Baby T arrives
Truly, I don't give my wife enough credit for what she does. This morning around 5am she said that she was feeling some contractions...minor, but enough for her to take notice. We had just moved house on Saturday, so we'd been running all over and unpacking. We didn't think too much of it because the baby's due date was the 29th (coincedentially our first son's birthday also). I figured it was just those beginning contractions that start a few weeks before you really get going. Plus, according to the doctor we'd just seen the previous Wednesday she wasn't at all ready.
The contractions continued, but with no particular pattern, so we didn't sweat them. Then they disappeared completely around lunch. Then around 6pm they started again, but she was still walking around, unpacking, playing with our two year old. She'd pause every 10-15 minutes, make a note of the length of the contraction, but still we weren't worried about it. Then around 8pm, she said, oh, that's not comfortable. I think we need to get going. Nah, you're not even close, I said. Let's hang out here and we'll probably head over tomorrow or the next day. No, she insisted. I'll drive myself if I have to, but I think we need to get out of there.
Since we'd just moved house on Saturday, we now live out in the country and we are over an hour away from the hospital. We start driving, leaving the two year old with my parents. It's dark and rainy and horrible and we pound through it. She continues with contractions, and we bet on dilation. I say 3cm, she says 7cm. I secretly wonder if we'll be sent back from the hospital, thinking that we're totally jumping the gun. I suspect she's worried about the same thing.
We show up at the hospital at 10pm, walk in and say, my wife's in labor. They look at my calm wife and say, um, ok, take our details, ask for timing, and show us to a room. It's clear that they're thinking we're in for a long night of waiting and that these folks (us) have shown up way early. We wait and wait for the nurse and Mo says, I really need some help here, this is really stating to hurt.
I politely go to the desk and say, I'm sorry, but I really think someone needs to look at my wife. They are kind, but again, I'm a nervous father, right? Sure, sir, someone will be right there.
A very nice nurse shows up, takes some readings and checks my wife out. She calmly says, ok, a lot of people are going to show up, but they are all here to help. She pushes a button and like seriously, five nurse ninjas appear from the floor and ceiling with carts and equipment. My wife is freaking out. She says it's time for drugs. Our doctor hasn't shown up yet, because we've only been here 15 minutes. An on-call doctor comes in and examines my wife. Ok, let me get my scrubs. My wife asks, what's going on? The nurse says, well, doctor is getting his scrubs, so a baby is coming and very soon.
I need drugs! she says, I can't do this! It's too late for drugs, you've got to do it naturally. The doctor returns and my wife starts pushing immediately. Fifteen minutes of hard drug-free labor later, our second son, T Daniel Hanselman arrives. He's 6 lbs, 6 oz and healthy.
My wife and I walked into the hospital this evening at 10pm and Baby T* arrived with a full head of hair and strong lungs at 10:43pm.
I will always listen to my wife from now on.
*T means Happiness in Zulu/Ndebele and is pronounced "Taa-bo"
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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What's the buzz like the second time round? - I can still remember the giddy numbness I felt when Ryan was born in February.
Your never short of stories, your life is never just straight forward, but I have to say this is certainly one of the best :)
BTW. Ryan's baby-signing is coming along (its difficult to stick at it but should be worth it). We (my wife and I) seem to have been right at the start of the latest trend over here in Glasgow, Scotland with several classes now being run.
yeah, probably.
Congratulation, and all the best.
Now that T is going to learn sign language, it might be time for Z to go Ruby ...
I'll try and remember to listen to my wife when all this happens to me in a couple of months! :-)
Many congrats to your wife and to you!
/Magnus - proud father of two girls
Fifteen minutes eh? My daughter took nearly 36 hours, I couldn't be there (don't ask), but I got the most remarkable text message: "Labor ineffective, proceeding to c-section" from the mum. She's a developer, good at simple message-box feedback even under duress. "Ineffective" conjurs a picture eh?
Well done again! You guys look just radiant.
Get some rest pops. All your readers will be busy with VS2008, so you can sneak some time off ;)
I sincerely hope you can get some sleep in the coming months. ;)
Any chance of the full name being T 'Orcas' Hanselman?
@MarryT, Scott doesn't need sleep ;-)
Congrats !
As a very proud father of two boys (26mths and 6mths) I have to say that two is definately twice the work... thankfully there is twice the reward and I can't tell you how great it is to have two young boys around the house! :)
T's a real handsome chap and my he has big hands!!!
Kind Regards,
The latter half of your experience is similar to ours. Six weeks before the due date in for a checkup and narrowly missed being born in an elevator. Labour time approx 30 mintutes. No ninjas though, NHS won't pay for them.
You've only a got few more kids to go before you catch up to me. You are SO competitive Scott!
Enjoy the new baby.
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. This is sure going to be a special one!
And thanks also for the great pictures. You all look well!
Question: Do you think this was the first birth announcement via Twitter?
Your story is very much in-line with what happened to us a year ago with our second daughter, I am amazed.
Again, I wish you and Mo a good experience thereafter.
PS: Love your blog and podcasts Scott, keep it up!
re: Toddlers and babies. My daughter always stares at any baby that comes over to our house. Like the baby is some new life form she's discovered. I'm surprised she doesn't poke at them. It looks like my dolly, but it's moving on it's own. ACK, it made a noise. Regardless, he'll have a ball with his new partner in
Many many many Many many many Many many many Many many many Many many many Many many many Many many many Many many many Many many many Many many many Many many many Many many many Many many many Many many many Many many many Many many many Congratulations.
:) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
(However, to answer one question, I prerecorded some podcasts for you. ;) )
Rick Arthur
Take care!
You're passing great days in your sweet life. Congratulations :-) are just now realizing you have to listen to your wife. :-)
Someone said in his comment, but you "released" Tahbo just as Visual Studio 2008 went RTM. You sir are really a Microsoftie! LOL
Good choice on the middle name by the way... it's mine too. :)
Mom is always right.
If Mom is wrong refer to rule #1.
Congrats Scott!!!
I'm kind of jealous. He was born with a neck. It took a few months before our son grew a neck.
The "nurse ninjas" description was hilarious, especially because it's true! We've had 3 C-sections (2 of which were scheduled), and it is amazing how the team of doctors and nurses springs into action as soon as the OB decides it's time to take the baby out.
I think you need a new term in the household - MoMinutes ;-)
All the very best to you and your newly extended family!
Congrats to you and to your wife.
A natural drug-free birth has become quite the rarity. It's a testament to Mo's health, will & self-awareness that she was able to pull this off. I would be proud too.
May God continue being with you.
What a CUTIE!!! CONGRATULATIONS guys! and uh, Scott? I don't know if you haven't learned you first lesson with Mo from the first pregnancy but LISTEN TO YOUR WIFE!!! *lol* she is THE one to carry! And Mo, oh you poor dear! I feel you! *lol* This is so funny that Scott's reaction was the same as James when I was about to have Liam: "oh no, you're fine"...
Anyway, looking forwards to meet the little guy there. Mo, you look great! Scott, man, congrats to being a second-time-around-dad, et Z: you'll have to learn to share now! don't worry! you'll still have plenty of fun with your little bro.
Congratulations again!
We also moved into a new house while expecting our second child. The second day my husband assembled the crib and I immediately went into labor :) The baby must have thought we were ready.
Thanks for sharing your story.
Gary Simantel (friend of proud Grandpa)
Congretts. And congretts to Mo also who fully cooperated with you. Man, she held it for one hour long journey.
All the best wishes for new member of yiour family, T.
T, you arrived nine days earlier ... I know why ... You couldn't wait more to see you father and this world.
Hey Scott! Something is missing in these photographs. I hope you will complete the photographs as soon as possible.
Yanesh Tyagi
Maybe because I will be a first time father in a few month, but those with happiness filled pictures of your familly sure make you feel good. Congratulations and tons of good luck
Congratulations on the arrival of your new son and may he herald much 'T' for your family...
I wish you and your family the very best.
Nina Meiers - a dasBlog convert :-D
Remember, you should always listen to your wife. You don't always have to agree with her, but 9 times out of 10, you'd be better off if you did.
Dr. Anne
best of luck!
Belated Congratulations...
And seeing as though he has a Zulu/Ndebele name ( it also means "Hope" by the way ).
It gives me an opportunity to embarrass myself internationally with some school zulu (corrections welcome).
Ngiyakwemukela umtwana!! Ngikufisela kakhul'inhlanhla nomhlaba . Nihambe gahle!.
(my zulu might not have survived that well after 30 years... ) this should mean:
Welcome young child!!, May you have much luck in the world. Go well ( in life )!.
I hope he is able to visit the land of his ancestors on his mothers side one day.
What you have there is a truly beautiful family. I'm starting to get a impression of what powers that big smile of yours. Happy Holidays to you and yours.
Nice Zulu. You could also have added "Amhlope!"
We go to Africa every year or so. We took Z last December, and we're taking T this next December to South Africa.
When you said "nihambe kahle" (not gahle) did you mean, "I go well"? If you meant, "go well" to the baby, you'd say "Lihambe" or just "hambe"
We also had a baby boy last week on 14th. So all the best to all four of you.
Have you created T's account on the family domain, yet? ;-)
A new baby signer is on its way! I can hardly wait for your report when Z starts "talking" to him :)
I'll be in Redmond next week, but I guess you won't be around the mothership for a while ;)
Just returned from 3 weeks vacation (no internet) and this is the first thing I read :-) That's good news to start the digital life again :-)
Congratulation. I always wonder how in the world Scott gets time for job, blogging,podcost and family.
Now handsome T added more fuel in it.
I have personal experience with the 'ninja nurses' when my daughter was born under similar circumstances. Everything was calm until we got to the room and my wife was already 10cm and it was all done in a matter of minutes once the Doctor arrived. :)
Congrats on a healthy baby! Your wife is very brave with no drugs! Take a looooooong vacation and enjoy your extended time away from all of us... We'll be fine... You go. :)
Sounds like exactly the same thing that happened when our second was born. By this time my wife decided she wanted an epidural, it was WAY too late. The nurse came in to check her, and her eyes got huge! Fifteen minutes later, my daughter was here. The Doc. was hardly able to get her scrubs on and sit down before the head was delivered 30 seconds later. Our wives are TOUGH! I agree, they hardly get enough thanks for all of the wonderful service that they do for our families.
Oh, and you've got a handsome little boy there. I'm sure you're quite proud.
I’ve been following your blog since your visit to Plano, Tx (about 2,3 yrs back), and I’ve enjoyed your mixture of ninja coder and family man. What’s cool is Z is about the age of my Micah and T beat my #2 by about 2 months. My wife and I are challenged with the “what kind of stroller to get” dilemma. What can you recommend on having a 3 yr old with a new born?
Thanks and keep up the great work! Your reports on Africa were fascinating.
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Congratz and my granny always said: "The Man Is Smart, But The Woman Is Smarter"