Z Quincy
Z Quincy Hanselman was born in classic style at 1:11am on his ultrasound's due date at 6lbs 12oz and 20.5in with eyes wide open and strong lungs. Start to finish was ~20 hours. Mother and baby (and I) are resting comfortably at Tuality Community. He has a head of black hair and a penchant for milk. Pics to follow on Scott's blog sometime within the next 18 years if there's ever time to use a computer again. All is as it should be. Good night.
UPDATED: Here's a photo of little Z just 10 mins after the blessed event. Also, here's a video of his cuteness. File Attachment: Z1.wmv (1590 KB)
UPDATED: Better pics of Z.Q.
The Name: Z is short for Zzinhle or Zenzwezinhle (contraction of Z ezinhle). "Hle" is a root meaning Good, as in Kuhle (Ndebele) or Kahle (Zulu). Z means "deeds" so his name means, roughly, good deeds, as in a good samaritan or "one who does good deeds." As far as Quincy, it's just a cool name, and who wouldn't love a kid with the initials Z.Q.?
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Scott (from WI .NET UG)
I'm adjusting my aggregator settings to look for your posts at odd hours for the next few years. We'll fill you in on how this whole Windows Vista thing works out.
I would have read this post sooner, but we were just trying to get her to sleep. I also just noticed I have spit-up on my shirt.
Welcome to fatherhood dude!
Does that mean we will be seeing Coding4Fun articles revolving around infant gizmos, like leapfrog stuff? :)
Oh, and I hope you're taking time off work now. I took six weeks right after my little girl's birth and it was the best decision I could have made. Enjoy!
Congratulations to both of you.
Excellent news. Hopy baby, mum and dad are well.
p.s. don't go all 'http://www.trixieupdate.com/'
All the best for you and your growing family! That is wonderful news. I appreciate your flair for the "authentic", even down to the name. I hope that you and your wife experience all that this birth should bring you.
Dad and Mom
btw - Cool to see your Dad reads your blog too. ;-)
Lots of kisses to little Z and Mum.
Mine is also 8 weeks old. Here are the pictures.
My children, wife and I just watched the video of Z.Q. We're deligthed.
My wife says that Z.Q. has such huge hands y he seems hungry! Take him with his mom!
Martín Trejo Chávez and Family
From México
and Mo bought that? come on... we all know he's actually named after your blog... (btw Z.net is still available)
A very hearty congratulations :)
Z (ZQ) - an innovative and a unique name, good work scott :)
wonderful video too :)
Congratulations once again and give my regards to little Z
the video looks so wonderful...
and it's nice to see everything went smoothly... :)
In other news. Your child is already #1 on google.
Just thought you might like to know you picked a VERY google-friendly name for the young man. I suppose I'll have to settle for one of the top 3 until I change my name to something equally as unique.
Congrats Scott & Mo!
Scott Worley, doing the .NET thing a yet another different way.
Well done and mega congratulations to you both!
(1) Enjoy him as he is as much as you can, because man, do they grow fast!!!! My son is already 2 1/2 and it's just amazing to me as to how much my little man has changed so much in only 2 1/2 years. He's soooo cute it's almost sinful. :)
(2) Teach him early. Read to him now, he'll love you for it, and it'll show later. My son was reading books at 1, now mind you, he wasn't comprehending and reading aloud mind you, but his way of reading is just awesome. At 2 1/2, he's reading a few words here and there. I have to also credit my wonderful, loving wife who is the best Mommy in the whole wide world. Without her, my son (and me for that matter) wouldn't be where he is now. Words can't describe how awesome she is.
You're embarking on a journey that is one of the most gifted, satisfying of all experiences. It just doesn't get any better.
Again, congratulations! All the best to you and your family!
David C, Glasgow - UK
public class Z : Scott
I'm sure Z will have a lot of things that inherit from you! :-)
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