Long Term Viability of AppleTV
I just don't get AppleTV. I mean, I totally get it, I understand the intent, but I can do these things now, with either DVDs and Blockbuster Video or with my existing cable TV service. Certainly the seamlessness of the experience between iTunes, AppleTV and iPhone is a huge thing and amazing, but while iTunes and an iPod seem natural, AppleTV seems forced and stilted. I wonder if it'll really stick around for a number of years or if the studios look at it as "just another outlet."
On Demand Movies for $4 to $5
I've had the ability to rent movies on demand for YEARS on Comcast Cable, and they have had HD movies for two years. They aren't portable (see below) but certainly I can sit down and watch a movie instantly unless I'm too lazy to walk to the video store.
The Xbox360 also has On Demand movies in an almost identical way to the AppleTV, and the wife has started using that more and more. We watched "Hairspray" in HiDef and she was impressed with the experience. The benefit of course is that I already have an Xbox (as do 13 million other folks) and that it's a more versatile machine. It'd be cool if you could surf the web on an Apple TV and if it included a slot loading hi-def DVD player; that might make it more useful.
We find that a "DVD Total Access" pass is the best way for us to watch movies. We pay $20 and we get as many movies as we can turn around in the mail, which is usually ~6 a month or roughly $3 each. We can watch them anywhere, anytime, they don't expire or have late fees. I take them on planes and we watch half downstairs then take it upstairs to finish the last half. In this case, molecules are more portable than electrons for my family.
Take a Movie with You
It's a legal gray area, but I could also rip the rented CDs and watch them on my PSP or iPod, then delete them when I return the movie.
This, to me, is the #1 draw of the AppleTV. If you've got iPods and iPhones then being able to buy a movie in one place and watch it anywhere, even stopping at home and finishing on a plane. I can do this with DVDs that I get in the mail from Blockbuster, though, and they are excessively portable.
Storage For Your Own Content
Ripping and storing your own content to the AppleTV is the second most interesting feature I think, but that can be done with any NAS (Network Attached Storage) device and most any uPNP device, provided the codecs line up.
I kind of like having DVDs as storage, rather than the "psychic weight" of worrying about a hard drive crashing with 150 lovingly ripped DVDs sitting on it.
As the anonymous blogger at Shipping Seven says (caustically) about the lack of a DVD Drive on the new Macbook Air:
Dumping the DVD drive is a risky move. Yes, they are bulky, and are not used very much. But walk around any airplane/train, and you'll see a huge number of people with laptops watching movies.
Here's a hint, Apple: Not all those people are going to rent a movie off iTunes for a four-hour flight, like you cheerfully propose. I can borrow a movie from my roommate's DVD collection. For free. For more than 24 hours. People generally pick the easiest and cheapest solution available to them.
It's true, folks like cheap; I like cheap.
Watch Photos on my TV
My TV, and many TVs, have an SD slot for photo slideshows, and the Xbox has both USB for docking a camera directly and uPNP, so this is interesting, but not incredibly so. If I could plug a digital camera directly into the AppleTV, that might be cool. (It has USB, can I do this now?)
Television Shows
Why would I want to pay $2 (TWO DOLLARS!) for a TV Show "the day after it airs" when I can watch it for free by visiting www.abc.com, www.cbs.com or www.nbc.com or any other Torrent site? And who wants to own a TV show. Why not 50 cents just to rent it? I'll wait until it comes out on DVD for those prices.
This is another example of where I think the Cable TV set-top boxes have advantage (today). For example, I get Showtime and I watch my favorite show, Dexter, on Showtime, but if I miss an episode, the entire season is sitting in the On Demand Menu for free. Why pay?
I really avoid buying gadgets unless they will fit into my, and my family's, lifestyle in a seamless and utilitarian way. The WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor) is about making everything "one button easy" like we have with the Harmony 880 Remote. When we moved to the new house I swapped out some equipment and we started using the Xbox as our primary DVD player. The wife was "shielded" from this because the Watch DVD button the Remote still worked as she expected.
I can see how an AppleTV could be a central part of one's media life, but I guess even though the Xbox is a totally different devices, perhaps, at least in my house, the Xbox has already taken its place as the "Box that does all things well."
Do you have an AppleTV and do you like it? Is this a gadget worth having? Is it indispensable like a GPS, MP3 Player or Tivo?
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About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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I never use it. The last few movies I watched (Superbad, Blades of Glory, okay, yeah, I'm not that hip) I watched on my iPhone on a plane. Why? Because that's the last time I've had two hours to spare with nothing else to do.
I have an XBOX 360, and I can use Connect360 (yes, I bought it) to play all the movies and music from my iTunes machine (yes, it's an iMac). I've used that a couple of times, but the fan noise from the 360 makes hearing dialog at night with the kids asleep a joke. The same return I don't have an XBOX HD DVD drive, the loud factor (and the fact that HD DVD is dead).
Rentals on the Apple TV? Maybe, but I doubt it. 30 days after DVD release, only have 24 hours to watch it, chances are I'll watch it on my iPhone before I find two hours to sit in front of the TV uninterrupted.
At least it looks pretty. :)
I also have Amazon Unbox setup on my vista machine so I can stream the unbox movies from my vista machine to my xbox 360 in the living room. The video quality is quite good. In fact, I've been contemplating a second Xbox 360 for the bedroom so I can use it as a media extender in there.
Oh and a few people have mentioned vudu.com's new box which does similar to the apple tv stuff.
I've had the ability to rent movies on demand for YEARS on Comcast Cable, and they have had HD movies for two years.
Great for you. I live outside of the US, and I've NEVER EVER lived anywhere with that option. EVER. It is available in the UK (where I am at the moment), but it's quite expensive, and only really on cable, which isn't universal, unlike the US.
New Zealand (where I really "live") isn't even close to offering it.
I too, dont "get" the appletv. But that's 'cos I no longer "get" TV. I dont own one, havn't for over 2 years. I download the few shows I want to watch from iTunes (CSI mostly), I torrent a _couple_ of things I can't get from there (Heros was the only one - NBC puts it back on iTunes, I'll drop the cash on it), and I watch BBC stuff using the BBC iPlayer (which rocks, but it's only in the UK).
I've not seen an ad in around 2 years, and I'm about as legal as I can be. The apple TV, with added iPlayer support (I wonder if they would.....) and support for DIVX (for torrented stuff) would make me reconsider not owning a TV. As it is, a 24" monitor would do, and is more useful - beats the 13" macbook any day, esp for photo editing and code :)
Righto. The cool thing for me was the Time Capsule. Crap name, but the product is nice :)
On that note, please go convince the XBox Live Marketplace team that selling tv shows for $2 is absurd, as you know.
And while you're there, convince them that a "netflix" model of "X movies at a time for as long as you want, with a Y dollars a month subscription" would be INFINITELY cooler for an on-demand service, as opposed to the $4-$6 of 24 hour use everyone currently offers. Why hasn't anyone done this yet? Apple's "me too" offering is so underwhelming.
I tend to agree with you. We use NetFlix and that works well considering we rarely have much time to watch movies in the first place and I can queue them up on the ReplayTV for later viewing.
One thing that seemed appealing from yesterday's SJ presentation was the ability to preview movies. I can see that being interesting when we don't know exactly what we want to watch and are provided the ability to preview right from the couch. Other than that, though, they brought nothing to the table that really peaked my interest. The price reduction has to reflect the fact that it isn't selling very well.
I have a setup that works great. All the movies/photos/home videos/audio/etc... are stored on an old PC in the garage. By the TV, I have the first gen Intel MacMini with Windows XP Media Center Edition installed. The MacMini sucks the data on demand via wireless and I haven't had a DVD in the house for years now. Everything works great.
I described my setup in detail here:
What tools do you use?
To rip, DVDFab HD Decrypter. It's kept up-to-date on most of the new copy-protection mechanisms that have come around since DVD Decrypter went defunct.
To encode DVDs, Auto Gordian Knot. I've tried a bunch of encoders, and this is the one I just keep coming back to. It handles cropping, subtitles, auto-sizing, auto-splitting, and more. I wish it had an option to just specify what bitrate you want the end result encoded in. I've been aiming for around 1500 kbps, so what I do is I tell AutoGK to auto-size my movie to a file size I calculate using the rate of 700 Mb/hr. Seems to work pretty well.
To capture digital video from my camcorder, WinDV. The digital video capture built into Vista is capable, but it annoys me that it assumes I want to add captured video to the Windows Media Player library.
To encode digital video from my camcorder, MediaCoder. I deinterlace the DV as I encode. Again, I go for 1500 kbps.
On all of the above, I force the image width to the original 720 px wide, as I'd rather deal with some compression artifacts here and there than lose resolution, since I'm watching on an HDTV and an XGA projector. I wrote a (lame) blog post about this last week, but I should have written more detail. Meh, I was tired and it was late. :)
Your point about who wants to own a TV show? Who wants to rent it either? With real IPTV *you* should decide when to watch it and everything will be on demand - i.e. no rental required. The only thing stopping this right now is the cable companies ability to insert relevant adverts inside shows (for people watching it late). This is the clincher with an IPTV platform, it's integrating a good revenue model with on demand shows.
I have all my media on a server and use the regular XBOX to serve it up. Thinking of getting a HP MediaSmart TV soon to bring this functionality into the TV. I use DVDFab for ripping DVDs - which is great and works really well.
Now if Microsoft got MCE integrated with MediaRoom for DVR capabilities and allowed those shows to be portable on other devices, and if Verizon rolls out real mediaroom IPTV rather than their hybrid coax solution I would be happy.
If you're watching a movie on a PC, try Media Player Classic. It's a nice, minimalist media player that can handle pretty much whatever you want to throw at it, while using a bare minimum of system resources. While I'm working, I like to have movies in a tiny window (say, maybe 150px X 85px or so), set to "always on top" in the lower right corner of my screen near the system tray. Just don't tell my boss. ;)
And I'll second the point some other guy made regarding Amazon Unbox. Streaming from your PC to your Xbox 360 works well and looks great. I did this to catch an episode of Journeyman that my local NBC affiliate pre-empted. (Unrelated rant: Damn you, NBC, for not renewing Journeyman. You guys suck.)
Apple TV vs. Xbox 360. This is so easy, I mean I know you work for MS now, but Xbox Live is only competitive on the surface. Renting any movie on Apple TV will be much simpler than renting them on Xbox 360. The blade interface is simply horrible by comparison to what the new Apple TV interface is. It will take more clicks of the Xbox remote or the controller to actually get to rent anything than with Apple TV. On the 360 you have to browse for something, the Apple TV has search. No MS Points, no loans of fractional dollars to a multi-billon company, you buy in dollars and pay in dollars (or whatever your local currency is when that comes online). Movie previews that don't suck, even with the latest Xbox software update, the movies previews are simply horrendous compared to what the Apple TV already offers. Rentals from Apple TV will have real chapters comparable to DVDs, not the time based division that all rentals I have seen from Xbox Live have. Apple will never remove content from iTunes, it's there forever. Pirates 3 expires from Xbox Live in May I believe. Apple TV is silent, Xbox 360 sounds like a low power hairdryer. Xbox HD rentals are a little more expensive than Apple TV, unless I have messed up my MS Point to dollars conversion again. The only "advantage" is the the 360 plays games, but I don't think it's wise to rely on the 360 for too much besides games since it's so fragile. Everyone I know, except for me, has had their 360 die, some more than once.
Apple TV vs. Comcast/Cable Provider. This is a little closer. Again, Apple's library will go to infinity, my cable provider also removes content from their library. I wanted to watch Black Snake Moan in HD a few weeks ago, but they had already taken it away. Interface is again horrible with my Motorola set-top box. My TV is HDTV, the UI is stuck in an SD center channel. Movie posters almost always incorrect, preview is shown behind a pop-up window that says you are watching a preview the entire time. Prices are the same.
Apple TV vs. Netflix. This may work out in Netflix's favor depending on your usage pattern, but not for me. I want to watch exactly what strikes my fancy when I want, and I don't want to juggle a queue all the time to predict if I am in the mood for Death Proof 1 week from now.
I personally like the blade interface, but if you look at the more "classic" Xbox Originals interface, it's similar to the Apple TV...tiled box covers, so certainly Xbox could (and should) do something more conventional, and they totally need better searching/browsing.
Folks keep complaining about the Xbox noise, but I just put it in a cabinet and forget about it. It's loud, but it's inside the cabinet, so...
I will say that I wonder if the Comcasts and other Cable companies of the world will sit by and let this AppleTV/Vudu/Xbox thing just happen, or if they will step up...or if they CAN step up.
I switched to FIOS last week, so I'll be blogging about that vs. Comcast...it's pretty sweet.
Let me explain: If you Torrent, you'll be hoping for DivX support. If you ripped your music with WMA/FLAC/OGG, you'll be hoping for support for that. If you have an Xbox 360, and a Mecia Center, you've chosen the Microsoft ecosystem, and the AppleTV won't jive. If you use Picasa or Adobe Premiere Elements for to organize your photo library, you'll be out of luck using the AppleTV to instantly enjoy your photo albums. If you use Windows Media Player to create your music playlists, you're out of luck, they won't show up on AppleTV. Sure, there's geek solutions to get all this working, but AppleTV, I reckon, is about extending the Apple universe in a fun and easy way. Patching things together is not the point.
On the other hand... if you have decided to standardize on Apple stuff, the AppleTV really makes good use of it, it brings it all to the TV room in a fun, no-hassle way.
Now you understand why I like and enjoy my AppleTV.
The Xbox can do this, if you choose Microsoft. And there are nice devices like Media Extenders and lots of third-party things for that ecosystem. All the hoopla is simply that the AppleTV is a nice piece of the Apple overall digital lifestyle ecosystem.
The AppleTV turns our TV into a giant visual music selector when we don't watch TV. It understands our iTunes playlists. It understands our Podcast downloads. It understands our iPhoto albums. It understands all the movies in iTunes and can play them. It will let you buy iTunes Store music, that's automatically synced to your iTunes... It rents movies using the same Apple store account that I buy music from. And so on. It's all about making the Apple world more complete, that's all...
I just had a discussion of this topic with my coworker and he brought up two important points:
1) Many people, such as yourself Scott, already accomplish the variety of tasks the AppleTV addresses in alternate ways. But not everyone does, and for someone who doesn't already have a plethora of gadgets laying around -- the AppleTV might make more sense.
2) Also, Apple is selling the AppleTV technology to customers with all level of understanding about technology. So keep that in mind -- as other people may really enjoy the ease of use and 'all in one aspect' of this device and don't necessarily geek out on all of the different cool stuff that we may geek out on....
But given the context of your audience, I think the post is very relevant -- I just happened to talk to someone who isn't a super geek about it...
Take care,
All of your arguments for not using Apple TV are technically true. But ask yourself this question. If people can just buy the CD's and rip them, how could ITMS possibly have manged to sell 4 BILLION songs for what is basically a digital walkman. If you understand the answer to that question, you will begin to understand how getting movies in a similar manner can be a big deal.
After watching that, I have a bunch of additional issues with the 360. I have seen the Xbox Original's UI, it's better and MS should at least use it for movies. See the UI on Apple TV in the guided tour, they use the whole width of your HDTV to display content, and show you a bunch of categories to suggest additional content. On the 360, the blade interface waste a lot of space on the left and right sides, it is not really optimized for a rectangle, its designed to be a square that happens to fit in a rectangle. I am paying $50 a year for Xbox Live Gold, why do I have to see ads? The content sure isn't cheaper because of it. When you rent movies on the 360, instead of having them visible directly in the Marketplace, even a button to get to the content you have rented, user has to know to go to the Media blade. Rentals that have expired don't auto delete on the 360, they do on the Apple TV.
As per your comment that you can watch "Heroes" or other shows for free on www.nbc.com, that's only true if you live in the US. Otherwise you get the "The clip you've selected is not available from your location." I assume two things: they doing a reverse lookup via IP, and that they only have the rights to broadcast in the US, and those rights to broadcast in Canada (where I am) or the UK have been sold to someone else. Unfortunately for me, the "someone else" isn't streaming those episodes on their websites.
Here is my number 1 problem with Apple TV, it doesn't play live and recorded tv. Isn't the point to have 1 device that does it all? I get it all with my setup. Music, Videos, ripped DVDs, disc based DVDs, disc based HD-DVDs, rented shows from the marketplace, live tv, recorded tv all on 1 device in my living room. I still use a Harmony remote because they are so awesome, but I almost don't even need to anymore. I only have the Xbox 360 connected to my reciever and television. As a bonus, whenever I am doing any of the things above I am connected to my community of friends via Xbox Live and MSN Messenger.
For my lifestyle, nothing else comes close to this.
All that said, I hope they integrate Media Center and the Live Marketplace a little more in the future. For example, I wish I could browse and rent a movie without exiting from Media Center back to the dashboard. There is also definite room for improvement in the UI for browsing the movies, but the current form is not that bad. Lastly, I have to agree that the Xbox 360 is just a tad bit loud at times, but I have no problem just jacking the volume up as I do not have kids to worry about waking.
If you have an Xbox 360, and a Mecia Center, you've chosen the Microsoft ecosystem...
While I'm not really all that up-to-speed on the Apple ecosystem (as you put it), this statement is somewhat incorrect.
While it's true that Xbox 360 has Media Center extender built in, it also has a full-fledged, UPnP AV client built-in, which is standards-based and works with any number of UPnP AV servers, including TwonkyMedia (Windows, Linux, and OSX) and Connect360 (OSX). I personally use the UPnP server built into Vista, but any of the others would work just as well. Because all of these products adhere to the UPnP AV standard, I can pick up another player, like the D-Link DSM-520, and it should work just fine.
There is also CableCard technology that is available for Media Center that will enable you to view encrypted content, but that requires certified equipment and a visit from your providers technician to set up.
We use it for two main things:
1: Kids dvds ripped to video.
2: A surrogate iPod for when we don't need eyes glued to a screen. This includes podcasts and lots of music playlists.
We also use it for catching up on prior seasons of TV shows, but that's definitely not its primary use. I've been using DVD Decrypter/Handbrake, but I'm going to give the toolset recommended above a shot.
We're upgrading to FiOS TV tomorrow, and getting a bigger TV, so we'll likely be wanting better HD support than we've needed so far. This will likely change our usage pattern.
I'd also love to see more Zune integration with Windows Media Center. Let me browse the Zune Marketplace without leaving the Windows Media Center interface. Someone in the community may even be able to write a Media Center add-in for this. Which brings us back to the "closed" system of Apple. Microsoft has always had better support for 3rd party and community members to extend the experience and I believe this is true here as well.
I'd like to see more integration with the Zune and the Xbox Live Marketplace as well. Let me transfer rented movies or purchased tv shows to my Zune. While I personally wouldn't use this very often, I think it would be nice for when traveling and those that travel more often probably see it as an essential feature. I know Apple has some compatibility between their new video rentals and the iPod, so it will be interesting to see how quickly Microsoft responds here.
One more feature that I wanted to point out is commercial skipping for recorded tv. Again, thanks to Microsoft's plug in model and support from 3rd party and the community, there are programs like dvr-ms toolbox that can run on Media Center and automatically remove commercials from recorded TV shows.
As for buying TV shows for $2 I can think of a few reasons. I can subscribe to a season easily, no commercials, and it's cheaper than subscribing to cable. We watch maybe 6 seasons per year x $40 = $240 vs. 12 months x $40 = $480 for cable. We don't watch sports or the news though. We also don't have an XBox, just a Wii.
So for a family like mine where we don't need but a few shows a year, don't watch sports or news, and have converted everything to digital, the AppleTV works great. Sure there are other setups/solutions that would work too, but this works fine for me and it's dead simple to use.
Elgato's EyeTV looks like an interesting device but I am a little confused. Does it stream it to AppleTV or is it a seperate device in your living room? If it is seperate, why isn't something similar built into AppleTV?
How impartial is such commentary when you are talking about a product made by the company you work for, in contrast to a competitor's? In general, I don't know how much impartiality is present (in the flood of commentary that appears when something like an Apple keynote occurs) by people who make a living from Microsoft. Whether they do so directly or indirectly.
I bought my Xbox360 two years ago, and I've only worked for The Man for 4 months. However, my impartiality is only as much as you trust me (or not). I have owned 4 iPods, an iPhone, 2 Macs, and copies of Office 2004 and 2008 for Mac as well as developing Ruby on my MBP. I think I'm impartial enough. Microsoft's not going to fire me for having an opinion, be that pro- or anti-Microsoft. Microsoft doesn't own my opinion. ;) Do I not get to comment on products from all over even though I work for the Big Blue Monster? Does it matter if I desparately do (or don't) need the job?
The problem with downloading TV from the networks is their stupid websites: I don't know or care what network has what show. Just give me the 5 shows I want, all downloaded and ready to watch when and where I want. I'll even watch an ad if I have to. But this is TV - don't make me think about it! And it's not worth 2$ a show.
Downloading movies is pretty much the same, and Apple's almost there. The only downside is selection. MovieLink has been around for a while, but only has 2 good movies. If Apple's contracts with all the studios pan out (currently they have a catalog of 150 movies), then they win that.
As for Microsoft, no they don't own your opinions. But I wonder if in the back of your mind there's a little voice, maybe a voice of self-preservation, which may tame comments made about Microsoft. Then agian, you're probably not of the character to make such negative comments about them that you'd be looking down the unemployment line. :) I think that most people would tame their comments. Turn down the level of any apparent rhetoric about one's employer. It may be professionally suicidal not to do so. And perfectly understandable. Please note that last sentence. I'm not attacking in any way. But in the end, I personally don't think one can be 100% impartial when writing about one's own employer. Someone outside has complete freedom to write whatever it is they think. So there is a difference. At the end of the day you are a voice for Microsoft. Of course you can comment on anything you want. No doubt about that.
By the way, did you end up returning the iPhone after you posted negatively about it? You posted your intention to return it just a few weeks after starting at Microsoft, right? :)
P.S. Office 2004 and 2008 for the Mac aren't by Microsoft? ;)
That said, I'm not one, as you know, who tends to "blog bile" and I can find the nice in most things, so I stray away from talking smack about most anyone or anything unless they really suck.
Ya, I did return the iPhone and got an HTC Excalibur. I'm on a Windows Mobile minor.version beta that makes it tolerable, and the over-the-air Exchange sync is great.
Heh. Touche, yes Office is Microsoft. ;)
Besides, I hate watching any shows on my computer monitor, so going to a site like www.abc.com is not my cup of tea. I want to lie down on my comfy sofa and watch it on my big HD TV.
I am sure people who will buy the MacBook Air do no care about watching DVD's. If you expect a laptop that thin, some hardware had to go and the DVD player was one of them. If you really really want to watch a DVD on AIR, rip the DVD to the HD or get the external player for $99. It's not a dead end road for watching DVD's.
Apple is offering options for the consumer. If every laptop is going to have a DVD player built in it, which some users do not need, then Apple is limiting its options. What Apple is doing is a good choice.
I think there's one other fundamental flaw with the Macbook Air: HD space!
It's not just that you don't get a DVD drive installed (or even included in the price). But if you shell out $3,000+ for awesome SSD version you only get 64 GB of HD space. I don't have a DVD drive, so I'm probably going to have to keep my media on the computer, except, oh wait, I have less space then a new iPod.
So you get this really light laptop, but it's really expensive. And it's hobbled in so many ways that it's just an accessory to the rest of the computers that you own b/c it can really supplant an existing computer. Man, it can hardly act as a work computer, it doesn't even have an ethernet port. Sounds just as poorly placed as our Apple TV :)
I've heard nightmare scenarios of folks getting legal letters and losing internet access for downloading torrents of copyrighted shows.
Really? I know plenty of people (my 15-year-old brother, for one) who have had their ISP boot them for downloading torrents of movies, but never for television shows. As I understand it, the jury's still out on downloading network television programs, and the networks are reluctant to file suits for fear of losing a case and setting a precedent like Sony v Universal.
My understanding, was that Apple was announcing that they have the backing of all the major studios to finally get some good content in this arena.
The selection of movies available for the XBOX 360 is a joke. They offer a couple block busters and then the rest - OMG I think there is something like 500 movies now and most of them probably got 1 out of 5 stars - its like trying to dig through a bargain bin to find a decent movie.
Somebody needed to step up the content, hope Apple delivers.
The big flaw with AppleTV, for me at least, is the lack of DVR capability.
Apple would be smart to work with the cable companies to offer the AppleTV as an upgraded option to the standard Motorola DVR.
Daniel - I've heard nightmare scenarios of folks getting legal letters and losing internet access for downloading torrents of copyrighted shows. Do you worry about that stuff?
Scott, I thought I heard you say on an episode of Hanselminutes sometime last year that you had gotten a nastygram from Comcast for getting a torrent of a TV show. Was I dreaming? Or did I mis-hear something?
Scott, could you post some more information about your 360 set up at home. I'm sure I'm not the only one interested in this stuff.
Comments are closed.
Having said that, with two Xbox 360's in the house, I've decided to encode all of my DVDs to XviD and store them on my media server along with my music. I'm about 2/3 done, and I love the result. It's pretty convenient, and I can't recommend it enough.