Scott Hanselman

March was for Makers - Fantastic Hardware Tutorials, Videos, Podcasts and more!

April 01, 2015 Comment on this post [2] Posted in Hardware
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Hanselman's Desk of Hardware

I'd like to take a moment and be proud of myself and my friend Saron. This last month, March of 2015, we teamed up at decided to come up with a scheme to get folks excited about Making. By making, I mean creating physical things with hardware like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, soldering things, and generally using electricity and software to do awesome stuff.

A lot of us are software engineers, but we don't realize how powerful we can feel when we do things with the software and hardware.

Getting that LED to flash is just the beginning. When you can affect your physical world, the sense of empowerment is intoxicating. This is fantastic not only for old-timers like myself, but also young people and kids who may be looking into engineering as a career.

All month long we did podcasts, blog posts, Twitter chats, and live Google hangouts, all with the goal to get you, dear reader, excited about hardware. I'm REALLY proud of what we accomplished. Note that we both do this on the side as volunteers while holding down regular jobs.

Please Subscribe Now

I don't think I ask you for much, but I will ask you right now to take a moment and subscribe to our two podcasts using your favorite podcast application:

  • CodeNewbie is the most supportive community of programmers and people learning to code. Tune in every week for stories about people on their coding journey.
  • Hanselminutes: Fresh Air for Developers is a weekly talk show that brings interesting people together to talk about the web, culture, education, technology and more.

March Is For Makers

Our little mini event was a great success, as far as we're concerned. We were not measuring things like page views, but rather excited people. Here's a few choice tweets.

The site will continue to live on year-round with occasional updates, and we are planning next years event to be even bigger and more exciting. Until then, all of our content lives on.

Here's some of the highlights of this fantastic month. You can get ALL the content on our site.

And there's SO MUCH MORE.

Again, please subscribe, and SHARE our adventure with your family, friends, teachers, students, kids, and others who you think would be great makers! #MarchIsForMakers.

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About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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April 01, 2015 12:50
...the whole post reads a bit different if you misread the first line as "I'd like to take a moment and be proud of myself and my friend Sauron."
April 17, 2015 14:04
Getting that LED to flash is just the beginning. When you can affect your physical world, the sense of empowerment is intoxicating. This is fantastic not only for old-timers like myself, but also young people and kids who may be looking into engineering as a career.

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