Jakob Nielsen at Corillian Connect
I'm down in San Diego (Del Mar actually) at the Corillian Connect Conference (our annual Users' Conference). We had Jakob Nielsen give our keynote presentation. If you're not familiar with Jakob, you should be. He's a usability guru and has been since darn near the web's inception. He started the Nielsen Norman Group along with Donald Norman and added Bruce "Tog" Tognazzini a while back. They're giving a User Experience Conference in Boston and London this year that looks pretty amazing with talks from Amazon and Ebay.
I've been a fan since Jakob's original book Designing Web Usability. A classic and largely still valid today. He also runs UseIt.com. (No RSS though?)
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Well, I also enjoyed the presentations by some Hanselman guy, but compared to Nielson? ;)
FYI, a scraped RSS feed of Nielson's site can be found at:
"Download times rule the Web, and since most users have access speeds on the order of 28.8 kbps ..."
Uh ... true?
There's something *too* purist about his theories (or at least on his site), which ignore the subjective value of aesthetics in page/web design. The value of an attractive Web page has some weight in how "usable" it is ...
I found the mass of text and lack of artwork to break it up quite off putting actually.
I'm not convinced about the 28.8k either.
It may be that that majority of users (in certain countries) are not on broadband (yet) but can you even buy a 28.8k modem any more?!
Buy? No. But I've never been able to connect any faster than that over POTS anyway.
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