Vonage vs. AT&T CallVantage
I've been seriously considering moving my home phone service over to Vonage, which will run all my phone calls as Voice over IP (VoIP).
However, today an ad showed up in the mail for AT&T CallVantage Service, which appears to be the EXACT SAME THING. It's $19.99 for the first 6 months, then $39.99 a month - which is more than the $30 I spend now.
Vonage is $30 a month with unlimited long distance. Vonage is also apparently pissed off and suing AT&T as Vonage and "Vantage" share too many letters.
I have a few questions for you, dear reader:
- Is this the flat-out end of the traditional phone company?
- Are any of you using Vonage or CallVantage and what are your impressions?
- Have you plugged the Analog Adapter BACK into your home phone jack to spread the service throughout the house on the existing copper?
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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The features I love about Vonage are the simultaneous calling - when you call my Vonage number, it rings in my office (the VOIP line) and on my cell phone at the same time. I can answer either one. And if I don't answer, you can leave a voice mail and the voice mail appears as a WAV file in my email inbox. Who checks voice mail any more?
I have distributed Vonage through my household wiring, but I still have an analog line as well - DSL requires it, and Vonage can be set up so that if the VOIP box is offline, all calls go to the analog line automatically.
I am happy with it so far - experienced a few minor IP phone glitches until I reconfigured my router, but that's all common and fairly well documented. I can say that $29.95 a month for basically unlimited phone service beats the hell out of anything Quest can do.
There is one thing that I count as a down-side: While you can (and IMHO should) register your number to be correlated with a regional 911 center (whereby emergency calls from your phone will be routed to the closest dispatch center by Vonage), the emergency 911 operators will not automatically get detailed information about where you are located - things like name, address, etc. Just FYI. I think it's an important thing for people to be aware of up front. The other important thing to understand is that if you Internet service goes out (service interruption at the cable provide - we know that never happens - or power outage) so does your phone service. One nice thing about standard wired phone service is the ability to talk on the phone regardless of the availability of any other utility.
I recently disconnected my Quest line at the junction box and plugged the Vonage unit in to the lines, and it distributed just fine. My wires are set up in a loop fashion. I have not yet set it up permanently that way (I have yet to disconnect my wired phone service).
2.) This could be included in #1 above. I use Vonage. The main reason is because for $5 a month, I get a virtual phone number in a different area code. So I bought two virtual phone numbers in my parents area code and one for my in-laws area code. This way they can call that number which will get routed to me, and they pay no long distance charges. When I call them, I get unlimited anyway.
My biggest nit is call quality. It is as good as a cell phone on a good day. It is not nearly as clear as good old fashion copper for some reason. But algorithms will get better.
3.) I have not plugged the adapter into my copper. I use one of those one base station - 4 handset deals. That covers what I need.
I'll bring the Vonage equipment to work with me Monday - you can stop in and borrow it overnight if you want to. Plug it into your battery at home and kill the mail panel breaker as a test or something. :)
It's great. Some little blips here, and there, but for the most part their customer service has been adequate. I have a phone/data panel in my garage w/ cable modem in from comcast, that feeds a wireless router, 1 wired ethernet port runs off that to another wireless router for another portion of my house, and the vonage ata.
The Vonage ata is then plugged into a phone jack that feeds all the other jacks in the house (just make sure to disconnect the street POTS feed, as the low voltage that their lines carry can damage the vonage equipment.) This literally took like 30 seconds at the box outside my house.
Check out the little voicemail alert utility I've developed (spare time coding... it's works well, but it's a work in progress! ) www.johnbatdorf.net/software.aspx it's a tray utility that checks a mail server you designate for voicemail notification emails from vonage. When you get a message you're alerted in the tray. You can also have my application forward a message to another email address (like a blackberry or email capable cellphone) the tray app interfaces w/ a webservice running on johnbatdorf.net.
I love vonage. I have the 24.99 a month service which includes 8 hours of LD, which we've never really gone over... but I may upgrade to the 29.99 amount just because of the low cost.
I have not run w/ a ups, but don't see that being a problem. Cell phones being my (somewhat) redundant system to the vonage service.
It would be very hard/impossible to go back to regular phone service.
I recommend Vonage.
PS: When you sign up, Google for Vonage cuopons on the net and you can get a free month.
2. I have Vonage. I wrote a review over a year ago and it can be seen at http://www.vonage-forum.com/review3.html. It is a bit outdated, but I can say the service has only gotten better. A couple of the disadvantages are gone. The only comments I have gotten from people I have talked to is that the sound quality has gotten BETTER. The service has been awesome. I made the switch from dial-up to broadband and POTS to VOIP at the same time because the monthly cost of dial-up to fully-loaded POTS was more expensive than broadband plus Vonage.
3. I have not tried this.
Vonage still has a few small disadvantages, but I would strongly recommend it to anybody.
BTW - looks like you will be visiting us in October!
I signed up for $19.99 local plan. But, my bill is 19.99 + 7.34 (some additional services that I don't remember signing up for) + 10.19 (local+state+federal+user occupation tax and fee).
What the hack is AT&T thinking that I will be blind and happly give them more monthly fee than Qwest $35/month. Something big company has big empty head.
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I've recommended it to friends and family successfully. My sister's family used to spend $200 a month calling relatives in California, now just $29.95. I had wired her through the jacks in the house and it worked great for around 3-4 months and then the ATA died (the VOIP box). She got a new one and an electrician discovered there were some seriously bad/old wiring in the house. I’d say this was an isolated case of bad internal wiring more than anything else.