FizzBin - The Technical Support Secret Handshake
This is a short post, but I think it's important. Let's make it a movement. Digg it, leave a comment, Reddit it. Start using it.
We need a word that says "I know tech" when you're on the phone with tech support, you'd just say "Fizzbin" and they'd know.
I hate that 5 minute to 5 hour long "ramp up" when I'm on the phone with any kind of technical support as they realize that we both know what we're doing. Or at least, one of us does.
"So, click the start menu...type C M D and press enter. Tell what you see?"
I propose that "Fizzbin" skips that first hour. I don't like feeling like it's an ego thing. I don't want to have to say, "Hey, I kind of know this stuff, can we kick it up a notch?" I don't like explaining that YES, I've checked the cable, and YES, I have tried resetting the modem.
I'd like my tech support experience to go like this:
"Hi, Internet Tech Support...what's your issue?"
"You have an IP?"
"No. Your DHCP isn't passing out IPs. Am I banned?"
"Looks like your MAC is xxxx, you've been running a torrent?"
"Yes, I'll stop."
"Cool. You're un-banned. Fizzbin."
"Sweet. Catch you later."
Fizzbin. It's like pressing "0" at the automated teller prompt, but for geeks.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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"OK, let me forward you to someone who knows how to do more than just read the support script".
I once had a friend who spent an hour trying to get the woman on the other side to understand that the modem was NOT WORKING because the LED was solid red, and she kept saying "it's not blinking, so it's OK" (not the default ADSL modem model, not covered in the script...).
He ended up asking "if I hang up and call back, do I have a chance to get someone else?".
Best. Line. Ever.
1) Everyone thinks they're above average, so everyone that knows would use the code word even if they have no right to.
1a)Even the people that *are* above average forget stupid things sometimes.
2) Nobody is at the same technical level, so the guy on the other side can easily overshoot or undershoot your proficiency.
3) Unless you've got a support contract of some sort specifying a certain level of support, you'll most likely get non-technical script-following drones to start out with anyway. And these people are typically given a lot of incentive to not escalate the call if they can help it.
What *would* be nice is if companies stopped outsourcing their support, or at least hired support people with some technical and problem-solving skill that are allowed to use their own judgment to fix problems. This sort of person can usually figure out the competence level of the guy on the other end without some special code-word, if they're smart about it. But that's expensive, so big companies will never go for it.
You can find the rules to the card game here:
"Hi, Internet Tech Support...what's your issue?"
"What's your mac address"
"You are being transfered to the billing help desk."
In study after study, respondents rate themselves as less racist than average, smarter than average, more generous than average.
View full article @ Seth Godin's blog
I'll start using it at the office tomorrow and watch their faces....they'll probably be wondering what I am on but I'll be this a fizzbin ticket or do I need to train a new user on how to use the office intranet...
We already speak in code that nobody else understands, lets just use that. Just say: "I know what the 'MAC' in MAC address means" or let them know you can tell them which layer of the OSI stack your IP address is part of, and can convert a dotted-ip subnet mask to binary and tell him how many addresses are in it. Any of those things are code enough that your average joe's couldn't even say the sentence straight without a script.
Will it work for bypassing the "In order to fix the issue, we must first reproduce the issue in our labs. We are unable to reproduce the issue with the steps you provided. It may help if you provide us with a zipped project file"-drones monitoring Microsoft Connect? :)
What exactly is still up in the air, but perhaps something like a[5] == 5[a], More Magic, or 0x5f3759d5.
"Hi, I'm a sysadmin for <insert large, well known company> we've been hired by Ms. <insert my last name> to fix a problem in her <insert problem>."
That works pretty well.
Of course, my ISP doesn't require that. A typical conversation (from last week)
"Hi, I'm having trouble connecting to the internet"
"OK, open up the start menu"
"I'm a sysadmin"
"Great! Open cmd and type ipconfig"
"I don't have an IP. I've tried connecting using my router, which just loops a 'PPPoE sending PADI' message but no response. I've also tried setting up a dialer, which gives me a <don't remember the error number>."
"I see that you are still connected. I'll try resetting your account"
It took me 3 minutes to get my internet working again, including the time waiting for an answer.
And what if the tech suddenly replies with a binary modem handshake? You call it "you've bin fizzed!".
I do agree with many of the comments that everyone will start using it. Maybe a more complex solution is required, rather than just knowing a word.
What about telnet'ing into a server to get a txt file that contains this weeks secret word (no good if you're calling an ISP to tell them your internet connection is down ;-)
.. KJ
I'm from Brazil, and I want ask if I can translate this post to portuguese and post in my blog, of course, the credits is yours.
Thanks you are great!
"Thank you for calling <company> tech support/customer service. How can I help you?"
"I'm pretty sure you can't. Please connect me with tier 2 support/your manager."
Generally works well, as long as you're polite. :)
I use Firefox -> FizzBin
I am a Firefox developer -> FizzBin
I know what an ethernet card is -> FizzBin
I advised IEEE on ethernet communications -> FizzBin
I am a brilliant electrical engineer -> FizzBin
I am a brilliant electrical engineer that doesn't understand software at all and I have a huge chip on my shoulder too -> FizzBin
The "geek handshake" is far simpler, and more informative. When calling, tell the technician everything you've already done to diagnose / troubleshoot the problem, using whatever terminology you're comfortable with:
"Hi, I'm having a weird problem with this DSL connection, it's a new connection and I've got a sync/no-surf on the modem. The VCI and VPI settings look like they're correct, they're 0/35. The computer can connect to the modem just fine. I have no DNS and no ping to a known good IP."
If the technician then says, "OK sir, and have you tried restarting the computer?", then you know you're dealing with an idiot. Escalate it.
If the technician says, "OK, well I can get an ATM ping to your line so it looks like a faulty unit, we'll ship you another one", then you're done.
I've used this for years.
But we need to pick a new 'secret phrase' every few weeks and disseminate it to IT and Support staff through secure channels to prevent ID10Ts from catching on and causing the same 'send me to level 2' bullcrap they do already.
Explaining what you have already done does 2 things...
1. it lets the tech know what level you're at
2. (based on the tech's responses and follow-up questions) lets you know what level the tech is at
Your troubleshooting info is your Fizzbin
and please... make sure you do the id10t tests before you pick up the phone. I was tech support years ago, and I have bad memories of having to trace through some "super awesome" programmer's code just to give them the line number of their typo. No one thinks their an idiot.
+1 for Configurator's comment, too
I think you need to come up with appropriate words in different languages, as well :)
"Are there any known issues with a JPEG displaying upside-down?"
"What's the best troubleshooting guide to addressing my router problem?"
"Is it intended behavior that a session cannot last more than 40 minutes?"
"Do you have a known-to-be-good test file using Feature X so I can see whether it's my scripting or my configuration that's fouling things up?"
The rep wants to get onto the next call, but also wants a satisfactory resolution for the customer. He doesn't want to send you a laundry list of steps, just like s/he doesn't want to hear some long confused story of things you did. Figure out the question you need answered, and just ask it.
The first step in any support call, after qualification, is to get agreement on the core question. You can speed things up a lot if you first figure out what you're asking, that someone else may be able to answer.
First words out of my mouth every time I finally got a human, "Let me speak with a senior tech."
The conversation usually went like this:
ME: "Let me speak with a senior tech please."
PBScreenreader: "I'm sorry sir there is no such thing as a senior tech, I'm here to help you diagnose your problem..."
ME: "I wouldn't be calling if you could help me, you can't help me I know more about your computer than you do, let me speak with a senior tech."
PBScreenreader: "Sir you'll have to follow the protocols we have in place here now if you'll let me begin we can escalate your case if it's necessary...."
ME: "Before you continue let me tell you what I've done and why I'm calling {whereupon I would divulge my work to this point}"
PBScreenreader: "{A moment of benumbed silence} One moment sir, I'm going to transfer you to a senior tech."
ME: "Thank you"
Yes I was rude, but I'd been on hold for an hour or two by this point already.
Ah, memories.
On the other hand having different levels of Fizzbin is a good idea. Maybe we can create a Fizzbin certification program. You take a certificate for some level then just give your Fizzbin certificate number to the support. He checks it and knows the level of competence he's dealing with. He may then switch to more appropriate language or escalate you. Hell, support can even have flowcharts for different Fizzbin levels so support drones could help you without understanding the issue. If there is a single database we can get just one certificate and use it with every possible support center.
Female callers need a different word, one that means 'Yes, I know I'm a girl, that doesn't mean I'm an idiot who can't even operate a TV remote control. I KNOW TECH'.
Maybe there could be a secret place on html forms that you submit to tech support where you can type 'FizzBin', and get a technical response back...
and to Phll's point, I have missed the "check the cable" in the past.. that's when you feel WAY dumber than you should. Great idea Scott!
More often than not I find that the script-monkey is absolutely intent on sticking to the script no matter what technical knowledge I present to them. I usually just suck it up and try to be patient, as I'm afraid showing any level of competence and giving them "clues" as to what I think the problem is will just confuse them and cause the fix to take even longer.
My favorite wasted hour went along the lines of:
(prior to call) - ComCast van pulls up outside, presumably to install service to a neighboring apartment.
- As ComCast van pulls away, internet connection is dead. (This had happened before)
...quick checks lets me know that router and modem can see each other, but that the modem can't see anything on the line at all. It's basically singing "I'm ronery, so ronery" and rocking in a corner, crying...
...I dial tech support...
<operator>: "Can I help you sir?"
<me>: "Yes, I'm an existing customer with high-speed internet. My connection stopped functioning recently and I think it might be connected to a change that a service representative just made to the cabinet outside our apartment. Would you please connect me to a manager or local representative to help diagnose the problem? I don't think this is related to settings or configuration as it looks like the problem is on the line itself."
<operator>: "Ok sir. Is your computer turned on right now?"
<me>: "Errr...yeah"
.... the hour ensues ....
The problem was that a neighbor of ours had signed up for service. When the service rep connected our neighbor, they disconnected our line in the cabinet in order to get to the neighbors jack. The rep forgot to reconnect our line. This took two phone calls and an in-person rep visit to fix. The frustration was with having to go through the hour of pointless diagnosis before being able to schedule an appointment with a representative. Time wasted: approx 2 hours. Connection down for 3 days.
Once when I was working tech support, a client called me about our (crappy) software not working.
Since I was out to lunch with the other tech support guy (small company), they left a message at the receptionist... Who forgot to mail it.
He called again the next day, and got through immediately. I asked "have you tried rebooting the computer"? He rebooted the computer and the problem was fixed.
Too bad he had to wait 24 hours for me to tell him to do that!
correct reply: "Yes, my computer speaks the Internet Protocol. It is, however, having trouble receiving an Internet Protocol ADDRESS from your server. Now please transfer me to someone who understands both networking and the English language."
In the underworld the Word is a kind of global password. Used properly, two criminals who may never have met can use it to communicate many shades of meaning, from a greeting to a warning. The Word changes every thirty days, and is always the name of a semi-precious stone.
Of course, we wouldn't want to use semi-precious stones, but I'm not sure what it would be. Any ideas?
I spent 70 minutes on the phone with them to request a new optical drive for a computer under warranty. I think buying a new optical drive would have been cheaper.
I tried to play along nicely as the support stooge went through his script, even the first time he said to type "R as in Robert, E as in Edward, G as Gold, E as in Edward, D as in David, I as in India, T as in Tango."
When his script instructed me to "backup up your data and initiate a System Recovery," I kind of lost it and let him know that I wasn't going to play any more.
As an added bonus, Fizzbin should also re-route your call back to your home country.
My next computer will be a Mac. At least then I can roll into an Apple Store and demand good service in person.
The first company to really address this problem is going to be a hero.
And it seems like it is possible to address this problem with CRM software.
Just have the software keep track of how often the person has been credible. How many times had the person called and reported a verifiable bug? It seems like social network techniques could be applied. Have the support folks vote on customer technical credibility and then store the answers for futures call.
"Hi, tech support, Gads, you have a 5 star rating, I will put right through to level 3".
“Hi, tech support, Wow, you have called 10 before each submitted a real bug. I will transfer you strait to software development.”
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"Hi, Internet Tech Support...what's your issue?"
"I am not getting an IP from you anymore. This is not an ID 10 T issue."
(as per at 2:18.