Blogging with the Logitech Pen
There's a new batch of Coding4Fun articles up, including (finally) my article on blogging from a Logitech io2 pen, lovingly titled "Do you like me? Check this box."
In case you hadn't heard, Logitech has a great .NET SDK for their Logitech io2 pen. It's more than just a gadget, they've wrapped a whole platform around this thing. It's even been used at the G8 summit for non-technical diplomat-types to take and share notes.
Basically I integrated BlogJet, the rocking sweet and only ever-so slightly over-priced offline blogging application, with the pen. I can take notes with the pen, on regular paper, and if there's something blog worthy in my prose, I can have it sent directly to DasBlog or any compatible blogging engine. The article also uses Visual Studio 2005 to build a .NET 1.1 assembly, which is also interesting, IMHO.
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About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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