Scott Hanselman

Exploring .NET Core's SourceLink - Stepping into the Source Code of NuGet packages you don't own

September 28, 2018 Comment on this post [12] Posted in DotNetCore | Open Source | VS2017
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According to, SourceLink "enables a great source debugging experience for your users, by adding source control metadata to your built assets."

Sounds fantastic. I download a NuGet to use something like Json.NET or whatever all the time, I'd love to be able to "Step Into" the source even if I don't have laying around. Per the GitHub, it's both language and source control agnostic. I read that to mean "not just C# and not just GitHub."

Visual Studio 15.3+ supports reading SourceLink information from symbols while debugging. It downloads and displays the appropriate commit-specific source for users, such as from raw.githubusercontent, enabling breakpoints and all other sources debugging experience on arbitrary NuGet dependencies. Visual Studio 15.7+ supports downloading source files from private GitHub and Azure DevOps (former VSTS) repositories that require authentication.

Looks like Cameron Taggart did the original implementation and then the .NET team worked with Cameron and the .NET Foundation to make the current version. Also cool.

Download Source and Continue Debugging

Let me see if this really works and how easy (or not) it is.

I'm going to make a little library using the 5 year old Pseudointernationalizer from here. Fortunately the main function is pretty pure and drops into a .NET Standard library neatly.

I'll put this on GitHub, so I will include "PublishRepositoryUrl" and "EmbedUntrackedSources" as well as including the PDBs. So far my CSPROJ looks like this:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

Pretty straightforward so far. As I am using GitHub I added this reference, but if I was using GitLab or BitBucket, etc, I would use that specific provider per the docs.

  <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub" Version="1.0.0-beta-63127-02" PrivateAssets="All"/>

Now I'll pack up my project as a NuGet package.

D:\github\SourceLinkTest\PsuedoizerCore [master ≡]> dotnet pack -c release
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 15.8.166+gd4e8d81a88 for .NET Core
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Restoring packages for D:\github\SourceLinkTest\PsuedoizerCore\PsuedoizerCore.csproj...
Generating MSBuild file D:\github\SourceLinkTest\PsuedoizerCore\obj\PsuedoizerCore.csproj.nuget.g.props.
Restore completed in 96.7 ms for D:\github\SourceLinkTest\PsuedoizerCore\PsuedoizerCore.csproj.
PsuedoizerCore -> D:\github\SourceLinkTest\PsuedoizerCore\bin\release\netstandard2.0\PsuedoizerCore.dll
Successfully created package 'D:\github\SourceLinkTest\PsuedoizerCore\bin\release\PsuedoizerCore.1.0.0.nupkg'.

Let's look inside the .nupkg as they are just ZIP files. Ah, check out the generated *.nuspec file that's inside!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package xmlns="">
    <description>Package Description</description>
    <repository type="git" url="" commit="35024ca864cf306251a102fbca154b483b58a771" />
      <group targetFramework=".NETStandard2.0" />

See under repository it points back to the location AND commit hash for this binary! That means I can give it to you or a coworker and they'd be able to get to the source. But what's the consumption experience like? I'll go over and start a new Console app that CONSUMES my NuGet library package. To make totally sure that I don't accidentally pick up the source from my machine I'm going to delete the entire folder. This source code no longer exists on this machine.

I'm using a "local" NuGet Feed. In fact, it's just a folder. Check it out:

D:\github\SourceLinkTest\AConsumerConsole> dotnet add package PsuedoizerCore -s "c:\users\scott\desktop\LocalNuGetFeed"
  Writing C:\Users\scott\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpBECA.tmp
info : Adding PackageReference for package 'PsuedoizerCore' into project 'D:\github\SourceLinkTest\AConsumerConsole\AConsumerConsole.csproj'.
log  : Restoring packages for D:\github\SourceLinkTest\AConsumerConsole\AConsumerConsole.csproj...
info :   GET
info :   NotFound 465ms
log  : Installing PsuedoizerCore 1.0.0.
info : Package 'PsuedoizerCore' is compatible with all the specified frameworks in project 'D:\github\SourceLinkTest\AConsumerConsole\AConsumerConsole.csproj'.
info : PackageReference for package 'PsuedoizerCore' version '1.0.0' added to file 'D:\github\SourceLinkTest\AConsumerConsole\AConsumerConsole.csproj'.

See how I used -s to point to an alternate source? I could also configure my NuGet feeds, be they local directories or internal servers with "dotnet new nugetconfig" and including my NuGet Servers in the order I want them searched.

Here is my little app:

using System;
using Utils;
namespace AConsumerConsole
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine(Pseudoizer.ConvertToFakeInternationalized("Hello World!"));

And the output is [Ħęľľő Ŵőřľđ! !!! !!!].

But can I step into it? I don't have the source remember...I'm using SourceLink.

In Visual Studio 2017 I confirm that SourceLink is enabled. This is the Portable PDB version of SourceLink, not the "SourceLink 1.0" that was "Enable Source Server Support." That only worked on Windows..

Enable Source Link Support

You'll also want to turn off "Just My Code" since, well, this isn't your code.

Disable Just My Code

Now I'll start a Debug Session in my consumer app and hit F11 to Step Into the Library whose source I do not have!

Source Link Will Download from The Internet

Fantastic. It's going to get the source for me! Without git cloning the repository it will seamlessly let me continue my debugging session.

The temporary file ended up in C:\Users\scott\AppData\Local\SourceServer\4bbf4c0dc8560e42e656aa2150024c8e60b7f9b91b3823b7244d47931640a9b9 if you're interested. I'm able to just keep debugging as if I had the source...because I do! It came from the linked source.

Debugging into a NuGet that I don't have the source for

Very cool. I'm going to keep digging into SourceLink and learning about it. It seems that if YOU have a library or published NuGet either inside your company OR out in the open source world that you absolutely should be using SourceLink.

You can even install the sourcelink global tool and test your .pdb files for greater insight.

D:\github\SourceLinkTest\PsuedoizerCore>dotnet tool install --global sourcelink
D:\github\SourceLinkTest\PsuedoizerCore\bin\release\netstandard2.0>sourcelink print-urls PsuedoizerCore.pdb
43c83e7173f316e96db2d8345a3f963527269651 sha1 csharp D:\github\SourceLinkTest\PsuedoizerCore\Psuedoizer.cs
bfafbaee93e85cd2e5e864bff949f60044313638 sha1 csharp C:\Users\scott\AppData\Local\Temp\.NETStandard,Version=v2.0.AssemblyAttributes.cs

Think about how much easier consumers of your library will have it when debugging their apps! Your package is no longer a black box. Go set this up on your projects today.

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About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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September 30, 2018 12:16
So I will get the original source code complete with comments etc?! This is so cool... normally I just let the decompiler decompiles the code but this is so much better!
September 30, 2018 12:27
Of course it's very nice and helpful, but would be good to cover security concerns as well, if there are any.
E.g. if I deploy my code in production and there are third-party libraries included, which are providing sources for debugging. Is it completely safe? Or what additional security options do I need (like debug=false in web.config) to still have all these debugging benefits, but remain secure?

Would be nice to hear opinions on it! Maybe it's not completely safe, but benefits outweighs it.. ;)
October 01, 2018 2:29
Very cool. I wonder if this is available for Visual Studio Code too, perhaps the OmniSharp extension?
October 01, 2018 12:56
FWIW embedded PDB seems more reliable, I've already had issues making external PDBs work with SourceLink. Sometimes it would work well, but sometimes VS was unable to find the PDB when debugging.

And <DebugType>embedded</DebugType> is easier to remember than <AllowedOutputExtensionsInPackageBuildOutputFolder>$(AllowedOutputExtensionsInPackageBuildOutputFolder);.pdb</AllowedOutputExtensionsInPackageBuildOutputFolder>

October 01, 2018 13:55
Isn't this available for any code produced by an SDK-style project regardless of the target?
October 01, 2018 14:10
I'm a big fan on embedded PDBs and embedded source, it makes life easy for everyone. I feel like I'm fight a losing battle though with .snupkg on the horizon:
October 01, 2018 17:39
SourceLink still doesnt work if you host your source in GitLab public or private (and by extension, Perforce GitSwarm). The below issue needs to be implemented. They are taking community contributions on this issue if anyone is interested!
October 01, 2018 20:34
WOW finally!!! Thank you!
October 01, 2018 21:19
I wrote a similar post a few weeks ago with more details about the .NET tool sourcelink and how to validate a dll use SourceLink: How to debug NuGet packages using SourceLink
October 02, 2018 10:14
What about official dotnet libraries? When these libraries will support source link?
October 04, 2018 12:45
Oh nice, I was not aware this facility existed. I had used the source server support in the past, but it was difficult to get it to work correctly as I recall.

What I like about this is that it is extensible, so it's not tightly coupled to some proprietary server implementation. Well done to the team!

And thanks Scott, for writing this so clearly and providing so many snippets and screenshots to explain what happens. Your style of exposing such a feature takes away some of the anxiety I normally have with dev tools ("what's going to happen to my precious machine when I check this box?").
October 04, 2018 23:12
Does sourcelink support xamarin yet?

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.