Scott Hanselman


January 10, 2006 Comment on this post [3] Posted in Musings | Tools
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EgosurfingThis was sent to me by David Totzke James Bogosian. It's really just a page ranking system that we've seen over the last 5 to 8 years. There are many search engine ranking tools that tell you what results page you end up on.

However, I haven't seen one that actually calculates (via some Blogshares-style numeric voodoo) your "ego."

The AJAX-y implementation and the speedometer are actually pretty slick, and I spent some time taking it apart.

Here's mine. I notice that Dave Winer and Martin Fowler are in there also. Either way, this doesn't bode well for me. Looks like I need to check my fat ego! Here's a few other fun ones: Chris Pirillo, Greg Hughes, Chris Sells, and Rory. Enjoy!

P.S. Just in case you have any idea that this isn't complete nonsense, notice that I'm only one line down from ""

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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January 10, 2006 23:22
Hmmmm... I am currently at 980. That seems kind of low, but my office mate got 0 ego points. Is there a pratical purpose to this tool? Check me out at:
January 11, 2006 0:10
Looks like my evil clone has been impersonating me again. I've never seen the ego calculator. Are you sure you got it from me? I must admit, seeing my name in a post by The Hanselman did give my ego a boost. If only it were true...
January 11, 2006 0:13
Guess you never checked out Technorati's Blog Finder, because you are the #3 link for blogs about XML: just under Tim Bray and Liang Wang.

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