Scott Hanselman

How to run a Disk Scan/chkdsk/fsck and Troubleshoot your iPod

June 21, 2005 Comment on this post [8] Posted in Musings
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Figure7.8My 3rd generation iPod is on the way out. I've already replaced the battery and we all know the batteries suck. However, I'm getting weird behavior like skipping over songs, locking up in the middle of songs and the like.

If you want to run the internal full disk scan on your iPod:

  • Hold down Menu and Play until it reboots and you see the Apple logo
  • As soon as your see the Apple logo, press Rew/Fw/Menu and the center menu "Select" button all at the same time. That will start the full scan.

Figure7.6It's a good idea to have your iPod plugged into power (I used my car adapter) when you do this scan. It takes about 5 minutes but it's kept me up and running through at least three rough patches.



About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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June 22, 2005 4:36
I've had my iPod for 3-4 months and I have the same deal where it skips over songs. Have you found any info on this? Called Apple, they didn't have any suggestions so they told me to send it in. I did, and all I got was my iPod back with no explanation. I called again and they said, "it worked while it was here." I will try your suggestion and see what's what.
June 22, 2005 18:50
You did apply for the iPod settlement, right?

My 3g iPod is having some issues as well, but I won't be bothering with replacing the battery. As soon as the next gen comes out (which hopefully won't be too much longer), I plan to pick up a new one instead. (hopefully using the $50 settlement check, if I can find my original iPod receipt that is)

In the mean time, I'll try your suggestion to see if that does anything for my non-battery related issues... thanks!

PS: are you planning to fix your weblog-code any time soon so people can leave comments from firefox as well? only works from IE for me...
June 22, 2005 20:04
Luke...I'm leaving this comment from FireFox, and lots of other folks are're the first to say anything. What symptom are you seeing?

If you're hitting Save and getting the same page again with a different captcha you're likely rejecting my session cookie. Check and see if you've blacklisted my domain or something or if you're running AdBlock or some FireFox add-in that is messing with it.
June 22, 2005 21:26
The only extensions I have installed on this box are NukeAnything and ieView. What happens when I press Save Comment is...
June 22, 2005 21:28
WTF? it worked this time!

I swear this failed this morning and also a week ago or so when I tried to comment on some other post of yours...


September 04, 2005 22:02
How do you know when the scan starts? Does it say on the screen?
October 25, 2005 10:17
To enter diagnostic on the Ipod mini; after performing a reset (hold select and menu until the rotten apple appears), hold the select and left arrow to enter diagnostics.
November 09, 2005 16:25
I have the same problem but i can start the scan, I've checked and checked again i'm holding down the right keys at the right time... can anyone suggest anything?

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