iPhone - Everything that could go wrong did
OK, so I'm lame. We know this. I'm weak, but I did it. I spent my blog advertising money on iPhone. Sue me. ;) The WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor) on this phone is low. Low as I've seen it, so the phone may end up going back to the store - I've got 14 days.
But first, here's what's happened so far.
- It doesn't work on Vista 64. At all. You can't activate an iPhone on Vista 64 today. Full stop.
- While I was able to get iTunes installed on Vista 64 last week with a clever hack, there was a new update recently and the Apple Software Update will not run. Also, I can't burn CDs even with the existing install because Daemon Tools x64 and iTunes' Gear SPTD Driver hate each other with the heat of a thousand suns. But, this is iTunes, not iPhone, so I digress.
- So, I fire up the free Mac Mini and run iTunes, expecting it to prompt for an upgrade. Crash on start. What? A crash on a mac? Seriously, first one for me. I blame iTunes, not the Mac. Reboot, run, crash, reboot, run, crash, uninstall, install (upgrade? waa? I uninstalled...whatever), continue, run, it runs. Whew. Ridiculous.
- I plug in the iPhone. I get the Activate screen. Cool.
- I have an account from AT&T that I've had for over 6 years. I currently move the SIM card between my HTC Dash running Windows Mobile 6 and my Blackberry 8600. AT&T thinks I have just the Blackberry, bit the DASH gets to use the same unlimited SMS and unlimited data plan I have. Nice...but...
- iTunes says "iPhone activations aren't available at this time." Waa? Lame. Try again...
- Now I get "We're sorry, AT&T has determined that your current account cannot be used with the iPhone."
- It appears (I can't call support because they aren't open 24 hours...seems odd) that AT&T thinks that my old employer still owns this phone and pays for it, which is odd because I paid the bill for the second month in a row after taking over responsibility for the number.
- If and when I DO get this thing activated, on the Mac, I have no way to sync my contacts with it.
- Will this phone be forever tethered to this Mac? What about my OTHER iPod?
- What about my music? Can a Mac iTunes installation share the same iTunes Library with Windows?
- What about contacts? I've got 2038 of them, and I'd like them to sync? Perhaps Plaxo to OSX?
- What about my Calendar? I use Google Calendar...how's that going to work?
I think my life would be easier with a Windows Mobile Phone sync'ed to Exchange. Sigh. I never thought I'd say that. I am historically not a Windows Mobile fan.
Needless to say all this trouble has frozen my use of iTunes. iTunes 7 become unresponsive and totally unusable upon its release and we're almost a solid year later and my less than 10 thousand songs can't be browsed. I can't use my Audible.com account. I'm screwed. I guess I could copy everything over to the Mac and just keep my Apple interactions entirely in the Mac world because it's clear that Apple and Windows just despise each other. Shocking! ;)
At this moment, this iPhone is a brick. Bummer. Of course, the WAF is in negative numbers as well. Sigh. That's what you pay when you're an Early Adopter. Really Early Adopters pay an extra US$200. ;)
Steve Job really stuck it to me on this one. You should have seen the look in my face when I opened the box. The OOBE (Out of Box Experience) was exquisite. You should see my face now.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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I'm not meaning to be harsh or anything Scott, and here's the obligatory smiley to prove it :)
Pave the machine and stick with XP or Vista 32 (and turn OFF UAC if you want anything to work<g>)
Could you run iTunes in a VM from your Vista64 box? I've never tried it myself, but it looks like you are in for an inconvenience no matter which way you go, but I'd try for a Windows based solution as the Outlook link is too much to give up.
It vista 64bit that is the issue not Apple.
Ok! I'm not sure why Apple is not supporting Vista 64 yet so most of this is just postulation. Also, I guess we need to clarify just how easy it is to build for a 64 bit OS.
I believe that Vista 64 has been out far longer than the iphone. Let me put forth the theory that the reason you cannot install the software on the 64bit OS is that the software probably looks at the current OS's ID and compares it to a list it has. IF that is the case then it would blatantly be an Apple issue....a BAD Apple if you will, rotten to the Core! :-) However, it could be that Apple may be using a 3rd party component which is not supported in 64 bit Os's. (Out of curiosity, is XP 64 supported?)
For all you nay-sayers about a 64bit OS, please delve into the pros and cons of using 64 bit. Here is a link to start you off. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64-bit
I love the interface, for sure. I like the browser and a few of the apps. I can't call anyone because I can't remeber phone numbers, so I have to look them up on my old blackberry and enter them by hand on the iPhone right now, which is freakin lame. Mine might have to go back as well. I have not decided yet...
@Sushant - No, 64-bit XP fails as well. This is just another example of poor choices in programming priorities. Pretty typical.
@Diego - Actually, right there on the box it says it works with Windows XP and Vista. No mention of 32- vs. 64-bit or anything of that nature. You have to dive into the fine, fine print to find a brief mention of the fact that the currrent version of iTunes won't let you activate on Win64.
Diego says:
It's not listed in the system requirements
http://www.apple.com/iphone/specs.html This is the tech specs for the iPhone. It doesn't say ANYWHERE that 64 bit is not supported. It also does not say ANYWHERE that 32 bit is required. I'm not saying that its not said somewhere else because I cannot test for that. However, if I wanted to know about a product, I generally go to the tech specs and expect to find all the info there.
http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/64bit/ Apple obviously knows how to leverage 64 bit technology. Apple OS X supports the LP64 model which btw is also supported by MS. "Microsoft's VC++ compiler uses the LLP64 model." [source is the wikipedia link in my previous comment].
Just saying that after looking into this more and more, it appears to be the case that Apple is purposely not supporting Vista 64. But that is better left to a jury of my peers. I'm just saying, it looks iffy! :-)
for reference. I can't help with the rest of the problems other than to tell you that I was just as frustrated with iTunes until I switched over to my Macbook Pro. The performance difference between the Windows and Mac versions of iTunes is staggering and completely unacceptable. Good luck.
I guess that's one of the "nice" reasons to have a MacBook Pro as my laptop, I can always just to into "OSX" to sync up...but the lack of exchange connectivity will be a pain. What about Gmail/Google Apps? Did you try running it with your Google Apps account?
What's a phone without running ruby on it?
Still working on Music and Photos.
But really the problem here is Apple is being lazy when it comes to Windows support. They could easily compile a 64 bit version that is compatible but they don't and of course Windows gets blamed as it's the easiest target. Instead of bitching and moaning shouldn't we support the adoption of 64 bit? At least that's how it use to be, but it seems lately that most geeks have gotten to be whiny little bitches that complain about everything but do nothing to fix the problem. Don't be part of the problem be part of the solution!!
Note: ITune's patcher does not work on Vista 64 bit at all, you have to download the new version manually. It simply gives an error when running the patches after downloading them, does anyone else find it funny that Microsoft supports Apple products very well but Apple can't seem to support Windows products very well.
Technically yes, the system requirements do not mention 32bit Windows as required and they do not say that 64bit is not supported. And yes, I would agree that it could make some people think that it does work on Vista 64bit. But, in this case, Scott is an extremely savvy computer user. As we know by his blog, he's been making Vista 64bit is main OS, posted numerous entries talking about difficulties with running some software under the 64bit OS. So I thought he'd know to check (and ask) to make sure it worked with 64bit Vista. He'd find out and it wasn't and not try and use the iPhone & iTunes on it. At maybe do it but say, hey I know this OS isn't supported but here is what I found when I tried to use it nonetheless. Just for the hell of it I tried it anyway. Instead of talking about Steve Jobs sticking it to him.
Over the years, where system requirements are listed, how many times has Windows 32bit & 64bit been differentiated? Since there's been 64bit version of Windows (at least since XP) have software boxes, hardware device boxes mentioned specifically 32bit & 64bit? Don't most system spec on software, mice, keyboards etc simply say Windows 2000, Windows XP and hardly never mention Windows XP 64bit or that or that Windows 64bit is NOT supported?
By the mere virtue that you're running Vista 64bit you'd be aware that you'd always need to check that something works with your OS. Or do so until that version of the OS is the norm.
I bet that part of the reason why Apple does not support 64bit (at least not yet) is because of economics. I'm sure that in time they will, but there's no real hurry to support 64bit Vista when it's not the majority of iTunes installs.
You're digging a hole with this thing. You're stretching the WAF and blowing time on stuff that doesn't work. Your time is worth way too much to be playing with that type of crap (unless you really get a kick out of multiple re-installs and waiting on phones, etc.) It's time to cut your losses and spend some of the returned funds taking the Wife out to supper.
@OJ: Well Said!!
Then there's the $200 price drop fiasco. That's the most flagrant public screwing of loyal customers I can remember. I firmly believe that few large corporations give a damn about their existing customers, but I've never seen one with the bravado to outwardly pimp them.
Seems the consumer can't see past the shiny surface of Apple's products. There are other options you know.
I hate to say this, again, but I told you so.
How many x64 issues have you experienced thus far? Is it still worth it?
Your x64 Vista box sounds like in about another 3 months it's going to be due for another re-install because of all the crapware that is being installed and patched to make everything work. It's really sad that all of us have to spend so much time playing these games just to get our systems and software to run properly. Did you really save any money on that purchase? How many wasted "Hansel Minutes" did you spend trying to get this to work? This is another example how the software industry and progressing too fast... Next year they'll be something better our and 2 years from now everything you're doing now will be outdated and won't be compatable any longer. Arrghhh
I still think you should have taken my advice and left your x64 Vista as a host O/S for VMware and loaded Vista x86 on its on session. With USB support and all the other niceties, you could have had this working. At the same time, you could have separate VM sessions for Email, iTunes, etc., and another for your development environment.
I know I have installed Vista x64 about 3 times since its release on the same machine due to all sorts of issues. I'm now back with using x86 and everything has been running smoothly now that I have stopped loading everything that I have on the same O/S. No more weekends reinstalling and reconfiguring all my apps just to have another application screw something up 2 months from now.
I don't know what the answer is for all these things, but perhaps all of us consumers should just stop buying all the latest gadgets and warez and demand the manufactures and software companies iron-out their existing products.
When I die, I'm not going to have anything to show for it because it'll be version 40 versions behind and Windows 2040 won't support it and I'll keep reconverting every iTunes files, every VHA, Hi8, to AVI movie that I've ever made to the next greatest and latest format just so I can pretend I can still use it.
Take it back. How many flaming hoops do you have to jump through before you figure out that maybe this isn't working out? Go get something for which you can just fire up VS and write whatever gizmo you want. You'll suffer less ridicule from your soon-to-be co-workers, too. :-)
Fiasco? You mean when companies drop prices on hardware? You say that like it never happens when talking about computers. Or many other appliances, for that matter. Did you think the iPhone's initial release would be the last? Did you think the price was ever going to come down? At what point did you think it would be OK for them to change the price? Are you saying this never happens with computers, phones, TVs, etc? Why aren't people up in arms about the "fiasco" concerning of these expensive large screen TVs coming down so dramatically in price? Answer: Because that's life and that's how it goes. People were happy to pay the initial price for the iPhone, so why complain? They wanted it there and then and got it. Come on, stop whining and get back in the real world. It happens all the time!
By the way, I'm with you on iTunes becoming unresponsive. I even blogged about it recently too.
David - Ya...I've got an HTC Dash with a prerelease of the next WinMobile that works well...is the Google Calendar thing an app, or a T-Mobile thing? Yes, I use "recent:" (not a hack, a supported feature) thing on my iPhone now.)
I've been happily syncing multiple iPods with one library.
Multiple OS’s pointing to one library: My main iTunes library is on Windows, which is set with ‘Keep iTunes Library Organized’. My iTunes on my Mac is pointed to this library but with ‘Keep iTunes Library Organized’ switched off. This seems to work fine, haven’t had any issues so far. Just remember you'll need to activate both machine to play DRM'd stuff. I only sync my iPod with the windows copy though.
If you buy Vista at retail then you get both the 32 and 64 bit editions. In the case of Ultimate they're both in the box (other editions you can either send away for the 64 bit disc or download it). So the availability of 64 bit to end users is pretty mainstream, even if the actual take-up is only beginning to rise from a low base; there's not really any excuse for failing to support it when releasing a new device.
What about my music? Can a Mac iTunes installation share the same iTunes Library with Windows
You can't share the library fully, but you can install Firefly and iTunes will recognize it immediately. You manage it from one place, and all other comps will be able to play the music from Firefly.
Anyway - my experience has been much better but I'm struggling with whether or not to keep it. Activation went great - no problem. And the $20 unlimited iphone data was cheaper than what I had on my HTC Wizard. Overall, I love the phone. But, I'm stuck on:
1. EDGE - it's ok - not tragically slow like people rant about and what I'm used to from my Wizard, but I feel like I just bought a really flash, but outdated, phone.
2. A2DP - I keep telling myself it's a just a tiny software update away - or maybe never.
3. WPA-Enterprise. The iPhone is fantastic with its Edge-to-Wifi hopping and that makes all the difference. However, most of the grown up places I go use WPA-Enterprise, not just WPA/WPA2. I'm hosed. Again, "just a software update"...
3. (And this is the biggest) the 3G phone coming out and Apple stops adding features to the current iPhone. I can live with being passed by a 3G/16GB version coming out in January, but I really, really don't want to get burnt by not getting any of the clearly missing features addressed because there's a 3G version out there now.
Sigh... day 2 of my 14 day trial. If it wasn't so freakin' pretty.... -- Dan
The lack of support on Windows, the poor battery life, the wifi security, and on and on.
I keep just wishing my Windows Mobile device just had a better interface and screen...
I am 60% for taking it back now...
I didn't realize the "recent:" thing was a documented feature. That makes sense now... I always wonder how someone could just pull that out of the sky.
BTW, my current client-- a hardcore Mac dude-- hates his iPhone. He says "It's the best iPod I've ever had and absolutely the worst phone." As I've said before, it's the greatest piece of technology to come along in a long time, but it's implementation is a disaster.
Here is Engadget's review of the iPhone (http://www.engadget.com/2007/07/03/iphone-review-part-2-phone-mail-safari-ipod/) and comments pertaining to battery life. Sounds like it is quite acceptable.
The biggest upshot we found on the media playback, though, was the iPhone's Herculean battery life. We've seen other reviews' media playback results vary, but ours seemed to jump far ahead of even Apple's lofty expectations.
Playing relatively high bitrate VGA H.264 videos, our iPhone lasted almost exactly 9 freaking hours of continuous playback with cell and WiFi on (but Bluetooth off). Yeah, we had to pick our jaws up off the floor, too. So by our tests, you could watch a two hour movie and drain off a little more than 22% of the battery -- totally acceptable for trip-taking and the like.
Our music testing showed similarly outstanding results. Playing back 160-192Kbps MP3s, our iPhone pushed about 29 hours and 30 minutes music playback. To put that in perspective, the Apple claims the iPod nano gets about 24 hours playback on a full charge, and the iPod a scant 14 - 20 hours.
I have submitted a thread to Apple's forums here:
You can see how much help they've been.
Comments are closed.
I'm a strong believer in everything should just work out of the box. All this activation and security just makes the casual user dejected with the product when it doesn't work the way they expected it to. I firmly believe in the KISS philosphy (Keep It Simple, Stupid!).
I wish you all the best man! I hope you find a way to get that hardware to work properly.