUTE JOY
01/25/2017 Solved and Fixed: StreetPass stopped working on Nintendo 3DS XL
12/08/2016 Awesome, legal, wireless retrogaming with a Hyperkin Retron 5 and 8bitdo's nes30pro
09/28/2016 FIXED: Xbox One losing TV signal error message with DirectTV
06/11/2014 Easy accelerated 3D Games in a browser with JavaScript and WebGL using Three.js or Babylon.js
06/09/2014 How to use an Xbox One controller on your Windows PC
03/22/2011 Microsoft "Video Kinect" Chat Review - Video Chat on the Big Screen, The Good and The Bad
11/19/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 240 - Developing Indie Games for Xbox 360 and XNA with George Clingerman
06/23/2009 Accidental Prescience and the Secrets of Project Natal
03/02/2009 Quake Live Review and Rant - Why is this interesting?
11/20/2008 Xbox 360 NXE - Forget Games, The Xbox is a Media Center
05/27/2008 Wii Fit Review
10/13/2007 Retrospective: Halo 3 Fights Diabetes
10/09/2007 REMINDER: Register TODAY for the Fight Diabetes with Halo 3 Big Screen Party
10/04/2007 The Red Ring of Death makes itself known
09/28/2007 Raising Money for Diabetes with Halo 3 on Oct 11
09/25/2007 Halo 3 Review
07/27/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 74 - Jeff Atwood overclocks the Ultimate PC
07/06/2007 Xbox360 XNA Game Development - Hanselman Conversation Simulator
06/18/2007 Flashing the Firmware of an Xbox MN-740 Wireless Adapter to a D-Link 108AG to support WPA Security
02/26/2007 Enabling Aero Glass on Windows Vista with a Toshiba M200/M205
02/24/2007 Gerwiiatrics - Old People play the Wii
02/16/2007 Xbox 360 Controller Wireless Receiver Adapter for Windows
01/25/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 48 - Introduction Board Gaming for Geeks and Programmers
01/21/2007 Happy Birthday to Mii - Wii Review
12/31/2006 Zune vs. iPod Video vs. iRiver Clix
11/23/2006 Microsoft Xbox 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver
11/22/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 42 - Next Generation Gaming and the Developer
07/20/2006 A half-year Podcasts
07/18/2006 Portland Code Camp 2006 contracts and expands
07/02/2006 Using FFMPEG to squish lots of videos using PowerShell
06/03/2006 God of War Review
05/11/2006 If you love your family and your kids, do not play Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - It's that good
04/18/2006 Hacking Video Game Consoles
04/12/2006 The Elder Scrolls - emulated in a Dos Box
04/04/2006 Interview with a PSP Developer - Doug Beck
04/03/2006 More and more Audible instead of iTunes
03/27/2006 Alternative Power - Kensington 120W Notebook Power Adapter
02/28/2006 Microsoft's Newton? Project Origami
02/20/2006 Answering Questions (and putting your gamercard on your desktop)
02/17/2006 Connect your Xbox360 to your Mac
02/17/2006 Browsing the Web from your Xbox360
02/12/2006 Configuring PPTP VPN with alternate Linksys Router Firmware
02/07/2006 More on Alternate Linksys Firmware
02/03/2006 Confessions of an Audio Visual Geek
02/01/2006 The return of PayPal? TextPayMe offers Pay Over SMS
01/23/2006 Media Center Games
01/23/2006 OnTurning0x20AndLookingBackArt2005
01/20/2006 Good mid-level 3D cards
01/19/2006 Media Center Extenders and the Xbox 360
01/18/2006 XM Satellite Radio for Windows Media Center PC
01/17/2006 Z's first all-nighter
01/16/2006 First Person Shooters on the PSP
01/09/2006 Microsoft Wireless Laser Desktop 6000
01/03/2006 Can't download Quake4 or Condemned on Xbox Live Marketplace and other bugs/features
12/29/2005 Watching Videos on the Xbox 360
12/28/2005 My stark realization that I may be an early adopter
12/26/2005 My Year In Blogging - 2005
12/15/2005 Xbox 360 as Media Hub
11/13/2005 BeyondTV4 Upgrade Review - Media Center Alternative?
11/01/2005 Windows Live - I just don't get it.
10/29/2005 Gaming at 16 by 10 on a Widescreen LCD
10/21/2005 Squishing TV onto your PSP
10/14/2005 All the world abuzz about Sudoku
09/29/2005 Using the PSP Playstation Portable as a Portable Media Center
09/27/2005 Creating my own Mame Arcade Cabinet, Mame for Media Center PC, and the X-Arcade Joystick
09/06/2005 Overwhelmed and enamored with FolderShare
08/25/2005 PSP Playstation Portable 2.0 Firmware Update
08/16/2005 Dungeon Siege II Demo - Sucks Too Much?
07/09/2005 Toolbars Galore
07/01/2005 Code Camp Portland - July 23 and 24
06/20/2005 Scott Hanselman's 2005 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List
06/12/2005 Microsoft's Paint Program Legacy - YAMPP
05/22/2005 GuildWars and the ErgoDex DX1
05/09/2005 XBox Wireless Adapter MN-740 Update
05/09/2005 Logitech Harmony 880 Remote Control Review
04/18/2005 Coding4Fun is LIVE! - A new syndicated MSDN Column
03/27/2005 The State of (My) Digital Media
02/19/2005 Fixing an XBox DVD Drive
01/22/2005 Own a LinkSys WRT54G? Sveasoft released Alchemy v6.0RC6 and I HAD to install it at 2am
01/07/2005 Scott's List of Great Tools for your TabletPC
11/29/2004 Scott Hanselman's Holiday List
11/22/2004 A Hanselman Review: Doom 3 vs. FarCry vs. Half-Life 2 vs. Halo 2
11/17/2004 What are you reading?
11/10/2004 Halo 2: There's more to it than you think. Have you seen the "GameViewer?" And the Games RSS Feed?
10/26/2004 GlucoBoy - Diabetes Monitoring for your GameBoy
08/25/2004 [OT] Thanks Mr. Blizzard!
07/06/2004 The Video Card and Pentium Overheating Saga ends...and \Overclocking a ATI Radeon 256Meg 9800 Pro
06/28/2004 I am SO sick of PC Gaming - I HATE IT
06/10/2004 3D Graphics may NEVER achieve Human Realism? - The Masahiro Mori Uncanny Valley
06/09/2004 XBox Live still working out the MSN Messenger integration details...
05/28/2004 The ErgoDex Alternative Keyboard and the Rise of "CodeRush IL"
05/24/2004 "ConfigFree" Wireless at TechEd and the advent of Windows XP SP2
04/06/2004 Scott's Movie Versions: 3 down! 1 to go.
03/17/2004 XBox Friends
03/14/2004 Yukon and Whidbey Slip, and your life goes on. Film at 11.
02/07/2004 New Digital Photo Techniques from Microsoft Research integrated into Microsoft Digital Image Suite 9
02/06/2004 Whew. What a week. Rediscovering the basics.
01/06/2004 GamerTag: Glucose
12/12/2003 Books that should be made into Movies before I die
12/09/2003 Salem, my Salem
12/08/2003 Choose Your Own Adventure, HyperMedia, and the death of the permalink.
12/05/2003 PacMan written entirely in Excel...
11/16/2003 My Christmas (or Birthday List)
11/09/2003 XBox Live v2 <xbox gamertag="Glucose"/>
10/27/2003 .NET Rocks! - PDC Edition Quotes
10/21/2003 Multiple Monitors and Productivity
08/21/2003 Wireless Blogging in SFO on the way to HKG on the way to KUL
08/19/2003 Roshambo and Rise of Nations
07/31/2003 .DOT COMMON - A Beat Poem by Scott Hanselman
07/22/2003 Ender's Job - Software Engineer or Protector of Mankind?
05/27/2003 Not a bad weekend...
05/09/2003 Happiness is...
04/10/2003 More Talk about Certification from an MC*.*
04/05/2003 Scott Hanselman, MC*.*, Good SATs, AS, Almost BS, 3 digit IQ, blah blah blah...
02/18/2003 BBSs, Dead OSs, and Door Games
02/02/2003 My Weekend
02/02/2003 Revolutions don't always start at the hardware transport layer...
01/22/2003 GamerTag = Glucose
12/09/2002 The Five Biggest Myths About Web Services
11/25/2002 I used this Atari 10in1 Game to open up a talk on Web Services recentlynbsp Its a great tangible example in case anyon
11/18/2002 Games Im making my Christmas list of XBox
09/26/2002 Last night I finished the complete Hyperion

Hardware (62)

03/16/2021 Consider upgrading a few PC components - a good SSD is so fast it's not even funny
08/18/2020 Connect to a device over Serial COM Port on Windows 10 with WSL1 TTY devices with Windows Terminal and minicom
08/06/2020 Reviewing the Elecrow CrowPi2 Raspberry Pi Laptop and STEM Education Platform
02/19/2020 How to install Visual Studio Code on a Raspberry Pi 4 in minutes
12/20/2019 The wires are crossed, literally! - Learning low level computing with Ben Eater's 6502 kit
10/29/2019 Adafruit's Circuit Playground Express simulated Visual Studio Code's Device Simulator Express
09/11/2019 How to fix dfu-util, STM, WinUSB, Zadig, Bootloaders and other Firmware Flashing issues on Windows
08/20/2019 Review: UniFi from Ubiquiti Networking is the ultimate prosumer home networking solution
08/08/2019 The PICO-8 Virtual Fantasy Console is an idealized constrained modern day game maker
06/11/2019 Visual Studio Code Remote Development over SSH to a Raspberry Pi is butter
05/01/2019 Did I leave the garage door open? A no-code project with Azure IoT Central and the MXChip DevKit
04/25/2019 Software Defined Radio is a great way to bridge the physical and the digital and teach STEM
04/11/2019 Blocking ads before they enter your house at the DNS level with pi-hole and a cheap Raspberry Pi
03/29/2019 Displaying your realtime Blood Glucose from NightScout on an AdaFruit PyPortal
01/29/2019 Visiting The National Museum of Computing inside Bletchley Park - Can we crack Enigma with Raspberry Pis?
01/23/2019 How to use Windows 10's built-in OpenSSH to automatically SSH into a remote Linux machine
01/18/2019 Remote debugging with VS Code on Windows to a Raspberry Pi using .NET Core on ARM
01/16/2019 Installing the .NET Core 2.x SDK on a Raspberry Pi and Blinking an LED with System.Device.Gpio
12/26/2018 Using Visual Studio Code to program Circuit Python with an AdaFruit NeoTrellis M4
11/23/2018 Upgrading the DakBoard Family Calendar with Raspberry Pi Zero W and Read Only filesystem
11/21/2018 How to build a Wall Mounted Family Calendar and Dashboard with a Raspberry Pi and cheap monitor
11/01/2018 .NET Core and .NET Standard for IoT - The potential of the Meadow Kickstarter
08/10/2018 Building the Ultimate Developer PC 3.0 - The Parts List for my new computer, IronHeart
07/31/2018 One click deploy for MakeCode and the amazing AdaFruit Circuit Playground Express
03/20/2018 Turn your Raspberry Pi into a portable Touchscreen Tablet with SunFounder's RasPad
01/29/2018 Building a Raspberry Pi Car Robot with WiFi and Video
01/08/2018 Exploring the Azure IoT Arduino Cloud DevKit
06/21/2017 Solved: Surface Pro 3 USB Driver Issues with the Surface Diagnostic Toolkit
12/27/2016 Exploring the Tessel 2 IoT and robotics development board
12/20/2016 Connecting my Particle Photon Internet of Things device to the Azure IoT Hub
12/14/2016 Playing with an Onion Omega IoT device to show live Blood Sugar on an OLED screen
10/18/2016 Learning Arduino the fun way - Writing Games with Arduboy
03/23/2016 How to set up a Raspberry Pi 3 from scratch (with video)!
03/15/2016 Building Visual Studio Code on a Raspberry Pi 3
03/09/2016 Finding the Perfect Mouse
03/02/2016 The Importance of the LED Moment - I DID THAT
08/09/2015 Microsoft Universal Foldable Keyboard - Dual Bluetooth Pairing and Three Operating Systems
06/23/2015 Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro Micro-HDMI not working? Easy fix.
04/02/2015 Setting up a VPN and Remote Desktop back into your home with a Synology (from an iPhone)
04/01/2015 March was for Makers - Fantastic Hardware Tutorials, Videos, Podcasts and more!
03/14/2015 Bridging Dexcom Share CGM Receivers and Nightscout
03/10/2015 Arduino 101 with an Intel Edison - Hooking up JSON to an LCD Screen
03/03/2015 How to run ASP.NET 5 Beta 3 or GoLang on a Raspberry Pi 2
07/26/2013 Choosing the right Portable Power Phone/Tablet/Gadget Battery Charger
04/27/2013 Review: The Lenovo X1 Carbon Touch is my new laptop
11/08/2012 Many Raspberry Pi projects - How can you not love a tiny computer?
10/23/2012 Cloud-Controlled Remote Pan Tilt Zoom Camera API for a Logitech BCC950 Camera with Azure and SignalR
09/05/2012 Initial Impressions of the 3rd Generation Ivy Bridge Intel Ultrabook Reference Hardware for Developers on Windows 8
08/06/2012 Adding AirPlay to a Receiver without an Apple TV - Raspbmc and the Raspberry Pi
07/30/2012 Top 10 Raspberry Pi Myths and Truths
12/19/2011 Your New Year's Resolution - Put an end to spinning rust and buy yourself a SSD
01/04/2011 Adding a Netgear N600 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router WNDR3700 to an existing FIOS Wireless AP for improved wireless coverage
12/08/2010 BACKUP YOUR CRAP: Missing Operating System, Backups, Disk Images, Home Servers, BootRec, BootMgr, RebuildBCD, FixBoot and Problems, Plural
11/22/2010 The Weekly Source Code 57 -Controlling an Eagletron TrackerPod with C# 4, ASP.NET MVC and jQuery
10/05/2010 Hanselminutes on 9 - Inside Ward Cunningham's Hardware Basement
09/20/2010 The Best Controller for FPS - A SpaceTec SpaceOrb 360 Controller working with Windows 7 using Arduino and OrbShield
09/12/2010 Configuring two wireless routers with one SSID (network name) at home for free roaming
09/07/2010 The .NET Micro Framework - Hardware for Software People
08/20/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 226 - Building your own Ultimate Developer PC 2.0 with Pete Brown
07/27/2010 Ultimate Developer PC 2.0 - Part 3 - UPDATE on Building a WEI 7.9 and RFC for building a GOM (God's Own Machine)
07/13/2010 Ultimate Developer PC 2.0 - Part 2 - UPDATE and PODCAST on Building a WEI 7.9 and RFC for building a GOM (God's Own Machine)
06/23/2010 Ultimate Developer PC 2.0 - Part 1 - Building a WEI 7.9 and RFC for building a GOM (God's Own Machine)

Home Server (11)

12/14/2021 Using Home Assistant to integrate a Unifi Protect G4 Doorbell and Amazon Alexa to announce visitors
05/06/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 265 - Synology Network Attached Storage and Windows Home Server with Travis Illig
10/15/2009 Obscure Windows Home Server Tip: Restoring when you didn't have Network Drivers installed before
07/14/2009 Windows Home Server Twitter Notification Plugin
06/04/2009 Running a Subversion Server off your Windows Home Server
04/16/2009 How to upgrade two out of four of your hard drives in Windows Home Server
08/27/2008 The Case of the Failing Disk Drive or Windows Home Server Saved My Marriage
01/14/2008 Windows Home Server Unsupported Feature - Backup Duplication
12/09/2007 Power Consumption of the HP MediaSmart HP Home Server
12/08/2007 Review - HP MediaSmart Windows Home Server
07/06/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 71 - Windows Home Server - Interview with Charlie Kindel

HTML5 (18)

04/11/2018 Updating jQuery-based Lazy Image Loading to IntersectionObserver
08/16/2014 I was annoyed by the web font issues at won't believe what I did next!
03/26/2013 Fallback HTML5 audio tags for a simple MP3 podcast are harder than you'd think
03/08/2013 Our first year. A new web conference - &lt;anglebrackets&gt;
02/26/2013 RELEASED - Download Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7
06/29/2012 If malware authors ever learn how to spell we're all screwed - the coming HTML5 malware apocalypse
04/23/2012 Create a great mobile experience for your website today. Please.
04/14/2012 Visual Studio 11 Express for Web for Front End Development - JavaScript/HTML5/CSS3
02/21/2012 Supporting high-dpi pixel-dense "Retina" Displays like iPhones or the iPad 3 with CSS or IMG
02/02/2012 The Web is the new Terminal: Are you using the Web's Keyboard Shortcuts and Hotkeys?
01/23/2012 Skip Intro - CSS3 is the new Flash
01/06/2012 Easy steps to a mobile-friendly responsive design with an embedded YouTube video and a fluid resize
11/09/2011 Your users don't care if you use Web Sockets
08/26/2011 NerdDinner being updated to MVC3 with Razor, HTML5, GeoLocation, EF CodeFirst, jQuery Mobile, YepNope and Modernizr and a fixed Mobile Device Capabilities ViewEngine
06/15/2011 Announcing the Web Standards Update - HTML5 Support for the Visual Studio 2010 Editor
04/18/2011 Mix 11 Videos - Download them all with RSS
04/13/2011 Mix 11 - Web Platform and Tools Keynote Demo Script
01/29/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 251 - HTML5 Basics with Mads Kristensen

HttpHandler (16)

03/21/2008 Squeezing the most out of IIS7 Media Bit Rate Throttling
02/01/2007 Conditionally Serve Files Statically or Dynamically with HttpHandlers
07/14/2006 A new day, two new browsers compared - Firefox 2.0 Beta 1 and IE 7.0 Beta 3
05/17/2006 Looking for Senior Software Developer at Corillian
04/30/2006 ASP.NET MVP Hacks
03/30/2006 XHTML Validating HttpModule for ASP.NET 2
02/23/2006 Leaning on the Language and Leaning on the Libraries
02/22/2006 INETA ASP.NET Canada Roadshow
10/07/2005 Professional ASP.NET 2.0 - Coming VERY soon!
03/16/2005 A Boilerplate HttpHandler
03/11/2005 Compositing two images into one from the ASP.NET Server Side
02/21/2005 What Great .NET Developers Ought To Know (More .NET Interview Questions)
12/05/2004 Precompile.axd in ASP.NET 1.1 with System.Web.Handlers.BatchHandler: A harbinger of ASP.NET 2.0 left vestigially in 1.1?
08/18/2004 ASP.NET Interview Questions
06/01/2004 A reminder on "Three/Multi Tier/Layer Architecture/Design" brought to you by my late night frustrations.
11/12/2003 Getting Session State in HttpHandlers (ASHX files)

HttpModule (21)

03/21/2008 Squeezing the most out of IIS7 Media Bit Rate Throttling
02/22/2007 Using ISAPI_Rewrite to canonicalize ASP.NET URLs and remove default.aspx
08/30/2006 SOLVED: How to Force IIS to load a certain version of the .NET CLR
05/17/2006 Looking for Senior Software Developer at Corillian
04/30/2006 ASP.NET MVP Hacks
03/30/2006 XHTML Validating HttpModule for ASP.NET 2
02/22/2006 INETA ASP.NET Canada Roadshow
11/05/2005 Caching in ASP.NET - VaryByParam may need VaryByHeader
10/20/2005 Permanent Redirects with HTTP 301
09/07/2005 DasBlog - Nestings Blog
06/20/2005 Scott Hanselman's 2005 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List
03/30/2005 Zipping/Compressing ViewState in ASP.NET
02/21/2005 What Great .NET Developers Ought To Know (More .NET Interview Questions)
01/26/2005 BUG?: Can't use an Asterisk (*) as a character when requesting a URL (page) from ASP.NET
01/01/2005 More dasBlog 1.7 changes coming soon
12/15/2004 An IP Address Blocking HttpModule for ASP.NET in 9 minutes
10/08/2004 ASP.NET Security Vulnerability
02/24/2004 ASP.NET ViewState: Pox on mankind? Or clever like a fox?
01/09/2004 HttpCompression = on
08/08/2003 My day: Back-porting Input Validation from ASP.NET 1.1 to ASP.NET 1.0
02/07/2003 DOTNETWebLogs is on the radar screen

Identity (3)

04/30/2008 The Weekly Source Code 25 - OpenID Edition
02/09/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 50 - OpenID/Microsoft Announcement
02/07/2007 Corillian, CardSpace, and Open ID - Digital Identity is happening

IE9 (6)

08/26/2011 NerdDinner being updated to MVC3 with Razor, HTML5, GeoLocation, EF CodeFirst, jQuery Mobile, YepNope and Modernizr and a fixed Mobile Device Capabilities ViewEngine
08/22/2011 Creating a Podcast Player with HTML5 for a IE9 Pinned Site on Windows 7
04/18/2011 Mix 11 Videos - Download them all with RSS
04/13/2011 Mix 11 - Web Platform and Tools Keynote Demo Script
02/18/2011 Enabling Dragging of an Image to Pin a Site to the Windows Taskbar in IE9
09/16/2010 The Ultimate Guide (of Five Things) for New IE9 users Who Fear Change

IIS (44)

06/03/2017 Visual Studio and IIS Error: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: site
06/06/2015 How to enable HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) in IIS7+
02/09/2015 Announcing: Running Ruby on Rails on IIS8 (or anything else, really) with the new HttpPlatformHandler
06/03/2013 Blocking Image Hotlinking, Leeching and Evil Sploggers with IIS Url Rewrite
05/10/2013 Redirecting ASP.NET Legacy URLs to Extensionless with the IIS Rewrite Module
03/26/2013 Changing ASP.NET web.config inheritance when mixing versions of child applications
03/20/2013 Moving old apps from IIS6 to IIS8 and why Classic Mode exists
09/16/2011 New Tools and New Content - ASP.NET, Visual Studio 11 Web and .NET 4.5 Developer Preview (with commentary)
09/16/2011 WebMatrix and node.js: The easiest way to get started with node on Windows
09/04/2011 Analyze your Web Server Data and be empowered with LogParser and Log Parser Lizard GUI
09/01/2011 The Importance (and Ease) of Minifying your CSS and JavaScript and Optimizing PNGs for your Blog or Website
08/29/2011 Asynchronous scalable web applications with real-time persistent long-running connections with SignalR
08/28/2011 Installing and Running node.js applications within IIS on Windows - Are you mad?
04/21/2011 Working with SSL at Development Time is easier with IISExpress
04/18/2011 Mix 11 Videos - Download them all with RSS
03/30/2011 Enabling dynamic compression (gzip, deflate) for WCF Data Feeds, OData and other custom services in IIS7
01/13/2011 ASP.NET MVC3, WebMatrix, NuGet, IIS Express and Orchard released - The Microsoft January Web Release in Context
12/10/2010 Visual Studio Explosion! - VS2010 SP1 *BETA* Released and Context
11/09/2010 Streaming Live or On-Demand Video from IIS7 to iOS Devices (iPhone/iPad) and Silverlight Clients
08/02/2010 The Weekly Source Code 55 - NotABlog: A Local XML-RPC MetaWebLog Endpoint That Lies To Windows Live Writer
07/30/2010 Microsoft "Daily Build" Nerd Dinner - August 4th in Seattle, Redmond
07/15/2010 Simple Code First with Entity Framework 4 - Magic Unicorn Feature CTP 4
07/06/2010 Microsoft WebMatrix in Context and Deploying Your First Site
06/09/2010 Experiments in Wackiness: Allowing percents, angle-brackets, and other naughty things in the ASP.NET/IIS Request URL
04/28/2010 Web Platform Installer 2.0 and Visual Studio Web Developer 2010 Express
03/24/2010 Web Deployment Made Awesome: If You're Using XCopy, You're Doing It Wrong
02/17/2010 Building an Embodied Social Proxy or Crazy Webcam Remote Cart Thing
02/05/2010 Installing and Setting Up and Encoding for IIS 7 Smooth Streaming and Silverlight
06/23/2009 These are the little bugs that lead to madness
03/18/2009 Microsoft Web Platform, Web Application Gallery, Web Platform Installer (and DasBlog)
02/10/2009 UrlScan and ADO.NET Data Services (Astoria)
01/29/2009 RTFLF - Read the Expletive Log File
11/24/2008 Web Platform Installer now supports XP - And the Master Plan continues
11/12/2008 Fixed: "Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) is stopping because it encountered an error."
10/10/2008 ASP.NET MVC and the new IIS7 Rewrite Module
10/03/2008 Web Platform Installer: Trying to make it easier to setup for web development
08/11/2008 Hacked! And I didn't like it - URLScan is Step Zero
07/15/2008 New Modules for IIS7: Application Request Routing - Proxy and Load Balancing Module
07/01/2008 How to Programmatically tell if an IIS AppPool is 32-bit or 64-bit
04/01/2008 How to set an IIS Application or AppPool to use ASP.NET 3.5 rather than 2.0
03/21/2008 Squeezing the most out of IIS7 Media Bit Rate Throttling
02/02/2008 MS Deploy - New IIS Web Deployment Tool
10/24/2007 Screencast HowTo: IIS7 and PHP with FastCGI
10/17/2007 HTTP Error 404.17 - PHP on IIS7 under 64bit Vista


01/22/2005 The Charity Auction has Begun: Bid on an Hour of .NET Consulting Time to help Banda Aceh
10/13/2004 Kindness from an INETA Group and Kudos all around
08/10/2004 Come hang at the South Sound User's Group with INETA
05/19/2004 dasBlonde
02/13/2004 Happy Birthday INETA - 2 Years
01/17/2004 New York City .NET Users Group and the Cold
01/09/2004 One other thing: I'll be in NYC with INETA on the 15th
10/15/2003 Wizzy wizzy wizzy

Internationalization (47)

07/25/2014 How to add a keyboard and write in YOUR language in Windows for free
07/07/2011 Why the #AskObama Tweet was Garbled on Screen: Know your UTF-8, Unicode, ASCII and ANSI Decoding Mr. President
05/26/2011 Globalization, Internationalization and Localization in ASP.NET MVC 3, JavaScript and jQuery - Part 1
10/02/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 182 - The History and Future of Web Standards with Molly Holzschlag from
11/20/2008 Do you have to know English to be a Programmer?
11/13/2008 Using Crowdsourcing for Expanding Localization of Products
06/18/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 117 - Sorting out Internationalization with Michael Kaplan
03/31/2008 Spontaneous New York Ethiopian Nerd Dinner
11/12/2007 Dynamic Language Translation Widget from the Windows Live Team
07/20/2007 MUIs and LIPs - How to write in Chinese and localize Windows in your language
04/14/2007 Custom Cultures - WinForms Font Embedding Code with Ethiopian Amharic for Vista and XP
03/29/2007 A better automatic translation system - one that learns
11/17/2006 Making the ASP.NET Mobile Controls render RTL languages
11/15/2006 How to convert a text file with a specific Codepage to UTF-8 using Visual Studio .NET
10/28/2006 Daylight Savings Time and Windows
09/29/2006 The Importance of being UTF-8
08/15/2006 Enabling Evil - Overriding System.DateTime's default ToString
07/26/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 26 - Globalization/Internationalization with .NET
07/24/2006 Internationalization and Classic ASP
07/19/2006 Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Special Edition coming in September
03/19/2006 Not quite enumerating (iterating) enums
02/22/2006 INETA ASP.NET Canada Roadshow
06/05/2005 Update on the dasBlog Turkish-I bug and a reminder to me on Globalization
05/31/2005 My Picks for TechEd 2005 Sessions
04/18/2005 Converting from a String Representation of a Unicode Character back into a char
04/15/2005 Date.ParseExact and the subtle goo that is DateTime Format Strings
04/09/2005 Psuedo Internationalization and your ASP.NET Application
01/31/2005 RELEASE: FormattableObject an Aggregating reflection-based ToString() implementation
01/19/2005 Don't underestimate the power of ToString(IFormatProvider)
06/14/2004 Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn
05/19/2004 What talks should you go to at TechEd? Here's my list.
05/13/2004 Accessing the ASP.NET FormsAuthentication "Timeout" Value
04/14/2004 More Magic in Morocco at the NDC
03/29/2004 VSLive SFO Rocked...
02/14/2004 Sheesh, ScottGu, just buy this company already...
09/27/2003 A great day/night of one in years
09/22/2003 Internationalization/Globalization and ASP.NET Brainstorming at 1:05am
09/10/2003 The tragedy of November 9th
09/10/2003 ASPLive! and flying on 9/11
08/25/2003 Mayasia - Day #1 wrapping up.
07/21/2003 Finding out the name of the EVERYONE Group on a non-english (International) version of Windows
06/11/2003 "Parsing a culture-aware DateTime" or "Avoiding InStr"
06/01/2003 TechEd 2003: Dallas :T-1 Day
05/29/2003 Angst, ISO Standards, DataBinding Eval(), Malaise, DataGrids, System.Globalization, Fritz and the morning after...
04/03/2003 More ASP.NET Globalization/Localization/Internationalization and my mad, mad, mad, mad life
03/30/2003 Netscape Navigator 4.6 and ASP.NET
03/24/2003 ASP.NET Internationalization, Globalization, and Localization...Whew!

IOC (2)

06/11/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 217 - MVC Turbine and IoC made easy with Javier Lozano
03/14/2008 List of .NET Dependency Injection Containers (IOC)

Javascript (113)

11/25/2021 JavaScript and TypeScript Projects with React, Angular, or Vue in Visual Studio 2022 with or without .NET
07/23/2019 System.Text.Json and new built-in JSON support in .NET Core
03/19/2019 What is Blazor and what is Razor Components?
04/11/2018 Updating jQuery-based Lazy Image Loading to IntersectionObserver
03/05/2018 A multi-player server-side GameBoy Emulator written in .NET Core and Angular
01/08/2018 ASP.NET Single Page Applications Angular Release Candidate
08/12/2017 .NET and WebAssembly - Is this the future of the front-end?
02/13/2017 dotnet new angular and dotnet new react
01/13/2016 WallabyJS is a slick and powerful test runner for JavaScript in your IDE or Editor
10/16/2015 Control how your bower packages are installed with a gulpfile in ASP.NET 5
06/11/2014 Easy accelerated 3D Games in a browser with JavaScript and WebGL using Three.js or Babylon.js
08/20/2013 Recent JavaScript Jabber Podcast - Microsoft, not Microsoft, and the Web
08/01/2013 A rich new JavaScript code editor spreading to several Microsoft web sites
05/24/2013 JavaScript is Web Assembly Language and that's OK.
04/30/2013 CDNs fail, but your scripts don't have to - fallback from CDN to local jQuery
03/30/2013 Pinching pennies when scaling in The Cloud
03/26/2013 Fallback HTML5 audio tags for a simple MP3 podcast are harder than you'd think
10/02/2012 Why does TypeScript have to be the answer to anything?
10/01/2012 Making a switchable Desktop and Mobile site with ASP.NET MVC 4 and jQuery Mobile
09/11/2012 ASP.NET Web Forms DynamicData FieldTemplates for DbGeography Spatial Types (plus Model Binders and Friendly URLs)
09/09/2012 Introducing ASP.NET FriendlyUrls - cleaner URLs, easier Routing, and Mobile Views for ASP.NET Web Forms
08/10/2012 Tiny Happy Features #2 - ASP.NET Web API in Visual Studio 2012
06/05/2012 ASP.NET for Mobile, One ASP.NET and Realtime ASP.NET with Signalr - Video of Scott Hanselman's talks in Russia
04/14/2012 Visual Studio 11 Express for Web for Front End Development - JavaScript/HTML5/CSS3
04/13/2012 The Big Glossary of Open Source JavaScript and Web Frameworks with Cool Names
03/06/2012 On the nightmare that is JSON Dates. Plus, JSON.NET and ASP.NET Web API
02/25/2012 One ASP.NET - Making JSON Web APIs with ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta and ASP.NET Web API
11/12/2011 Solving the Shakespeare Million Monkeys Problem in Real-time with Parallelism and SignalR
08/29/2011 Asynchronous scalable web applications with real-time persistent long-running connections with SignalR
08/25/2011 Learning about Progressive Enhancement - Supporting Mobile Browsers with CSS3 Media Queries
08/22/2011 Creating a Podcast Player with HTML5 for a IE9 Pinned Site on Windows 7
07/19/2011 JavaScript is Assembly Language for the Web: Part 2 - Madness or just Insanity?
06/21/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 271 - Inside IronJS - A complete JavaScript/ECMAScript open source implementation on the .NET DLR
05/26/2011 Globalization, Internationalization and Localization in ASP.NET MVC 3, JavaScript and jQuery - Part 1
05/13/2011 How to add Tweets to your blog and debugging basic JavaScript: Why did JSONP Widget stop working?
04/24/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 263 - A C++ guy learns JavaScript - Chris Sells moves to the Web
04/13/2011 Mix 11 - Web Platform and Tools Keynote Demo Script
04/01/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #4 - Deserializing JSON with Json.NET
03/04/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 256 - JavaScript and jQuery: Moving beyond Alert()
12/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 243 - Knockout JavaScript with Steve Sanderson
05/02/2010 Free WebCamps - North America, Asia and Europe - *Sign Up Now*
02/09/2010 SmallestDotNet Update - Now with .NET 4 support and an includable JavaScript API
10/17/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 184: Preview of ASP.NET 4 with Scott Hunter
06/24/2009 ASP.NET Ajax - Script Combining and moving ScriptResource.axd's to Static Scripts
05/05/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 160 - JavaFX and the Web's Four Virtual Machines
04/01/2009 .NET 4.1 Preview - New Base Class Library (BCL) Extension Methods - RFC
12/02/2008 Best Code Syntax Highlighter for Snippets in your Blog
11/06/2008 ASP.NET and jQuery
09/28/2008 jQuery to ship with ASP.NET MVC and Visual Studio
09/21/2008 Hanselminutes Podcasts 130 - JavaScript gets Faster: Brendan Eich, CTO of Mozilla Corporation and Creator of JavaScript
09/16/2008 Hanselminutes Podcasts 128 and 129 - Ajax with Scott Cate and JavaScript with Bertrand Le Roy
08/15/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 126 - Chat with John Resig, Creator of jQuery
05/10/2008 The Weekly Source Code 26 - LINQ to Regular Expressions and Processing in Javascript
03/19/2008 The Weekly Source Code 20 - A Web Framework for Every Language
02/12/2008 MS-Ajax Client Javascript integrated within the Aptana IDE
05/31/2007 Google Gears - Maybe all Rich Internet Applications needed was Local Storage and an Offline Mode
05/01/2007 Putting Mix, Silverlight, the CoreCLR and the DLR into context
02/23/2007 Google GuestMap 2007 and adding Google Maps to your Site
02/17/2007 Adding a Timeline to DasBlog with the SIMILE Timeline Library
02/10/2007 Yahoo Pipes - Simultaneously Brilliant and Dumb
01/20/2007 Windows Vista SideBar Gadget for AirLink Web Cam
07/05/2006 Serializing Objects as JavaScript using Atlas, JSON.NET and AjaxPro
07/02/2006 Searching Google Desktop from PowerShell
06/27/2006 Mom Graduates and Z Crawls
06/25/2006 DotNetKicks Flare for FeedBurner and DasBlog
05/12/2006 Forcing an update of a cached JavaScript file in IIS
05/01/2006 Making Negative Numbers turn Red using CSS and Javascript
03/27/2006 Z Leaving on a Midnight Train
02/23/2006 Z Rolls
02/14/2006 CoComment Support for DasBlog
01/23/2006 Media Center Games
01/23/2006 Flickr and DasBlog and geo-tagging and EXIF and on and on and on
01/14/2006 Clicking a JavaScript Dialog using Watir
11/18/2005 Google Analytics - It doesn't suck
11/11/2005 ClickOnce and FireFox with a custom setup equals ClickThrice and be disappointed
09/09/2005 The Coming Return of AJAX
09/02/2005 Review - OnTime Defect Tracker from AxoSoft
08/10/2005 Google GuestMap - Where are my Readers?
07/03/2005 A few dasBlog changes coming tonight
07/01/2005 Code Camp Portland - July 23 and 24
06/30/2005 Integrating Ruby and Watir with NUnit
06/29/2005 Google Earth is Shiny, but so is Amazon Streets
06/25/2005 The Recorded Version of my TechEd 2005 Code Generation Talk is Available
06/20/2005 Scott Hanselman's 2005 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List
04/23/2005 Internationalized Regular Expressions
04/19/2005 And the site launching continues...Microsoft eLearning
04/13/2005 TechEd Video #4 - It's all about Community. And Ice Cream. And Baby Carrots.
04/08/2005 Overheard - Friday, April 8, 2005
03/30/2005 TechEd Video #3 - Drink the TechEd KoolAid
03/16/2005 Rory and Scott design some software - TechEd - Revenge of the Sith
03/12/2005 Rory and Scott go to TechEd - A love story
03/07/2005 ASP.NET Rolled up Goodness
02/08/2005 A JavaScript implementation of innerText (not innerHtml) for FireFox and non-IE browsers.
11/30/2004 QuirksMode Bug Reports - CSS and JavaScript Weirdness Search Engine
11/19/2004 CSI: ASP.NET - The one where a double HTTP GET from Internet Explorer (IE) causes problems with FormsAuthentication and my sanity
10/24/2004 News Flash - I'm a Luddite
09/27/2004 GlucoMON - Long Range Wireless delivery of Blood Sugar information for Diabetic Kids
08/31/2004 *MORE* ON ASP.NET: How to create a Default "Enter" Button for Forms/PostBacks
08/26/2004 Woof. XmlSerializer written in JavaScript - for the Chubby Client
08/18/2004 ASP.NET Interview Questions
06/16/2004 Not only does Firefox rock, but Thunderbird rocks as well
04/01/2004 IE's Content Advisor, PICS Ratings and the ASP.NET Flakey of the Day
03/10/2004 Internationalization/I18n: Char.IsDigit() matches more than just "0" through "9"
02/24/2004 ASP.NET ViewState: Pox on mankind? Or clever like a fox?
02/14/2004 Sheesh, ScottGu, just buy this company already...
01/10/2004 Added Search to my Blog, PLUS Highlighting
11/20/2003 ASP.NET: Postbacks for Algernon
09/19/2003 Bring all my Radio UserLand comments over to dasBlog
09/18/2003 Moving from Radio to DasBlog, DNS, Redirects, Permalinks and Radio "Stories"...
08/08/2003 My day: Back-porting Input Validation from ASP.NET 1.1 to ASP.NET 1.0
06/24/2003 An Oldie but a Goodie: MSXML and FreeThreadedDomDocument vs. DomDocument
05/29/2003 Angst, ISO Standards, DataBinding Eval(), Malaise, DataGrids, System.Globalization, Fritz and the morning after...
01/15/2003 To Hell with Bad Browsers

Kubernetes (2)

02/08/2018 Why should I care about Kubernetes, Docker, and Container Orchestration?
01/30/2018 How to set up Kubernetes on Windows 10 with Docker for Windows and run ASP.NET Core

Learning .NET (160)

06/10/2021 dotnet repl
05/20/2021 Introducing The .NET Coding Pack for VS Code - Getting Started with C# for Beginners
05/18/2021 Register for Microsoft BUILD 2021 free! And check out the Developer Keynote on Day 2
07/21/2020 Finding Joy in Making Happy Little Computer Videos on YouTube
09/26/2019 How to download over 80 free 101-level C#, .NET, and ASP.NET for beginners videos for offline viewing
09/24/2019 Announcing free C#, .NET, and ASP.NET for beginners video courses and tutorials
03/07/2019 How to parse string dates with a two digit year and split on the right century in C#
07/02/2017 Porting a 15 year old .NET 1.1 Virtual CPU Tiny Operating System school project to .NET Core 2.0
02/24/2017 Xamarin .NET Workbooks - Interactive Computing is a stellar learning tool
09/16/2015 Free Training at Microsoft Virtual Academy - Introduction to ASP.NET 5
02/20/2015 Proper benchmarking to diagnose and solve a .NET serialization bottleneck
02/04/2015 The .NET CoreCLR is now open source, so I ran the GitHub repo through Microsoft Power BI
12/03/2014 Getting ready for the future with the Microsoft .NET Portability Analyzer
10/28/2014 Building a working Robot controlled by a C#, an iPhone, and Monkey.Robotics
07/03/2014 Catch up on all the videos from DotNetConf Spring 2014
05/30/2014 AppVeyor - A good continuous integration system is a joy to behold
05/08/2014 Fixing System.Core 2.0.5 FileLoadException, Portable Libraries and Windows XP support
04/30/2014 "It's just a software issue"- Edge.js brings Node and .NET together on three platforms
07/09/2013 Cross-Platform Portable Class Libraries with .NET are Happening
12/11/2012 Comparing two techniques in .NET Asynchronous Coordination Primitives
04/07/2012 Back to Basics: Dynamic Image Generation, ASP.NET Controllers, Routing, IHttpHandlers, and runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests
04/05/2012 Hidden Gems in Visual Studio 11 Beta - .NET Portable Class Libraries
04/02/2012 .NET Versioning and Multi-Targeting - .NET 4.5 is an in-place upgrade to .NET 4.0
11/06/2011 Back to Basics: Daylight Savings Time bugs strike again with SetLastModified
10/14/2011 The Weekly Source Code 59 - An Open Source Treasure: Irony .NET Language Implementation Kit
09/15/2011 Back to Basics: Big O notation issues with older .NET code and improving for loops with LINQ deferred execution
06/27/2011 Using Code Signing Certificates to sign downloaded MSIs and build reputation with IE9 SmartScreen
05/06/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #6 - Dynamic, Malleable, Enjoyable Expando Objects with Clay
04/07/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 260 - .NET API design that optimizes for Programmer Joy with Jonathan Carter
03/23/2011 Good Exception Management Rules of Thumb - Back to Basics Edition
02/17/2011 New Interview Questions for Senior Software Engineers
02/08/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 252 - ReactiveUI extensions to the Reactive Framework (Rx) with Paul Betts
11/19/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 240 - Developing Indie Games for Xbox 360 and XNA with George Clingerman
11/15/2010 Back to (Parallel) Basics: Don't Block Your Threads, Make Async I/O Work For You
08/12/2010 The Weekly Source Code 56 - Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit - Code Contracts, Parallel Framework and COM Interop
07/06/2010 Microsoft WebMatrix in Context and Deploying Your First Site
06/18/2010 The Weekly Source Code 52 - You keep using that LINQ, I dunna think it means what you think it means.
04/30/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 213 - Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) and LinFu with Philip Laureano
04/12/2010 Visual Studio 2010 Released
02/12/2010 Back to Basics: C# 4 method overloading and dynamic types
02/09/2010 The Weekly Source Code 49 - SmallBasic is Fun, Simple, Powerful Programming for Kids and Adults
02/09/2010 SmallestDotNet Update - Now with .NET 4 support and an includable JavaScript API
02/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 196 - .NET 4 CLR, Framework and Language Chat with Jason Olson
01/20/2010 How many PCs in the world have the .NET Framework installed?
01/14/2010 2010 Survey Results: What .NET Framework features do you use?
01/08/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 193: Axum - A domain-specific concurrent programming language with Niklas Gustafsson
10/19/2009 Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2
10/08/2009 A new MSDN for a new Operating System and a new Development Environment
09/22/2009 Programming for Absolute Beginners
05/28/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 163 - Software Metrics with Patrick Smacchia
05/21/2009 Back to Basics: Using Fusion Log Viewer to Debug Obscure Loader Errors
05/20/2009 C# 4 and the dynamic keyword - Whirlwind Tour around .NET 4 (and Visual Studio 2010) Beta 1
05/20/2009 CLR and DLR and BCL, oh my! - Whirlwind Tour around .NET 4 (and Visual Studio 2010) Beta 1
04/01/2009 .NET 4.1 Preview - New Base Class Library (BCL) Extension Methods - RFC
03/16/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 153 - Scott's Wife Mo interviews Scott Hanselman
03/02/2009 Experiencing ALT.NET Seattle 2009 Open Spaces
02/19/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 150 - Uncle Bob Martin, this time with feeling
02/13/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 148 - MEF - Managed Extensibility Framework with Glenn Block
02/11/2009 Back to Basics: 32-bit and 64-bit confusion around x86 and x64 and the .NET Framework and CLR
02/10/2009 Hanselman List of Podcasts for .NET Programmers
01/29/2009 RTFLF - Read the Expletive Log File
01/08/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 145 - SOLID Principles with Uncle Bob - Robert C. Martin
12/18/2008 .NET 3.5 SP1 GDR is available to download
10/22/2008 Survey RESULTS: What .NET Framework features do you use?
09/17/2008 Back To Basics: Algorithms and Going Back To Virtual School
08/24/2008 SmallestDotNet: On the Size of the .NET Framework
08/02/2008 The Weekly Source Code 31- Single Instance WinForms and Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
07/25/2008 July 2008 Technical Reading List
07/16/2008 Learning Opportunity - .NET Terrarium is back!
07/02/2008 Back to Basics - This is not the object you're looking...wait, oh, it is the object
06/13/2008 Back to Basics - Life After If, For and Switch - Like, a Data Structures Reminder
06/13/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Pushing things up a level with another set of eyes
06/02/2008 Introducing BabySmash - A WPF Experiment
05/12/2008 VS2008 and .Net 3.5 SP1 Beta - Should You Fear This Release?
04/18/2008 The Weekly Source Code 24 - Extensibility Edition - PlugIns, Providers, Attributes, AddIns and Modules in .NET
04/04/2008 How do Extension Methods work and why was a new CLR not required?
03/21/2008 The Weekly Source Code 21 - ASP.NET MVC Preview 2 Source Code
03/21/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 104 - Dave Laribee on ALT.NET
03/14/2008 List of .NET Dependency Injection Containers (IOC)
03/13/2008 I'm Just a Caveman - The Hanselman Corollary to the Clarke/Wheeler Laws
03/13/2008 The Weekly Source Code 19 - LINQ and More What, Less How
03/05/2008 ASP.NET MVC Preview 2 Screencast Tutorials
03/04/2008 2008 Window Scripting Games - Advanced PowerShell Event 7
02/29/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 102 - Mike Pizzo on the ADO.NET Entity Framework
02/08/2008 ASP.NET Wiki Beta
02/04/2008 The Weekly Source Code 15 - Tiny Managed Operating System Edition
01/31/2008 The Weekly Source Code 14 - Fluent Interface Edition
01/16/2008 .NET Framework Library Source Code available for viewing
01/14/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 96 - Starting Small with F# with Dustin Campbell
01/14/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 93 - Pex with Jonathan 'Peli' de Halleux and Nikolai Tillmann
12/19/2007 Moq: Linq, Lambdas and Predicates applied to Mock Objects
12/15/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 92 - Visual Basic Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow with Paul Vick
11/27/2007 Visual Studio 2008 InstallFest - Portland Edition
11/16/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 89 - Larry Osterman Makes Windows Go Ding
11/11/2007 The Weekly Source Code 11 - LOLCode DLR Edition
10/25/2007 Release IS NOT Debug: 64bit Optimizations and C# Method Inlining in Release Build Call Stacks
10/15/2007 Catching RedBits differences in .NET 2.0 and .NET 2.0SP1
10/15/2007 If your method can't do what it's name promises it can, throw
10/11/2007 The Weekly Source Code 7
10/03/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 83 - Microsoft to release .NET Framework Libraries Source
09/16/2007 Changing where XmlSerializer Outputs Temporary Assemblies
09/04/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 79 - LINQ to XML
08/31/2007 Improving LINQ Code Smell with Explicit and Implicit Conversion Operators
08/31/2007 Fixing Instance Failure when connecting to SQL Server 2005 Express
08/30/2007 The VB equivalent to C# typeof() keyword
08/30/2007 5:01 Developers, Family, and Excitement about the Craft
08/28/2007 Mixing XmlSerializers with XElements and LINQ to XML
08/28/2007 Paste XML as XLinq XElement Visual Studio AddIn
08/28/2007 XLINQ to XML support in VB9
08/22/2007 Sharpen the Saw for Developers
08/12/2007 Reading to Be a Better Developer - The Coding4Fun DevKit
08/10/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 76 - F# with Robert Pickering
08/10/2007 Changes in the .NET BCL between 2.0 and 3.5
06/20/2007 Assembly Fiefdoms: What's the Right Number of Assemblies/Libraries?
06/15/2007 Teaching Children and Kids to Program the Old School Way
06/13/2007 Some Guiding Principles for Software Development
06/02/2007 Educating Programmers with Placemats - NDepend Static Analysis Poster
05/13/2007 DNRTV Screencast - ASP.NET Debugging and Tracing
04/13/2007 Fusion Loader Contexts - Unable to cast object of type 'Whatever' to type 'Whatever'
04/02/2007 Rescuing the Tiny OS in C#
03/13/2007 Managed Snobism
03/08/2007 Screencast: Writing Managed .NET Plugins for the Optimus Mini Three Keyboard
02/27/2007 You Can't Teach Height - Measuring Programmer Competence via FizzBuzz
10/23/2006 Is there a good reason to mark a class public?
08/30/2006 Good Exception Management Rules of Thumb
07/19/2006 Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Special Edition coming in September
01/26/2006 Calling NUnit from NAnt Pragmatically
11/22/2005 Mono and its many facets screencast
11/10/2005 When .NET 2.0 Applications Attack - Debugging weirdness after installing the .NET Runtime
11/01/2005 Exporting Resources from a Resource-Only Assembly
10/07/2005 Professional ASP.NET 2.0 - Coming VERY soon!
09/30/2005 Coding4Fun - Look at Me! Windows Image Acquisition
09/30/2005 Boo - Shiny CLI Language
09/28/2005 Nicest. Email. Ever. Totally Made My Month.
09/13/2005 Microsoft Codename Max
08/24/2005 You must implement the Add(System.Object) method on MyClass because it inherits from IEnumerable
08/13/2005 Coding4Fun - Some Assembly Required - USB Wireless PC Lock
08/04/2005 XmlFragmentWriter - Omiting the Xml Declaration and the XSD and XSI namespaces
07/01/2005 Code Camp Portland - July 23 and 24
06/23/2005 ASP.NET 2.0 XmlDataSource's XPath doesn't support namespaces
06/20/2005 Scott Hanselman's 2005 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List
06/18/2005 New Coding4Fun Article - Where the Heck am I?
05/30/2005 TechEd 2005 - What is a GrokTalk?
05/14/2005 New Coding4Fun Article - It's Getting Hot in Here
04/19/2005 And the site launching continues...Microsoft eLearning
03/07/2005 Stop Complaining
02/21/2005 What Great .NET Developers Ought To Know (More .NET Interview Questions)
01/22/2005 The Charity Auction has Begun: Bid on an Hour of .NET Consulting Time to help Banda Aceh
01/20/2005 List of the undocumented bugs that are fixed in the .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1
11/20/2004 The Daily Brain Fart - LastIndexOf broken? Oh, no, 'tis me.
10/05/2004 Reminder: I'm at SouthColorado.NET tommorow...anyone want to drive me?
08/14/2004 New .NET Resource Portal from Sam Gentile
08/12/2004 Disneyland - a Software Engineer's Perspective
08/11/2004 Classes at OIT - C# and Applied Web Services
06/10/2004 .NET and Mono: The Libraries, the Framework and the Very Big Fish
06/03/2004 Web Services Theory - New Class
06/01/2004 A reminder on "Three/Multi Tier/Layer Architecture/Design" brought to you by my late night frustrations.
05/30/2004 The Myth of .NET Purity, Reloaded
01/09/2004 One other thing: I'll be in NYC with INETA on the 15th
08/13/2003 The Syllabus for CST407 - Learning C# with .NET

LINQ (21)

11/06/2012 Reactive Extensions (Rx) is now Open Source
09/15/2011 Back to Basics: Big O notation issues with older .NET code and improving for loops with LINQ deferred execution
08/12/2010 The Weekly Source Code 56 - Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit - Code Contracts, Parallel Framework and COM Interop
06/18/2010 The Weekly Source Code 52 - You keep using that LINQ, I dunna think it means what you think it means.
03/02/2010 The Weekly Source Code 51 - Asynchronous Database Access and LINQ to SQL Fun
05/10/2008 The Weekly Source Code 26 - LINQ to Regular Expressions and Processing in Javascript
04/01/2008 How to set an IIS Application or AppPool to use ASP.NET 3.5 rather than 2.0
03/28/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 105 - Rocky Lhotka on Data Access Mania, LINQ and CSLA.NET
03/18/2008 Getting LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Entities to use NOLOCK
03/13/2008 The Weekly Source Code 19 - LINQ and More What, Less How
02/29/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 102 - Mike Pizzo on the ADO.NET Entity Framework
02/23/2008 LINQ to Everything - LINQ to XSD adds more LINQiness
01/17/2008 Get namespaces from an XML Document with XPathDocument and LINQ to XML
12/19/2007 Moq: Linq, Lambdas and Predicates applied to Mock Objects
10/12/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 84 - Concurency Programming with .NET Parallel Framework Extensions
09/15/2007 Clever: XML to Schema Inference Wizard for Visual Studio 2008
09/04/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 79 - LINQ to XML
08/31/2007 Improving LINQ Code Smell with Explicit and Implicit Conversion Operators
08/28/2007 Mixing XmlSerializers with XElements and LINQ to XML
08/28/2007 Paste XML as XLinq XElement Visual Studio AddIn
08/28/2007 XLINQ to XML support in VB9

Linux (43)

11/02/2021 WSL2 can now mount Linux ext4 disks directly
10/28/2021 How to set the default user for a WSL distro that has been manually installed with wsl --import
10/18/2021 Space Cadet Pinball for Windows 95 recompiled for Linux running on Windows 11 as a Linux app under WSLg
10/05/2021 Shrink your WSL2 Virtual Disks and Docker Images and Reclaim Disk Space
04/22/2021 Can you really develop with Linux GUI Apps on Windows 10 with WSLg? How about PyCharm?
04/21/2021 How to run Linux GUI apps on Windows 10 with WSL and WSLg
01/22/2021 Using Tailscale on Windows to network more easily with WSL2 and Visual Studio Code
10/13/2020 Classic Path.DirectorySeparatorChar gotchas when moving from .NET Core on Windows to Linux
10/06/2020 Keeping your WSL Linux instances up to date automatically within Windows 10
08/04/2020 THE EASY WAY how to SSH into Bash and WSL2 on Windows 10 from an external machine
07/30/2020 How to SSH into WSL2 on Windows 10 from an external machine
07/23/2020 Official Support for Remote Debugging a .NET Core Linux app in WSL2 from Visual Studio on Windows
03/24/2020 Easily adding Security Headers to your ASP.NET Core web app and getting an A grade
03/12/2020 CSI: The case of the missing WAV audio files on the FAT32 SD Card
03/10/2020 How to SSH into a Windows 10 Machine from Linux OR Windows OR anywhere
02/25/2020 How to set up a tab profile in Windows Terminal to automatically SSH into a Linux box
02/21/2020 How to set up Docker within Windows System for Linux (WSL2) on Windows 10
12/13/2019 Moving an ASP.NET Core from Azure App Service on Windows to Linux by testing in WSL and Docker first
12/03/2019 Remote Debugging a .NET Core Linux app in WSL2 from Visual Studio on Windows
11/22/2019 Easily move WSL distributions between Windows 10 machines with import and export!
11/13/2019 Cool WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) tips and tricks you (or I) didn't know were possible
10/15/2019 Assert your assumptions - .NET Core and subtle locale issues with WSL's Ubuntu
10/01/2019 A wonderfully unholy alliance - Real Linux commands for PowerShell with WSL function wrappers
09/20/2019 What's the difference between a console, a terminal, and a shell?
09/17/2019 Patching the new Cascadia Code to include Powerline Glyphs and other Nerd Fonts for the Windows Terminal
07/30/2019 Docker Desktop for WSL 2 integrates Windows 10 and Linux even closer
07/25/2019 Ruby on Rails on Windows is not just possible, it's fabulous using WSL2 and VS Code
11/14/2018 Web Development and Advanced Techniques with Linux on Windows (WSL)
10/10/2018 Using Enhanced Mode Ubuntu 18.04 for Hyper-V on Windows 10
07/27/2018 SQL Server on Linux or in Docker plus cross-platform SQL Operations Studio
06/05/2018 Carriage Returns and Line Feeds will ultimately bite you - Some Git Tips
05/25/2018 The year of Linux on the (Windows) Desktop - WSL Tips and Tricks
05/18/2018 Installing PowerShell Core on a Raspberry Pi (powered by .NET Core)
03/16/2018 Cross-platform GUIs with open source .NET using Eto.Forms
03/01/2018 Running ASP.NET Core on GoDaddy's cheapest shared Linux Hosting - Don't Try This At Home
01/11/2018 Building 0verkill on Windows 10 Subsystem for Linux - 2D ASCII art deathmatch game
07/10/2017 Ubuntu now in the Windows Store: Updates to Linux on Windows 10 and Important Tips
06/08/2017 Trying .NET Core on Linux with just a tarball (without apt-get)
04/13/2017 Setting up a Shiny Development Environment within Linux on Windows 10
04/12/2017 Ruby on Rails on Azure App Service (Web Sites) with Linux (and Ubuntu on Windows 10)
04/03/2017 Writing and debugging Linux C++ applications from Visual Studio using the "Windows Subsystem for Linux"
09/01/2016 Publishing an ASP.NET Core website to a cheap Linux VM host
04/09/2016 Installing Fish Shell on Ubuntu on Windows 10

Longhorn (11)

09/27/2007 WS-AtomicTransaction Configuration on Windows Server 2008 RC0
09/07/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 80 - Vista x64 - Is Now the Time?
10/03/2006 More on Vista Reparse Points
12/05/2003 Longhorn Indigo Samples
11/01/2003 More on declarative UIs and XML for GUI Markup
10/31/2003 Th
10/31/2003 Avalon, Automation and Accessibility
10/31/2003 PDC - Conclusion
10/29/2003 PDC - Day 2 - WSV303 - Indigo, Using XSD, CLR Types and Serialization in Web Services
10/27/2003 Watch out for Longhorn Mobs...flash your signs...
10/18/2003 My Longhorn Analogy

Lync (4)

10/23/2012 Cloud-Controlled Remote Pan Tilt Zoom Camera API for a Logitech BCC950 Camera with Azure and SignalR
08/15/2012 Introducing - An open source remote worker's Auto Answer Kiosk with Lync 2010
07/19/2012 Is Daddy on a call? A BusyLight Presence indicator for Lync for my Home Office
07/03/2012 Introducing Lync 2010 Super Simple Auto Answer Video Kiosk with Full Screen

Micro Framework (4)

06/18/2013 Exclusive Sneak Peek: The AGENT Smart Watch Emulator and managed .NET code on my wrist!
10/22/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 237 - Deeper into the Netduino with Chris Walker from Secret Labs
10/01/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 232 - .NET Micro Framework with Colin Miller
09/07/2010 The .NET Micro Framework - Hardware for Software People

Microsoft (96)

02/29/2012 Visual Studio 11 Beta in Context
12/02/2011 New ASP.NET website launched
07/27/2011 Request for Comments: Issues with .NET and Microsoft Product Versioning
04/13/2011 Mix 11 - Web Platform and Tools Keynote Demo Script
01/13/2011 ASP.NET MVC3, WebMatrix, NuGet, IIS Express and Orchard released - The Microsoft January Web Release in Context
12/10/2010 Visual Studio Explosion! - VS2010 SP1 *BETA* Released and Context
04/12/2010 Visual Studio 2010 Released
04/09/2010 Spring Speaking Rollup 2010: Recent Talks and Upcoming Talks at Microsoft WebCamps
02/17/2010 Building an Embodied Social Proxy or Crazy Webcam Remote Cart Thing
02/09/2010 SmallestDotNet Update - Now with .NET 4 support and an includable JavaScript API
01/21/2010 Hanselminutes on 9 - Follow up, 6 months later, On Managing People with Chris Sells
01/20/2010 How many PCs in the world have the .NET Framework installed?
01/14/2010 Favor - Help Us Test .NET 4 Beta 2 on Windows Update (WU)
01/01/2010 2009 Blogged - Greatest Hits
11/12/2009 Our little team is growing - Welcome to Jon Galloway and Pete Brown
10/19/2009 Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2
10/08/2009 A new MSDN for a new Operating System and a new Development Environment
10/06/2009 How to Collaborate with Remote Employees with Office Communicator 2007 R2
09/23/2009 MultiBrowser or CrossBrowser Testing and deconstructing Microsoft Expression Web SuperPreview
09/14/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 179 - Hanselminutes Live: Open Source and the Codeplex Foundation
09/10/2009 Microsoft creates the CodePlex foundation
08/08/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - Managing People (and wisdom with Chris Sells)
08/03/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 173 - All About Microsoft with Mary Jo Foley
06/05/2009 MSDN Updates - and RFC for you
06/05/2009 How to Remove the .NET ClickOnce Firefox Extension
04/17/2009 Low Bandwidth View and other Hidden (and Future) Features of MSDN
04/01/2009 .NET 4.1 Preview - New Base Class Library (BCL) Extension Methods - RFC
03/28/2009 Mix09: Hanselminutes on Channel 9
09/28/2008 jQuery to ship with ASP.NET MVC and Visual Studio
09/20/2008 Working Remotely from Home, Telepresence and Video Conferencing: One Year Later
09/12/2008 The Weekly Source Code 33 - Microsoft Open Source inside Google Chrome
07/15/2008 July 22nd - Seattle/Redmond/Bellevue Nerd Dinner
03/13/2008 The Weekly Source Code 19 - LINQ and More What, Less How
03/05/2008 ASP.NET MVC Preview 2 Screencast Tutorials
03/03/2008 Six Months in the Inside - Am I evil yet?
02/17/2008 This Week on Channel 9: Feb 15
02/15/2008 Geek Developer Cribs on10
02/15/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 100 - Building Community with Norm Judah - CTO of Microsoft Services
02/12/2008 MS-Ajax Client Javascript integrated within the Aptana IDE
02/08/2008 ASP.NET Wiki Beta
02/07/2008 Visual Studio Programmer Themes Gallery
02/04/2008 The Weekly Source Code 15 - Tiny Managed Operating System Edition
02/02/2008 Firefox, WPF and XBAP
01/31/2008 February 13th - Seattle/Redmond/Bellevue Nerd Dinner
01/25/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 98 - Raising Geeks with Scott's Dad
01/25/2008 ASP.NET MVC - WebForms Unplugged
01/24/2008 Best Mobile Websites for Tiny Browsers
01/24/2008 The Weekly Source Code 13 - Fibonacci Edition
01/23/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 97 - ADO.NET &quot;Astoria&quot; Data Services with Shawn Wildermuth
01/17/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast available on Zune
01/16/2008 .NET Framework Library Source Code available for viewing
01/15/2008 Your Opinion Matters - Screencast Techniques Survey RESULTS
01/15/2008 Book - Professional ASP.NET 3.5: in C# and VB
01/14/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 96 - Starting Small with F# with Dustin Campbell
01/14/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 93 - Pex with Jonathan 'Peli' de Halleux and Nikolai Tillmann
01/10/2008 Is rooting for Visual Basic like rooting for the Red Sox?
01/08/2008 The Weekly Source Code 12 - Back in Black Edition
12/21/2007 How-To: New ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Video Screencasts
12/15/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 92 - Visual Basic Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow with Paul Vick
12/13/2007 Your Opinion Matters - Screencast Techniques Survey
12/10/2007 ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions - plus MVC How-To Screencast
12/03/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 90 - Dan Appleman
12/03/2007 CodeMash 2008 - January 10th
12/01/2007 Wiring the house for a Home Network - Part 5 - Gigabit Throughput and Vista
11/27/2007 Visual Studio 2008 InstallFest - Portland Edition
11/16/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 89 - Larry Osterman Makes Windows Go Ding
11/11/2007 The Weekly Source Code 11 - LOLCode DLR Edition
11/10/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 88 - Writing FaceBook Applications with .NET - Interview with Mel Sampat, author of OutSync
10/31/2007 The Weekly Source Code 10 - Patterns Considered Harmful
10/29/2007 November 8th - Seattle/Redmond/Bellevue Nerd Dinner
10/25/2007 Release IS NOT Debug: 64bit Optimizations and C# Method Inlining in Release Build Call Stacks
10/23/2007 The Weekly Source Code 9 - WideFinder Edition
10/20/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 85 - - Moving from LAMP to .NET 3.5
10/15/2007 Catching RedBits differences in .NET 2.0 and .NET 2.0SP1
10/15/2007 If your method can't do what it's name promises it can, throw
10/12/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 84 - Concurency Programming with .NET Parallel Framework Extensions
10/09/2007 ScottGu MVC Presentation and ScottHa Screencast from ALT.NET Conference
10/06/2007 Mixing Languages in a Single Assembly in Visual Studio seamlessly with ILMerge and MSBuild
10/03/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 83 - Microsoft to release .NET Framework Libraries Source
10/02/2007 Getting Organized While Drinking from the (Outlook) Fire Hose
09/29/2007 Microsoft - Surviving First Three Weeks as a Remote Employee
09/28/2007 Raising Money for Diabetes with Halo 3 on Oct 11
09/27/2007 WS-AtomicTransaction Configuration on Windows Server 2008 RC0
09/27/2007 How-To: Installing Windows Virtualization Services (Hypervisor) on Windows Server 2008 RC0
09/21/2007 Multi-threaded Debugging in Visual Studio 2008
09/21/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 82 - 10 Foot Development for Media Center
09/18/2007 PNP Summit 2007 - One of these things doesn't belong
09/15/2007 Clever: XML to Schema Inference Wizard for Visual Studio 2008
09/05/2007 Silverlight 1.0 is out and it supports Linux
09/04/2007 I'm on Pause - Seattle Nerd Dinner?
08/31/2007 Improving LINQ Code Smell with Explicit and Implicit Conversion Operators
08/01/2007 The Developer's Quitting Your Job Technology Checklist
07/29/2007 Measuring Satisfaction - We are a Nielsen Family!
07/28/2007 VS 2008 and .NET 3.5 Beta 2 Releases Made Easy
07/26/2007 The Developer Theory of the Third Place
07/21/2007 Blue Badge

Mix (22)

04/18/2011 Mix 11 Videos - Download them all with RSS
04/13/2011 Mix 11 - Web Platform and Tools Keynote Demo Script
03/26/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 207 - Charles Petzold on Windows Phone 7 Series
03/24/2010 Web Deployment Made Awesome: If You're Using XCopy, You're Doing It Wrong
03/17/2010 Mix 10 Rollup Post
03/28/2009 Mix09: Hanselminutes on Channel 9
03/27/2009 The Weekly Source Code 39 - Commodore 64 Emulator in Silverlight 3
03/26/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 154 - ASP.NET and the Mobile Web
03/20/2009 Mix: Mobile Web Sites with ASP.NET MVC and the Mobile Browser Definition File
03/20/2009 Mix 09 - First Half Rollup and Session Videos
03/18/2009 Microsoft Web Platform, Web Application Gallery, Web Platform Installer (and DasBlog)
03/12/2009 Mix: Getting my head around Oslo, M and MGrammar
02/19/2009 Fun with Twitter for Mix09
05/16/2008 Mix 08 Sessions available in new dual-stream versions using Silverlight
03/08/2008 ASP.NET MVC Session at Mix08, TDD and MvcMockHelpers
03/07/2008 The Weekly Source Code 18 - Deep Zoom (Seadragon) Silverlight 2 MultiScaleImage Mouse Wheel Zooming and Panning Edition
03/06/2008 Deep Zoom (Seadragon) Silverlight 2 MultiScaleImages at Mix
03/05/2008 ASP.NET MVC Preview 2 Screencast Tutorials
03/04/2008 Heading to Mix08 and Tweeting along the way
05/03/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 63 - Scott Guthrie and Jason Zander on Silverlight
05/01/2007 Putting Mix, Silverlight, the CoreCLR and the DLR into context
04/20/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 60 - Silverlight and Web 2.5

Mobile (16)

05/28/2014 Xamarin.Forms - Write Once, Run Everywhere, AND Be Native?
06/14/2013 Stop Doing Internet Wrong.
10/01/2012 Making a switchable Desktop and Mobile site with ASP.NET MVC 4 and jQuery Mobile
09/19/2012 WebMatrix 2 - Front End Web Developers take note (ASP.NET, PHP, node.js and more)
09/09/2012 Introducing ASP.NET FriendlyUrls - cleaner URLs, easier Routing, and Mobile Views for ASP.NET Web Forms
04/23/2012 Create a great mobile experience for your website today. Please.
02/11/2012 It's 2012 and your kids have an iPhone - Do you know where they are? I do.
01/06/2012 Easy steps to a mobile-friendly responsive design with an embedded YouTube video and a fluid resize
12/22/2011 Living a Microsoft lifestyle using Apple iOS products - Lync, OneNote, Xbox for iPhone and iPad and more, oh my
09/16/2011 New Tools and New Content - ASP.NET, Visual Studio 11 Web and .NET 4.5 Developer Preview (with commentary)
09/05/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #10 - New Mobile View Engines for ASP.NET MVC 3, spec-compatible with ASP.NET MVC 4
08/26/2011 NerdDinner being updated to MVC3 with Razor, HTML5, GeoLocation, EF CodeFirst, jQuery Mobile, YepNope and Modernizr and a fixed Mobile Device Capabilities ViewEngine
08/25/2011 Learning about Progressive Enhancement - Supporting Mobile Browsers with CSS3 Media Queries
11/17/2010 A Better ASP.NET MVC Mobile Device Capabilities ViewEngine
03/26/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 154 - ASP.NET and the Mobile Web
03/20/2009 Mix: Mobile Web Sites with ASP.NET MVC and the Mobile Browser Definition File

Mono (3)

02/21/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 201 - The Making of a Open Source MonoTouch iPhone app with Chris Hardy
09/25/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 181 - Monomania - Mono, MonoTouch, MonoSpace, and MonoVS with Joseph Hill and Scott Bellware
07/01/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 168 - Successful Cross Platform .NET Development - Mono and Banshee with Aaron Bockover

Movies (44)

12/31/2006 Zune vs. iPod Video vs. iRiver Clix
08/15/2006 A Day in the Z - Mischief and Mayhem 1
06/07/2006 iRiver clix
04/22/2006 The Immediacy and the Remoteness
04/17/2006 Interracial Couples on TV
04/02/2006 King Kong - Dinosaur Chase Scene
02/12/2006 Casio Exilim EX-Z3 and Casio Exilim EX-Z750 Digital Cameras
01/23/2006 OnTurning0x20AndLookingBackArt2005
01/17/2006 Z's first all-nighter
12/28/2005 My Top Ten Albums for Chris Brooks
12/15/2005 Xbox 360 as Media Hub
11/25/2005 Cutest Movie Comment Ever
10/22/2005 October 2005 - My Reading List - Home
09/29/2005 Using the PSP Playstation Portable as a Portable Media Center
09/07/2005 DasBlog - Nestings Blog
08/02/2005 The Day I Met Uhura
07/30/2005 DasBlog 1.8 RC1
06/20/2005 Scott Hanselman's 2005 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List
06/04/2005 Hotel Rwanda
03/30/2005 TechEd Video #3 - Drink the TechEd KoolAid
11/22/2004 A Hanselman Review: Doom 3 vs. FarCry vs. Half-Life 2 vs. Halo 2
11/19/2004 CSI: ASP.NET - The one where a double HTTP GET from Internet Explorer (IE) causes problems with FormsAuthentication and my sanity
10/24/2004 EWeek story on the XmlDevCon
10/16/2004 Team America: World Police/Nerd Dinner
08/12/2004 Disneyland - a Software Engineer's Perspective
08/02/2004 Medtronic Minimed 508 Insulin Pump vs. my New Paradigm 512 Insulin Pump and Blood Glucose Meter
05/30/2004 Movies That Are Disasters (or Disaster Movies)
05/26/2004 More on CodeRush
05/14/2004 Troy, the movie...and a new unit of measurement is born
04/07/2004 Useful Util: Recording [screen capturing] movies info Flash (SWF)
04/06/2004 Scott's Movie Versions: 3 down! 1 to go.
03/19/2004 "Geeks and the Women/Men Who Love Them" or "Normal People are from Earth, Coders are from Sedna"
03/17/2004 The Calm Before the Storm...and more Watch Musings
03/04/2004 Cargo-cult programming
12/12/2003 Books that should be made into Movies before I die
11/15/2003 Delete this Post if you don't care what I thought about the Matrix Revolutions
10/28/2003 PDC - End of Day 1, or beginning of Day 2?
09/28/2003 Two good things this weekend...movies and spam
08/14/2003 The New Minimed Paradigm 512
07/16/2003 "Kill Bill"/2 = "Wound Bill"
04/05/2003 Unreasonable Seizure
03/11/2003 The New Lifescan OneTouch UltraSmart
10/04/2002 Review Red Dragon rich empty meal Ya b
09/26/2002 Great article by Robert W Lucky in IEEE Spec

MSBuild (2)

06/04/2016 MSBuild Structured Log: record and visualize your builds
04/26/2008 Hack: Parallel MSBuilds from within the Visual Studio IDE

MSDN (11)

12/02/2011 New ASP.NET website launched
12/10/2010 Visual Studio Explosion! - VS2010 SP1 *BETA* Released and Context
05/04/2010 Visual Studio 2010 - Help Viewer Power Tool BETA - Help Index and Standalone Help
04/12/2010 Visual Studio 2010 Released
03/11/2010 We moved your ASP.NET website cheese, in a good way
02/09/2010 The Weekly Source Code 49 - SmallBasic is Fun, Simple, Powerful Programming for Kids and Adults
10/19/2009 Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2
10/08/2009 A new MSDN for a new Operating System and a new Development Environment
06/05/2009 MSDN Updates - and RFC for you
04/17/2009 Low Bandwidth View and other Hidden (and Future) Features of MSDN
11/13/2008 Using Crowdsourcing for Expanding Localization of Products

Musings (734)

12/18/2022 Use your own user @ domain for Mastodon discoverability with the WebFinger Protocol without hosting a server
12/18/2022 I got tired
12/14/2021 Using Home Assistant to integrate a Unifi Protect G4 Doorbell and Amazon Alexa to announce visitors
09/28/2021 Differences between Hashtable vs Dictonary vs ConcurrentDictionary vs ImmutableDictionary
09/23/2021 How to make Shared Google Calendars show up on your iPhone and iPad Calendar
09/21/2021 The code worked differently when the moon was full
08/03/2021 Stringly Typed vs Strongly Typed
07/22/2021 Tips and Tricks and Best Practices for Hybrid Meetings with Microsoft Teams and more
05/27/2021 Watch the BUILD 2021 Application Development Keynote
03/09/2021 Try time-boxed panics
01/15/2021 Exploring my creativity through TikTok and YouTube technical education videos
01/14/2021 Looking back on Software Development in 2020 and forward to 2021
12/17/2020 Taking your PowerShell prompt to the next level with Windows Terminal and Oh my Posh 3
12/15/2020 The regular joy of the Adafruit AdaBox Subscription and exploring IoT with the family
12/10/2020 The art of Rubber Ducking or Rubber Duck Debugging
11/05/2020 Creating a question friendly environment
10/27/2020 How to deal with Extreme Physical Pain
09/10/2020 What is the cloud? Explained
07/21/2020 Finding Joy in Making Happy Little Computer Videos on YouTube
06/25/2020 You're tired because your lizard brain knows that Zoom meetings aren't natural
06/11/2020 The Importance of Nesting when Remote Working and Quarantine Working
04/16/2020 Quarantine work is not Remote work
04/14/2020 The 2020 Guide to Creating Quality Technical Screencasts, Presentations, and Remote Meetings
03/31/2020 A series of new YouTube Videos - Please Subscribe
01/22/2020 My views on community, productivity, kindness, and mindfulness on the Hanselminutes Fresh Tech Podcast
12/20/2019 The wires are crossed, literally! - Learning low level computing with Ben Eater's 6502 kit
12/06/2019 Advice to my 20 year old self
11/15/2019 Computer things they didn't teach you in school #2 - Code Pages, Character Encoding, Unicode, UTF-8 and the BOM
11/08/2019 New YouTube Series: Computer things they didn't teach you in school
10/24/2019 Be a Technology Tourist
10/08/2019 Video Interview: Between Two Nerds - Building Careers with Empathy
08/13/2019 I miss Microsoft Encarta
05/09/2019 Systems Thinking as important as ever for new coders
04/04/2019 Coders: Context Switching is hard for both computers and relationships
04/02/2019 The Transitive Property of Friendship - and the importance of the Warm Intro
03/26/2019 F7 is the greatest PowerShell hotkey that no one uses any more. We must fix this.
02/12/2019 How to convert an IMG file to an standard ISO easily with Linux on Windows 10
02/05/2019 Teaching Kids to Code with Minecraft Mods made easy using MakeCode and Code Connection
01/07/2019 Relationship Hacks: Playing video games and having hobbies while avoiding resentment
11/30/2018 On Developer Advocacy
08/24/2018 Decoding an SSH Key from PEM to BASE64 to HEX to ASN.1 to prime decimal numbers
08/22/2018 How do you even know this crap?
08/08/2018 11 essential characteristics for being a good technical advocate or interviewer
01/26/2018 You got this! You know the fundamentals. You are a learner. Plus The Imposter's Handbook
10/15/2017 Scaling Mentorship
07/20/2017 Monospaced Programming Fonts with Ligatures
07/07/2017 URLs are UI
06/17/2017 Get Solarized - Awesome command prompt colors for VS, VS Code, cmd, PowerShell, and more
05/17/2017 Suggestions and Tips for attending your first tech conference
03/09/2017 Relationship Hacks - Mindfulness - Don't live your life by default
03/07/2017 Relationship Hacks: An Allowance System for Adults
02/04/2017 NXTA - NexTech Africa Conference - Day 1 perspectives
01/26/2017 VIDEO: How to get started with technical public speaking!
01/11/2017 What .NET Developers ought to know to start in 2017
01/06/2017 Teaching coding from the Metal Up or from the Glass Back?
12/01/2016 I suck at vacation - What I did this week
11/19/2016 The 2016 Christmas List of Best STEM Toys for your little nerds and nerdettes
09/30/2016 Lonely Coding
09/06/2016 How to deal with Technology Burnout - Maybe it's life's cycles
08/24/2016 Psychic Weight - Dealing with the things that press on your mind
07/22/2016 Making YouTube videos look sharp and professional on a budget
07/14/2016 Self-care matters: Pay yourself first
07/07/2016 Is your stuff backed up? Recovering from a hardware failure
06/20/2016 Forgotten (but Awesome) Windows Command Prompt Features
06/18/2016 Stop saying learning to code is easy.
06/01/2016 Is technology killing curiosity?
05/12/2016 10 years and over 520 episodes of podcasting - Tech is a marathon, not a sprint
04/24/2016 Chatting with Prince on AOL in 1999 - "this way is modern"
04/13/2016 Give yourself permission to have work-life balance
12/18/2015 Signing into Windows 10 with your Face - Using an Xbox One Kinect with Windows Hello
12/06/2015 The 2015 Christmas List of Best STEM Toys for your little nerds and nerdettes
11/12/2015 The Crowdsourcing of Software Quality
09/04/2015 The Butterfly Effect of Technology Community
09/01/2015 Our great big 15 year vow renewal
08/26/2015 On Disconnecting
08/19/2015 Dealing with Software Religious Arguments and Architectural Zealotry
08/11/2015 The Evergreen Web
07/14/2015 Stop, think, research, debug
06/10/2015 Software and Saving Babies
04/24/2015 Bad UX and User Self-Blame - "I'm sorry, I'm not a computer person."
02/01/2015 Creating exact 3D Models for 3D Printing with JavaScript and OpenJSCAD
01/30/2015 Changing perspectives on your job - Will you renew your boss for another season?
01/27/2015 The Basics of 3D Printing in 2015 - from someone with 16 WHOLE HOURS' experience
01/24/2015 VIDEO: Do you really know how to use Microsoft Word? The Power of Tabs and Indents
01/21/2015 Rollup: Microsoft HoloLens, Surface Hub, Windows 10, Xbox One game streaming and more.
01/17/2015 Reality TV for Developers - Where is for Programmers?
10/24/2014 I'm stuck in someone's for loop
10/17/2014 Put yourself out there and publish that Open Source project today
10/14/2014 100 Technical Things Non-Technical People Can Learn To Make Their Lives Easier
10/08/2014 Plex for Xbox One is here and my life is complete - Plus Synology setup how-to
10/03/2014 Can you trust your browser extensions? Exploring an ad-injecting chrome extension
09/30/2014 Inception-Style Nested Data Formats
09/16/2014 How do you deal with anxiety when Live Coding in Technical Interviews?
09/13/2014 Fear Driven Development - FDD
08/13/2014 Exploring Impostor Syndrome in Technology - SXSW '15
06/02/2014 This URL shortener situation is officially out of control
05/28/2014 We are abstracting on the shoulders of giants
05/21/2014 Bloggers: Know when to use a JPG and when to use a PNG and always Squish them both
05/07/2014 FREE Pluralsight video: "Get Involved" in community!
03/30/2014 Analysis Paralysis: Over-thinking and Knowing Too Much to Just CODE
03/19/2014 How to automatically notify the user that it's time to upgrade a Windows App
03/19/2014 AngleBrackets open web conference in Florida - April 2014
03/17/2014 OneNote and Microsoft's quiet API revolution
02/26/2014 When is it stealing?
02/24/2014 Announcing the new Roslyn-powered .NET Framework Reference Source
02/22/2014 Microsoft killed my Pappy
02/20/2014 Distributed Automated Browser Testing with Selenium and BrowserStack
02/17/2014 How do we know if mobile apps are secure?
02/12/2014 Download Wrappers and Unwanted Software are pure evil
02/10/2014 If you had to start over, what technologies would you learn in 2014?
02/04/2014 Fixed: The Synology NAS with Plex Server and mismatched version numbers
01/31/2014 Here's 10 things I did before I wrote this blog post title. What happened next will shock you.
01/27/2014 Why isn't People-Centric UI Design taking off?
01/23/2014 Yak Shaving Defined - I'll get that done, as soon as I shave this yak.
01/15/2014 Living a High-DPI desktop lifestyle can be painful
01/08/2014 Finding a low-memory browser
01/07/2014 The new Information Worker Resume or CV Template
01/05/2014 A Coder, a Programmer, a Hacker, a Developer, and a Computer Scientist walk into a Venn Diagram
10/02/2013 Do you miss MIX? Join us at AngleBrackets 2.0 in Vegas
09/29/2013 The Myth of the Rockstar Programmer
09/25/2013 Sit, Stand, Walk, Type - Using a Treadmill Desk
09/17/2013 The New Turbo Button - Balancing Power Management and Performance on Windows Servers
08/30/2013 The Broken Windows Theory of App Stores
08/23/2013 Am I really a developer or just a good googler?
08/01/2013 Do you have a digital or social media will? Who will maintain your life online when you're dead?
07/24/2013 The impact of a compliment
06/19/2013 They WILL take your photos and they WILL use them and you WILL like it.
06/14/2013 Stop Doing Internet Wrong.
06/12/2013 The Importance of Closed Captioning - How To and Why Subtitle
06/06/2013 Announcing "Get Involved" from Tekpub - Enhance your career by engaging with your peers
05/15/2013 Xamarin Evolve 2013 Talk Video - How C# Saved My Marriage
04/29/2013 How to enable Google Now for iOS devices (iPhone, iPad) with Google Apps for Business Accounts
04/22/2013 Exposed: A Blog Comment Spammer's Source Template
03/12/2013 Technology fails in film are the new Wilhelm Scream
03/04/2013 Programming's not for you? How about thinking? Be empowered.
02/28/2013 The Internet's Best Placeholder Image Sites for Web Development
02/27/2013 Being a Remote Worker Sucks - Long Live the Remote Worker
02/20/2013 You're just another carriage return line feed in the wall
02/15/2013 Teach your kids to be fans
02/14/2013 I'd like to use the web my way, thank you very much Quora.
02/12/2013 Chasing an active Social Engineering Fraud at Amazon Kindle
01/30/2013 Plex is the media center software ecosystem I've been waiting for
01/24/2013 You are not your code.
01/22/2013 Cancer
11/14/2012 The Computer Backup Rule of Three
11/12/2012 The Internet is not a black box. Look inside.
09/24/2012 A Bug Report is a Gift
09/20/2012 Web Sites with Embedded Command Lines: You got your Command Line in my Internet
09/17/2012 Everything's broken and nobody's upset
09/15/2012 Dick and Jane: Jedi Masters
07/16/2012 Google+ Plus offers a Sophie's Choice to early adopters of Google Apps via an incomplete Takeout Migration Tool
07/07/2012 HOW TO FIX: Toyota Entune 2.0.1 Update breaks Internet Tethering over Bluetooth
06/29/2012 If malware authors ever learn how to spell we're all screwed - the coming HTML5 malware apocalypse
06/13/2012 Who is on your Life's Board of Directors?
06/09/2012 Visual Basic 6, Ruby and Getting Off My Lawn
05/29/2012 She let me take the computer home. - How did you get started in computers and programming?
05/17/2012 Please Learn to Think about Abstractions
05/09/2012 The Floppy Disk means Save, and 14 other old people Icons that don't make sense anymore
04/24/2012 A world of pretty cloud drive icons - SkyDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, BitBucket and GitHub
04/19/2012 Root Cause Analysis for Toddlers and Medical Eyeball Tweezers
04/10/2012 My car ships with crapware
04/04/2012 What geeks need to tell our parents about shopping online safely and securely
03/25/2012 Turning 105 gigs of Digital Video into a one hour Wedding DVD with Windows Live Movie Maker
03/23/2012 The Privacy Chain - Your Site's Privacy Policy as the 3rd Party services pile up
03/22/2012 Why You Should Never Argue in 140 Characters or Less - Geeklist
03/16/2012 iPhone tethering personal hotspot shows up a as a new network each time (plus the smart quote is silly)
03/15/2012 On Pie Chart Diversity at Technical Conferences
03/07/2012 Dark Matter Developers: The Unseen 99%
02/24/2012 Change Considered Harmful? - The New Visual Studio Look and Feel
02/11/2012 It's 2012 and your kids have an iPhone - Do you know where they are? I do.
01/28/2012 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs of Software Development
01/18/2012 An analysis of SOPA and PIPA Protest "Blackout" HTML and CSS techniques
01/10/2012 Setting a Custom Icon for your External Drives in Windows Explorer
01/05/2012 Your Blog is The Engine of Community
01/03/2012 Ten Things To Do to Secure an Important Person's Computer (or even Ashton's or a Kardashian's)
12/29/2011 2011 Greatest Hits
12/19/2011 Give Grandpa and Grandma the gift of an off-site backup of your photos
12/15/2011 Link-bait Hacker Slash News Dot Considered Cancerous Request For Call To Action
12/14/2011 Apps are too much like 1990's CD-ROMs and not enough like the Web
12/12/2011 Good UX in the Wild: A comic book geek returns after twenty years away to a brave new digital world
12/07/2011 Good UX in the Wild: Dropbox's attention to detail on their download page
11/15/2011 How To: Convert a PowerPoint Presentation from 4:3 ratio to 16:9 without distorted or stretched images
11/09/2011 Your users don't care if you use Web Sockets
11/06/2011 Got clocks?
11/04/2011 Your images are a virus. They are EVERYWHERE on the Internet
11/04/2011 Google+ Ripples brings something interesting to the table
11/03/2011 Profanity doesn't work
11/02/2011 It's the transparency, stupid!
10/28/2011 Embrace Authorship - The importance of rel=me and rel=author on your content's SEO and Google
10/26/2011 I know apps
10/24/2011 Reading more than ever: An analysis of four lazy years with an Amazon Kindle and no dead trees
10/16/2011 There is only one Cloud Icon in the Entire Universe
10/11/2011 Just please comb their hair and wipe their noses - My month as a single dad
10/10/2011 410 Gone - Thoughts on Mark "diveintomark" Pilgrim's and _why's infosuicides
10/05/2011 Brain, Bytes, Back, Buns - The Programmer's Priorities
10/02/2011 The Sweet Spot of Multiple Monitor Productivity: That Magical Third Monitor
08/24/2011 The Technical Friend's Essential Maintenance Checklist for Non-Technical Friend's Windows Computer
08/22/2011 Summer 2011 Stats - Tailoring your Blog to your Readers' Browsers
08/19/2011 Hire and Pay a Designer and Be Happy
08/17/2011 I'm a phony. Are you?
08/13/2011 A suggested improved customer interaction with the Apple Store (and Cloud Services in general)
08/12/2011 Welcome to the Cloud - "Your Apple ID has been disabled."
07/27/2011 Request for Comments: Issues with .NET and Microsoft Product Versioning
07/26/2011 Updated for 2011 - McDonald's WiFi Guide with updates for Mac OS X Lion and Windows 7
07/20/2011 Fanciful names and acronyms often create LIFE
07/19/2011 The Guide to Creating Quality Technical Screencasts
07/07/2011 Why the #AskObama Tweet was Garbled on Screen: Know your UTF-8, Unicode, ASCII and ANSI Decoding Mr. President
07/06/2011 JavaScript is Assembly Language for the Web: Sematic Markup is Dead! Clean vs. Machine-coded HTML
06/27/2011 Using Code Signing Certificates to sign downloaded MSIs and build reputation with IE9 SmartScreen
05/31/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 268 - Personal Systems of Organization - Rey Bango interviews Scott Hanselman
05/05/2011 Developer Stand up Comedy - Coding 4 Fun
05/04/2011 Should I use HTML5 or Silverlight? One man's opinion.
04/05/2011 Spring 2011 Fiction Reading List - Young Adult eBooks Will Save Science Fiction
12/29/2010 Reviewing a Decade of Digital Life - The size and the direction of personal media
12/18/2010 This Developer's Life 1.1.0 - Disconnecting
12/08/2010 BACKUP YOUR CRAP: Missing Operating System, Backups, Disk Images, Home Servers, BootRec, BootMgr, RebuildBCD, FixBoot and Problems, Plural
10/25/2010 Our Tenth Anniversary
10/12/2010 Subtle but Very Important Twitter Tips and Techniques You Should Know (cause no one will tell you)
09/16/2010 The Ultimate Guide (of Five Things) for New IE9 users Who Fear Change
08/27/2010 The Programmer's Body
08/19/2010 Awesome Visual Studio Command Prompt and PowerShell icons with Overlays
06/23/2010 Ultimate Developer PC 2.0 - Part 1 - Building a WEI 7.9 and RFC for building a GOM (God's Own Machine)
06/22/2010 Do they deserve the gift of your keystrokes?
06/22/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 218 - Baratunde Thurston on Punditry, Politics, Race, iPads, The Onion and the Web
06/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 216 - Geek Relationship Tips with Scott's Wife
05/28/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 215 - World Airplane Travel Tips with James Senior
01/21/2010 Hanselminutes on 9 - Follow up, 6 months later, On Managing People with Chris Sells
01/01/2010 2009 Blogged - Greatest Hits
09/21/2009 Square Foot Gardening for Programmers
08/08/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - Managing People (and wisdom with Chris Sells)
07/22/2009 Best Practices for Individual Contribution
07/14/2009 Burnt Day - I need a Do-Over for Monday
06/29/2009 Twitter: Let the Information Wash Over You
06/23/2009 These are the little bugs that lead to madness
06/01/2009 Bosom Buddies: How to make Google Chrome use Microsoft Bing for Search
05/26/2009 When Word of Mouth Got a Permalink - Companies, Customers and Twitter
05/07/2009 Switching my Windows 7 Boot Disk from D to C with BCDBoot rather than BCDEdit
04/29/2009 Don't Give Bile a Permalink - Finding Balance within The No Asshole Rule
04/23/2009 Paint Fence, Cut Wood, Pull Weed, Plant Tree - Finding Geek Balance Outside My Comfort Zone
04/13/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 157 - Hanselminutae-five with Richard Campbell
04/04/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 156 - Dealing with Diversity in Agile Teams with Aslam Khan
04/01/2009 .NET 4.1 Preview - New Base Class Library (BCL) Extension Methods - RFC
03/16/2009 FizzBin - The Technical Support Secret Handshake
03/05/2009 10 Awesome Things I Remember About Computers
03/02/2009 Experiencing ALT.NET Seattle 2009 Open Spaces
02/24/2009 IE6 Warning - Stop Living In The Past - Get off of IE6
02/18/2009 Baby Sign Language 2.0 - Update at 14 months
02/05/2009 How To Twitter - First Steps and a Twitter Glossary
02/04/2009 Technical Presentations: Be Prepared for Absolute Chaos
01/27/2009 Painful Reminder: Focus on Core Competencies (and Back Stuff Up)
01/16/2009 Seattle/Redmond/Bellevue Nerd Dinner - Jan 19, 2009
01/03/2009 South Africa 2008: NewsFlash - Turns out eating less and moving more causes weight loss
12/27/2008 South Africa 2008 - Make Your Own Dual 1/8" Airplane Headphone Adapter
12/18/2008 .NET 3.5 SP1 GDR is available to download
12/02/2008 Christmas Cards Made Easy - Shutterfly, Excel, and a Word Mail Merge
12/02/2008 Upgrading an old Compaq Ipaq from Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy Badger to 8.10 Intrepid Ibex
11/05/2008 2008 - Congratulations, America has a President-Elect
11/04/2008 Tiny Victories Inside Microsoft - SmallestDotNet makes headway
10/25/2008 Happy Eighth Anniversary
10/13/2008 Here Comes Trouble
10/04/2008 Meme Time: Growing Up Geek
09/30/2008 October 6th - Seattle/Redmond/Bellevue Nerd Dinner
09/20/2008 Working Remotely from Home, Telepresence and Video Conferencing: One Year Later
09/16/2008 Baby Sign Language 2.0
09/05/2008 Firefox, ClickOnce, XBAPs and .NET 3.5 SP1
09/05/2008 Family Calendar Management - Sharing Life between Outlook and Web Calendars and the Magic of iCalendar
09/05/2008 Skyping the Wife: Foolproof Video Conferencing with Your Family While on the Road
08/27/2008 The Case of the Failing Disk Drive or Windows Home Server Saved My Marriage
08/24/2008 SmallestDotNet: On the Size of the .NET Framework
08/08/2008 More Channel 9 Silliness
08/06/2008 I like cake! - Cakemail, Ninjas on Fire, and other Anecdotes
07/25/2008 July 2008 Technical Reading List
07/21/2008 Adding OpenSearch to your website and getting in the Browser's Search Box
07/15/2008 July 22nd - Seattle/Redmond/Bellevue Nerd Dinner
06/30/2008 The Spirit of Open Source - Netiquette can be subtle
06/26/2008 NotNorthwind - Update #1 - All Your Northwind Are Belong To Us
05/31/2008 Professionalism, Programming, and Punditry and Success as a Metric
05/30/2008 Community Call to Action: NOT Northwind
05/21/2008 Vista 64-bit Blue Screens with INTERNAL_POWER_ERROR Immediately After Installing VMWare Player
05/12/2008 VS2008 and .Net 3.5 SP1 Beta - Should You Fear This Release?
05/09/2008 Introducing RockScroll
05/03/2008 RFC: OpenTweets - Why is Microblogging centralized?
04/27/2008 Greatest Hits
04/24/2008 Books: We need more So What, Now What and What For? and less just What
04/09/2008 Packing Light for Travel with Power and Geek Style
03/31/2008 10 Guerilla Airline Travel Tips for the Geek-Minded Person
03/31/2008 Spontaneous New York Ethiopian Nerd Dinner
03/26/2008 7 Blogging Statistics Rules - There is Life After Page Views
03/19/2008 Twitter: The Uselessfulness of Micro-blogging
03/03/2008 Six Months in the Inside - Am I evil yet?
02/29/2008 How to attach MP3 sound effects to PowerPoint animation elements
02/20/2008 Learning Languages Fast - Can you Flush the Toilet in Zulu?
02/12/2008 MS-Ajax Client Javascript integrated within the Aptana IDE
02/04/2008 The Weekly Source Code 15 - Tiny Managed Operating System Edition
01/31/2008 February 13th - Seattle/Redmond/Bellevue Nerd Dinner
01/25/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 98 - Raising Geeks with Scott's Dad
01/25/2008 ASP.NET MVC - WebForms Unplugged
01/24/2008 Best Mobile Websites for Tiny Browsers
01/22/2008 Standing on their shoulders and paying it forward
01/18/2008 Verizon FIOS TV - Review and Photo Gallery
01/16/2008 Long Term Viability of AppleTV
01/15/2008 Blog Stats are Confusing - GETs, Views, User-Agents, Readers, Eyeballs
01/15/2008 Your Opinion Matters - Screencast Techniques Survey RESULTS
01/14/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 93 - Pex with Jonathan 'Peli' de Halleux and Nikolai Tillmann
01/14/2008 Windows Home Server Unsupported Feature - Backup Duplication
01/11/2008 CodeMash 2008 Wrapup - What are you working on?
01/10/2008 Is rooting for Visual Basic like rooting for the Red Sox?
01/01/2008 2007 Wrapup
12/26/2007 Happy Chrismahanakwanzika 2007
12/19/2007 Moq: Linq, Lambdas and Predicates applied to Mock Objects
12/19/2007 Wiring the house for a Home Network - Part 6 - Identifying Performance Factors of Home Gigabit Networks
12/18/2007 How to make Vista Taskbar Previews and ALT-TAB Thumbnails Bigger
12/14/2007 Small Town Internet
12/14/2007 Community is not just Cold Pizza
12/13/2007 Your Opinion Matters - Screencast Techniques Survey
12/09/2007 Power Consumption of the HP MediaSmart HP Home Server
12/04/2007 Web 2.0 Video: Here comes another bubble
12/01/2007 Wiring the house for a Home Network - Part 5 - Gigabit Throughput and Vista
11/29/2007 Plant, Pet, Person - Ten Days with Baby T
11/27/2007 Visual Studio 2008 InstallFest - Portland Edition
11/27/2007 Wiring the house for a Home Network - Part 4 - Thank You Cat 6 Gigabit Ethernet
11/25/2007 New Job, New House, New Baby, and Designing a Totally New Home Office
11/15/2007 Saving Money on Lighting the New House
11/12/2007 Dynamic Language Translation Widget from the Windows Live Team
11/11/2007 Baby Sign Language - Update at 2 years
11/03/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 87 - Planning, Placing and Building a House with Google Earth and SketchUp
11/02/2007 How To: Use Google Earth and SketchItUp to Visualize a New House Lot - Part 2
10/31/2007 Wiring the new house for a Home Network - Part 3 - ISP Hookup
10/29/2007 November 8th - Seattle/Redmond/Bellevue Nerd Dinner
10/28/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 86 - Open Source Software Licensing with Jonathan Zuck of ACT Online
10/24/2007 How to easily disable Reply To All and Forward in Outlook
10/23/2007 Wiring the new house for a Home Network - Part 2 - Design Q&amp;A
10/23/2007 Wiring the new house for a Home Network
10/23/2007 Where's my Orange Box Royalties?
10/21/2007 Web Common Sense isn't too Common
10/15/2007 The Five Second Rule - Does it Apply Internationally?
10/02/2007 Getting Organized While Drinking from the (Outlook) Fire Hose
09/29/2007 Typing Test twice, once with Voice Recognition
09/28/2007 TODO: Update your DVD-ROM's Firmware
09/27/2007 How-To: Installing Windows Virtualization Services (Hypervisor) on Windows Server 2008 RC0
09/27/2007 Seriously, Amazon, could you ship things in larger boxes?
09/25/2007 2007 Diabetes Donations from Our Sponsors
09/24/2007 A Blog's Heartbeat
09/21/2007 Managing Multiple Configuration File Environments with Pre-Build Events
09/20/2007 The Nuclear Option: Resetting The Crap Out Of Your Network Adapters in Vista
09/19/2007 The Mystery of the Failed Live Meeting Launch
09/18/2007 Launching your Web 2.0 Site with a Giant Text Box
09/13/2007 Forcing Google Apps for your Domain (GAFYD) into Mobile Mode on your iPhone
09/12/2007 DNRTV Screencast - Powershell is still shiny
09/10/2007 Will Video Chat ever work?
09/08/2007 iPhone - Everything that could go wrong did
09/04/2007 Microsoft patch causing network outages/DNS issues?
08/30/2007 5:01 Developers, Family, and Excitement about the Craft
08/24/2007 Make the Windows Text Cursor (Caret) Wider
08/16/2007 Installing iTunes 7 on 64-bit Windows Vista
08/16/2007 Three Monitors - I can't go back
08/16/2007 Windows Update should hide HResults
08/07/2007 32bitness and 64bitness and migrating DasBlog on IIS7 and ASP.NET under Vista64
08/03/2007 The Great Geek Gadget Giveaway Grab Bag, er, Auction
08/01/2007 The Developer's Quitting Your Job Technology Checklist
07/29/2007 Measuring Satisfaction - We are a Nielsen Family!
07/26/2007 Hanselforums - Evaluating Forums Software - AspNetForums and InstantForum.NET
07/26/2007 The Developer Theory of the Third Place
07/25/2007 Uncle Ronald
07/21/2007 Blue Badge
07/21/2007 Task: Remove a Programmatic Crutch
07/20/2007 MUIs and LIPs - How to write in Chinese and localize Windows in your language
07/20/2007 Sony: Anatomy of a good web interaction
07/13/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 72 - Be a Better Developer in Six Months
07/13/2007 First, turn off everything that beeps
07/13/2007 Wife Nixes iPhone, Man Buys Apple Newton Instead
07/11/2007 The CodingHorror Ultimate Developer Rig Throwdown: Part 3
07/10/2007 Sez You Architecture and the Architecture Ninja
07/06/2007 Lenovo T61 - The Battery is too hot, run!
07/05/2007 Caught in the Act
07/05/2007 MSN For You - MSN Messenger Worm Virus Self Phishing Replicating Evil
07/03/2007 Password should not contain any special characters, symbols or spaces
07/01/2007 Why You Deeply Want an iPhone - NOW
06/29/2007 Set Tops Are Back - Microsoft Media Room
06/28/2007 About Me
06/28/2007 Reply To All Snowball - Know When To Escalate Communication
06/26/2007 The Skynet Compute Cloud: I think there is a world market for maybe Five Computers
06/26/2007 Considering Moving the Family to Google Apps
06/21/2007 ADD and Flaming Potato Development
06/20/2007 The CodingHorror Ultimate Developer Rig Throwdown: Part 2
06/17/2007 TMI (To Much Information) Networking Dialog Box of the Day
06/15/2007 Teaching Children and Kids to Program the Old School Way
06/14/2007 A Toy Train for Z
06/13/2007 Some Guiding Principles for Software Development
06/13/2007 Six Essential Language Agnostic Programming Books
06/12/2007 Video: Windows Browser Speed Shootout - IE7, Firefox2, Opera9, Safari for Windows Beta 3
06/11/2007 Microsoft Silverlight in Safari for Windows
06/11/2007 Safari for Windows - First Impressions
06/10/2007 How To: Use Google Earth or Virtual Earth to Visualize a New House Lot - Part 1
06/08/2007 Can you show screenshots of an application you built for another company on your resume?
06/08/2007 Random Friday Lowercase-A arguments
06/04/2007 Blog Interesting - 32 Ways to Keep Your Blog from Sucking
06/02/2007 Educating Programmers with Placemats - NDepend Static Analysis Poster
06/01/2007 Does Spelling Matter? I think it does.
05/31/2007 TED: Blaise Aguera y Arcas: Photosynth demo
05/31/2007 Google Gears - Maybe all Rich Internet Applications needed was Local Storage and an Offline Mode
05/30/2007 Is This Useful? - Google Street View
05/30/2007 Going to Foo Camp 2007
05/30/2007 The Duh Files - The file is too large for the destination file system
05/30/2007 Virtual Machine CPU Performance
05/29/2007 MSMPENG.EXE, TrustedInstaller.exe, SearchIndexer and SLSVC.EXE at 100% CPU on my Vista Machines
05/24/2007 Reading Documents on your Screen Effectively
05/23/2007 Four Life-Changing Gadgets - GPS, iPod (MP3) and Tivo (DVR)
05/21/2007 Explaining CyberGeek Fame to my Wife
05/21/2007 Is Microsoft losing the Alpha Geeks?
05/20/2007 ATI Radeon 9800 Vista Drivers - Flash and Windows Video Stops or Stutters
05/08/2007 Garage Sales and Garage-Sale Quality Code
04/27/2007 Silverlight is Argentum in a Flash
04/20/2007 The (Programming) Language Explosion
04/18/2007 Network Connections: Using Verizon Broadband Access Wireless Internet without VZAccess Manager
04/11/2007 Fix: &quot;General Failure&quot; while launching FireFox URLs from Outlook
04/11/2007 Adding PNGOUT to the Explorer Right Click Context Menu
04/11/2007 Blogging to DasBlog from Word 2007
04/10/2007 Email Signature Etiquette with Outlook 2007 - Appropriate Flair
04/07/2007 Fix: Windows Vista Media Center missing photos and pictures
04/06/2007 Naming a File a Reserved Name in the Windows Vista Operating System
04/06/2007 Are Blog URLs important?
04/03/2007 Hanselminutes on Channel 9 - Video #2
04/03/2007 Gamma Correction and Color Correction - PNG is still too hard
03/29/2007 Life Beyond Pie Charts: The right visualization for the right job
03/28/2007 On Losing Data and a Family Backup Strategy
03/27/2007 Blog Redesign 2007
03/26/2007 Adobe Acrobat 8 on Vista - The Temp Folder is on a Drive that is Full or is inaccessible and what is LocalLow
03/21/2007 Google Internet Calendars and Outlook 2007 - The DST Fun Continues
03/20/2007 Vista Sticky Notes and other updated Applets
03/19/2007 How to adjust your side/rear-view mirrors (and why you need 3 monitors)
03/13/2007 Managed Snobism
03/09/2007 The CodingHorror Ultimate Developer Rig Throwdown: Part 1
03/08/2007 Email Signature Etiquette - Too Much Flair?
03/07/2007 Is the Library at Alexandria burning every day? How do we cluster the cluster?
03/06/2007 March 2007 My Reading List - Home
03/03/2007 Portland: Special BONUS March PADNUG Meeting with Adam Cogan
02/26/2007 Enabling Aero Glass on Windows Vista with a Toshiba M200/M205
02/26/2007 Grandma
02/23/2007 Google GuestMap 2007 and adding Google Maps to your Site
02/23/2007 The Programmer Phases of Grief: or Language Translation is Harder Than It Looks
02/22/2007 LifeHack: Carry Fewer Club Cards with BarCodes and lose the Costanza Wallet
02/22/2007 Using ISAPI_Rewrite to canonicalize ASP.NET URLs and remove default.aspx
02/21/2007 Google PageRanks considered subtle
02/11/2007 How to rotate an AVI or MPEG file taken in Portrait
02/10/2007 Yahoo Pipes - Simultaneously Brilliant and Dumb
02/08/2007 Web 2.0 Explained in Video by Michael Wesch
02/08/2007 KB928388 Breaking Tests with Windows DST TimeZone Patch and Past Dates
02/06/2007 How to change the width of the text insertion cursor
02/06/2007 Isabel Hanselman
02/05/2007 Asking Permission of your Docking Stations
02/01/2007 Ssshh...Secrets and Betas and NDAs, oh, my
02/01/2007 I'm totally Vista'ed now - Upgrading The Family to Vista
01/30/2007 Finding Free Radio Station Frequencies for my iPod
01/25/2007 Daemon Tools and my new Lenovo T60p
01/18/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 47 - How to start your own MicroISV
01/17/2007 Windows Vista Media Center Online Spotlight Launches
01/11/2007 iPhone and iScott and
01/11/2007 What do you buy the geek who has everything?
01/08/2007 SOLVED: Windows Media Sharing gets SLOW after installing Zune
01/06/2007 Family Portraits to start 2007
01/04/2007 Five Things You (Seriously) Didn't Know About Me
01/03/2007 FavIcon.ico can be a bandwidth hog
01/03/2007 Problem caused by Windows XP Service Pack 2 - Install SP2 to fix
01/02/2007 1990 called, they want to their software back
01/02/2007 Beta Rev Disk Drivers for Windows Vista
01/01/2007 Last Post of 2006 - Best Of
12/31/2006 Getting Quoted is Fun
12/31/2006 Zune vs. iPod Video vs. iRiver Clix
12/25/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 24 - Travelling with an Infant
12/11/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 10 - Malaria
12/08/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 6
12/05/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 3
12/01/2006 Vista's "Show Compatibility Files" and the Scrumptious Wonder that is File Virtualization
11/28/2006 System won't pass the BIOS POST - Yank external USB drives
11/27/2006 Making a list and checking it thrice
11/22/2006 Baby Sign Language
11/03/2006 Sony Reader and Amazon Kindle - Will eBooks happen this time?
10/10/2006 The Wisdom of IE7 and Suspicious Web Sites
10/04/2006 What is Abandonware?
10/03/2006 $25 Dollars from ING DIRECT with Deposit
09/30/2006 How Geeks become Do-It-Yourselfers and Tile their Kitchen
09/29/2006 Windows Vista, Junctions and moving My Documents to another drive.
09/23/2006 NewsGator Desktop Sync Beta (Windows RSS Platform / NewsGator Online Synchronization)
09/22/2006 USB Ports are the next power supply for the world, replacing Car Cigarette Lighter Ports
09/21/2006 Getting FinePrint to work on Vista RC1
09/21/2006 Vista and ReadyBoost
09/20/2006 An Error occured during the installation of assembly component - 98cb24ad-52fb-db5f-a01f-c8b3b9a1e18e
09/20/2006 Downloading Audible Content under Vista using IE7 in Protected Mode
09/18/2006 Sun's Java JRE switches Vista Aero into Basic UI Scheme
09/07/2006 Changing your colors in Visual Studio.NET - Black versus White
09/07/2006 Grandpa
09/05/2006 Microsummaries - Über Simple Syndication
08/29/2006 No "Open In New Tab" option in IE7 - Disable the Google Toolbar
08/29/2006 Prime Pattern
08/29/2006 Scott Hanselman's 2006 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows
08/25/2006 Citizen Mo
08/24/2006 August 2006 - My spare time
08/23/2006 Death to Carriage Returns and Linefeeds
08/17/2006 AnkhSVN: Using Subversion within Visual Studio
08/15/2006 Enabling Evil - Overriding System.DateTime's default ToString
08/15/2006 A Day in the Z - Mischief and Mayhem 1
07/31/2006 Websense update - I'm not banned anymore!
07/14/2006 Do I sleep?
07/14/2006 Some tips for saving money
07/12/2006 FLV won't play when a Camtasia Video is uploaded to an IIS site
06/22/2006 New Mexico 2006
06/01/2006 How to disable Windows Media Player Guide
06/01/2006 Unblocking blocked attachments in Outlook
05/24/2006 Office 2007 - Everything you know is Different?
05/24/2006 Mo's Computer says System32/Config/Software is either missing, corrupt or has an error.
05/23/2006 Multiple Homepages with Firefox
05/18/2006 Bringing an Inkjet Printer back to life
05/17/2006 Psychic Weight- Life is Pending
05/14/2006 Happy Mother's Day to Mo and Z
05/10/2006 Share my OPML, everyone's doing it
05/03/2006 Consolas Font Family now available for download
04/21/2006 Scott Hanselman, 11 Successful Large Projects, 3 Open Source Applications, 1 Collossal Failure
04/17/2006 Binding the SlickRun HotKey to Windows-R (and my silent quest for a 1970's style green screen console)
04/15/2006 Paying off your Mortgage early
04/08/2006 Tracking down a Trojan
04/07/2006 IBM Laptop Wireless Adapter Turns Off Automatically Without Asking
04/07/2006 Coloring Windows Folders with Custom Icons
03/27/2006 The Ultimate Zoom Tool? Sysinternal's ZoomIt
03/10/2006 ZEB (Zero Email Bounce) and a new Outlook Rule
02/28/2006 Comcast Cable adds CBS to Portland HDTV and why digital TV just ain't happening.
02/23/2006 Reflectoring with the Keyboard
02/23/2006 Windows Defender Errors 0x8024402c 0x80240022 and 1609
02/14/2006 Linksys Firmware DD-WRT BitTorrent optimizations
02/08/2006 Face Recognition...uh, not quite
02/05/2006 Re-re-discovering Jeff Atwood
02/01/2006 Vista on a McBook or iMac or Intel Duo
01/26/2006 ColumbiaSoft Enginering is Hiring
01/25/2006 Microsoft Expression Graphic Designer and Microsoft Expression Interactive Designer - Whew!
01/24/2006 Vista-style Task Switching on XP
01/24/2006 Humor: Marriage and Video Games
01/10/2006 egoSurfing
01/07/2006 Google Pack
01/05/2006 Virtual Machines and External Hard Drive throughput
12/29/2005 "Unexpected Error 0x8ffe2740 Occurred" Error Message When You Try to Start a Web Site
12/27/2005 The end of Adobe Acrobat - Thank you Foxit
12/26/2005 How to Reset your Google Desktop Index Cache
12/26/2005 Productivity Tip: Make Outlook's Priority "Above Normal"
12/11/2005 Best Packet Writing Software?
11/23/2005 20% off Acronis TrueImage
11/23/2005 SlickRun and QuickSilver
11/05/2005 View Internet Explorer in a Firefox Tab
11/04/2005 RFC - RSS Advertising
11/02/2005 Stupid Error Messages - November 2nd, 2005
10/31/2005 Craptastically Useless Stuff - How much is your blog worth?
10/31/2005 Svchost.exe Sucks CPU and Rebulding the WMI/WBEM Repository
10/22/2005 Getting Email updates of
10/13/2005 Resetting Microsoft Update - Error 0x8024001D
10/06/2005 Windows Pre-Login Wallpaper
09/29/2005 Network Intrusion My Ass
09/28/2005 Office 2003 SP2 available via Microsoft Update
09/26/2005 Pasting Unformatted Text a Better Way - PureText
09/20/2005 Comcast adding CBS in HD in Portland on October 4th?
09/10/2005 CrapCleaner Registry Cleaner
09/04/2005 AntiSpyware Expired and I'm back from the future
09/04/2005 Google Maps adds Katrina Satellite Data
09/03/2005 Are you from the Northwest?
08/25/2005 Baby Registry
08/24/2005 More Interesting Maps
08/10/2005 Google GuestMap - Where are my Readers?
08/07/2005 It's official - FeedDemon is the Bomb
07/20/2005 Presentation Tips PPT
07/19/2005 Microsoft Update versus Windows Update
07/15/2005 The Big News - Update #1
07/08/2005 Better Url for the Ultimate Tools List
07/07/2005 When Bad Ideas become mainstream FAQ Entries
07/07/2005 KB895953 - TCServer.exe TabletPC Crash/Memory Leak HotFix
06/30/2005 25 Rules of Management
06/21/2005 How to run a Disk Scan/chkdsk/fsck and Troubleshoot your iPod
06/14/2005 PowerPoint - Can you see me now?
06/14/2005 The Big News
05/24/2005 Ah, crap...
04/05/2005 Updating an old iMac's Firmware while running OSX
03/31/2005 Quotes of the Day - March, 31, 2005
03/31/2005 Internationalization Support in Windows XP
03/28/2005 On the Train to the Indigo SDR in Seattle
03/23/2005 Computer Zen - Meaning
03/16/2005 My new theme
03/14/2005 Need a Professional Photographer?
03/11/2005 Getting a Shared Network Printer to work under DOS
03/08/2005 Rotating the Screen on the Toshiba m205 TabletPC
02/15/2005 More great "Effective Presentation Tips"
02/01/2005 How to speed up FireFox - like it could get any faster
01/26/2005 Internet access (and Skype) at 36000ft. Schweet.
01/24/2005 IMAP vs. POP3 in Outlook 2003
01/19/2005 Reflections on turning 0x1F
01/16/2005 Nerd Scores: Why do we fill these out?
01/06/2005 Microsoft's AntiSpyware Beta - We shall see how it stacks up against SpyBot and AdAware...
01/06/2005 Someone explain BlogShares to me...
01/05/2005 Darned Usable - Yet Another Reason that Notepad2 is the editor of choice and the magic of CR/LF vs. LF
01/01/2005 Cannon Beach, Oregon - Panoramic Digital Photography
01/01/2005 Happy New Year - And from My SPOT Watch as well
12/29/2004 Tsunami - has updated their home page with links to Donation Sites...Microsoft next? Plus Indian Ocean Tsunami Satellite Pictures
12/28/2004 Start a movement! Donate all your Google AdSense Revenue to Earthquake Relief
12/27/2004 [OT] 22,000 dead, and This White Guy - Western Media and the Devaluing of Brown People
12/09/2004 Note to World: Stop thinking that "Recall this message" will work. It NEVER will.
12/08/2004 Missing Operating System - Learn from me, backup your hard drives THIS YEAR!
12/02/2004 FireBlogging - The View From My House
12/02/2004 Adobe PDF Reader slower than Molasses? Speed up Acrobat Reader 10x+
12/01/2004 Opportunity: Windows is completely missing the TextMode boat...
11/26/2004 Today's Quote - "The Internet combines the excitement of typing with the reliability of anonymous hearsay."
11/22/2004 Setting the Title of the "DOS" Command Prompt from a Batch File
11/15/2004 Interesting...Man Sets Himself on FIRE near the White House...and no one covers the story?
11/05/2004 New Beta 2 Whidbey IDE Feature
11/04/2004 We are a divided nation...
11/04/2004 Digging the new Vertical Mouse - Helping my Carpal Tunnel
10/28/2004 Search Blogs from the Microsoft Office 2003 "Research Pane"
10/25/2004 How to Reset your TCP/IP Stack under Windows XP/2000/2003
10/21/2004 Podcasting = Verbal Incontinence
10/15/2004 Indexing FireFox Browser History with Google Desktop
10/15/2004 Sending in a Windows Crash Analysis (Error Reporting) actually paid off once
10/14/2004 Google Desktop Search - I knew they'd get it right
10/11/2004 Superman is dead, world mourns
10/08/2004 Google SMS launches
10/07/2004 Addressing a PDF at the Page Level with an URL
10/07/2004 For the Love of All That is Holy, Go Home and BACKUP Today
09/28/2004 .NET To Go Mobility Road Show in PDX on November 8th
09/13/2004 Forged Bush Memos - Someone used Word and had AutoCorrect turned on.
09/07/2004 Paint.NET joins the ranks of "tools that Microsoft won't improve, so someone else did it themselves"
08/08/2004 Protect your PC...
08/03/2004 Free Tablet PC from .NET Rocks...
08/03/2004 Oh yes, it kicks much booty - Just ripped my whole CD Collection to MP3 with RipDigital
07/10/2004 Obscure Off-Topic Tip of the Day - How to Get Windows Explorer File Copy/Move to "Yes to All" or "No to All"
07/07/2004 PC Gaming Illogic
06/29/2004 Wanna buy some stuff?
06/18/2004 Quote of the Day [Overheard]
06/18/2004 ATTN Portlanders - Pioneer Courthouse Square launched their new site
06/17/2004 Windows XPSP2 RC2 on the TabletPC doesn't work in FireFox 0.9? *GASP*
06/15/2004 The Wayback Machine - turning back time to seen your website in the past
06/15/2004 Brilliance - How do you JUST KNOW a product is going to work? The AirPort Express
06/11/2004 Linus is moving down the street from me...
06/09/2004 Virtual Keyboard for PDAs and Laptops
06/09/2004 The beginning of a streaky LCD...and the end of Multiple Monitor Productivity?
06/08/2004 Phishing...for EVIL!
06/07/2004 The Simpsons: The Map of Springfield
06/07/2004 Vonage vs. AT&T CallVantage
06/03/2004 Buy a Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard today, deprecated tommorow
05/14/2004 What a night...will it ever end?
05/07/2004 Using Internet Explorer on High Resolution Displays
05/01/2004 Healing...emotionally and physically
04/07/2004 Technical Documentation: What is the difference between i.e. and e.g.?
03/29/2004 .NET in the Real World - the Regional Director Column launches
03/14/2004 Coder or Developer?
03/14/2004 LASIK: The Conclusion
03/08/2004 More on My Lasik and the Windows 98 Machine that Zapped Me
03/01/2004 What to think about before getting your eyes lasered (LASIK)
02/25/2004 Changing the Font Size of the Reading Pane in Outlook 2003: Impossible?
02/18/2004 Choosing the best computer for 1982.
02/13/2004 A busy day indeed...let's start with the burning flesh...
02/10/2004 To funny to not post - sorry it's not technical
02/10/2004 Summary of the Annoying PowerPoint Survey
02/07/2004 Had to Three-Finger-Salute my Watch today...what else can I reboot today?
01/30/2004 Support for Windows 98 finally comes to a middle...
01/28/2004 I bought a Suit and a Robotic Vacuum yesterday...
01/24/2004 BSOD SPOT-ted?
01/09/2004 Tragedy! My Watch has been delayed!
01/09/2004 Google Juice? Hardly.
01/08/2004 Microsoft "MSN Direct" and Wrist.NET applied to "Wearables"
01/08/2004 NEWSFLASH: Microsoft Wrist.NET - Fossil launches new Fossil Wrist.NET Watches and is taking orders
01/07/2004 Plaxo and my Contact Database
12/22/2003 Welcome Slashdot!
12/11/2003 The one where I rediscover a book I never finished from years ago.
12/10/2003 Portland Nerd Dinner - Be There AND Be Square
11/21/2003 I'm late but: How I got into Computers
11/19/2003 My Ultimate TabletPC
11/09/2003 Emancipation...
11/07/2003 My quest for the ultimate TabletPC
10/31/2003 Windows XP: Media Center Edition 2004
10/21/2003 How to always launch Firebird in a new window
10/17/2003 Wow...iPod Update 2.1 and iTunes for Windows in one swell foop
10/04/2003 Never a good sign: "The operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator"
09/25/2003 Google plus MapPoint = GooPoint? Mapgle?
09/22/2003 Neal Stephenson in Portland doing a book signing for Quicksilver
09/20/2003 Note to self: Buy diverse dolls
09/12/2003 Linux/J2EE causes colon cancer?
09/10/2003 It came in the mail today...
08/07/2003 .Common - beat poetry
07/31/2003 Portland Area .NET Users Group (PADNUG) - The After Party
07/16/2003 Successful GoogleWhack!
07/10/2003 Goodhewisms...
07/10/2003 Conflate...word of my day?
07/09/2003 Zen Judaism
06/20/2003 That's clever...
06/19/2003 Quote of the Day
06/12/2003 A Test of Google and Blogs: Selling my wife's car
05/10/2003 Translator Job Available in Portland: Klingon->English
05/07/2003 I'm WAY too connected...
05/02/2003 The greatest website on the 'net for the travelling wonk. Full stop.
04/16/2003 Overheard
04/08/2003 Google as proof of my Burning Ears?
03/27/2003 Steven Frank's Blogging Anthem
03/06/2003 This is just too stupid for words...The largest Chee-to in the world
03/05/2003 Wireless - An excuse to not pay attention....
02/28/2003 The erosion of society and Internet as society's desparate attempt at a Virtual Third Place
02/27/2003 BlogStreet's VisualNeighborhood
02/17/2003 I wallpapered the office today...
02/11/2003 Mentioning a buddy's site considered harmful?
02/11/2003 Quote of the Day
02/10/2003 Dude, yer losin' your contract...
02/10/2003 Transcript of Powell's Speech
02/07/2003 ROTFLMAO
02/02/2003 High on Life
01/27/2003 "Energy Consumption" or "Can We Recapture The Extra Heat From My Funeral Pyre?"
01/24/2003 Radio Userland sucks my left ass
01/24/2003 Noteable - Extending Windows NT Server 4.0 Support
01/21/2003 Cringely is killing me
01/19/2003 What the heck is this for?
01/13/2003 New Pocket PC?
01/07/2003 Is Safari just Phoenix? I mean, really, Home, Forward, Back, Google. How hard is that?
01/02/2003 Overhead on the NetQuote of the Day Our management style is largely one of deception
12/24/2002 I think even when go 15 years without a confirmed BSOD sighting and our k
12/23/2002 What is this crapnbsp I noticed that my tabs in Windows Messenger 47 disappeared recentlywhen I renabled them
12/12/2002 Google Weblog Announcing Froogle A hrefhttpwwwjepstonene
12/11/2002 httpwwwtinyurlcom a simple even RESTful solution to a big problemnbsp Its
12/09/2002 The Internet as Linguistic Bridge Between Cultures I had a fantastic series of conversations over Ins
12/09/2002 Good BooksnbspJoel
12/06/2002 Internet spammer Cant Take What He Dishes Out Alan Ra
12/05/2002 Sweet LordHalf a Terabyte of Po
11/25/2002 Wow a 512 meg CF Card for 140nbsp Crapa
11/23/2002 Lots of email and comments on the Messenger thingapparently in my ignorance I assumed that a jump from 47 to 50 indicat
11/22/2002 MSN Messenger 50 leaked Did anyone else some how get a copy of MSN Messenger downloaded to them by
11/21/2002 A lot of people have been showing up here searching for the fix for the friendgreetingcom virusso you dont go away from
11/19/2002 Hey umif you havent heard you know Michae
11/19/2002 Heisenberg got pulled over for speeding The cop says Do you know how fast you were going And Heisenberg sayd
11/19/2002 Hierarchies scale theyre just not fun So what about the file systemnbsp Practically a
11/12/2002 GarySPAN
10/28/2002 If MSN Messenger signs me out automatically again Im gonna kill someonenbsp Ive got Messenger on 3 different boxes and
10/15/2002 Ken Bereskin talks about my favorite feature in Jaguar Th
10/13/2002 Hawthorne Hunts Life My cousin

Nant (39)

03/21/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 104 - Dave Laribee on ALT.NET
04/29/2007 Continuous Integration Screencast - Jay Flowers and I on DNRTV
03/09/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 54 - Squeezing Continuous Integration
07/30/2006 Sandcastle - Microsoft CTP of a Help CHM file generator on the tails of the death of NDoc
04/25/2006 Open Source versus Source Out in the Open
04/12/2006 CodeGen'ing a Data Access Layer with CodeSmith
02/14/2006 WatirNUt - Portable Watir Tests integrated with NUnit
01/26/2006 Calling NUnit from NAnt Pragmatically
12/28/2005 Getting NAnt 0.85 to get along with NUnit 2.2
11/05/2005 Building .NET 1.1 Projects using Visual Studio 2005
09/28/2005 Nicest. Email. Ever. Totally Made My Month.
09/27/2005 Creating my own Mame Arcade Cabinet, Mame for Media Center PC, and the X-Arcade Joystick
08/23/2005 August 2005 Quickie Update
06/20/2005 Scott Hanselman's 2005 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List
04/23/2005 Continuous Integration for .NET - Patrick Cauldwell and I will be at PADNUG on Weds, April 27th, 2005
04/09/2005 Psuedo Internationalization and your ASP.NET Application
04/01/2005 How do you organize your code?
02/01/2005 Explaining the Ethiopic Numbering System and a tiny lesson on Amharic
11/22/2004 A Hanselman Review: Doom 3 vs. FarCry vs. Half-Life 2 vs. Halo 2
09/10/2004 Output an Assembly Version/Fully Qualified Name from the CommandLine
08/17/2004 Nantpad: The Good and the Bad of it
06/22/2004 Forcing NAnt to build and run with a specific version of the .NET Framework
06/17/2004 RSS Feed to dasBlog Content Converter
06/07/2004 "Could Not Copy Temporary Files to the Output Directory" and big VS.NET projects
05/24/2004 TechEd 2004 - Keynote and the Wizzy Release and more innovation
04/07/2004 The North African Developer's Conference is upon us...
03/30/2004 Building MSI files from NAnt and Updating the VDProj's version information and other sins on Tuesday
03/30/2004 Intellisense and NAnt .build files in VS.NET
03/05/2004 UEX = User Education and Generating &lt;devdoc&gt;
10/28/2003 The PDC Keynote Summary - The überpost
10/27/2003 Keynote - Jim Alchin
10/26/2003 New version of UpdateVersion...great for those pesky AssemblyInfo.cs files!
10/25/2003 Finishing what was Quite A Day to start what we will be Quite A Week
10/17/2003 DLL Hell - redux?
10/14/2003 ASP.NET and next stop Cleveland...thanks INETA
06/26/2003 Adding Pre- and Post-Build Actions to Visual Studio.NET 2002
12/09/2002 Ive looked at building a NET NAnt BuildServer to assist in A hrefhttpwwwm
11/26/2002 Automated Testing NET Web Services and Applications I just found Jim Klo
11/22/2002 NAnt and FxCopCmd Today I spent some time in between NAnt and

NCover (12)

03/21/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 104 - Dave Laribee on ALT.NET
03/09/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 54 - Squeezing Continuous Integration
07/30/2006 Sandcastle - Microsoft CTP of a Help CHM file generator on the tails of the death of NDoc
04/25/2006 Open Source versus Source Out in the Open
02/23/2006 Leaning on the Language and Leaning on the Libraries
02/16/2006 NCoverExplorer and integrated code coverage marches on
01/31/2006 Code Coverage comes to the masses
06/20/2005 Scott Hanselman's 2005 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List
04/01/2005 How do you organize your code?
12/28/2004 More on Assembly Binding, Strong Naming, the GAC, Publisher Policy and Dynamically Loaded Assemblies
05/24/2004 TechEd 2004 - Keynote and the Wizzy Release and more innovation
03/05/2004 UEX = User Education and Generating &lt;devdoc&gt;

NDC (11)

04/30/2004 The 2004 Africa Trip in Pictures
04/30/2004 And miles to go before I sleep...
04/18/2004 Now...South Africa
04/14/2004 More Magic in Morocco at the NDC
04/13/2004 A thousand words is worth one picture
04/13/2004 The Casablanca/Marrakech Photoblog
04/11/2004 We have arrived...
04/10/2004 Destination: Madrid
04/07/2004 The North African Developer's Conference is upon us...
03/14/2004 NDC: North African Developer's Conference is upon us...
01/31/2004 North African Developer's Conference is on!

NDoc (6)

03/09/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 54 - Squeezing Continuous Integration
10/28/2005 Does a Type Implement an Interface?
10/16/2005 Maxivista Undocumented Registry Tweaks
07/01/2005 Podcasting with iTunes 4.9
08/02/2004 Wesner's thoughts on Collection<T> versus List<T>
06/11/2004 SPAM: Do I really deserve this?

NerdDinner (8)

08/26/2011 NerdDinner being updated to MVC3 with Razor, HTML5, GeoLocation, EF CodeFirst, jQuery Mobile, YepNope and Modernizr and a fixed Mobile Device Capabilities ViewEngine
07/30/2010 Microsoft "Daily Build" Nerd Dinner - August 4th in Seattle, Redmond
05/20/2010 Extending NerdDinner: Exploring Different Database Options
05/20/2010 Extending NerdDinner: Adding MEF and plugins to ASP.NET MVC
07/06/2009 July 7th - Seattle/Redmond/Bellevue Nerd Dinner
06/25/2009 The Weekly Source Code 43 - ASP.NET MVC and T4 and NerdDinner
04/23/2009 ELMAH: Error Logging Modules and Handlers for ASP.NET (and MVC too!)
03/10/2009 Free ASP.NET MVC eBook - Walkthrough

Newsletter (17)

10/07/2014 Hanselman's Newsletter of Wonderful Things: September 5th, 2014
07/12/2014 Hanselman's Newsletter of Wonderful Things: June 2nd, 2014
03/04/2014 Hanselman's Newsletter of Wonderful Things: January 21st, 2014
01/22/2014 Hanselman's Newsletter of Wonderful Things: December 17th, 2013
12/16/2013 Hanselman's Newsletter of Wonderful Things: October 14th, 2013
10/14/2013 Hanselman's Newsletter of Wonderful Things: August 26th, 2013
08/26/2013 Hanselman's Newsletter of Wonderful Things: August 5th, 2013
08/05/2013 Hanselman's Newsletter of Wonderful Things: July 2nd, 2013
07/11/2013 Hanselman's Newsletter of Wonderful Things: June 4th, 2013
06/03/2013 Hanselman's Newsletter of Wonderful Things: May 13th, 2013
05/13/2013 Hanselman's Newsletter of Wonderful Things: April 24th, 2013
04/12/2013 Hanselman's Newsletter of Wonderful Things: April 3rd, 2013
04/04/2013 Hanselman's Newsletter of Wonderful Things: March 19th, 2013
03/14/2013 Hanselman's Newsletter of Wonderful Things: February 26th, 2013
02/26/2013 Hanselman's Newsletter of Wonderful Things: February 4th, 2013
02/04/2013 Hanselman's Newsletter of Wonderful Things: January 7th, 2013
01/08/2013 2012 Archive of Hanselman's Newsletter of Wonderful Things

nodejs (10)

02/17/2017 Penny Pinching in the Cloud: Running and Managing LOTS of Web Apps on a single Azure App Service
08/27/2016 What is Serverless Computing? Exploring Azure Functions
08/14/2016 Visual Studio 2015 - Fixing "Dependencies npm not installed" from fsevents with node on Windows
04/20/2015 UPDATED for 2015: How to install the nodejs Ghost blog software on Azure Web Apps (and the Deploy to Azure Button)
11/03/2014 Enabling Websockets for Node apps on Microsoft Azure
04/30/2014 "It's just a software issue"- Edge.js brings Node and .NET together on three platforms
11/21/2013 Introducing node.js Tools for Visual Studio
10/24/2013 How to install the nodejs Ghost blogging software on Azure Websites
09/16/2011 WebMatrix and node.js: The easiest way to get started with node on Windows
08/28/2011 Installing and Running node.js applications within IIS on Windows - Are you mad?

NotNorthwind (2)

06/26/2008 NotNorthwind - Update #1 - All Your Northwind Are Belong To Us
05/30/2008 Community Call to Action: NOT Northwind

NuGet (43)

01/31/2020 Hosting your own NuGet Server and Feed for build artifacts with BaGet
10/23/2019 Create exceptional interactive documentation with Try .NET - The Polly NuGet library did!
01/25/2019 NuGet's fancy older sibling FuGet gives you a whole new view of the .NET packaging ecosystem
07/10/2018 NuKeeper for automated NuGet Package Reference Updates on Build Servers
08/21/2017 Referencing .NET Standard Assemblies from both .NET Core and .NET Framework
04/13/2016 How to host your own NuGet Server and Package Feed
02/17/2015 NuGet Package of the Week: A different take on ASP.NET MVC Forms with ChameleonForms
01/13/2015 NuGet Package of the Week: Polly wanna fluently express transient exception handling policies in .NET?
11/06/2014 NuGet Package of the Week - Courtesy Flush to flush buffers earlier and optimize time to first byte
08/26/2014 How to run Background Tasks in ASP.NET
07/30/2014 NuGet Package of the Week: MarkdownLog makes log files much prettier
06/27/2014 NuGet Package of the Week: ASP.NET Web API Caching with CacheCow and CacheOutput
05/21/2014 NuGet Package of the Week: ImageProcessor - lightweight image manipulation in C#
03/25/2014 NuGet Package of the Week: Canopy Web Testing Framework with F#
03/04/2014 NuGet Package of the Week: FluentAutomation for automated testing of Web Applications
05/28/2013 Is the Windows user ready for apt-get?
04/24/2013 Project-less scripted C# with ScriptCS and Roslyn
03/21/2013 NuGet Package of the Week #13 - Portable HttpClient makes portable libraries more useful
01/10/2013 NuGet Package(s) of the Week #12 - Accessing Google Spreadsheets with GData from C# *and* hosting Razor Templates to generate HTML from a Console App
06/27/2012 NuGet 2.0 (.NET Package Manager) released - GO UPGRADE NOW and here's why
03/09/2012 How to access NuGet when is down (or you're on a plane)
10/31/2011 NuGet Package of Week #11 - ImageResizer enables clean, clear image resizing in ASP.NET
09/05/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #10 - New Mobile View Engines for ASP.NET MVC 3, spec-compatible with ASP.NET MVC 4
09/04/2011 Analyze your Web Server Data and be empowered with LogParser and Log Parser Lizard GUI
08/10/2011 NuGet Support for Visual Studio 2008
07/28/2011 Entity Framework Code First Migrations: Alpha - NuGet Package of the Week #10
07/22/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #9 - ASP.NET MiniProfiler from StackExchange rocks your world
05/25/2011 NuGet for the Enterprise: NuGet in a Continuous Integration Automated Build System
05/23/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #7 - ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers) with SQL Server Compact
05/06/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #6 - Dynamic, Malleable, Enjoyable Expando Objects with Clay
05/02/2011 TechDays/DevDays Netherlands and Belgium:
04/19/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #5 - Debugging ASP.NET MVC applications with Glimpse
04/18/2011 Mix 11 Videos - Download them all with RSS
04/13/2011 Mix 11 - Web Platform and Tools Keynote Demo Script
04/01/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #4 - Deserializing JSON with Json.NET
03/21/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #3 - PhoneyTools for Windows Phone 7
03/15/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #2 - MvcMailer sends mails with ASP.NET MVC Razor Views and Scaffolding
03/09/2011 NuGet Action Plan - Upgrade to 1.1, Setup Automatic Updates, Get NuGet Package Explorer
03/07/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #1 - ASP.NET Sprite and Image Optimization
02/18/2011 Updating and Publishing a NuGet Package - Plus making NuGet packages smarter and avoiding source edits with WebActivator
02/15/2011 Creating a NuGet Package in 7 easy steps - Plus using NuGet to integrate ASP.NET MVC 3 into existing Web Forms applications
01/13/2011 ASP.NET MVC3, WebMatrix, NuGet, IIS Express and Orchard released - The Microsoft January Web Release in Context
11/05/2010 PDC10: Building a Blog with Microsoft "Unnamed Package of Web Love"

NuGetPOW (28)

10/27/2015 NuGet Package of the Week: Microphone registers and discovers Web APIs and REST services with Consul
02/17/2015 NuGet Package of the Week: A different take on ASP.NET MVC Forms with ChameleonForms
01/13/2015 NuGet Package of the Week: Polly wanna fluently express transient exception handling policies in .NET?
11/06/2014 NuGet Package of the Week - Courtesy Flush to flush buffers earlier and optimize time to first byte
08/26/2014 How to run Background Tasks in ASP.NET
07/30/2014 NuGet Package of the Week: MarkdownLog makes log files much prettier
06/27/2014 NuGet Package of the Week: ASP.NET Web API Caching with CacheCow and CacheOutput
05/21/2014 NuGet Package of the Week: ImageProcessor - lightweight image manipulation in C#
04/09/2014 NuGet Package of the Week: Humanizer makes .NET data types more human
03/25/2014 NuGet Package of the Week: Canopy Web Testing Framework with F#
03/04/2014 NuGet Package of the Week: FluentAutomation for automated testing of Web Applications
01/19/2014 How to display a QR code in ASP.NET and WPF
04/24/2013 Project-less scripted C# with ScriptCS and Roslyn
03/21/2013 NuGet Package of the Week #13 - Portable HttpClient makes portable libraries more useful
01/10/2013 NuGet Package(s) of the Week #12 - Accessing Google Spreadsheets with GData from C# *and* hosting Razor Templates to generate HTML from a Console App
10/31/2011 NuGet Package of Week #11 - ImageResizer enables clean, clear image resizing in ASP.NET
09/05/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #10 - New Mobile View Engines for ASP.NET MVC 3, spec-compatible with ASP.NET MVC 4
08/10/2011 NuGet Support for Visual Studio 2008
07/28/2011 Entity Framework Code First Migrations: Alpha - NuGet Package of the Week #10
07/22/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #9 - ASP.NET MiniProfiler from StackExchange rocks your world
06/16/2011 Introducing System.Web.Providers - ASP.NET Universal Providers for Session, Membership, Roles and User Profile on SQL Compact and SQL Azure
05/23/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #7 - ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers) with SQL Server Compact
05/06/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #6 - Dynamic, Malleable, Enjoyable Expando Objects with Clay
04/19/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #5 - Debugging ASP.NET MVC applications with Glimpse
04/01/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #4 - Deserializing JSON with Json.NET
03/21/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #3 - PhoneyTools for Windows Phone 7
03/15/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #2 - MvcMailer sends mails with ASP.NET MVC Razor Views and Scaffolding
03/07/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #1 - ASP.NET Sprite and Image Optimization

NUnit (48)

04/13/2016 How to host your own NuGet Server and Package Feed
07/06/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 169 - The Art of Unit Testing with Roy Osherove
03/21/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 104 - Dave Laribee on ALT.NET
04/29/2007 Continuous Integration Screencast - Jay Flowers and I on DNRTV
03/09/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 54 - Squeezing Continuous Integration
02/08/2007 KB928388 Breaking Tests with Windows DST TimeZone Patch and Past Dates
08/30/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 31 - Test Driven Development
07/30/2006 Sandcastle - Microsoft CTP of a Help CHM file generator on the tails of the death of NDoc
06/30/2006 Testing PowerShell scripts with NUnit
04/27/2006 DasBlog moved from CVS to SVN
04/25/2006 Open Source versus Source Out in the Open
03/01/2006 NUnit Expansion Templates in CodeRush
02/16/2006 NCoverExplorer and integrated code coverage marches on
02/14/2006 WatirNUt - Portable Watir Tests integrated with NUnit
01/31/2006 Code Coverage comes to the masses
01/26/2006 Calling NUnit from NAnt Pragmatically
01/14/2006 NUnit/Watir/Ruby Test Integration
12/28/2005 Getting NAnt 0.85 to get along with NUnit 2.2
12/26/2005 My Year In Blogging - 2005
12/08/2005 New CodeRush Screencasts
11/23/2005 Using the ASP.NET Cache outside of ASP.NET
09/28/2005 Nicest. Email. Ever. Totally Made My Month.
07/03/2005 A few dasBlog changes coming tonight
06/30/2005 Integrating Ruby and Watir with NUnit
06/20/2005 Scott Hanselman's 2005 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List
06/09/2005 My GrokTalk - Ten Tools in Ten Minutes
04/23/2005 Continuous Integration for .NET - Patrick Cauldwell and I will be at PADNUG on Weds, April 27th, 2005
04/01/2005 How do you organize your code?
02/21/2005 What Great .NET Developers Ought To Know (More .NET Interview Questions)
01/28/2005 Is this a good idea? Has it been done? Should it? An Aggregating ToString() implementation...
01/01/2005 Testing Code-Generated Code with NUnit, Temporary Files, Voodoo, Rubber Bands and Reflection
12/01/2004 NUnit Unit Testing of ASP.NET Pages, Base Classes, Controls and other widgetry using Cassini (ASP.NET Web Matrix/Visual Studio Web Developer)
11/29/2004 TestDriven.NET 1.0 Launch - What are you waiting for?
11/12/2004 Scott's List of Ultimate Visual Studio.NET AddIns
06/23/2004 Using NUnit and a better way to Unit Test with External File Dependancies
06/17/2004 Ten Must-Have Tools Every Developer Should Download Now - Should be named: "...should know how to use"
05/26/2004 TechEd 2003 - More Pictures and Heading Home
05/24/2004 TechEd 2004 - Keynote and the Wizzy Release and more innovation
03/30/2004 Building MSI files from NAnt and Updating the VDProj's version information and other sins on Tuesday
03/05/2004 UEX = User Education and Generating &lt;devdoc&gt;
11/11/2003 But what price my soul?
10/29/2003 Avalon - CLI307: Automated UI Testing
10/25/2003 Finishing what was Quite A Day to start what we will be Quite A Week
10/17/2003 DLL Hell - redux?
08/13/2003 The Syllabus for CST407 - Learning C# with .NET
05/05/2003 NUnit 2.1 discussion at the Portland XP Users Group and later in Seattle
11/26/2002 Automated Testing NET Web Services and Applications I just found Jim Klo
10/04/2002 Lots of thoughts on Web Services todayits no because doubt of Chris Sells upcoming A hrefhttpwwwsellsbrothersco

Nupack (1)

10/06/2010 Introducing NuGet Package Management for .NET - Another piece of the Web Stack

OData (6)

03/30/2011 Enabling dynamic compression (gzip, deflate) for WCF Data Feeds, OData and other custom services in IIS7
08/12/2010 The Weekly Source Code 56 - Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit - Code Contracts, Parallel Framework and COM Interop
05/25/2010 OData Basics - At the AZGroups "Day of .NET" with ScottGu
03/28/2010 Creating an OData API for StackOverflow including XML and JSON in 30 minutes
03/17/2010 Mix 10 Rollup Post
03/17/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 205 - Open Data Protocol (OData) with Pablo Castro

Open Source (356)

04/25/2024 Open Sourcing DOS 4
11/23/2021 A Nightscout Segment for OhMyPosh shows my realtime Blood Sugar readings in my Git Prompt
11/18/2021 Upgrading a 20 year old University Project to .NET 6 with dotnet-upgrade-assistant
11/11/2021 DotNetConf 2021 - .NET Everywhere - Windows, Linux, and Beyond
10/21/2021 Parallel.ForEachAsync in .NET 6
09/30/2021 ASP.NET Core Diagnostic Scenarios
09/09/2021 Minimal APIs in .NET 6 but where are the Unit Tests?
09/07/2021 Minimal APIs at a glance in .NET 6
09/02/2021 A .NET 6 Minimal API Todo example Playground
08/31/2021 My Ultimate PowerShell prompt with Oh My Posh and the Windows Terminal
08/19/2021 Carter Community for ASP.NET Core means enjoyable Web APIs on the cutting edge
07/20/2021 How to install .NET Core on your Remarkable 2 e-Ink tablet with Remarkable.NET
06/29/2021 C sharp or B flat? Experiments in self-contained native executables in .NET
05/13/2021 Exploring the Visual Studio Code REST Book extension for native Notebooks
05/11/2021 Updating FloatingGlucose to .NET 5 - Display Nightscout or Dexcom Glucose Values on the Windows Desktop
03/23/2021 The Windows Terminal made better with the Command Palette plus Multiple Actions in one Command
03/18/2021 Visual Studio hotkeys at the PowerShell command line in Windows Terminal
03/11/2021 Ryujinx is an Experimental Nintendo Switch Emulator written in C# for .NET Core
03/02/2021 Don't forget about the GitHub Command Line
02/16/2021 Free eBook: How to use Dapr for .NET Developers
02/11/2021 DotNet Boxed includes prescriptive templates for .NET Core
02/09/2021 Tiny top-level programs with C# 9 and SmallSharp and Visual Studio
01/22/2021 Using Tailscale on Windows to network more easily with WSL2 and Visual Studio Code
11/19/2020 How to make a WinForms app with .NET 5 entirely from the command line and publish as one self-contained file
11/17/2020 Spectre.Console lets you make beautiful console apps with .NET Core
11/12/2020 Your dotnet outdated is outdated! Update and help keep your .NET projects up to date
10/20/2020 Don't ever break a URL if you can help it
10/01/2020 How to use autocomplete at the command line for dotnet, git, winget, and more!
09/17/2020 dotnet-trace for .NET Core tracing in PerfView, SpeedScope, Chromium Event Trace Profiling, Flame graphs and more!
09/01/2020 It's 2020 and it is time for text mode with Gui.cs
08/27/2020 Exploring the .NET Core library Coravel for Task Scheduling, Caching, Mailing and more
08/25/2020 Docker 101 and How do containers work?
08/04/2020 THE EASY WAY how to SSH into Bash and WSL2 on Windows 10 from an external machine
07/21/2020 Finding Joy in Making Happy Little Computer Videos on YouTube
07/16/2020 Exploring the .NET open source hybrid ORM library RepoDB
06/23/2020 Using the Blockly visual programming editor to call a .NET Core WebAPI
06/08/2020 Easily rename your Git default branch from master to main
05/21/2020 Mirroring your Presence Status from the Microsoft Graph in Teams to LIFX or Hue bias lighting
05/12/2020 Windows PowerToys FancyZones is the essential window manager for Windows 10
04/23/2020 CoreBoy is a cross platform GameBoy Emulator written in C# that even does ASCII
03/12/2020 CSI: The case of the missing WAV audio files on the FAT32 SD Card
03/10/2020 How to SSH into a Windows 10 Machine from Linux OR Windows OR anywhere
02/19/2020 How to install Visual Studio Code on a Raspberry Pi 4 in minutes
02/14/2020 It's time for you to install Windows Terminal
02/12/2020 Announcing .NET Interactive - Try .NET includes .NET Notebooks and more
02/07/2020 Your Todo application is too complex or not complex enough
02/05/2020 Hundreds of practical ASP.NET Core samples to learn the fundamentals
11/27/2019 The open source Carter Community Project adds opinionated elegance to ASP.NET Core routing
11/06/2019 Announcing .NET Jupyter Notebooks
10/17/2019 How to make a pretty prompt in Windows Terminal with Powerline, Nerd Fonts, Cascadia Code, WSL, and oh-my-posh
10/03/2019 Now is the time to make a fresh new Windows Terminal profiles.json
09/24/2019 Announcing free C#, .NET, and ASP.NET for beginners video courses and tutorials
09/20/2019 What's the difference between a console, a terminal, and a shell?
09/12/2019 Emulating a PlayStation 1 (PSX) entirely with C# and .NET
09/11/2019 How to fix dfu-util, STM, WinUSB, Zadig, Bootloaders and other Firmware Flashing issues on Windows
08/23/2019 dotnet new worker - Windows Services or Linux systemd services in .NET Core
08/15/2019 SharpScript from ServiceStack lets you run .NET apps directly from a GitHub Gist!
08/08/2019 The PICO-8 Virtual Fantasy Console is an idealized constrained modern day game maker
08/01/2019 Dotnet Depends is a great text mode development utility made with Gui.cs
07/30/2019 Docker Desktop for WSL 2 integrates Windows 10 and Linux even closer
07/25/2019 Ruby on Rails on Windows is not just possible, it's fabulous using WSL2 and VS Code
07/18/2019 Installing PowerShell with one line as a .NET Core global tool
07/09/2019 Dealing with Application Base URLs and Razor link generation while hosting ASP.NET web apps behind Reverse Proxies
06/27/2019 Git is case-sensitive and your filesystem may not be - Weird folder merging on Windows
06/25/2019 Adding Reaction Gifs for your Build System and the Windows Terminal
06/20/2019 You can now download the new Open Source Windows Terminal
06/18/2019 Dynamically generating robots.txt for ASP.NET Core sites based on environment
06/11/2019 Visual Studio Code Remote Development over SSH to a Raspberry Pi is butter
05/30/2019 What's better than ILDasm? ILSpy and dnSpy are tools to Decompile .NET Code
05/21/2019 Visual Studio Code Remote Development may change everything
05/15/2019 Introducing the Try .NET Global Tool - interactive in-browser documentation and workshop creator
05/07/2019 An experiment - The Azure Cloud Shell at the command line with AZ SHELL
05/03/2019 A new Console for Windows - It's the open source Windows Terminal
04/25/2019 Software Defined Radio is a great way to bridge the physical and the digital and teach STEM
04/11/2019 Blocking ads before they enter your house at the DNS level with pi-hole and a cheap Raspberry Pi
03/29/2019 Displaying your realtime Blood Glucose from NightScout on an AdaFruit PyPortal
03/19/2019 What is Blazor and what is Razor Components?
03/06/2019 Converting an Excel Worksheet into a JSON document with C# and .NET Core and ExcelDataReader
02/22/2019 Learning about .NET Core futures by poking around at David Fowler's GitHub
02/15/2019 Exploring nopCommerce - open source e-commerce shopping cart platform in .NET Core
02/07/2019 Lighting up my DasKeyboard with Blood Sugar changes using my body's REST API
01/23/2019 How to use Windows 10's built-in OpenSSH to automatically SSH into a remote Linux machine
01/18/2019 Remote debugging with VS Code on Windows to a Raspberry Pi using .NET Core on ARM
01/16/2019 Installing the .NET Core 2.x SDK on a Raspberry Pi and Blinking an LED with System.Device.Gpio
12/26/2018 Using Visual Studio Code to program Circuit Python with an AdaFruit NeoTrellis M4
12/12/2018 How to set up ASP.NET Core 2.2 Health Checks with BeatPulse's AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks
12/04/2018 Announcing WPF, WinForms, and WinUI are going Open Source
11/23/2018 Upgrading the DakBoard Family Calendar with Raspberry Pi Zero W and Read Only filesystem
11/21/2018 How to build a Wall Mounted Family Calendar and Dashboard with a Raspberry Pi and cheap monitor
11/16/2018 Compiling C# to WASM with Mono and Blazor then Debugging .NET Source with Remote Debugging in Chrome DevTools
11/09/2018 Terminus and FluentTerminal are the start of a world of 3rd party OSS console replacements for Windows
10/16/2018 New prescriptive guidance for Open Source .NET Library Authors
10/12/2018 C# and .NET Core scripting with the "dotnet-script" global tool
09/28/2018 Exploring .NET Core's SourceLink - Stepping into the Source Code of NuGet packages you don't own
09/25/2018 A command-line REPL for RESTful HTTP Services
09/18/2018 Azure DevOps Continuous Build/Deploy/Test with ASP.NET Core 2.2 Preview in One Hour
09/14/2018 A complete containerized .NET Core Application microservice that is as small as possible
09/12/2018 How do you use System.Drawing in .NET Core?
09/05/2018 Always Be Closing...Pull Requests
08/29/2018 Improvements on ASP.NET Core deployments on Zeit's and making small container images
08/24/2018 Decoding an SSH Key from PEM to BASE64 to HEX to ASN.1 to prime decimal numbers
07/31/2018 One click deploy for MakeCode and the amazing AdaFruit Circuit Playground Express
07/27/2018 SQL Server on Linux or in Docker plus cross-platform SQL Operations Studio
07/25/2018 Example Code - Opinionated ContosoUniversity on ASP.NET Core 2.0's Razor Pages
07/20/2018 AltCover and ReportGenerator give amazing code coverage on .NET Core
07/18/2018 .NET Core Code Coverage as a Global Tool with coverlet
07/13/2018 Lynx is dead - Long live Browsh for text-based internet browsing
07/10/2018 NuKeeper for automated NuGet Package Reference Updates on Build Servers
07/06/2018 dotnet outdated helps you keep your projects up to date
06/29/2018 Detecting that a .NET Core app is running in a Docker Container and SkippableFacts in XUnit
06/26/2018 .NET Core and Docker
06/23/2018 Using Flurl to easily build URLs and make testable HttpClient calls in .NET
06/20/2018 Using ASP.NET Core 2.1's HttpClientFactory with Refit's REST library
06/13/2018 EarTrumpet 2.0 makes Windows 10's audio subsystem even better...and it's free!
05/23/2018 Real Browser Integration Testing with Selenium Standalone, Chrome, and ASP.NET Core 2.1
05/18/2018 Installing PowerShell Core on a Raspberry Pi (powered by .NET Core)
05/12/2018 Using LazyCache for clean and simple .NET Core in-memory caching
04/24/2018 Adding Resilience and Transient Fault handling to your .NET Core HttpClient with Polly
04/19/2018 How to setup Signed Git Commits with a YubiKey NEO and GPG and Keybase on Windows
03/22/2018 Automatic Unit Testing in .NET Core plus Code Coverage in Visual Studio Code
03/20/2018 Turn your Raspberry Pi into a portable Touchscreen Tablet with SunFounder's RasPad
03/16/2018 Cross-platform GUIs with open source .NET using Eto.Forms
03/07/2018 Major build speed improvements - Try .NET Core 2.1 Preview 1 today
03/05/2018 A multi-player server-side GameBoy Emulator written in .NET Core and Angular
03/01/2018 Running ASP.NET Core on GoDaddy's cheapest shared Linux Hosting - Don't Try This At Home
02/21/2018 The Squishy Side of Open Source
01/30/2018 How to set up Kubernetes on Windows 10 with Docker for Windows and run ASP.NET Core
01/29/2018 Building a Raspberry Pi Car Robot with WiFi and Video
01/19/2018 Running BBS Door Games on Windows 10 with GameSrv, DOSBox, plus telnet fun with WSL
11/22/2017 Trying out new .NET Core Alpine Docker Images
11/08/2017 Lightweight bundling, minifying, and compression, for CSS and JavaScript with ASP.NET Core and Smidge
11/08/2017 WebOptimizer - a Bundler and Minifier for ASP.NET Core
10/31/2017 Optimizing ASP.NET Core Docker Image sizes
10/28/2017 How to Build a Kubernetes Cluster with ARM Raspberry Pi then run .NET Core on OpenFaas
10/12/2017 Botwin offers an interesting alternative option for routing with ASP.NET Core
10/08/2017 Learning about the F# SAFE stack -, Azure, Fable, Elmish
09/21/2017 What would a cross-platform .NET UI Framework look like? Exploring Avalonia
09/14/2017 The ASP.NET Interns ship their project - A basic blog template for .NET Core
09/10/2017 Experiments in Open Source: Exploring vcr-sharp for Http record and playback
09/07/2017 T4MVC and R4MVC - Roslyn code generators for ASP.NET Core tag helpers
09/02/2017 Cloud Database? NoSQL? Nah, just use CSVs and CsvHelper
08/21/2017 Referencing .NET Standard Assemblies from both .NET Core and .NET Framework
08/16/2017 Exploring refit, an automatic type-safe REST library for .NET Standard
08/12/2017 .NET and WebAssembly - Is this the future of the front-end?
07/27/2017 Peachpie - Open Source PHP Compiler to .NET and WordPress under ASP.NET Core
07/20/2017 Monospaced Programming Fonts with Ligatures
06/25/2017 Exploring CQRS within the Brighter .NET open source project
05/17/2017 Suggestions and Tips for attending your first tech conference
04/03/2017 Writing and debugging Linux C++ applications from Visual Studio using the "Windows Subsystem for Linux"
03/27/2017 Command Line: Using dotnet watch test for continuous testing with .NET Core 1.0 and
02/13/2017 dotnet new angular and dotnet new react
02/07/2017 Trying out "dotnet new" template updates and csproj with VS2017
12/14/2016 Playing with an Onion Omega IoT device to show live Blood Sugar on an OLED screen
12/11/2016 Exploring Wyam - a .NET Static Site Content Generator
11/29/2016 Docker on a Synology NAS - Also running ASP.NET and .NET Core!
11/16/2016 WinAppDriver - Test any app with Appium's Selenium-like tests on Windows
11/11/2016 Stateless 3.0 - A State Machine library for .NET Core
11/02/2016 ASP.NET Core RESTful Web API versioning made easy
10/29/2016 Using dotnet watch test for continuous testing with .NET Core and
10/23/2016 Exploring ServiceStack's simple and fast web services on .NET Core
10/18/2016 Learning Arduino the fun way - Writing Games with Arduboy
10/14/2016 Exploring ASP.NET Core with Docker in both Linux and Windows Containers
09/18/2016 Self-contained .NET Core Applications
09/01/2016 Publishing an ASP.NET Core website to a cheap Linux VM host
08/18/2016 Announcing PowerShell on Linux - PowerShell is Open Source!
08/10/2016 Two tools for quick and easy web application load testing during development
07/30/2016 Exploring a minimal WebAPI with .NET Core and NancyFX
07/18/2016 Exploring dotnet new with .NET Core
07/10/2016 Where's DNVM? Safely running multiple versions of the .NET Core SDK and Tooling with global.json
06/27/2016 .NET Core 1.0 is now released!
06/16/2016 The Promising State of Diabetes Technology in 2016
06/04/2016 MSBuild Structured Log: record and visualize your builds
05/15/2016 Playing with TensorFlow on Windows
04/09/2016 Installing Fish Shell on Ubuntu on Windows 10
04/06/2016 Visual C++ for Linux and Raspberry Pi Development
03/30/2016 Developers can run Bash Shell and user-mode Ubuntu Linux binaries on Windows 10
03/23/2016 How to set up a Raspberry Pi 3 from scratch (with video)!
03/15/2016 Building Visual Studio Code on a Raspberry Pi 3
03/02/2016 The Importance of the LED Moment - I DID THAT
02/25/2016 Benchmarking .NET code
02/17/2016 The Joy of Live Coding - CodePen, REPLs, TOPLAP, Alive, and more
02/09/2016 GitHub Activity Guilt and the Coder's FitBit
01/29/2016 Interactive Coding with C# and F# REPLs (ScriptCS or the Visual Studio Interactive Window)
01/19/2016 ASP.NET 5 is dead - Introducing ASP.NET Core 1.0 and .NET Core 1.0
12/24/2015 Exploring the new .NET "dotnet" Command Line Interface (CLI)
12/09/2015 Announcing Open Live Writer - An Open Source Fork of Windows Live Writer
12/04/2015 Brainstorming development workflows with Docker, Kitematic, VirtualBox, Azure, ASP.NET, and Visual Studio
11/26/2015 RFC: Server-side Image and Graphics Processing with .NET Core and ASP.NET 5
11/19/2015 ASP.NET 5 and .NET Core RC1 in context (Plus all the Connect 2015 News)
10/28/2015 How to simulate a low bandwidth connection for testing web sites and applications
10/27/2015 NuGet Package of the Week: Microphone registers and discovers Web APIs and REST services with Consul
10/22/2015 It's happening - OpenSSH for Windows...from Microsoft
10/20/2015 Integrating Visual Studio Code with dnx-watch to develop ASP.NET 5 applications
10/16/2015 Control how your bower packages are installed with a gulpfile in ASP.NET 5
10/02/2015 Introducing ASP.NET WebHooks Receivers - WebHooks made easy.
08/05/2015 Apt-Get for Windows - OneGet and Chocolatey on Windows 10
07/23/2015 Bring Kindness back to Open Source
07/21/2015 Visual Studio 2015 Released plus ASP.NET 5 Roadmap
07/08/2015 VS Refactoring Essentials (formerly) NR6Pack - Free analyzers and refactoring for Visual Studio 2015
05/27/2015 Publishing an ASP.NET 5 app to Docker on Linux with Visual Studio
05/19/2015 Git-deployable F# based Web Applications in the Azure Cloud with WebSharper
04/27/2015 Running and F# with FAKE in Azure Web Apps with Git and the Deploy Button
04/20/2015 UPDATED for 2015: How to install the nodejs Ghost blog software on Azure Web Apps (and the Deploy to Azure Button)
04/16/2015 Conference Season Spring 2015 - DotNetFringe, AngleBrackets, BUILD and more!
04/03/2015 On the importance of OpenSearch
04/02/2015 Setting up a VPN and Remote Desktop back into your home with a Synology (from an iPhone)
03/17/2015 Getting admin by adding a new user to sudoers when you're locked out of an Azure Linux VM
03/14/2015 Bridging Dexcom Share CGM Receivers and Nightscout
03/10/2015 Arduino 101 with an Intel Edison - Hooking up JSON to an LCD Screen
03/03/2015 How to run ASP.NET 5 Beta 3 or GoLang on a Raspberry Pi 2
02/24/2015 Running the Ruby Middleman Static Site Generator on Microsoft Azure
02/20/2015 Proper benchmarking to diagnose and solve a .NET serialization bottleneck
02/17/2015 NuGet Package of the Week: A different take on ASP.NET MVC Forms with ChameleonForms
02/13/2015 JavaScript Has Won: Run Flash with Mozilla Shumway and Develop Silverlight in JS with Fayde
02/04/2015 The .NET CoreCLR is now open source, so I ran the GitHub repo through Microsoft Power BI
11/27/2014 OmniSharp - Making cross-platform .NET a reality, and a pleasure
11/12/2014 Announcing .NET 2015 - .NET as Open Source, .NET on Mac and Linux, and Visual Studio Community
11/03/2014 Enabling Websockets for Node apps on Microsoft Azure
10/28/2014 Building a working Robot controlled by a C#, an iPhone, and Monkey.Robotics
10/17/2014 Put yourself out there and publish that Open Source project today
10/06/2014 Automating the tedious parts of open source on Azure
09/25/2014 Towards a better console - PSReadLine for PowerShell command line editing
08/29/2014 ASP.NET vNext - August 2014 Status Rollup
08/26/2014 How to run Background Tasks in ASP.NET
06/17/2014 Thinktecture.IdentityManager as a replacement for the ASP.NET WebSite Administration tool
06/11/2014 Easy accelerated 3D Games in a browser with JavaScript and WebGL using Three.js or Babylon.js
05/12/2014 Introducing ASP.NET vNext
05/07/2014 FREE Pluralsight video: "Get Involved" in community!
04/30/2014 "It's just a software issue"- Edge.js brings Node and .NET together on three platforms
04/16/2014 Exploring ASP.NET Web Pages - A fully-featured MiniBlog using just Razor
04/13/2014 Open Source is a thankless job. We do it anyway.
04/09/2014 NuGet Package of the Week: Humanizer makes .NET data types more human
03/25/2014 NuGet Package of the Week: Canopy Web Testing Framework with F#
03/20/2014 Changes in the Microsoft MVP Program - MVPs for Open Source Contributions
03/14/2014 Exploring FAKE, an F# Build System for all of .NET
03/04/2014 NuGet Package of the Week: FluentAutomation for automated testing of Web Applications
12/27/2013 How to run old but awesome games from the 90s on your new computer with DOSBox
11/21/2013 Introducing node.js Tools for Visual Studio
11/14/2013 Portable Class Libraries just got REALLY useful with new licensing changes
11/04/2013 Why do my Font Awesome icons show up as blank squares?
10/24/2013 How to install the nodejs Ghost blogging software on Azure Websites
10/17/2013 Generating complex math visualizations in SVG using C# and ILNumerics
08/12/2013 Over 400 Virtual Machine Images of open source software stacks in the VM Depot Azure Gallery
07/20/2013 If you're not using Glimpse with ASP.NET for debugging and profiling, you're missing out
07/02/2013 One of Microsoft's Best-Kept Secrets - Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS)
06/06/2013 How to delete Open or Insecure Wi-Fi HotSpots from Windows 8: Wifi.exe Command Line Utility with Source
06/06/2013 Announcing "Get Involved" from Tekpub - Enhance your career by engaging with your peers
05/28/2013 Is the Windows user ready for apt-get?
05/06/2013 One ASP.NET: Nancy.Templates for Visual Studio
04/26/2013 Penny Pinching in the Cloud: How to run a two day Virtual Conference for $10
04/24/2013 Project-less scripted C# with ScriptCS and Roslyn
04/05/2013 Streaming Diagnostics Trace Logging from the Azure Command Line (plus Glimpse!)
02/06/2013 Simultaneous Editing for Visual Studio with the free MultiEdit extension
01/30/2013 Git support for Visual Studio - Git, TFS, and VS put into Context
01/24/2013 Integrating Mozilla Persona with ASP.NET
01/10/2013 NuGet Package(s) of the Week #12 - Accessing Google Spreadsheets with GData from C# *and* hosting Razor Templates to generate HTML from a Console App
11/08/2012 Many Raspberry Pi projects - How can you not love a tiny computer?
11/06/2012 Reactive Extensions (Rx) is now Open Source
10/23/2012 Cloud-Controlled Remote Pan Tilt Zoom Camera API for a Logitech BCC950 Camera with Azure and SignalR
10/02/2012 Why does TypeScript have to be the answer to anything?
09/20/2012 Moving a website to Azure while adding Continuous Deployment from Git
09/19/2012 WebMatrix 2 - Front End Web Developers take note (ASP.NET, PHP, node.js and more)
09/13/2012 FREE: Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop
09/11/2012 ASP.NET Web Forms DynamicData FieldTemplates for DbGeography Spatial Types (plus Model Binders and Friendly URLs)
09/09/2012 Introducing ASP.NET FriendlyUrls - cleaner URLs, easier Routing, and Mobile Views for ASP.NET Web Forms
08/17/2012 Installing HTTPIE (HTTP for Humans) on Windows - Great for ASP.NET Web API and RESTful JSON services
08/15/2012 Visual Studio 2012 and .NET Framework 4.5 is RELEASED - Here's 5 minute videos to get you up to speed quick
08/10/2012 Tiny Happy Features #2 - ASP.NET Web API in Visual Studio 2012
08/06/2012 Adding AirPlay to a Receiver without an Apple TV - Raspbmc and the Raspberry Pi
07/30/2012 Top 10 Raspberry Pi Myths and Truths
07/26/2012 Free ASP.NET Training Videos from aspConf now available for download or streaming
07/19/2012 Entity Framework Magic Unicorn (and much more!) is now open source with take backs
07/03/2012 Introducing Lync 2010 Super Simple Auto Answer Video Kiosk with Full Screen
06/20/2012 Managing the Cloud from the Command Line
06/11/2012 ConEmu - The Windows Terminal/Console/Prompt we've been waiting for?
06/07/2012 Windows Azure - No Kidding
05/31/2012 Visual Studio 2012 RC is released - The Big Web Rollup
05/02/2012 Introducing Workspace Reloader - A Visual Studio AddIn to save your open files across project reloads
04/17/2012 Given I like reading Source Code by the fire with my smoking jacket and brandy snifter, a list of books
04/14/2012 Visual Studio 11 Express for Web for Front End Development - JavaScript/HTML5/CSS3
04/13/2012 The Big Glossary of Open Source JavaScript and Web Frameworks with Cool Names
03/28/2012 ASP.NET MVC 4, ASP.NET Web API and ASP.NET Web Pages v2 (Razor) now all open source with contributions
03/09/2012 How to access NuGet when is down (or you're on a plane)
03/06/2012 On the nightmare that is JSON Dates. Plus, JSON.NET and ASP.NET Web API
02/27/2012 How to upgrade an HP TouchPad to Android Ice Cream Sandwich
02/25/2012 One ASP.NET - Making JSON Web APIs with ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta and ASP.NET Web API
02/01/2012 Prompts and Directories - Even Better Git (and Mercurial) with PowerShell
01/30/2012 From Concept to Code in 6 hours: Shipping my first Windows Phone App
01/25/2012 Get involved in Open Source today - How to contribute a patch to a GitHub hosted Open Source project like Code 52
01/06/2012 Easy steps to a mobile-friendly responsive design with an embedded YouTube video and a fluid resize
10/31/2011 NuGet Package of Week #11 - ImageResizer enables clean, clear image resizing in ASP.NET
10/14/2011 The Weekly Source Code 59 - An Open Source Treasure: Irony .NET Language Implementation Kit
08/28/2011 Installing and Running node.js applications within IIS on Windows - Are you mad?
07/22/2011 CoffeeScript, Sass and LESS support for Visual Studio and ASP.NET with the Mindscape Web Workbench
07/22/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #9 - ASP.NET MiniProfiler from StackExchange rocks your world
06/21/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 271 - Inside IronJS - A complete JavaScript/ECMAScript open source implementation on the .NET DLR
06/14/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 270 - Nancy, Sinatra and the Explosion of .NET Micro Web Frameworks with Andreas Håkansson
05/25/2011 NuGet for the Enterprise: NuGet in a Continuous Integration Automated Build System
05/17/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 266 - Open Source vs. Making Money vs. Freaking Lasers - Are we all Evil? With Chris Sells
05/02/2011 TechDays/DevDays Netherlands and Belgium:
04/29/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 264 - This is not your father's WCF - All about the WebAPI with Glenn Block
04/21/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 262 - The Rise of the Micro-ORM with Sam Saffron and Rob Conery
04/01/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #4 - Deserializing JSON with Json.NET
02/08/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 252 - ReactiveUI extensions to the Reactive Framework (Rx) with Paul Betts
01/13/2011 ASP.NET MVC3, WebMatrix, NuGet, IIS Express and Orchard released - The Microsoft January Web Release in Context
01/05/2011 The Weekly Source Code 58 - Generating (Database) Test Data with AutoPoco and Entity Framework Code First
12/18/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 244 - Kayak, OWIN, Open Source Web Servers and more with Benjamin van der Veen
12/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 243 - Knockout JavaScript with Steve Sanderson
11/22/2010 The Weekly Source Code 57 -Controlling an Eagletron TrackerPod with C# 4, ASP.NET MVC and jQuery
11/19/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 241 - The MVVM Pattern with Laurent Bugnion
11/17/2010 A Better ASP.NET MVC Mobile Device Capabilities ViewEngine
10/22/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 237 - Deeper into the Netduino with Chris Walker from Secret Labs
10/01/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 232 - .NET Micro Framework with Colin Miller
10/01/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 231 - Eric Sink on Distributed Version Control Systems
09/20/2010 The Best Controller for FPS - A SpaceTec SpaceOrb 360 Controller working with Windows 7 using Arduino and OrbShield
09/07/2010 The .NET Micro Framework - Hardware for Software People
08/12/2010 The Weekly Source Code 56 - Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit - Code Contracts, Parallel Framework and COM Interop
08/12/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 225 - Learning about NHibernate 3 with Jason Dentler
08/10/2010 How to Post Code To Your Blog and other Religious Arguments
06/26/2010 The Weekly Source Code 53 - "Get'er Done" Edition - XML in the left hand becomes HTTP POSTs in the right hand
05/20/2010 Extending NerdDinner: Exploring Different Database Options
05/20/2010 Extending NerdDinner: Adding MEF and plugins to ASP.NET MVC
04/30/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 213 - Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) and LinFu with Philip Laureano
03/28/2010 Creating an OData API for StackOverflow including XML and JSON in 30 minutes
03/17/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 205 - Open Data Protocol (OData) with Pablo Castro
03/02/2010 The Weekly Source Code 51 - Asynchronous Database Access and LINQ to SQL Fun
02/25/2010 Put Missing Kids on your 404 Page - Entirely Client-Side Solution with YQL, jQuery, and MSAjax
02/21/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 202 - A different way to do ASP.NET WebForms with WebFormsMVP
02/21/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 201 - The Making of a Open Source MonoTouch iPhone app with Chris Hardy
02/06/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 199 - How Craigslist Works - with Jeremy Zawodny
02/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 195 - Open Source, Microsoft and The WiX Project with Rob Mensching
01/27/2010 The Weekly Source Code 48 - DynamicQueryable makes custom LINQ expressions easier
10/17/2009 Hanselminutes on Channel 9 - Inside
10/02/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 182 - The History and Future of Web Standards with Molly Holzschlag from
09/25/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 181 - Monomania - Mono, MonoTouch, MonoSpace, and MonoVS with Joseph Hill and Scott Bellware
09/14/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 179 - Hanselminutes Live: Open Source and the Codeplex Foundation
09/10/2009 Microsoft creates the CodePlex foundation
07/14/2009 The Weekly Source Code 44 - Virtu, an Apple Emulator in C# for Silverlight, WPF and XNA
07/06/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 169 - The Art of Unit Testing with Roy Osherove
06/05/2009 How to Remove the .NET ClickOnce Firefox Extension
05/21/2009 Demo Dashboard and IDE Extensions - Whirlwind Tour around .NET 4 (and Visual Studio 2010) Beta 1
05/20/2009 The Weekly Source Code 42 - Tree Trim, Plugins, and MEF
04/23/2009 ELMAH: Error Logging Modules and Handlers for ASP.NET (and MVC too!)
04/03/2009 The Weekly Source Code 40 - TweetSharp and Introducing Tweet Sandwich
04/01/2009 .NET 4.1 Preview - New Base Class Library (BCL) Extension Methods - RFC
03/27/2009 The Weekly Source Code 39 - Commodore 64 Emulator in Silverlight 3
03/20/2009 Mix: Mobile Web Sites with ASP.NET MVC and the Mobile Browser Definition File
03/18/2009 Microsoft Web Platform, Web Application Gallery, Web Platform Installer (and DasBlog)
03/02/2009 Experiencing ALT.NET Seattle 2009 Open Spaces
02/12/2009 Moonlight 1.0 Release - Open Source Silverlight 1.0 Implementation on Linux
12/17/2008 ASP.NET MVC Samples, Oxite, and Community
12/04/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 139 - Moonlight (Silverlight on Linux with Mono) with Miguel de Icaza and Joseph Hill
12/02/2008 Best Code Syntax Highlighter for Snippets in your Blog
11/06/2008 The Weekly Source Code 36 - PDC, BabySmash and Silverlight Charting
10/22/2008 The Weekly Source Code 35 - Zip Compressing ASP.NET Session and Cache State
10/17/2008 Microsoft Web Application Installer - Open Source Web Apps Delivered and Installed

Parenting (29)

01/21/2016 Review: littleBits Gadgets and Gizmos electronics kits for STEM kids
12/26/2014 Getting Started with Robots for kids and children in STEM this holiday season
07/21/2014 Parenting Tip: Star Wars Audiobooks, Family, and narrator Marc Thompson
09/13/2013 Teaching Kids Electronics, Computers, and Programming Fundamentals with Snap Circuits
02/15/2013 Teach your kids to be fans
10/11/2011 Just please comb their hair and wipe their noses - My month as a single dad
12/08/2007 Paternity Leave - Week 1
11/29/2007 Plant, Pet, Person - Ten Days with Baby T
11/20/2007 Baby T arrives
11/11/2007 Baby Sign Language - Update at 2 years
06/14/2007 A Toy Train for Z
02/18/2007 Baby Sign Language - Update at 14 months
01/16/2007 My one year old has the Terrible Twos
01/06/2007 Family Portraits to start 2007
11/29/2006 Z is One Year Old
11/22/2006 Baby Sign Language
10/30/2006 Z walks on his 11 month birthday
10/13/2006 Happy October from Z
08/15/2006 A Day in the Z - Mischief and Mayhem 1
07/19/2006 Z at Seven Months - A look back
06/27/2006 Mom Graduates and Z Crawls
05/30/2006 Z is Six Months Old
04/17/2006 Interracial Couples on TV
03/27/2006 Z Leaving on a Midnight Train
02/23/2006 Z Rolls
01/26/2006 Babies sleeping through the night
01/12/2006 Zero to Three Month Baby Ultimate Tools List
12/06/2005 Fatherhood - Part 1
11/30/2005 Z Quincy

PDC (69)

11/05/2010 PDC10: Building a Blog with Microsoft "Unnamed Package of Web Love"
12/07/2009 Fun with Channel 9 Videos - Live at PDC and Live to Tape
12/02/2009 PDC09: ASP.NET MVC 2: Ninjas Still on Fire Black Belt Tips
12/02/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 188: ASP.NET MVC 2 Beta with Phil Haack
11/25/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 137 - Microsoft PDC and Windows 7 Reaction Show with Richard Campbell
11/25/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 136 - MSR@PDC - Microsoft Research at the Professional Developers Conference
11/06/2008 The Weekly Source Code 36 - PDC, BabySmash and Silverlight Charting
11/04/2008 Tips for Preparing for a Technical Presentation
10/26/2008 PDC 2008: BabySmash Preparations
10/25/2008 PDC 2008: New .NET Logo
10/17/2008 PDC Preparation Presses...
10/14/2008 Silverlight 2 is out!
10/14/2008 Survey Time: What .NET Framework features do you use?
10/09/2008 PDC: Microsoft .NET Framework: Overview and Applications for Babies
03/23/2006 Loving Mush - I mean Monad
01/23/2006 Media Center Games
12/28/2005 My stark realization that I may be an early adopter
11/05/2005 Listening FASTER and more effectively
09/15/2005 SqlDependancy.Start and Conversation Handle Not Found
09/13/2005 Microsoft Codename Max
09/13/2005 Mono and the PDC BoF
06/24/2005 Stripping Out Empty XmlElements in a Performant Way and the Bus Factor
04/09/2005 Alphabetizing your .NET Resource (RESX) files
06/03/2004 - Episodes you may have missed...
04/07/2004 The North African Developer's Conference is upon us...
01/31/2004 Chris Pratley in the blogosphere and Ethiopians rejoice!
01/28/2004 Went to PDC? Get into DevDays free...
01/20/2004 On Turning 0x1E and looking back at 2003
01/06/2004 Microsoft Regional Director Program - The 2003 Group Photo
12/20/2003 My Tablet PC - the Verdict
11/16/2003 Microsoft SPOT or MSN Direct or Microsoft Wrist Net
11/14/2003 .NET Rocks! - PDC Edition
11/11/2003 But what price my soul?
11/09/2003 Looking for Photos of .NET Rocks at PDC
11/04/2003 Tablet PCs and Math
11/02/2003 Share Schema, not Type - Explained?
10/31/2003 Th
10/31/2003 PDC - Tips for Giving a Great Presentation - actually used!
10/31/2003 Avalon, Automation and Accessibility
10/31/2003 PDC - Conclusion
10/29/2003 PDC - Day 3: I ride a Segway
10/29/2003 Avalon - CLI307: Automated UI Testing
10/29/2003 PDC - Day 3: Hump Day Begins? Not quite, it's 2am
10/29/2003 PDC Day 2.5 - The Rotating Restaurant
10/29/2003 PDC - Day 2 - WSV303 - Indigo, Using XSD, CLR Types and Serialization in Web Services
10/28/2003 PDC - Day 2 - CLI302 Avalon Design Time Support
10/28/2003 PDC - Day 2...
10/28/2003 PDC - End of Day 1, or beginning of Day 2?
10/28/2003 The PDC Keynote Summary - The überpost
10/28/2003 PDC - Day 1 in Photos
10/27/2003 Keynote - Bill Gates
10/27/2003 PDC - Don't forget the Press is here...
10/27/2003 Watch out for Longhorn Mobs...flash your signs...
10/27/2003 .NET Rocks! - PDC Edition Quotes
10/27/2003 PDC - Sunday in Photos
10/27/2003 Chilling at the Westin
10/26/2003 PDC - Come for the pageantry, leave with the software
10/26/2003 PDC - It begins now...
10/25/2003 Finishing what was Quite A Day to start what we will be Quite A Week
10/11/2003 PDC - If you hold it, they will come.
10/09/2003 Getting back in the swing...
09/25/2003 PDC. I'm ready for a revolution. Impress me. Blow me away.
09/22/2003 The replacement TechEd bag just arrived...
09/02/2003 PDC - The Blogging Begins...
08/18/2003 PDC and Birds of a Feather - Host your own technical session!
08/07/2003 I will be there with Managed Bells on...
06/04/2003 TechEd 2003: Dallas : Going Home...
03/10/2003 It's official - PDC is back, and it's October 2003

Personal (4)

12/10/2009 The Three Most Important Outlook Rules for Processing Mail
09/21/2009 Square Foot Gardening for Programmers
04/23/2009 Paint Fence, Cut Wood, Pull Weed, Plant Tree - Finding Geek Balance Outside My Comfort Zone
02/15/2008 Geek Developer Cribs on10

PHP (4)

07/27/2017 Peachpie - Open Source PHP Compiler to .NET and WordPress under ASP.NET Core
04/01/2009 .NET 4.1 Preview - New Base Class Library (BCL) Extension Methods - RFC
03/19/2008 The Weekly Source Code 20 - A Web Framework for Every Language
10/17/2007 HTTP Error 404.17 - PHP on IIS7 under 64bit Vista

Podcast (316)

01/22/2020 My views on community, productivity, kindness, and mindfulness on the Hanselminutes Fresh Tech Podcast
01/15/2020 My Interview and Podcast Production Process on the Hanselminutes Podcast
08/20/2013 Recent JavaScript Jabber Podcast - Microsoft, not Microsoft, and the Web
06/25/2013 How to start your first podcast - equipment, editing, publishing and more
02/01/2013 This Developer's Life 3.0.1 - Cancer
10/30/2012 Podcast Update with Guest Spots and a New Show - October 2012
06/16/2012 Hanselminutes Podcast 323 (and more) - On Empathy with Leon Gersing the Ruby Buddha
01/05/2012 This Developer's Life 2.0.7 - Dinosaurs
11/16/2011 This Developer's Life 2.0.6 - Play
09/19/2011 This Developer's Life 2.0.5 - Typo
08/25/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast Episode Rollup 273 through 280 - Glimpse, JavaScript, Kinect, Script#, PolyGlot, Azure, Windows and Graph Databases
06/29/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 272 - Basics of Web Security with Barry Dorrans
06/21/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 271 - Inside IronJS - A complete JavaScript/ECMAScript open source implementation on the .NET DLR
06/14/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 270 - Nancy, Sinatra and the Explosion of .NET Micro Web Frameworks with Andreas Håkansson
06/14/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 269 - Community vs. Evangelism vs. Marketing vs. Authenticity with Brandon Watson from Windows Phone
05/31/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 268 - Personal Systems of Organization - Rey Bango interviews Scott Hanselman
05/31/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 267 - Before The Show: Off the Cuff Conversation with Jeff Atwood (EXPLICIT)
05/17/2011 This Developer's Life 2.0.2 - Pressure
05/17/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 266 - Open Source vs. Making Money vs. Freaking Lasers - Are we all Evil? With Chris Sells
05/06/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 265 - Synology Network Attached Storage and Windows Home Server with Travis Illig
04/29/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 264 - This is not your father's WCF - All about the WebAPI with Glenn Block
04/24/2011 This Developer's Life 2.0.1 - Criticism
04/24/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 263 - A C++ guy learns JavaScript - Chris Sells moves to the Web
04/21/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 262 - The Rise of the Micro-ORM with Sam Saffron and Rob Conery
04/21/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 261 - ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update with Phil Haack
04/07/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 260 - .NET API design that optimizes for Programmer Joy with Jonathan Carter
04/05/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 259 - Remote Eclipse/Java Development using TFS at Microsoft with Martin Woodward
03/30/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 258 - Inside Entity Framework 4.1 CodeFirst with Jeff Derstadt and Tim Laverty
03/23/2011 This Developer's Life 1.1.5 - Revolt
03/21/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 257 - Selenium for Web Automation Testing with Jim Evans
03/04/2011 This Developer's Life 1.1.4 - Obsession
03/04/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 256 - JavaScript and jQuery: Moving beyond Alert()
03/02/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 255 - The Opinionated Cloud - Learning about AppHarbor
02/22/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 254 - ASP.NET Web Forms - Reports of my Death of been exaggerated, with Damian Edwards
02/22/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 253 - Organizing your own Virtual Technical Conference - MVCConf Post-Mortem
02/14/2011 This Developer's Life 1.1.3 - Competition
02/08/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 252 - ReactiveUI extensions to the Reactive Framework (Rx) with Paul Betts
01/29/2011 This Developer's Life 1.1.2 - Drive
01/29/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 251 - HTML5 Basics with Mads Kristensen
01/29/2011 Hanseminutes Podcast 250 - Professional Technical Speaker Tips from Scott with Drew Robbins
01/22/2011 Hanseminutes Podcast 249 - On WebMatrix with Rob Conery
01/22/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 248 - Executable Specifications with Gojko Adzic, Jonas Bandi and Aslak Hellesoy
01/03/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 247 - From Agile Consultant to Agile Team Member with John Wilger
01/03/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 246 - Hanselminutiae-nine with Richard Campbell
01/03/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 245 - Transitions: Exploring issues moving from small companies to large corporations
12/18/2010 This Developer's Life 1.1.0 - Disconnecting
12/18/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 244 - Kayak, OWIN, Open Source Web Servers and more with Benjamin van der Veen
12/04/2010 This Developer's Life 1.0.9 - Management
12/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 243 - Knockout JavaScript with Steve Sanderson
12/03/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 242 - The Plight of the Remote Worker with Pete Brown
11/19/2010 This Developer's Life 1.0.8 - Motivation
11/19/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 241 - The MVVM Pattern with Laurent Bugnion
11/19/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 240 - Developing Indie Games for Xbox 360 and XNA with George Clingerman
11/19/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 239 - Creative Outlets with Rob Conery
11/19/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 238 - ASP.NET MVC 3 RC and NuGet Package Management with Phil Haack
11/05/2010 This Developer's Life 1.0.7 - Audacity
10/22/2010 This Developer's Life 1.0.6 - Abstraction
10/22/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 237 - Deeper into the Netduino with Chris Walker from Secret Labs
10/22/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 236 - Misunderstanding REST with Mike Amundsen
10/18/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 235 - Making a hobby a job - Talking with Eric Herbrandson about his Silverlight-based MicroISV
10/08/2010 This Developer's Life 1.0.5 - Homerun
10/01/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 234 - Getting Things Done with Lane Newsom
10/01/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 233 - Inside the Naked Objects Framework with Richard Pawson
10/01/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 232 - .NET Micro Framework with Colin Miller
10/01/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 231 - Eric Sink on Distributed Version Control Systems
09/28/2010 This Developer's Life 1.04 - Being Mean
09/07/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 230 - Continuous Deployment with Jon Tørresdal
09/07/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 229 - OpenID and OpenAuth with DotNetOpenAuth open source programmer Andrew Arnott
09/03/2010 A New Podcast for Developers - This Developer's Life
08/20/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 228 - Performance of Silverlight on Windows Phone 7
08/20/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 227 - Inside Expression SuperPreview with developer Mike Calvo
08/20/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 226 - Building your own Ultimate Developer PC 2.0 with Pete Brown
08/12/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 225 - Learning about NHibernate 3 with Jason Dentler
07/27/2010 Ultimate Developer PC 2.0 - Part 3 - UPDATE on Building a WEI 7.9 and RFC for building a GOM (God's Own Machine)
07/27/2010 ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1 Released – Channel 9 Video and Hanselminutes Podcast 224, Oh My!
07/16/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 222 - Art is Shipping - Designers and Developers with Jin Yang
07/16/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 221 - Hanselminutiae-eight with Dan Fernandez
07/13/2010 Ultimate Developer PC 2.0 - Part 2 - UPDATE and PODCAST on Building a WEI 7.9 and RFC for building a GOM (God's Own Machine)
06/25/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 219 - Demystifying Microsoft's Application Server: Windows Server AppFabric with Karandeep Anand
06/22/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 218 - Baratunde Thurston on Punditry, Politics, Race, iPads, The Onion and the Web
06/11/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 217 - MVC Turbine and IoC made easy with Javier Lozano
06/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 216 - Geek Relationship Tips with Scott's Wife
05/28/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 215 - World Airplane Travel Tips with James Senior
05/07/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 214 - Type 1 Diabetes and Running Marathons with Gary Schmidt
04/30/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 213 - Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) and LinFu with Philip Laureano
04/24/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 212 - The Podcast about Podcasts with Joel Spolsky
04/16/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 210 - John Lam and the Science of Fitness
04/16/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 211 - Jeff Atwood on the Future of Stack Overflow
04/12/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 209 - ASP.NET MVC Contrib with Jeffrey Palermo
04/05/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 208 - Social Media and the Business of Social - The Wynn Resorts
03/26/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 207 - Charles Petzold on Windows Phone 7 Series
03/23/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 206 - Windows Phone 7 Series - The Developer Experience with Charlie Kindel
03/17/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 205 - Open Data Protocol (OData) with Pablo Castro
03/10/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 204 - What does a Social Media Consultant Do? - with Liz Burr
03/05/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 203 - Women in Technology in the Muslim World
02/21/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 202 - A different way to do ASP.NET WebForms with WebFormsMVP
02/21/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 201 - The Making of a Open Source MonoTouch iPhone app with Chris Hardy
02/16/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 200 - Jon Skeet!
02/06/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 199 - How Craigslist Works - with Jeremy Zawodny
02/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 198 - Reactive Extensions for .NET (Rx) with Erik Meijer
02/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 197 - The Dynamic Language Runtime, IronRuby and IronPython with Jimmy Schementi
02/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 196 - .NET 4 CLR, Framework and Language Chat with Jason Olson
02/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 195 - Open Source, Microsoft and The WiX Project with Rob Mensching
01/15/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 194 - Hello World: Computer Programmer for Kids and Other Beginners
01/08/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 193: Axum - A domain-specific concurrent programming language with Niklas Gustafsson
01/08/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 192: The Spark View Engine for ASP.NET MVC with Louis DeJardin
12/10/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 191: Solver Foundation and Optimization with Nathan Brixius
12/10/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 190: The State of Powershell with Lee Holmes and Jason Shirk
12/02/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 189: 2009 Holiday Geek Gift Guide with Richard Campbell
12/02/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 188: ASP.NET MVC 2 Beta with Phil Haack
12/02/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 187: Software Tester James Bach and The Voyage of a Buccaneer-Scholar
12/02/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 186: .NET Debugging 101 with Tess Ferrandez
11/09/2009 Download Podcasts with Powershell
10/23/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - Spolsky, Atwood, Blyth, Hanselman = Crazy-Delicious || Content-Free?
10/17/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 184: Preview of ASP.NET 4 with Scott Hunter
10/12/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 183: LIVE! Gadgets, Hi-Def, WebCams, 4G and More
10/02/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 182 - The History and Future of Web Standards with Molly Holzschlag from
09/25/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 181 - Monomania - Mono, MonoTouch, MonoSpace, and MonoVS with Joseph Hill and Scott Bellware
09/14/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 179 - Hanselminutes Live: Open Source and the Codeplex Foundation
09/14/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 178 - Inside a Visual Studio Plugin - CodeRush with Mark Miller
09/14/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 177 - Hanselminutiae-seven with Richard Campbell
08/21/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 176 - NServiceBus with Udi Dahan
08/17/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 175 - Optimizing Your Website with Jeff Atwood and Stackoverflow
08/14/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 174 - Hanselminutiae-five with Richard Campbell
08/03/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 173 - All About Microsoft with Mary Jo Foley
07/31/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - ASP.NET MVC 2 Preview 1 Released
07/26/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 172 - Dan Bricklin on Technology
07/21/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 171 - The Return of Uncle Bob
07/14/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - OmniTechNews - I wasn't nearly this cool when I was 12
07/10/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - The .NET Micro Framework with Colin Miller
07/10/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 170 - Kanban Boards for Agile Project Management with Zen Author Nate Kohari
07/07/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - What Laptop do Alpha Geeks Use?
07/06/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 169 - The Art of Unit Testing with Roy Osherove
07/01/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 168 - Successful Cross Platform .NET Development - Mono and Banshee with Aaron Bockover
07/01/2009 Videos from the Norwegian Developer's Conference
07/01/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 167 - Convention Over Configuration with Jeremy Miller
06/25/2009 The HaaHa Show visits .NET Rocks
06/24/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 166 - Windows Presentation Foundation explained by Ian Griffiths
06/22/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 165 - Working Effectively with Legacy Code with Michael Feathers
06/19/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 164 - Silverlight 3 with Tim Heuer
05/28/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 163 - Software Metrics with Patrick Smacchia
05/19/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 162 - PowerShell 2.0
05/13/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 161 - BBSs and Wildcat! from Mustang Software
05/05/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 160 - JavaFX and the Web's Four Virtual Machines
04/25/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 159 - IronPython in Action with Michael Foord
04/17/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 158 - Secrets of Fog Creek with Joel Spolsky
04/13/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 157 - Hanselminutae-five with Richard Campbell
04/04/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 156 - Dealing with Diversity in Agile Teams with Aslam Khan
03/28/2009 Mix09: Hanselminutes on Channel 9
03/27/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 155 - A C64 Emulator with Silverlight 3 by Pete Brown
03/26/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 154 - ASP.NET and the Mobile Web
03/16/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 153 - Scott's Wife Mo interviews Scott Hanselman
03/10/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 152 - Code Generation and T4 with Kathleen Dollard
02/28/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 151 - Fit and Fitness with Ward Cunningham and James Shore
02/19/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 150 - Uncle Bob Martin, this time with feeling
02/13/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 149 - Deconstructing "blu" - a new WPF Twitter client from thirteen23
02/13/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 148 - MEF - Managed Extensibility Framework with Glenn Block
02/10/2009 Hanselman List of Podcasts for .NET Programmers
01/23/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 147 - The new WPF-based Text Editor in Visual Studio 2010 - Interview with a Dev
01/17/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 146 - Test Driven Development is Design - The Last Word on TDD
01/08/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 145 - SOLID Principles with Uncle Bob - Robert C. Martin
01/02/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 144 - Week Three in South Africa - Ntombenhle
12/23/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 143 - Week Two in South Africa - Victor
12/13/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 142 - Week One in South Africa - Vusi
12/05/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 141 - Coding4Fun with Dan Fernandez and Brian Peek - Wiimotes and YouTube
12/04/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 140 - Rob Conery learns about Domain Driven Design
12/04/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 139 - Moonlight (Silverlight on Linux with Mono) with Miguel de Icaza and Joseph Hill
11/25/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 138 - Paint.NET with Rick Brewster
11/25/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 137 - Microsoft PDC and Windows 7 Reaction Show with Richard Campbell
11/25/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 136 - MSR@PDC - Microsoft Research at the Professional Developers Conference
11/25/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 135 - StackOverflow Behind The Music - Unedited Outtakes Show
10/19/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 134 - StackOverflow uses ASP.NET MVC - Jeff Atwood and his technical team
10/19/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 133 - Windows Live Agents and the Machine Translation Bot from MS Research
10/19/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 132 - Subsonic with Rob Conery
10/19/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 131 - Jeff Webb - The guy who lowercased Basic
09/21/2008 Hanselminutes Podcasts 130 - JavaScript gets Faster: Brendan Eich, CTO of Mozilla Corporation and Creator of JavaScript
09/16/2008 Hanselminutes Podcasts 128 and 129 - Ajax with Scott Cate and JavaScript with Bertrand Le Roy
08/15/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 126 - Chat with John Resig, Creator of jQuery
08/08/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 125 - Accessibility in Web and Rich Applications
08/01/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 124 - Tim Bray on Microblogging and Widefinder
07/25/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 123 - Dare Obasanjo on Social Networking
07/25/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 122 - BabySmash!
07/17/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 121 - LineRider - Porting a Flash Game to Silverlight 2
07/07/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 120 - The Odd Couple - A Developer and a Designer talk about working with XAML
06/27/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 119 - What Is Done? with Scrum Co-Creator Ken Schwaber
06/23/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 118 - Lean Software Development with Tom and Mary Poppendieck
06/18/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 117 - Sorting out Internationalization with Michael Kaplan
06/18/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 115 - Rediscovering Your Passion for Software
06/08/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 116 - Distributed Caching with Microsoft's Velocity
05/27/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 114 - Website Scaling War Stories with Richard Campbell
05/20/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast Catchup
05/08/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 110 - Microsoft Research: Spec#
04/26/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 109 - ASP.NET Dynamic Data with Scott Hunter
04/16/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 108 - Exploring Distributed Source Control with Git
04/04/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 107 - Digital Photography Explained (for Geeks) with Aaron Hockley
03/31/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 106 - Inside Outsourcing
03/28/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 105 - Rocky Lhotka on Data Access Mania, LINQ and CSLA.NET
03/21/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 104 - Dave Laribee on ALT.NET
03/21/2008 Squeezing the most out of IIS7 Media Bit Rate Throttling
03/08/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 103 - Quetzal Bradley on Testing after Unit Tests and the Myth of Code Coverage
02/29/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 102 - Mike Pizzo on the ADO.NET Entity Framework
02/22/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 101 - Dr. Michio Kaku on the Physics of the Impossible
02/17/2008 This Week on Channel 9: Feb 15
02/15/2008 Geek Developer Cribs on10
02/15/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 100 - Building Community with Norm Judah - CTO of Microsoft Services
02/08/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 99 - Mac Development with Panic's Steven Frank
01/25/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 98 - Raising Geeks with Scott's Dad
01/23/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 97 - ADO.NET &quot;Astoria&quot; Data Services with Shawn Wildermuth
01/17/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast available on Zune
01/14/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 96 - Starting Small with F# with Dustin Campbell
01/14/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 95 - 2007 The Year in Review
01/14/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 93 - Pex with Jonathan 'Peli' de Halleux and Nikolai Tillmann
12/15/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 92 - Visual Basic Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow with Paul Vick
12/07/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 91 - Eclipse and Open Source with Bjorn Freeman-Benson
12/03/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 90 - Dan Appleman
11/16/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 89 - Larry Osterman Makes Windows Go Ding
11/10/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 88 - Writing FaceBook Applications with .NET - Interview with Mel Sampat, author of OutSync
11/09/2007 That Sinking Feeling and Repairing a Corrupt WAV File
11/03/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 87 - Planning, Placing and Building a House with Google Earth and SketchUp
10/28/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 86 - Open Source Software Licensing with Jonathan Zuck of ACT Online
10/20/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 85 - - Moving from LAMP to .NET 3.5
10/19/2007 Hanselminutes spotted in the wild
10/12/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 84 - Concurency Programming with .NET Parallel Framework Extensions
10/03/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 83 - Microsoft to release .NET Framework Libraries Source
09/21/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 82 - 10 Foot Development for Media Center
09/15/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 81 - Vista x64 Redo for Developers
09/07/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 80 - Vista x64 - Is Now the Time?
09/04/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 79 - LINQ to XML
09/04/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 78 - The 2007 Tools List
08/22/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 77 - Moving your Email into the Cloud - Google for Apps and Live Custom Domains
08/10/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 76 - F# with Robert Pickering
07/27/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 74 - Jeff Atwood overclocks the Ultimate PC
07/20/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 73 - The Interns
07/13/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 72 - Be a Better Developer in Six Months
07/06/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 71 - Windows Home Server - Interview with Charlie Kindel
06/29/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 70 - Interview with Timothy Ferriss, Author of the 4 Hour Workweek
06/23/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 69 - Building aDeveloper PC
06/15/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 68 - Orcas Overview
06/15/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 67 - Hanselminutae #4
06/02/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 66 - Setting up a Home Network
05/24/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 65 - Martin Fowler and David Heinemeier Hansson
05/11/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 64 - Interview at Mix with Lynda from
05/03/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 63 - Scott Guthrie and Jason Zander on Silverlight
05/03/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 62 - Inside the Mind of Chris Sells and The Next 15 Years of Programming - Part 2 of 2
04/29/2007 Continuous Integration Screencast - Jay Flowers and I on DNRTV
04/29/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 61 - Inside the Mind of Chris Sells and The Last 15 Years of Programming - Part 1 of 2
04/20/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 60 - Silverlight and Web 2.5
04/17/2007 Automating Adding iTunes Album Art to MP3 ID3 tags from the Command Line in C#
04/13/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 59 - Hanselminutiae #3
04/11/2007 New Technology Podcast - RunAs Radio with Greg Hughes and Richard Campbell
04/09/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 58 - Synchronizing Internet Calendars
04/03/2007 Hanselminutes on Channel 9 - Video #2
04/01/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 57 - Polita Paulus and The Minutes on Nine #1
03/28/2007 Hanselminutes on Channel 9 - Video #1
03/24/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 56 - The Old New Thing with Raymond Chen
03/16/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 55 - MonoRail as Alternative ASP.NET
03/09/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 54 - Squeezing Continuous Integration
03/02/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 53 - Hiring and Interviewing Engineers
02/22/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 52 - End to End Tracing
02/15/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 51 - Static Code Analysis with NDepend
02/09/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 50 - OpenID/Microsoft Announcement
02/02/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast Feed List
02/02/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 49 - Interview with PowerShell Language Designer Bruce Payette
01/25/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 48 - Introduction Board Gaming for Geeks and Programmers
01/11/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 46 - Windows Presentation Foundation Everywhere WPF/E
01/09/2007 Complete Hanselminutes Master Feed
01/06/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 45 - IronPython ASP.NET and Language Extensibility
12/21/2006 - Interviewed by Ron Jacobs at TechEd 2006
12/14/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 44 - Basics of Professional Audio
12/08/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 43 - LifeHacks 2, an Interview with Gina Trapani
11/22/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 42 - Next Generation Gaming and the Developer
11/17/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 41 - WS-*
11/11/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 40 - Architecture (TechEd Barcelona)
11/02/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 39 - Identity and CardSpaces
10/26/2006 iTunes 7 Unspeakably Slow
10/25/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 38 - Diabetes Technology
10/05/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 35 - The State of HDTV
09/27/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 34 - Scott talks to Chris Sells
09/20/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 33 - Windows Vista RC1
09/14/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 32 - Mock Objects
09/11/2006 DNRTV - Sysinternals Tools
08/30/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 31 - Test Driven Development
08/25/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 30 - Outlook Add-Ins and Personal Productivity Enhancers
08/21/2006 Hanselminutes available on iTunes
08/16/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 29 - Dynamic vs Compiled Languages
08/10/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 28 - Open Source Options
08/03/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 27 - Reflection
07/26/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 26 - Globalization/Internationalization with .NET
07/19/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 25 - Scott's .NET Blogroll (for July 2006 at least)
07/13/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 24 - More Advanced PowerShell
07/10/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 23 - Scrum and Scrum Resources
06/29/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 22
06/22/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 21
06/12/2006 TechEd 2006 Microcast - John Lam on Ruby
06/08/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 20
05/31/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 19
05/26/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 18
05/11/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 17
05/03/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 16
04/27/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 15
04/19/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 14
04/12/2006 Accessing the Registry from the Command Line
04/12/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 13
04/08/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 12
04/03/2006 More and more Audible instead of iTunes
03/23/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 11
03/15/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 10
03/10/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 9
03/01/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 8
02/23/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 7
02/15/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 6
02/08/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 5
02/01/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 4
01/25/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 3
01/18/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 2
01/11/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 1

PowerShell (80)

04/25/2023 GitHub Copilot for CLI for PowerShell
11/04/2021 PowerShell 7.2.0 - Could not load type System.Management.Automation.Subsystem.PredictionResult
07/01/2021 Adding Predictive IntelliSense to my Windows Terminal PowerShell Prompt with PSReadline
12/08/2020 You should be customizing your PowerShell Prompt with PSReadLine
10/01/2019 A wonderfully unholy alliance - Real Linux commands for PowerShell with WSL function wrappers
07/18/2019 Installing PowerShell with one line as a .NET Core global tool
06/25/2019 Adding Reaction Gifs for your Build System and the Windows Terminal
03/26/2019 F7 is the greatest PowerShell hotkey that no one uses any more. We must fix this.
05/18/2018 Installing PowerShell Core on a Raspberry Pi (powered by .NET Core)
09/24/2017 Spend less time CD'ing around directories with the PowerShell Z shortcut
08/18/2016 Announcing PowerShell on Linux - PowerShell is Open Source!
09/25/2014 Towards a better console - PSReadLine for PowerShell command line editing
10/14/2013 CSI: Re-enabling Remote Desktop with PowerShell after you've blocked it with your own firewall rule
02/01/2012 Prompts and Directories - Even Better Git (and Mercurial) with PowerShell
08/01/2011 Unix Fight! - Sed, Grep, Awk, Cut and Pulling Groups out of a PowerShell Regular Expression Capture
08/21/2010 How to change the default browser in Visual Studio programmatically with PowerShell and possibly poke yourself in the eye
08/19/2010 Awesome Visual Studio Command Prompt and PowerShell icons with Overlays
12/10/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 190: The State of Powershell with Lee Holmes and Jason Shirk
11/09/2009 Download Podcasts with Powershell
09/18/2009 Batch Converting a Directory Tree of Videos Recursively with Handbrake for Streaming to an Xbox360
05/19/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 162 - PowerShell 2.0
03/04/2008 2008 Window Scripting Games - Advanced PowerShell Event 7
02/08/2008 Using an IDE to write PowerShell Scripts
10/31/2007 Parsing CSVs and Poor Man's Web Log Analysis with PowerShell
09/12/2007 DNRTV Screencast - Powershell is still shiny
07/31/2007 Progress Bars in PowerShell
07/31/2007 Paper - Managing Large Scale System Deployment and Configuration with Windows PowerShell
07/03/2007 How to Determine if a User is a Local Administrator with PowerShell
06/13/2007 The Value of Writing Windows PowerShell Cmdlets
05/14/2007 Reflector Addins and PowerShell Language Support for Reflector
04/25/2007 Removing Security from Downloaded PowerShell Scripts with Alternative Data Streams
04/11/2007 Adding PNGOUT to the Explorer Right Click Context Menu
02/28/2007 Running PowerShell Scripts from the Command Line in a Hidden Window
02/19/2007 Coding4Fun: Microbric Viper Robot with an Iguanaworks IR Serial Port and PowerShell
02/02/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 49 - Interview with PowerShell Language Designer Bruce Payette
01/22/2007 Channel 9 Video - Talking to Jeffrey Snover, PowerShell Architect
12/21/2006 - Interviewed by Ron Jacobs at TechEd 2006
10/20/2006 PowerShell CMDLET Visual Studio 2005 Item Template
09/08/2006 Accessing EXIF Photo Data from JPEGs with PowerShell
08/18/2006 WATIR for .NET - WatiN approaches 0.8 release and automating IE from PowerShell
08/09/2006 Signing PowerShell Scripts
08/03/2006 WhatIf Powershell
07/31/2006 PUSHD reminder - it automatically maps network drives
07/30/2006 Sandcastle - Microsoft CTP of a Help CHM file generator on the tails of the death of NDoc
07/27/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 3
07/24/2006 XSLT with Powershell
07/20/2006 A half-year Podcasts
07/19/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 25 - Scott's .NET Blogroll (for July 2006 at least)
07/19/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 2
07/18/2006 Portland Code Camp 2006 contracts and expands
07/15/2006 ScriptBlock and Runspace Remoting in PowerShell
07/14/2006 A better PROMPT for CMD.EXE or Cool Prompt Environment Variables and a nice transparent multi-prompt
07/13/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 24 - More Advanced PowerShell
07/11/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 1
07/10/2006 Portland (and SW Washington) CodeCamp 2006
07/10/2006 Better Documentation for PowerShell - ShinyPower
07/03/2006 An Xml Tidy in PowerShell or Formatting Xml with Indenting with PowerShell
07/03/2006 Querying Virtual Server 2005 via VM with PowerShell
07/02/2006 Searching Google Desktop from PowerShell
07/02/2006 Using FFMPEG to squish lots of videos using PowerShell
07/02/2006 Sapphire In Steel - Ruby within Visual Studio 2005
06/30/2006 Testing PowerShell scripts with NUnit
06/30/2006 PowerShell, AnkhSVN and Subversion
06/22/2006 TechEd 2006 In Conclusion
06/07/2006 Free PowerShell IDE
05/12/2006 Making Junctions/ReparsePoints visible in PowerShell
05/05/2006 Introducing PowerShell Prompt Here
04/30/2006 Replacing Explorer.exe - The Return of Norton Commander with xplorer2 and FAR
04/28/2006 Mourning Monad - This whole Monad, MSH, Microsoft Command Shell, PowerShell thing is tearing me up inside
04/25/2006 Speaking Schedule - 2nd Quarter 2006
04/12/2006 Accessing the Registry from the Command Line
04/05/2006 Ruby as Cross Platform Monad
03/28/2006 AnkhSVN and a Monad SVN Provider?
03/23/2006 Loving Mush - I mean Monad
03/23/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 11
03/20/2006 Taskkill and Pskill
11/22/2004 A Hanselman Review: Doom 3 vs. FarCry vs. Half-Life 2 vs. Halo 2
06/25/2004 How to load HTML into mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass with UCOMIPersistFile and my ignorance
10/21/2003 Multiple Monitors and Productivity
09/16/2003 Internet Explorer and the Magic of Microsoft KB Article Q293792

Productivity (15)

11/28/2019 Defragmenting your Calendar and your Outlook
02/19/2018 One Email Rule - Have a separate Inbox and an Inbox CC to reduce email stress. Guaranteed.
01/15/2017 Monday Vision, Daily Outcomes, Friday Reflection for Remote Team Management
09/13/2015 Optimize for Tiny Victories
05/29/2015 Totally stressed out? Sync to Paper
09/10/2014 "Simply terrible advice" - If the shoe pinches, don't wear it.
09/09/2014 Don't Check Your Email in the Morning
07/14/2014 Personal Productivity: Business vs. busyness vs. laziness
03/27/2014 Scott Hanselman's Complete List of Productivity Tips
08/02/2012 Productivity vs. Guilt and Self-Loathing
04/09/2012 It's not what you read, it's what you ignore - Video of Scott Hanselman's Personal Productivity Tips
10/02/2011 The Sweet Spot of Multiple Monitor Productivity: That Magical Third Monitor
06/14/2011 Productivity and Continuous Improvement - Measurement (and RescueTime) makes it happen, both Personally and at Work
10/01/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 234 - Getting Things Done with Lane Newsom
06/22/2010 Do they deserve the gift of your keystrokes?

Programming (270)

09/13/2013 Teaching Kids Electronics, Computers, and Programming Fundamentals with Snap Circuits
03/08/2013 Our first year. A new web conference - &lt;anglebrackets&gt;
03/04/2013 Programming's not for you? How about thinking? Be empowered.
02/17/2011 New Interview Questions for Senior Software Engineers
11/15/2010 Back to (Parallel) Basics: Don't Block Your Threads, Make Async I/O Work For You
08/12/2010 The Weekly Source Code 56 - Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit - Code Contracts, Parallel Framework and COM Interop
07/16/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 222 - Art is Shipping - Designers and Developers with Jin Yang
04/21/2010 Back to (Parallel) Basics: Do you really want to do that? or Why doesn't the new Parallel.For support BigInteger?
04/09/2010 Spring Speaking Rollup 2010: Recent Talks and Upcoming Talks at Microsoft WebCamps
03/25/2010 Programmatically Detecting Screen Readers
03/05/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 203 - Women in Technology in the Muslim World
02/12/2010 Back to Basics: C# 4 method overloading and dynamic types
02/09/2010 The Weekly Source Code 49 - SmallBasic is Fun, Simple, Powerful Programming for Kids and Adults
02/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 198 - Reactive Extensions for .NET (Rx) with Erik Meijer
01/27/2010 The Weekly Source Code 48 - DynamicQueryable makes custom LINQ expressions easier
01/15/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 194 - Hello World: Computer Programmer for Kids and Other Beginners
01/14/2010 2010 Survey Results: What .NET Framework features do you use?
01/14/2010 Favor - Help Us Test .NET 4 Beta 2 on Windows Update (WU)
01/08/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 193: Axum - A domain-specific concurrent programming language with Niklas Gustafsson
10/19/2009 Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2
10/08/2009 A new MSDN for a new Operating System and a new Development Environment
09/25/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 181 - Monomania - Mono, MonoTouch, MonoSpace, and MonoVS with Joseph Hill and Scott Bellware
09/23/2009 MultiBrowser or CrossBrowser Testing and deconstructing Microsoft Expression Web SuperPreview
09/22/2009 Programming for Absolute Beginners
09/10/2009 Microsoft creates the CodePlex foundation
07/26/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 172 - Dan Bricklin on Technology
07/10/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - The .NET Micro Framework with Colin Miller
04/21/2009 Social Networking for Developers - Conference Talk Video
04/04/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 156 - Dealing with Diversity in Agile Teams with Aslam Khan
04/01/2009 .NET 4.1 Preview - New Base Class Library (BCL) Extension Methods - RFC
03/27/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 155 - A C64 Emulator with Silverlight 3 by Pete Brown
02/13/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 148 - MEF - Managed Extensibility Framework with Glenn Block
02/11/2009 Back to Basics: 32-bit and 64-bit confusion around x86 and x64 and the .NET Framework and CLR
02/10/2009 Hanselman List of Podcasts for .NET Programmers
01/29/2009 RTFLF - Read the Expletive Log File
01/27/2009 BizSpark - Free Software and Production Licenses for Startups in the Startup Phase
01/08/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 145 - SOLID Principles with Uncle Bob - Robert C. Martin
01/02/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 144 - Week Three in South Africa - Ntombenhle
12/17/2008 ASP.NET MVC Samples, Oxite, and Community
12/04/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 140 - Rob Conery learns about Domain Driven Design
11/15/2008 Update on the GDR that is coming for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
11/13/2008 Using Crowdsourcing for Expanding Localization of Products
10/22/2008 Survey RESULTS: What .NET Framework features do you use?
10/17/2008 Microsoft Web Application Installer - Open Source Web Apps Delivered and Installed
10/14/2008 T4 (Text Template Transformation Toolkit) Code Generation - Best Kept Visual Studio Secret
09/23/2008 Update on .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and Windows Update
09/12/2008 The Weekly Source Code 33 - Microsoft Open Source inside Google Chrome
09/11/2008 The .NET Framework and the Browser's UserAgent String
06/25/2008 Back to Basics: var != Dim
06/18/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 115 - Rediscovering Your Passion for Software
06/13/2008 Back to Basics - Life After If, For and Switch - Like, a Data Structures Reminder
06/08/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 116 - Distributed Caching with Microsoft's Velocity
05/31/2008 Professionalism, Programming, and Punditry and Success as a Metric
05/20/2008 The Weekly Source Code 27 - Suck Less Libraries
05/08/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 110 - Microsoft Research: Spec#
04/27/2008 A Smarter (or Pure Evil) ToString with Extension Methods
04/26/2008 Hack: Parallel MSBuilds from within the Visual Studio IDE
04/24/2008 Faster Builds with MSBuild using Parallel Builds and Multicore CPUs
04/23/2008 ALT.NET Geek Code: Should you care about these ALT.NET guys?
04/18/2008 The Weekly Source Code 24 - Extensibility Edition - PlugIns, Providers, Attributes, AddIns and Modules in .NET
04/04/2008 How do Extension Methods work and why was a new CLR not required?
03/28/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 105 - Rocky Lhotka on Data Access Mania, LINQ and CSLA.NET
03/27/2008 The Weekly Source Code 22 - C# and VB .NET Libraries to Digg, Flickr, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Live Services, Google and other Web 2.0 APIs
03/21/2008 The Weekly Source Code 21 - ASP.NET MVC Preview 2 Source Code
03/21/2008 ASP.NET MVC Source Code Available
03/19/2008 The Weekly Source Code 20 - A Web Framework for Every Language
03/14/2008 List of .NET Dependency Injection Containers (IOC)
03/13/2008 I'm Just a Caveman - The Hanselman Corollary to the Clarke/Wheeler Laws
03/13/2008 The Weekly Source Code 19 - LINQ and More What, Less How
03/12/2008 ASP.NET MVC Cheesy Northwind Sample Code
03/08/2008 ASP.NET MVC Session at Mix08, TDD and MvcMockHelpers
02/23/2008 LINQ to Everything - LINQ to XSD adds more LINQiness
02/15/2008 Geek Developer Cribs on10
02/15/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 100 - Building Community with Norm Judah - CTO of Microsoft Services
02/12/2008 MS-Ajax Client Javascript integrated within the Aptana IDE
02/07/2008 Visual Studio Programmer Themes Gallery
02/04/2008 The Weekly Source Code 15 - Tiny Managed Operating System Edition
02/02/2008 Firefox, WPF and XBAP
01/31/2008 The Weekly Source Code 14 - Fluent Interface Edition
01/24/2008 The Weekly Source Code 13 - Fibonacci Edition
01/23/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 97 - ADO.NET &quot;Astoria&quot; Data Services with Shawn Wildermuth
01/17/2008 Get namespaces from an XML Document with XPathDocument and LINQ to XML
01/16/2008 .NET Framework Library Source Code available for viewing
01/15/2008 Book - Professional ASP.NET 3.5: in C# and VB
01/14/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 96 - Starting Small with F# with Dustin Campbell
01/14/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 93 - Pex with Jonathan 'Peli' de Halleux and Nikolai Tillmann
12/21/2007 How-To: New ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Video Screencasts
12/19/2007 Moq: Linq, Lambdas and Predicates applied to Mock Objects
12/15/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 92 - Visual Basic Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow with Paul Vick
12/10/2007 ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions - plus MVC How-To Screencast
12/07/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 91 - Eclipse and Open Source with Bjorn Freeman-Benson
12/03/2007 CodeMash 2008 - January 10th
12/01/2007 Wiring the house for a Home Network - Part 5 - Gigabit Throughput and Vista
11/27/2007 Visual Studio 2008 InstallFest - Portland Edition
11/16/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 89 - Larry Osterman Makes Windows Go Ding
11/11/2007 The Weekly Source Code 11 - LOLCode DLR Edition
11/10/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 88 - Writing FaceBook Applications with .NET - Interview with Mel Sampat, author of OutSync
11/08/2007 DevConnections - The ASP.NET MVC Framework
10/25/2007 Release IS NOT Debug: 64bit Optimizations and C# Method Inlining in Release Build Call Stacks
10/24/2007 How to easily disable Reply To All and Forward in Outlook
10/20/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 85 - - Moving from LAMP to .NET 3.5
10/15/2007 Catching RedBits differences in .NET 2.0 and .NET 2.0SP1
10/15/2007 If your method can't do what it's name promises it can, throw
10/12/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 84 - Concurency Programming with .NET Parallel Framework Extensions
10/11/2007 The Weekly Source Code 7
10/09/2007 ScottGu MVC Presentation and ScottHa Screencast from ALT.NET Conference
10/06/2007 Mixing Languages in a Single Assembly in Visual Studio seamlessly with ILMerge and MSBuild
09/27/2007 WS-AtomicTransaction Configuration on Windows Server 2008 RC0
09/27/2007 How-To: Installing Windows Virtualization Services (Hypervisor) on Windows Server 2008 RC0
09/21/2007 Multi-threaded Debugging in Visual Studio 2008
09/21/2007 Managing Multiple Configuration File Environments with Pre-Build Events
09/04/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 79 - LINQ to XML
08/31/2007 Improving LINQ Code Smell with Explicit and Implicit Conversion Operators
08/31/2007 Fixing Instance Failure when connecting to SQL Server 2005 Express
08/30/2007 5:01 Developers, Family, and Excitement about the Craft
08/28/2007 Mixing XmlSerializers with XElements and LINQ to XML
08/28/2007 Paste XML as XLinq XElement Visual Studio AddIn
08/28/2007 XLINQ to XML support in VB9
08/22/2007 Sharpen the Saw for Developers
08/16/2007 The Weekly Source Code 1
08/12/2007 A vCard Preview Handler using the Coding4Fun DevKit
08/12/2007 Reading to Be a Better Developer - The Coding4Fun DevKit
08/10/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 76 - F# with Robert Pickering
08/10/2007 Changes in the .NET BCL between 2.0 and 3.5
08/02/2007 Gone Quad - Day 0 with the Ultimate Developer PC
07/31/2007 Unit Testing Silverlight with Selenium
07/26/2007 The Developer Theory of the Third Place
07/23/2007 John Lam presenting at PADNUG on Thursday
07/23/2007 WPF Sample in IronRuby talking via C# to Wesabe
07/21/2007 Task: Remove a Programmatic Crutch
07/20/2007 First Rule of Software Development
07/13/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 72 - Be a Better Developer in Six Months
07/13/2007 Wesabe makes Financial Data available programmatically
07/10/2007 Sez You Architecture and the Architecture Ninja
07/06/2007 Xbox360 XNA Game Development - Hanselman Conversation Simulator
07/06/2007 Beyond Elvis, Einstein and Mort: New Programming Stereotypes for Web 2.0
06/28/2007 Three Things I Learned About Software WHILE NOT in College
06/28/2007 How To: Use the SVNBridge to get TortoiseSVN working with CodePlex
06/21/2007 ADD and Flaming Potato Development
06/20/2007 Assembly Fiefdoms: What's the Right Number of Assemblies/Libraries?
06/15/2007 Teaching Children and Kids to Program the Old School Way
06/13/2007 Some Guiding Principles for Software Development
06/13/2007 The Value of Writing Windows PowerShell Cmdlets
06/13/2007 Six Essential Language Agnostic Programming Books
06/02/2007 Educating Programmers with Placemats - NDepend Static Analysis Poster
05/24/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 65 - Martin Fowler and David Heinemeier Hansson
05/21/2007 Is Microsoft losing the Alpha Geeks?
05/13/2007 DNRTV Screencast - ASP.NET Debugging and Tracing
05/09/2007 Call for Sessions: Portland Code Camp v3.0
05/09/2007 Software Estimation: Remember that Targets are not Estimates
05/08/2007 Garage Sales and Garage-Sale Quality Code
05/03/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 62 - Inside the Mind of Chris Sells and The Next 15 Years of Programming - Part 2 of 2
05/01/2007 Putting Mix, Silverlight, the CoreCLR and the DLR into context
04/29/2007 Continuous Integration Screencast - Jay Flowers and I on DNRTV
04/29/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 61 - Inside the Mind of Chris Sells and The Last 15 Years of Programming - Part 1 of 2
04/20/2007 The (Programming) Language Explosion
04/19/2007 New Release of Notepad2 - Updated (again) with Ruby Support
04/17/2007 Automating Adding iTunes Album Art to MP3 ID3 tags from the Command Line in C#
04/17/2007 XmlSerializing a Generic List&lt;&gt;
04/14/2007 Managing Change with .NET Assembly Diff Tools
04/13/2007 Fusion Loader Contexts - Unable to cast object of type 'Whatever' to type 'Whatever'
04/11/2007 Adding PNGOUT to the Explorer Right Click Context Menu
04/06/2007 Naming a File a Reserved Name in the Windows Vista Operating System
04/03/2007 Programmers, keep your wits about you and Code Mindfully
04/02/2007 Rescuing the Tiny OS in C#
03/29/2007 Life Beyond Pie Charts: The right visualization for the right job
03/24/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 56 - The Old New Thing with Raymond Chen
03/13/2007 Managed Snobism
03/09/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 54 - Squeezing Continuous Integration
03/08/2007 Screencast: Writing Managed .NET Plugins for the Optimus Mini Three Keyboard
03/03/2007 Portland: Special BONUS March PADNUG Meeting with Adam Cogan
03/02/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 53 - Hiring and Interviewing Engineers
02/27/2007 You Can't Teach Height - Measuring Programmer Competence via FizzBuzz
02/23/2007 The Programmer Phases of Grief: or Language Translation is Harder Than It Looks
02/22/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 52 - End to End Tracing
02/15/2007 Exiting The Zone of Pain - Static Analysis with NDepend
02/15/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 51 - Static Code Analysis with NDepend
02/08/2007 KB928388 Breaking Tests with Windows DST TimeZone Patch and Past Dates
02/06/2007 Showing Video on an Optimus Mini Three
02/02/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 49 - Interview with PowerShell Language Designer Bruce Payette
01/31/2007 Making your Application Automatically Update Itself
01/22/2007 Channel 9 Video - Talking to Jeffrey Snover, PowerShell Architect
12/21/2006 - Interviewed by Ron Jacobs at TechEd 2006
12/13/2006 CardSpace InformationCard Extension for FireFox
12/08/2006 Controlling a Microbric Viper using .NET and a custom IR Serial Port
11/30/2006 Camera Panner using a Floppy Drive Stepper Motor controlled by a Parallel Port
11/23/2006 MIcrosoft Best Practices Analyzer Tools
10/23/2006 Is there a good reason to mark a class public?
10/06/2006 Google Code Search - Now you can search the Bathroom Wall of Code
09/30/2006 Set up your system to use Microsoft's public Symbol Server
09/16/2006 Coding4Fun Hardware Boneyard - Using the CueCat with .NET
09/13/2006 IE7 RC1 can't update Password Protected Feeds
08/30/2006 How to Programmatically Detect if an Assembly is Compiled in Debug or Release mode
08/25/2006 Performance of System.IO.Ports versus Unmanaged Serial Port Code
08/25/2006 Flip the endian-ness of a long in C#
08/16/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 29 - Dynamic vs Compiled Languages
08/04/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 4
08/02/2006 Example: How to contribute a patch to an Open Source Project like DasBlog
07/26/2006 Dictionary Password Generator in Powershell
04/13/2006 Programming Sudoku
01/04/2006 ReleaseComObject and IsComObject
11/15/2005 VS.NET 2005 Publishing SignTool Confusion
11/01/2005 Reflector Plus Plus - AddIns, IronPython and other Peli Goodness
10/25/2005 Infoworld SOA Executive Forum
09/13/2005 Making a new Admin User and Getting into SQL Express 2005
08/17/2005 CTP Madness
07/01/2005 Take advantage of the extra resolution
05/27/2005 NotMuchofAREPL - CSREPL back-ported for .NET 1.1
04/20/2005 Creating an Explorer Overlay for NTFS Junctions/ReparsePoints/SoftLinks
03/23/2005 "Check Junctions" - A small explorer add-in/context-menu for discovering NTFS reparse points.
03/22/2005 Visual Studio Team System and Pricing - My brief historical perspective
03/17/2005 How to add a .REG file to your Registry silently
03/10/2005 You have GOT to be kidding me
02/16/2005 Building your own Windows Media Center Edition 2005 Home Theater PC System
01/16/2005 Vote on this Whidbey Bug: How to create a Tray Icon (NotifyIcon) with WinForms 2.0
01/11/2005 How to detect where and if the .NET Framework SDK is installed?
01/11/2005 On the record, I owe Richard Grimes lunch - Free .NET Fusion (Assembly Loading) Workshop
01/06/2005 Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta detects ATL.DLL as spyware?
01/05/2005 Mapping/Connecting a Drive Letter to a WebDAV or Front Page website
12/29/2004 Clarity, Junior Engineers, Requirements, and Frustration
12/15/2004 ServiceProcessInstaller HelpText has very little documentation
12/14/2004 The Desktop Search battle continues - yawn? Inside MSN Desktop Search
12/06/2004 Where are User Tasks from the Task List in Visual Studio.NET Stored?
10/27/2004 Giving a Mapped Network Drive "FullTrust" with .NET Code Access Security
10/26/2004 Why don't developers switch/migrate/convert from VB6 to VB.NET?
10/15/2004 Google Desktop Search and My TabletPC Web Search Power Toy - A match made in heaven?
09/09/2004 Piping command-line output directly to the Clipboard with .NET - now THAT'S useful
09/02/2004 Quote of the Day and the Laws of Prototypes
08/31/2004 Half-price ticket to Devscovery
08/31/2004 .NET Framework SP1 on MSDN Downloads
08/23/2004 .NET Compact Framework Examples and Good Demos for Presentations
08/15/2004 Free Anti-Virus Software...clever marketing ploy or useful software?
08/13/2004 .NET to COM and back.
08/12/2004 The Zen of .NET
08/09/2004 Doom 3 - Too Scary!
08/02/2004 Visual Studio.NET MSI Setup Creation: "Cannot delete folder. Folder is not empty or it might contain excluded files, which are not shown"
08/01/2004 .NET 2.0 - What's the difference between System.Collections.Generic.Collection and System.Collections.Generic.List?
07/19/2004 The Computer Back - Pain and the Programmer
07/02/2004 Why the using statement is better than a sharp stick in the eye, and a SqlConnection refactoring example
07/01/2004 VB6->VB.NET->VB.NET/Whidbey Collection Class change
06/29/2004 How to list all the files in an MSI Installer using VBSciript
06/26/2004 Another VS.NET Add-in enters the Fray...."Solvent" for Solution Explorer
06/17/2004 How do I automatically size (autosize) Columns in a WinForms DataGrid?
06/10/2004 Version Independent ProgIDs in the .NET Framework and C#
06/09/2004 Getting ready for Mono, and The Importance of Being (Using) Constant(s)'
06/09/2004 The SQL Queen, Kimberly Tripp, is blogging!
06/02/2004 The Winners are Announced (Finally) in the TabletPC "Think In Ink" PowerToy contest
05/27/2004 Edward Tufte is need to be there
05/21/2004 Abbreviations and you...
05/20/2004 "Searching Conversations, Not Content" or "Is there a difference between CONTENT and PAGES?"
05/06/2004 N.exe
03/04/2004 Code Complete
03/01/2004 My next big purchase...
02/23/2004 The Myth, The Legend, the Interop - Using the .NET Framework SDK Interoperability Tools
02/20/2004 Here's a great list of tips on Optimzing Performance with Virtual PC (VPC)
02/18/2004 Test Coverage IS important...
02/11/2004 Nine Reasons Not to Use "int" in .NET
02/09/2004 Gryoscopes and Remapping a Windows Button for the IBM ThinkPad
02/01/2004 Blogging from OneNote
01/30/2004 Does Your Code Think In Ink? Contest ends on the 31st!
01/26/2004 UltraMagnifier
01/03/2004 Part 2: Shadows of future versions of Outlook - the researcher speaks
12/20/2003 Shadows of future versions of Outlook?
12/18/2003 The Retirement Cycle begins again...
12/08/2003 Role Fragmentation
11/08/2003 StringBuilders vs. String Concatenation
11/08/2003 Measure twice, cut once...CLR Profiler 2.0
10/22/2003 Checking post-conditions in SOA as (or more) important than checking pre-conditions
09/22/2003 Holy Crap, 70-300
09/18/2003 How to find out what's running inside that out-of-control Services.exe or Svchost.exe

Python (7)

06/11/2019 Visual Studio Code Remote Development over SSH to a Raspberry Pi is butter
12/26/2018 Using Visual Studio Code to program Circuit Python with an AdaFruit NeoTrellis M4
07/02/2013 One of Microsoft's Best-Kept Secrets - Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS)
02/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 197 - The Dynamic Language Runtime, IronRuby and IronPython with Jimmy Schementi
04/25/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 159 - IronPython in Action with Michael Foord
04/01/2009 .NET 4.1 Preview - New Base Class Library (BCL) Extension Methods - RFC
03/22/2008 IronPython and the DLR march on

Remote Work (34)

01/27/2021 Hack a TV into a Teams and Zoom Computer with EpocCam and Miracast
06/25/2020 You're tired because your lizard brain knows that Zoom meetings aren't natural
04/16/2020 Quarantine work is not Remote work
03/17/2020 Take Remote Worker/Educator webcam video calls to the next level with OBS, NDI Tools, and Elgato Stream Deck
02/28/2020 Love in a time of Corona Virus - Tips, Tricks and Best Practices for Working Remotely
08/06/2019 Good, Better, Best creating the ultimate remote worker webcam setup on a budget
03/16/2015 Tragedies of the Remote Worker: "Looks like you're the only one on the call"
07/07/2014 Review: Logitech ConferenceCam CC3000e - A fantastic pan tilt zoom camera and speaker for remote workers
11/18/2013 Working Remotely Considered Dystopian
05/14/2013 Chasing Wi-Fi as a Remote Worker: AT&T Unite LTE Mobile Hotspot Review
02/27/2013 Being a Remote Worker Sucks - Long Live the Remote Worker
10/23/2012 Cloud-Controlled Remote Pan Tilt Zoom Camera API for a Logitech BCC950 Camera with Azure and SignalR
08/15/2012 Introducing - An open source remote worker's Auto Answer Kiosk with Lync 2010
07/19/2012 Is Daddy on a call? A BusyLight Presence indicator for Lync for my Home Office
07/03/2012 Introducing Lync 2010 Super Simple Auto Answer Video Kiosk with Full Screen
10/02/2011 The Sweet Spot of Multiple Monitor Productivity: That Magical Third Monitor
03/22/2011 Microsoft "Video Kinect" Chat Review - Video Chat on the Big Screen, The Good and The Bad
02/05/2011 Review: Living, working and using the Cisco Umi personal telepresence system. All that and bag of chips?
12/03/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 242 - The Plight of the Remote Worker with Pete Brown
11/22/2010 The Weekly Source Code 57 -Controlling an Eagletron TrackerPod with C# 4, ASP.NET MVC and jQuery
05/14/2010 30 Tips for Successful Communication as a Remote Worker
02/17/2010 DIY: Making a Very Wide Angle Webcam on the Cheap
02/17/2010 Building an Embodied Social Proxy or Crazy Webcam Remote Cart Thing
12/10/2009 The Three Most Important Outlook Rules for Processing Mail
10/12/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 183: LIVE! Gadgets, Hi-Def, WebCams, 4G and More
10/09/2009 Review: Trying Clear from Clearwire - Mobile Broadband Service
10/07/2009 Review and Comparison: Microsoft LifeCam Cinema HD and VX-7000 with High Quality Video in Skype and Live Messenger
10/06/2009 How to Collaborate with Remote Employees with Office Communicator 2007 R2
07/22/2009 Virtual Camaraderie - A Persistent Video "Portal" for the Remote Worker
09/20/2008 Working Remotely from Home, Telepresence and Video Conferencing: One Year Later
09/05/2008 Skyping the Wife: Foolproof Video Conferencing with Your Family While on the Road
02/15/2008 Geek Developer Cribs on10
02/09/2008 ooVoo - Multi-person Video Chat comes to Windows
09/29/2007 Microsoft - Surviving First Three Weeks as a Remote Employee

Reviews (208)

06/08/2021 The quiet rise of E Ink Tablets and Infinite Paper Note Takers - reMarkable 2 vs Onyx Boox Note Air
03/16/2021 Consider upgrading a few PC components - a good SSD is so fast it's not even funny
02/25/2021 Crowbits are Electronic Programmable LEGO Compatible Blocks for STEM Education
11/29/2020 The 2020 Christmas List of Best STEM Toys for Kids
10/15/2020 Upgrading the Storage Pool, Drives, and File System in a Synology to Btrfs
09/04/2020 Synology DS1520+ is the sweet spot for a home NAS and a private cloud
05/14/2020 Review of the Surface Book 3 for Developers
04/28/2020 Review: Logitech MX keyboard and mouse - MX Keys and MX Master 3
08/20/2019 Review: UniFi from Ubiquiti Networking is the ultimate prosumer home networking solution
05/23/2019 Piper Command Center BETA - Build a game controller from scratch with Arduino
11/28/2018 The 2018 Christmas List of Best STEM Toys for Kids
02/15/2018 Surface Book 2 Developer Impressions and the Magic of USB-C
02/05/2018 Everyone should get a Dashcam
12/21/2017 How to set up a 10" Touchscreen LCD for Raspberry Pi
12/09/2017 The 2017 Christmas List of Best STEM Toys for kids
11/02/2017 The perfect Nintendo Switch travel set up and recommended accessories
10/17/2017 First Impressions - Jibo Social Robot for the Home
07/06/2017 Review: The AmpliFi HD (High-Density) Home Wi-Fi Mesh Networking System
03/12/2017 Nintendo Switch and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild are an ABSOLUTE JOY
03/09/2016 Finding the Perfect Mouse
11/02/2015 Using the Surface Pro 4 Type Cover with Fingerprint Reader on a Surface Pro 3
09/29/2015 Review: TP-Link AC3200 (Archer C3200) Wireless Router
09/21/2015 Review: 3D Scanning with the HP 3D Capture Stage on the HP Sprout PC
09/09/2015 Review: Dremel 3D Printer and initial impressions of the HP Sprout
08/09/2015 Microsoft Universal Foldable Keyboard - Dual Bluetooth Pairing and Three Operating Systems
01/27/2015 The Basics of 3D Printing in 2015 - from someone with 16 WHOLE HOURS' experience
10/13/2014 Using a Surface Pro 3 full time for two months
09/18/2014 iOS8 3rd Party Keyboards Reviews - SwiftKey and Swype
08/15/2014 Surface Pro 3 - Initial Impressions
07/07/2014 Review: Logitech ConferenceCam CC3000e - A fantastic pan tilt zoom camera and speaker for remote workers
04/24/2014 Review: The Linksys WRT1900AC Dual-Wireless Router is the second coming of the WRT54G
04/10/2014 Amazon Kindle Paperwhite SECOND GENERATION Review - plus new Kindle Software Update
03/06/2014 Review: A tale of three Lenovo Laptops - X1 Carbon Touch, ThinkPad Yoga, IdeaPad Yoga 2 Pro
12/01/2013 Human Computer Interaction Diversity - 7 Devices that AREN'T a mouse and keyboard
10/09/2013 Review: Nokia Purity Pro Wireless Headphones by Monster
09/10/2013 Trying a Nokia Lumia 1020 - A Camera with a Phone Inside
08/23/2013 Google Chromecast Review - The race is on to wirelessly throw video to your TV
08/14/2013 Leap Motion: Amazing, Revolutionary, Useless
08/06/2013 Review: The Blackberry Z10 - In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
07/29/2013 Initial Impressions - Intel Haswell 4th Generation Developer Prototype Ultrabook
07/26/2013 Choosing the right Portable Power Phone/Tablet/Gadget Battery Charger
05/24/2013 Reviews of Super Weird Mice:The Microsoft Arc Touch and Wedge Mouse
05/14/2013 Chasing Wi-Fi as a Remote Worker: AT&T Unite LTE Mobile Hotspot Review
05/08/2013 Smart Watches are finally going to happen - Pebble Watch Reviewed
04/27/2013 Review: The Lenovo X1 Carbon Touch is my new laptop
01/05/2013 iPad, Surface, Ultrabook: Are we there yet?
12/04/2012 My next PC will be an Ultrabook
11/25/2012 Nest Thermostat Review 2nd Generation - Every consumer electronic device should be this polished
11/08/2012 Many Raspberry Pi projects - How can you not love a tiny computer?
10/18/2012 Instapaper delivered to your Kindle changes how you consume web content - Plus IFTTT, blogs and more
10/12/2012 Intel Ultrabook hardware prototype - Windows 8 and the Sensor Platform
10/09/2012 Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 3G/Wi-Fi Review
09/05/2012 Initial Impressions of the 3rd Generation Ivy Bridge Intel Ultrabook Reference Hardware for Developers on Windows 8
08/03/2011 Review: Microsoft Touch Mouse for Windows 7
06/17/2011 Review and Installation: Filtrete Touchscreen WiFi-Enabled Programmable Thermostat
03/22/2011 Microsoft "Video Kinect" Chat Review - Video Chat on the Big Screen, The Good and The Bad
02/05/2011 Review: Living, working and using the Cisco Umi personal telepresence system. All that and bag of chips?
02/17/2010 DIY: Making a Very Wide Angle Webcam on the Cheap
01/18/2010 NewsFlash: Computers are Faster Than Before - Importing Digital Video from Tape and Making a DVD
01/06/2010 Video Review: Eye-Fi Wi-Fi SD Card for Digital Cameras and Your Life's Workflow
01/01/2010 2009 Blogged - Greatest Hits
12/31/2009 The (Near) Final Word on Multi-Monitor Taskbars for Windows 7 - Ultramon vs. DisplayFusion
12/03/2009 Get those pixels working for you
12/02/2009 Review: Zeo Personal Sleep Coach
12/02/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 189: 2009 Holiday Geek Gift Guide with Richard Campbell
11/25/2009 Screenshots: Amazon Kindle 2 gets Better Battery Life and Native PDF Support
11/08/2009 Herding Cats: Organize your Desktop Icons with Stardock Fences for Windows
10/31/2009 Using a Bluetooth Jawbone Headset for BT-Audio (Microphone or Speakers) on Windows 7
10/29/2009 Connectify creates and shares Virtual WiFi Hotspots with Windows 7
10/12/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 183: LIVE! Gadgets, Hi-Def, WebCams, 4G and More
10/09/2009 Review: Trying Clear from Clearwire - Mobile Broadband Service
10/07/2009 Review and Comparison: Microsoft LifeCam Cinema HD and VX-7000 with High Quality Video in Skype and Live Messenger
10/06/2009 Review: Mimo Monitors - iMo Pivot
08/28/2009 Amazon Kindle vs. Amazon Kindle DX - The Final Word
08/04/2009 Step-By-Step: How To "Upgrade" from Windows XP to Windows 7
07/18/2009 Upgrading my Lenovo W500 to a OCZ Vertex 250GB SATA II Solid State Disk (SSD)
07/14/2009 It's a Man-Bag - Muzetto Laptop Messenger Bag Review
07/14/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - OmniTechNews - I wasn't nearly this cool when I was 12
07/03/2009 Review - Mophie Juice Pack (not the Juice Pack Air)
07/03/2009 My Lenovo Choice - ThinkPad W700 vs. ThinkPad W500 Review
01/30/2009 HD vs. SD - Flip MinoHD vs Flip Ultra - Head to Head
01/25/2009 A year with an Amazon Kindle (and new Kindle Cases)
12/04/2008 Dell Mini 9 - Practical Developer's Review
11/20/2008 Xbox 360 NXE - Forget Games, The Xbox is a Media Center
08/02/2008 Logitech Harmony One Remote Control Review
07/30/2008 DasKeyboard - The Next Generation
05/30/2008 Pure Digital Flip Video Ultra Review
05/27/2008 Wii Fit Review
02/26/2008 Amazon Kindle
02/17/2008 Knowing when to ask for help - Microsoft SharedView
02/09/2008 ooVoo - Multi-person Video Chat comes to Windows
01/29/2008 Review: Pleo gets sent back to the Dinosaur Pound
01/18/2008 Verizon FIOS TV - Review and Photo Gallery
12/09/2007 Power Consumption of the HP MediaSmart HP Home Server
12/08/2007 Review - HP MediaSmart Windows Home Server
09/25/2007 Halo 3 Review
09/18/2007 DeskSpace - Beryl-like 3D Cube Virtual Desktop Manager for Vista
09/18/2007 Google Presentations is out
09/10/2007 Aliph Jawbone Bluetooth Headset Review and Audio Sample
08/28/2007 Hanselman Forums - AspNetForum from JitBit
07/27/2007 How To Sync your Apple Newton MessagePad with Outlook 2007
07/24/2007 Vonage Visual Voicemail
07/16/2007 The Verdict - Google Applications for your Domain Two Weeks Later
06/28/2007 How To: Use the SVNBridge to get TortoiseSVN working with CodePlex
06/23/2007 Safari Browser Speed Shootout - Code of Conduct Violation
06/20/2007 The CodingHorror Ultimate Developer Rig Throwdown: Part 2
06/13/2007 Six Essential Language Agnostic Programming Books
06/12/2007 Video: Windows Browser Speed Shootout - IE7, Firefox2, Opera9, Safari for Windows Beta 3
06/11/2007 Safari for Windows - First Impressions
05/30/2007 Virtual Machine CPU Performance
04/21/2007 Leaving Comcast for Verizon Fios - Upgrading the Home Network to Fiber Optic
04/17/2007 Expose and Vista-specific Alt-Tab Task Switchers
04/09/2007 Windows Vista and the Uniden Win1200 Live Messenger Dual-Model Phone
03/20/2007 Review: Microsoft LifeCam NX-6000
03/07/2007 NewsBreak RSS Feed Reader and Podcasts on PocketPCs
03/02/2007 Virtual PC Tips and Hardware Assisted Virtualization
02/28/2007 Office 2007 Foxit PDF Previewer/Handler
02/26/2007 Enabling Aero Glass on Windows Vista with a Toshiba M200/M205
02/22/2007 Binary Fortress Software's ASP.NET ViewState Helper - A Treasure Trove of Tools
02/16/2007 Xbox 360 Controller Wireless Receiver Adapter for Windows
02/15/2007 Exiting The Zone of Pain - Static Analysis with NDepend
02/11/2007 Hands On - Sony e-ink Reader PRS-500 Reviewed
02/06/2007 Showing Video on an Optimus Mini Three
01/26/2007 Another Way to Replace Start Run - Enso Launcher
01/21/2007 Happy Birthday to Mii - Wii Review
01/17/2007 Improving Outlook Today with Jello.Dashboard
12/31/2006 HD-DVD Player for Xbox 360
12/31/2006 Zune vs. iPod Video vs. iRiver Clix
12/01/2006 Vista's "Show Compatibility Files" and the Scrumptious Wonder that is File Virtualization
11/23/2006 MIcrosoft Best Practices Analyzer Tools
11/23/2006 PortableApps Suite 1.0 Released
11/22/2006 Speech Recognition in Windows Vista - I'm listening
11/17/2006 Downloading Vista RTM
11/15/2006 Best Outlook 2007 Improvement - Include Calendar
11/14/2006 Office 2007 won't upgrade from a prerelease version of the 2007 Office System - Office 2007 Setup Spelunking
11/13/2006 Surfing the Internet at 35,000 feet and the Death of Connexion by Boeing on Lufthansa
11/03/2006 Sony Reader and Amazon Kindle - Will eBooks happen this time?
10/28/2006 Outlook 2007 Beta introduces its own Feed URL Protocol. Ew.
10/28/2006 Who moved my Office Cheese - Mapping Office 2003 commands to Office 2007
10/26/2006 iTunes 7 Unspeakably Slow
10/19/2006 Onkyo TX-SR674 HDMI Upconverting Receiver
10/18/2006 The First 12 Hours - The Medtronic Minimed Paradigm REAL-time Continuous Glucose Monitor
09/25/2006 NYTimes Reader - WPF's First Killer App
09/21/2006 Getting FinePrint to work on Vista RC1
09/21/2006 Vista and ReadyBoost
09/20/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 33 - Windows Vista RC1
09/19/2006 MbUnit - Unit Testing on Crack
09/19/2006 Vista Reliability and my Tolerance for Pain
09/08/2006 Diary of a Vista RC1 Install - Upgrading My Main Machine to Windows Vista RC1
09/08/2006 Dark Room is a full screen, distraction free, writing environment
09/01/2006 A New Private Browser - I mean Browzar - does not work as advertised
08/29/2006 Scott Hanselman's 2006 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows
08/22/2006 FinePrint changes the way I print.
08/04/2006 Replacing Start Run - The Quest Continues
07/27/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 3
07/21/2006 Review: Garmin Nuvi 350 GPS
07/19/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 2
06/09/2006 Invirtus Virtual Machine Optimizer
06/03/2006 God of War Review
05/23/2006 Book Review - Kindred by Octavia Butler
05/16/2006 Upgrading to a Canon Pixma MP500 Multifunction Inkjet Priner
05/11/2006 Getting Things Done with SpeedFiler
05/11/2006 If you love your family and your kids, do not play Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - It's that good
05/10/2006 Playaway - Preloaded Portable Digital Audiobooks
04/30/2006 Replacing Explorer.exe - The Return of Norton Commander with xplorer2 and FAR
04/18/2006 Hacking Video Game Consoles
03/27/2006 Alternative Power - Kensington 120W Notebook Power Adapter
03/27/2006 DasKeyboard
02/12/2006 Casio Exilim EX-Z3 and Casio Exilim EX-Z750 Digital Cameras
02/07/2006 More on Alternate Linksys Firmware
02/05/2006 TopDesk 1.4.1 released with Windows Vista flipping on Windows XP
01/16/2006 First Person Shooters on the PSP
01/13/2006 Running Mac OS X Tiger
01/11/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 1
01/09/2006 Podcasts at
01/09/2006 Microsoft Wireless Laser Desktop 6000
12/18/2005 Blogging with the Logitech Pen
12/15/2005 Xbox 360 as Media Hub
11/27/2005 Transparent Command Prompt in Windows
11/22/2005 XM Radio gets even cheaper
11/19/2005 The FreeMiniMac has arrived and will the fun ever start?
11/18/2005 Google Analytics - It doesn't suck
11/15/2005 - Review of DasBlog
11/13/2005 BeyondTV4 Upgrade Review - Media Center Alternative?
11/10/2005 Windows Clippings - A Cropper Contender
11/03/2005 iPod Nano - What sucks and what doesn't
10/31/2005 Logitech IO2 Pen - .NET Support, Google Desktop Support, and Upcoming Article
10/21/2005 Squishing TV onto your PSP
10/17/2005 Upgrading my Blackberry's Software and getting the Hotkeys to work
09/29/2005 Using the PSP Playstation Portable as a Portable Media Center
09/06/2005 Overwhelmed and enamored with FolderShare
09/02/2005 Review - OnTime Defect Tracker from AxoSoft
08/25/2005 PSP Playstation Portable 2.0 Firmware Update
08/19/2005 Undeleting Digital Photo Files from Removable Media
08/16/2005 Dungeon Siege II Demo - Sucks Too Much?
07/12/2005 I'm in love with FinePrint
06/22/2005 Matisyahu is coming to Portland
06/14/2005 MaxiVista Version 2 - Still the Shiznit
05/22/2005 GuildWars and the ErgoDex DX1
05/09/2005 Logitech Harmony 880 Remote Control Review
04/25/2005 MSN Messenger Encryption and Privacy
03/27/2005 The State of (My) Digital Media
02/09/2005 Microsoft Fingerprint Reader - a Mini Review
11/22/2004 A Hanselman Review: Doom 3 vs. FarCry vs. Half-Life 2 vs. Halo 2
01/12/2004 REVIEWED: Microsoft Wrist.NET (MSN Direct) Watch from Fossil
12/22/2003 God Bless us, and our THIRD MONITOR
12/20/2003 My Tablet PC - the Verdict
03/11/2003 The New Lifescan OneTouch UltraSmart

Ruby (66)

07/25/2019 Ruby on Rails on Windows is not just possible, it's fabulous using WSL2 and VS Code
04/12/2017 Ruby on Rails on Azure App Service (Web Sites) with Linux (and Ubuntu on Windows 10)
02/24/2015 Running the Ruby Middleman Static Site Generator on Microsoft Azure
02/09/2015 Announcing: Running Ruby on Rails on IIS8 (or anything else, really) with the new HttpPlatformHandler
02/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 197 - The Dynamic Language Runtime, IronRuby and IronPython with Jimmy Schementi
06/24/2008 The Weekly Source Code 29 - Ruby and Shoes and the First Ruby Virus
03/22/2008 IronPython and the DLR march on
03/19/2008 The Weekly Source Code 20 - A Web Framework for Every Language
03/04/2008 2008 Window Scripting Games - Advanced PowerShell Event 7
01/31/2008 The Weekly Source Code 14 - Fluent Interface Edition
10/09/2007 ScottGu MVC Presentation and ScottHa Screencast from ALT.NET Conference
08/03/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 75 - John Lam on Iron Ruby from OSCON
07/23/2007 John Lam presenting at PADNUG on Thursday
07/23/2007 WPF Sample in IronRuby talking via C# to Wesabe
05/24/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 65 - Martin Fowler and David Heinemeier Hansson
05/23/2007 Programmer Intent or What you're not getting about Ruby and why it's the tits
05/21/2007 Is Microsoft losing the Alpha Geeks?
05/17/2007 Ruby on .NET, Silverlight Gems, the DLR, and RailsConf 2007
05/01/2007 Putting Mix, Silverlight, the CoreCLR and the DLR into context
02/20/2007 Tips on 2007 Conference Attendance
01/06/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 45 - IronPython ASP.NET and Language Extensibility
09/26/2006 Why Would a .NET Programmer Learn Ruby on Rails?
08/18/2006 WATIR for .NET - WatiN approaches 0.8 release and automating IE from PowerShell
07/25/2006 New Release of WatirMaker now WatirRecorder
07/20/2006 Time Saver - Using Watir as a Startup Program in your ASP.NET Projects
07/18/2006 Portland Code Camp 2006 contracts and expands
07/10/2006 Portland (and SW Washington) CodeCamp 2006
07/07/2006 WatirMaker written again in Ruby
07/05/2006 Serializing Objects as JavaScript using Atlas, JSON.NET and AjaxPro
07/02/2006 Sapphire In Steel - Ruby within Visual Studio 2005
07/02/2006 A Very Poor Man's Vonage Web Service using Watir
06/22/2006 TechEd 2006 In Conclusion
06/12/2006 TechEd 2006 Microcast - John Lam on Ruby
06/09/2006 TechEd 2006 Approaches
04/25/2006 Speaking Schedule - 2nd Quarter 2006
04/05/2006 Ruby as Cross Platform Monad
03/30/2006 Ruby Birds of a Feather at TechEd 2006
03/23/2006 Loving Mush - I mean Monad
03/15/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 10
03/10/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 9
02/14/2006 WatirNUt - Portable Watir Tests integrated with NUnit
02/14/2006 Accessing Fields with Regular Expressions and Watir
02/10/2006 WatirMaker redux or Watir WebRecorder ne WatirMaker
01/23/2006 OnTurning0x20AndLookingBackArt2005
01/17/2006 VB.NET and C# - Duplication of Effort?
01/14/2006 NUnit/Watir/Ruby Test Integration
01/14/2006 Clicking a JavaScript Dialog using Watir
01/12/2006 Paving my machine for a fresh 2006
12/26/2005 My Year In Blogging - 2005
09/30/2005 Boo - Shiny CLI Language
08/03/2005 WatirMaker Version 0.01 Source
07/27/2005 Introducing WatirMaker - Recording for Ruby-based Watir
07/07/2005 New Notepad2 with Ruby Syntax Highlighting
07/03/2005 A few dasBlog changes coming tonight
07/01/2005 Code Camp Portland - July 23 and 24
06/30/2005 Integrating Ruby and Watir with NUnit
05/23/2005 UML 2.0 Diagrams and Shape Downloads for Microsoft Visio
03/07/2005 Stop Complaining
02/04/2005 The DebuggerDisplayAttribute in Visual Studio 2005 and IFormattable
10/24/2004 EWeek story on the XmlDevCon
10/07/2004 Word of Mouth means more these days...
07/29/2004 "Neo, there is no boolean." - Web Services, Product Releases, Travel and Famous Bloggers.
06/15/2004 UML Symbols for Visio
06/14/2004 Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn
07/11/2003 From my blog to God's Ear...
10/09/2002 And now for something completely different A hrefhttpw

Screencasts (33)

07/01/2015 Windows 10 is's what to tell non-technical parent
06/20/2015 How to use Process Monitor and Process Explorer
04/03/2014 Video Tutorial and Screenshots: Windows 8.1 Update 1
12/08/2013 Three all new Windows 8.1 video tutorials - what's new in 8.1, keyboard shortcuts, and managing windows
10/21/2013 SCREENCASTS: What's New in Visual Studio 2013 - learn over lunch!
02/28/2013 Building Web Apps with ASP.NET Jump Start - 8 Hours of FREE Training Videos
01/12/2013 The Missing Windows 8 Instructional Video
12/09/2011 VIDEO: The Art of Speaking - with Scott Hanselman
03/06/2010 Video Trip Report: If this is Tuesday, this must be Cairo
12/07/2009 Fun with Channel 9 Videos - Live at PDC and Live to Tape
12/02/2009 PDC09: ASP.NET MVC 2: Ninjas Still on Fire Black Belt Tips
07/01/2009 Videos from the Norwegian Developer's Conference
03/02/2009 Experiencing ALT.NET Seattle 2009 Open Spaces
07/22/2008 Learn How to use NHibernate with the Summer of NHibernate Screencast Series
05/27/2008 ASP.NET MVC Preview 3
05/16/2008 Mix 08 Sessions available in new dual-stream versions using Silverlight
05/12/2008 VS2008 and .Net 3.5 SP1 Beta - Should You Fear This Release?
03/05/2008 ASP.NET MVC Preview 2 Screencast Tutorials
01/15/2008 Your Opinion Matters - Screencast Techniques Survey RESULTS
12/21/2007 How-To: New ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Video Screencasts
12/10/2007 ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions - plus MVC How-To Screencast
10/24/2007 Screencast HowTo: IIS7 and PHP with FastCGI
10/09/2007 ScottGu MVC Presentation and ScottHa Screencast from ALT.NET Conference
09/12/2007 DNRTV Screencast - Powershell is still shiny
08/22/2007 DNRTV Screencast - ASP.NET Debugging and Tracing Part 2
05/13/2007 DNRTV Screencast - ASP.NET Debugging and Tracing
04/29/2007 Continuous Integration Screencast - Jay Flowers and I on DNRTV
03/08/2007 Screencast: Writing Managed .NET Plugins for the Optimus Mini Three Keyboard
02/06/2007 Showing Video on an Optimus Mini Three
11/02/2006 CardSpaces/InformationCard Screencast
09/11/2006 DNRTV - Sysinternals Tools
11/22/2005 Mono and its many facets screencast
07/27/2005 Introducing WatirMaker - Recording for Ruby-based Watir

SignalR (6)

04/26/2013 Penny Pinching in the Cloud: How to run a two day Virtual Conference for $10
02/28/2013 Building Web Apps with ASP.NET Jump Start - 8 Hours of FREE Training Videos
08/15/2012 Visual Studio 2012 and .NET Framework 4.5 is RELEASED - Here's 5 minute videos to get you up to speed quick
06/05/2012 ASP.NET for Mobile, One ASP.NET and Realtime ASP.NET with Signalr - Video of Scott Hanselman's talks in Russia
11/12/2011 Solving the Shakespeare Million Monkeys Problem in Real-time with Parallelism and SignalR
08/29/2011 Asynchronous scalable web applications with real-time persistent long-running connections with SignalR

Silverlight (49)

02/13/2015 JavaScript Has Won: Run Flash with Mozilla Shumway and Develop Silverlight in JS with Fayde
05/04/2011 Should I use HTML5 or Silverlight? One man's opinion.
03/21/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #3 - PhoneyTools for Windows Phone 7
02/08/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 252 - ReactiveUI extensions to the Reactive Framework (Rx) with Paul Betts
11/19/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 241 - The MVVM Pattern with Laurent Bugnion
11/09/2010 Streaming Live or On-Demand Video from IIS7 to iOS Devices (iPhone/iPad) and Silverlight Clients
10/18/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 235 - Making a hobby a job - Talking with Eric Herbrandson about his Silverlight-based MicroISV
08/20/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 228 - Performance of Silverlight on Windows Phone 7
03/17/2010 Mix 10 Rollup Post
02/09/2010 The Weekly Source Code 49 - SmallBasic is Fun, Simple, Powerful Programming for Kids and Adults
02/05/2010 Installing and Setting Up and Encoding for IIS 7 Smooth Streaming and Silverlight
02/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 198 - Reactive Extensions for .NET (Rx) with Erik Meijer
09/22/2009 Programming for Absolute Beginners
07/14/2009 The Weekly Source Code 44 - Virtu, an Apple Emulator in C# for Silverlight, WPF and XNA
06/19/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 164 - Silverlight 3 with Tim Heuer
04/01/2009 .NET 4.1 Preview - New Base Class Library (BCL) Extension Methods - RFC
03/27/2009 The Weekly Source Code 39 - Commodore 64 Emulator in Silverlight 3
03/27/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 155 - A C64 Emulator with Silverlight 3 by Pete Brown
03/20/2009 Mix 09 - First Half Rollup and Session Videos
02/12/2009 Moonlight 1.0 Release - Open Source Silverlight 1.0 Implementation on Linux
12/04/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 139 - Moonlight (Silverlight on Linux with Mono) with Miguel de Icaza and Joseph Hill
11/07/2008 Viewing a LOT of Images Effectively (plus 700 Obama Newspaper Covers in Silverlight Deep Zoom )
11/06/2008 The Weekly Source Code 36 - PDC, BabySmash and Silverlight Charting
10/14/2008 Silverlight 2 is out!
09/05/2008 Windows Live Mesh, Silverlight and the CoreCLR
07/17/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 121 - LineRider - Porting a Flash Game to Silverlight 2
07/07/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 120 - The Odd Couple - A Developer and a Designer talk about working with XAML
05/16/2008 Mix 08 Sessions available in new dual-stream versions using Silverlight
05/10/2008 The Weekly Source Code 26 - LINQ to Regular Expressions and Processing in Javascript
03/22/2008 IronPython and the DLR march on
03/07/2008 The Weekly Source Code 18 - Deep Zoom (Seadragon) Silverlight 2 MultiScaleImage Mouse Wheel Zooming and Panning Edition
03/06/2008 Deep Zoom (Seadragon) Silverlight 2 MultiScaleImages at Mix
02/07/2008 Visual Studio Programmer Themes Gallery
10/24/2007 Carl Franklin does Steely Dan's &quot;Home At Last&quot; via Silverlight HD 720p
10/24/2007 Screencast HowTo: IIS7 and PHP with FastCGI
10/09/2007 ScottGu MVC Presentation and ScottHa Screencast from ALT.NET Conference
09/05/2007 Silverlight 1.0 is out and it supports Linux
08/03/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 75 - John Lam on Iron Ruby from OSCON
08/01/2007 Silverlight Video of John Lam on IronRuby at PADNUG
08/01/2007 Expression Media Encoder - Preview Update for Silverlight RC
07/31/2007 Unit Testing Silverlight with Selenium
07/31/2007 Upgrading your project from Silverlight 1.1 Alpha to Alpha Refresh
07/28/2007 VS 2008 and .NET 3.5 Beta 2 Releases Made Easy
07/23/2007 John Lam presenting at PADNUG on Thursday
06/11/2007 Microsoft Silverlight in Safari for Windows
05/09/2007 Silverlight Samples
05/03/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 63 - Scott Guthrie and Jason Zander on Silverlight
05/01/2007 Putting Mix, Silverlight, the CoreCLR and the DLR into context
04/20/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 60 - Silverlight and Web 2.5

Source Code (85)

04/17/2012 Given I like reading Source Code by the fire with my smoking jacket and brandy snifter, a list of books
10/14/2011 The Weekly Source Code 59 - An Open Source Treasure: Irony .NET Language Implementation Kit
01/05/2011 The Weekly Source Code 58 - Generating (Database) Test Data with AutoPoco and Entity Framework Code First
11/22/2010 The Weekly Source Code 57 -Controlling an Eagletron TrackerPod with C# 4, ASP.NET MVC and jQuery
11/15/2010 Back to (Parallel) Basics: Don't Block Your Threads, Make Async I/O Work For You
08/12/2010 The Weekly Source Code 56 - Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit - Code Contracts, Parallel Framework and COM Interop
08/02/2010 The Weekly Source Code 55 - NotABlog: A Local XML-RPC MetaWebLog Endpoint That Lies To Windows Live Writer
07/04/2010 Removing Dead Tracks (Duplicates that don't exist) from iTunes using C#
07/03/2010 The Weekly Source Code 54 - Can't have Multiple Attributes of the Same Type when using a TypeDescriptor
06/29/2010 C++ killed my grandpappy - Is C++ hard and where are the C++ coders hiding?
06/26/2010 The Weekly Source Code 53 - "Get'er Done" Edition - XML in the left hand becomes HTTP POSTs in the right hand
06/18/2010 The Weekly Source Code 52 - You keep using that LINQ, I dunna think it means what you think it means.
05/20/2010 Extending NerdDinner: Exploring Different Database Options
05/20/2010 Extending NerdDinner: Adding MEF and plugins to ASP.NET MVC
03/28/2010 Creating an OData API for StackOverflow including XML and JSON in 30 minutes
03/28/2010 FavIcons, Internet Zones and Projects from a Trustworthy Source
03/02/2010 The Weekly Source Code 51 - Asynchronous Database Access and LINQ to SQL Fun
02/18/2010 The Weekly Source Code 50 - A little on "A generic error occurred in GDI+" and trouble generating images on with ASP.NET
02/09/2010 The Weekly Source Code 49 - SmallBasic is Fun, Simple, Powerful Programming for Kids and Adults
02/09/2010 SmallestDotNet Update - Now with .NET 4 support and an includable JavaScript API
02/06/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 199 - How Craigslist Works - with Jeremy Zawodny
01/27/2010 The Weekly Source Code 48 - DynamicQueryable makes custom LINQ expressions easier
01/13/2010 The Weekly Source Code 47 - ASP.NET 3.5 Dynamic Data: FilterRepeaters and Dynamic Linq Query Generation
01/01/2010 2009 Blogged - Greatest Hits
10/30/2009 The Weekly Source Code 46 - Jeff Key rocks Taskbar Meters that Monitor your Windows 7 CPU and Memory and Disk in the Taskbar
09/01/2009 The Weekly Source Code 45 - Kicking Butt on Windows 7 *and* Windows XP
07/14/2009 Windows Home Server Twitter Notification Plugin
07/14/2009 The Weekly Source Code 44 - Virtu, an Apple Emulator in C# for Silverlight, WPF and XNA
07/01/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 168 - Successful Cross Platform .NET Development - Mono and Banshee with Aaron Bockover
06/25/2009 The Weekly Source Code 43 - ASP.NET MVC and T4 and NerdDinner
05/21/2009 Demo Dashboard and IDE Extensions - Whirlwind Tour around .NET 4 (and Visual Studio 2010) Beta 1
05/20/2009 The Weekly Source Code 42 - Tree Trim, Plugins, and MEF
04/28/2009 The Weekly Source Code 41 - Searching Code, Sharing Code, and Reading Code (and Comments)
04/03/2009 The Weekly Source Code 40 - TweetSharp and Introducing Tweet Sandwich
04/01/2009 .NET 4.1 Preview - New Base Class Library (BCL) Extension Methods - RFC
03/27/2009 The Weekly Source Code 39 - Commodore 64 Emulator in Silverlight 3
03/10/2009 Free ASP.NET MVC eBook - Walkthrough
12/04/2008 The Weekly Source Code 38 - ASP.NET MVC Beta Obscurity - ModelState.IsValid is False because ModelBinder pulls values from RouteData
11/27/2008 The Weekly Source Code 37 - Geolocation/Geotargeting (Reverse IP Address Lookup) in ASP.NET MVC made easy
11/06/2008 The Weekly Source Code 36 - PDC, BabySmash and Silverlight Charting
10/22/2008 The Weekly Source Code 35 - Zip Compressing ASP.NET Session and Cache State
10/17/2008 Microsoft Web Application Installer - Open Source Web Apps Delivered and Installed
09/25/2008 The Weekly Source Code 34 - The Rise of F#
09/12/2008 The Weekly Source Code 33 - Microsoft Open Source inside Google Chrome
08/21/2008 New Outlook VSTO AddIn: How to disable Reply To All and Forward in Outlook 2007
08/21/2008 The Weekly Source Code 32- Atom, AtomPub and BlogSvc, an AtomPub Server in WCF
08/02/2008 The Weekly Source Code 31- Single Instance WinForms and Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
07/21/2008 The Weekly Source Code 30 - Spark and NHaml - Crazy ASP.NET MVC ViewEngines
06/26/2008 NotNorthwind - Update #1 - All Your Northwind Are Belong To Us
06/24/2008 The Weekly Source Code 29 - Ruby and Shoes and the First Ruby Virus
06/13/2008 Back to Basics - Life After If, For and Switch - Like, a Data Structures Reminder
06/09/2008 The Weekly Source Code 28 - iPhone with ASP.NET MVC Edition
05/27/2008 ASP.NET MVC Preview 3
05/20/2008 The Weekly Source Code 27 - Suck Less Libraries
05/10/2008 The Weekly Source Code 26 - LINQ to Regular Expressions and Processing in Javascript
05/10/2008 TypeConverters: There's not enough TypeDescripter.GetConverter in the world
04/30/2008 The Weekly Source Code 25 - OpenID Edition
04/18/2008 The Weekly Source Code 24 - Extensibility Edition - PlugIns, Providers, Attributes, AddIns and Modules in .NET
04/10/2008 The Weekly Source Code 23 - Big Solution Edition
03/27/2008 The Weekly Source Code 22 - C# and VB .NET Libraries to Digg, Flickr, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Live Services, Google and other Web 2.0 APIs
03/21/2008 The Weekly Source Code 21 - ASP.NET MVC Preview 2 Source Code
03/21/2008 ASP.NET MVC Source Code Available
03/19/2008 The Weekly Source Code 20 - A Web Framework for Every Language
03/13/2008 The Weekly Source Code 19 - LINQ and More What, Less How
03/08/2008 ASP.NET MVC Session at Mix08, TDD and MvcMockHelpers
03/07/2008 The Weekly Source Code 18 - Deep Zoom (Seadragon) Silverlight 2 MultiScaleImage Mouse Wheel Zooming and Panning Edition
02/27/2008 The Weekly Source Code 17 - ASP.NET MVC Community Code Edition
02/21/2008 The Weekly Source Code 16 - Duct Tape Edition
02/04/2008 The Weekly Source Code 15 - Tiny Managed Operating System Edition
01/31/2008 The Weekly Source Code 14 - Fluent Interface Edition
01/24/2008 The Weekly Source Code 13 - Fibonacci Edition
01/08/2008 The Weekly Source Code 12 - Back in Black Edition
11/11/2007 The Weekly Source Code 11 - LOLCode DLR Edition
11/09/2007 DevConnections and PNPSummit MVC Demos Source Code
10/31/2007 The Weekly Source Code 10 - Patterns Considered Harmful
10/28/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 86 - Open Source Software Licensing with Jonathan Zuck of ACT Online
10/23/2007 The Weekly Source Code 9 - WideFinder Edition
10/19/2007 The Weekly Source Code 8
10/11/2007 The Weekly Source Code 7
09/26/2007 The Weekly Source Code 6
09/12/2007 The Weekly Source Code 5
09/05/2007 The Weekly Source Code 4
08/29/2007 The Weekly Source Code 3
08/22/2007 The Weekly Source Code 2
08/16/2007 The Weekly Source Code 1

Speaking (217)

04/16/2015 Conference Season Spring 2015 - DotNetFringe, AngleBrackets, BUILD and more!
03/08/2013 Our first year. A new web conference - &lt;anglebrackets&gt;
02/28/2013 Building Web Apps with ASP.NET Jump Start - 8 Hours of FREE Training Videos
02/09/2013 Video: Effectively Managing Your Personal Brand Online
11/05/2012 Videos of talks from the 2012 BUILD Conference - Angle Brackets and Curly Braces
07/26/2012 Free ASP.NET Training Videos from aspConf now available for download or streaming
06/05/2012 ASP.NET for Mobile, One ASP.NET and Realtime ASP.NET with Signalr - Video of Scott Hanselman's talks in Russia
04/09/2012 It's not what you read, it's what you ignore - Video of Scott Hanselman's Personal Productivity Tips
01/06/2012 Easy steps to a mobile-friendly responsive design with an embedded YouTube video and a fluid resize
12/09/2011 VIDEO: The Art of Speaking - with Scott Hanselman
05/05/2011 Developer Stand up Comedy - Coding 4 Fun
05/02/2011 TechDays/DevDays Netherlands and Belgium:
04/18/2011 Mix 11 Videos - Download them all with RSS
01/29/2011 Hanseminutes Podcast 250 - Professional Technical Speaker Tips from Scott with Drew Robbins
11/05/2010 PDC10: Building a Blog with Microsoft "Unnamed Package of Web Love"
06/21/2010 Found Video: Social Networking for Developers and Making Your Blog Suck Less
05/25/2010 OData Basics - At the AZGroups "Day of .NET" with ScottGu
05/02/2010 Free WebCamps - North America, Asia and Europe - *Sign Up Now*
04/09/2010 Spring Speaking Rollup 2010: Recent Talks and Upcoming Talks at Microsoft WebCamps
03/24/2010 Web Deployment Made Awesome: If You're Using XCopy, You're Doing It Wrong
03/09/2010 A Trip Down Memory Lane - Presentations over 10 years old
03/06/2010 Video Trip Report: If this is Tuesday, this must be Cairo
01/01/2010 2009 Blogged - Greatest Hits
12/07/2009 Fun with Channel 9 Videos - Live at PDC and Live to Tape
12/02/2009 PDC09: ASP.NET MVC 2: Ninjas Still on Fire Black Belt Tips
11/23/2009 Oredev Keynote - Information Overload and Managing the Flow: Effectiveness and Efficiency
11/07/2009 Oredev 2009 - LIVE (now recorded) Closing Panel Video
10/23/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - Spolsky, Atwood, Blyth, Hanselman = Crazy-Delicious || Content-Free?
07/01/2009 Videos from the Norwegian Developer's Conference
06/20/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - More from Norway, inside the Speaker's Room
06/18/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - In Norway, inside the Speaker's Room
04/21/2009 Social Networking for Developers - Conference Talk Video
09/05/2008 Skyping the Wife: Foolproof Video Conferencing with Your Family While on the Road
05/17/2008 11 Top Tips for a Successful Technical Presentation
05/16/2008 Mix 08 Sessions available in new dual-stream versions using Silverlight
03/12/2008 ASP.NET MVC Cheesy Northwind Sample Code
03/08/2008 ASP.NET MVC Session at Mix08, TDD and MvcMockHelpers
03/04/2008 Heading to Mix08 and Tweeting along the way
01/31/2008 First Half 2008 Conference Speaking Schedule
01/11/2008 CodeMash 2008 Wrapup - What are you working on?
01/08/2008 January 2008 PADNUG Meeting - Should you Fear MVC for ASP.NET?
12/21/2007 How-To: New ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Video Screencasts
12/03/2007 CodeMash 2008 - January 10th
11/27/2007 Visual Studio 2008 InstallFest - Portland Edition
11/11/2007 The Weekly Source Code 11 - LOLCode DLR Edition
11/10/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 88 - Writing FaceBook Applications with .NET - Interview with Mel Sampat, author of OutSync
11/09/2007 DevConnections and PNPSummit MVC Demos Source Code
11/08/2007 DevConnections - The ASP.NET MVC Framework
10/24/2007 Screencast HowTo: IIS7 and PHP with FastCGI
10/23/2007 DevConnections/ASPConnections 2007 in Vegas
10/09/2007 ScottGu MVC Presentation and ScottHa Screencast from ALT.NET Conference
09/18/2007 PNP Summit 2007 - One of these things doesn't belong
08/28/2007 Speaking at the OCCA - Home Server and Zero Email Bounce
08/22/2007 DNRTV Screencast - ASP.NET Debugging and Tracing Part 2
08/01/2007 Silverlight Video of John Lam on IronRuby at PADNUG
07/23/2007 John Lam presenting at PADNUG on Thursday
05/30/2007 Going to Foo Camp 2007
05/13/2007 DNRTV Screencast - ASP.NET Debugging and Tracing
03/29/2007 Life Beyond Pie Charts: The right visualization for the right job
02/20/2007 Tips on 2007 Conference Attendance
01/31/2007 Upcoming Events Jan/Feb 2007
01/22/2007 Channel 9 Video - Talking to Jeffrey Snover, PowerShell Architect
01/05/2007 Event: Why SOA is Important
12/21/2006 - Interviewed by Ron Jacobs at TechEd 2006
10/17/2006 Patterns and Practices Webcast - Open Source in the Enterprise
09/26/2006 Patterns & Practices Summit - West 2006
09/25/2006 TechEd Developers 2006 - Barcelona, Spain
07/27/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 3
07/20/2006 A half-year Podcasts
07/19/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 2
07/18/2006 Portland Code Camp 2006 contracts and expands
07/11/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 1
07/05/2006 Serializing Objects as JavaScript using Atlas, JSON.NET and AjaxPro
06/27/2006 Mom Graduates and Z Crawls
06/22/2006 TechEd 2006 In Conclusion
06/22/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 21
06/12/2006 TechEd 2006 Microcast - John Lam on Ruby
06/09/2006 TechEd 2006 Approaches
05/02/2006 Women in Technology - Betsy Aoki on Channel 9
04/25/2006 Speaking Schedule - 2nd Quarter 2006
03/30/2006 Ruby Birds of a Feather at TechEd 2006
03/28/2006 Call for Proposals - TechEd 2006 Birds of a Feather
03/26/2006 Visual Studio .NET 2005 in the Bathroom, again.
03/26/2006 The "Do My Slides Suck" Test
03/23/2006 Loving Mush - I mean Monad
02/22/2006 INETA ASP.NET Canada Roadshow
02/22/2006 Speaking at TechEd 2006
02/20/2006 Answering Questions (and putting your gamercard on your desktop)
01/23/2006 Media Center Games
01/23/2006 OnTurning0x20AndLookingBackArt2005
01/17/2006 Z's first all-nighter
12/28/2005 My stark realization that I may be an early adopter
12/26/2005 My Year In Blogging - 2005
11/05/2005 Listening FASTER and more effectively
10/22/2005 October 2005 - My Reading List - Home
09/13/2005 Mono and the PDC BoF
09/07/2005 TechEd - Code Generation WebCast - REPLAY
09/02/2005 Indigo comes to PDX
07/27/2005 Introducing WatirMaker - Recording for Ruby-based Watir
07/19/2005 Adding Custom UserControls to DasBlog
06/25/2005 The Recorded Version of my TechEd 2005 Code Generation Talk is Available
06/23/2005 ASP.NET 2.0 XmlDataSource's XPath doesn't support namespaces
06/10/2005 Scott Hanselman (Me) Video from the Microsoft Podcast Team
06/09/2005 My GrokTalk - Ten Tools in Ten Minutes
06/08/2005 Tsunami Auction #2 - TechEd 2005
06/02/2005 Rory and Scott Fruit Roll-Up
06/01/2005 The preliminary Grok Talk schedule is up...
05/31/2005 My Picks for TechEd 2005 Sessions
05/30/2005 TechEd 2005 - What is a GrokTalk?
04/25/2005 TechEd is Sold out: Sign up for my session now!
04/23/2005 Continuous Integration for .NET - Patrick Cauldwell and I will be at PADNUG on Weds, April 27th, 2005
04/13/2005 TechEd Video #4 - It's all about Community. And Ice Cream. And Baby Carrots.
03/30/2005 TechEd Video #3 - Drink the TechEd KoolAid
03/22/2005 Hanselingo - The Language of the Hanselman
03/16/2005 Rory and Scott design some software - TechEd - Revenge of the Sith
03/12/2005 Rory and Scott go to TechEd - A love story
03/05/2005 TechEd 2005 - I'll be there
03/05/2005 Confusion in Charlotte and an Apology
02/05/2005 Adding Tabs to Internet Explorer (IE) and the Rise, no, uh, er, fall of the Integrated Application
02/01/2005 Explaining the Ethiopic Numbering System and a tiny lesson on Amharic
10/07/2004 Word of Mouth means more these days...
10/05/2004 Reminder: I'm at SouthColorado.NET tommorow...anyone want to drive me?
09/21/2004 The Programmer's Hands
08/25/2004 [OT] Thanks Mr. Blizzard!
08/15/2004 Mrs. Mayfield-Hill, my fifth grade teacher
08/14/2004 Appled XML Developer's Conference 5 or "SellsCon 2004"
06/16/2004 My upcoming speaking schedule
06/15/2004 PowerPoint Tips - Beyond Bullets
06/03/2004 - Episodes you may have missed...
05/28/2004 Karma and the TabletPC Pen
05/27/2004 TechEd: Geeks on the Floor
05/26/2004 Will ANYTHING new ever work?
05/26/2004 TechEd 2003 - More Pictures and Heading Home
05/23/2004 TechEd: Code Generation BOF tonight at 7pm - AND A FREE COPY OF CODESMITH
05/23/2004 ReSharper vs. CodeRush
05/22/2004 TechEd 2004: UCSD - Web Services Day
05/21/2004 RipDigital - another idea I should have thought of.
05/19/2004 What talks should you go to at TechEd? Here's my list.
05/19/2004 dasBlonde
05/10/2004 TechEd 2004 - My Birds of a Feather session was approved!
04/14/2004 More Magic in Morocco at the NDC
04/07/2004 The North African Developer's Conference is upon us...
04/07/2004 More on presenting technical concepts to different cultures...
04/06/2004 MVP Summit Photo Blog
03/30/2004 作者:Scott Hanselman 首席工程師
03/03/2004 DevDays 2004, Portland, OR Reminder
01/31/2004 Chris Pratley in the blogosphere and Ethiopians rejoice!
01/28/2004 Went to PDC? Get into DevDays free...
01/20/2004 On Turning 0x1E and looking back at 2003
01/17/2004 New York City .NET Users Group and the Cold
01/09/2004 One other thing: I'll be in NYC with INETA on the 15th
01/06/2004 Microsoft Regional Director Program - The 2003 Group Photo
12/20/2003 My Tablet PC - the Verdict
12/12/2003 Pattern Master @ Microsoft
11/14/2003 .NET Rocks! - PDC Edition
11/11/2003 But what price my soul?
11/09/2003 Looking for Photos of .NET Rocks at PDC
11/07/2003 Learning to Love WSDL - Christian Weyer supports "Contract First"
10/31/2003 PDC - Tips for Giving a Great Presentation - actually used!
10/31/2003 PDC - Conclusion
10/29/2003 PDC - Day 3: I ride a Segway
10/28/2003 The PDC Keynote Summary - The überpost
10/27/2003 Keynote - Bill Gates
10/27/2003 PDC - Don't forget the Press is here...
10/27/2003 Watch out for Longhorn Mobs...flash your signs...
10/27/2003 .NET Rocks! - PDC Edition Quotes
10/27/2003 PDC - Sunday in Photos
10/27/2003 Chilling at the Westin
10/26/2003 PDC - Come for the pageantry, leave with the software
10/26/2003 PDC - It begins now...
10/25/2003 Finishing what was Quite A Day to start what we will be Quite A Week
10/11/2003 PDC - If you hold it, they will come.
10/09/2003 Getting back in the swing...
09/25/2003 PDC. I'm ready for a revolution. Impress me. Blow me away.
09/22/2003 The replacement TechEd bag just arrived...
09/22/2003 Internationalization/Globalization and ASP.NET Brainstorming at 1:05am
09/08/2003 It's happy utility day!
09/06/2003 The Zen of .NET: Vacation Continues
09/02/2003 PDC - The Blogging Begins...
09/02/2003 TechEd 2003 - DEV389 - Learning to love WSDL has been saved!
08/29/2003 Zen and the Art of Presenting in Malaysia
08/28/2003 Malaysia - Days 2 and 3 and 4 wrapping up
08/25/2003 Mayasia - Day #1 wrapping up.
08/24/2003 Malaysia - Day -1 wrapping up
08/23/2003 Malaysia - Day -2 wrapping up
08/21/2003 Wireless Blogging in SFO on the way to HKG on the way to KUL
08/18/2003 PDC and Birds of a Feather - Host your own technical session!
08/12/2003 TechEd 2003 DVD: Tragedy Strikes! I must buy a lottery ticket...
08/07/2003 I will be there with Managed Bells on...
07/09/2003 The 'Net before the 'Net...for me at least
06/25/2003 Upcoming Speaking Schedule
06/16/2003 Where's Juval Lowy?
06/10/2003 Schweet: Free .NET Hosting for Developers
06/10/2003 WSDL Cleanliness is next to Godliness (actually Cleavage is next to Cleanliness and Goggles is next to Godliness...)
06/06/2003 Leaning at the Tape...a B.S. in Software Engineering squeezed into 11 short years...
06/04/2003 TechEd 2003: Dallas : Going Home...
06/04/2003 TechEd 2003: Dallas : Day 3 - The Calm before the storm...
06/02/2003 TechEd 2003: Dallas : Day 1 - The Afterparty
06/01/2003 TechEd 2003: Dallas :T-1 Day
05/29/2003 INETA - Check us out at TechEd, and congrats to all the new addtions
05/27/2003 Not a bad weekend...
05/15/2003 See you at TechEd! I'm giving DEV389.
05/05/2003 NUnit 2.1 discussion at the Portland XP Users Group and later in Seattle
04/27/2003 Physics and No-Touch Deployment WinForms
04/14/2003 Best use of "primogeniture" in a Weblog
04/11/2003 Gunderloy's a freakin' stud
03/30/2003 Scale, extend, stay running and don't forget to lock the door
03/24/2003 ASP.NET Internationalization, Globalization, and Localization...Whew!
03/10/2003 It's official - PDC is back, and it's October 2003
02/02/2003 My Weekend
01/31/2003 The Friday Five 1 As a child who was your favorite superheroheroine Why I always dug Nightcrawler could telepor
11/26/2002 Been doing some A hrefhttpmsdnmicrosoftcomlibrarydefaultaspurllibraryenuscpguidehtmlcpcondevelopinghighpe
11/21/2002 Thanks to everyone who attended my talk Web Services Behind the Music at the SAOs Software Association of Oregon Develo
11/08/2002 Ill be speaking at ReadySetVisual StudioNET in Portland and Seat
10/09/2002 Theres a story about me and m
10/09/2002 Ive ported my Tiny Abstract OS and CPU in C projectnbspfr
09/27/2002 Thanks to everyone who attended my talk at the A hrefhttp

Spotlight (2)

05/02/2010 Free WebCamps - North America, Asia and Europe - *Sign Up Now*
04/12/2010 Visual Studio 2010 Released

Subversion (15)

06/04/2009 Running a Subversion Server off your Windows Home Server
08/23/2006 Death to Carriage Returns and Linefeeds
07/30/2006 Sandcastle - Microsoft CTP of a Help CHM file generator on the tails of the death of NDoc
07/21/2006 Review: Garmin Nuvi 350 GPS
07/18/2006 Portland Code Camp 2006 contracts and expands
07/10/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 23 - Scrum and Scrum Resources
06/30/2006 PowerShell, AnkhSVN and Subversion
06/25/2006 DotNetKicks Flare for FeedBurner and DasBlog
04/27/2006 DasBlog moved from CVS to SVN
04/07/2006 Mapping a CVS user to a real user (SSPI to PSERVER)
03/28/2006 AnkhSVN and a Monad SVN Provider?
03/23/2006 Is Open Source a Crap Idea?
01/26/2006 Subversion case-sensitivity problems
01/12/2006 Paving my machine for a fresh 2006
09/30/2005 Personal Systems of Organization

T (3)

12/08/2007 Paternity Leave - Week 1
11/29/2007 Plant, Pet, Person - Ten Days with Baby T
11/20/2007 Baby T arrives

TechEd (128)

03/06/2010 Video Trip Report: If this is Tuesday, this must be Cairo
05/21/2009 Demo Dashboard and IDE Extensions - Whirlwind Tour around .NET 4 (and Visual Studio 2010) Beta 1
05/20/2009 C# 4 and the dynamic keyword - Whirlwind Tour around .NET 4 (and Visual Studio 2010) Beta 1
05/20/2009 CLR and DLR and BCL, oh my! - Whirlwind Tour around .NET 4 (and Visual Studio 2010) Beta 1
05/19/2009 ASP 4 - Whirlwind Tour around .NET 4 (and Visual Studio 2010) Beta 1
05/19/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 162 - PowerShell 2.0
06/02/2007 Educating Programmers with Placemats - NDepend Static Analysis Poster
05/24/2007 The TechEd Party to Attend - Party with Palermo
04/03/2007 Hanselminutes on Channel 9 - Video #2
02/20/2007 Tips on 2007 Conference Attendance
12/21/2006 - Interviewed by Ron Jacobs at TechEd 2006
11/07/2006 Barcelona 2006 - Mo, Scott and Z on the town
10/23/2006 Is there a good reason to mark a class public?
09/25/2006 TechEd Developers 2006 - Barcelona, Spain
08/04/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 4
07/27/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 3
07/20/2006 A half-year Podcasts
07/19/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 2
07/11/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 1
07/05/2006 Serializing Objects as JavaScript using Atlas, JSON.NET and AjaxPro
06/22/2006 TechEd 2006 In Conclusion
06/22/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 21
06/16/2006 Quicksilver for Windows - Eh...soon...Colibri is close
06/12/2006 TechEd 2006 Microcast - John Lam on Ruby
06/09/2006 TechEd 2006 Approaches
05/02/2006 Women in Technology - Betsy Aoki on Channel 9
04/30/2006 ASP.NET MVP Hacks
04/25/2006 Speaking Schedule - 2nd Quarter 2006
03/30/2006 Ruby Birds of a Feather at TechEd 2006
03/28/2006 Call for Proposals - TechEd 2006 Birds of a Feather
03/26/2006 Visual Studio .NET 2005 in the Bathroom, again.
03/26/2006 The "Do My Slides Suck" Test
03/23/2006 Loving Mush - I mean Monad
03/23/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 11
02/22/2006 Speaking at TechEd 2006
01/23/2006 OnTurning0x20AndLookingBackArt2005
12/28/2005 My stark realization that I may be an early adopter
12/26/2005 My Year In Blogging - 2005
10/22/2005 October 2005 - My Reading List - Home
09/07/2005 TechEd - Code Generation WebCast - REPLAY
07/19/2005 Adding Custom UserControls to DasBlog
06/25/2005 The Recorded Version of my TechEd 2005 Code Generation Talk is Available
06/23/2005 ASP.NET 2.0 XmlDataSource's XPath doesn't support namespaces
06/12/2005 Using Consolas as the Windows Console Font
06/10/2005 Scott Hanselman (Me) Video from the Microsoft Podcast Team
06/09/2005 My GrokTalk - Ten Tools in Ten Minutes
06/08/2005 Tsunami Auction #2 - TechEd 2005
06/08/2005 ARC305 - My TechEd 2005 Session is being repeated
06/02/2005 Rory and Scott Fruit Roll-Up
06/01/2005 The preliminary Grok Talk schedule is up...
05/31/2005 A GrokTalk Banner for you to spread around...
05/31/2005 My Picks for TechEd 2005 Sessions
05/30/2005 TechEd 2005 - What is a GrokTalk?
05/19/2005 May 2005 - What is Scott up to?
04/25/2005 TechEd is Sold out: Sign up for my session now!
04/13/2005 TechEd Video #4 - It's all about Community. And Ice Cream. And Baby Carrots.
03/30/2005 TechEd Video #3 - Drink the TechEd KoolAid
03/16/2005 Rory and Scott design some software - TechEd - Revenge of the Sith
03/12/2005 Rory and Scott go to TechEd - A love story
03/05/2005 TechEd 2005 - I'll be there
10/11/2004 Getting a BASE64'ed Adobe Acrobat PDF file out of a Soap Envelope with Classic ASP
06/01/2004 Returning DataSets from WebServices is the Spawn of Satan and Represents All That Is Truly Evil in the World
05/30/2004 The Myth of .NET Purity, Reloaded
05/28/2004 The ErgoDex Alternative Keyboard and the Rise of "CodeRush IL"
05/28/2004 Karma and the TabletPC Pen
05/27/2004 One Image Editor to Rule Them All - You Shall Not Pass!
05/27/2004 TechEd: Geeks on the Floor
05/26/2004 Will ANYTHING new ever work?
05/26/2004 More on CodeRush
05/26/2004 Possibly the solution to my Backup Problem - the Iomega Rev Drive
05/26/2004 TechEd 2003 - More Pictures and Heading Home
05/25/2004 TechEd - Pictures and People
05/24/2004 TechEd 2004 - Keynote and the Wizzy Release and more innovation
05/24/2004 "ConfigFree" Wireless at TechEd and the advent of Windows XP SP2
05/23/2004 Regional Director of the Year and the HSoP Method of Photography
05/23/2004 TechEd: Code Generation BOF tonight at 7pm - AND A FREE COPY OF CODESMITH
05/23/2004 ReSharper vs. CodeRush
05/22/2004 TechEd 2004: UCSD - Web Services Day
05/21/2004 RipDigital - another idea I should have thought of.
05/20/2004 Looking for things to complain about?
05/20/2004 The Apprentice.NET: You're finalized! Don't forget to stop by the Microsoft RD Community booth!
05/19/2004 What talks should you go to at TechEd? Here's my list.
05/19/2004 dasBlonde
05/19/2004 A ridiculously huge Portland Nerd Dinner
05/10/2004 TechEd 2004 - My Birds of a Feather session was approved!
04/07/2004 The North African Developer's Conference is upon us...
04/06/2004 MVP Summit Photo Blog
03/30/2004 作者:Scott Hanselman 首席工程師
03/24/2004 I've got something big planned...stay tuned...
01/28/2004 Went to PDC? Get into DevDays free...
01/20/2004 On Turning 0x1E and looking back at 2003
01/17/2004 New York City .NET Users Group and the Cold
11/07/2003 Learning to Love WSDL - Christian Weyer supports "Contract First"
10/26/2003 PDC - It begins now...
09/22/2003 The replacement TechEd bag just arrived...
09/22/2003 Internationalization/Globalization and ASP.NET Brainstorming at 1:05am
09/08/2003 It's happy utility day!
09/06/2003 The Zen of .NET: Vacation Continues
09/02/2003 PDC - The Blogging Begins...
09/02/2003 TechEd 2003 - DEV389 - Learning to love WSDL has been saved!
08/29/2003 Zen and the Art of Presenting in Malaysia
08/25/2003 Mayasia - Day #1 wrapping up.
08/24/2003 Malaysia - Day -1 wrapping up
08/23/2003 Malaysia - Day -2 wrapping up
08/21/2003 Wireless Blogging in SFO on the way to HKG on the way to KUL
08/12/2003 TechEd 2003 DVD: Tragedy Strikes! I must buy a lottery ticket...
08/07/2003 I will be there with Managed Bells on...
06/25/2003 Upcoming Speaking Schedule
06/16/2003 Where's Juval Lowy?
06/10/2003 Schweet: Free .NET Hosting for Developers
06/10/2003 WSDL Cleanliness is next to Godliness (actually Cleavage is next to Cleanliness and Goggles is next to Godliness...)
06/06/2003 Leaning at the Tape...a B.S. in Software Engineering squeezed into 11 short years...
06/04/2003 TechEd 2003: Dallas : Going Home...
06/04/2003 TechEd 2003: Dallas : Day 3 - The Calm before the storm...
06/02/2003 TechEd 2003: Dallas : Day 1 - The Afterparty
06/01/2003 TechEd 2003: Dallas :T-1 Day
05/29/2003 INETA - Check us out at TechEd, and congrats to all the new addtions
05/27/2003 Not a bad weekend...
05/15/2003 See you at TechEd! I'm giving DEV389.
04/27/2003 Physics and No-Touch Deployment WinForms
03/30/2003 Scale, extend, stay running and don't forget to lock the door
03/24/2003 ASP.NET Internationalization, Globalization, and Localization...Whew!
02/02/2003 My Weekend
01/31/2003 The Friday Five 1 As a child who was your favorite superheroheroine Why I always dug Nightcrawler could telepor
11/26/2002 Been doing some A hrefhttpmsdnmicrosoftcomlibrarydefaultaspurllibraryenuscpguidehtmlcpcondevelopinghighpe
11/21/2002 Thanks to everyone who attended my talk Web Services Behind the Music at the SAOs Software Association of Oregon Develo
10/09/2002 Theres a story about me and m
10/09/2002 Ive ported my Tiny Abstract OS and CPU in C projectnbspfr

Tiny Happy Features (3)

08/12/2012 Tiny Happy Features #3 - Publishing Improvements, chained Config Transforms and Deploying ASP.NET Apps from the Command Line
08/10/2012 Tiny Happy Features #2 - ASP.NET Web API in Visual Studio 2012
08/10/2012 Tiny Happy Features #1 - T4 Template Debugging in Visual Studio 2012

Tools (536)

01/28/2021 Get on the Windows Terminal PREVIEW train - now with Settings UI
01/07/2021 Microsoft Teams Buttons for Stream Deck to Mute, Share, Hang up, and Manage Cameras
12/22/2020 Scott Hanselman's 2021 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows
10/15/2020 Upgrading the Storage Pool, Drives, and File System in a Synology to Btrfs
01/08/2020 Yori - The quiet little CMD replacement that you need to install NOW
11/20/2019 Programmatically change your system's mic and speakers with NirCmd and Elgato StreamDeck
05/30/2019 What's better than ILDasm? ILSpy and dnSpy are tools to Decompile .NET Code
04/16/2019 Your computer is not a black box - Understanding Processes and Ports on Windows by exploring
04/09/2019 Accessibility Insights for the Web and Windows makes accessibility even easier
01/11/2019 How to update the firmware on your Zune, without Microsoft, dammit.
11/09/2018 Terminus and FluentTerminal are the start of a world of 3rd party OSS console replacements for Windows
04/04/2018 Audio Switcher should be built into Windows - Easily Switch Playback and Recording Devices
11/29/2017 How to download embedded videos with F12 Tools in your browser
10/18/2017 Use a second laptop as an extended monitor with Windows 10 wireless displays
04/10/2017 How to control PowerPoint on Windows with a Bluetooth Nintendo Switch JoyCon controller! (or a Surface Pen)
08/05/2015 Apt-Get for Windows - OneGet and Chocolatey on Windows 10
05/29/2015 Router redirecting to unwanted Adobe Flash update malware site - Moon Virus?
05/21/2015 Syncing Windows Live Writer Drafts to the Cloud (Dropbox) and other bug fixes
05/16/2015 The Mysterious Case of the Rogue Roaming Browser History - Removing OneView Internet Login
05/15/2015 How to set a Network to a "Private Network" in Windows 8.1
01/21/2015 Quake Mode Console for Visual Studio - Open a Command Prompt with a hotkey
01/13/2015 How to map an Insert Key on your Surface Pro 3 Keyboard
10/14/2014 100 Technical Things Non-Technical People Can Learn To Make Their Lives Easier
10/01/2014 Windows 10 gets a fresh command prompt and lots of hotkeys
09/25/2014 How do I set different wallpapers for each monitor in Windows?
09/18/2014 Jump-Location - A Change Directory (CD) PowerShell Command that reads your mind
09/05/2014 Can you hear me now? Unmute your microphone
09/02/2014 Introducing Gulp, Grunt, Bower, and npm support for Visual Studio
08/05/2014 You aren't using Resource Monitor enough
07/30/2014 How to create a file with a . dot prefix in Windows Explorer
06/23/2014 Exploring cross-browser math equations using MathML or LaTeX with MathJax
06/19/2014 Download Visual Studio Express
06/17/2014 Download SQL Server Express
06/12/2014 UPDATED 2014: How to setup CrashPlan Cloud Backup on a Synology NAS running DSM 5.0
05/27/2014 Calculate your WEI (Windows Experience Index) under Windows 8.1
04/22/2014 Simplifying your network with a bridge - Making an FIOs ActionTec MI424-WR a Network Bridge
03/27/2014 Back to Basics: When allowing user uploads, don't allow uploads to execute code
01/08/2014 Switch easily between VirtualBox and Hyper-V with a BCDEdit boot Entry in Windows 8.1
12/27/2013 How to run old but awesome games from the 90s on your new computer with DOSBox
12/21/2013 Scott Hanselman's 2014 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows
12/17/2013 Fix: External Mouse freezing on Lenovo Laptops with Synaptics TouchPad
12/01/2013 Human Computer Interaction Diversity - 7 Devices that AREN'T a mouse and keyboard
11/19/2013 Run more apps and show more tiles on your Surface 2 or high-dpi Windows 8.1 Laptop
11/04/2013 PowerCfg - The hidden energy and battery tool for Windows you're not using
08/09/2013 Saving and Retrieving Browser (and other) Passwords
08/05/2013 Download Windows Live Writer 2012
07/20/2013 If you're not using Glimpse with ASP.NET for debugging and profiling, you're missing out
07/16/2013 Making a better, somewhat prettier, but definitely more functional Windows Command Line
06/25/2013 How to start your first podcast - equipment, editing, publishing and more
06/18/2013 Exclusive Sneak Peek: The AGENT Smart Watch Emulator and managed .NET code on my wrist!
06/12/2013 The Importance of Closed Captioning - How To and Why Subtitle
06/06/2013 How to delete Open or Insecure Wi-Fi HotSpots from Windows 8: Wifi.exe Command Line Utility with Source
05/28/2013 Is the Windows user ready for apt-get?
04/19/2013 Setting up Two-Factor Authentication for your Google account AND Microsoft account
04/11/2013 Windows task manager shows wrong CPU Speed when using Hyper-V
11/18/2012 How to set up CrashPlan Cloud Backup headless on a Synology NAS - Backup Strategies
10/09/2012 Help your users record and report bugs with the Problem Steps Recorder
09/30/2012 How to create a DVD on Windows 8 even though Windows DVD Maker is gone - DVDStyler
09/20/2012 Web Sites with Embedded Command Lines: You got your Command Line in my Internet
09/10/2012 Automatically Backup your Gmail account on a schedule with GMVault and Windows Task Scheduler
09/07/2012 Your Colorful Visual Studio 2012 with the Color Theme Editor (VS2010 colors, too)
08/29/2012 Pinning Useful and Obscure Stuff to the Windows 8 Start Menu
06/11/2012 Simulating an iPhone or iPad browser for ASP.NET Mobile Web Development with WebMatrix 2 or Visual Studio 2012
06/11/2012 ConEmu - The Windows Terminal/Console/Prompt we've been waiting for?
02/28/2012 "I can't even think about switching phones without these apps." Windows Phone 7, a Nokia Lumia 800 and the Essential Apps
01/19/2012 Abusing the Microsoft Research's Touch Mouse Sensor API SDK with a Console-based Heat-map
12/22/2011 Living a Microsoft lifestyle using Apple iOS products - Lync, OneNote, Xbox for iPhone and iPad and more, oh my
12/19/2011 Give Grandpa and Grandma the gift of an off-site backup of your photos
12/08/2011 You probably don't need a Twitter client, just learn the hotkeys in New Twitter
12/07/2011 Good UX in the Wild: Dropbox's attention to detail on their download page
12/01/2011 Scott Hanselman's 2011 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows
11/26/2011 Guide to Freeing up Disk Space under Windows 7
11/26/2011 How to change the location of your iPhone backup and iTunes MobileSync Backup folder
11/18/2011 Five Absolutely Essential Utilities that make Windows better
11/15/2011 CSI: My Computer - What is netsession_win.exe from Akamai and how did it get on my system?
11/08/2011 Useful Visual Studio Extension - Web Essentials from Mads Kristensen
09/24/2011 RFC: Web Platform Installer (WebPI) with an offline feed mode for bandwidth savings
09/14/2011 Guide to Installing and Booting Windows 8 Developer Preview off a VHD (Virtual Hard Disk)
09/13/2011 Essential IFTTT (IfThisThenThat) - Programming Workflows for Humans using the Web's Social Glue
09/13/2011 Xbox 360 won't Auto Login to Live - Fixed due to RSTP and Spanning Tree setting in a NetGear Managed GS724TP Switch
09/05/2011 A basic non-cloud-based personal backup strategy
09/04/2011 Analyze your Web Server Data and be empowered with LogParser and Log Parser Lizard GUI
08/24/2011 The Technical Friend's Essential Maintenance Checklist for Non-Technical Friend's Windows Computer
08/23/2011 SlowCheetah - Web.config Transformation Syntax now generalized for any XML configuration file
08/19/2011 How to REALLY hurt yourself with PSEXEC - Deleting the Undeletable Registry Key and More
08/02/2011 Making awesome Wedding documents using OpenType Ligatures and Stylistic Sets in Microsoft Word 2010 and Gabriola
07/27/2011 How to connect to a Wireless WIFI Network from the Command line in Windows 7
07/27/2011 How to write or burn a CD (CD-R) that includes CD-Text with ImgBurn
07/22/2011 CoffeeScript, Sass and LESS support for Visual Studio and ASP.NET with the Mindscape Web Workbench
07/19/2011 The Guide to Creating Quality Technical Screencasts
06/08/2011 Console2 - A Better Windows Command Prompt
04/07/2011 Taking Proper Screenshots in Windows for Blogs or Tutorials
03/21/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 257 - Selenium for Web Automation Testing with Jim Evans
03/14/2011 Figuring out why my SVCHOST.EXE is at 100% CPU without complicated tools in Windows 7
03/12/2011 Simplify your Visual Studio 2010 Toolbar and Free Your Mind
03/06/2011 Transferring/Moving a VHD from Windows Virtual PC (Windows XP Mode) to another computer
01/04/2011 Adding a Netgear N600 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router WNDR3700 to an existing FIOS Wireless AP for improved wireless coverage
09/16/2010 The Ultimate Guide (of Five Things) for New IE9 users Who Fear Change
09/12/2010 Configuring two wireless routers with one SSID (network name) at home for free roaming
08/27/2010 Two Must-Have Tools for a More Readable Web
08/27/2010 Installing Ubuntu 10.4 LTS on Windows Virtual PC on Windows 7
07/04/2010 Removing Dead Tracks (Duplicates that don't exist) from iTunes using C#
03/28/2010 FavIcons, Internet Zones and Projects from a Trustworthy Source
02/09/2010 SmallestDotNet Update - Now with .NET 4 support and an includable JavaScript API
01/18/2010 NewsFlash: Computers are Faster Than Before - Importing Digital Video from Tape and Making a DVD
01/13/2010 Fixing Quiet or Low Audio output on the PDC Tablet PC - Acer 1420P Convertible
01/01/2010 2009 Blogged - Greatest Hits
12/31/2009 The (Near) Final Word on Multi-Monitor Taskbars for Windows 7 - Ultramon vs. DisplayFusion
12/10/2009 The Three Most Important Outlook Rules for Processing Mail
12/03/2009 Get those pixels working for you
11/23/2009 Oredev Keynote - Information Overload and Managing the Flow: Effectiveness and Efficiency
11/08/2009 Herding Cats: Organize your Desktop Icons with Stardock Fences for Windows
11/01/2009 Offline installer for Windows Live Essentials - WLSetup-All.exe
10/31/2009 Using a Bluetooth Jawbone Headset for BT-Audio (Microphone or Speakers) on Windows 7
10/30/2009 The Weekly Source Code 46 - Jeff Key rocks Taskbar Meters that Monitor your Windows 7 CPU and Memory and Disk in the Taskbar
10/15/2009 Obscure Windows Home Server Tip: Restoring when you didn't have Network Drivers installed before
10/12/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 183: LIVE! Gadgets, Hi-Def, WebCams, 4G and More
10/07/2009 Review and Comparison: Microsoft LifeCam Cinema HD and VX-7000 with High Quality Video in Skype and Live Messenger
10/06/2009 How to Collaborate with Remote Employees with Office Communicator 2007 R2
10/06/2009 Review: Mimo Monitors - iMo Pivot
09/23/2009 MultiBrowser or CrossBrowser Testing and deconstructing Microsoft Expression Web SuperPreview
09/18/2009 Batch Converting a Directory Tree of Videos Recursively with Handbrake for Streaming to an Xbox360
09/10/2009 Windows Tip: Easily show your Computer Name in the Taskbar
09/02/2009 Scott Hanselman's 2009 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows
08/04/2009 Step-By-Step: Turning a Windows 7 DVD or ISO into a Bootable VHD Virtual Machine
08/04/2009 Step-By-Step: How To "Upgrade" from Windows XP to Windows 7
07/22/2009 Virtual Camaraderie - A Persistent Video "Portal" for the Remote Worker
07/06/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 169 - The Art of Unit Testing with Roy Osherove
06/04/2009 Running a Subversion Server off your Windows Home Server
05/21/2009 Less Virtual, More Machine - Windows 7 and the magic of Boot to VHD
05/21/2009 Demo Dashboard and IDE Extensions - Whirlwind Tour around .NET 4 (and Visual Studio 2010) Beta 1
05/21/2009 Back to Basics: Using Fusion Log Viewer to Debug Obscure Loader Errors
04/16/2009 How to upgrade two out of four of your hard drives in Windows Home Server
04/01/2009 .NET 4.1 Preview - New Base Class Library (BCL) Extension Methods - RFC
03/31/2009 Paving my machine for a fresh 2009 - First-Pass Must-Haves
03/18/2009 Microsoft Web Platform, Web Application Gallery, Web Platform Installer (and DasBlog)
02/28/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 151 - Fit and Fitness with Ward Cunningham and James Shore
01/30/2009 HD vs. SD - Flip MinoHD vs Flip Ultra - Head to Head
12/27/2008 South Africa 2008 - Make Your Own Dual 1/8" Airplane Headphone Adapter
12/02/2008 Christmas Cards Made Easy - Shutterfly, Excel, and a Word Mail Merge
11/13/2008 Using Crowdsourcing for Expanding Localization of Products
11/12/2008 Fixed: "Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) is stopping because it encountered an error."
10/20/2008 Guide to Freeing up Disk Space under Windows Vista
10/17/2008 Microsoft Web Application Installer - Open Source Web Apps Delivered and Installed
10/14/2008 T4 (Text Template Transformation Toolkit) Code Generation - Best Kept Visual Studio Secret
10/03/2008 Web Platform Installer: Trying to make it easier to setup for web development
09/09/2008 Microsoft IE8 and Google Chrome - Processes are the New Threads
09/05/2008 Firefox, ClickOnce, XBAPs and .NET 3.5 SP1
09/05/2008 Family Calendar Management - Sharing Life between Outlook and Web Calendars and the Magic of iCalendar
09/05/2008 Skyping the Wife: Foolproof Video Conferencing with Your Family While on the Road
08/27/2008 The Case of the Failing Disk Drive or Windows Home Server Saved My Marriage
08/21/2008 New Outlook VSTO AddIn: How to disable Reply To All and Forward in Outlook 2007
08/11/2008 Hacked! And I didn't like it - URLScan is Step Zero
07/21/2008 Adding OpenSearch to your website and getting in the Browser's Search Box
05/09/2008 Introducing RockScroll
04/26/2008 Hack: Parallel MSBuilds from within the Visual Studio IDE
04/24/2008 Faster Builds with MSBuild using Parallel Builds and Multicore CPUs
02/29/2008 How to attach MP3 sound effects to PowerPoint animation elements
02/29/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 102 - Mike Pizzo on the ADO.NET Entity Framework
02/17/2008 Knowing when to ask for help - Microsoft SharedView
02/09/2008 ooVoo - Multi-person Video Chat comes to Windows
02/07/2008 Visual Studio Programmer Themes Gallery
02/02/2008 MS Deploy - New IIS Web Deployment Tool
01/24/2008 Best Mobile Websites for Tiny Browsers
01/14/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 93 - Pex with Jonathan 'Peli' de Halleux and Nikolai Tillmann
01/14/2008 Windows Home Server Unsupported Feature - Backup Duplication
12/18/2007 How to make Vista Taskbar Previews and ALT-TAB Thumbnails Bigger
11/10/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 88 - Writing FaceBook Applications with .NET - Interview with Mel Sampat, author of OutSync
11/09/2007 That Sinking Feeling and Repairing a Corrupt WAV File
11/02/2007 How To: Use Google Earth and SketchItUp to Visualize a New House Lot - Part 2
10/24/2007 How to easily disable Reply To All and Forward in Outlook
09/28/2007 TODO: Update your DVD-ROM's Firmware
09/19/2007 The Mystery of the Failed Live Meeting Launch
09/18/2007 DeskSpace - Beryl-like 3D Cube Virtual Desktop Manager for Vista
09/12/2007 DNRTV Screencast - Powershell is still shiny
08/24/2007 Scott Hanselman's 2007 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows
08/08/2007 Additional Automatic Printer Driver Installation with Vista 64 as a Print Server
08/05/2007 XCopy considered harmful - Robocopy or XXCopy or SyncBack
08/01/2007 The Developer's Quitting Your Job Technology Checklist
07/31/2007 Unit Testing Silverlight with Selenium
07/27/2007 How To Sync your Apple Newton MessagePad with Outlook 2007
06/30/2007 Migrating a Family to Google Apps from Gmail, Thunderbird, Outlook and others: The Definitive Guide
06/28/2007 How To: Use the SVNBridge to get TortoiseSVN working with CodePlex
06/12/2007 Video: Windows Browser Speed Shootout - IE7, Firefox2, Opera9, Safari for Windows Beta 3
06/10/2007 How To: Use Google Earth or Virtual Earth to Visualize a New House Lot - Part 1
05/31/2007 Google Gears - Maybe all Rich Internet Applications needed was Local Storage and an Offline Mode
05/30/2007 Virtual Machine CPU Performance
05/29/2007 VM Performance Checklist - Before you Complain that your Virtual Machine is Slow
05/29/2007 MSMPENG.EXE, TrustedInstaller.exe, SearchIndexer and SLSVC.EXE at 100% CPU on my Vista Machines
05/14/2007 Reflector Addins and PowerShell Language Support for Reflector
04/19/2007 New Release of Notepad2 - Updated (again) with Ruby Support
04/19/2007 FIX: Missing Thumbnails for Videos (WMV, AVI, MPG) in Windows Explorer
04/18/2007 Network Connections: Using Verizon Broadband Access Wireless Internet without VZAccess Manager
04/17/2007 Automating Adding iTunes Album Art to MP3 ID3 tags from the Command Line in C#
04/17/2007 Expose and Vista-specific Alt-Tab Task Switchers
04/15/2007 Speeding up a Slow Outlook 2007
04/07/2007 Fix: Windows Vista Media Center missing photos and pictures
03/20/2007 Review: Microsoft LifeCam NX-6000
03/20/2007 Tiny USB Keychain Drives
03/09/2007 The CodingHorror Ultimate Developer Rig Throwdown: Part 1
03/09/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 54 - Squeezing Continuous Integration
03/08/2007 Screencast: Writing Managed .NET Plugins for the Optimus Mini Three Keyboard
03/07/2007 NewsBreak RSS Feed Reader and Podcasts on PocketPCs
03/02/2007 Virtual PC Tips and Hardware Assisted Virtualization
02/28/2007 Running PowerShell Scripts from the Command Line in a Hidden Window
02/28/2007 Office 2007 Foxit PDF Previewer/Handler
02/28/2007 Blat - Command Line Emailer saves me time
02/26/2007 Enabling Aero Glass on Windows Vista with a Toshiba M200/M205
02/22/2007 Binary Fortress Software's ASP.NET ViewState Helper - A Treasure Trove of Tools
02/22/2007 OpenDNS
02/22/2007 Using ISAPI_Rewrite to canonicalize ASP.NET URLs and remove default.aspx
02/20/2007 Reflector 5 Released - World Domination Assured
02/16/2007 Clean up your Temp Files
02/15/2007 Exiting The Zone of Pain - Static Analysis with NDepend
02/15/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 51 - Static Code Analysis with NDepend
02/14/2007 Sign up for Windows Home Server Beta 2
02/11/2007 How to rotate an AVI or MPEG file taken in Portrait
02/06/2007 Showing Video on an Optimus Mini Three
02/05/2007 Free Refactor for ASP.NET Software from the makers of CodeRush
02/01/2007 I'm totally Vista'ed now - Upgrading The Family to Vista
01/26/2007 Another Way to Replace Start Run - Enso Launcher
01/25/2007 Daemon Tools and my new Lenovo T60p
01/20/2007 Windows Vista SideBar Gadget for AirLink Web Cam
01/18/2007 Optimus Mini Three Keyboard and Windows Vista SideShow
01/18/2007 Patching OFFLINE Systems with Windows Update
01/17/2007 Improving Outlook Today with Jello.Dashboard
01/02/2007 Beta Rev Disk Drivers for Windows Vista
12/13/2006 CardSpace InformationCard Extension for FireFox
12/11/2006 Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 9 - Bandwidth
11/30/2006 Short: My Visual Studio Color Settings
11/30/2006 CardSpace/InfoCard for .NET 1.1
11/30/2006 Getting Video out of an Apple iPod with a standard Audio Video RCA Cable
11/28/2006 How to get SlickRun to activate with Windows-R
11/26/2006 In search of the perfect monospaced programmers font - Inconsolata
11/24/2006 How to disable Windows Desktop Search explorer integration after installing Office 2007
11/23/2006 MIcrosoft Best Practices Analyzer Tools
11/23/2006 PortableApps Suite 1.0 Released
11/23/2006 2007 Microsoft Office Add-in: Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS
11/22/2006 Speech Recognition in Windows Vista - I'm listening
11/17/2006 Downloading Vista RTM
11/14/2006 Office 2007 won't upgrade from a prerelease version of the 2007 Office System - Office 2007 Setup Spelunking
10/28/2006 Outlook 2007 Beta introduces its own Feed URL Protocol. Ew.
10/13/2006 Mounting an ISO Disc Image under Windows Vista RC2 and updated Vista Tools
10/03/2006 Free ISO Disk Image burning Utility that works on Vista
10/03/2006 More on Vista Reparse Points
09/21/2006 Vista and ReadyBoost
09/14/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 32 - Mock Objects
09/13/2006 IE7 RC1 can't update Password Protected Feeds
09/11/2006 DNRTV - Sysinternals Tools
09/08/2006 Dark Room is a full screen, distraction free, writing environment
09/06/2006 Secure and Private Browsing
08/29/2006 Scott Hanselman's 2006 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows
08/22/2006 FinePrint changes the way I print.
08/17/2006 AnkhSVN: Using Subversion within Visual Studio
08/04/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 4
08/04/2006 Replacing Start Run - The Quest Continues
07/30/2006 Sandcastle - Microsoft CTP of a Help CHM file generator on the tails of the death of NDoc
07/27/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 3
07/26/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 26 - Globalization/Internationalization with .NET
07/21/2006 Review: Garmin Nuvi 350 GPS
07/20/2006 A half-year Podcasts
07/19/2006 Z at Seven Months - A look back
07/19/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 25 - Scott's .NET Blogroll (for July 2006 at least)
07/19/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 2
07/14/2006 A new day, two new browsers compared - Firefox 2.0 Beta 1 and IE 7.0 Beta 3
07/14/2006 A better PROMPT for CMD.EXE or Cool Prompt Environment Variables and a nice transparent multi-prompt
07/13/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 24 - More Advanced PowerShell
07/11/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 1
07/10/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 23 - Scrum and Scrum Resources
07/02/2006 Using FFMPEG to squish lots of videos using PowerShell
06/30/2006 PowerShell, AnkhSVN and Subversion
06/29/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 22
06/22/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 21
06/09/2006 Invirtus Virtual Machine Optimizer
06/09/2006 TechEd 2006 Approaches
06/08/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 20
06/07/2006 Free PowerShell IDE
06/01/2006 How to disable Windows Media Player Guide
05/31/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 19
05/26/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 18
05/24/2006 IE 7, Office 2007, RSS and the Feed Protocol
05/24/2006 Office 2007 - Everything you know is Different?
05/23/2006 Multiple Homepages with Firefox
05/17/2006 Looking for Senior Software Developer at Corillian
05/11/2006 Getting Things Done with SpeedFiler
05/11/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 17
05/03/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 16
04/30/2006 Replacing Explorer.exe - The Return of Norton Commander with xplorer2 and FAR
04/27/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 15
04/27/2006 DasBlog moved from CVS to SVN
04/25/2006 Speaking Schedule - 2nd Quarter 2006
04/19/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 14
04/17/2006 April 2006 - Corillian is hiring
04/14/2006 BUG: Fixing One-Letter Titles in the Title Bar in IE
04/12/2006 CodeGen'ing a Data Access Layer with CodeSmith
04/12/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 13
04/08/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 12
04/04/2006 Interview with a PSP Developer - Doug Beck
03/30/2006 XHTML Validating HttpModule for ASP.NET 2
03/27/2006 The Ultimate Zoom Tool? Sysinternal's ZoomIt
03/23/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 11
03/18/2006 Microsoft Fingerprint Reader and Password Minder
03/15/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 10
03/10/2006 ZEB (Zero Email Bounce) and a new Outlook Rule
03/10/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 9
03/01/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 8
02/23/2006 Reflectoring with the Keyboard
02/23/2006 Leaning on the Language and Leaning on the Libraries
02/23/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 7
02/22/2006 Speaking at TechEd 2006
02/17/2006 Connect your Xbox360 to your Mac
02/17/2006 Google Toolbar Beta, the Toolbar API and a ComputerZen Google Toolbar Button
02/16/2006 NCoverExplorer and integrated code coverage marches on
02/15/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 6
02/10/2006 WatirMaker redux or Watir WebRecorder ne WatirMaker
02/08/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 5
02/07/2006 Classic Web Services versus POX XML over MQ - are you really using XML?
02/02/2006 Anthem.NET Released
02/01/2006 Vista on a McBook or iMac or Intel Duo
02/01/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 4
01/31/2006 Code Coverage comes to the masses
01/30/2006 Tracking Book Rankings with the Amazon API
01/26/2006 Calling NUnit from NAnt Pragmatically
01/25/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 3
01/24/2006 XSLT Stylesheet Performance on Big Ass Documents
01/23/2006 Flickr and DasBlog and geo-tagging and EXIF and on and on and on
01/18/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 2
01/17/2006 VB.NET and C# - Duplication of Effort?
01/13/2006 Running Mac OS X Tiger
01/12/2006 Zero to Three Month Baby Ultimate Tools List
01/12/2006 Paving my machine for a fresh 2006
01/11/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 1
01/10/2006 egoSurfing
01/09/2006 Microsoft Wireless Laser Desktop 6000
01/07/2006 Google Pack
12/30/2005 2006 Resolution - Prepare
12/26/2005 My Year In Blogging - 2005
12/09/2005 DasBlog Community Building and Documentation
11/23/2005 SlickRun and QuickSilver
11/21/2005 Lifecycle Support for Classic ASP in Windows
11/18/2005 Google Analytics - It doesn't suck
11/15/2005 VS.NET 2005 Publishing SignTool Confusion
11/05/2005 Building .NET 1.1 Projects using Visual Studio 2005
10/14/2005 All the world abuzz about Sudoku
10/04/2005 ACTION REQUIRED: DasBlog Alert! Referral BlackList has changed!
09/30/2005 Personal Systems of Organization
09/30/2005 Boo - Shiny CLI Language
09/28/2005 Office 2003 SP2 available via Microsoft Update
09/28/2005 Nicest. Email. Ever. Totally Made My Month.
09/20/2005 Weird Globe Folder in Visual Studio when opening a Web Project
09/14/2005 Windows Explorer sucks less today (for me)
09/13/2005 Yes, Fiddler is wonderful
09/13/2005 Making a new Admin User and Getting into SQL Express 2005
09/10/2005 CrapCleaner Registry Cleaner
09/09/2005 The Coming Return of AJAX
09/02/2005 Review - OnTime Defect Tracker from AxoSoft
08/24/2005 More Interesting Maps
08/19/2005 Undeleting Digital Photo Files from Removable Media
08/11/2005 DasBlog 1.8 Gold
07/16/2005 Visual Studio Command Prompt Here and Search Unknown File Extensions
07/12/2005 I'm in love with FinePrint
07/09/2005 Toolbars Galore
07/08/2005 Better Url for the Ultimate Tools List
07/07/2005 When Bad Ideas become mainstream FAQ Entries
07/07/2005 VGA Multiple Split-Screen Aggregator and Interesting Questions
07/01/2005 Code Camp Portland - July 23 and 24
06/30/2005 Integrating Ruby and Watir with NUnit
06/22/2005 Hammering in Screws
06/20/2005 Scott Hanselman's 2005 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List
06/14/2005 MaxiVista Version 2 - Still the Shiznit
06/09/2005 My GrokTalk - Ten Tools in Ten Minutes
05/31/2005 My Picks for TechEd 2005 Sessions
05/24/2005 Machine.Shift.Left and Bit Shifting in VB.NET
05/19/2005 May 2005 - What is Scott up to?
05/12/2005 Time to update the Ultimate Tools List
04/25/2005 TechEd is Sold out: Sign up for my session now!
04/22/2005 VSVARS32.BAT missing from .NET Beta 2?
04/09/2005 Alphabetizing your .NET Resource (RESX) files
04/08/2005 CVS and Subversion vs. VSS/SourceSafe
04/01/2005 How do you organize your code?
03/31/2005 Internationalization Support in Windows XP
03/27/2005 The State of (My) Digital Media
03/07/2005 ASP.NET Rolled up Goodness
02/09/2005 Zen of Web Services - Join me at the Boise .NET Developers User Group
02/05/2005 Adding Tabs to Internet Explorer (IE) and the Rise, no, uh, er, fall of the Integrated Application
02/02/2005 TestDriven.NET Keyboard Bindings for Visual Studio.NET
01/22/2005 Own a LinkSys WRT54G? Sveasoft released Alchemy v6.0RC6 and I HAD to install it at 2am
01/21/2005 Parsing my IIS Log Files with LogParser 2.2 to learn more about Blogs stats from NewsGator and NewsGatorOnline
01/20/2005 List of the undocumented bugs that are fixed in the .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1
01/19/2005 Don't underestimate the power of ToString(IFormatProvider)
01/19/2005 Reflections on turning 0x1F
01/11/2005 How to detect where and if the .NET Framework SDK is installed?
01/11/2005 On the record, I owe Richard Grimes lunch - Free .NET Fusion (Assembly Loading) Workshop
01/07/2005 Scott's List of Great Tools for your TabletPC
01/06/2005 Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta detects ATL.DLL as spyware?
01/06/2005 Microsoft's AntiSpyware Beta - We shall see how it stacks up against SpyBot and AdAware...
01/05/2005 Mapping/Connecting a Drive Letter to a WebDAV or Front Page website
01/01/2005 More dasBlog 1.7 changes coming soon
12/29/2004 Clarity, Junior Engineers, Requirements, and Frustration
12/21/2004 Lutz Roeder's C# XML Documenter lives on in Travis Illig's CodeRush Plugin "CR_Documentor"
12/18/2004 ASP.NET Performance Tuning - Making dasBlog faster...
12/14/2004 The Desktop Search battle continues - yawn? Inside MSN Desktop Search
12/13/2004 Microsoft Desktop Search...quietly released. Look at me! I can code one too!
12/10/2004 Today's Favorite Right-Clicks - ClipPath, RunAsLimitedUser, and Clean Sources
12/09/2004 Note to World: Stop thinking that "Recall this message" will work. It NEVER will.
12/03/2004 GUI Front End to Chris Sells' XmlPreCompiler - For Debugging XmlSerialization Errors
12/03/2004 HTTP POSTs and HTTP GETs with WebClient and C# and Faking a PostBack
11/29/2004 TestDriven.NET 1.0 Launch - What are you waiting for?
11/19/2004 CSI: ASP.NET - The one where a double HTTP GET from Internet Explorer (IE) causes problems with FormsAuthentication and my sanity
11/17/2004 What are you reading?
11/15/2004 Lutz Roeder's Documentor updated as a CodeRush Plugin/Visual Studio.NET Add-In
11/12/2004 Scott's List of Ultimate Visual Studio.NET AddIns
11/01/2004 Exclusive Coupon: 30% of MaxiVista for the next 7 days! Oy!
10/28/2004 Steve Swartz reminds us of Indigo's intent
10/27/2004 Giving a Mapped Network Drive "FullTrust" with .NET Code Access Security
10/15/2004 Google Desktop Search and My TabletPC Web Search Power Toy - A match made in heaven?
10/05/2004 Multiple Monitors - put that extra laptop to use
10/02/2004 Books that are better the second time around...
09/28/2004 .NET To Go Mobility Road Show in PDX on November 8th
09/21/2004 The Programmer's Hands
09/04/2004 I'm in love, and her name is "SlickRun" - The CommandLine in a Windows World
09/03/2004 Jeff Key does it again...Pixel Ruler for Windows
08/31/2004 *MORE* ON ASP.NET: How to create a Default "Enter" Button for Forms/PostBacks
08/24/2004 How to turn off/disable the .NET JIT Debugging Dialog
08/17/2004 Nantpad: The Good and the Bad of it
08/12/2004 Great "Top Ten Tips for Web Services Interoperability" from Simon Guest
08/02/2004 Visual Studio.NET MSI Setup Creation: "Cannot delete folder. Folder is not empty or it might contain excluded files, which are not shown"
07/22/2004 Use of Posters and Flow Charts in Lieu of Prose for Documentation - Is a Visio is Worth a Thousand Words?
07/15/2004 Using the Server (rather than Workstation) Garbage Collector with the .NET Framework (CLR)
07/06/2004 The Video Card and Pentium Overheating Saga ends...and \Overclocking a ATI Radeon 256Meg 9800 Pro
06/30/2004 Visual Studio.NET Express Beta 1 requires the Windows SP2 Firewall be turned off to install. Oy.
06/29/2004 Power User Windows Registry Tweaks
06/25/2004 Effective XML Document with C#, NDoc, Lutz's Documentor and the Microsoft HTML Help Workshop
06/23/2004 BATCH FILE VOODOO: Determine if multiple (and which) versions of an MSI-installed Product are installed using UpgradeCode
06/23/2004 Be aware of your DLLs and who's loading them - know about assembly binding redirects
06/17/2004 Ten Must-Have Tools Every Developer Should Download Now - Should be named: "...should know how to use"
06/17/2004 RSS Feed to dasBlog Content Converter
06/15/2004 PowerPoint Tips - Beyond Bullets
06/15/2004 Brilliance - How do you JUST KNOW a product is going to work? The AirPort Express
06/14/2004 Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn
06/08/2004 More thoughts around Code Generation and Extensible Programming Systems
06/02/2004 The Winners are Announced (Finally) in the TabletPC "Think In Ink" PowerToy contest
05/26/2004 Will ANYTHING new ever work?
05/24/2004 TechEd 2004 - Keynote and the Wizzy Release and more innovation
05/19/2004 What talks should you go to at TechEd? Here's my list.
05/19/2004 A ridiculously huge Portland Nerd Dinner
05/06/2004 N.exe
04/08/2004 The Myth of XML Purity?
04/05/2004 XML sucks less than Regular Expressions, ya think?
02/27/2004 Microsoft's "Whitehorse" - Visual Design back in Vogue?
02/23/2004 The Myth, The Legend, the Interop - Using the .NET Framework SDK Interoperability Tools
02/18/2004 Test Coverage IS important...
02/14/2004 Sheesh, ScottGu, just buy this company already...
02/10/2004 Summary of the Annoying PowerPoint Survey
02/07/2004 New Digital Photo Techniques from Microsoft Research integrated into Microsoft Digital Image Suite 9
02/06/2004 Whew. What a week. Rediscovering the basics.
01/30/2004 Does Your Code Think In Ink? Contest ends on the 31st!
01/26/2004 Moving life into CVS and DocumentLocator and the Authoritative Source
01/20/2004 On Turning 0x1E and looking back at 2003
01/07/2004 Plaxo and my Contact Database
12/20/2003 Shadows of future versions of Outlook?
12/08/2003 Role Fragmentation
12/05/2003 How to mount ISO CDROM files as Virtual Drives - Virtual CD ISO Image Mounter
11/09/2003 Emancipation...
11/08/2003 Measure twice, cut once...CLR Profiler 2.0
11/05/2003 Code Generation
11/01/2003 More on declarative UIs and XML for GUI Markup
10/31/2003 PDC - Tips for Giving a Great Presentation - actually used!
10/31/2003 Avalon, Automation and Accessibility
10/29/2003 PDC - Day 2 - WSV303 - Indigo, Using XSD, CLR Types and Serialization in Web Services
10/28/2003 PDC - Day 2...
10/25/2003 Regulating Regular Expressions
10/21/2003 Multiple Monitors and Productivity
10/04/2003 Never a good sign: "The operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator"
09/23/2003 Anti-Things you must install on your fresh Windows box
09/22/2003 Java is the SUV of Programming Languages or Phillip Greenspun is a stud
09/22/2003 Internationalization/Globalization and ASP.NET Brainstorming at 1:05am
09/18/2003 How to find out what's running inside that out-of-control Services.exe or Svchost.exe
09/18/2003 Moving from Radio to DasBlog, DNS, Redirects, Permalinks and Radio "Stories"...
09/10/2003 Things that make my life better...thanks for sharing
09/09/2003 Scott Hanselman's Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tools List v1
09/08/2003 iPods are God's Gift
09/08/2003 DeveloperPlayground
09/02/2003 .NET Code and Intellectual Property
08/29/2003 Zen and the Art of Presenting in Malaysia
08/13/2003 The Syllabus for CST407 - Learning C# with .NET
07/29/2003 It's been one of those Old School Weeks
07/22/2003 Ender's Job - Software Engineer or Protector of Mankind?
07/17/2003 ASP.NET WebServices calling Apartment-Threaded COM Components...
07/16/2003 ATTN Presenters: Change your VS.NET Font Sizes, People!
07/10/2003 XmlDevCon: Don Box's talk...
07/09/2003 Thanks to the Seattle .NET Developer's Association...
06/30/2003 WSE and Timestamping - TimeZones and Tijuana
06/17/2003 Understanding why your updated images don't immediately get served to Browser Clients
06/10/2003 "Gotchas" around Primary Interop Assemblies and the GAC
06/04/2003 TechEd 2003: Dallas : Going Home...
05/15/2003 See you at TechEd! I'm giving DEV389.
05/11/2003 Remember Pointcast? Smells like RSS spirit...
05/09/2003 Blogging and Blue Toast
05/02/2003 More .NET Zen Koans + Visual Studio.NET 2003/Windows Server 2003 launch in Boise
04/25/2003 XSD.exe is kicking my butt, man...redux
04/24/2003 Windows Server 2003/Visual Studio 2003 Launch
04/06/2003 InfoPath supports only Document Literal - That's not lame at all!
03/24/2003 ASP.NET Internationalization, Globalization, and Localization...Whew!
03/06/2003 ieHTTPheaders gets even MORE useful
03/05/2003 MSI2XML and back...converting Windows Installer Databases to XML
03/04/2003 Screen Scraping, Sleep(), Web Services, and the Bible
03/02/2003 Changing the HTML editor used by the Edit button on the IE Toolbar
02/18/2003 Outlook2RSS v0.4 with support for Images
02/17/2003 My Collection of .NET Regular Expression Tools
01/24/2003 Coding with Shu Ha Ri
01/24/2003 Radio Userland sucks my left ass
01/20/2003 Microsoft Download Center RSS Feed
01/20/2003 Detailing Failed Assembly Loads with the Assembly Binding Log Viewer ("The Fusion Logger")
01/13/2003 Its a special feeling you get when you look at your Referrer Log and see that someone found your Blog by searching for shmu
01/06/2003 Checking VB6 Binaries for "Retain in Memory" and "Unattended Execution"
01/03/2003 Trying to figure out installed versionsservice packs of various things on your NT4 2000 XP System
12/27/2002 AvantBrowser The Best IE AddOn Ive Seen Like many o
12/12/2002 Current Project Command Pr
12/11/2002 I ran all over the Net via Google and Google Groups this evening trying to figure out the answer to what I thought
12/09/2002 The Internet as Linguistic Bridge Between Cultures I had a fantastic series of conversations over Ins
12/09/2002 ILLINK Microsoft R NET Framework IL Linker The A hrefhttpwwwgotdotnetcomuserarea
12/09/2002 Great article on on MSDNMag by Ya
12/05/2002 Ready Set VSNET Chris Kinsman A hrefhttpwww
12/03/2002 Machineconfig versus webconfig Ive Gordon Weaklie
11/23/2002 Sue has to go do a 2 hour Glucose Tolerance Test this morning Im going She might have Gestational Diabetes with this perg
11/22/2002 NET Refactoring Tool Enters Beta C Refactory is a revol
11/21/2002 Thanks to everyone who attended my talk Web Services Behind the Music at the SAOs Software Association of Oregon Develo
11/12/2002 Something interesting was said recently on the Blogs on to the recent uproar caused by the Middleware Companys PetStore whit
10/28/2002 XCode NET I was a huge fan of GenltXgt fro
10/25/2002 As some of you may have seen a
10/16/2002 Im presenting at the Software Association of Oregon SAO on A hrefhttpdbsaoorgcalendarofeventseventdescription
10/04/2002 Lots of thoughts on Web Services todayits no because doubt of Chris Sells upcoming A hrefhttpwwwsellsbrothersco
09/27/2002 Thanks to everyone who attended my talk at the A hrefhttp
09/24/2002 Ive been looking into Accessiblit
04/25/2002 Ive been a diabetic for almostnbsp9 years nownbsp It just randomly happened when

VB (11)

09/14/2016 Putting (my VB6) Windows Apps in the Windows 10 Store - Project Centennial
12/10/2010 Visual Studio Explosion! - VS2010 SP1 *BETA* Released and Context
08/12/2010 The Weekly Source Code 56 - Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit - Code Contracts, Parallel Framework and COM Interop
04/01/2009 .NET 4.1 Preview - New Base Class Library (BCL) Extension Methods - RFC
01/27/2009 BizSpark - Free Software and Production Licenses for Startups in the Startup Phase
08/02/2008 The Weekly Source Code 31- Single Instance WinForms and Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
07/03/2008 The Weekly Source Code 30 - VB.NET with XML Literals as a View Engine for ASP.NET MVC
06/25/2008 Back to Basics: var != Dim
04/18/2008 The Weekly Source Code 24 - Extensibility Edition - PlugIns, Providers, Attributes, AddIns and Modules in .NET
01/10/2008 Is rooting for Visual Basic like rooting for the Red Sox?
12/15/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 92 - Visual Basic Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow with Paul Vick

ViewState (19)

02/22/2007 Binary Fortress Software's ASP.NET ViewState Helper - A Treasure Trove of Tools
04/30/2006 ASP.NET MVP Hacks
02/02/2006 Anthem.NET Released
10/13/2005 Moving ViewState to the Bottom of the Page
06/20/2005 Scott Hanselman's 2005 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List
04/09/2005 Psuedo Internationalization and your ASP.NET Application
03/30/2005 Zipping/Compressing ViewState in ASP.NET
02/21/2005 What Great .NET Developers Ought To Know (More .NET Interview Questions)
02/09/2005 ViewStateUserKey and "Invalid_Viewstate" when posting back during Forms Authentication
12/03/2004 HTTP POSTs and HTTP GETs with WebClient and C# and Faking a PostBack
11/17/2004 ViewStateUserKey makes ViewState more tamper-resistant
08/18/2004 ASP.NET Interview Questions
06/23/2004 A multi-request-safe ViewState Persister
06/03/2004 Important Note: Replacing the default ViewState Persistance Behavior
03/23/2004 Load Balancing and ASP.NET
02/28/2004 Moving ViewState to the Session Object and more Wrongheadedness
02/24/2004 ASP.NET ViewState: Pox on mankind? Or clever like a fox?
02/09/2004 ASP.NET ViewState = Appendix?
07/09/2003 Thanks to the Seattle .NET Developer's Association...

Vista (2)

11/16/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 89 - Larry Osterman Makes Windows Go Ding
10/17/2007 HTTP Error 404.17 - PHP on IIS7 under 64bit Vista

VS2010 (40)

05/02/2012 Introducing Workspace Reloader - A Visual Studio AddIn to save your open files across project reloads
11/08/2011 Useful Visual Studio Extension - Web Essentials from Mads Kristensen
09/27/2011 Rewriting a 5 year old VB.NET WebForms application as an ASP.NET Web Pages application with Razor
04/21/2011 Working with SSL at Development Time is easier with IISExpress
04/18/2011 Mix 11 Videos - Download them all with RSS
04/13/2011 Mix 11 - Web Platform and Tools Keynote Demo Script
03/16/2011 Entity Framework 4.1 Release Candidate with Go-Live (with Final Release to follow in a month)
03/15/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #2 - MvcMailer sends mails with ASP.NET MVC Razor Views and Scaffolding
03/12/2011 Simplify your Visual Studio 2010 Toolbar and Free Your Mind
02/18/2011 Updating and Publishing a NuGet Package - Plus making NuGet packages smarter and avoiding source edits with WebActivator
02/15/2011 Creating a NuGet Package in 7 easy steps - Plus using NuGet to integrate ASP.NET MVC 3 into existing Web Forms applications
01/25/2011 Mixing Razor Views and WebForms Master Pages with ASP.NET MVC 3
01/14/2011 Link Rollup: New Documentation and Tutorials from Web Platform and Tools
01/13/2011 ASP.NET MVC3, WebMatrix, NuGet, IIS Express and Orchard released - The Microsoft January Web Release in Context
01/06/2011 Integrating ASP.NET MVC 3 into existing upgraded ASP.NET 4 Web Forms applications
12/10/2010 Visual Studio Explosion! - VS2010 SP1 *BETA* Released and Context
11/22/2010 The Weekly Source Code 57 -Controlling an Eagletron TrackerPod with C# 4, ASP.NET MVC and jQuery
11/05/2010 PDC10: Building a Blog with Microsoft "Unnamed Package of Web Love"
08/21/2010 How to change the default browser in Visual Studio programmatically with PowerShell and possibly poke yourself in the eye
08/19/2010 Awesome Visual Studio Command Prompt and PowerShell icons with Overlays
07/27/2010 ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1 Released – Channel 9 Video and Hanselminutes Podcast 224, Oh My!
06/09/2010 The Best Visual Studio 2010 Productivity Power Tools, Power Commands and Extensions
05/14/2010 Make the Visual Studio 2010 IDE colors look like Visual Studio 2008
05/04/2010 Visual Studio 2010 - Help Viewer Power Tool BETA - Help Index and Standalone Help
05/02/2010 Free WebCamps - North America, Asia and Europe - *Sign Up Now*
04/28/2010 Web Platform Installer 2.0 and Visual Studio Web Developer 2010 Express
04/21/2010 Back to (Parallel) Basics: Do you really want to do that? or Why doesn't the new Parallel.For support BigInteger?
04/20/2010 Towards a Smaller .NET 4 - Details on the Client Profile and Downloading .NET
04/12/2010 Visual Studio 2010 Released
04/12/2010 ASP.NET 4 - Breaking Changes and Stuff to be Aware of
03/28/2010 FavIcons, Internet Zones and Projects from a Trustworthy Source
03/28/2010 .NET 4 Web Application Startup Time
03/09/2010 WPF and Text Blurriness, now with complete Clarity
02/12/2010 Back to Basics: C# 4 method overloading and dynamic types
02/09/2010 SmallestDotNet Update - Now with .NET 4 support and an includable JavaScript API
02/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 198 - Reactive Extensions for .NET (Rx) with Erik Meijer
01/14/2010 Favor - Help Us Test .NET 4 Beta 2 on Windows Update (WU)
12/02/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 186: .NET Debugging 101 with Tess Ferrandez
11/05/2009 Hanselminutes on 9 - Debugging Crash Dumps with Tess Ferrandez and VS2010
10/21/2009 The Minutes On 9 - Channel 9 Video Interviews with the ASP.NET 4 Team

VS2012 (14)

01/21/2015 Quake Mode Console for Visual Studio - Open a Command Prompt with a hotkey
04/24/2013 Project-less scripted C# with ScriptCS and Roslyn
02/18/2013 Released: ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 in Context
02/06/2013 Simultaneous Editing for Visual Studio with the free MultiEdit extension
01/31/2013 Cross Browser Debugging integrated into Visual Studio with BrowserStack
01/30/2013 Git support for Visual Studio - Git, TFS, and VS put into Context
09/13/2012 FREE: Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop
09/11/2012 ASP.NET Web Forms DynamicData FieldTemplates for DbGeography Spatial Types (plus Model Binders and Friendly URLs)
09/09/2012 Introducing ASP.NET FriendlyUrls - cleaner URLs, easier Routing, and Mobile Views for ASP.NET Web Forms
09/07/2012 Your Colorful Visual Studio 2012 with the Color Theme Editor (VS2010 colors, too)
08/15/2012 Visual Studio 2012 and .NET Framework 4.5 is RELEASED - Here's 5 minute videos to get you up to speed quick
08/10/2012 Tiny Happy Features #2 - ASP.NET Web API in Visual Studio 2012
08/10/2012 Tiny Happy Features #1 - T4 Template Debugging in Visual Studio 2012
05/31/2012 Visual Studio 2012 RC is released - The Big Web Rollup

VS2013 (5)

01/21/2015 Quake Mode Console for Visual Studio - Open a Command Prompt with a hotkey
09/02/2014 Introducing Gulp, Grunt, Bower, and npm support for Visual Studio
11/21/2013 Introducing node.js Tools for Visual Studio
10/21/2013 SCREENCASTS: What's New in Visual Studio 2013 - learn over lunch!
09/09/2013 Visual Studio 2013 RC for Web Developers - One ASP.NET, Browser Link, and our Direction

VS2015 (11)

08/17/2016 Visual Studio's most useful (and underused) tips
04/06/2016 Visual C++ for Linux and Raspberry Pi Development
03/26/2016 Docker for Windows Beta announced
11/19/2015 ASP.NET 5 and .NET Core RC1 in context (Plus all the Connect 2015 News)
07/21/2015 Visual Studio 2015 Released plus ASP.NET 5 Roadmap
07/08/2015 VS Refactoring Essentials (formerly) NR6Pack - Free analyzers and refactoring for Visual Studio 2015
06/17/2015 Historical Debugging, Profiling, New Diagnostic Tools in Visual Studio 2015
06/17/2015 Visual Studio Web Development Tip - Add Chrome Incognito Mode as a Browser
04/29/2015 Introducing Visual Studio Code for Windows, Mac, and Linux
01/21/2015 Quake Mode Console for Visual Studio - Open a Command Prompt with a hotkey
11/12/2014 Announcing .NET 2015 - .NET as Open Source, .NET on Mac and Linux, and Visual Studio Community

VS2017 (7)

09/28/2018 Exploring .NET Core's SourceLink - Stepping into the Source Code of NuGet packages you don't own
09/28/2017 Tabs vs Spaces - A peaceful resolution with EditorConfig in Visual Studio. Plus .NET Extensions!
08/02/2017 A proper terminal for Visual Studio
03/24/2017 Visual Studio 2017 can automatically recommend NuGet packages for unknown types
02/13/2017 dotnet new angular and dotnet new react
02/08/2017 How to make an offline installer for VS2017
02/07/2017 Trying out "dotnet new" template updates and csproj with VS2017

VS2019 (8)

05/25/2021 Running Microsoft Edge on Linux with WSLg while running Visual Studio 2019 and debugging a Linux .NET app with WSL on Windows 10
03/18/2021 Visual Studio hotkeys at the PowerShell command line in Windows Terminal
02/11/2021 DotNet Boxed includes prescriptive templates for .NET Core
02/09/2021 Tiny top-level programs with C# 9 and SmallSharp and Visual Studio
07/23/2020 Official Support for Remote Debugging a .NET Core Linux app in WSL2 from Visual Studio on Windows
05/19/2020 Developing on Docker with the new and improved Visual Studio Container Tools (and WSL2)
12/03/2019 Remote Debugging a .NET Core Linux app in WSL2 from Visual Studio on Windows
09/05/2019 Visual Studio now includes an integrated Terminal

VSOnline (1)

11/01/2019 Trying out Visual Studio Online - Using the cloud to manage and compile your code is amazing

Watir (21)

08/18/2006 WATIR for .NET - WatiN approaches 0.8 release and automating IE from PowerShell
07/25/2006 New Release of WatirMaker now WatirRecorder
07/20/2006 Time Saver - Using Watir as a Startup Program in your ASP.NET Projects
07/07/2006 WatirMaker written again in Ruby
07/02/2006 Sapphire In Steel - Ruby within Visual Studio 2005
07/02/2006 A Very Poor Man's Vonage Web Service using Watir
04/05/2006 Ruby as Cross Platform Monad
03/23/2006 Loving Mush - I mean Monad
03/15/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 10
02/14/2006 WatirNUt - Portable Watir Tests integrated with NUnit
02/14/2006 Accessing Fields with Regular Expressions and Watir
02/10/2006 WatirMaker redux or Watir WebRecorder ne WatirMaker
01/23/2006 OnTurning0x20AndLookingBackArt2005
01/14/2006 NUnit/Watir/Ruby Test Integration
01/14/2006 Clicking a JavaScript Dialog using Watir
01/12/2006 Paving my machine for a fresh 2006
12/26/2005 My Year In Blogging - 2005
08/03/2005 WatirMaker Version 0.01 Source
07/27/2005 Introducing WatirMaker - Recording for Ruby-based Watir
07/03/2005 A few dasBlog changes coming tonight
06/30/2005 Integrating Ruby and Watir with NUnit

Web Services (448)

11/25/2021 JavaScript and TypeScript Projects with React, Angular, or Vue in Visual Studio 2022 with or without .NET
09/09/2021 Minimal APIs in .NET 6 but where are the Unit Tests?
09/07/2021 Minimal APIs at a glance in .NET 6
09/02/2021 A .NET 6 Minimal API Todo example Playground
10/23/2016 Exploring ServiceStack's simple and fast web services on .NET Core
07/09/2015 Introducing Web Tiles for Microsoft Band - My diabetes data on a Band!
04/09/2015 Introducing Azure Resource Explorer for the Azure Resource Management APIs
03/19/2013 Installing Sendy (a PHP app) on Windows Azure to send inexpensive newsletter email via Amazon SES
03/08/2013 Our first year. A new web conference - &lt;anglebrackets&gt;
08/17/2012 Installing HTTPIE (HTTP for Humans) on Windows - Great for ASP.NET Web API and RESTful JSON services
02/25/2012 One ASP.NET - Making JSON Web APIs with ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta and ASP.NET Web API
04/29/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 264 - This is not your father's WCF - All about the WebAPI with Glenn Block
10/22/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 236 - Misunderstanding REST with Mike Amundsen
08/12/2010 The Weekly Source Code 56 - Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit - Code Contracts, Parallel Framework and COM Interop
01/14/2010 2010 Survey Results: What .NET Framework features do you use?
06/10/2009 Breaking All The Rules with WCF
04/01/2009 .NET 4.1 Preview - New Base Class Library (BCL) Extension Methods - RFC
02/10/2009 UrlScan and ADO.NET Data Services (Astoria)
01/29/2009 RTFLF - Read the Expletive Log File
10/22/2008 Survey RESULTS: What .NET Framework features do you use?
10/14/2008 Survey Time: What .NET Framework features do you use?
10/01/2008 Plug-In Hybrids: ASP.NET WebForms and ASP.MVC and ASP.NET Dynamic Data Side By Side
08/21/2008 The Weekly Source Code 32- Atom, AtomPub and BlogSvc, an AtomPub Server in WCF
07/21/2008 Adding OpenSearch to your website and getting in the Browser's Search Box
03/27/2008 The Weekly Source Code 22 - C# and VB .NET Libraries to Digg, Flickr, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Live Services, Google and other Web 2.0 APIs
09/17/2007 ASMX SoapExtension to Strip out Whitespace and New Lines
07/23/2007 WPF Sample in IronRuby talking via C# to Wesabe
02/10/2007 Yahoo Pipes - Simultaneously Brilliant and Dumb
12/21/2006 - Interviewed by Ron Jacobs at TechEd 2006
12/13/2006 CardSpace InformationCard Extension for FireFox
11/30/2006 CardSpace/InfoCard for .NET 1.1
11/17/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 41 - WS-*
09/18/2006 Accessing Private and Authenticated Feeds - Why it's important
09/13/2006 IE7 RC1 can't update Password Protected Feeds
08/30/2006 SOLVED: How to Force IIS to load a certain version of the .NET CLR
07/27/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 3
07/19/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 2
07/18/2006 Portland Code Camp 2006 contracts and expands
07/15/2006 ScriptBlock and Runspace Remoting in PowerShell
07/11/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 1
07/05/2006 Serializing Objects as JavaScript using Atlas, JSON.NET and AjaxPro
06/09/2006 TechEd 2006 Approaches
04/25/2006 Speaking Schedule - 2nd Quarter 2006
03/12/2006 XmlValidatingReader problems over derived XmlReaders
03/04/2006 XmlTextReader more and more
02/23/2006 Leaning on the Language and Leaning on the Libraries
02/22/2006 INETA ASP.NET Canada Roadshow
02/22/2006 Speaking at TechEd 2006
02/20/2006 Answering Questions (and putting your gamercard on your desktop)
02/07/2006 Classic Web Services versus POX XML over MQ - are you really using XML?
11/13/2005 BeyondTV4 Upgrade Review - Media Center Alternative?
10/07/2005 Professional ASP.NET 2.0 - Coming VERY soon!
09/02/2005 Review - OnTime Defect Tracker from AxoSoft
08/24/2005 The ISAPI equivalent of Response.AppendToLog
08/11/2005 DasBlog 1.8 Gold
07/16/2005 Visual Studio Command Prompt Here and Search Unknown File Extensions
07/01/2005 Code Camp Portland - July 23 and 24
06/25/2005 The Recorded Version of my TechEd 2005 Code Generation Talk is Available
06/20/2005 Scott Hanselman's 2005 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List
05/31/2005 My Picks for TechEd 2005 Sessions
04/25/2005 TechEd is Sold out: Sign up for my session now!
04/13/2005 TechEd Video #4 - It's all about Community. And Ice Cream. And Baby Carrots.
03/31/2005 Brainstorming Hardware Projects
03/20/2005 Separating a Web Service's Implementation from the ASMX File
03/16/2005 Rory and Scott design some software - TechEd - Revenge of the Sith
03/16/2005 Yes, it WILL run differently under the Debugger
03/08/2005 Storing things on Threads
02/21/2005 What Great .NET Developers Ought To Know (More .NET Interview Questions)
02/09/2005 Zen of Web Services - Join me at the Boise .NET Developers User Group
01/22/2005 The Charity Auction has Begun: Bid on an Hour of .NET Consulting Time to help Banda Aceh
01/17/2005 Why you can't Double.Parse(Double.MaxValue.ToString()) or System.OverloadExceptions when using Double.Parse
12/18/2004 Brute force check to ensure access to the TEMP directory in order to use the XmlSerializer
12/03/2004 Being a good .NET citizen means certain things...start with your debugging skills
11/12/2004 Scott's List of Ultimate Visual Studio.NET AddIns
11/05/2004 Spam Soap Reporting
10/28/2004 Steve Swartz reminds us of Indigo's intent
10/27/2004 Moving the Code-Behind Assemblies/DLLs to a different folder than /BIN with ASP.NET 1.1
10/26/2004 Mixing Metaphors and Making Things Too Complex (REST and SOAP)
10/24/2004 EWeek story on the XmlDevCon
10/20/2004 SellsCon 2004
10/11/2004 Getting a BASE64'ed Adobe Acrobat PDF file out of a Soap Envelope with Classic ASP
10/05/2004 Reminder: I'm at SouthColorado.NET tommorow...anyone want to drive me?
08/30/2004 SOAP with Attachments starting to make sense? - MTOM (Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism)
08/26/2004 Oy...XPathDocument 2.0 changes moved BACK into XmlDocument!
08/14/2004 New .NET Resource Portal from Sam Gentile
08/14/2004 Appled XML Developer's Conference 5 or "SellsCon 2004"
08/12/2004 Great "Top Ten Tips for Web Services Interoperability" from Simon Guest
08/12/2004 Disneyland - a Software Engineer's Perspective
08/11/2004 Classes at OIT - C# and Applied Web Services
08/10/2004 Come hang at the South Sound User's Group with INETA
07/29/2004 "Neo, there is no boolean." - Web Services, Product Releases, Travel and Famous Bloggers.
07/22/2004 Use of Posters and Flow Charts in Lieu of Prose for Documentation - Is a Visio is Worth a Thousand Words?
07/12/2004 Validating XML schemas that have been xs:imported and have schemaLocation
07/01/2004 Doc/Literal/Bare in XML Web Services - my thoughts on all this.
07/01/2004 If ever there was a goodness...the iTunes Album Art Importer for Windows, written in .NET 1.1
06/30/2004 Visual Studio Express 2005 - C# Edition - will upgrade your ASP.NET to 2.0 without asking...Fix here...
06/25/2004 Effective XML Document with C#, NDoc, Lutz's Documentor and the Microsoft HTML Help Workshop
06/21/2004 DCOM lives!
06/18/2004 The "I'll have Larges Fries and a Diet Coke" Style of Programming
06/16/2004 My upcoming speaking schedule
06/06/2004 XMLSpy for Free? Manna from Heaven I say.
06/03/2004 Web Services Theory - New Class
06/03/2004 Today's Errors: "Unexpected Error 0x8ffe2740 Occurred" Error Message When You Try to Start a Web Site and "Not Running ASP.NET Version 1.1" Error Message When You Try to Open an ASP.NET Web Application Project in Visual Studio .NET 2003
06/03/2004 - Episodes you may have missed...
06/01/2004 Returning DataSets from WebServices is the Spawn of Satan and Represents All That Is Truly Evil in the World
06/01/2004 A reminder on "Three/Multi Tier/Layer Architecture/Design" brought to you by my late night frustrations.
05/30/2004 The Myth of .NET Purity, Reloaded
05/26/2004 Will ANYTHING new ever work?
05/25/2004 TechEd - Pictures and People
05/24/2004 TechEd 2004 - Keynote and the Wizzy Release and more innovation
05/22/2004 TechEd 2004: UCSD - Web Services Day
05/19/2004 dasBlonde
05/10/2004 Internet Professionals Northwest
05/09/2004 Something Wicked This Way Comes...Thinktecture
04/08/2004 The Myth of XML Purity?
03/29/2004 VSLive SFO Rocked...
03/18/2004 Root Cause: The SPOT Watch calendar quota...
03/04/2004 Cargo-cult programming
02/27/2004 Microsoft's "Whitehorse" - Visual Design back in Vogue?
02/25/2004 DCOM deserves our respect
02/19/2004 Scott Hanselman (that's me) on .NET Rocks! Live! Friday 9am PST over Windows Media and Skype.
02/09/2004 FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) debunked...
01/09/2004 One other thing: I'll be in NYC with INETA on the 15th
01/08/2004 The Browser vs. The Connected Application
01/04/2004 The one where I realize I'm a huge dork but still want to buy a Wrist.NET watch. Thanks Mike!
12/19/2003 Technology Predictions for 2004
12/10/2003 WS-I Delivers Sample Applications for Basic Profile - (Corillian involved!)
12/05/2003 XmlSerializers Part II: Am I Insane?
12/05/2003 Are XmlSerializers ThreadSafe?
12/04/2003 Pentium 4s, DVD Burning, ASP.NET, and Longhorn...oy...what a day.
11/07/2003 Learning to Love WSDL - Christian Weyer supports "Contract First"
11/02/2003 Share Schema, not Type - Explained?
10/31/2003 PDC - Conclusion
10/28/2003 PDC - Day 2...
10/28/2003 The PDC Keynote Summary - The überpost
10/27/2003 Keynote - and conclusion
10/27/2003 Keynote - Jim Alchin
10/27/2003 .NET Rocks! - PDC Edition Quotes
10/25/2003 Regulating Regular Expressions
10/15/2003 Wizzy wizzy wizzy
10/14/2003 ASP.NET and next stop Cleveland...thanks INETA
10/09/2003 Wireless Blood Sugar/Glucose Meter...
09/28/2003 Two good things this weekend...movies and spam
09/23/2003 Anti-Things you must install on your fresh Windows box
09/21/2003 Technology and the first insulin pump...
09/19/2003 Bring all my Radio UserLand comments over to dasBlog
09/18/2003 EnableVisualStyles strikes again...
09/18/2003 Moving from Radio to DasBlog, DNS, Redirects, Permalinks and Radio "Stories"...
09/18/2003 The Utilities Continue...
09/16/2003 Internet Explorer and the Magic of Microsoft KB Article Q293792
09/11/2003 Rory asks, Why do I code?
09/10/2003 The tragedy of November 9th
09/10/2003 ASPLive! and flying on 9/11
09/10/2003 Things that make my life better...thanks for sharing
09/09/2003 Scott Hanselman's Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tools List v1
09/08/2003 iPods are God's Gift
09/08/2003 The Microsoft Roadmap Decoded
09/08/2003 It's happy utility day!
09/08/2003 DeveloperPlayground
09/08/2003 Technical Debt
09/06/2003 The Zen of .NET: Vacation Continues
09/02/2003 .NET Code and Intellectual Property
09/02/2003 PDC - The Blogging Begins...
09/02/2003 TechEd 2003 - DEV389 - Learning to love WSDL has been saved!
09/02/2003 Yet another useful Utility - Snippet Compiler
09/02/2003 Rapid Fire Blogging
08/28/2003 Malaysia - Days 2 and 3 and 4 wrapping up
08/25/2003 Mayasia - Day #1 wrapping up.
08/24/2003 Malaysia - Day -1 wrapping up
08/21/2003 On the road and still more Web Services DON'Ts
08/19/2003 New NetPing from Jeff Key
08/13/2003 Digging into the Exception Management Block
08/13/2003 Writing Interoperable Web Services using the WS-I Basic Profile 1.0
08/12/2003 TechEd 2003 DVD: Tragedy Strikes! I must buy a lottery ticket...
08/11/2003 Intellectual property, decompilation, .NET and getting the 'gist'
08/08/2003 My day: Back-porting Input Validation from ASP.NET 1.1 to ASP.NET 1.0
08/07/2003 I will be there with Managed Bells on...
08/07/2003 More interesting code from my buddy Sairama - How to create an object with a private constructor
08/01/2003 How many ways to Beep and Make Noise in .NET and C#
07/31/2003 Ridiculous MSN Messenger 6.0 Bug - anyone want to pass this on to the team?
07/29/2003 DPAPI and WindowsImpersonationContext and the one that got away...
07/29/2003 It's been one of those Old School Weeks
07/29/2003 [XmlRootForcePrefix(Prefix='foo')
07/27/2003 Modifying the namespace PREFIX of the root node of the body of a SOAP Web Services Response....whew!
07/24/2003 .NET Redneck
07/22/2003 Ender's Job - Software Engineer or Protector of Mankind?
07/22/2003 The poor man's TabletPC
07/21/2003 Finding out the name of the EVERYONE Group on a non-english (International) version of Windows
07/17/2003 Recovering passwords from old locked Windows 2000 systems...
07/17/2003 ASP.NET WebServices calling Apartment-Threaded COM Components...
07/16/2003 ATTN Presenters: Change your VS.NET Font Sizes, People!
07/15/2003 REDUX: Strange but True...weird allocation problem with .NET 1.1
07/15/2003 Ah...there she is!
07/14/2003 MSDN Search Changed...
07/12/2003 Vegas Baby
07/11/2003 Strange but True...weird allocation problem with .NET?
07/11/2003 From my blog to God's Ear...
07/10/2003 XmlDevCon: KeithBa and WIZZY
07/10/2003 Quake II.NET!
07/10/2003 Just had to try...
07/10/2003 XmlDevCon: David Ing, Chief Cat Herder
07/10/2003 XmlDevCon: Ted Neward on EJB 2.1 Web Services
07/10/2003 XmlDevCon: SVG with Don Demcsak
07/10/2003 XmlDevCon: Don Box's talk...
07/10/2003 Blogging @ Applied XML Developers Conference 2003 West
07/09/2003 HTTP, HEAD, and Range Requests...
07/09/2003 The 'Net before the 'Net...for me at least
07/09/2003 Thanks to the Seattle .NET Developer's Association...
07/03/2003 Dinner at the Crossroad Mall on 7/7?
07/02/2003 So many mistakes for me to make, so little time...capturing StandardError and StandardOutput
07/01/2003 The Content-Disposition Saga: Controlling the suggested file name in the Browser's Save As Dialog
06/30/2003 WSE and Timestamping - TimeZones and Tijuana
06/26/2003 Nesting Regions in VS.NET 2003
06/26/2003 Free Pocket PC with MSDN or Visual Studio.NET 2003 Purchase
06/26/2003 Adding Pre- and Post-Build Actions to Visual Studio.NET 2002
06/26/2003 Windows 2000 SP4: Return of the King is out
06/25/2003 Upcoming Speaking Schedule
06/24/2003 Hold me...
06/24/2003 An Oldie but a Goodie: MSXML and FreeThreadedDomDocument vs. DomDocument
06/23/2003 Big Picture of XML or Diagram of a Big Ball of Goo?
06/20/2003 Brummesque?
06/17/2003 Understanding why your updated images don't immediately get served to Browser Clients
06/17/2003 Schema Versioning
06/16/2003 Where's Juval Lowy?
06/12/2003 Getting the Line Number and File Name from C#
06/11/2003 Figuring out which DLLHost.exe belongs to which COM+ Application
06/11/2003 "Parsing a culture-aware DateTime" or "Avoiding InStr"
06/11/2003 Bitter XML Quote of the Day
06/10/2003 My Graduation Cake
06/10/2003 Schweet: Free .NET Hosting for Developers
06/10/2003 WSDL Cleanliness is next to Godliness (actually Cleavage is next to Cleanliness and Goggles is next to Godliness...)
06/10/2003 "Gotchas" around Primary Interop Assemblies and the GAC
06/06/2003 Leaning at the Tape...a B.S. in Software Engineering squeezed into 11 short years...
06/04/2003 TechEd 2003: Dallas : Going Home...
06/04/2003 TechEd 2003: Dallas : Day 3 - The Calm before the storm...
06/02/2003 TechEd 2003: Dallas : Day 1 - The Afterparty
06/01/2003 TechEd 2003: Dallas : Sunday Sunday Sunday!
06/01/2003 TechEd 2003: Dallas :T-1 Day
05/29/2003 INETA - Check us out at TechEd, and congrats to all the new addtions
05/29/2003 Angst, ISO Standards, DataBinding Eval(), Malaise, DataGrids, System.Globalization, Fritz and the morning after...
05/27/2003 Not a bad weekend...
05/23/2003 A tale of two techniques: The [ThreadStatic] Attribute and System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items
05/16/2003 More .NET Purity discussions...
05/15/2003 See you at TechEd! I'm giving DEV389.
05/13/2003 The Myth of .NET Purity
05/13/2003 Woogle -> Google for your Desktop
05/12/2003 A Class (or Caste) System for APIs
05/11/2003 Remember Pointcast? Smells like RSS spirit...
05/10/2003 Tomato, Tomato, [WebMethod], @Remote, Kosher, Halaal, them's good eatin'.
05/09/2003 Blogging and Blue Toast
05/07/2003 THE Useful PowerPoint Tip
05/05/2003 NUnit 2.1 discussion at the Portland XP Users Group and later in Seattle
05/02/2003 More .NET Zen Koans + Visual Studio.NET 2003/Windows Server 2003 launch in Boise
05/02/2003 Don't change your public contract
04/30/2003 InfoPath 2003 and the use of ProgIds in XML PIs (Processing Instructions)
04/29/2003 Visual Studio.NET 2003/Windows Server 2003 launch in Portland
04/27/2003 Physics and No-Touch Deployment WinForms
04/25/2003 XSD.exe is kicking my butt, man...redux
04/24/2003 Windows Server 2003/Visual Studio 2003 Launch
04/23/2003 How to run ASP.NET 1.0 and 1.1 on the same box
04/22/2003 NEW: Doculabs Web Services Benchmark is out
04/21/2003 WSDL and Deem's Dime Dogfood :)
04/21/2003 Exporting tabular data to Excel from ASP.NET
04/19/2003 Scott Hanselman, I'm 29, but I'm reading at a 43 year-old level
04/19/2003 Sells Succumbs to Seattle's Sucking Sound? Film at 11...
04/18/2003 My one REAL frustration with Visual Studio.NET - When is XHTML going to be addressed?
04/18/2003 Having one of those days...
04/16/2003 Blog with the Best Signal-to-Noise Ratio
04/15/2003 Scoble Sucked Into Redmond...Film at Eleven. Schwoop! (That's the sucking sound)
04/15/2003 VB.NET programmers getting screwed? and other thoughts...
04/14/2003 Best use of "primogeniture" in a Weblog
04/11/2003 Gunderloy's a freakin' stud
04/11/2003 Reporting, and dynamically creating PDFs from .NET
04/11/2003 Stop me if you've heard this one...Q261186 Computer Randomly Plays Classical Music
04/10/2003 More Talk about Certification from an MC*.*
04/09/2003 At-A-Glance: XmlReader vs. XPathNavigator vs. XmlDocument
04/09/2003 .NET Framework 1.1 Redistributable is out...
04/06/2003 InfoPath supports only Document Literal - That's not lame at all!
04/05/2003 Scott Hanselman, MC*.*, Good SATs, AS, Almost BS, 3 digit IQ, blah blah blah...
04/03/2003 More ASP.NET Globalization/Localization/Internationalization and my mad, mad, mad, mad life
03/31/2003 More tips from Sairama - Catching Ctrl-C from a .NET Console Application
03/30/2003 Scale, extend, stay running and don't forget to lock the door
03/30/2003 NewsGator 1.1 - Run, Don't Walk
03/30/2003 Netscape Navigator 4.6 and ASP.NET
03/28/2003 Clemens will live longer than WSDL
03/27/2003 Essential ASP.NET with Examples in C#
03/26/2003 Programmatically modifying DIR=LTR for Right-To-Left Languages in ASP.NET
03/24/2003 ASP.NET Internationalization, Globalization, and Localization...Whew!
03/17/2003 How to set a Windows XP or 2000 machine to Auto-Login, or NOT to Auto-Login
03/17/2003 Wrox books goes under...
03/13/2003 Where's the Platform? Where do YOU think the Platform is?
03/11/2003 Exploring IsNumeric for C#
03/11/2003 Ok, fine, so I took the damn red pill...InfoPath in Action (and ruminations on Trumpet WinSock)
03/10/2003 It's official - PDC is back, and it's October 2003
03/07/2003 Turning on HTTP GET with ASP.NET Web Services under Visual Studio 2003 and .NET 1.1 (Everett)
03/06/2003 ieHTTPheaders gets even MORE useful
03/05/2003 Just exactly HOW powerful is Google? Just WHAT can you find?
03/05/2003 MSI2XML and back...converting Windows Installer Databases to XML
03/05/2003 Pushing The Limits of Instant Messaging...
03/04/2003 Screen Scraping, Sleep(), Web Services, and the Bible
03/03/2003 Windows Server 2003, and something called...being a Security Expert
03/02/2003 Changing the HTML editor used by the Edit button on the IE Toolbar
02/28/2003 Time to get on the bus...
02/27/2003 .NET Rocks! - The Internet Audio Talk Show for .NET Developers (Scott Hanselman)
02/26/2003 C:/UTILS continues to grow...NetPing
02/26/2003 Uninstalling IPv6 Support on Window XP
02/26/2003 Thank the Good Lord I didn't install ThreeDegrees
02/26/2003 Windows Update and SOAP
02/23/2003 Tablet PC vs. Smart Display comparison
02/19/2003 "Attaching a CacheDependancy to a ASP.NET Page using Output Caching" or "I can't believe they didn't think of this...oh sweet, they did!"
02/19/2003 Undocumented configuration setting for XmlSerializer - and a new question emerges?
02/19/2003 Kent Sharkey in the heezy fo' sheezy babay!
02/19/2003 Snazzy tool to the rescue: TaskManagerEx (The
02/19/2003 Sairama's Interesting Code of the Day - Printing Line Numbers while Debugging C#
02/19/2003 Microsoft aquires Connectix - VMWare screwed?
02/18/2003 Outlook2RSS v0.4 with support for Images
02/18/2003 SQL2K Stored Procedure Debugging broken with SP3
02/17/2003 My Collection of .NET Regular Expression Tools
02/17/2003 New Developer Blog built on Outlook2RSS and ASP
02/16/2003 What really happened in New York on Feb 15th, 2003
02/14/2003 Where did God put his readonly variables?
02/14/2003 Iron Developer!
02/14/2003 Multiple-Monitors are love
02/13/2003 Linux Switchers - 4 out of 5 super villians agree...
02/13/2003 My ignorance proceeds me: Visual Studio.NET Incremental Search
02/13/2003 Living the dual monitor lifestyle - You're preaching to the choir!
02/12/2003 Outlook2RSS - Outlook Folders to RSS Feeds
02/12/2003 WS-I Basic Profile, Baby - If you don't know, you better ask somebody!
02/12/2003 All the Distributed News that's Fit to Print - by Ingo Rammer
02/10/2003 How to share sessions between ASP and ASP.NET
02/07/2003 DOTNETWebLogs is on the radar screen
02/07/2003 AdAware 6.0 - HIGHLY recommended
02/05/2003 This script alone will save me >=15 minutes a day...
02/05/2003 Changing ASP.NET's default WSDL Generated Help Page
02/04/2003 Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture...good stuff spreads
02/02/2003 Revolutions don't always start at the hardware transport layer...
01/30/2003 Groove - Got Memory?
01/29/2003 "101 Reason Why I Don't Care if .NET is Better than Java" or "Pick a Religion"
01/29/2003 - Sairama's Tip of the Day
01/28/2003 Unions (or an equivalent) in C# - Sairama's Tip of the Day
01/26/2003 Scott's Law of Unit Testing
01/25/2003 ALERT! SQL Server Worm - PATCH YOUR SERVERS TO SP3
01/24/2003 Coding with Shu Ha Ri
01/23/2003 Leaky Abstractions? My creativity or my ignorance.
01/23/2003 Ignorance, Confusion and Higgledy-Piggledy reign supreme in the World of Software
01/22/2003 GamerTag = Glucose
01/22/2003 Tips on a Successful MSFT Presentation
01/22/2003 Stickies for Windows Stickienote desktop application
01/22/2003 Sairama's Interesting Code of the Day
01/22/2003 It's official, my twenties are winding down
01/20/2003 Recent Command List Popup
01/20/2003 Microsoft Download Center RSS Feed
01/20/2003 Detailing Failed Assembly Loads with the Assembly Binding Log Viewer ("The Fusion Logger")
01/20/2003 Resources to Troubleshoot ASP.NET Debugging
01/16/2003 Another Blogger Spotted
01/15/2003 To Hell with Bad Browsers
01/15/2003 DevHawk PageLayout Control
01/13/2003 Extended Stored Procedures Considered Harmful?
01/13/2003 OWASP: Top Ten Most Critical Security Vulnerabilities in Web Apps
01/10/2003 Set the ASP.NET Application Object to Read-Only
01/08/2003 Apple says No to Mozilla
01/07/2003 Active Directory Application Mode
01/07/2003 Watch IIS communicate wtih ASP.NET
01/07/2003 Compact Framework goes 10 I must have missed this its dated Jan 3 A hrefhttpwwwmicrosoft
01/06/2003 Checking VB6 Binaries for "Retain in Memory" and "Unattended Execution"
01/06/2003 Keeping Track of Domain Names
01/06/2003 Outlook News Aggregator
01/03/2003 Trying to figure out installed versionsservice packs of various things on your NT4 2000 XP System
01/02/2003 Who says Windows cant be reliable This is a Windows XP laptop that is only being rebooted because I need to reformat it to
12/17/2002 Cookie Viewing Ive been sort of vaguely looking for a coo
12/17/2002 Taken So i have a Tivo full of A hrefhttptakensci
12/15/2002 Seems
12/13/2002 Justin and A hrefhttpradioweblogscom01
12/13/2002 No Title
12/12/2002 Current Project Command Pr
12/11/2002 I ran all over the Net via Google and Google Groups this evening trying to figure out the answer to what I thought
12/09/2002 Ive looked at building a NET NAnt BuildServer to assist in A hrefhttpwwwm
12/09/2002 W3C Home Page Tableless Layout HOWTO via Zeldman The W3
12/09/2002 The Five Biggest Myths About Web Services
12/09/2002 ILLINK Microsoft R NET Framework IL Linker The A hrefhttpwwwgotdotnetcomuserarea
12/09/2002 Great article on on MSDNMag by Ya
12/06/2002 FYI My PowerPoints from Ready Set VSNET are posted up at A hrefhttpwwwmicrosoftcomusapresentationssearchaspd
12/06/2002 Interesting bit of silly philosophy todaywhat IS the best practice in NET when you are given things like
12/05/2002 Heres a super cool use of WebServicesan Outlook 2000XP AddIn that interfaces
12/05/2002 I know this might sound silly and obvious but are there any published performance numbers comparing NET Remoting w
12/05/2002 MSN Messenger AddIn for Visual StudioNETnbsp I may have to
12/05/2002 Ready Set VSNET Chris Kinsman A hrefhttpwww
12/03/2002 Good classic McConnell article pointed to me by JimLittlenbsp Its call
12/03/2002 Machineconfig versus webconfig Ive Gordon Weaklie
12/03/2002 IMG height321 altA picture named ole2cdjpg hspace15 srchttpradioweblogscom0108971images20021203ole2cdjpg
11/26/2002 Been doing some A hrefhttpmsdnmicrosoftcomlibrarydefaultaspurllibraryenuscpguidehtmlcpcondevelopinghighpe
11/26/2002 Automated Testing NET Web Services and Applications I just found Jim Klo
11/26/2002 Good article and primary on the basics of Cryptography and NE
11/25/2002 Great info and Technology updates up on Microsoftcom this week FONT face
11/25/2002 I used this Atari 10in1 Game to open up a talk on Web Services recentlynbsp Its a great tangible example in case anyon
11/23/2002 How to uninstall Windows Messenger 47 After
11/22/2002 NAnt and FxCopCmd Today I spent some time in between NAnt and
11/22/2002 NET Refactoring Tool Enters Beta C Refactory is a revol
11/21/2002 Thanks to everyone who attended my talk Web Services Behind the Music at the SAOs Software Association of Oregon Develo
11/19/2002 Its not easy to read its certainly not written to entertain but still one of the most important pieces o
11/18/2002 SighNet Server Three delays a charm
11/18/2002 OuchHousenbspapproves bill to make hacking automatic life sentence
11/18/2002 Ah yesAmazon has notified me that my own personal copy of A hrefhttpwwwamazoncomexecobidostgdetail0
11/14/2002 Great article with the biggest UNDERSTATEMENT of the year as its title at A hrefhttpwwwsysconcomj
11/14/2002 C and Java The Smart Distinctions Article by Dominik Gruntz
11/13/2002 Charles Petzold is a very cool guy A hrefhttpwwwamazoncomexecobidosA
11/13/2002 Greeting card virus licens
11/12/2002 Heres a fantastic bit of ASPNET news from the A hrefhttpdiscussdevelopcomarchiveswaexeA2ind0211BampLDOTNET
11/12/2002 I hearby declare November to be Web Services MonthnbspnbspThere are several Webby seminars in Portlan
11/12/2002 Ah Greg Reinacker has sent me the Java quote I mentioned beforeit was in fact he who said 1 I personally bel
11/12/2002 And here I am 6 days latenbsp Congratsnbsp Finally a reason for eBooksFantasticwell you know I HAVE to get this
11/12/2002 Something interesting was said recently on the Blogs on to the recent uproar caused by the Middleware Companys PetStore whit
11/12/2002 Basically I want something like the following to work public class BookService RestService RestMet
11/11/2002 The Everett Visual CNET features Sam Gentiles got t
11/08/2002 Ill be speaking at ReadySetVisual StudioNET in Portland and Seat
11/01/2002 ReSTNET Yesterday and this afternoon
10/31/2002 When less is more A hrefhttpwwwdictionarycom
10/31/2002 No Title
10/30/2002 My friend and yours Shawn Wildermuth perhaps better known as the A hre
10/29/2002 The consistently excellent Dino Exposito has a nice A hrefhttpmsdnmicrosoftcomlibrarydefaultaspurlmsdnmagissue
10/29/2002 Starting November 4 Im going to be joining Microsoft as a A hrefhttpmailserverdiunipiitpipermaildotnetssclimsg
10/28/2002 XCode NET I was a huge fan of GenltXgt fro
10/25/2002 As some of you may have seen a
10/23/2002 First Draft of WSI Basic Profile An
10/23/2002 NET Pet Shop 2 NET Pe
10/21/2002 Matt Griffith did me a solid today by having a nice A hrefhttpmattgriff
10/21/2002 Ive always wondered and often been asked Is there anywhere to control Page Breaks when PRINTING from IEnbsp Id alway
10/16/2002 XML 11 Becomes a W3C Candidate Recommendation 15 October 2002 W3C is ple
10/16/2002 Im presenting at the Software Association of Oregon SAO on A hrefhttpdbsaoorgcalendarofeventseventdescription
10/15/2002 XML Spy Visual StudioNET
10/15/2002 IMG height394 altA picture named SoapExtWizJPG hspace15 srchttpradioweblogscom0108971images2002101
10/14/2002 A hrefhttprsscomcom21001001961994htmltypeptamppartrssa
10/11/2002 I was on a great conference call yesterday with some folks talking about J2EE vs NET Linux vs Windows and a great quote c
10/11/2002 De
10/09/2002 Ive ported my Tiny Abstract OS and CPU in C projectnbspfr
10/09/2002 And now for something completely different A hrefhttpw
10/08/2002 Top subtle as a brick in the face issues when converting my Tiny OS from C to VBNET Array LengthsI knew
10/08/2002 And the answer shall comethis is itnbsp This is why I love the hell out of NETnbsp I tell this to my students when
10/08/2002 Well I got the big idea that Id convert my Tiny Abstract OS in C
10/07/2002 Chris Brooks pointed this A hrefhttpwwwcsharpcornercomCode2002Se
10/07/2002 Wireless Electricity BLOCKQUOTE dirltr s
10/07/2002 Chris Sells sharesXML Comments and Documentation Generation for VBNET Develo
10/04/2002 A classnavLinkSmall hrefhttpbuildercomcomauthorbiosauthorbiojhtmljsessionidLEPQREGFEDWMPTQQACQCFEYauthorIdjm
10/04/2002 Web services are like high school sex Everyone is talking about doing it but hardly anyone is and those that are probably
10/04/2002 Lots of thoughts on Web Services todayits no because doubt of Chris Sells upcoming A hrefhttpwwwsellsbrothersco
10/03/2002 Heres a list of useful NET related web sites SPAN styleFONTFAMILY
09/27/2002 Thanks to everyone who attended my talk at the A hrefhttp

WebMatrix (9)

09/19/2012 WebMatrix 2 - Front End Web Developers take note (ASP.NET, PHP, node.js and more)
06/11/2012 Simulating an iPhone or iPad browser for ASP.NET Mobile Web Development with WebMatrix 2 or Visual Studio 2012
09/27/2011 Rewriting a 5 year old VB.NET WebForms application as an ASP.NET Web Pages application with Razor
09/16/2011 WebMatrix and node.js: The easiest way to get started with node on Windows
04/13/2011 Mix 11 - Web Platform and Tools Keynote Demo Script
01/22/2011 Hanseminutes Podcast 249 - On WebMatrix with Rob Conery
01/13/2011 ASP.NET MVC3, WebMatrix, NuGet, IIS Express and Orchard released - The Microsoft January Web Release in Context
11/05/2010 PDC10: Building a Blog with Microsoft "Unnamed Package of Web Love"
07/06/2010 Microsoft WebMatrix in Context and Deploying Your First Site

Win10 (74)

10/28/2021 How to set the default user for a WSL distro that has been manually installed with wsl --import
10/26/2021 How to fix Base System Device Driver issue in Windows 10 and Windows 11
08/31/2021 My Ultimate PowerShell prompt with Oh My Posh and the Windows Terminal
07/06/2021 How to turn on Memory Integrity and Core Isolation in Windows 10
04/22/2021 Can you really develop with Linux GUI Apps on Windows 10 with WSLg? How about PyCharm?
04/21/2021 How to run Linux GUI apps on Windows 10 with WSL and WSLg
04/06/2021 Take your Windows Terminal and PowerShell to the next level with Terminal Icons
03/25/2021 How to make Command Prompt, PowerShell, or any Shell launch from the Start Menu directly into Windows Terminal
03/23/2021 The Windows Terminal made better with the Command Palette plus Multiple Actions in one Command
02/18/2021 Free Windows 10 development virtual machines for HyperV, Parallels, VirtualBox, and VMWare
01/22/2021 Using Tailscale on Windows to network more easily with WSL2 and Visual Studio Code
11/10/2020 How to change the background of your Windows Terminal settings
10/06/2020 Keeping your WSL Linux instances up to date automatically within Windows 10
09/29/2020 How to use, open, resize, and split Panes in the Windows Terminal
08/18/2020 Connect to a device over Serial COM Port on Windows 10 with WSL1 TTY devices with Windows Terminal and minicom
08/04/2020 THE EASY WAY how to SSH into Bash and WSL2 on Windows 10 from an external machine
07/30/2020 How to SSH into WSL2 on Windows 10 from an external machine
07/14/2020 How to make separate Work and Personal Profiles with the New Microsoft Edge on Beyonce's Internet
05/21/2020 Mirroring your Presence Status from the Microsoft Graph in Teams to LIFX or Hue bias lighting
05/12/2020 Windows PowerToys FancyZones is the essential window manager for Windows 10
04/30/2020 Microsoft Build 2020 registration is not only open, it's FREE, it's LIVE, it's VIRTUAL, and it is all FOR YOU
04/21/2020 How to Remote Desktop (RDP) into a Windows 10 Azure AD joined machine
03/31/2020 A series of new YouTube Videos - Please Subscribe
03/26/2020 How to remote desktop fullscreen RDP with just SOME of your multiple monitors
03/20/2020 Windows Terminal 1.0 is coming - Update now and set up your split pane hotkeys!
03/12/2020 CSI: The case of the missing WAV audio files on the FAT32 SD Card
03/10/2020 How to SSH into a Windows 10 Machine from Linux OR Windows OR anywhere
02/25/2020 How to set up a tab profile in Windows Terminal to automatically SSH into a Linux box
02/21/2020 How to set up Docker within Windows System for Linux (WSL2) on Windows 10
02/14/2020 It's time for you to install Windows Terminal
11/22/2019 Easily move WSL distributions between Windows 10 machines with import and export!
11/13/2019 Cool WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) tips and tricks you (or I) didn't know were possible
10/17/2019 How to make a pretty prompt in Windows Terminal with Powerline, Nerd Fonts, Cascadia Code, WSL, and oh-my-posh
10/03/2019 Now is the time to make a fresh new Windows Terminal profiles.json
09/20/2019 What's the difference between a console, a terminal, and a shell?
09/17/2019 Patching the new Cascadia Code to include Powerline Glyphs and other Nerd Fonts for the Windows Terminal
09/04/2019 Introducing open source Windows 10 PowerToys
08/27/2019 Totally unsupported hacks - Add Windows Terminal to the Win+X Shortcut menu
07/25/2019 Ruby on Rails on Windows is not just possible, it's fabulous using WSL2 and VS Code
06/25/2019 Adding Reaction Gifs for your Build System and the Windows Terminal
06/20/2019 You can now download the new Open Source Windows Terminal
05/03/2019 A new Console for Windows - It's the open source Windows Terminal
12/07/2018 How to remove words from the Windows Autocorrect Spell Check Dictionary
10/05/2018 Troubleshooting Windows 10 Nearby Sharing and Bluetooth Antennas
06/13/2018 EarTrumpet 2.0 makes Windows 10's audio subsystem even better...and it's free!
06/05/2018 Carriage Returns and Line Feeds will ultimately bite you - Some Git Tips
05/31/2018 Automatically change your Audio Input, Output and Volume per application in Windows 10
05/25/2018 The year of Linux on the (Windows) Desktop - WSL Tips and Tricks
01/11/2018 Building 0verkill on Windows 10 Subsystem for Linux - 2D ASCII art deathmatch game
11/20/2017 Docker and Linux Containers on Windows, with or without Hyper-V Virtual Machines
10/26/2017 Recovering from the Windows 10 Insiders Fast 17017 volsnap.sys reboot GSOD/BSOD
10/18/2017 Use a second laptop as an extended monitor with Windows 10 wireless displays
07/10/2017 Ubuntu now in the Windows Store: Updates to Linux on Windows 10 and Important Tips
05/02/2017 Audit and Optimize your Windows 10 Search Indexing Options
04/13/2017 Setting up a Shiny Development Environment within Linux on Windows 10
04/03/2017 Writing and debugging Linux C++ applications from Visual Studio using the "Windows Subsystem for Linux"
02/25/2017 Temporary Fix: Logitech BRIO Camera broken on Windows 10 Insiders 15042
11/16/2016 WinAppDriver - Test any app with Appium's Selenium-like tests on Windows
09/14/2016 Putting (my VB6) Windows Apps in the Windows 10 Store - Project Centennial
08/05/2016 Collecting Windows 10 "Anniversary Edition" Keyboard Shortcuts
07/20/2016 Windows 10 "Developer Mode"
07/01/2016 VIDEO: How to run Linux and Bash on "Windows 10 Anniversary Update"
04/09/2016 Installing Fish Shell on Ubuntu on Windows 10
03/30/2016 Developers can run Bash Shell and user-mode Ubuntu Linux binaries on Windows 10
12/18/2015 Signing into Windows 10 with your Face - Using an Xbox One Kinect with Windows Hello
09/24/2015 How to customize the Windows 10 Start Menu
08/05/2015 Apt-Get for Windows - OneGet and Chocolatey on Windows 10
07/01/2015 Windows 10 is's what to tell non-technical parent
06/04/2015 What's the deal with Windows 10 for the Non-Technical Friend
04/23/2015 Windows 10 - The Fast Ring and BUILD 10061
02/02/2015 The new Raspberry Pi 2 will run Windows 10 and run Universal Apps
01/21/2015 Rollup: Microsoft HoloLens, Surface Hub, Windows 10, Xbox One game streaming and more.
10/23/2014 Video: My non-technical partner tries Windows 10 for the first time
10/01/2014 Windows 10 gets a fresh command prompt and lots of hotkeys

Win11 (5)

10/28/2021 How to set the default user for a WSL distro that has been manually installed with wsl --import
10/26/2021 How to fix Base System Device Driver issue in Windows 10 and Windows 11
10/18/2021 Space Cadet Pinball for Windows 95 recompiled for Linux running on Windows 11 as a Linux app under WSLg
08/31/2021 My Ultimate PowerShell prompt with Oh My Posh and the Windows Terminal
07/06/2021 How to turn on Memory Integrity and Core Isolation in Windows 10

Win7 (26)

12/03/2014 The real and complete story - Does Windows defragment your SSD?
06/06/2013 How to delete Open or Insecure Wi-Fi HotSpots from Windows 8: Wifi.exe Command Line Utility with Source
02/26/2013 RELEASED - Download Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7
09/14/2011 Guide to Installing and Booting Windows 8 Developer Preview off a VHD (Virtual Hard Disk)
08/12/2010 The Weekly Source Code 56 - Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit - Code Contracts, Parallel Framework and COM Interop
01/20/2010 How many PCs in the world have the .NET Framework installed?
01/18/2010 NewsFlash: Computers are Faster Than Before - Importing Digital Video from Tape and Making a DVD
01/14/2010 Favor - Help Us Test .NET 4 Beta 2 on Windows Update (WU)
01/01/2010 2009 Blogged - Greatest Hits
12/31/2009 The (Near) Final Word on Multi-Monitor Taskbars for Windows 7 - Ultramon vs. DisplayFusion
11/12/2009 Our little team is growing - Welcome to Jon Galloway and Pete Brown
11/08/2009 Herding Cats: Organize your Desktop Icons with Stardock Fences for Windows
10/31/2009 Using a Bluetooth Jawbone Headset for BT-Audio (Microphone or Speakers) on Windows 7
10/30/2009 The Weekly Source Code 46 - Jeff Key rocks Taskbar Meters that Monitor your Windows 7 CPU and Memory and Disk in the Taskbar
10/26/2009 Light it Up: List of Applications that use new Windows 7 Features
10/08/2009 A new MSDN for a new Operating System and a new Development Environment
09/10/2009 Windows Tip: Easily show your Computer Name in the Taskbar
09/01/2009 The Weekly Source Code 45 - Kicking Butt on Windows 7 *and* Windows XP
08/09/2009 Top 10 Tips Working Developers Should Know about Windows 7
08/07/2009 Windows 7 Easy Upgrade Path Truth Table/Chart
08/06/2009 Vista Users - Uninstall Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 before upgrading to Windows 7
08/04/2009 Step-By-Step: Turning a Windows 7 DVD or ISO into a Bootable VHD Virtual Machine
08/04/2009 Step-By-Step: How To "Upgrade" from Windows XP to Windows 7
05/29/2009 Adding Custom Search Providers to Windows 7 plus Advanced Search Tricks
05/22/2009 Windows 7 - Seamless Apps in Windows Virtual PC (Virtual XP) and Application Compatibility
05/21/2009 Less Virtual, More Machine - Windows 7 and the magic of Boot to VHD

Win8 (29)

05/15/2015 How to set a Network to a "Private Network" in Windows 8.1
04/02/2015 Setting up a VPN and Remote Desktop back into your home with a Synology (from an iPhone)
01/08/2015 Refresh Your PC in Windows, AppData, and my missing Minecraft worlds
12/03/2014 The real and complete story - Does Windows defragment your SSD?
10/23/2014 Video: My non-technical partner tries Windows 10 for the first time
08/08/2014 Fixing the Touch Screen in Windows 8.1 on my old HP TouchSmart with NextWindow Drivers
07/25/2014 How to add a keyboard and write in YOUR language in Windows for free
07/09/2014 How to enter and use Emoji on Windows 8.1
04/03/2014 Video Tutorial and Screenshots: Windows 8.1 Update 1
12/08/2013 Three all new Windows 8.1 video tutorials - what's new in 8.1, keyboard shortcuts, and managing windows
11/19/2013 Run more apps and show more tiles on your Surface 2 or high-dpi Windows 8.1 Laptop
11/03/2013 How to sign into Windows 8 or 8.1 without a Microsoft account - make a local user
10/21/2013 Make a Windows 8.1 Pinned Live Tile for YOUR website in minutes
09/24/2013 Create a complete System Image Backup with Windows 8.1 and File History
06/27/2013 10 New Features in Windows 8.1 Preview that saved my Surface RT
06/06/2013 How to delete Open or Insecure Wi-Fi HotSpots from Windows 8: Wifi.exe Command Line Utility with Source
04/17/2013 How to disable the On-Screen Touch Keyboard in Windows 8
03/21/2013 NuGet Package of the Week #13 - Portable HttpClient makes portable libraries more useful
01/18/2013 Unlocking Windows 8 "God Mode" - A Useful Trick but also Mysterious Nonsense
01/12/2013 The Missing Windows 8 Instructional Video
11/11/2012 Windows 8, Step 0 - Turn on continuous backups via File History
10/12/2012 How to call WinRT APIs in Windows 8 from C# Desktop Applications - WinRT Diagram
10/12/2012 Intel Ultrabook hardware prototype - Windows 8 and the Sensor Platform
09/30/2012 How to create a DVD on Windows 8 even though Windows DVD Maker is gone - DVDStyler
09/05/2012 Initial Impressions of the 3rd Generation Ivy Bridge Intel Ultrabook Reference Hardware for Developers on Windows 8
08/29/2012 Pinning Useful and Obscure Stuff to the Windows 8 Start Menu
08/25/2012 Windows 8 productivity: Who moved my cheese? Oh, there it is.
03/01/2012 How To Guide to Installing and Booting Windows 8 Consumer Preview off a VHD (Virtual Hard Disk)
09/14/2011 Guide to Installing and Booting Windows 8 Developer Preview off a VHD (Virtual Hard Disk)

Windows Client (68)

11/19/2020 How to make a WinForms app with .NET 5 entirely from the command line and publish as one self-contained file
12/04/2018 Announcing WPF, WinForms, and WinUI are going Open Source
03/21/2013 NuGet Package of the Week #13 - Portable HttpClient makes portable libraries more useful
10/12/2012 How to call WinRT APIs in Windows 8 from C# Desktop Applications - WinRT Diagram
08/12/2010 The Weekly Source Code 56 - Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit - Code Contracts, Parallel Framework and COM Interop
07/30/2010 Dealing with Images with Bad Metadata - Corrupted Color Profiles in WPF
04/12/2010 Visual Studio 2010 Released
04/09/2010 Spring Speaking Rollup 2010: Recent Talks and Upcoming Talks at Microsoft WebCamps
03/25/2010 Programmatically Detecting Screen Readers
03/09/2010 WPF and Text Blurriness, now with complete Clarity
03/06/2010 Video Trip Report: If this is Tuesday, this must be Cairo
02/09/2010 SmallestDotNet Update - Now with .NET 4 support and an includable JavaScript API
02/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 198 - Reactive Extensions for .NET (Rx) with Erik Meijer
01/20/2010 How many PCs in the world have the .NET Framework installed?
01/14/2010 2010 Survey Results: What .NET Framework features do you use?
01/14/2010 Favor - Help Us Test .NET 4 Beta 2 on Windows Update (WU)
01/01/2010 2009 Blogged - Greatest Hits
12/31/2009 The (Near) Final Word on Multi-Monitor Taskbars for Windows 7 - Ultramon vs. DisplayFusion
11/12/2009 Our little team is growing - Welcome to Jon Galloway and Pete Brown
10/30/2009 The Weekly Source Code 46 - Jeff Key rocks Taskbar Meters that Monitor your Windows 7 CPU and Memory and Disk in the Taskbar
10/26/2009 Light it Up: List of Applications that use new Windows 7 Features
10/08/2009 A new MSDN for a new Operating System and a new Development Environment
09/22/2009 Programming for Absolute Beginners
09/01/2009 The Weekly Source Code 45 - Kicking Butt on Windows 7 *and* Windows XP
07/14/2009 The Weekly Source Code 44 - Virtu, an Apple Emulator in C# for Silverlight, WPF and XNA
07/01/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 168 - Successful Cross Platform .NET Development - Mono and Banshee with Aaron Bockover
06/24/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 166 - Windows Presentation Foundation explained by Ian Griffiths
04/03/2009 The Weekly Source Code 40 - TweetSharp and Introducing Tweet Sandwich
04/01/2009 .NET 4.1 Preview - New Base Class Library (BCL) Extension Methods - RFC
02/18/2009 Porting WPF Applications to the Microsoft Surface
02/13/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 149 - Deconstructing "blu" - a new WPF Twitter client from thirteen23
02/12/2009 Moonlight 1.0 Release - Open Source Silverlight 1.0 Implementation on Linux
02/11/2009 Back to Basics: 32-bit and 64-bit confusion around x86 and x64 and the .NET Framework and CLR
01/27/2009 BizSpark - Free Software and Production Licenses for Startups in the Startup Phase
01/16/2009 Real World Apps in Days not Weeks
01/12/2009 MouseEnter and MouseLeave loops in WPF
01/06/2009 Be Aware of DPI with Image PNGs in WPF - Images Scale Weird or are Blurry
11/15/2008 Update on the GDR that is coming for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
11/13/2008 Using Crowdsourcing for Expanding Localization of Products
10/22/2008 Survey RESULTS: What .NET Framework features do you use?
10/17/2008 PDC Preparation Presses...
10/14/2008 Survey Time: What .NET Framework features do you use?
10/09/2008 PDC: Microsoft .NET Framework: Overview and Applications for Babies
09/23/2008 Update on .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and Windows Update
09/12/2008 The Weekly Source Code 33 - Microsoft Open Source inside Google Chrome
09/05/2008 Firefox, ClickOnce, XBAPs and .NET 3.5 SP1
09/05/2008 Windows Live Mesh, Silverlight and the CoreCLR
08/24/2008 SmallestDotNet: On the Size of the .NET Framework
08/21/2008 The Weekly Source Code 32- Atom, AtomPub and BlogSvc, an AtomPub Server in WCF
08/13/2008 Hidden Gems - Not the same old 3.5 SP1 post
08/08/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 125 - Accessibility in Web and Rich Applications
08/02/2008 The Weekly Source Code 31- Single Instance WinForms and Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
08/01/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Manually Managing ClickOnce and some more Designer Goodness
07/19/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Making a Transparent Window with Substance
07/18/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash and Back to Basics - Making Assumptions and When to Turn to Books
07/18/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Customer Feedback and a WPF Font ComboBox
07/17/2008 Developer != Designer
07/10/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - MVC or MVP and the Benefits of a Designer
07/07/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 120 - The Odd Couple - A Developer and a Designer talk about working with XAML
07/02/2008 Back to Basics - This is not the object you're looking...wait, oh, it is the object
06/13/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Factories, Interfaces, Delegates and Lambdas, oh my!
06/13/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Pushing things up a level with another set of eyes
06/12/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Keeping it DRY with XAML Styles
06/11/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Speech Synthesis
06/03/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Configuration with DataBinding
06/02/2008 Introducing BabySmash - A WPF Experiment
02/07/2008 Visual Studio Programmer Themes Gallery
02/02/2008 Firefox, WPF and XBAP

WinPhone (15)

04/18/2014 Windows Phone 8.1 has my attention now
10/21/2013 CollectionViewSource is crazy useful for binding to filtered Observable Collections on Windows Phone 8
09/10/2013 Trying a Nokia Lumia 1020 - A Camera with a Phone Inside
03/21/2013 NuGet Package of the Week #13 - Portable HttpClient makes portable libraries more useful
12/08/2012 Updating my Windows Phone App to Windows Phone 8
02/28/2012 "I can't even think about switching phones without these apps." Windows Phone 7, a Nokia Lumia 800 and the Essential Apps
01/30/2012 From Concept to Code in 6 hours: Shipping my first Windows Phone App
06/14/2011 Hanselminutes Podcast 269 - Community vs. Evangelism vs. Marketing vs. Authenticity with Brandon Watson from Windows Phone
03/21/2011 NuGet Package of the Week #3 - PhoneyTools for Windows Phone 7
10/01/2010 WIN a FREE Phone with like NO effort and attend the Windows Phone 7 Developer Launch
08/20/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 228 - Performance of Silverlight on Windows Phone 7
07/29/2010 Windows Phone 7 - First Impressions
03/26/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 207 - Charles Petzold on Windows Phone 7 Series
03/23/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 206 - Windows Phone 7 Series - The Developer Experience with Charlie Kindel
03/17/2010 Mix 10 Rollup Post

WPF (53)

12/04/2018 Announcing WPF, WinForms, and WinUI are going Open Source
05/10/2018 Announcing .NET Core 2.1 RC 1 Go Live AND .NET Core 3.0 Futures
09/21/2017 What would a cross-platform .NET UI Framework look like? Exploring Avalonia
05/08/2014 Fixing System.Core 2.0.5 FileLoadException, Portable Libraries and Windows XP support
01/19/2014 How to display a QR code in ASP.NET and WPF
07/03/2012 Introducing Lync 2010 Super Simple Auto Answer Video Kiosk with Full Screen
11/19/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 241 - The MVVM Pattern with Laurent Bugnion
08/12/2010 The Weekly Source Code 56 - Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit - Code Contracts, Parallel Framework and COM Interop
07/30/2010 Dealing with Images with Bad Metadata - Corrupted Color Profiles in WPF
04/12/2010 Visual Studio 2010 Released
04/09/2010 Spring Speaking Rollup 2010: Recent Talks and Upcoming Talks at Microsoft WebCamps
03/09/2010 WPF and Text Blurriness, now with complete Clarity
02/09/2010 SmallestDotNet Update - Now with .NET 4 support and an includable JavaScript API
02/04/2010 Hanselminutes Podcast 198 - Reactive Extensions for .NET (Rx) with Erik Meijer
01/20/2010 How many PCs in the world have the .NET Framework installed?
01/14/2010 2010 Survey Results: What .NET Framework features do you use?
01/14/2010 Favor - Help Us Test .NET 4 Beta 2 on Windows Update (WU)
10/30/2009 The Weekly Source Code 46 - Jeff Key rocks Taskbar Meters that Monitor your Windows 7 CPU and Memory and Disk in the Taskbar
10/08/2009 A new MSDN for a new Operating System and a new Development Environment
07/14/2009 The Weekly Source Code 44 - Virtu, an Apple Emulator in C# for Silverlight, WPF and XNA
06/24/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 166 - Windows Presentation Foundation explained by Ian Griffiths
04/03/2009 The Weekly Source Code 40 - TweetSharp and Introducing Tweet Sandwich
03/27/2009 The Weekly Source Code 39 - Commodore 64 Emulator in Silverlight 3
03/27/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 155 - A C64 Emulator with Silverlight 3 by Pete Brown
02/18/2009 Porting WPF Applications to the Microsoft Surface
02/13/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 149 - Deconstructing "blu" - a new WPF Twitter client from thirteen23
02/12/2009 Moonlight 1.0 Release - Open Source Silverlight 1.0 Implementation on Linux
01/23/2009 Hanselminutes Podcast 147 - The new WPF-based Text Editor in Visual Studio 2010 - Interview with a Dev
01/16/2009 Real World Apps in Days not Weeks
01/12/2009 MouseEnter and MouseLeave loops in WPF
01/06/2009 Be Aware of DPI with Image PNGs in WPF - Images Scale Weird or are Blurry
10/22/2008 Survey RESULTS: What .NET Framework features do you use?
10/17/2008 PDC Preparation Presses...
10/14/2008 Survey Time: What .NET Framework features do you use?
09/05/2008 Firefox, ClickOnce, XBAPs and .NET 3.5 SP1
09/05/2008 Windows Live Mesh, Silverlight and the CoreCLR
08/24/2008 SmallestDotNet: On the Size of the .NET Framework
08/21/2008 The Weekly Source Code 32- Atom, AtomPub and BlogSvc, an AtomPub Server in WCF
08/13/2008 Hidden Gems - Not the same old 3.5 SP1 post
08/08/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 125 - Accessibility in Web and Rich Applications
08/01/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Manually Managing ClickOnce and some more Designer Goodness
07/19/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Making a Transparent Window with Substance
07/18/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash and Back to Basics - Making Assumptions and When to Turn to Books
07/18/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Customer Feedback and a WPF Font ComboBox
07/17/2008 Developer != Designer
07/10/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - MVC or MVP and the Benefits of a Designer
07/07/2008 Hanselminutes Podcast 120 - The Odd Couple - A Developer and a Designer talk about working with XAML
06/13/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Factories, Interfaces, Delegates and Lambdas, oh my!
06/13/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Pushing things up a level with another set of eyes
06/12/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Keeping it DRY with XAML Styles
06/11/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Speech Synthesis
06/03/2008 Learning WPF with BabySmash - Configuration with DataBinding
06/02/2008 Introducing BabySmash - A WPF Experiment

XML (292)

06/10/2009 Breaking All The Rules with WCF
04/03/2009 The Weekly Source Code 40 - TweetSharp and Introducing Tweet Sandwich
04/01/2009 .NET 4.1 Preview - New Base Class Library (BCL) Extension Methods - RFC
08/21/2008 The Weekly Source Code 32- Atom, AtomPub and BlogSvc, an AtomPub Server in WCF
07/03/2008 The Weekly Source Code 30 - VB.NET with XML Literals as a View Engine for ASP.NET MVC
03/27/2008 The Weekly Source Code 22 - C# and VB .NET Libraries to Digg, Flickr, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Live Services, Google and other Web 2.0 APIs
02/23/2008 LINQ to Everything - LINQ to XSD adds more LINQiness
01/17/2008 Get namespaces from an XML Document with XPathDocument and LINQ to XML
10/06/2007 Mixing Languages in a Single Assembly in Visual Studio seamlessly with ILMerge and MSBuild
09/17/2007 ASMX SoapExtension to Strip out Whitespace and New Lines
09/16/2007 Changing where XmlSerializer Outputs Temporary Assemblies
09/04/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 79 - LINQ to XML
08/31/2007 Improving LINQ Code Smell with Explicit and Implicit Conversion Operators
08/28/2007 New XML Schema Designer CTP released for Visual Studio 2008
08/28/2007 Mixing XmlSerializers with XElements and LINQ to XML
08/28/2007 Paste XML as XLinq XElement Visual Studio AddIn
07/23/2007 WPF Sample in IronRuby talking via C# to Wesabe
05/31/2007 Google Gears - Maybe all Rich Internet Applications needed was Local Storage and an Offline Mode
05/01/2007 Putting Mix, Silverlight, the CoreCLR and the DLR into context
04/20/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 60 - Silverlight and Web 2.5
02/10/2007 Yahoo Pipes - Simultaneously Brilliant and Dumb
01/11/2007 Hanselminutes Podcast 46 - Windows Presentation Foundation Everywhere WPF/E
12/21/2006 - Interviewed by Ron Jacobs at TechEd 2006
12/13/2006 CardSpace InformationCard Extension for FireFox
11/30/2006 CardSpace/InfoCard for .NET 1.1
10/28/2006 Outlook 2007 Beta introduces its own Feed URL Protocol. Ew.
10/04/2006 What is Abandonware?
08/29/2006 Scott Hanselman's 2006 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows
07/30/2006 Sandcastle - Microsoft CTP of a Help CHM file generator on the tails of the death of NDoc
07/27/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 3
07/26/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 26 - Globalization/Internationalization with .NET
07/24/2006 Internationalization and Classic ASP
07/24/2006 XSLT with Powershell
07/20/2006 A half-year Podcasts
07/19/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 25 - Scott's .NET Blogroll (for July 2006 at least)
07/19/2006 Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Special Edition coming in September
07/14/2006 A new day, two new browsers compared - Firefox 2.0 Beta 1 and IE 7.0 Beta 3
07/14/2006 A better PROMPT for CMD.EXE or Cool Prompt Environment Variables and a nice transparent multi-prompt
07/13/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 24 - More Advanced PowerShell
07/10/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 23 - Scrum and Scrum Resources
07/03/2006 An Xml Tidy in PowerShell or Formatting Xml with Indenting with PowerShell
07/02/2006 Searching Google Desktop from PowerShell
07/02/2006 Using FFMPEG to squish lots of videos using PowerShell
06/29/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 22
06/25/2006 DotNetKicks Flare for FeedBurner and DasBlog
06/22/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 21
06/09/2006 TechEd 2006 Approaches
06/08/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 20
05/31/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 19
05/26/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 18
05/17/2006 Looking for Senior Software Developer at Corillian
05/12/2006 Making Junctions/ReparsePoints visible in PowerShell
05/11/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 17
05/03/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 16
04/27/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 15
04/25/2006 Open Source versus Source Out in the Open
04/25/2006 Speaking Schedule - 2nd Quarter 2006
04/19/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 14
04/12/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 13
04/08/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 12
04/06/2006 Debugging the ASP.NET worker process running at 100%
03/23/2006 Loving Mush - I mean Monad
03/23/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 11
03/19/2006 Not quite enumerating (iterating) enums
03/18/2006 Microsoft Fingerprint Reader and Password Minder
03/15/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 10
03/12/2006 Loading XmlSchema files out of Assembly Resources
03/10/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 9
03/08/2006 Can't Upgrade a Blackberry 7290 to latest system software
03/04/2006 XmlTextReader more and more
03/01/2006 NUnit Expansion Templates in CodeRush
03/01/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 8
02/23/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 7
02/20/2006 Answering Questions (and putting your gamercard on your desktop)
02/17/2006 Google Toolbar Beta, the Toolbar API and a ComputerZen Google Toolbar Button
02/16/2006 NCoverExplorer and integrated code coverage marches on
02/15/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 6
02/15/2006 Postprocessing AutoClosed SGML Tags with the SGMLReader
02/08/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 5
02/07/2006 Classic Web Services versus POX XML over MQ - are you really using XML?
02/01/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 4
01/31/2006 Code Coverage comes to the masses
01/25/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 3
01/24/2006 XSLT Stylesheet Performance on Big Ass Documents
01/18/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 2
01/13/2006 Feed Auto Discovery
01/11/2006 Hanselminutes Podcast 1
01/10/2006 SQL 2005 Create XML Schema Collection weirdness
12/30/2005 2006 Resolution - Prepare
12/28/2005 Getting NAnt 0.85 to get along with NUnit 2.2
12/26/2005 My Year In Blogging - 2005
12/08/2005 New CodeRush Screencasts
11/27/2005 Transparent Command Prompt in Windows
11/19/2005 The FreeMiniMac has arrived and will the fun ever start?
11/18/2005 Google Analytics - It doesn't suck
11/11/2005 ClickOnce and FireFox with a custom setup equals ClickThrice and be disappointed
10/07/2005 Professional ASP.NET 2.0 - Coming VERY soon!
10/04/2005 ASP.NET - The check of the signature failed for 'MyAssembly'
09/28/2005 Nicest. Email. Ever. Totally Made My Month.
09/23/2005 Migrating Content from Random Blogs to DasBlog
09/19/2005 Syndicating ComputerZen
09/09/2005 The Coming Return of AJAX
09/02/2005 Review - OnTime Defect Tracker from AxoSoft
09/02/2005 Indigo comes to PDX
08/11/2005 DasBlog 1.8 Gold
07/30/2005 DasBlog 1.8 RC1
07/03/2005 A few dasBlog changes coming tonight
07/01/2005 Code Camp Portland - July 23 and 24
06/27/2005 Mod your Prius to get 180 MPG
06/27/2005 The GrokTalks are Up - PodCast Them
06/23/2005 ASP.NET 2.0 XmlDataSource's XPath doesn't support namespaces
06/22/2005 Hammering in Screws
06/20/2005 Scott Hanselman's 2005 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List
06/10/2005 Scott Hanselman (Me) Video from the Microsoft Podcast Team
05/31/2005 My Picks for TechEd 2005 Sessions
05/27/2005 Upgrading FreeTextBox on dasBlog without Recompiling
05/19/2005 May 2005 - What is Scott up to?
04/25/2005 TechEd is Sold out: Sign up for my session now!
04/19/2005 And the site launching continues...Microsoft eLearning
04/18/2005 Coding4Fun is LIVE! - A new syndicated MSDN Column
04/09/2005 Alphabetizing your .NET Resource (RESX) files
03/25/2005 TinyOS - Blast from the Past
03/23/2005 Awesome - MSN Messenger Buddy List Size Doubled to 300
03/11/2005 Compositing two images into one from the ASP.NET Server Side
01/22/2005 The Charity Auction has Begun: Bid on an Hour of .NET Consulting Time to help Banda Aceh
01/21/2005 Parsing my IIS Log Files with LogParser 2.2 to learn more about Blogs stats from NewsGator and NewsGatorOnline
01/20/2005 List of the undocumented bugs that are fixed in the .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1
01/19/2005 Buy an hour of consulting time and help the Tsunami Victums of Banda Aceh
01/19/2005 Is it case-senstive? No seriously, check and check again. Are URLs Case Sensitive?
01/17/2005 Why you can't Double.Parse(Double.MaxValue.ToString()) or System.OverloadExceptions when using Double.Parse
01/13/2005 I'm digging Skype more and more, the I'm tired of all the different "Me" issues. Also, moving your Skype contacts.
01/01/2005 Testing Code-Generated Code with NUnit, Temporary Files, Voodoo, Rubber Bands and Reflection
12/21/2004 Lutz Roeder's C# XML Documenter lives on in Travis Illig's CodeRush Plugin "CR_Documentor"
12/18/2004 ASP.NET Performance Tuning - Making dasBlog faster...
12/16/2004 XmlPreprocess is an elegant hack - or - "The hack is in the eye of the beholder"
12/13/2004 Microsoft Desktop Search...quietly released. Look at me! I can code one too!
12/10/2004 Today's Favorite Right-Clicks - ClipPath, RunAsLimitedUser, and Clean Sources
12/04/2004 Target: Referral Spam in dasBlog
11/24/2004 Attention Bloggers: If you're not reading the Daily Grind, why not?
11/15/2004 Lutz Roeder's Documentor updated as a CodeRush Plugin/Visual Studio.NET Add-In
11/12/2004 Scott's List of Ultimate Visual Studio.NET AddIns
11/10/2004 The Scary Google Desktop Search Hacks have, search more file types
11/05/2004 Spam Soap Reporting
11/01/2004 Has blogging gone too far?
10/27/2004 Moving the Code-Behind Assemblies/DLLs to a different folder than /BIN with ASP.NET 1.1
10/24/2004 EWeek story on the XmlDevCon
10/20/2004 SellsCon 2004 - Alternative Top Ten List
10/20/2004 SellsCon 2004
10/11/2004 Getting a BASE64'ed Adobe Acrobat PDF file out of a Soap Envelope with Classic ASP
10/07/2004 Big Ups to Peter Blum
09/15/2004 Getting the little RSS Orange Badge to show up in the Status Bar on Firefox 1.0
09/12/2004 A better way to get an XmlDocument or XPathDocument from FOR XML AUTO without using SqlXmlCommand?
09/04/2004 Does XmlDataSource.XPath accept namespace qualifications?
08/30/2004 SOAP with Attachments starting to make sense? - MTOM (Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism)
08/26/2004 Oy...XPathDocument 2.0 changes moved BACK into XmlDocument!
08/14/2004 Appled XML Developer's Conference 5 or "SellsCon 2004"
07/27/2004 ASP.NET Compiler Error 128 and Microsoft Support
07/22/2004 Use of Posters and Flow Charts in Lieu of Prose for Documentation - Is a Visio is Worth a Thousand Words?
07/15/2004 Validating that XmlSchemas and their Imports are Valid and All Good with an XmlResolver.
07/15/2004 Using the Server (rather than Workstation) Garbage Collector with the .NET Framework (CLR)
07/12/2004 Validating XML schemas that have been xs:imported and have schemaLocation
07/04/2004 Is it you? Or the test? Is there a problem with Microsoft Technical Assessment.
07/01/2004 Doc/Literal/Bare in XML Web Services - my thoughts on all this.
06/30/2004 CRASH WARNING: SnapStream Beyond TV doesn't work at ALL with .NET Framework 2.0 BETA, fix here.
06/25/2004 Effective XML Document with C#, NDoc, Lutz's Documentor and the Microsoft HTML Help Workshop
06/23/2004 BATCH FILE VOODOO: Determine if multiple (and which) versions of an MSI-installed Product are installed using UpgradeCode
06/23/2004 Be aware of your DLLs and who's loading them - know about assembly binding redirects
06/22/2004 Forcing NAnt to build and run with a specific version of the .NET Framework
06/17/2004 RSS Feed to dasBlog Content Converter
06/14/2004 Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn
06/09/2004 XBox Live still working out the MSN Messenger integration details...
06/08/2004 More thoughts around Code Generation and Extensible Programming Systems
06/06/2004 XMLSpy for Free? Manna from Heaven I say.
06/03/2004 Web Services Theory - New Class
06/03/2004 Who ever said software development was just another job?
06/01/2004 Returning DataSets from WebServices is the Spawn of Satan and Represents All That Is Truly Evil in the World
06/01/2004 A reminder on "Three/Multi Tier/Layer Architecture/Design" brought to you by my late night frustrations.
05/26/2004 Will ANYTHING new ever work?
05/20/2004 Weird...first time my blog's been down, well, ever...
05/19/2004 What talks should you go to at TechEd? Here's my list.
05/13/2004 Accessing the ASP.NET FormsAuthentication "Timeout" Value
05/10/2004 TechEd 2004 - My Birds of a Feather session was approved!
05/10/2004 Internet Professionals Northwest
05/07/2004 Upgraded to dasBlog 1.6
05/06/2004 My Last Few Weeks Summary Post
04/08/2004 The Myth of XML Purity?
04/05/2004 XML sucks less than Regular Expressions, ya think?
03/30/2004 Intellisense and NAnt .build files in VS.NET
03/14/2004 Yukon and Whidbey Slip, and your life goes on. Film at 11.
03/10/2004 Reminder: Update your RSS Feed Url and check your Smoke Detector Batteries!
03/05/2004 UEX = User Education and Generating &lt;devdoc&gt;
03/04/2004 Cargo-cult programming
02/27/2004 Microsoft's "Whitehorse" - Visual Design back in Vogue?
02/19/2004 Scott Hanselman (that's me) on .NET Rocks! Live! Friday 9am PST over Windows Media and Skype.
02/14/2004 Googling by Filetype!
02/09/2004 FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) debunked...
01/22/2004 ASP.NET, Caching, and Cartesian Products
01/21/2004 MVP = SPAM?
01/08/2004 The Browser vs. The Connected Application
12/12/2003 Pattern Master @ Microsoft
12/10/2003 WS-I Delivers Sample Applications for Basic Profile - (Corillian involved!)
12/08/2003 Choose Your Own Adventure, HyperMedia, and the death of the permalink.
12/05/2003 How to mount ISO CDROM files as Virtual Drives - Virtual CD ISO Image Mounter
12/04/2003 Bringing data "along for the ride" with CheckBoxes and the ASP.NET DataGrid
11/27/2003 Bring out of your element breeds productivity?
11/06/2003 Today's Minor Complaint...
11/02/2003 Share Schema, not Type - Explained?
11/01/2003 More on declarative UIs and XML for GUI Markup
10/31/2003 PDC - Conclusion
10/28/2003 PDC - Day 2 - CLI302 Avalon Design Time Support
10/28/2003 PDC - Day 2...
10/28/2003 The PDC Keynote Summary - The überpost
10/27/2003 Keynote - and conclusion
10/27/2003 Keynote - Don Box and Chris Anderson, Jim Alchin
10/27/2003 Keynote - Jim Alchin
10/27/2003 Keynote - Bill Gates - continued
10/25/2003 Finishing what was Quite A Day to start what we will be Quite A Week
10/21/2003 TicTacToe in 3.1 Languages
10/10/2003 Error Enumerating Data Server...oops, I mean, Madness and VS.NET's Server Explorer
09/27/2003 A great day/night of one in years
09/18/2003 EnableVisualStyles strikes again...
09/18/2003 Moving from Radio to DasBlog, DNS, Redirects, Permalinks and Radio "Stories"...
08/21/2003 On the road and still more Web Services DON'Ts
08/18/2003 PDC and Birds of a Feather - Host your own technical session!
08/13/2003 The Syllabus for CST407 - Learning C# with .NET
08/01/2003 How many ways to Beep and Make Noise in .NET and C#
07/29/2003 DPAPI and WindowsImpersonationContext and the one that got away...
07/29/2003 [XmlRootForcePrefix(Prefix='foo')
07/27/2003 Modifying the namespace PREFIX of the root node of the body of a SOAP Web Services Response....whew!
07/17/2003 ASP.NET WebServices calling Apartment-Threaded COM Components...
07/11/2003 From my blog to God's Ear...
07/10/2003 XmlDevCon: SVG with Don Demcsak
07/10/2003 XmlDevCon: Don Box's talk...
07/10/2003 Blogging @ Applied XML Developers Conference 2003 West
06/30/2003 WSE and Timestamping - TimeZones and Tijuana
06/26/2003 Adding Pre- and Post-Build Actions to Visual Studio.NET 2002
06/24/2003 Hold me...
06/24/2003 An Oldie but a Goodie: MSXML and FreeThreadedDomDocument vs. DomDocument
06/23/2003 Big Picture of XML or Diagram of a Big Ball of Goo?
06/17/2003 Understanding why your updated images don't immediately get served to Browser Clients
06/11/2003 Bitter XML Quote of the Day
06/10/2003 WSDL Cleanliness is next to Godliness (actually Cleavage is next to Cleanliness and Goggles is next to Godliness...)
06/01/2003 TechEd 2003: Dallas : Sunday Sunday Sunday!
05/29/2003 Angst, ISO Standards, DataBinding Eval(), Malaise, DataGrids, System.Globalization, Fritz and the morning after...
05/15/2003 See you at TechEd! I'm giving DEV389.
05/11/2003 Remember Pointcast? Smells like RSS spirit...
05/10/2003 Tomato, Tomato, [WebMethod], @Remote, Kosher, Halaal, them's good eatin'.
05/02/2003 Don't change your public contract
04/30/2003 InfoPath 2003 and the use of ProgIds in XML PIs (Processing Instructions)
04/25/2003 XSD.exe is kicking my butt, man...redux
04/24/2003 Windows Server 2003/Visual Studio 2003 Launch
04/21/2003 WSDL and Deem's Dime Dogfood :)
04/21/2003 Exporting tabular data to Excel from ASP.NET
04/18/2003 My one REAL frustration with Visual Studio.NET - When is XHTML going to be addressed?
04/09/2003 At-A-Glance: XmlReader vs. XPathNavigator vs. XmlDocument
04/06/2003 InfoPath supports only Document Literal - That's not lame at all!
03/17/2003 Wrox books goes under...
03/13/2003 Where's the Platform? Where do YOU think the Platform is?
03/11/2003 The New Look for
03/07/2003 Turning on HTTP GET with ASP.NET Web Services under Visual Studio 2003 and .NET 1.1 (Everett)
03/05/2003 MSI2XML and back...converting Windows Installer Databases to XML
02/28/2003 Time to get on the bus...
02/19/2003 Kent Sharkey in the heezy fo' sheezy babay!
02/12/2003 Outlook2RSS - Outlook Folders to RSS Feeds
02/10/2003 How to share sessions between ASP and ASP.NET
02/05/2003 Radio Userland updated without version number changes...
01/16/2003 Another Blogger Spotted
12/11/2002 I ran all over the Net via Google and Google Groups this evening trying to figure out the answer to what I thought
12/09/2002 Great article on on MSDNMag by Ya
12/05/2002 Ready Set VSNET Chris Kinsman A hrefhttpwww
12/03/2002 Machineconfig versus webconfig Ive Gordon Weaklie
11/26/2002 Been doing some A hrefhttpmsdnmicrosoftcomlibrarydefaultaspurllibraryenuscpguidehtmlcpcondevelopinghighpe
11/26/2002 Automated Testing NET Web Services and Applications I just found Jim Klo
11/25/2002 Great info and Technology updates up on Microsoftcom this week FONT face
11/23/2002 I hrefhttpwwwlogitec
11/21/2002 Thanks to everyone who attended my talk Web Services Behind the Music at the SAOs Software Association of Oregon Develo
11/19/2002 Its not easy to read its certainly not written to entertain but still one of the most important pieces o
11/12/2002 Basically I want something like the following to work public class BookService RestService RestMet
10/31/2002 When less is more A hrefhttpwwwdictionarycom
10/25/2002 As some of you may have seen a
10/23/2002 OK so I just aggregated my own RSS feed then reposted over itnbsp Cheesy thoughnbsp In the words of A hrefhttp
10/23/2002 OK due to a Delayed write failure and Corruption in the MFT my laptop is DOAnbsp After I post this entry Ill lose
10/16/2002 XML 11 Becomes a W3C Candidate Recommendation 15 October 2002 W3C is ple
10/16/2002 Im presenting at the Software Association of Oregon SAO on A hrefhttpdbsaoorgcalendarofeventseventdescription
10/15/2002 XML Spy Visual StudioNET
10/14/2002 A hrefhttprsscomcom21001001961994htmltypeptamppartrssa
10/07/2002 Chris Sells sharesXML Comments and Documentation Generation for VBNET Develo
10/04/2002 I do a lot of work with small offices on the side and consequently I have to write a lo
10/03/2002 Heres a list of useful NET related web sites SPAN styleFONTFAMILY
09/24/2002 Ive been looking into Accessiblit
04/21/2002 Im writing a pile of A hrefhttpwwwmicrosoftcomnet

XmlSerializer (32)

06/10/2009 Breaking All The Rules with WCF
09/16/2007 Changing where XmlSerializer Outputs Temporary Assemblies
08/28/2007 Mixing XmlSerializers with XElements and LINQ to XML
07/23/2007 WPF Sample in IronRuby talking via C# to Wesabe
04/17/2007 XmlSerializing a Generic List&lt;&gt;
07/19/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 2
07/15/2006 ScriptBlock and Runspace Remoting in PowerShell
07/11/2006 Scott Hanselman: Developer Productivity Tools Video Part 1
05/25/2006 Subtle Behaviors in the XML Serializer can kill
03/12/2006 XmlValidatingReader problems over derived XmlReaders
03/07/2006 Xml and the Nametable
02/23/2006 Leaning on the Language and Leaning on the Libraries
02/15/2006 Using the XmlSerializer to Read and Write XML Fragments
10/20/2005 Permanent Redirects with HTTP 301
09/01/2005 Making the XmlSerializer output alternate values for simple types
08/24/2005 You must implement the Add(System.Object) method on MyClass because it inherits from IEnumerable
08/04/2005 XmlFragmentWriter - Omiting the Xml Declaration and the XSD and XSI namespaces
06/24/2005 Stripping Out Empty XmlElements in a Performant Way and the Bus Factor
03/22/2005 Enabling Evil - Tunnelling Xml within Xml using the XmlSerializer and some Magic
02/21/2005 What Great .NET Developers Ought To Know (More .NET Interview Questions)
02/09/2005 Zen of Web Services - Join me at the Boise .NET Developers User Group
12/18/2004 Brute force check to ensure access to the TEMP directory in order to use the XmlSerializer
12/03/2004 GUI Front End to Chris Sells' XmlPreCompiler - For Debugging XmlSerialization Errors
11/06/2004 HOW TO: Debug into a .NET XmlSerializer Generated Assembly
08/26/2004 Woof. XmlSerializer written in JavaScript - for the Chubby Client
06/03/2004 - Episodes you may have missed...
01/10/2004 Added Search to my Blog, PLUS Highlighting
12/05/2003 XmlSerializer Madness: The Guts and the Conclusion
12/05/2003 XmlSerializers Part II: Am I Insane?
12/05/2003 Are XmlSerializers ThreadSafe?
10/29/2003 PDC - Day 2 - WSV303 - Indigo, Using XSD, CLR Types and Serialization in Web Services
02/19/2003 Undocumented configuration setting for XmlSerializer - and a new question emerges?

Z (38)

12/08/2007 Paternity Leave - Week 1
11/11/2007 Baby Sign Language - Update at 2 years
06/14/2007 A Toy Train for Z
02/18/2007 Baby Sign Language - Update at 14 months
01/20/2007 Windows Vista SideBar Gadget for AirLink Web Cam
01/16/2007 My one year old has the Terrible Twos
01/06/2007 Family Portraits to start 2007
11/29/2006 Z is One Year Old
11/22/2006 Baby Sign Language
10/30/2006 Z walks on his 11 month birthday
10/13/2006 Happy October from Z
08/15/2006 A Day in the Z - Mischief and Mayhem 1
07/19/2006 Z at Seven Months - A look back
06/27/2006 Mom Graduates and Z Crawls
05/30/2006 Z is Six Months Old
05/23/2006 Book Review - Kindred by Octavia Butler
04/22/2006 The Immediacy and the Remoteness
04/17/2006 Interracial Couples on TV
03/27/2006 Z Leaving on a Midnight Train
02/23/2006 Z Rolls
02/22/2006 First Trip Away since Z and the magic of the webcam
02/12/2006 Casio Exilim EX-Z3 and Casio Exilim EX-Z750 Digital Cameras
01/26/2006 Babies sleeping through the night
01/23/2006 Flickr and DasBlog and geo-tagging and EXIF and on and on and on
01/23/2006 OnTurning0x20AndLookingBackArt2005
01/20/2006 Good mid-level 3D cards
01/17/2006 Z's first all-nighter
01/16/2006 First Person Shooters on the PSP
01/12/2006 Zero to Three Month Baby Ultimate Tools List
01/09/2006 Microsoft Wireless Laser Desktop 6000
01/03/2006 Can't download Quake4 or Condemned on Xbox Live Marketplace and other bugs/features
12/30/2005 2006 Resolution - Prepare
12/28/2005 My stark realization that I may be an early adopter
12/26/2005 My Year In Blogging - 2005
12/24/2005 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays 2005
12/15/2005 Xbox 360 as Media Hub
12/06/2005 Fatherhood - Part 1
11/30/2005 Z Quincy

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.