Does Spelling Matter? I think it does.
I actually appreciate it when folks email me to let me know about a comma fault or incorrect use of an apostrophe. I tend to screw up a lot and Craig Andera always drops me a note. He went to a better college than I. Er, me?
Hopefully folks don't think TOO poorly of me when I misspell words. Of course, I think horribly of YOU when YOU misspell.
The real question is, how concerned should I be when my very expensive Lenovo ThinkPad T60p is about to have it's its ;) BIOS flashed by a Utility that's spelled (spelt?) itself "Utiltiy".
Seriously, I think that the more folks use your product, the more effort you should put into Spell Check. Don't let the programmer check his or her own work. Get an editor. Someone with a B.A. in English.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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At one point you debated certifications like MCSD,MCP etc. doesn't identify a good programmer so how do you think a B.A(English) guy will make sure there are no spelling mistakes:) It is also a responsibility of QA:)
Disappointing :|
You Scott however are not general populace so I'll make sure to watch your spellings and usage intently!
As for the IBM junk it might be time to toss the blue and move to a more elaborate, large screened, and powerful machine. I have seen far too many things like that with IBM lately. From their laptops to their Tivoli Software.
I ponder now how well this comment is written. :|
That's where spell checkers come in. In WLW, in Firefox, or CopyPaste to WinWord and back. Spelling is not an English Bachelor thing - it's a tool thing. As for
I, of course, am exempt from my own scorn.
I even correct my own spelling in code comments...
I believe this carries over into coding and how developers name things: poor naming and poor grammer and spelling seem to go hand in hand...
I like Dave Soloman's comment above.
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As a .Net developer with a B.A. in English Literature and Writing, I wouldn't trust my spell checking or comma placing abilities. Although I can sometimes be awfully clever with an apostrophe...