Scott Hanselman

Linus is moving down the street from me...

June 11, 2004 Comment on this post [1] Posted in Musings
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Apparently I'm going to bump into Linus at the Murray Street Safeway soon...I wonder if anyone is going to say, "Can you sign my Minux book?"

Inventor of Linux is Portland-bound

BEAVERTON, ORE. - Linus Torvalds, the Finnish-born inventor of the Linux computer operating system, is Portland-bound.

The Oregonian reported Thursday that Torvalds is moving to Portland from California to oversee the Open Source Development Labs in Beaverton

"Quite frankly," he told the newspaper via e-mail, "We want to be somewhere calmer and saner. Silicon Valley is a bit crazy."

Torvalds says he and his family will make the move after his children finish school next week.

"The plan was to try to acclimatize and have time to grow webbed feet (although I'm told there are implants available) by moving during the summer," he wrote.

Torvalds is often credited with transforming free operating system software from idea to reality.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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August 01, 2005 12:29
I hope, the free software moment had already started by Mr.Richard M.Stallman.
Your comment on Torvalds, may give wrong perception about the free software moment.
Actually he just shared the piece, might be core.

I am not sure whether Mr.Stallman has written anybooks on the movement and its origin.
But he had given a speach in a function held in chennai(Madras), India.

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