Scott Hanselman

Hundreds of practical ASP.NET Core samples to learn the fundamentals

February 05, 2020 Comment on this post [5] Posted in ASP.NET | DotNetCore | Open Source
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There's a growing world of .NET 101 samples out there. From our own starter videos on YouTube (over 100 and adding more all the time!) to the whole .NET learning center where you can learn and practice C# online in your browser with no install!

There's also a new "Take your first steps with C#" 4 hour online Learning Path that you can also take entirely online!


Another great resource for learning and improving your coding skills is READING and exploring code.

Community member Dody Gunawinata has been amassing a wonderful online resource on their GitHub called Practical ASP.NET Core and you should definitely check it out and give the repository a star and a bookmark! If you are studying ASP.NET Core, Dody is often found on this Gitter Channel answering questions and generally being helpful.

Over 300 samples for ASP.NET Core 2.1, 2.2, 3.0 and 3.1 fundamentals

This is a massive amount of work. Check it out at and again, star it!

Kudos to Dody for doing it and I'd encourage you to get in there an help out!

He has lots of small compartmentalized samples that show you everything from Hello World (with increasingly complex and interesting bits layered on top) to lower level samples around WebSockets and building URIs.

Many of the samples are on .NET Core 2.1 as of the timing of this blog post, but Dody has an active 3.1 LTS Branch with updated ASP.NET 3.1 samples as well! Amazing!

Here's just a few of the resources on the Practical ASP.NET Repository:

I know Dody would appreciate the help and this is a great way for you to get involved in open source AND learn a little about ASP.NET. Check out the Contributor Guidelines! As they say, "There is no sample that is too small!"

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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February 10, 2020 8:58

Off topic but anything like this for WPF?
February 10, 2020 11:43
Pretty awesome, but it would be good if each project had a readme describing what it does. Folder names like middleware-4 isn't especially informative.
February 10, 2020 14:32
Scott is my new best friend.😍
February 11, 2020 18:38
Wow! That is great stuff!
February 17, 2020 14:34
Pretty useful. I am myself trainee at and are currently learning C# fundamentals.

Thank you for your efforts.

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