Hanselminutes Podcast 89 - Larry Osterman Makes Windows Go Ding
My eighty-ninth podcast is up. In this episode, I chat with Larry Osterman, the man who makes Windows go "ding", about his two-plus decades working for Microsoft. We chat about sound, Vista, Security and generally geek out. I really enjoyed this show and I want to visit Larry again as he's got lots of wisdom to share.
(I stole the photo from Channel9.)
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Do also remember the complete archives are always up and they have PDF Transcripts, a little known feature that show up a few weeks after each show.
Telerik is our sponsor for this show.
Check out their UI Suite of controls for ASP.NET. It's very hardcore stuff. One of the things I appreciate about Telerik is their commitment to completeness. For example, they have a page about their Right-to-Left support while some vendors have zero support, or don't bother testing. They also are committed to XHTML compliance and publish their roadmap. It's nice when your controls vendor is very transparent.
As I've said before this show comes to you with the audio expertise and stewardship of Carl Franklin. The name comes from Travis Illig, but the goal of the show is simple. Avoid wasting the listener's time. (and make the commute less boring)
Enjoy. Who knows what'll happen in the next show?
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

About Newsletter
this is not related to the topic at all, I hope that you don't get mad at me for spamming your blog. I just want to express my concern about one rather annoying thing. I am subscribed to the RSS feed for new online issues of MSDN magazine. Yesterday, in Google reader I saw a bunch of new entries, but when I click on the link to read an article I strike a missing page. I thought this was a temporary glitch, but it seems that it happens in every issue. I noticed you've written the End Bracket column of the new (Jan 2008) issue and again the link is available in my reader, but not online. I think that the guys should either not delay putting the articles online, or just remove the feed, it is useless if you can't follow the links. Has anoyone have an idea of how to contact them? There doesn't seem to be a way from their site (for non-subscribers). Sorry for the spam again and thanks for listening.
Keep up the good work on Hanselminutes. Is it bad as a .NET guy that I find your show more interesting than .NET rocks?
Any chance you could snag an interview with Raymond Chen?
Just as a complete aside, I just finished my 50k bike ride for diabetes. I managed to raise $525 for the ADA :) I finished in just under 3 hours, but that's with a 1/2 hour pit stop from a tire blow-out and a 15 minute water break (not to mention about 25 stop lights).
Phil DeVeau
I also found Larry to be overly pedantic...how many of us need to be informed that in order to ship software you have to prioritize and draw a line to determine which bugs are going to be fixed.
I much prefer the guests who speak to solving pervasive business problems or using new software engineering tools and processes to make their teams more effective and productive, or the topics where you discuss using cool new services and apps to solve personal productivity problems...loved the Sketchup/Google Earth house design episode and Windows Home Server episodes for example.
The Speech Recognition "vulnerability" segment reminded me of a utility I wrote early last year to help people work around this "issue". It's a very simple "Speech Saver" utility (think Screen Saver but for Speech Recog) that turns off Vista's Speech Recognition after XX minutes of system or voice inactivity.
<a @href="http://www.codeplex.com/speechsaver">Speech Saver CodePlex Project</a>
Again, it's very simple, but it gets the job done and may help anyone concerned about this "vulnerability" (by limiting a system's exposure period...). It's free, source is available (VB8) and comments are always welcome. :)
Take care and thanks for the cool webcasts...
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Hope you are having fun,