BUILD 2017 Conference Rollup for .NET Developers
The BUILD Conference was lovely this last week, as was OSCON. I was fortunate to be at both. You can watch all the interviews and training sessions from BUILD 2017 on Channel 9.
Here's a few sessions that you might be interested in.
Scott Hunter, Kasey Uhlenhuth, and I had a session on .NET Standard 2.0 and how it fit into a world of .NET Core, .NET (Full) Framework, and Mono/Xamarin.
One of the best demos, IMHO, in this talk, was taking an older .NET 4.x WinForms app, updating it to .NET 4.7 and automatically getting HiDPI support. Then we moved it's DataSet-driven XML Database layer into a shared class library that targeted .NET Standard. Then we made a new ASP.NET Core 2.0 application that shared that new .NET Standard 2.0 library with the existing WinForms app. It's a very clear example of the goal of .NET Standard.
Then, Daniel Roth and I talked about ASP.NET Core 2.0
Maria Naggaga talked about Support for ASP.NET Core. What's "LTS?" How do you balance purchased software that's supported and open source software that's supported?
Mads Torgersen and Dustin Campbell teamed up to talk about the Future of C#!
David Fowler and Damian Edwards introduced ASP.NET Core SignalR!
There's also a TON of great 10-15 min short BUILD videos like:
- Get started with Unity and Visual Studio for Mac
- .NET Core and Visual Studio for Mac
- Windows High DPI Improvements for Desktop
As for announcements, check these out:
- Announcing EF Core 2.0 Preview 1
- Announcing .NET Core 2.0 Preview 1
- Announcing ASP.NET Core 2.0.0-Preview1 and Updates for .NET Web Developers
- Visual Studio 2017 Tools for Azure Functions
- A Lap Around Python in Visual Studio 2017
- Unity game development with Visual Studio for Mac
- Why you should use F#
- Announcing F# 4.1 and the Visual F# Tools for Visual Studio 2017
And best of all...All .NET Core 2.0 and .NET Standard 2.0 APIs are now on at
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About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Did we really wait all this time to get fairly small features each year? I get the agile "lots of iterations add up" mentality but in this case we got tuples and a beefed up switch statement for types. Pattern matching will be awesome, but it's nowhere near useful yet.
No records. No immutability of any kind. No non-nullable (or indeed nullable) types. Just local functions and the start of something that might be useful when the other stuff comes.
Meanwhile Anders is absolutely killing it over on TypeScript. TypeScript + Node is starting to make C# + .Net Core look slow and completely dysfunctional.
Often the hard comments are ignored here and I get why. I also get that you and everyone else at MS are working hard. But still, this seems like small shop deliverables.
What? Structs are non-nullable. Readonly fields are immutable. I'm not sure what you mean by records but we have anonymous classes which might be what you mean.
And yes, the reason they spent all that time on Roslyn was so we could have new small features each year. As I understand things the old compiler was very complex which made adding new features difficult. They designed Roslyn so that it was easier to make small changes and additions.
A little hyperbole on my part perhaps!
With regards to immutability I specifically meant record types where value type equality semantics can be expressed with minimal code. With pattern matching that will be awesome. Without it, and without tuple patterns, pattern matching is all but worthless most of the time.
Null protection isn't about being able to use structs as I'm sure you appreciate so I'll gloss over that.
The problem with the progress is that it's pretty similar to what we had before Roslyn. My comment was that Roslyn hasn't seemed to help with that. That's not to say it wasn't worthwhile (it absolutely freakin was) but the language changes are so underwhelming so far. Combined with the endless confusion of .net core and you get comments like mine and pi may.
I just hope people are seeing this internally. Be it GitHub issues, Twitter or yes even Scotts blog, they need to see this.
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Next year, perhaps? :) :) :)