Aliph Jawbone Bluetooth Headset Review and Audio Sample
I picked up an Aliph Jawbone Bluetooth Headset for the iPhone last week. I want to be able to be on conference calls while I drive up to Seattle every month. My current el-cheapo-brand headset is complete crap and you can hear the wind and road noise, and consequently I spend most of the time muted, and the rest of the time yelling.
I'm very happy with this purchase. You can pick one up at Amazon for a decent discount. Do read the reviews, but I am happy.
- Fantastic noise-canceling feature.
- Cool style (if you like that style, but I'm only wearing it while I'm talking on it.)
- Light, comes with many optional ear things for left/right large/small.
- Comparatively Fragile. Not something you'd want to just throw in your pocket.
- Kind of hard to remember which button does what.
Take a listen to this uncompressed WAV file of me talking on the Jawbone. (I called my voice mail at Vonage while driving , then downloaded the WAV, if you care.)
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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I just want to go to work without some jerk on a conference call crashing into me, my wife and kids don't want that either.
Otherwise I enjoy your blog. Keep it up! :)
I'd rather think that if a manager at MS FOUND OUT that this is what you're doing, they'd insist that you NOT do it. Many managers at Nokia have that sort of policy. If they hear anyone on a teleconf talking while driving, they either ask them to pull over or insist they join later when they're stopped.
what is the old one?
How is listening in on a conference call different from talking to the passenger next to you?
I am just trying to make some use of the long 3 hour (often empty streets) drive up to Microsoft. I wanted the sound to be better, both for me to hear and for the other side.
You don't share the same context. The passenger next to you does.
The problem with cell phones in the cars in general is in two parts... one, you have to look down at them to dial or find your contact or answer the phone... two, you have to hold it up to your head while driving, which takes one of your hands off the wheel. The jawbone at least frees your hands so you can drive properly and talk at the same time. As to answering calls... I believe you just tap it against your head to answer, right? (when I first saw one it reminded me of a Star Trek communicator... all it needs is that little squeaky sound)
Mu husband has a jawbone, and he loves it... but just so you know he did have some problems with it (actually started with a problem with the iPhone) Dan started using his iPhone as an MP3 player, and he discovered that when he did this he could no longer be heard on incoming calls. He could dial out and talk to people, but if he answered incoming calls the person calling would hear nothing - unless he was specifically using the jawbone or the little iPod-esqe headphone/mic combo that the phone came with. This is apparently a known problem, so he took his phone back to the Apple store, they gave him a loner and sent the broken one in. Within a week we received a new iPhone in the mail, and all seemed to work fine except for his jawbone. He ended up exchanging the jawbone at the store he bought it from and now his new one works just fine. As to talking to someone who has a jawbone, just keep your window up and it sounds really good.
Let me know the next time you are coming up here, we'll have you over for dinner (my house is in a suburb close to a few Microsoft locations)
Anyway, I do know that when I talk on the phone while driving a bit of autopilot kicks in while I focus on the conversation. As a result I don't do it anymore.
Either way, I don't want to go by A) a drunken idiot doing 80 broadsiding me, or B) someone broadsiding me at 80 saying "Can you hear me now?"
Peace out.
Mexican Dave's law.....
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