Five Things You (Seriously) Didn't Know About Me
I hate (lowercase 'h') these viral questionnaires, but somehow this one is slightly more compelling and I've already seen a number of interesting responses out there. I was "tagged" by Phil Haack, so I am apparently honor-bound to respond. Here's my "Five Things You (Seriously) Didn't Know About Me" in no particular order.
In my sophomore year in school, while studying Software Engineering, there was a term where I got straight "D's." I was sleeping in class, not showing up, not doing my work. I'd lost weight and was 145lbs on a 5'11" frame (that's unhealthy, for you folks using the metric system. I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes shortly after, the month before my 21st birthday.
I'm a bit of a fashionisto. I know all the girls on America's Next Top Model, and can name 95% of the models in any fashion magazine (Vogue, etc) even the obscure ones. I find myself watching FashionTV a little bit too much and I can put together a fine looking outfit for just about any body type for under $100. I took my niece to "Forever 20" - a local boutique - and come up with a series of coordinated separates that included a black pin-stripe capri pant, tank top and tweedy shrug (not a bolero) that she could add to her existing collection to make at least five different ensembles. That said, I buy all my clothes at Old Navy so I'm kind of an average dresser, but I could look nice if prompted.
I've never had a cavity. My teeth are pristine. Well, kinda. My paternal grandmother had no adult permanent teeth. She kept her baby teeth into high-school and was eventually fitted with fake teeth. My dad was born with only half his permanent teeth, and has had partial dentures for years, now a bridge. Fortunately my Mom was blessed with like 45 teeth (way more then you're supposed to have) and had many pulled to have the right amount. All that combined, along with Fluoride treatments for decades have given me super-teeth. Until last year, when I had a "preemptive filling" when the dentist said, "Well that's not a cavity, but we might as well fill the pits to prevent one in the future." So, my record has been broken, even though I like to think my teeth are still nice.
I also wonder what would have happen if I'd continued my short lived comedy career (punctuated by a series of brutal open-mikes) and actually got a sitcom or movie. I look at guys like Zach Braff and Ryan Reynolds and I can't help but think that they have my career. I totally should have been on Two Guys, a Girl, and Pizza Place, and it would have rocked. I even sent a proposal to the folks at Saturday Night Live that they do a night hosted by a Complete Unknown (me). I still think it'd be better than the crap they are currently putting out. So, if you want to cast me as the lead in your movie, now's the time. I'll go fast.
I have never drank nor have I smoked weed or tried any illicit whatnot in my life. I don't know what beer tastes like, and I've only smelled wine. I never got around to it in my teen years, and once I was diagnosed diabetic, I figured since I was on such a roll, why break my tea-totaling streak? I don't understand the compulsion to get "plastered" as the frats are wont to do and I don't go on wine tasting expeditions. However, I have been known to eat a half-pound of Tillamook Medium Cheddar Cheese in one sitting.
There's others you don't know, like politics and religion, but I'll avoid those as this is a primarily technical blog. Now, I'm supposed to "tag" five other people who are supposed to answer the same question with a post of their own. Here's my five: Greg Hughes, Patrick Cauldwell, Daniel (kzu) Cazzulino, John Lam and Sam Ruby.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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As for getting "plastered", anything that makes you puke and forget the previous night out naturally makes no sense. However, there is something to be said for the social lubicrant qualities of the "right amount" of liquor. Just enough to get you buzzed. Unless you're an angry drunk. Then you shouldn't drink. Me, I'm a happy drunk.
But I'll keep on reading your blog when you continue to write about the technical stuff :)
ps. I like the British Beatles black tight pants too.
Talk to me when it's a FULL pound of EXTRA SHARP!
Not that I am proud of that....
If you want some good cheese check out
Throw that on a good burger and you will know what good cheese truly is.
Dude. You dress ok but I'm laughing with Michelle about your whole shopping experience. Having been exposed to your dry wit for a few years I can safely say I laughed harder at your fashion prowess. You probably chose the right career.
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A couple things...
1. It is a Fraternity not a Frat. There is a rather dirty song to educate the uninformed but I will refrain.
2. As your beer, whiskey and gin swilling cousin I can let you know that all taste great and are less filling. I also find myself quite funny and a total ladies man while under the influence! Others I've been told do not.
3. Your Paternal Great Grandfather James Cormack never drank. He took an oath and held fast to his word. I do believe that Uncle Glen McCarty spiked the punch on a Christmas, leaving Grandpa Jim a bit woozy. I think he gets a pass on that one.
4. Fashion runs deep in the Hanselman family. I buy all my clothes at Nordstrom and love the shows you like too. I'm forever letting Tina know what her friends need help with. I like the British What not to Wear show.
5. I have near perfect teeth too.