Scott Hanselman

Blue Badge

July 22, 2007 Comment on this post [177] Posted in Musings | Microsoft
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imageI'm going to work for Microsoft. There, I said it. I'm going to work for ScottGu's team in the Developer Division.

Someone once showed me a diagram that looked something like the one at right. Most of us spend our time over in the red circle doing stuff someone will pay us to do. If you're lucky, you spend your time in-between them, doing stuff you're good at also. Sometimes something comes along that puts you right in that sweet spot and you have to go for it. Will this be my dream job? Could be, I don't know, but if it's not, it might get me a lot closer.

What's this mean for this blog and the podcast?

Fortunately, nothing. The blog is still mine. The podcast is still Carl's and mine, and while having a Blue Badge will get me access to more interesting people to interview (Hopefully some smarties in Microsoft Research. Maybe Bill, or that elusive Ray Ozzie interview...he's only turned me down twice, and he was very nice about it) as well as, hopefully, some exclusives. I'm still going to talk about what I want to talk about. ScottGu and team were very cool and explicit that the blog and podcast are mine.

Will the voice of this blog change?

If it does, then I'm doing something wrong. I've been an advocate for some things Microsoft for years, while other things, not so much. That's why I'm going to work for the DevDiv (Developer Division) and not Marketing. I might be a fanboy, but I'm not evil.

All the blog stuff, the articles, the podcasting, screencasts, etc, that I've done over the years have been done on my own time, usually very late at night for no money save what I can get from Google Adsense and a few advertisers that pay for my hosting.

When someone is a starving artist, they paint for the love of it. They starve, and paint, and starve and paint, and lament that no one will pay them for their art. Then one day, a benefactor comes along and says, "You're brilliant! I'll give you $ if you paint me 10 more just like it, with these small changes, and have those done by Tuesday, m'kay?" And the painter sometimes regrets it. Everyone that I've talked to has been totally up front and cool about things and while my job will be to Spread the Good Word, it's not like I wasn't already doing that anyway. However, no one will be editorializing my content and I'll likely get into trouble occasionally.

What's my job?

The HR title is a nice generic one like "Program Manager" (I was thinking to get this on my business card - Scott Hanselman - progman.exe, what do you think? ;) ) but in essence I'm going to talk about .NET and Visual Studio - the whole of DevDiv, including ASP.NET, WinForms, WPF, Silverlight, CLR, LINQ, IIS, DLR, .NET CF, everything. This means videos, screencasts, podcasts, maybe some Channel 9 stuff, doing articles, wikis, speaking at conferences and large events (invite me!), creating starter kits, samples, as well as my regular hobby of plugging things into other things. I'll also be working on understanding our community (that means you, Dear Reader) thr  ough conversations, visits, and trying to bring some big picture analysis (the kind of stuff I do now, again) to the .NET 3.5 and .NET Futures stack. I am also obsessed with getting my new Apple Newton Messagepad 2000 to sync with Outlook 2007, so watch for that.

What about Corillian/Checkfree?

The combination of CheckFree and Corillian promises to change the way people manage their money online, and I gave careful and serious consideration to the opportunities I had to continue to contribute to that vision. There's rarely a good time to leave a company, especially one that you love, but this was as close to a "it's not you, it's me" kind of breakup as one can have. I've been spreading the Computer Zen on the side for five years now. I've been speaking as part of INETA, doing the MVP and RD thing for years. While there's huge opportunity at Corillian/Checkfree right now, the bosses (and my friends) made it clear that I could be a big part of the future, this opportunity just happened (at Foo Camp, actually) to come together in such a cool way that I decided I wanted to move out of my comfort zone and take a leap of faith.

I've grown to know ScottGu and many of the folks in MSFT Building 42 and have decided that they are good people. Sure, there are some odd decisions that are made in the big house, but now I'll be on the inside, trying to make sense of them, and hopefully I'll be able to influence things for the better.

What's next?

HanselborgStewardship is defined many ways, but I like these two:

"Taking responsibility for the survival and well-being of something that is valued, such as a natural resource" and "an individual's responsibility to exercise care over possessions entrusted to him or her"

If you trust me, you know that I'm not evil, and that I'm going to Microsoft in order to bring additional trust into the relationship between developer and platform. There needs to be a sense of stewardship and a deep valuing of the trust that developers put into their tools.

All this said, I've gone ahead, Dear Reader, by creating a Hanselborg image for you, in the interest of saving you the time of doing it yourself.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled blog.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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July 22, 2007 3:41
Hey, this is great! For us, I mean, hopefully also for you.
July 22, 2007 3:47

While I personally have issue with things done by some parts of Microsoft, but I have nothing but respect for ScottGu and the people in his team, they're one of the teams hitting home runs at the moment, from my point of view.
July 22, 2007 3:50
@nexusprime - Thanks...I have the same feelings! :)
July 22, 2007 3:54
Congratulations! How exciting! Getting someone like you on board is another sign that Microsoft is getting back on track. Good luck with everything.
July 22, 2007 3:57
Congrats, but we'll miss you @ Corillian!
July 22, 2007 4:00
Congrats on the move. It took way longer than I expected.
July 22, 2007 4:01
Congrats, Scott! Sounds like a great opportunity. Good luck! =)
July 22, 2007 4:02
Congratulations. Resistance was futile then. Good luck in your new role, looking forward to hearing how it works out.
July 22, 2007 4:12
big congrats!!!
July 22, 2007 4:14
This is great news! It will be great to have you on the inside fighting for things that will help developers writing real world applications. You always have such a good sense of what real developers need. I appreciate the community work you have done and look forward to so much more.
July 22, 2007 4:21

I'm very excited about this opportunity for you. Congrats and I think Microsoft has gained a very valuable "resource" with you on their team. I look forward to your continued success and know that you bring a lot of MS's table. One thing I do look forward to hearing is about the time spent at the office. I've heard rumors (and they are just rumors) that it is a very tough balancing act between the ole' work/life balance. Please let us know how that all works out!

July 22, 2007 4:27
Wait a minute. I thought you said Microsoft is losing the Alpha Geeks. But then you go over to Microsoft.

Either you changed your mind
this was a ploy to have alpha geeks step aside so you can sneak in.
you are now beta.

Congrats Man. Microsoft is lucky to have you. I think you made the right move. Just look at that Venn diagram! It's a no brainer!
July 22, 2007 4:32
Congrats! Does that mean we can now come to you to complain when MS does dumb-ass stuff? ;)
July 22, 2007 4:34
This is way good. When Scoble left microsoft I got kind of sad, and in all honesty I didn't like his blog nearly so much in the aftermath. I crave having someone to talk straight talk about MS products with an inside angle...or inside information if you will.

Anyway, this is very exciting as now I feel like now the collective "we" have that insider angle again. Only this time we sent in a secret weapon...we sent an actual developer, not just a reporter. I just think this is fun, and a great thing.
July 22, 2007 4:38
Congrats! It is a proven fact that assimilated softies blogs become ghost towns fairly quickly. Please prove us wrong!

Are you moving to the Redmond area or will you be doing the work from home thing?

July 22, 2007 4:45
Welcome to the club! I can't wait to see your impact start rolling in full swing...
July 22, 2007 4:48
Congratulations Scott, do hope you have lots of fun on your new job :)
July 22, 2007 4:59
Congrats Scott, I hope it all works out for you! And congrats to MS for getting "one of the good ones". :)
July 22, 2007 5:27
Hey, Scott. I'm a CheckFree employee. Dissapointed to hear this. I had been excited to see you become part of CheckFree. Best of luck to you. I'll still subscribe to the feed! :)
July 22, 2007 5:27
Congratulations Scott. Microsoft is lucky to have somebody as passionate as you working for them.
July 22, 2007 5:28
WOW an opportunity of a lifetime joining ScottGu's Dream Team, where will you start? LINQ, Silverlight, IIS or ASP.Net?
July 22, 2007 5:32
Congrats Scott, I'm sure you will have a blast on the inside!
July 22, 2007 5:45
Congratulations Scott.
I hope you don't stop contributing to the open source projects you participate and don't stop blogging about them. I know you probably won't be working with CCNET, n*, and friends, but I learned a lot about them from your blog posts.
Go put them straight in the rai.. err, the tracks again! :)
July 22, 2007 6:02
Heartiest Congratulations, Scott!

About the dream job picture: It looks like you are referring to Jim Collins (of "Good to Great" fame) Hedgehog concept:
July 22, 2007 6:05
Great news!

Also, not only will you be working for ScottGu, ScottHa will appear right next to it in the employee directory. :)
July 22, 2007 6:19
Hey man,

Congratulations :-) Really good news to see Microsoft could hire a great smart man like you ;-)
July 22, 2007 6:29
July 22, 2007 6:40
Dude, welcome to Microsoft. You'll be overwhealmed at first - and then love it. This is good for devs too! --Nick
July 22, 2007 6:46
Congratulations!! It's both an exciting and terrifying thing to see the middle of that Venn diagram and to go for it. I think you'll find it was worth it!

When do you start?
July 22, 2007 6:57
Congrats Scott!

I had a feeling someone would try to snatch you up after you first announced the CheckFree/Corillian merger. Glad to see that ScottGu and his team recognized the great work you've done for the .NET community and want you to be part of their team.

This further validates my belief that MS is going through a renaissance with Ozzie at the helm. It's my hope that in 10 years we'll be talking about MS the same way people talk about Apple today. Good luck to you!
July 22, 2007 7:30
Welcome to the collective!
July 22, 2007 7:37
Congratulations, Scott! This is great news for you and for us. You have been such a resource for many of us because of what you are able to uncover, and now that you will be there in the middle of it all, I can't wait to see what comes next.
July 22, 2007 7:51
Congrats Scott. All things .Net reaches a new milestone with your blue badge.

The game has just begun.
July 22, 2007 8:15
(reaction after reading the first line)

It's about time! What were they waiting for?

(Now, I'm gonna read the rest of the post)

P.S.: I think I'm more excited for you because of the fact you're gonna work with/for Scott Guthrie, than Microsoft.
July 22, 2007 8:54
Thanks everyone! I'm not moving out of Portland. Since we're only 3 hours away, I'll probably carpool with Chris Sells a few times a month. Early on I will need to be on campus to get to know folks and find my way around.

I'm taking August off to work on a book, and my first day will be the first Tues in Sept, but I'll be mentally on the job all of Aug. ;)
July 22, 2007 8:56
Congratulations, Scott! Best of luck!
July 22, 2007 9:02
Congrats. Smart move.
July 22, 2007 9:16
Congrats Scott!
July 22, 2007 9:16
Congrats Scott.

Speaking of move, does that mean home shopping in Redmond or are you staying put where you are and ride sharing with BillG in MS Copter 1?

July 22, 2007 9:30
Congrats on the move! I'm a big fan of MS and I think you'll bring a fresh perspective to the team and the community.
July 22, 2007 9:37
Big win for Microsoft and the .NET community. Congrats Scott!
July 22, 2007 9:41
Congrats Scott. It is sad to see that you are leaving Corillian. Thanks for all the coding techniques I learned from you when we worked together. Good Luck
July 22, 2007 9:44
Right on dude. Congratulations.
July 22, 2007 10:03
Cheers to you, Scott!

I've really been enjoying not just the technical bits and pieces I manage to glean from your posts, but also the wonderful flavor of your life.

I'm sure the family is proud of you and are highly supportive of this "dream-job" crossroads for you.

Good luck, and I'm looking forward to many more years of enthusiastic and valued posts from the ComputerZen guy himself!
July 22, 2007 10:13
Scott - Glad to hear the good news. Welcome aboard!
July 22, 2007 10:44
Good for you (and for Redmond as well).
In any case, after reading your blog for a while (the first post I read was about tool every developer must have (blog/MyGrokTalkTenToolsInTenMinutes.aspx)) - I am quite sure this is just another stop on the way to the world of freedom -- that is the free/open sourced software.
July 22, 2007 10:56
Congratulations! Looking forward to your MS contributions.
July 22, 2007 10:58
Big Congratulations!
July 22, 2007 11:36
Congratulations, Scott! This is great for you, and us. Apart from anything else, you deserve your success.

Of course, I like to think I talked you into it (4th comment):
July 22, 2007 11:43

'bout bloody time though! For the first couple of months that I got into reading blogs, I thought you were already working for MS...
July 22, 2007 11:45
Congrats, Scott! I know you'll be a value contribution to the team. Whip Microsoft in shape!
July 22, 2007 11:48
Hmmmm where are all the flames ? :).

Congrats on your new job !
July 22, 2007 11:48
Congrats Microsoft ;)
July 22, 2007 11:54
Congrats Scott - working with Scott must be a dream come true!
Microsoft just made another great recruitment!
July 22, 2007 12:16
Hi Scott -- Congratulations! Sounds like a clever move.
July 22, 2007 12:21
congratulations scott, working with ScottGu, that's a huge score no matter how you look at it eh? I'm sure nobody will argue microsoft just had a big net talent gain man. good luck.
July 22, 2007 12:45
Congratulations Scott!

July 22, 2007 12:47
Excellent, welcome.
So the next thing is migrate your family to Office Live, Hotmail, Live Messenger, etc.... ;-)
It is extremely important to have open minded gurus onboard.
July 22, 2007 13:01
I guess there is no such thing as Too Many Scotts on DevDiv ...
I hope you'll do even more than "Spread the Good Word", but also take part in the design and implementation process for future technologies.
Good luck on your new journey.
July 22, 2007 13:09
Congrats Scott!

I've enjoyed both blog and podcasts and I'm sure you'll continue to bring us updated info in a great way. MS is lucky to have you, and indirectly as customers, (and tech geeks) so do we.

July 22, 2007 13:27
Congratulations! Good choice!
July 22, 2007 13:50
Cool! So now, in addition to the crunchy goodness we've come to expect from Hanselminutes and Computer Zen, we'll also get the juicy goodness of Channel 9 and MSDN? Sweet!

Congratulations (to us all).
July 22, 2007 14:06

What a great deal for you, Microsoft, and us!

July 22, 2007 14:08
Congrats Scott!! Great to see you working with ScottGu. Only good can come from that :)
July 22, 2007 14:25
Great news! Microsoft division ruled by Scott Gu is getting better and better. And now you Scott H are joining them, brilliant. Good luck and tell them to avoid Marketing people :)
July 22, 2007 14:32
Congratulations! As others have stated this is great allround, for you, definitely for Microsoft and for all of us too. Having followed your blog & podcast for the last few years I would definitely think you are the type of person who would walk away if you were made to compromise your beliefs in anyway. Hope it turns out to be you dream position.

July 22, 2007 14:52
Congrats Scott!
July 22, 2007 15:11
July 22, 2007 15:15
Congratulations, Scott!

This is truly a "win, win, win".
July 22, 2007 15:28
congrats + cheers from a fan in Germany :)
July 22, 2007 15:50
So, Chris Sells finally wore you down...

Congrats .. KenH
July 22, 2007 16:31
Welcome and I'll 'see' you on the internal mailing lists.
July 22, 2007 16:33
Hey super-congrats! I'm very happy for you!

Don't worry - your readers will keep you in check if you start going crazy. But perhaps you can be like the borg Hue - the one that had a mind of his own!!!

July 22, 2007 16:44
I couldn't accept a business card with "progman.exe" without first running it through a virus checker. You just can't trust attachments these days :P

Congrats and have fun.
July 22, 2007 17:18
Congrats and have a lot of fun at Microsoft!
July 22, 2007 17:19
It's almost not worth adding to the cacophony at this point, but I can't help myself... Congratulations! The ScottGu juggernaut continues to grow.
I believe it was some Dutch guy who said “All evangelism and no architecture makes Scott a dull boy”. Your day-to-day, “in the weeds” work with Corillian was what fueled the Hanselman content machine, so hopefully Building 42 will give you enough projects to keep that fire stoked.
Also, for the love of all that is holy, please help the MS Money team.
July 22, 2007 17:26
Dont forget to update your About Me page ;-)
July 22, 2007 17:54
Congrats! I'm sure you will "do no evil" once you're there!
July 22, 2007 18:04

This is awesome! Congratulations!
I have been a frequent visitor to your blog and a listener to your podcast.
All I have to say is ... it was only time, and how fitting.

once again, Awesome, really!


July 22, 2007 18:31
Congrats! Another mind absorbed by the collective. I'm sure you'll do awesome things and you're in a great group. So much for drinking the Kool aid, you're not making it ;)
July 22, 2007 19:03
Welcome to the club, Scott. You will find lots of interesting, smart, driven, great people at Microsoft. I worked for Ray Ozzie at Groove prior to joining Microsoft. JJ Allaire and his group are here. Jon Udell and many others. It is a fun place to work.


Don Dodge
July 22, 2007 19:20
I enjoyed your post. You might want to modify the left circle to actually say "Stuff someone will pay you WELL to do"

Since not every pay is decent.
July 22, 2007 19:28
Congratulations Scott ! This sounds like a great opportunity for you, and hopefully we'll all reap something from your involvement too.
July 22, 2007 19:32
I hope they realise there are 500 of you!

July 22, 2007 19:37
Congrats Scott! I can't wait to see you out there even more than you have been.
July 22, 2007 20:05
Congratulations, Scott! Best of luck. I hope this turns out to be that sweet spot for you.
July 22, 2007 20:30
Congrats, keep doing what you've been doing.
July 22, 2007 21:07
Oh no!!! Scott has been assimilated!! ;) :P

Congratulations, man! :) ScottGu is an awesome guy to work with, I'm sure (I met him once, he's great) so I'm sure you'll get into that dream job spot! :D
July 22, 2007 21:55
Congratulations Scott!
July 22, 2007 22:16
Fantastic news Scott. Have fun...
July 22, 2007 22:46
Moving to a new opportunity is always exciting. I look forward to your writings on the challenges you face when trying to introduce change in a large organization.
July 22, 2007 23:14
Great Move!

I'm very impressed with the people in Scott's organization (including Scott of course) and you will fit right in.

July 22, 2007 23:17
Hey, congratulations. You'll have a hard time to make me believe that you're evil since we all know that you're a nice father, a good son, you help firefighters in Africa rather than just being a tourist etc.

DevDiv is nice and they're very lucky to have you in the team.

And what happens to your contribution to dasBlog? I believe all those commits from glucopilot are yours, aren't they? Will you be allowed to contribute to open source projects if you want (at least in your own time)?

July 22, 2007 23:28
cool! congrats and best of luck for you!
July 22, 2007 23:58
Well done! ScottGu is ...
July 23, 2007 0:11
I guess Chris Sells is granted his wish after all :-)
This is good news for both Scott and Microsoft.
July 23, 2007 0:17
Concrats Scott... hope you find what you wants over there....

If you walk into Vittorio B. say hi from me, he is definitely interesting for your show, but then people will probably have to reduce the speed to understand him :-P
July 23, 2007 0:47
Congratulations Scott, the only thing I wonder about is....... why not sooner?
Cheers, ow and do try to keep up your blog frequency :D
July 23, 2007 1:09
Holy shmokes! I had to do a double-take on that. This is wonderful news for Microsoft!
July 23, 2007 1:32
Congratulations scott, on getting your dream job. It does sound like fun, but try not to be the new Scoble. Make your own voice.
What about DasBlog? Is there a rule about not doing open source projects when working at MS? I seem to remember that's how MbUnit got passed on to other people, as well as Nunit.

July 23, 2007 1:55
Well as a reader of your stuff for a couple of years now this was only a matter of "when", not a matter of "if". Don't you think it was inevitable?

Have fun! And don't forget to enjoy the honeymoon time of the first 3 months!
July 23, 2007 2:13
Aren't we the lucky ones (at Microsoft). I always say "all the good ones come eventually"! Welcome to the fold Scott. I know you will kick some butt. Looking forward to regular lunches in the cafeteria and I'm available for any advice along the way!
July 23, 2007 2:27
Well... congratulations...
Working on the technologies is much more fun than working with them after they are released... I hope I'll have the same opportunity as well
July 23, 2007 2:36
Well done, hope its a blast. Don Box was right on the money of course:
"destined to jump into the fray".
Looking forward to the dispatches from the front.
July 23, 2007 2:51
Congratulations, Scott!

Looks like the mind conditioning tricks that we learned @Foo from those Apple guys were effective :)
July 23, 2007 2:56
Congrats, Scott! I've been reading your blog for about 1.5 years now and thoroughly enjoy your content and expertise on the subject matter. Likewise, your HanselMinutes podcast is great and keeps me up-to-date on the latest industry trends and techniques; plus some interesting things thrown in for fun.

You're blog is 1 of 5 that I check daily.

Keep up the good work and I'm sure you'll do just fine at Microsoft.

You mentioned you're writing another book? Have you blogged about this before?
July 23, 2007 3:03
Congratulations, Scott! Keep us informed!
July 23, 2007 3:14
I guess I've lost another MVP :(


Congrats and welcome aboard Scott.

Sean O'Driscoll
GM, Community Support and MVP Program
July 23, 2007 3:21
July 23, 2007 4:20
Congrats Scott and Welcome to MS. And remember, IIS Rocks! See you around building 42 I guess :-)
July 23, 2007 5:13
PS>$hanselman | join-microsoft
July 23, 2007 5:25
Scott - trust me on this, take the train from Portland to Seattle, don't drive. Buy a used beater car, find a friend who will let you park it at their place when you're home. The aggravation you save on the intercity commute is worth it.
July 23, 2007 5:27

Congratulations, you are coming into an exciting part of Microsoft at a perfect time (which I'm sure you already know). I've only been at Microsoft since last September and I still remember giggling a bit a year ago when people asked if I'd ever work at Microsoft, it's been a great personal and professional experience so far, perhaps the best of my career. You'll be working with a bunch of smart and talented people and you'll be able to hit that sweet spot that you've so elegantly described in your post. There aren't too many companies that let you do that. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time here and help us help our community and profession too.

Chris Bernard
User Experience Evangelist, Microsoft.
July 23, 2007 5:52
That's awesome Scott! I look forward to hearing about your experiences on the inside.
July 23, 2007 6:07
I think we should be looking for an MS Z for the next codename :)
July 23, 2007 6:47
Congrats! Glad to have you with us!

July 23, 2007 7:27
What can I say. Congrats!

A word of caution. Sometimes getting paid to do stuff that your passionate about kills the passion.

I'm fervently hoping that it doesn't happen to you.
July 23, 2007 8:24
Congratulations Scott!

How did you manage to convince MSFT that they will have to implement IHanselmetric in order to get you? ;-)

Am looking forward to read about your experience on here.

Best of luck for you.
July 23, 2007 8:26
Congratulations! I am sure this will be good both for you and for DevDiv. By the way, I need to make myself one of those cute borg avatars. What did you use? :)
July 23, 2007 8:29

Congrat on you Scott. Go on guys.

I would love to work in ScottGu team ;) Please hire me :P

Maybe one day my dream will come true. why not yeah ?

Again congratulations.
July 23, 2007 8:32
@Diego - The borg avatar was just created in Paint.NET.
@Merill - I agree, and if it does, I will leave. Let's see if we can make it NOT kill the passion.
@Jason - Interesting about the Train idea...I find the PDX->SEA train to be on a very unreliable schedule...I'll try everything though in order to make it easy.
@RoyO - I gave them a list of all the Open Source projects I worked on and I was assured they wouldn't be a problem. Besides, Omar and Clemens both commit to DasBlog and both work at Microsoft. I figure it'll give me incentive to get DasBlog up on Orcas. :)
July 23, 2007 8:47
Hmmmm, do I say something snarky? Speak my mind?

Congratulations! It should be a wild and fun ride!
July 23, 2007 8:59
Hi Scott,

Having been listening to you podcasts for a while now, I can't say that I am surprised. See the Chris Sells podcast for Chris's comments.

Whilst you do have a strong MS focus, I still like the way that you look at other technologies e.g. Ruby.

I hope you continue to blog as before and that the Venn diagram intersection proves true.


July 23, 2007 9:00
Congrats! Awesome news. You do so much .NET evangelism now on your own time, it's scary to think about what will happen when it's your full time thing.

I guess it'll be tougher to shrug off that troll guy (wasn't his name Hanselman, too?) who accuses you of being a Microsoft shill.
July 23, 2007 10:43
Well done Scott! Keep up the excellent work!
July 23, 2007 11:37

Congrats Scott.
July 23, 2007 13:54
Good Luck :-)
July 23, 2007 16:43
Congratulations, Scott, it sounds fun.
I hope you know that you are still welcome to Øredev even if it has to be next year.
July 23, 2007 17:15
A big congrats to you! I hope that you continue to maintain your voice that is such a help to our community as well as your outside activities. I am sure you will be a powerful advocate for us.
July 23, 2007 17:19
Congratulations Scott. Now the race is on to see who changes whom more: You or Microsoft.
July 23, 2007 17:33
Congratulations Scott!

You didn't have to join Microsoft to avoid coming to Atlanta based on a single user comment ;-)

Good luck and hope you keep your blog/podcasts as independent as they have been.

~ rams
July 23, 2007 17:41
Congrats, Scott! Best of luck at the new job.
July 23, 2007 18:18

Congrats on getting what you consider to be your "dream job" - your readers will definitely be looking to see if you stay as independent as you have been; it will be interesting to see, if you start getting feedback indicating you are doing anything to the contrary, if you rationalize it or own up to it. :P

Your blog is great reading, and your voice is one of the few reasonable ones in the world of MS developer bloggers - hope it stays that way!
July 23, 2007 18:49
July 23, 2007 19:38
Congrats Scott. It will be great to have you on the inside :-).
July 23, 2007 19:41
Scott, just wanted to add another dimension to your chart for "dream job"... Cool People. If you were working at a place where you loved what you were doing, were good at it, and compensated well for it - but the people you worked with (or for) were a drag, then all the other benefits could quickly appear pointless. Mind you I think you have nothing to worry about with Mr. Guthrie :-)
July 23, 2007 19:54
Congratulations Scott! I'm really glad that you decided to make the move. You'll be superb up at Microsoft and especially on a team that is doing so much great stuff right now. All the best! :)
July 23, 2007 19:55
Let me add another congratulations to the stack, Scott! It seems like great news for you and it's certainly great news for us as a company.

Welcome aboard!

July 23, 2007 20:42
I wish things didn't change as much ... ;)

I guess it's good news though. Maybe we Europeans get to you over at TechEd Europe 2007 in November then?
July 23, 2007 21:11
Congratulation Microsoft (to have you to work for them).
July 23, 2007 21:33
Hi Scott,

Congratualtions on your new gig.

Just make sure you update your Utility List for 2007 before you become assimilated, okay? ;-)
July 23, 2007 21:40
Wow lots of postings...Anyhow my contribution is simple--as a blue badge myself, lets just say that I find this extremely exciting, and my own opinion is you made a good move. My own decision to onboard was one of the best I ever made (and the pure irony is that a family member already working here submitted my resume for me, almost purely because I was curious just how far I'd make it in the interview loop process...and when they made the offer it was something I was not expecting...anyhow that was more than a year ago, and Istill say the big M is one of the best companies in the world to work for LOL (but then again I suspect you already knew that)....

July 23, 2007 22:56
As a fellow Corillian/CheckFree employee, I have to say...


As me, it sounds like a great opportunity and I wish you all the best. Glad to hear you'll keep up the blogging. Again best of luck.
July 23, 2007 23:22
This is awful news. This is horrible and I hope you don't last.

Sigh, not really. It's great news and I am excited you are coming on board. It's just so boring to see nothing but positives in the comments. Where are the naysayers?!?!?!
July 23, 2007 23:26
Awesome Scott! Congratulations! This appears to be more than "just another gig" for you! :)

I wish you the best of luck.
July 23, 2007 23:30
I thought this was a joke when I first heard the news. If it were April I wouldn't believe you. Congrats!
July 23, 2007 23:32
Congratulations! It sounds like a great move and I agree, it is a rare thing to find when all three circles intersect -- here's hoping you have found it!
July 24, 2007 1:04
Congrats and best of luck to you! Glad to hear you'll keep blogging and podcasting.
July 24, 2007 4:15
Congratulations in the new job. I am jelous! This is what I wated to go and work for Scott Guthrie!
By the way, you are going to lose your MVP as no microsoft employee can have an MVP ;-)
Congratulation again!
July 24, 2007 6:22
Congrats Scott and good luck. Wonder will see you in TechEd 2007 SEA this year?
July 24, 2007 9:37
Congrats and welcome! Microsoft is a great place to work. There are a lot of smart and interesting people working on some really cool things. You'll fit right in!
July 24, 2007 12:12
Congrats Scott! Hope this change can let you bring us more good articles and podcasts. Best wishes!
July 24, 2007 16:36
Congratulations in new job and good luck !
July 24, 2007 18:52
Bleh. CheckFree has lost a good resource. I'm really glad to hear that you're edging ever closer to that mythical sweet spot, however. I look forward to controlling the inner-workings of Microsoft's software development core through Hanselman Mind Control®.
July 24, 2007 18:54

That's great news, I hope that the transition goes smoothly for you. Many congratulations.

Does this explain why we've not seen much of you on Twitter? :-)
July 24, 2007 19:02
Congratulations on finding your dream job Scott! I'm excited about the products the Dev Div team has been churning out lately. And I'm sure you'll add to the fire.
July 24, 2007 21:09
Many many congratulations on grabbing this life time oppertunity.

Best of luck.
July 25, 2007 8:07
You were already in my microsoft blog's section of my google reader, so moving to Microsoft is a natural move for you.

July 25, 2007 23:30
I hope they realize how very lucky they really are.
Best of luck, Scott!
July 26, 2007 8:35
Congrats! Scott.
July 26, 2007 19:23
Congratulations in new job and good luck ;)
July 26, 2007 20:22
Thanks for all the fish!

You will miss my mad XmlTestData automation skills even if you never knew they existed! Thanks for your help and ideas on prototyping OnlineBanking in SecondLife, I guess with us gone its going to be up to Travis to make it happen.
July 27, 2007 16:01
Congratulations, Scott! This really does sound like a dream job for you. It reminds me of that show "Cheers" when Norm got the job as a beer taster.
July 31, 2007 14:57
Congrats Scott.

Hope you can do some good work there. If you can get ScottGu to toss those awful WebForms into the dustbin of "sounded-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time" history and instead promote a proper MVC model like TurboGears, Django, or Ruby On Rails complete with dynamic language functionality then my hat will be off to you. What's more, I'll consider returning to the Windows platform for web development if you can pull that off. As it is, I'm about 99% gone and on to Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP/Python for a web platform. And I haven't enjoyed coding so much in a really long time.

But please, give me a reason to reconsider.

Additionally, it would be great if you can get them to consider officially supporting .NET on Linux web servers. But I won't hold my breath for that one...

August 02, 2007 11:48
Hey Scott, i'm so happy for you. Congratulations !

Wish you the best of luck!

August 03, 2007 20:44
Congrats Scott. Microsoft is very lucky to have you on board.
August 05, 2007 18:11
Congratulations! I hope you and your family all have a great time with the new position. I know you will be a great influence inside the Borg!

If you are indeed keeping up your speaking schedule, especially with INETA, please consider some trips out to the East Coast.
August 07, 2007 0:30
Yeah, taking the train can be fraught with danger - I once sat at on the train at Portland for one and a half hours while the train people tried to find an engine to get us to Seattle.

Reminds me of the time I sat on an Alaskan Air flight at Sea-Tac for an hour, after having been moved from another plane that was broken. So, it looked good when they hooked up the little car that pushes the plane out onto the apron; up until the pilot realized we were out of fuel....Well, I guess pre-flight checks aren't for nothing.

But, I've driven with Chris Sells and he's crazy!!!! Bring protective headwear at least.
August 07, 2007 4:02
Scott.. AWESOME NEWS! Welcome aboard!
August 12, 2007 2:01
Excellent news, congrats, I've been following your blog since you were on .Net Rocks. Will be great to have you in there as an insider! Best of luck!
August 22, 2007 6:46
I have an idea for a small (but expandable) series of advertisements for Microsoft's Vista operating system. Looking for an ad agency (preferrably having previous experience with Microsoft) interested in this idea. See my YouTube video of my idea here:

Call Mike at (408) 528-4949 or leave a note on the "Comment on this video" section below the video.
August 22, 2007 6:47
I have an idea for a small (but expandable) series of advertisements for Microsoft's Vista operating system. Looking for an ad agency (preferrably having previous experience with Microsoft) interested in this idea. See my YouTube video of my idea here:

Call Mike at (408) 528-4949 or leave a note on the "Comment on this video" section below the video.
August 24, 2007 15:21
I am a fan of scottGu. A big congrats to you to be able to work in his team.
August 31, 2007 2:37
If I hadn't been reading all the stuff about Corillian I would have thought you already worked at Microsoft!

Congrats! Microsoft has just gained one of the community's best people to push innovation further at their company!

I look forward to hearing/reading more from you about .NET technologies with an insider's view!
August 31, 2007 2:46
Scott, I'll weigh in a bit late and say congrats. I can finally say that I, too, am getting a blue badge. I'll be over in building 6 (old skool!) but maybe I'll see you around on one of your trips up.

September 07, 2007 5:55
I welcome you to the collective. Your culturual and technilogical distictiveness will be added to our own. But seriously, it'll be great to have you in DevDiv Scott! :)
September 08, 2007 6:50

Congratulations. Like everybody, I wish you all the best and I am sure MS/Scott partnership is going to be great for the developer community.


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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.