.NET to COM and back.
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(This is being written on a TabletPC with newly installed SP2 in a Quiznos in downtown Olympia using God knows whose WiFi connection.)
I'm sure we all know that you can't COM-interop to a COM object that's really a .NET COM Callable Wrapper, the question is why not? (Personally I think the answer is "Why would you want too, and how would you have expected it to behave?) However, the PTB aren't buying that answer. Yes, I know it's stupid, but why is it not supported?

About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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somewhat off topic, but good to see you're using a Tablet PC!
I've had my Toshiba M205 for a few months now and think it's great. Just upgraded to 1G RAM, disabled the page file, and point IE temp files to a ramdisk. It's screamin fast now (for a Tablet PC!)
I've had my Toshiba M205 for a few months now and think it's great. Just upgraded to 1G RAM, disabled the page file, and point IE temp files to a ramdisk. It's screamin fast now (for a Tablet PC!)
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I've had my Toshiba M205 for a few months now and think it's great. Just upgraded to 1G RAM, disabled the page file, and point IE temp files to a ramdisk. It's screamin fast now (for a Tablet PC!)