Scott Hanselman

.DOT COMMON - A Beat Poem by Scott Hanselman

August 01, 2003 Comment on this post [0] Posted in Gaming
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I woke up at 3am last night and wrote this Poem.  I will probably perform it at the LuvJonz at Ohm on Weds the 6th.


We watch UPN's Fake life via a one way transmission
Oh, Those wacky girlfriends
But you are more than my friend, girl
You are my life, my wife, My only source of strife 

man and wife We fight

 But we make up, and that make-up is a wake up
Calling me to appreciate MY fate, MY life, MY wife
But Fake life calls again, this time it's a two way transmission 

UPN makes way for TCP/IP, U see I see the calls of the green screen and
You've got mail.
Maybe he's got mail, you don't.  Your male, yo' man, is on-line, on yo' time. 

The internet being a means to facilitate data transmission and exchange
At this rate he/I may be your ex ... change
Is not always for the better

slash slash, I want my HTTP-Stolen-time-back

But this Internet, this new network, isn't about you and me,
It's about me and everyone...but you' 

Xbox Live isn't Livin'
But I am Finding my Solace in the Start Menu
I'm aLive in Windows 95
The C drive affects our sex drive
Letters take my attention
Creates dissention increases contention 

Compete, take a back seat, you retreat in defeat
My computer has become my suitor
The internet my friend
We don't conjugate conjugally
We procreate minimally

And you, my mate, translate to a different state, that of
Roommate - correspondingly lightweight

Bringing together of gentle rank and file
attachments in this Global community

I'm closer to my DOT-PenPal's locale
Than friends
Shall Speak now or forever hold their peace
I'd never risk
This marriage
This earnest Endeavour
With who-so-what-ever
Till Death do us part ways
Death - The time when something ends
Our DOT com-mon law marriage

- Scott Hanselman ©2003

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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