Fatherhood - Part 1
I'm overwhelmed. The idea that we'd be put in charge of this little man without so much as a license or registration is beyond me. Z changes everything.
We took birthing classes, breast-feeding classes (Mo's better than I at this particular skill), and read voraciously. I was at every pre-natal exam; how could I not?
The baby doctor told me that he'd delivered some babies to married couples where he literally met the father on the day of delivery. There may be some folks who study harder for their MCSE. I feel as if I've been prepping for this my whole life. As if my first 32 years are prepare for his first 32. I know I crammed in these last nine months and I'm totally prepared to be completely unprepared.
If I known it'd be so important, so weighty, so powerful, I'd have studied harder in High School. I'd have exercised more, eaten better, drank less soda.
It's more than cuteness. Everyone thinks their baby is the cutest baby in the world (which mine is, of course.) But it's the implicit trust.
This little guy didn't choose us. Choosing us was the most important and effectual decision that he never made. He has no reason to trust us other than he has no reason not to. We accept the immense weight of that trust with open arms.
He cries, and he's fed. Everyone deserves to count on that simple contract. I am overwhelmed at the responsibility, but I know we've got this.
- saZ (father of Z)
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

About Newsletter
Thank you for vocalizing what I have felt for the last 5 years; I sent this on to my wife because it is so perfect.
Best wishes to Mo & Zo.
David's advice is golden, especially if you're raising a boy. Dads do stupid things - that's why we're so much fun.
"I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection."
Sigmund Freud
Without question the most difficult, challenging, frustrating, maddening, scary responsibility you will ever have. And you will not want to give it up for the world.
Remember cheating off each other in Personal Finance? Good times!
I plan on having some little tyrants running around eventually, seems like alot of work and responsability but I think it would be fun. Afterall look at what you created, its a little miracle...
The more interactive they get the more fun it becomes.
Before I left for work this morning, I taught my 16 month old daughter how to do 'Eskimo Kisses' (rubbing noses together). She now rubs noses and laughs every time I say 'eskimo'. My day is all set before it's even started...
I have a 3 yr old and had the same exact thoughts when he arrived. I read a book called "Do I Look Like a Daddy To You?" that was a little cheesy, but pretty good. Had a lot of good info on the first 6 months or so. MIght be a little late to start it now (you're probably exhausted) but if you're a fast reader...
best to you and your growing family,
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Anyone can see you are going to be the "bestest" dad ever. All the best mate!