Hire and Pay a Designer and Be Happy
I got a haircut today. And I hired a designer to redo my blog theme. Both of these things put a pep in my step. I feel SO much better now.
I hear that there's supposed to be some kind of unicorn out there called a "devigner" that is both an amazing designer AND an amazing coder. I can only assume these mystery people are also pretty, well dressed, socially adept, and good at Halo. All I know is that I'm NOT that person.
When you meet a designer who really "gets" you, you've found a gem. I explained the feeling, the texture, the style, and the elements of what I wanted to designer Jeremy Kratz. Jeremy also designed Stack Overflow, in fact, although I only learned of that after I hired him. Isn't that an amazing coincidence? Funny how these things work out.
Of course, if you are reading this post via RSS, you don't care and that's fine. If you are actually here on the site, you'll see that the new design has a light CSS media query and some specific widths and min-width's set to make the site look better on your mobile device or tablets, as well as low-resolution screens. Basically any browser that supports CSS media queries will have the right bar removed when resized to under 1024 pixels wide, while still looking pretty nice at sizes as small as about 700 wide.
Here's how you do a CSS media query. This is basic, certainly, but it's a clean way to get a good looking site on a large monitor, tablet, and most smart phones.
@media screen and (max-width:1024px)
padding-right: 0;
border-right: 0;
margin-right: 0;
padding-right: 0;
display: none;
There's a new navigation bar and search at the top with quick access to podcasts and videos both here and on Channel 9. Also check out the newly styled Calendar View if you want to see posts by month or year. There's also the ridiculous Archive of every post I've ever done by category. Comments are styled more cleanly and are easier to follow now as well. In the upper corner is the Feed, Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.
There's no way I could have done this. I'd been messing about here and there with my blog over the last few years trying to update it, remove some things, make it fresher. I was fooling myself into thinking that skills with CSS were design skills. I was fooling myself that having good taste and style meant I could design myself out of a web paper sack. Just because you like nice shoes doesn't mean you'd make a good shoe designer.
I was even thinking I'd have to move off of DasBlog onto something like WordPress. I wasn't sure if DasBlog (which is pretty long in the tooth right now) could handle it. The thing is, though, that this has been a pretty high traffic few weeks and DasBlog has pushed a million page views on this single little box since the first if July. It has survived two Slashdottings, a FireBalling, and being on the home page of HackerNews three times in that period. At the same time, I've watched sad little WordPress blogs get decimated when they got similar traffic, tipping over easily.
The fact is, I like DasBlog. It's got no database, it's fast as hell, and it's more flexible than I give it credit for. I was thrilled that Jeremy was able to create a new DasBlog-specific theme and I was able to drop it in and get it working in 5 minutes. I'm still tinkering here and there, but it's done and it's lovely.
This new site design looks great in every awesome browser like Opera, IE9, Chrome, FireFox, and even all the way back to IE7. It looks like a steaming pile of ass in IE6. As it should.
Coincidentally there's new other designs coming on some sites that I'm either directly involved in or orbiting in an advisory capacity, so expect to see some dramatic changes on sites like http://www.asp.net and mini-sites like http://microsoft.com/net over the next few days and weeks.
Thanks, Dear Reader. Now, go hug your friendly neighborhood designer. They are better at this than you.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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I never bothered to comment on the (cough)crappy(cough) layout before (is that ever useful?), but I'll take the time to applaud the change instead !
Nice touch (with the info) about the media query.
I am a big Asp.Net fan for a very long time now. The www.asp.net Website is maybe one of the ugliest pages out there, no harm intended, and it surely could use a re-design ;)
I can't wait to see it.
Lightbox, fancybox, (any) box :D
Just dont redirect me every time I click on image.
You have a comments link at the top and bottom of each article which is good. But the top one is in orange with black mouseover. Where as the bottom one Black with orange mouseover. I honestly didn't notice it at first just with a quick visual scan. I would say the bottom one is used more because you will generally read the post and then click through to the comments so it should be highlighted.
Also change your save comments button to match the style.
I think I'm average at design, enough to handle creating and managing my own sites. I know my limits and I know what I don't know and I know I'd hire a professional designer if I was serious about making my sites as sexy as can be. I am in the process of revamping my latest site to have media queries and support mobile devices better.
THis theme is in terms of colors and UI elements definitely on par with google's current lean-and-clean designs efforts.....if not even perhaps inspired by it.
However, on the design front - good work on getting in a pro.
I can do some plumbing, just about - but it is so much better if I get in a plumber and not only does it all look better than what I would have done, it lasts longer too!
It's good to see the recognition that design is not only to make something look good, but also make easy and compelling experiences, focused on people.
Congratulations to you and Jeremy Kratz for the new design. It looks amazing and it's responsive, as every website should be nowadays.
ps Nice design, easier to read etc.
Now if you could just get your designer to poke his head into Eric Lippert's cube... :)
I'm in the middle of my first personal MVC project at the moment, and I've been really struggling with design. I paid one designer to design the site, and another one to cut it up in to modern html and css (I get it, I just struggle to care that much about how a site looks ;)). I must say £275 later (bargain!) it's looking extremely sweet! It's just a shame I've had no time in the past 6 months to actually work on it!
I've been meaning to do a makeover on my blog since forever, but never find the time to do it. Now, seeing this and after listening to the latest "This Developer's Live" about Taste, I decided to do it at once.
But overall I like the redesign. My main fear about designers is that the page design will come back with all lower case headings and a view that it is better. You have clearly done much, much better with Jeremy.
I was fooling myself into thinking that skills with CSS were design skills.
That's some profound shit right there, excellent point and the cause for some introspection on my part...
So you can appreciate Jeremy even more, the improvements he made that folks connect with are not primarily color -- they are alignment, visual hierarchy, consistency, balance, appropriate whitespace. The colors rock too, though.
These are principles that any developer can learn and apply. They're not voodoo. But don't tell my team, because I prefer they be kept in the dark.
"I am a failed stand-up comic, cornrower, and book author."
Perhaps you meant "I am a cornrower, book author, and failed stand-up comic." or perhaps "I am a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author."?
Developers aren't English teachers either, but I have a lot of them in my family!
One thing I would note, and I see others say the same, is the blob of links at the top of the "Posts by Category". The links underneath are top-notch, but to jump to a section I find myself hitting Ctrl+F a lot.
Overall it's a really nice update to an already awesome blog. :)
One thing what I found to have a heavy ScottHanselman™®© feeling on it was the previous font; Segoe UI. Especially since you use a lot of bold and italic to emphasize parts in your text, something Segoe UI does very beautiful, clear and in its own characteristic way, in my opinion.
* Body text is now #333 for better contrast
* Changed the post footer comment link to orange for consistency
* Made the post comment button match the search button style
Thanks everyone!
Some design changes are not good, like Lifehacker, with the new deisgn I went from checking several times a day to maybe once a week, or DotNetKick (where the design looks like a travel agency from 1972) where I completely turned over to DotNetShoutout. Your site is not in the risc zone.
I hear that there's supposed to be some kind of unicorn out there called a "devigner" that is both an amazing designer AND an amazing coder.
HA! I nearly spilled my tea when I read that. Make no mistake, the elusive "devigner" is indeed elusive. I call them Sweepers: http://techoctave.com/c7/posts/35-designer-developer-sweeper
A devigner once tuned up his mother's computer. Now they call that computer Watson.
A devigner proved that P != NP but didn't have enough space in the margin for the whole proof.
Good one on changing the text colour.
On the iPhone the right column is dropping as you expect. However the text is ridiculously small and unreadable without zooming making the scrolling unbearable.
This wouldn't be a big deal if your RSS feed worked with MobileRSS. With your RSS feed MobileRSS feed only displays your disclaimer. I follow about 30 blogs and there are only 2-3 other feeds that have a similar problem. Anything I can do to help resolve this issue?
One little thing, I see it has been mentioned by a few people; I checked out the month view thing and I am seeing it in Russian in FF5 and my computer is en-GB.
rtpHarry - Try again with a clear cache? Should be forced to English now on that page.
Bart - Example? How far back? Colored is the opposite of transparent so I'm confused.
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