Scott Hanselman

Oredev Keynote - Information Overload and Managing the Flow: Effectiveness and Efficiency

November 24, 2009 Comment on this post [12] Posted in Speaking | Tools
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I am by no means an expert on being effective or doing things efficiently, but I do OK and I get some stuff done. Most importantly, I think, I am attempting at least to be conscious as I do work.

Recently I was in Malmo, Sweden presenting at the Øredev conference. I presented this keynote as well as a talk on ASP.NET MVC 2 and also did a few panels, one of which we recorded LIVE and streamed online.

Here's my talk from that Friday keynote. I include links to each of the Creative Commons photos I used from Flickr, as well as links to each of the web pages where I did my research or where I used a diagram. I also tried to call out each place where the thoughts were not mine.

This talk is/was a mashup of the various techniques that I try to apply in my everyday life. There's a little GTD, a little Covey, a little Pomodoro, a little Jon Udell, a little 43 Folders, a little Merlin Mann, a little Gina Trapani, and a little Hanselman. I also show some of the tools I used to manage the flow of information in my life. I hope you enjoy it. I'm  pretty happy with the way it turned out, given that I was freaking out about it for a week.

You can watch the talk in HD here, or if you're viewing this page from directly, you can watch it embedded below. The sound is a little hot (it's overdriven by the sound guy) so please forgive us.

Scott Hanselman - Information Overload and Managing the Flow from Øredev on Vimeo.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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November 24, 2009 12:41
I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out, given that I was freaking out about it for a week.

I thought it was very good - how big was the audience?

Having seen a lot of posts on your blog about the different aspects of your time management, its a fantastic addition to get it all consolidated into a presentation.

Nice one!
November 24, 2009 13:14
The video wouldn't work in Google Reader (it said something about the domain not being authorized for embedding and using Vimeo premium). It works on your site though...
November 24, 2009 18:51
I just wanted to say thanks for posting this - I loved the entire video, and will certainly attempt to put at least a little bit of this into practice.

November 24, 2009 19:29
Great Video, thanks for posting!
Btw, could you please share the slides as well?

Thanks again,
November 24, 2009 21:16
Who were the other keynote speakers?
November 24, 2009 21:56
Simply awesome!
November 24, 2009 23:13
Adam - About 700 people I think.

Robert - The other keynote speakers are listed at
November 25, 2009 21:19
Do you know if the 4,000 emails got deleted?

Great keynote and I will be setting up my email rules before the end of the day.
November 25, 2009 23:03
I second Konstantin's post, pretty awesome! Especially the tips on managing my inbox! A big lightbulb went on. Gracias!
November 29, 2009 2:24
Great keynote, really enjoyed it and it was nice to see that many of the stuff you use is also used by me.
One question, I saw you also use the @waiting folder in your inbox. I have it too, but the problem is that this one keeps getting bigger and bigger.

What is your strategy for handling this, do you do a daily / weekly review of it? Is that really that effective?

Any insight would be helpful.

Thanks, Martijn
December 12, 2009 1:14
Great talk Scott, I applied a couple things and I'm already getting more things done. Thanks!
July 02, 2010 10:18
Nice Post!
Check out an interesting blog post on managing information overload:

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.