SCREENCASTS: What's New in Visual Studio 2013 - learn over lunch!
I could write a whole epic post about what's new in VS2013 for Web folks and front-end developers, but this time instead I did some videos. I'm proud of them and I think they really show some of the cool new features in a very clear way.
These are short, clear and to the point. I did them on my own and there's no marketing-speak, just "here's what we built." Here's the full release notes for ASP.NET and Web Tools for you to check out if you really like reading.
Otherwise, take about 30 minutes total, perhaps over lunch, and watch these short videos with live demos of what's new in Visual Studio for Web Developers and Front End Devs.
HTML5 in VS2013
CSS in VS2013
BrowserLink in VS2013
Page Inspector in VS2013
JavaScript in VS2013
Publishing in VS2013
If you've been paying attention over the last year, you may have seen some of these features. I realize that these may not ALL feel like "amazing new surprises." That's the price for being open, eh? If you'd prefer we hide out for a year and make stuff then appear and DROP it on you, let me now. Otherwise, we're sticking with a more Open Web.
Hope you enjoy the tools and the direction.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Thanks for the nice post!
New stuff is great, but one thing bothers me.
Is Microsoft introducing new stuff too fast?
Period between Visual Studios has lowered between one to two years, which I belive is too short for adoptation. That is a period of a major product or application. When will the teams have time to adapt? Just in ASP.NET there are novelties that takes you weeks to learn well enough.
I understand that new stuff from competitors and open source is coming out at an accelerated rate, but, personally, we just can't keep up with all of it.
Any comments or ideas?
One small niggle: you should probably mention in the title if this article is only about web...
Tnx for Awesome Post.
I wanna follow your post in rss Feed.
Please add RSS Feed feat feature to your Blog.
Tnx Scott
What abt microsoft azure hosting services in VS.Net 2013
Can i host directly to azure hosting in this version.
It's less painful
You also left out TypeScript being included in 2013 RTM. It might be worth a mention, as although the new JS editor Intellisense files are really nice, they can only get you so far.
I’m a new Developer in .NET, C# and I’m about to put my first Personal Site Live but I needed to include Photo Gallery Page, Music Page, and Music Video Page is there is any best way for programming this Pages or any sources Code info or book in this topics thanks for your Videos it help me a lot.
You probably can't do much about this, but I wanted to let you know in case you were using a new codec or anything fun like that. I've never had an issue with your videos in the past.
HTML5 in VS2013
CSS in VS2013
BrowserLink in VS2013
Page Inspector in VS2013
JavaScript in VS2013
Publishing in VS2013
Thanks for the video. Love it!
Catsler - What version of Chrome? I'm running Chrome and I have inline videos.
"Visual Studio 2013 also comes with both CoffeeScript and LESS editors built in."
ohhhh. I'm gonna love vs2013. <3
Well done Scott and your team are rapid change VS and always adding new features to Web, I think Microsoft Web Team is the best team in Microsoft.
Scott, are there any plans to support using JSDoc for Intellisense? Seems like having separate Intellisense files is a bit redundant when similar information is already contained in JSDoc comments in many libraries, like AngularJS.
When I try to hit my site in Page Inspector, VS 2013 crashes. Also, Browser Link won't connect to my browser. Do these features only work with http?
I love to use Visual studio Express web 13. I am a happy customer and my feedback are following :-
1. I want to create Console app in VWD 13. I can open it and I can't create it. It is not good to install VSE for desktop just for thing that can be done in VWD.
2. 13 remove the MVC3 support. No big issue for me but .cshtml page doesn't show me correctly. intellisense of c# is disturbed now. I can't type ViewData using Intellisense for now.
The futures are really awesome and helps us lot and reduces our coding time. CSS preview, java script intellisense are great features. Now we need to find out what to develop...
The Team meeting within the Visual studio instead of switching to the browser will make sense.
I have query about publishing feature of VS 2013.
Microsoft recommends to use package to update changes in production or staging environment of azure because if anything goes incorrect with azure environment so Azure controller will able to deploy same package in new environment with minimal downtime.
But after using this feature my earlier deployed package and app code will not be in sync.
How VS 2013 and azure handle this scenario.
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