Explaining CyberGeek Fame to my Wife
It was fun this week to meet Martin Fowler and David Heinemeier Hansson at RailsConf. It's always cool at a conference to meet someone who's done great work, chat with them, and try to figure out how you too, can do great work. If only others appreciated it also...
Wife: How was the conference?
Geek (Me): It was excellent. I got to meet and chat with Martin Fowler and David Heinemeier Hansson, and they were both very cool.
Wife: Ermm...that's nice...
Geek: Ya, David created a Web Application Development Framework called Rails using a rather obscure Japanese gentleman's language called Ruby, and came up with a number of new and synthesized ideas in a way that no one had yet. It's sweeping the 'net and folks are digging it. Martin is one of the pioneers of Object Orientation and agile methodologies, as well as an Extreme Programming Guy.
Wife: I've never heard of these guys, but I'm glad you're glad!
Geek: Well, meeting Martin is kind of like meeting Michael Caine, he's a very respected guy, talented actor, he's been around for a long time, done a lot of great work, and you're never disappointed with any thing you see him in. Meeting David is kind of like meeting Tobey Maguire, because Spiderman kicked butt and everyone enjoyed it, but it's unclear if he'll get a lot of work and do great stuff after Spiderman. But, still, he's Spiderman, so he'll always have that.
Wife: Ah, well, that is cool!
Geek: Darn right.
Wife: Some Geek People out there seem to know who you are also...what actor are you in this analogy?
Geek: I'm Bruce Campbell, of course.
Wife: Who?
Geek: Exactly.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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And she understood how cool it was to meet ScottGU and Miguel de Icaza.
Henrietta: I'll swallow your soul! I'll swallow your soul! I'll swallow your soul!
Ash: [Aims shotgun at Henrietta's face] Swallow this.
(Relationship: how programming has taken over my life...)
So if I respect Bruce highly as the B King, what category would Scott be in?
Scott, you just need to start chanting "Join us! Join US!" to your wife. Once you start that I'm sure she'll become possessed and part of our world... Ok, maybe not, it didn't work on my wife.
Here's a preview of his book for all you Bruce fans...
Ha ha. I bet you had a good laugh about that one.
It is out on DVD, http://www.amazon.com/Adventures-Brisco-County-Jr-Complete/dp/B000F7CMPE/, complete series, 27 episodes on 8 discs, also Jack of all Trades is out too.
You can get both for about $100.
@DaveP - Heh, no comment.
Scot, I'll be at TechEd and I spotted your name there too. Maybe we can catch up and I can continue to complain and the spot watch?!
I'd love to hang out with the man with screaming brain for a bit ;-)
Bruce Campbell has been in all of the Spider-Man movies because they have, so far, all been directed by Sam Rami. Sam Rami and Bruce grew up together in Detroit and made the Evil Dead series of movies. Ted Rami, Sams brother, also starred in the Xena: Warrior Princess series which also starred Bruce Campbell.
Bruce also played elderly Elvis with penis cancer in the movie "Bubba Ho-Tep".
All hail the chin!
When I tell my wife that I met Scott H. or some other people at some geektogether she says, "Oh, are they one of your little geek blog buddies?" :\
Rereading: "new AND SYNTHESIZED".... well thats certainly a qualifier I missed. Still curious what your percieved newness was.
We need more chin.
He was right. Nice explanation.
I would like to note that I do know who Bruce Campbell is. And who you are (as my husband enjoys your offerings). But I remain mystified by the two men you mentioned.
I'm a geek-wife, true. But not all of my education has been lacking!
Can I be Bill Pullman?
That was the funniest thing I think you've ever said... not only that, but let me know if you need to borrow Brisco and I'll bring it over.
I had the same experience the other night (only not in person). The Science Channel was replaying a documentary that must have been made in the late 90s called "Triumph of the Nerds".
There were three episodes of an hour each and in it they interviewed all the big guns (e.g. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Paul Allen, Steve Ballmer, the guy who founded Compaq, IBM execs, etc) on the history of the personal computer.
My wife liked the shows but the only people she recognized was Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Most of it was over her head.
It was fun to meet and discuss with you, btw. I had an awesome time at RailsConf.
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