Scott Hanselman

20% off Acronis TrueImage

November 23, 2005 Comment on this post [12] Posted in Musings
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I just bought Acronis TrueImage for disk/parition image backups to my Iomega Rev Drive. It was between TrueImage and Ghost, and I just liked the feel of TrueImage better. It runs (not sure how) without having to boot off a CD, possibly using the Volume Shadow stuff?

The receipt included a 20% of coupon that's good for the next 3 weeks. Feel free to use it. The coupon makes it only $39! It might be a one-time use, but the receipt said "You can even send this offer to a friend." So, n number of your where n could be 1, or 1 or more will get this discount.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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November 24, 2005 1:22
I've been using TrueImage for a few years now. I chose it over Ghost because I run Windows 2003 on my development machine, and Ghost wouldn't even install in that environment. I regularly schedule differential backups, and never have to worry about locked files.
November 24, 2005 1:35
Also worth checking out are the products from Terabyte Unlimited: Boot IT, Image for Windows and Image for DOS.
November 24, 2005 1:41
thanks scott , looks like great software
November 24, 2005 1:53
I've been using TrueImage for a few months now. It has saved my bacon once already - and makes building out images to 'fdisk' from tons easier.
November 24, 2005 1:57

I used Acronis TrueImage for several years on an unreliable PC. The backup capability is great, however there was a big issue. It would not do a restore after about a year. Oddly, the next version of TrueImage that came out in the meantime had no trouble performing the restore! How nice of them to anticipate my problem and only charge $35 or so for the upgrade.

After upgrading TrueImage three times I now have a new computer and my latest version of TrueImage may not work anymore... Maybe I should try Image for Windows?

-- Walt Lounsbery
November 24, 2005 2:02
btw... you can buy it off newegg for a decent price all the time. $32 right now (which is a steal for workstation backup software)
November 24, 2005 5:31
I just bought Norton Ghost 10.0. It fully runs in Windows now and does not need to reboot at all. It's quite good and is currently free after rebates at I also tried the latest version of TrueImage and it seems comparable in features and experience. I use Ghost with a Rev drive and an external hard drive and the experience is quite good. I highly recommend this as a backup method as it allows you to go back to any day in the past month and restore select files or the entire system.
November 24, 2005 9:18
Don't forget System Restore that comes with Windows XP. I saved my ass a few times.
November 24, 2005 12:28
Well, 'n' is now at least 1. Thanks for the link, Scott.
November 24, 2005 16:10
Hi Scott, Thanks for the link - 'n' appears to be at least 2 now !:)

Wasn't too happy to notice the 17.5% tax being added thanks to being part of the glorious european 'union'... shock horror - that's a whole £4!

Oh, and their download is not Government firewall friendly it appears... (sigh) not having a good Thursday it seems :)

Thanks a million Scott for the link, and your continous words of 'wisdom' :P

David C, Glasgow, UK
November 25, 2005 2:23
As far as I remember, TrueImage doesn't use VSS..
Rather it installs a driver (you can see it in the device manager) and streams data from kernel mode to the backup device..
November 25, 2005 2:31
+1 for TrueImage. Very easy to incorporate a scheduled image to a store every night, haven't tried that with current version of Ghost. I did try migrating machines into vmware with Ghost and that was a nightmare... TrueImage does it flawlessly. No more hardware!

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