John Lam presenting at PADNUG on Thursday
Just to make sure you're getting the full court press on IronRuby, if you're NOT at OSCON (the O'Reilly Open Source Conference), but you are in the Portland/Southwest Washington area you'll be interested in this little tidbit.
John is presenting on IronRuby at OSCON on Thursday at 5:20pm, but just afterwards he'll come by Corillian and speak to us at PADNUG, the Portland Area .NET Users Group (details on Rich's Blog).
"John Lam, creator of RubyCLR, will discuss IronRuby, an implementation of Ruby on the .NET platform that will be released under the MS-PL licence (BSD-style license). We will look at the implementation of IronRuby on top of the recently announced Dynamic Language Runtime to better understand how the DLR deferred compilation model can be used to obtain excellent performance and cross-language interoperability. We will also look at different scenarios where IronRuby can be used, including the recently announced Silverlight platform."
The presentation will start at 6:45pm with Pizza and Socializing at 6:00pm. Click the image for Driving Directions. The meeting will be in the small middle building (the café). Hope to see you all there.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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