Scott Hanselman

Hanselman's Newsletter of Wonderful Things: September 5th, 2014

October 07, 2014 Comment on this post [6] Posted in Newsletter
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I have a "whenever I get around to doing it" Newsletter of Wonderful Things. Why a newsletter? I dunno. It seems more personal somehow. Fight me.

You can view all the previous newsletters here. You can sign up here to the Newsletter of Wonderful Things or just wait and get them some weeks later on the blog, which hopefully you have subscribed to. If you're signed up via email, you'll get all the goodness FIRST. I also encourage you to subscribe to my blog. You can also have all my blog posts delivered via email if you like.

Scott Hanselman

(BTW, since you *love* email you can subscribe to my blog via email here: DO IT!)

P.P.S. You know you can forward this to your friends, right?

Sponsor: Big thanks to Octopus Deploy for sponsoring the feed this week. They are FANTASTIC. Truly, check it out, the NuGet team uses them. Using NuGet and powerful conventions, Octopus Deploy makes it easy to automate releases of ASP.NET applications and Windows Services. Say goodbye to remote desktop and start automating today!

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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October 07, 2014 11:36
On the subject of visualising sorting algorithms, this is also a must-see: folk dance sorting
October 07, 2014 11:52
Your Indiana Jones link is broken.
October 07, 2014 12:07
I've written a java program a couple years ago when I was first learning about sorting algorithms to help me understand how they work. It visualizes them and allows you to change some parameters. Feel free to check it out, it might come in handy for those folks learning about sorting algorithms: SortSimulation
October 07, 2014 12:15
And we are very proud of our spider-dog ... ;)
It's one of Polish contribution to the Internet.

October 20, 2014 5:48
Scott, excuse this off topic reply, but what can we do to turn you into a Visual Studio LightSwitch champion? This amazing technology that doesn't get the attention it deserves appears to be at a stand still and does not appear to be going anywhere and MS is not saying anything. The LightSwitch community need a champion of your caliber to promote LightSwitch inside and outside of MS. Thanks in advance...
October 22, 2014 0:00

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.