Microsoft's Paint Program Legacy - YAMPP
I blogged over a year ago about Microsoft's Image Editor problem when Balmer said "I didn't know anything about this. So I called up some folks at Microsoft, and apparently we make a lot of different image editors."
Personally, I use Paint.NET because it reminds me of Paint Shop Pro before it got an inferiority complex. I also use ArtRage, because it's truly a Painting Program. I use Picassa2 for managing my photos.
(Remember when PSP didn't suck? Remember the glory that was Version 5? Then all the vectors and layers came and it suddenly took four clicks to what used to take one. Sigh. Anyway.)
But, here's my list of Microsoft Paint Programs that I can remember:
- Paint Brush
- Microsoft (Kodak) Image Editor
- Microsoft Picture and Fax Viewer (the Previewer)
- Microosft Photo Editor
- Microsoft Office Picture Manager 2003
- Microsoft Office Document Imaging
- Microsoft Picture-It, Premium, Publishing
- Microsoft Digital Imaging Pro and Suite 10 (and versions previous)
- Mircosoft Photo Story 3 for Windows
- Microsoft Photodraw (Thanks Wesner!)
Microsoft Composer
Did I miss any? Interestingly you can also buy most of these on TWO PAGES of Microsoft's own Marketplace.
Anyway, now, Microsoft has YAMPP (Yet Another Microsoft Paint Program) in the form of Microsoft Acrylic, now in Beta. I'll check it out and report back.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Microsoft Composer (which shipped with Frontpage)
Microsoft Photodraw (which shipped as Microsoft's in Office 2000 as a peer with Office and Excel, but later dumped for Visio ).
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