Microsoft Build 2020 registration is not only open, it's FREE, it's LIVE, it's VIRTUAL, and it is all FOR YOU
Microsoft Build 2020 is upon us, registration is open NOW. Stop reading this blog post and go register. I'll wait here.
Done? Sweet.
It's not the Build we thought it would be, but it's gonna be special. It's BUILD. Marketing says not to use ALL CAPS because it's Microsoft Build for them. For me, it's BUILD. It's BUILD at HOME. It's BUILD for YOU. It's BUILD for US. It's VIRTUAL BUILD.
A ton of folks are working hard to make Microsoft Build 2020 something special when it kinda feels like there's not a lot of special stuff happening.
It needs to be about humans as much as tech. More than tech. We build (BUILD!) stuff for each other - that's the whole point and sometimes it takes a situation like the one we're in to be reminded of that.
What are we building for you this year?
Microsoft Build 2020 will be 48 hours starting May 19th at 8am Pacific Time with Satya himself! Then - scandalously - I'm doing the opening keynote with some of my favorite people and wonderful colleagues who will join me in a parade of demos, technical context, continuous learning, innovation, and I'm sure my children will interrupt me even though the calendar is clearly marked BUILD (note the brand-violating ALL CAPS) because "do not disturb" means nothing these days! :)
Starting the 19th we'll kick off...
- 48 hours of continuous learning
- There's a TON of LIVE content and everything will be recorded so if you miss something LIVE you can catch up on YOUR schedule.
- We are in your timezone
- o We’re bringing the experts to you – in your time zone! We'll do sessions 3 times (spread out every 8 hours) so you can spend time with the devs and PMs that build the stuff you use every day. No need to stay up until 2am, we'll do it for you. (Don't worry, we'll take the week off after! We're doing this because we love it.)
- Enhance your learning with LIVE sessions - We'll have shorter and more LIVE sessions and then
- Those starter sessions then will have longer recorded on-demand sessions to explore after the event. It's Netfl*x for Nerds.
- Live Q&A with experts
- Be sure to register (don't be anonymous) so you can do LIVE Q&A with the folks in the know
- Community connections
- Sometimes the best track at a conference is the Hallway Track and we want you to spend time with like-minded people in a positive environment so we'll have ways for you to self-organize and step into your own space to share and learn.
- Registering for the event is your all access pass to all sessions
- If you're a teacher, we'll even have content for your student and new learners!
- 48 hour workshops with Build on Twitch
- For a change of pace and style, we'll have your favorite Live Coders doing long form workshops (1-3 hours) LIVE on Twitch.
Whether you've got 30 min, an hour, or you've cleared your schedule and stay up for a few days with us, I know you'll have a great time. Microsoft Build 2020 will be unlike anything *I've* ever be involved in. I'm working hard with my friends to put together an unprecedented Developer Keynote for an unprecedented situation. Better yet, I get to be the opening act for ScottGu (look Ma, I made it), Rajesh Jha, and other Microsoft luminaries far above my pay grade.
I'm really proud of what we're working on and I'm looking forward to sharing it with you all. You're still reading? Nice. Go register for Microsoft Build 2020 and leave a comment below on what you want to see from us!
This week's blog sponsor: Couchbase gives developers the power of SQL with the flexibility of JSON. Start using it today for free with technologies including Kubernetes, Java, .NET, JavaScript, Go, and Python.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Events where people need to pay, travel is snobby cause so many people that would like to participate couldn't because of some many constrains (geography, costs, time, ect).
Good that Microsoft is picking one of the biggest events and making it primarily online.
Events where people need to pay, travel is snobby cause so many people that would like to participate couldn't because of some many constrains (geography, costs, time, ect).
Good that Microsoft is picking one of the biggest events and making it primarily online.
At best, Microsoft is going to end up with bogus information. At worst, folk who could be using Microsoft technologies to build the Next Big Thing will go with other options instead.
I imagine there may be some significant proportion of you target market that is newly without an employer (if twitter is anything to go by). In the UK some will be on the official government "furlough" scheme which means you shouldn't be working for your employer. My situation is such that it's a little awkward, too; I won't say exactly why, because it's awkward!
Anyway... I was happy to register with my predicable details in place of business ones, but I'm also getting an error. 😢
...ways for you to self-organize and step into your own space to share and learn.
This is an intriguing idea for the first fully online Ignite. I want to see Microsoft push the envelope for what's possible with community interaction and learning.
Last year, with help from a PowerShell script, I wrote an app. to download resources and format select content for OneNote. You can find it here:
- Solutions not requiring data to be saved in the cloud? (full privacy incl. no phone home telemetry)
- Solutions not requiring or using Azure
De-cluttering the MS ecosystem would greatly help.
Consider the extra clutter and bad driving directions of including entity framework in a one query .net Core WebAPI example.
Where is a list of sessions and time schedule?
It's hard to schedule my time when there is no schedule to use.
Regular 9+ hour work days take priority over watching the live stream without any sense of when to watch.
Can you share the sessions and topics that you are going to cover during the event?
Now how to tell what session to watch beyond tooling and big data based intellisense?
Pacific Standard Times
May 19, 2020 PDT Experiences
8:00 AM Microsoft Build digital event begins
8:20 AM Empowering every developer, with Satya Nadella
8:40 AM Imagine Cup
9:00 AM Every developer is welcome, with Scott Hanselman and guests
10:15 AM Azure for every developer, with Scott Guthrie and guests
11:00 AM Building the tools for modern work, with Rajesh Jha and guests
12:30 PM Digital Breakouts with live Q&A
4:45 PM Social Hour: Mix, Mingle, and Celebrate
5:20 PM Empowering every developer, with Satya Nadella
5:40 PM Imagine Cup
6:00 PM Every developer is welcome, with Scott Hanselman and guests
7:30 PM Digital Breakouts with live Q&A
May 20, 2020 PDT Experiences
12:15 AM Azure for every developer, with Scott Guthrie and guests
1:00 AM New ways to work and learn, with Rajesh Jha and guests
2:00 AM Digital Breakouts with live Q&A
9:45 AM The future of tech, with Kevin Scott and guests
10:30 AM Ask Scott Guthrie, with Scott Guthrie
11:30 AM Power Platform for developers, with James Philips
12:30 PM Digital Breakouts with live Q&A
6:30 PM Social Hour: Mix, Mingle, and Celebrate
7:30 PM The future of tech, with Kevin Scott and guests
8:15 PM Power Platform for developers, with James Philips
9:30 PM Digital Breakouts with live Q&A
Forgive me for highjacking this this comment thread, but I'm looking for help/guidance on contributing to Microsoft Learning lessons.
I sent the following request to them through their contact page, and there was an automated reply that "feedback is a one way communication", and I would really like to contribute. Here's my original request:
"I am the author of "Programming 0101", an OOP-First set of examples and notes for those starting in C#.
I am impressed with the format/structure of your Microsoft Learning certificates, and I would like to contribute (gratis) my examples by writing for you. I have been teaching computer programming at the post-secondary level for 20 years, and am passionate about getting our educational institutes "up-to-speed" on OOP-First programming. I believe we better help our students by including OOP as part of the fundamentals of programming.
I have been building a set of examples/resources for use in training students on my site ( and I believe I can produce materials with a high quality of writing and creativity. As mentioned above, I am quite happy to do this for free, and would only require someone on your end to provide editorial guidance/comments to meet Microsoft standards.
Please contact me at with the subject line "Write for Microsoft Learning".
Thank you for your consideration!"
Comments are closed.
I was going to attend it in Sao Paulo, but that's not happening. Cool that it will be done online!